MINECRAFT ITEMS in REAL Life! (animals, items, blocks)

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen to minecraft in real life the greatest series on the internet where we check out minecraft mobs items and blocks that are all in the game and in real life if this is your first time ever seeing me i need you guys to click the subscribe button right now that's gonna tell me that you guys absolutely love this series and want me to do some more but without further ado let's hop into this [Music] the first mob that i wanted to check out is one that i've never seen in real life that happens to be a piglet in minecraft i don't know about you guys but piglins are like one of the freakiest mobs i think i've ever seen i mean look at the way their ears move like that what what is even happening do you think a zombified piglet is in real life personally i have no idea but let's go and find out okay piglin in real life the fbi on the other side of the computer looking at my search history's like he's on to us get him this has to be one of the most accurate photos of what a real-life piglet would look like i mean dude this is so cool oh my gosh i swear all of you artists could seriously draw way better than i could i want to see if there's like a real-life photoshop obviously i don't think they're actually real but i want to see like a real-life image let's see let's see can we get anything can we get okay okay that is a lot more realistic dude i don't know about you guys i'm so grateful that piglens aren't even real leave a like on this video if you agree with me because however many likes we get is how many people agree that if piglets were real we'd probably be extinct by now i don't i don't know about you but that thing it would be it would probably beat me up all right so the next item that we've got in our list here uh i don't know if i want to search this one up oh god do we have to actually do this one sir um okay we all know it's real life okay it's an i okay you know what all right it's a chain you guys all know these okay you can make these really cool chains and they add some cool aesthetic to your house oh god okay let's just let's get this one over with the first thing that comes up is chainsaw man who is out here naming themselves the chainsaw man something ain't right about that this is as close as the minecraft jane's gonna get i mean dude this this same with that we're not looking for a chain all right we're not all iced out over here all right i play minecraft see this would be my chain okay yeah we got that one over with all right yeah obviously chains are in real life all right enough with all this weird stuff like i want to cover the coolest things in the game that's also in real life no more chains no more dirt no more grass no more agua i want the cool stuff i am almost certain that we have covered beacons before in the past but i don't know about you guys i have never seen a beacon that looks something like this in real life yo that would be so cool imagine imagine in real life if you could literally buy a beacon like this and you could just put colored glass on top of it and change the colors like yo that is so freaking cool why is this not a thing let's see beacon in real life ah wait yo there's a whole video of this all right hold up guys no way no it's steve what this guy he's got a real bacon yo that's sick oh my gosh wait does it light what what what what is it what is even happening okay wait so does the beacon work i just want to know if the beacon works yeah close it slowly whoa it even comes off that's so sick what is happening okay you know what we're done we're done beacons are cool this next one i've been questioning myself for a couple months now i have been extremely curious if prismarine blocks and slabs are in real life not only is it a really nice textured stone but like just the look of it is so nice i want to build my next minecraft house out of prismarine i'm actually really curious to see if this is something that's in real life prismarine in real life let's see uh we have a prismarine shards are real and i have one that is so cool okay so it's like a it's like a special kind of stone and even this person even put it right beside their iphone and it looks like i mean look how tiny that is dude that's gonna be like a really special rock to be that small like that is actually so cool now after checking out prismarine i know you guys are all curious what about the notorious bedrock block what does bedrock look like in real life and the biggest question is bedrock actually indestructible bedrock in real life let's see this welcome to the real life bedrock wait what why does that kind of look like wait hold up for a second like you're telling me oh my gosh it actually kind of looks like bedrock wow dude this is so cool wait no wait is this all is all this stone bedrock i have no idea is bedrock indestructible you've probably noticed if you've ever dug to the bottom of the world that bedrock is indestructible in survival mode real world bedrock is hard but absolutely breakable the legend has been solved you can actually break real life bedrock 20 000 likes on this video and i will literally buy a piece of bedrock just like this and i'll break it most large buildings are anchored into the bedrock with structures called foundations dude that's actually so cool so bedrock is actually super strong as it is in minecraft but is breakable you probably can break it maybe if you ran it over with a car or five cars or maybe a tank i don't know maybe you just maybe just plop the whole building on and it'll break it's breakable is what i'm saying so we've covered a couple blocks we covered a couple mobs very cool very epic the next thing that i've been wanting to cover has been one of the game changers in minecraft since the last update and that happens to be netherright armor so obviously now we've got netherright armor swords pickaxes shovels i mean everything but i've never actually heard of netherright in real life i don't know if it's like a fantasy item that minecraft came up with or if it's something that was inspired by real life things netherright in real life let's see what was netheri based off of and what was the real equivalent or equivalent c huh wait a second okay so here's the question somebody asked what was netherright based off of and what is the real equivalent or equivalency to it let's see what they have to say based on what i know about minerals and living organisms we could say netherride is more or less an equivalent of a gathering of remains of dead animals a long time ago whoa whoa wait did i read that right other than charcoal or diamonds which can also be like that it might just be black diamond or another mineral like ziricone they're referring to netherrite is indeed a fantasy material in real life we can of course have something comparable to that like an exotic extraterrestrial type of adamantite which is used by some civilizations located very deep in the sea so half of this article says that nether writes a fantasy thing and it's not real the other half of this says it's extraterrestrial and aliens probably make it oh we need answers what i think we're getting onto something guys i think we're getting onto something so the next item is probably one of my favorite items to use in minecraft specifically bed wars that happens to be a fireball or more or less the fire charge we all know this really from gas they shoot this at you and if you and if you're quick enough there's a chance that you can shoot it right back at them i'm honestly really curious to see if this is something that's in real life then again that would also probably be very dangerous okay maybe let's hope it's not in real life flint and steel fire charge in real life huh nothing's showing up let's see let's see oh we got a meme okay minecraft in real life use the fire charge it worked oh my gosh dude that's so savage the house is burning why something tells me guys fire charges aren't necessarily real i'll be honest with you guys it's probably for the better of all of us that fire charges aren't in real life leave a like if you agree so one of the next mobs i've been meeting to check out for the longest time now happens to be the strider we all know they love the nether and to be quite honest with you they're actually really cute i'm sorry i forgot you have to be in the lava at all times i'm sorry little guy he's apparently got feet i never knew this he's he's walking our striders potentially an animal that we never knew actually existed let's find out strider in real life let's see okay so we've got uh a gta motorcycle oh that's probably why i spelt it strider whoa that is so cool oh my gosh yo that's actually freaking awesome what the heck i want to do that i mean i don't want i don't want to do that but hey whoever did this art is actually incredible i drew the new strider okay that's i'm not going to say that's not creepy because it is that's really cool so that's all we've got for this week make sure you subscribe and click on another video that's on the screen right now i'll see you there
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,866,194
Rating: 4.9073205 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft vs real life, minecraft vs. real life, minecraft vs. real life challenge, minecraft vs real life challenge, minecraft real life, real minecraft, minecraft in real life mobs, minecraft in real life animals, minecraft in real life blocks, minecraft in real life items, minecraft items in real life, minecraft items, items minecraft, minecraft items in life, real life minecraft items
Id: Q28RqdHKgOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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