Beating Minecraft in Real Life! - Challenge

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today beautiful people we are speed learning minecraft in real life nice step one we got to get them six bro we have a village spawn right next to us let's go dude what are we looking for um all right hey listen listen chase i got this i got this all right okay okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa careful crap that's a cactus i'm gonna go loot the village okay don't do anything stupid i'll keep watching all right thanks keep watching oh you gotta tell me like listen this is so sick if you haven't already left a like on this video please go ahead and do so because we now have two stone swords flint and steel for making a nether portal and a golden helmet for going to the nether how's that look listen cause you know if you ain't wearing gold piglets gonna be they're gonna be messing with you oh no cactuses check preston chase i saw the i saw him oh my gosh and i got this no i got this hey chase have you seen any juice don't kill him chase if you see anybody i told you not to kill the villagers you didn't hear me we can use them for trains i gotta buy a cactus i just killed my phone you can kill this one but don't kill that one he's subbed yeah sweet you can't die to a cactus if we're gonna speed run this together and get the dual record wool record time record all of it all the recordings gotta be careful man i know how to speed around i know it's peter and i'm gonna leave this one alive all right because he's got he's obviously subscribed to the channel wearable inventory dude okay come over here help me loot help me luke did you leave it stop sorry he's dead is that ours oh the paint the pig is empty chase you couldn't have a beef you can't have a kid [Music] but i turned into a pinata that's fine all right chase you gotta find the iron boss what do we need i think it's very good um bucket pickaxe yes ironing gets for the pickaxe we got a little iron bucket action going on oh and a very conveniently uh iron shield this has got to stop happening look what i'm doing hey listen i told you to find it can you find the iron ingots i'm looking to find the option go find the ironing hey it's noob i know put it in the bucket that's our only bucket chase no oh nice some cobweb for a bow it's just chopped cream is this dream's house yes this is kind of awkward i did not expect to see noob a poster of noob in dream's minecraft house listen dream you got some explaining to do buddy oh gosh we have done very little brain damage to him oh no chase we have a problem iron preston's gonna be so happy oh ah ah i got tired i got the iron chase is there any more because hey look oh oh hold on dude give me a second ready for this and [Music] yes of course let's put the strikes in there where do i get this if i lose it chase i'm here i'm here okay wait did you get the wood please one second that's two okay one two we need any two more please very nice yeah remember it's two by two two by two two by two closer a little closer and nice we've always been like hey listen keep us uh accountable in the comments of how long our speedrun's been going for one inventory yeah you think it will fit let me try it can you remember great power because you're getting rid of those spider eggs yes and slide it in nice and deep yeah you put this in there too oh yeah can you put this in there too yeah i can't put this in there too no no no no no no no can you put this in there too i got you remember you can only die once for seeing i have like two hearts just only once per scene we can't have you die more than that oh chase is there something you forgot to tell me i i don't know what it is i thought it was a shawarma maker it's a nether portal what's that that's how we gotta go we gotta get blaze rods dude come on dude okay yeah nice nice uh little uh hey can you yeah get in there hey how's the spawn chase preston oh chase i'm coming in this doesn't look right oh chase what do you mean it's fine it looks great fine everything's fire there's lava oh my god okay so okay here's the thing all you have to do this is on the magma blocks you gotta shift you gotta sneak how do i shift yeah like squatty yeah yeah i like everything in the minecraft it's like so don't stand up you stand up straight i'm gonna die well you're gonna take damage like a cactus okay you gotta turtle crack you gotta turn you gotta grab it turn yeah yeah that is that llama or is that oh don't trust the lava you put this in your inventory yeah don't stand up straight all right put this in this thing there you go there you go you should have given me this beforehand but i think i can make this you got this hey chase ceremonies did you bring any gold you're gonna need it we see any pig ones yo what's up no no no no no no no no no this is not what it looks like yo this guy's cool this guy you know what what do i do what you do you're walking in my territory give me the inventory you're going to burn the water thank you okay all right it's fine you'll respond it's rookie mistake you always bring a gold piece of equipment to the nether geez not again it's a nice hat you got dude huh it's a nice hat thanks man oh okay okay i'm sorry i'm just making sure man jesus get out of here you know you're gonna die if you don't bring gold that you are going to die you can't trade with him this guy's making me mad he's making me mad too got some gold i got some gold okay dude okay can i distract him yeah here go on that side and have a conversation with him talk about his wife and kids okay this guy is making me mad now yeah hey what's up dude what's up bro it's that's a nice belt you got there that's hat you got on it you have any other pearls what ender pearls nice maybe ah [Music] oh chase we got some gold bro this guy's got gold i just throw gold at him really yeah three four nuggets whoa whoa redstone torch we don't need that why are you giving it to him give me some rng please just give it over give it over come on don't recycle don't recycle we don't recycle on minecraft that's all he deserves why do you like gold so much oh i just love it take it it's there's so much gold i know how much you love it honestly you're about to help me out with that please oh whoa this is what they mean by off-camera mine all right i'm sorry i didn't mean it that's a cute little pig no that's a place a place [Applause] we're going to wait what's up you killed him you doubted me i did a little bit what the but i stopped doubting you don't doubt me if you doubt me again i will lick your toes geez how much time i got to tell you this i'm sorry can you pick these up okay pick them up why are you on top of me watch out there's a lot of tiny little things over here take your shoes out do you put them in my mentor yeah that's my face can't tell the difference listen i'm trying to collect these rods put in my hands i'm putting in your practice i'm a little worried that you're going to do something dumb never done anything done in my life i'm coming buddy no no i'm not losing any blade runs not today baby there we go thanks dad all right all right listen you had to do this right yeah you need blaze powder you put the blaze rod to the powder to the no no you just end the perfect i just need you to um smack them turn them in a powder smack them not too hard oh hot hot pot of pearls yeah the hair they're in here oh we got a lot of pearls my guy do we have any extra uh preston what just happened you wasted a pearl i don't know sorry do we have enough bad chase you're gonna make us lose the speed run our time's already way over no yes where is it i don't know give me your forehead not a good very nice never looked back all right uh wait hold on we got to mix it up a little bit all right oh too much you're gonna break the crafting table we got the eyes of ender we can find the stronghold these ones you can throw really yeah one at a time okay the one all right is it here is it here no it's not is it it's still going it's take us the way show us show us the stronghold so we'll go forward is it in there it's gotta be behind this it's the shroom holder i got it wait chase we need a it's cobblestone a little bit of this right nice ding ding ding nice okay oh dude look at that hold on what's the door oh come on keep going all right we're timed we're timed all right yeah i've been telling you that all day oh there it is i think i mean you tell me hello oh dude hello hey don't break any of the stone bricks no strong bricks no brakes don't breaks no don't touch those places you're going to spawn silver fish what's the silver fish it's cute but deadly i like people no no no no cute but deadly they're really deadly okay okay they come into your dreams and then they oh i very dangerous looking for the ender portal or the the end portal and portal and portal come here baby and portal you're here should i start beating stuff is this an iron door you think it's behind there yeah oh is it a lot oh it's unlocked oh all right so we got to climb down i think we found the portal you go first are you first going okay you got this okay all right listen if you're not already subscribed to the channel that if you could hit that subscribe button i really appreciate it i spent a lot of time making this video speed run all right hey take the under eyes there's a big oh they could have broken i'm coming up all right hey just don't don't mind the stone bricks okay i won't alright if you see stone bricks jake you're gonna be fine i'll set up a portal you'll just respawn yes i'm back preston i don't have anything on me anymore it's time to go in the portal it's time yeah and you still didn't finish all the silver fish dude goodness oh gracious get him why is minecraft in real life so tiring okay don't don't don't die please what's gonna kill us [Music] all right one foot in one foot in okay all right it only starts when you put two feet in okay two two if you see an enderman don't look at them okay beautiful enderman don't look what is an enderman look just one behind this don't look at him i looked at him just keep on doing it preston don't worry about me all right i'm gonna do it shoot these things chase you're gonna be fine look at this one here you go chase chase what i say dude i told you don't look at strangers don't talk to strangers don't look at strangers stranger danger endermen are strangers anyone with purple eyes get them out of here yeah help me finish these impressions okay let's do it and take your full bag you didn't even break them they're still up there oh my gosh i don't know if it's is it wait is it really an end crystal is it real yeah tastes pretty good i got it preston jake you're a dead enderman nice wait what happened why haven't we seen the ender dragon the ender what we haven't seen the ender dragon the entire time dragon's breath okay all right if you see dragon's breath run it's like a bunch of purple stuff on the ground oh my god [Applause] kill the dragon i'm sorry chase go back to the village get to bed get to bed chase hurry not again all right all right let's do this kristen i have the bed okay now what uh i mean i'm a pro minecraft now hey
Channel: Preston
Views: 3,825,216
Rating: 4.9134851 out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: 4WV7-LcIxOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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