We remade the Bee mob from Scratch 5 different ways

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we've remade the popular minecraft mob the bee five different ways from scratch in today's dev versus dev versus dev versus dev now not only are some of the remakes quite literal but they come with some unique drops as well heck you can even become one so we've got a b remake courtesy of caleb it's known as the b capital b is a new mob that only spawns in a specific few biomes these bombs are the beach badlands birch forest and basalt deltas huh i wonder what those have in common beats me okay let's see what it looks like oh oh oh okay oh caleb you must be kidding me okay so what happens if i were to kill this hmm to be or not to be well he's going nuts that is a fast b okay you die die hey today's letter is b yep that's that's the joke you can right click with a b to get a random item what do you want let's see give me bone i have a feeling it's random let me hold on let me confirm my suspicions bamboo mmm black concrete mmm baked potato birch brown as as expected it's everything that just starts with bees which is kind of funny actually all right let's see you can also craft two bees together to get a bb huh interesting how many more of these we got i want to see what other items i get basalt bookshelf beacon nice and hey that's pretty good actually i ain't mad about that one basalt again okay baked potato beetroot soup i am a little bit hungry stop looking at me a couple more bone block black shulker box we got black stone stairs mm-hmm we only got four more to show bricks barry oh yeah barrier block barrier block in survival that's fun okay okay well i don't know which one was my favorite but we're gonna keep two of these b so we can craft the bb brown die okay what an experience so let's oh i had some extra okay well bonus blaze spot egg okay well that's probably a bad idea yeah and ironically enough a b spawn egg on the very last b okay so let's see what this is about bb huh if you do your homework you can you can add the b to it homework and then b for a come on caleb okay so does bb do anything what can i do with bb is it just it just kind of hangs out what about the homework you want to eat this hungry useless oh that i just got the joke baby babe baby beep beep oh boy well that would explain why i got to be on my homework okay and you can with bbs you can make a bb gun huh wow violence yo love it okay hold on a second bb gun i'll bake it yes yes yes wow and i like how you hold it too can we i suck wow hey um you better subscribe i am no longer asking get away if you couldn't tell the bb gun can shoot bbs right it's not it's it's all it's see it's just it's bbs okay it's street legal okay and it can damage mobs now we're going to bond the bunch but barkins huh gosh wow the ultimate rampage wow these bbs are very potent okay so let's check out barry the b courtesy of ambiguous chameleon you like jazz uh we'll find out this bee appears if you collect honey from a smoked bee nest which is i believe what we have right here campfire going strong underneath the bee nest and the idea here is that barry doesn't like you stealing honey from his friends and he will attack you when he spawns in hmm interesting so i guess if i take the glass bottle i just okay hey i hey oh gosh look at him hideous who don't like bad bad bad they're chasing me stop it stop it stop it please beast bees okay so he just said something oh i think i missed a sign whenever he says b every entity gets faster and faster really okay so including me so now i have speed two and the sheep has speed two as well so if i punch him oh dude he's going very fast so we got to watch out for these oh man now i'm speed three every single time he says it they're faster as well okay this is bad but when defeated barry will drop a saxophone hold on i want to see how fast we can get we're at speed okay speed four oh boy oh geez or maybe obs okay so we're now at speed 12. i'm going so fast okay maybe it's time we just kill you instead you can just why did he go all the way up there i do not like okay you die so if i punch you dude oh my gosh look at that okay let's kill this guy oh killed him okay all the way down and we got our new item the saxophone dude do i ever stop moving this fast hey mr sheep you uh you doing okay right anyways the saxophone so apparently when we have this saxophone we can use it to play and summon in a swarm of angry bees that will attack nearby mobs it also plays some jazz so let's summon in some bad guys okay hi okay they don't appear to be fast but i've summoned in bees and hopefully ooh i'm gonna summon a lot of bees okay check this out oh we got so many bees oh cool and they're going nuts on all the bad guys ah so funny look at that they're going crazy can i die and okay cool maybe i can go get the uh okay good i'm normal speed now thank goodness look at all of the bees there are so many that's cool i've got a little bee army oh the sheep so sad where are they going over the horizon to new endeavor oh they're just going to kill the cattle okay well okay i've got an idea and i want to see how it goes safe enough distance with any luck happy army get it boys hurt bees i'm gonna summon it somebody and they're gonna go for the weather yes good here we go here we go there's no chance look he's legit trying to escape he's like get me away i'm allergic well i can see the sax from coming in mighty handy we did it what did what cost all right we're gonna check out the c by das and ethan so instead of a b we have the c the c doesn't go to flowers for nectar instead it absorbs all of the flowers water whoa look at this guy he looks like something straight out of dr seuss look at that snout on him hey hey hey i'm trying to punch you punch on yeah well it's good you gotta absorb all the water out of me uh maybe i okay well the poison still seems to work all the same painful oh look he's going to town right now look at it hideous oh boy i don't know what we just witnessed but i wasn't the biggest fan monster think of the flowers anyways over time the sea will turn water that it collects into sugar water which you can harvest by throwing a bottle at it do not right click on it what is that betting me oh wow it literally turned that flower into a wither rose because of all the water being taken from it so i will go ahead and there we go do i get my nice attack attack attack attack will i get my sugar water baby yeah i'm gonna break that yeah yeah yeah you don't get to you don't get to pollinate anymore oh my gosh did it just explode in front of me what are these items about probiscus honey dust honey check it out okay so it's ready to be collecting yes yes yes you got to stay a little bit farther back from it because the b will actually warp gravity around it or i guess the c until eventually it fills up that empty bottle and gives us a new special item any day now there it is drop down known as sugar water love i'ma let you do your thing okay buddy oh i think you might be chasing me now yeah okay so what's really cool about sugar water is it will give you a mining boost once you drink it so i'm all go ahead and slurp it down and we got haste three for our trouble which makes us capable of mining way more effectively with any sort of pickaxe shovel axe you name it you can even technically break dirt with your hand a lot faster as well man the speed from the sugar is insane but there's more to the sea the sea has those two special drops that we were looking at just a little bit ago honey dust and probiscus so first of all honey dust if you throw honey dust onto a mob you can nectarize them and when you lead them to a nearby beehive they'll enter it you can then use the silk touch to transport that mom oh we cannot wait okay so check it out we got a sheep right here let's dye him light blue and let's go ahead and drop some honey dust on him and he's now been nectarized oh and he's hungry too but that is not where we're gonna end things so don't mind me will i find a nearby beehive man that guy leaves a dirty dirty trail oh i think i see one right over there okay yes indeed get on in there sheepy sheepy oh i gotta put you close hold on why don't we do this instead collect you go in okay go ahead and it went no way how fun is that okay so now apparently we can just break that and we now have a b nest and inside is the sheep so then if i were to place this down maybe break it like that hey he's back oh love here you go thanks for being my experiment what are you doing you don't get more no way we also have probiscus which is this special item right here not entirely sure what it's about suppose we'll find out huh and you can right click it to absorb water out of flowers okay i like that right click absorb water out of flowers oh gosh okay well i'll tell you what it worked and look at that we got some water bottles for our trouble good stuff you can also absorb the life out of cows oh boy no one tell caleb okay let's give this a shot okay betsy nothing personal did it just what happened to you what color what look look at the difference wow oh should i feel bad what happens if i kill it oh wow i didn't get anything for our trouble can i nectarize you too so you can nectarize the dead cow it doesn't look like it can do much of anything though which is cool just making a mess let's check out the killer queen bee it's you yeah what does that mean first and foremost a redesign for the regular bee found in game far more adorable now look at those eyes and the behind on this thing bring me that b no seriously you'll want one because if you kill it while it still has its stinger it's got a chance at dropping something and uh this one didn't but it's okay it's right here it's a new drop from the bee it's known as the requiem stinger check this thing out right here ooh now this rec room stinger is going to be very useful it's got special abilities okay you ready right click to turn into the killer queen if you drop it once again you'll turn into a normal person but that just sounds boring so let's right click instead whoa whoa cool check me out oh yo what am i anime king yeah this is cool so you can start flying around as the killer queen bee wings flapping and everything and again if you drop it you'll go back to being a human sad so sad it does have some special powers the bomb marker shia hatu ataku i think i said that right and oh gosh right how about we just stay with bob marker huh now if you walk forward slightly and right click you can throw and it will mark blocks or mobs and then you can sneak to detonate them the explosion size depends on your selected slot so i'm gonna go ahead and what mark you you've been marked okay and then if i sneak oh boy oh boy and so can i i could just mark wherever really and so what if i sneak all the way to the right oh gosh okay point made there let's see what else can we hmm so if i sneak right here very small explosions all things considered right we'll throw a couple more down and then right here medium-sized explosion very nice now i want to get a fairly safe distance for these next ones so we'll throw one there we'll throw in there okay good get a couple down love mm-hmm and why not why not mark why not mark a sheep the the x factor thank you so much if you could just get it yeah okay now we'll step back hopefully this is far enough sneak nice cool let's check on the sheep oh okay next up is hatu ataku it's similar to the marker bomb but it instantly detonates and once it has found its target it will target the nearest mob okay interesting so if i were to put down a husk right here go ahead summon on in good okay so oh yeah wow it is literally instant it doesn't even travel so how about a bee can we just can we just oh yep okay well nice how about that pig over there will it yup okay we just hit a bunch of sheep everywhere i just love explosions guys this one's gonna be good okay let's check it out ready holy sheep this is good okay and the final power is bites of desutto when thrown it will kill any mob within the radius and it will revert time so that all evidence is gone time traveling explosions yeah sign me up please okay let's go to an area where nothing's been messed up so here's a villager i'll go ahead and just and look at that it instantly does how about explodes the area brings it back wow oh cool literal time traveling that's sweet i ain't mad about that hey we even got an extra fence for our trouble all right sign up for that well i've seen it all frankly this is a cool looking model no less woz brings us the b-vine i already know the b-vine replaces the b with a much better mob oh gosh oh gosh i already know let's see yup yup yup why do i pay this guy absolutely gorgeous he says right right the bee mine produces honey like normal but also makes milk interesting can i milk a bee i can milk a bee and we got some sweet milk bucket for it or i guess a sweet milk bucket for it interesting drinking the sweet milk has some added bonuses interesting such as what hungry or i guess thirsty i gotta reach in yo where'd that guy go yo give me those otters get down here actually it's convenient that i can see underneath that's very yes yes i'm so sorry i'm thirsty here's the thing when you kill a beevine you get some special drops as well for your trouble hey stupid die die oh wow angry oh boy die wow that thing was like pooping out extra items constantly what did we just get robbie raw beef and pollinated leather okay well at least that one's named les cringely oh boy so pollinated leather and beef eating beef channels your inner flower when eaten you will get a drop of a drop of rainbow of dyes what the heck i want to see that okay let me do some damage to myself yay and then with any luck we might be able to get a our hands on this special power huh okay eat it up hungry okay well did it do anything ah okay i figured out you gotta cook the beef first that makes a lot more sense and upon doing so well you'll literally turn into the ultimate rainbow and check out these dyes coming in so many in fact all 16 different types of dyes for your trouble so good dying to use these now pollinated leather can be used for armor very nice we've got that right here a pollinated leather cap as well as you may have expected leather tunics leather pants and of course those leather boots hey hey you're gonna walk the catwalk on this one whoa oh gosh talking about some dandruff someone gets me some shampoo stat now when worn you'll get a full set effect and you'll start dripping nectar and pollen and that will greatly speed up the growth of crops that you happen to stand on or nearby lovely lovely wow cool walking on crops making them grow loving it so who would have known that was my song this idea might not seem amazing but it will grow on that joke should be stop just stop guys let us know in the comments below which mob we should remake next
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,518,326
Rating: 4.9032378 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bee, bee update, new bees in minecraft, minecraft bees, dev vs dev, we paid 5 developers, we paid, we made, queen bee, dad jokes, puns, we remade, we developed, new pets, pets, remake, villager remake, 5 developers, 5 devs, new mobs in minecraft, minecraft mobs, new mobs, 1.17, caves and cliffs update, new items in minecraft, logdotzip, new minecraft update, from scratch, changed minecraft, minecraft changes, bee remake, bees, anime bee
Id: tnMLZ5kN6MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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