Making a Ballistic Missile in Poly Bridge 2

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hey guys today i'm back in poly bridge and i want to try making a missile now i have a few ideas on how to propel it but once it reaches this target i have no idea what zig for a payload so let's carry it into it so i'm loading up into the sandbox here and the first thing i want to do is mess around some trucks and to do that you can see here i'm putting down a custom shape now this custom shape the whole idea because it's like this rectangle you have two monster trucks the top and the bottom and they're gonna drive along so they're always tracking this beam now after i put everything in place here you see what i'm doing is just pinning the bar in place after i get that all done you can see here in this test it doesn't really work the monster truck on the top goes but the one in the bottom just falls straight down and yeah it's started to be expected since i have nothing holding them in place so to do that you see what i'm doing is putting two roads in the bottom truck and i'll put two on top as well i'm gonna use springs to pull these roads together and that way i'm going to pin the monster trucks against this bar because they'll always have to track it so now i'm just putting in those springs you can see and giving it a test it doesn't really work the truck on the bottom falls down and the one the top gets kind of compressed so to fix that a little bit i increased attention to springs and they are getting pinned up but the suspensions are getting completely slammed on these trucks so what i did to hopefully fix that is increase the speed acceleration and horsepower of all these they go a little bit faster and also i made the suspension a little stronger and you can see it kind of works but not really so extended out the bar to give it a little bit more time to run after that i decreased the springs tension a little bit and once i did that you can see here it is really starting to accelerate so this looks pretty good and next thing i wanted to do is actually just move it up into the air because i was kind of running into the land there and just want to give myself some more room so if you're moving everything up here you can see i forgot to pin the bar in place correctly and as it starts to move the bar moves back and it's this really nice motion not exactly what i'm going for though so i just made sure to re-pin the bar in place and you can see works pretty much the same way as it did before so since that was working so well i extended the beam out even further and you can see the trucks are really starting to go so what i decided to do now is just turn the bar 90 degrees and see if they could go straight up i was a little worried that they were going to slip against the bar when it was straight up and down like this but i thought it might work so just put them right back in place i did essentially nothing else and you can see they actually took off and it seemed perfectly fine in fact they seemed to leave with about the same speed as they did last time which was just crazy and it seemed like the trucks topped out about at twice the length of the beam and what i'm doing is putting the hook on top of this tower and what this hook is going to do is allow the trucks to sort of ride around it and instead of just going straight up it'll actually go out which is usually where you want missiles to go so as this starts to go up here you can see it looks pretty good and it does hook but it kind of stretches oddly and it seems like it may have made it a little bit too extreme of an angle and it's fine i can fix that but what was a bigger problem here is when i tried adding some weight to it you can see how slowly it goes up now and this is definitely going to be a big issue because i'm going to need to put the payload on top of this and that's going to weigh a reasonable amount so if it can't carry that i can't really do anything with this design and you can see i tried a couple things to make this go a little better i tried multiple trucks but even this it just didn't really seem to increase the speed all that much so this truck design at least for now i just want to put to the side and i had a different idea instead that i thought might be better so this spring design pretty simple honestly i just have a bunch of springs i can press them and then i let them go and then they bounce back up but it's a little bit harder than that to get it working you see here as i try to compress it down it kicks out to the side like that so put down a few extra hydraulics as well just to keep it from doing that weird kicking out motion and you can see this didn't actually do that much you got a little bit further down but it's still kicked out so i added some more springs to hopefully keep it from kicking out and you can see i also have a straight line linkage on the side that's also to keep it from moving to one side of the other and it kind of worked because it did kick out in the bottom there so moving in a couple of blocks here and now the steel bar on the bottom is completely pinned and it's not kicking out at all this seems great and when it tries to launch here you can see it actually does get up into the air but it was still attached to everything so it just didn't really go that well so what i decided to do is add in some split joints and now it compresses you'll see here it's actually able to launch up correctly and not too bad at all it goes up pretty high higher than i would have thought but it's still not like that great in terms of how far a missile should be going so i added some extra linkage pieces here to hopefully increase the strength a little bit more and now you can see i'm adding on a bunch more springs i figured more springs had to mean it was going to go further so that's just exactly what i did here so after loading this up a ton i gave it a shot here and i got a result i've never seen before so to try to push it in the ground you see it just literally went straight into the ground i have no idea what even happened here and i was kind of worried that maybe i just had too many springs but after adding a road piece it didn't really want to push into the ground and letting it go you can see just how high it went it actually wasn't that much higher than before considering how many more springs i just put on this but it wasn't terrible so i still like the spring idea right now but i thought this design was giving me some diminishing returns so you can see here instead i have a few springs i'm going to be pulling them instead of pushing them and now i have this platform i'm making with this custom shape and the whole idea is i'm going to pull the platform down with the springs on it i'm going to release the platform and have it spring up quickly but it's still going to be attached to all the springs instead i'm going to be putting this pyramid on here and you can see as it releases it gets thrown up way into the air and with just two springs you can see it's almost doing as well as it was before it's like 10. so this seems pretty good and i improved down in a ton you see i have a ton more springs i'm pulling it down much further and letting it go here you can see just how high it goes and i tried adding some weight to the top since the payload's gonna have to go there anyway and i noticed this thing is really unstable and that was actually my main problem with this design it's just that i didn't trust it to really behave correctly and also even if it was to work perfectly it just didn't really feel right just accelerating it really quickly it's not really exactly what i'm going for here i want more of a slow gentle acceleration so what i actually wanted to go for here was a design it does still involve springs but it's not exactly a spring design as you'll see it's more of a glitch design so starting out here you see i have a bunch of springs and hydraulics on the outside of them and i've actually shown something similar to this in my train video and basically the idea is the hydraulics are going to pull on the inner springs and when they do that for whatever reason the game just decides to start spinning this outside piece and it can use this rotation to hopefully pull something in and use it like a flywheel to fling something out so you can see here i'm putting a whole bunch of steel on the outside and i'm just trying to make the whole thing rigid it's really important that it doesn't just compress in itself you'll also notice on the outside i'm putting down some roads and i realized this actually isn't necessary i could have just used steel for this but originally i was using roads because i wasn't sure if the custom shapes were going to pull in right if they were just going to be straight up against the nodes now the disadvantage of using roads that they're a little bit heavier so having them there means it's going to accelerate a little bit slower and it's also not going to get too high as speed as it possibly could but you can see in this test now trying it out it actually is starting to rotate on its own and it's just so weird to look at go and if you look at the linear velocity of any point in the outside it's pretty fast so if i get a missile up to that speed it should work out pretty well now after i had that one done i just want to put a whole bunch more down and see what happens so that's exactly what i'm doing here i'm putting down six of these and after i have that done you can see here all starting to spin up looks pretty good well actually not because my bit rate was sort of garbage right now because it's just so much on screen but you can see the design actually looks pretty good it should be able to pull something in and fling it out the other side and speaking of that you see here i'm putting in a custom shape and this is actually what's going to be i guess the start of the missile and this is what i'm going to pull into the flywheel and fling out now i just made a big bar for this basically just had to make sure to get the thickness straight so be able to kind of get wedged in between each side of the wheels after you do that you can see i'm putting in another custom shape beneath it and this one so that it can ride on it temporarily just before it gets into the flywheel so that doesn't fall straight down after that you can see here i'm putting the hydraulic in the back and this hydraulic is going to push in the bar just a little bit and it's just going to be enough so that it gets captured by the wheel and you can see that here sort of gets pushed up right against those wheels now i ended up adjusting the timing here so it gets pulled in only once the wheels actually get spun up and you can see now i'm giving it a test takes a little bit of time for the wheels to get spun up but once it does it starts to push it in and i wasn't really sure what was going to happen but it actually got launched reasonably well here because he got pulled in quite well and launched out reasonably far and just for fun i tried doing this with the trucks and you see the trucks just really didn't like this at all so this weird flywheel thing actually did seem to have some merit and with this all done i actually rotated the whole thing 45 degrees and so that it doesn't just launch you know straight out that wouldn't really be that great of a missile and i was surprised at just how well that worked you can see just how far it got launched and of course it has no weight on it at the moment so it's gonna go really far but it was still pretty good that it went that far and i was really hopeful it's gonna be able to pull maybe a 10 or 20 polygram load so with the launch system looking reasonably good now what i wanted to do is start working on the payload now for this i'm just gonna use a bunch of vespas and somehow gonna make them kind of explode out and you can see here compressing a bunch of them in place and surrounding them with a ring of roads actually makes them get pretty glitchy but the problem is they're exploding out not really what i want them to which understandably could be really bad the custom shapes should be a little bit stronger than roads so what i was thinking is i could have them completely surrounded by this and get them stuffed in there and if i dropped this custom shape i figured i might be able to shock them enough to fly out of the box and giving it a test here you can see it didn't really work when it fell onto the ground nothing really happened they honestly seemed completely unaffected by it so what i did is actually changed it up so i had two separate custom shapes i had a top part and a bottom part and dropping this from an even higher height still didn't really get me anywhere you see none of them really flew out or anything their heads are poking out a little bit but that's about it they aren't really doing anything else so my next idea that i don't know how i came up with was this plane now it's not just to use this plane but what i want the plane to do is come in and just cut all of the steel that's holding the two sections of the box together and kind of do it chaotically so that wants to fling all of these cars everywhere so pc i got that in place and once that happens you can see how it just slices in and all the cars fall out and actually looks pretty good here the cars seem to be falling pretty chaotically so after i had that proof of concept done what i wanted to do was put this on top of the missile and really just have that ready to go since i had that shape basically built up just had to make sure to give it away to attach it to everything else once i attach it up you can see here it wasn't really attached that well so i braced it a little bit better after that you can see i'm stacking in some cars like this and i wanted to make it reasonably packed in there but i didn't want to make it too tight or else i'll start flying out from the sides and you see that actually is happening here i have one bike that's completely separated so i ended up deleting a bike from the bottom of the top after i did that you'd also see in the bottom i decided to put on some fins because why not and to make them look a little bit better you can see here i also put down a whole bunch more anchors once i did that i also attached all these to that extra node and actually adds only a little bit of extra weight to do this so i think it was worth it for the aesthetics after i got all those in place you can see here moving over the plane to the other side and now i just want to get the plane roughly to the right spot and have it cut everything off and it was actually pretty close to my first try but i missed it by a little bit so i had to increase the time delay a little bit so the plane would come a bit later after that i also moved it back a little bit and you can see here it actually kind of did hit it looked like it intersected a little bit but nothing happened so i tried moving in a bit further and once again it looked like it hit it but i thought maybe i missed it so i moved it down a bit more and this time it 100 had to slice everything but it still wasn't breaking anything and i realized here that the plane probably wasn't going to be able to break any of the steel and i think it's just because the missile is going too fast for it to work so after deleting the plane my next thought was actually to use split joints and i would have used these originally but you can see here the main problem they actually already split but you only notice it once they get into the water and this is because when the split joint breaks there's nothing to force it apart it ends up just detaching that node so it needs something to push all of the cars out manually and do that what i have here is actually another custom shape and you see it's pretty small it fits in the top i'm going to use a couple of springs that are set to be compressed to push all the cars out but i'm also using a couple pieces of steel to hold them taut only until it's the right time and you can see here actually when i'm in the air ends up breaking off the missile is facing a weird direction but it ends up still working you see they're starting to push out and all the cars are getting ejected from the bottom and actually this is working exactly as i wanted it to so i ended up having to flip around all the checkpoint flags because it was actually in the opposite direction all the bikes were going to be facing but you can see here as they land actually not too bad at all the flags were kind of misplaced so if you messed around that for a bit more ended up trying it once again and the reason i really care about them hitting the flags is that i won't get a level completion if they don't and not that that really matters but it's just nice to see it and you see here it looks like they all hit which is great but i actually missed one flag it was the last one the last blake didn't get ejected all the way and you see it just missed the flag so i did move the flag down a little bit and after i did that it was all done so i gave it some extra decorations and you can see it here so starting out you can see it gets pulled into the flywheel actually works out pretty well once i rotated it it got pulled in not quite as well as it did before but you see still get a fantastic launch here ends up going pretty well it works at pretty much the right angle so that it actually looks like it's aerodynamically stable it technically doesn't matter what angle it gets launched at since there's no air resistance but it definitely looks good this way and you see here in the middle of launch ends up dispensing all the bikes it's actually a little hard to capture this you can see all the bikes land on the islands and level past so guys thanks for watching definitely was a lot of fun making this trying to figure out what was the best way to launch it and all that and just want to thank everyone who voted on my community post to make this happen so feel free to subscribe if you want to see more content like this if you have any questions or comments leave them down below and otherwise until next time
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 654,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uUqk28MdKbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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