The 5 BEST Pets to Tame in Minecraft!

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today i'm going to be showing you exactly how to tame new pets in minecraft major problems have occurred in brianna's minecraft world i am out of diamonds it is a very very large problem but lucky for me someone else's mind is near my house hold on i'm sorry i saw something in the corner of my eye it distracted me and i feel slightly intimidated by it i don't know what this is i don't know what kind of creature lays a blue egg oh oh it was sparkling did you see that sparkle oh it's a baby diamond he has a little eyes and is he wearing a diaper he came out of the egg wearing a diaper okay little guy um we need to find your mom i don't have no i don't have any diamonds your mom isn't at my house so i'm gonna i'm gonna get an adult diamond for you you know like how sometimes like ducks can i think it's called imprint on a person and they follow them everywhere i think i'm the duck mom of a diamond that makes no sense but i am the new diamond mother weirdly enough i do have um some things in my house just in case this moment was to happen i don't know why i was prepared i cannot open my door i don't know why i was already prepared but be careful there are cacti they are pointy come on i have like a toy chest for baby preston somewhere perfect we have a lucky block plushie which honestly i want one of those a plush number six and a plush letter zero wait letter o i know zero is not a letter okay before i give this baby the plushie i have to name her slash him and i'm going to name him her a tesla not a tesla tesla because they're expensive and beautiful just like this baby diamond so here you go tesla here is your plush letter o oh wait he got excited did a dance and then gave me another diamond i'm not going to ask questions i did need diamonds today i'm going to give him the letter 6 the number 6 g i don't remember what i just gave him i i'm a little embarrassed right now let's ignore what's actually happening we are also going to throw the lucky block okay i have noticed a change in tesla's disposition i think i'm doing something right i should raise diamonds all the time okay baby tesla we have to take matters into our own hands and begin by getting you a toy because i am a wonderful parent that's right sarah i know you look confused and dismayed but i am a wonderful parent don't look at me that way all we have to do is go through this alleyway don't ask any questions jamie i'm looking at you i'm going to take my child diamond through the alleyway because it leads us to the toy store hey bree who is your cute little friend it's an adorable baby diamond but guess what he knows a trick we are going to grab things from perfect oh chicken plushie i have one of those oh my gosh this is a cute little blue bird that's derpy and we have a clown fish a steampunk fox okay i see you in a mushroom plushie because it's the first time for me to show others of tesla's trick i'm going to use the none other than the chicken plushie three two one he loves chickens wow scarlet no applause no thank you there's now a diamond in my store i've had enough of this i'm taking your plushies and i'm leaving you know what i know a place where tesla's powers will be respected the candy store everyone is always nice at candy stores it's just an unspoken rule okay oh we've made it to the candy store arya you got a new pet doesn't know any tricks let me show you aria i'm gonna make your day and you're gonna give me candy a blue bird and a clown fish diamond learned something my diamond learned something it was cut off on my screen but he can make diamonds he's not he's mine excuse me get away from me tesla hurry hurry he is trying to steal you hurry you can't keep behind me you have to go you're a mad scientist i don't appreciate you and hurry hurry hurry oh he could have grabbed you but he did it we're gonna we're gonna hurry up the hill how long is he gonna chase us oh that is more cardio than i've had in like 12 years i am now on top of the hill that i ran up at a temple i casually found and we have seemed to beat mr greedy i can't even see him but i do know he's on his way so we have to hurry i don't know what this is but i'm just gonna throw a diamond three two one really really i thought diamonds were on my side today i'm gonna right click it take this diamond gate unlocked okay i'm gonna be honest i'm really shocked that worked but it's fine but but that's really good for us thank you baby tesla your diamond powers came in handy um so i'm gonna open this chest okay we have a bow and an arrow and if i have ever known anything in my life it is that if minecraft is providing you with weapons something bad's about to happen i'm just gonna see if you can sort this out for me i mean i don't know he got happy no matter what i throw at baby tesla he she always throws back a beautiful diamond object i need to give you my car well now i'm gonna see if this does anything here three two one seriously you are amazing you are a powerful you're like yoda like baby yoda you're so wise but so small now i've turned this wall into a diamond wall and also please take the please take the time to notice that this is directly in the center i have very good aim now i have practiced here we go now we have the orange wall three two one puzzle solved diamond boat broken oh that did not withstand very much but wait i just realized something earlier it said baby diamond learned something it was this recipe he learned the recipe for the bow okay tesla are you ready we have a very spooky corridor we're gonna go down and uh oh do you see what i see am i am i is my eyesight good because i am seeing 25 000 spiders down here but apparently we only have one way to go because mr greedy gonna find us i don't like it warning a swarm of spiders blocks the way oh i saw invulnerable spider oh i'm backing up hold on tesla you're so beautiful hold on he made a diamond spider he's literally frozen in place let me see this could have just been a fluke it could have just been a one time he has a diamond beam look he's firing it oh my gosh oh no i hate when the spiders get out of the bag swarm defeated all spiders have been turned to diamond level up baby diamond era baby diamond grows in power oh no he lost his diaper wait mr greedy i have you know hold on um we don't have time for you oh yes please follow me or we will die please please follow me what's this diamond spiders oh yes he got distracted okay sir ma'am we have reached the exit of this cave and we've got to get going because mr greedy is on his way we are going to continue i think i see a village villagers are very kind they just constantly ask you questions by going huh before we go any further i just would like to tell you i've been throwing miscellaneous things towards my teen diamond and he's now giving me 25 diamonds so i am practically rich great armor for sale armorer is really hard to say or it's just me okay let me see what you got three six four two i have 25 so i think you know we can do this i'm just gonna say if i have 25 diamonds i don't really expect to have armor gear given to me but whatever it's fine no i don't have a problem with it because i still have 10 diamonds take that armorer we have to get fitted for our wand tesla two diamonds equals one basic wand that looks like a stick sure i will get it because it apparently zaps bugs and we don't need any bugs in here let's let's go somewhere private because we need to change clothes we are going to go behind this bush i am going to give you the armor that you need so start with your helmet oh chest plate oh wait guys i just realized he's not putting them on he's turning them into diamonds for me you are just beautiful i'm gonna take you forever i don't care about your family wait these look a little different though than normal what does it say reinforced diamond helmet stronger than diamond helmet oh we are ready for those spiders here maybe you can do something with the wand let's see no apparently he hates wands wait oh tesla we still have one other person level up teen diamond an adult grows that was too fast you're not as cute now scared villager why is he scared that's literally his name are you scared all the time or did something happen currently or is something currently happening it's a zombie invasion what excuse me take this and defend us please well wait where what oh you snuck that in my pocket if there's an entire zombie invasion and i'm defending an entire city i don't think just a regular old trident will do so please please make this work beautiful i knew i could rely on you and my diamond trident it apparently causes loyalty and makes cute monsters well i am entrusting our safety in the hope of a villager and a baby diamond oh no okay i am ready for battle we are changing perspectives and we're gonna get you mad zombie oh you kind of look like harrow brian is that how you say it herobrine yeah no i didn't have enough time to juice up my pitchfork trident thing oh no why why calm down no tesla you don't need to get in the way there there's too many bad people coming for me zombies defeated adult diamond starts absorbing diamond zombies what what are you doing what are you what are you doing you're shooting little beams into the sky worlds area oh adult diamond grows in power ah is it just me or is the ultra diamond even cuter than the baby diamond comment down below what you think because i think he is kawaii come on tesla we're gonna go for a walk okay so this is both good and bad news i have found out mr greedy has a layer it is on the other side of the mountain that we are traveling on and i found it when i left the village so earlier in order to secretly open a door all i had to do was right-click while holding a diamond so i'm gonna grab one diamond there we go seriously seriously i have forgotten tesla has become exceedingly strong that's what if you would look this way i would like if you would take this and make it stronger oh he did make it stronger look he spits out diamond blocks now that is crazy i have two okay let's see one two three eight unlocked oh oh my gosh i'm smart but it's all because of the ultra diamond we have hay bales boxes of wheat thins smoke in the door hey let's run let's let's make a run for it i am in mr greedy's lair and i don't want to stay here anymore we're just gonna casually push the button to make an escape to make an escape to make an escape okay apparently there is some sort of puzzle we must complete while we're in here it's always the chest there is a camera in here someone is watching us we have to hurry i am going to look in this chest and also try not to be freaked out because i bet mr greedy is watching everything we are doing i have wheat seeds i have flint and steel and i have tnt and i'm not afraid to use them i just don't know what to do with them well you've been very helpful through this whole video if i throw you things so we are just going to throw he's levitating oh i'm just going to throw you some tnt hey i gave i gave you some tnt here okay what about the flint and steel diamond foot and steel diamond flint and steel no fine we are going to try the wheat seeds one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve turn okay so it worked on the least exciting item i now have diamond grass seeds okay did somebody literally make me come in here to watch me create a diamond lawn i feel like somebody's trying to make me like garden for them i'm gonna see what happens if i try to plant this grass three two one puzzle solved door opened i have multiple feelings going on right now i'm happy that i have tesla with me i think this grass is beautiful but i am also utterly terrified ooh this feels nice on your feet okay let's see what is up now not uh an exit but we have entered fire and diamonds open the path we have entered a puzzle it looks like and you are having fun dancing up there i don't know what's gotten into you we gotta calm down you gotta help me with this puzzle fire and diamonds open the path well i have diamonds i have a ultra diamond i have flint and steel and tnt are you okay up there okay so we have something called a diamond netherrack if you would help me there you go please don't sit on it that might be toasty i'm not sure exactly what it normally does but what i want to do is light on fire so i'm simply going to klikaruski you need a better item to set fires here uh what's better than a flint and steel to create a fire i tried to give this to you earlier tesla and you didn't do anything but you know what let's try it let's let's if you would stop dancing in the sky this would be a lot easier here you go awesome awesome you can dance and create wonderful objects we have a diamond flinton steel let's see if that does the trick three two one the door starts warming up i don't know if i want a warm door that makes me feel uncomfortable but i guess it's part of the key of getting out okay so the other half was diamonds fire and diamonds open the path so we have the fire part down and there looks like there is another room with a portal this is our exit i have to go into a mystery portal i don't appreciate that i have tnt i have tnt that's the only thing other than this bug zapper this bug zapper doesn't even do anything okay let's see if in this room i just have to place this down that is not the correct block that is not the correct block that is not the correct block well fine if it's not it worked last time second time's the charm why does it work now but it didn't work earlier oh well i now have diamond tnt that turns blocks into diamonds so apparently you want an explosion if you have this we are going to place this down well here goes nothing i am just going to cause an explosion inside a cave where there is a mystery portal great times please make sure and like this video so i can stay alive in three two one ah oh portal activated puzzle solved that was really chill for an explosion well mr ultra diamond i think there is only one choice we have here we have to skedaddle into the portal let's go so it has taken us here where there is a large black hole in mr greedy welcome i've been expecting you i'm not ready for games we're not ready for games okay cute we have sand floating in a black hole guys does he think that i'm that dumb i mean i'm not great at parkour but if i jump on that sand it's gonna crumble the only thing left in my inventory is the basic wand bug zapper here friend what is that one last trick no matter the pet will be mine so we're gonna give this a try here that was easy it says mr greedy turned to diamond well lucky for me this ultra diamond one turns tough monsters into diamond and mr greedy you're a monster so we're gonna try to just make it down one more row of parkour and can i zap him what's happening i can't move i have excellent aim all of a sudden can't move my arms good this is going well for me you won mr greedy has been turned into a diamond is that mr greedy all he turned into is two little tiny diamond blocks he can't hurt my pet anymore yay we are safe level up ultra diamond grows in power and becomes king diamond oh this isn't very good it is raining a ton and i have nowhere to go oh there are signs hello what does it say danger wildlife ahead wildlife has never scared me warning enter at your own risk i'm gonna risk the biscuit if it's only wildlife as long as chuckles is on the other side we are okay this looks like a trail i could also just be going delirious because i've been out in the rain for so long um um okay i have lost track of where i'm going this is there's fire and skeleton heads that's always a good sign okay now now i get why there is a warning but i need shelter so we're just gonna scurry on in here nothing could go wrong right we're gonna go in the cave and uh this is odd who has uh are these drawers barrels who put the barrel inside of a spooky cave unless you're hiding something i see you whoever you are is this this staircase i am risking my life for shelter in the hope of finding wildlife here we are it's looking super welcoming down here i'm squinting because look it's like this texture on the wall is a little weird oh let's see they're buttons someone definitely is setting me up i am soon going to be in trouble because not only did i find a spooky cave but somebody has put buttons in front of us how do i reach this one i'm i'm literally only five two what do you expect from me i think baby noob just appeared cause somebody ate the wall does this mean i should enter a lot of skeletons died in the making of this cave i don't really appreciate that oh great parkour my favorite especially when it's over lava why am i continuing to do this i don't know i assume they're hiding something beautiful and glorious okay i did i i did it am i sinking did that just sink i feel crazy [Music] i'm actually legitimately nervous right now i don't know why oh that was a close one bree last but not least a running start oh i made it yay i'm happy okay let's get through here please insert the key please and insert the key where am i supposed to find a key i don't even know where i am we're going to be super sleuths like nancy drew and try to find the key it's probably in the skeleton head i i'm feeling it i'm feeling it [Music] okay now that's kind of obvious i mean i immediately found this key whoever you are they're really trying to lure me in cage key do i want to go in a cage not really but it looks like that is my only choice i'm getting more intrigued the longer this goes on huh that was either a good sign or a bad sign that looks like either a lump of coal or an egg mysterious egg i'm gonna take this mysterious egg and leaf so i am here back at my house with a large mysterious egg now i don't have time for this right now so i'm just going to place it down and go take a nap on the balcony now before i take a nap let's just not dispose of the egg but at least get it out of my hands because it seems a little weird it's mysterious you know we're gonna place it down on this perfect pedestal and head upstairs hello is that a storm i just asked where baby chuckles is and then this ginormous creepy sound happened what happened okay the egg is gone i'm not okay with that eww something really creepy just ran up the stairs i hate it but i can't allow it to be in my house so i'm just gonna see what this thing is it looked like a really shriveled up e.t baby siren head siren head is known for being scary and mean so i thought i'm gonna give him some love he's probably just lonely so we're gonna give him a lesson today in this one i'm going to play notes and he simply must copy me so i'm just gonna click here okay so uh we're just gonna play three notes because it might take you some time there you go i can't really tell if you just repeated me [Music] wait hold on that actually was the same thing but in a higher key i did boom boom boom and he said oh okay i got a music disc and it says c418-11 that is not helpful that's not helpful but i think he's been repeating me enough that maybe this is some sort of prize first lesson complete it's dance time oh my gosh how are you already a teenager i guess you're not a regular human being so you might just grow up really fast you look creepy and i'm still following you i'm trying to make you happy give you some love now what are we doing back here oh no noob ello well great day mining dirt whoa who dar must have scared him off i don't see him anywhere oh there he is there he is it's okay noob i'm your friend i'm trying to tame this guy okay uh min you go away oh no he's floating downstream noob come back i don't think he knows how to swim so like any civilized minecraft player you must learn how to find loot in a cave so uh he's apparently taking the lead because he's oh he's become regular siren head oh i can't make this are you kidding me uh oh oh hold up i i didn't just jump what happened what happened i i can't make that either it's not going to be fun for me oh he's teleporting me thank you so much i really appreciate that you're actually pretty kind you're not too horrifying until you make noise where are you going you've stopped are you speechless oh you must have heard them what he just destroyed like 10 monsters immediately thank you so much i don't like it what is that i actually just got chill bumps i hate that sound so much how did that creepy sound open a secret passageway did you make this cave i'm just gonna check it out real quick i don't want to what is it hold up hold up siren head is going to make me the richest player in all of minecraft okay we have traveled far and wide to my farm i love animals so we're oh you're joining apparently do you like animals too oh i haven't heard that sound before i'm gonna take it as i want to help you cause you've helped me you can help me harvest the wheat that would be super helpful oh oh he is fast at this thank you i'm gonna have to sprint to get all this oh please don't step on me please don't step on me um i am fragile compared to you this is going well okay this is making my life so much easier apparently we should all become friends with siren head and you will get unlimited wheat i like that satisfying sound i typically cannot harvest things as fast as this my dad is going to be so thankful for this because i typically can't finish the whole field in a day okay now with the help of siren head that i have a ton of wheat i am going to put it in the beautiful chest and oh i forgot it already has things in it let's grab some of this hey i think i have an idea since siren head did better than i did at farming i'm just gonna give you a few supplies sir i'm gonna click and run you took it okay we're just gonna give you all the ingredients and um i wasn't finishing i i didn't finish giving you thanks hey hey slow down please slow down siren hey he is doing a marvelous job time to relax apparently not okay zombie i'm coming to get you also don't leave the door open siren head oh there's a lot of them there are a lot of monsters i didn't put my armor on i'm not oh you and your silly legs you're ridiculous he immediately protected me just by going [Music] so now he's large enough when he does it destroys things and you are walking towards a village perfect uh can you calm down i was trying to be nice to you you are floating and you're trying to destroy an entire village why are his legs so silly i thought you were supposed to be scary um don't look this way i didn't do anything i didn't do anything oh no don't hurt the pushers you're in trouble young man he apparently needs more training normally when i'm done taming things i get sad because i have to release it back into the wild but siren head can't even stand in my house now and he's still a little spooky in my opinion so farewell cyrus i will see you again sometime oh bye have a great time interesting so you guys it is time for me to make a big step i love animals almost as much as i love humans don't tell preston that he might get a little jealous but uh i really want to adopt a pet today i don't know which kind i might get you know a fuzzy purple cat or like a pink walrus i don't know but it's time actually i need a snack first snack break now that i had my treats it's time to go get a pet i don't think i'm very far from a animal shelter either what if i just found a cat in the wilderness that's a good sign right if a black cat wanders in front of you and crosses your path that's a good thing right it just brings you good luck nope that is not it that is not it and what do we have here i think this actually might be pet shelter adopt a pet today guys it's meant to be take a look at my beautiful pink house take a look at this beautiful pet shelter it even has a welcoming fountain and windows that kind of look like dog bones like please tell me that this does not look like a dog though okay it's time to go in and get me a pet thank you for coming in what are you looking for today that's a really hard question ah pink cats about a pink cat we actually do not have any pets available check the local chicken coop they are looking for people to hatch their eggs and care for the baby chicks okay i feel a little conflicted because one i'm really sad but two i'm really happy because i wanted to get a pet here today but i'm also really happy cause all the animals are adopted and i also really love chickens let's go find a chicken yay i love chickens this actually worked out even better it's okay chuckles you're gonna have a friend i'm on a mission to find a chicken you guys i finally found this chicken coop but it took me all day that's a long hike it was all the way across town to find these chickens and hey are they all hatched because i just see them all fluttering around and i don't see any eggs let's see they're so cute oh no they do have eggs i love you it's chuckles and chuckles junior and chuckles iii and chuckles the fourth hi speak to yak inside yax chicken coop yak is an interesting name the coop owner is actually a big chicken guys are my eyes deceiving me or am i actually seeing a big chicken i'm gonna go talk to the coop owner and uh see see what's happening here a little suspicious now but uh you must be looking to hatch an egg here is one of our special eggs i like special eggs whoa this is our best chicken buy a lamp leash and seeds well i guess i need to go buy a lamp leash and seeds where are they oh i accidentally just acquired four regular eggs from this chicken thank you sir ma'am uh sir but ma'am for your uh donation i didn't mean to steal your eggs but i appreciate them he's trying to fly but he's stuck in a cage i just threw an egg at the scoop owner on accident and i didn't mean to thank you i have my special egg i have my special egg it's so pretty it's pink and purple which are honestly my two favorite colors so thank you now that i have my special egg i'm ready to go you guys it's time to find the supplies and it's time to name my egg what would you name my chicken egg i think henrietta what do you guys think what is this i think i finally found the pet store pet store i had to get the supplies the lamp the seeds and the leash i think it was chuckles never had a leash and for some reason he never ran away from me but this is gonna be a wild chicken i just feel it he's special he's already blowing so uh i'm gonna run to this pet store and buy some stuff lamp seeds and uh lead i'll get a name tag too why not guess it's time to pay the cashier here you go guys do you see how much money all this stuff was this is the most expensive chicken i have ever seen it's time to go home this has been a long day oh don't drop the egg okay you guys i am back at the house and i have some big big things to do with this egg i'm gonna place this lamp i got from the pet store on this handy dandy redstone i had plans in mind you guys when i made this fancy house what did i tell you so we're gonna put it right there i hope this works i'm not 100 sure but that also just looks very pretty that looks like a very nice ambiance over my dining table i'm gonna put the egg right click let's see what happens you guys it looks so pretty guys it's hatching yay guys what's happening i don't think chuckles didn't hatch this way what's going on um oh no whoa um oh he loves me am i supposed to be excited or terrified oh he loves me and he's really hungry please don't eat me i don't know if these are really nice or really mean i mean some people raised like polar bears in their house okay um so yeah this definitely is not a chicken i love the fact that it's pink uh do you eat wheat seeds sir ma'am i i don't think you do ah maybe can i put a leash on you can i walk you around oh i have it on a leash you guys he's going on a walk with me and he has pretty bubbles see it's just like walking a dog this is gonna be great maybe you know what you sound a little cranky so uh we're gonna we're gonna go over here okay so now that he's on a leash we're gonna you know just go on a walk and he's definitely not liking my wheat seed so i thought maybe i could get him some nice steak i think withers eat meat i don't want him to eat me so we're gonna go here are you gonna come in the restaurant oh no he's leashless that's not good okay i'm not gonna mention to the waiter inside the restaurant that i have a really scary monster outside i'm just gonna you know see if he has some food that boy looks hungry take this i guess he already noticed and also it's a pink wither i think it's a girl why did you say it's a boy i'm offended thank you for the stink anyway though i appreciate the steak i hope this works let's see come to me i hope you like steak here you go oh he likes it why is he getting so much bigger oh my gosh what is happening y'all he is five times my size oh i did not expect that and his leash is detached please get your leash back on i don't know if it's gonna even fit anymore you know what he looks pretty happy to me he also seems like he likes me so if i'm friends with the weather i might as well take this moment to my advantage i have an idea okay you guys now that my wither is full grown it changed colors on me but i think i need to see if i can fly it oh my goodness i actually can whoa this is so cool this is crazy i've never actually flown a her maybe i shouldn't say that while it can hear me this could actually get a little scary for those of you who have seen harry potter this kind of reminds me of puffy the three-headed dog or fluffy it's fluffy not puffy now i'm questioning all my life choices let's go to the beach wait what are you shooting at what are you doing no don't destroy the town i was just trying to fly fluffy this was not the goal hey stop it no i'm gonna have to repair the whole town and send everyone i'm sorry notes how do i make it stop please stop please stop please you're frustrating me i should have known i need to figure out how to calm the wither down okay let's get off the wither um oh oh that was not the best dismount i've ever had ah mama i'm angry oh uh oh that was not the goal oh it is flying away please don't do this where are you going destroying the town hey wither come back i was gonna name you henrietta the chicken and then this is what became of you what is happening i'm gonna have to write them a really big an apology letter what are you doing you're embarrassing me they're friends of mine and you're just destroying their home you can't do that to them [Music] i'll give you more steak will that help you if i get you more steak will you stop destroying the house please please oh oh it's sorry now now it's being loving and it's sorry you better be that was that was some rough stuff i'll forgive you but uh you have a lot of damage to repair and i have to figure out what i'm gonna do with you exactly i don't exactly know what to do with you i'm not gonna lie you keep turning your back to me i can't decide if that's rude or not you know what i think i know what i have to do come on wither oh it's sorry and it's cute and pink again i'm gonna put you on a leash again because uh that was just a little you got a little carried away and uh yeah we can't have you doing that but i think i figured out that you can't necessarily have withers as pets i think i know what we have to do but oh my gosh you didn't destroy my house thank you so much let's go this way i think i'm going to have to set my wither free you guys as much as it hurts my heart to say it i think i'm gonna have to set you free little girl guy i still don't know what you are you guys i think i have to set my wither free let's build a portal oh you guys i just made a portal for my weather you know what that means i think it's time to set the wither free i feel really emotional about it when i was little i had a turtle and the pet told me he had salmonella and i had to take him back to the lake in my red wagon and set him free that's kind of how i feel about this experience but it's time to go with her i love you but you gotta go i don't know exactly where we're going to you guys oh i hope he's coming with me bye wither i love you i miss you too bye bye oh this is really hard and it sent me hearts and now i'm gonna cry oh that was really sad is he already destroying something down there though it sounded a little intense okay well in order to distract myself i guess it's time to rebuild my entire town that my wither destroyed we find ourselves inside of a spooky skeleton dungeon now i am feeling vulnerable guys but here we are in the skeleton dungeon ooh ooh this is the moment he doesn't see me his name is harold we have met before oh he saw me never mind he has betrayed me where'd he go here hey sir harold we were friends once but now you tried to kill me i know another skeleton is lurking around the corner guys this is not looking so well for me i am in a dungeon full of skeletons by myself i literally can't even count the amount of arrows inside of my body right now it hurts there is one in my eyeball i'm done with this guys these skeletons are mean machines oh stop it hold on hold your phones and look under your video and hit subscribe look at how adorable i'm gonna cry look how cute he is oh my god you know what this skeleton he's gonna grow up to be trendy so i'm gonna name him basil how about that sir we're gonna give you this bow oh defend the skeleton what excuse me i was being nice to your own kind i can't even get to them they are literally pushing me into the excuse me can you at least let me try to kill you they're trying to kill each other they just killed each other oh my gosh basil's been following me but you can barely see him because of all my arrows look how cute he is though basil they are not nice to my kind here and you are now my skeleton son so we must leave the premises of the skeleton dungeon you are becoming a human kinda basil and i are here at my house and uh no i still have had no first aid and so i have ten arrows still in me but they're slowly disappearing but now that i have my child skeleton my pet skeleton at the house with me i'm gonna see what he's made of other than bones we are going to hand him some arrows and see what he can do wait why did you fire that at me sir look at my eyeball i'm more interested though to see how he does against real mobs because obviously i'm nice i'm not exactly sure what mobs they're skeleton chickens please don't kill the chicken they've already died they're skeletons he has a very accurate aim though oh oh wait they are on fire now um basil how did you make that happen i didn't teach you that ability they're all dying basil stop we are going to head out before you burn down my entire house now basil rumor has it that there is actual buried treasure hidden beneath or above or somewhere inside this pyramid now the only thing is you absolutely cannot step on any type of pressure plates okay it's a rule we will die okay here we are this is pretty easy right there's only one pressure plate to avoid so we'll just go up here oh that actually was close uh cookies treasure oh blocks of gold cookies that's kind of more important [Music] basil how dare you okay well if you got us into this mess at least could you please use your arrowing skills to hit this button i don't know what it does but it looks like it does something okay pretty good aim right there you've almost got it and there we go wow okay i am hearing some strange music is it is it you or is it me do you hear it i hear something weird oh glowing chest what's in here iron i'm just gonna take some of that if i do say so myself and some string i don't know why but it's there so i feel like i should grab some are you keeping up with me it's pretty fast for a little guy so i am yet again hearing creepy noises and baby skeleton has a crafting table oh my gosh you know what we need to get out of this place so what if i throw you some iron ingot and some string and we can make a grappling hook where'd he go excuse me where where did he go um hello what he's on top of my head he's floating on top of my head guys look at this he's super cute on my head i love it so he made me a grappling hook so apparently he's a very crafty crafter so a one a two a three that worked a little better than i thought that it would oh wow oh we're gonna die are you okay basil that that was a little bit um stressful for me but at least we're out of the dungeon so i've got to get real serious now with my headphones and my poofs on because i'm pulling out all the stops with this here metal detector so we find ourselves in front of the temple pyramid where we almost just died and i have a beautiful metal detector now we are going to uh see if we hear any ring-a-ding-dings the scene looks a little different wait wait hold on it sounds like a xylophone this is definitely some sort of treasure what did i tell you mr baby skeleton i remember you can craft things so what if you craft me a shovel it's time to begin digging now what is this red sand do you guys know it looks kind of different than normal sand he's helping me dig look at you you're so helpful does he know something i don't know he definitely knows something i don't know uh three two one pray that i don't die oh my goodness literally this is the most beautiful magicite cave i have ever seen in my entire life can i use a shovel to uh get some of this not the best plan of action you've ever had bree i guess more i guess more importantly what is in this spooky chest here growth potion speeds up the growth process oh is this for you do you want to grow he's too cute i don't want him to grow but fine oh explosions well now that you are a beautiful teenager we're gonna change your name from basil to timmy as a skeleton pet owner slash skeleton mother today is a hard day i have dropped timmy off at school for the first time what is that school sign s c this is a busy school and there's a lot of athletes look at all those letterman jackets have you seen my skeleton timmy i really doubt there's a ton of skeletons who are students here have you seen timmy hello will someone respond to me sorry i'm a little busy right now are you kidding me where's my skeleton huh skully is taking chemistry it's just down the hall why thank you you look like you are either a gryffindor or slytherin so uh i appreciate your harry potter help everybody else was rude and looked at me like i was stupid i just heard an explosion timmy oh no he's in he's in chemistry class and he's literally just spamming potions i honestly how do i stop him where's the teacher in this place go get a healing potion quick i'm being demanded to do things by students okay i hope this is how you make a healing potion now in the real world when i was a nurse this was not how you made a healing potion watermelons are always appreciated though let's see let's see potion of healing instant health awesome and it's beautiful looking so what do i do what do i do with this i mean i know i take care of timothy all the time but uh how about we just throw it at timothy and pray yes now he's throwing healing potions this worked out well you're welcome everyone i should now become the chemistry teacher well you guys i am pretty excited right now because not only is timmy doing exactly what we needed him to do by throwing healing potions but now he knows how to brew them himself so not only is he a crafting table he has a crafting table that's portable and a healer so you guys i'm not ready to tell you this but timmy has become a timothy he's now an adult and he literally works at the hospital i think he was inspired by me to be quite honest are people literally waiting outside of the hospital mrs kim mrs clinton i've actually seen all these patients before jack and jill i saved your lives what are you doing here are you here to receive healing from the teenage skeleton you would have to wait in line for quite a while he is serving patience to my right when i was a nurse in minecraft before we never had this big of a line oh he's in here oh no save harold oh he's got more healing potions that makes sense thanks mr skeleton i feel so much better wait guys i i think there's an explosion outside uh why are there scary-looking chickens we're all going to die we are here for revenge for what you did to our brethren yeah timothy you killed their brethren oh the healing potion made them happy did you see that he threw the potion and now they have hearts instead of ferocious thunder clouds we need more healing potions guys jack jill can you come to the rescue i think we keep some upstairs in the storage room hurry i don't know where i'm going guys this is this is really bad perhaps where all the chests are that makes sense splash uncraftable potion instant health okay we can grab a bajillion of these apparently it's time to save the world which by that i mean save the chickens which you know that's the same thing okay here you go oh wait what i right clicked it now i'm riding a chicken is he flying guys please look at this majestical moment not only is this a skeleton chicken but he's flying with me on his back i didn't know chickens were so strong here we we've still got to we've got to heal more of your brethren oh no these chickens are harassing the neighbors well i'm gonna take just a few more minutes here to save the world from planet doom involving the chickens and then we'll see what timothy's up to next oh we spawned real creepy like look at this that's hilarious so we are in the nether because apparently timothy has not reached his true form yet so we're going to talk to the fortress guard who's honestly really creepy looking and say i'm looking to transform my skeleton further ah you wish to transform the skeleton yes please yes i know a way you must complete the great lava maze and defeat the great wither skeleton excuse me okay he's done talking to me now so we're just gonna have to go for it timothy i hope you're prepared to uh destroy wither skeleton ah i don't like those things hurry hurry oh another bridge it randomly came out of nowhere here we are going up some very steep stairs and we have reached the maze it's gonna be a bonding moment you know we're gonna try not to uh get burnt be real careful here oh here we go here we go is this a dead end i can't tell yes it was timothy we have to be super where is he you haven't even tried sir you haven't even tried to show any effort that you would like to be transformed i forgot you are able to walk through lava so this is gonna be a little easier for you i don't know sir i'm feeling pretty confident about this you pushed me into the lava are you gonna come through the lava or what i'm getting nervous about you hey timothy i hope you come right after me i'm gonna jump down this mysterious hole oh oh he's coming through the lava oh he's just gonna push me he's literally about to push me into this mysterious hole well i guess it's time to go in three two one this is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen i i gotta touch it i've gotta touch it oh my gosh what's happening defeat the defeat the wither there's a wither skeleton oh oh he's right by me no please don't kill me please wither skeleton wither defeated guys my skeleton has now transformed into a withered skeleton and he defeated the boss in order to save me and he can now stand on top of my head even more extreme oh my goodness you guys i think my skeleton is almost to his complete and final form he is now a wither skeleton he's defeated the wither boss and i think there's just one more thing we need to do now uh timothy you are a beautiful man but i think we could uh just decorate you a little bit so let's head this way look it's a fairy she's so cute i love her oh why does she have skeleton heads behind her in order to fully transform your skeleton you will need to get 12 pixie dusts i think i just heard some fairies outside the castle they don't sound too friendly good luck so the fairy is telling us to attack other fairies that does not seem right it's our time timothy i am glowing for no reason and i am ready for some fairy dust oh oh this feels wrong i already have the required materials i can now make the potion so after collecting the required amount of pixie dust oh she's kind of cute though we are going to give them over to fairy if that is her real name one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve and i'm going to give her my inert pixie pot and she gave me a plus pixie pot now if you don't know what that means let me show you outside okay timothy are you ready for this are you ready to be blessed he looks so pretty at least he can't see himself i don't think he has eyeballs that's interesting look how beautiful you are you match the pink castle zombies are invading the castle please help us defend timothy this might be up to you what he's literally throwing thousands of arrows and completely obliterating these zombies it's crazy zombies defeated all thanks to your skeleton so i have reached the end world or the end of the world i hope it's not the end of the world but that is why i have diamond armor and helmets and boots and all that stuff i even have a diamond sword pickaxe and lots of golden apples i hear they are delicious and will save my life if i reach aliens this kind of looks like space to me um and also kind of looks like under the sea for those who haven't seen little mermaid this kind of looks like where triton and his mermaid family live anyways i'm going to explore with my diamonds um i wish i could turn them into something else fancy but uh i'm going to go into this castle thing and what is up the stairs um i'm normally not this adventurous but today i'll do it for the merch and in the iron diamond stuff i don't know i'm feeling fearless with this armor let's go up again where am i why would you put two flights of stairs to then just show me a ladder does this make sense to you guys who designed this building i fell down the ladder okay um um i am not the most graceful human being is this some sort of joke what is ah hold on hold on oh it's gonna be a bumpy ride what how do i my armor is not helping in this situation can an apple help me nutrition gonna help me float up high in the sky this is not going well where is chuckles the chicken when i need him he could help me hop he can fly i need to fly ah i almost made it no who i'm saying hello to because i'm alone in this room and nobody's going to answer me what do you need for me oh why do you have a nerf gun we're having a nerf gun find the office you know what i told you no all right what do you mean marie so i'm exploring the end of the world okay and uh this parkour i need to shoot it no ready to shoot it no i'm gonna shoot the camera please think there's a bullet in here please don't you're lucky there was no nerf bullet in here no my problem is this parkour is too difficult i have to go up the ladder and then jump oh wait that's literally the easiest parkour ever bree don't call me again hold on let's make sure i make make this before you leave because i i definitely have tried twenty thousand times you all can attest to this and i never made it and i didn't get back to my nervousness no don't leave i've gotta go take out nick preston was my good luck charm what am i gonna do with him yay so i came up here to find a floating egg chuckles are you laying eggs again wait chuckles is a boy i don't think it works that way what what is this let's find out i found a baby intermittent should i be excited or terrified i like animals so i'm gonna be excited i'm gonna raise it as my own like hagrid and harry potter would raise scary dragons so i'm gonna go back to my house base whatever you want to call it and i'm going to hatch this thing and see what happens i hope i don't die wish me luck welcome to my house let's go in my house i've redecorated since you've seen it last so i have to show you around a little bit and uh who left food in my house what is this is this a cake this is a cake or a very large candle i like my house to smell nice and who left a loaf of bread on top of my refrigerator things are going crazy in this house he's so cute i love him so much okay well chuckles you're gonna witness your new friend hatch i hope they get along here goes nothing one two three oh he's so cute what should we name it freddy freddy the interval wait freddy freddy where are you going um freddy frank you're moving way too fast i can't keep up with you he's gonna make me exercise a whole lot chuckles does not do this i'm getting frustrated with fred wait i have an idea come here ender baby he doesn't know his name you know fred yet well he stopped teleporting but uh oh there he is hi you're so tiny i couldn't find you he's so cute i don't think he's angry anymore cause he is an enderman i like him do you think you can pet him i mean he is my pet let's see let's see i'm gonna right click him he loves me i'm addicted i like petting him is he gonna get along with chocolate chuckles laid an egg you're supposed to be a boy chuckles i don't know what's going on this is strange i have a pet in german jackals is laying eggs i like you fred you're a good addition to the house i feel like i should like hold him but i don't know if i can hold him i just know how to pet him brad you haven't eaten in weeks i mean he did just hatch i have not fed you fred you are probably starving i am so maybe it's just rubbing off on me but why would you feed an enderman a shoe a a tulip would you eat a tulip no that's you know i actually do have a chest of stuff over here i can give him some beef some steak why do i have 64 pieces of rotten flesh in my chest i have killed a lot of zombies that's probably why here's some steak i can't believe at age 0 seconds i'm feeding you this but here you go he just got mad at me and spit his steak in my face here try it maybe he doesn't have teeth maybe that's why he he has no teeth he's gum in it here that's third time's the charm he hates me here you know what since you're technically a monster let's try this let's eat some rotten flesh even though it technically came from another monster mob that's kind of disturbing if you would like it but uh because it's one of your people but let's try it so fred likes eating other mops think about that for a second fred that's disturbing but i'm going to give you some more cover your mouth where are your table manners i was a debutant and we had to learn our table manners fred we have a lot of work to do you know what fred i think we've had a big snack and we should go on a walk what do you think about that i i think i saw an odd yes let's go uh do i have a leash or an enderman chuckles we don't often go on walks because you would fly away i don't have a chicken leash but i might have an enderman leash oh that's where my meat was where is my leash that is a furnace where are my leashes i can't find this leash anywhere fred hold on wait chuckles you've been hiding a leash from me i knew he's been wanting to go on a walk but i know you'll fly oh no no no no no no no don't chuckle juggles come back come back chuckles hey get over here i love you that's why you must be in this cage for a bit okay i must lead him back to his cage chuckles he's being difficult well fine chuckles i'm just closing the door so you have to not run out let's go fred it's time for a walk i think he's a little nervous he's never been outside yet oh i think i'm leaving him behind fred there we go no he's a little shy but it's time to see the sky it's really pretty outside today fred see ah wait friend friend it's not scary it's okay okay i think that's enough of a walk we're gonna go inside i don't want him to get hurt oh no he's doing this again can't even find him red fred's a bit of a scaredy cat it's okay he's gonna get through this he's only been alive for like five minutes he's been through a lot he's seen the sky i mean those clouds were looking pretty big the door is open chuckles could escape what would you say to an enderman to help him calm down do you guys have any ideas i'm just gonna say okay fred you can calm down now hearts it actually worked i'm very shocked by this fred you are the cutest little enderman in the entire world you know what fred because you've been through so much i'm gonna cut you a little bit more because i think you are needing some love we all need love when we've been through a lot you need some pets and like hugs and you know what i guess you need more rotten flesh because you're hungry you know let's your ender baby is growing up fred you've been alive for six minutes why are you aging up blah he's grown into an ender teen oh no everybody knows about teenagers i think you're taller than me now i don't know how i'm gonna deal with this i'm gonna have a midlife crisis soon and i don't even think we've been to like the grocery store together yet and you look all grown up speaking of the grocery store i think we need to go get some food i can't just keep feeding you rotten flesh i feel kind of bad about that i wonder if i can take you to the store like a car you aren't big enough by now i think i have a saddle out back let me get it okay fred this will only hurt a little bit yay it works hold on i'm pushing forward and he's not moving at all what's this an ender pearl that says teleporter i click it well if you click it it moves you in that direction this is interesting what is this some kind of enchant i think you just go wherever you look over the river and through the woods that's where i need to go i actually need to go to the grocery store so i think that's the store brett that's the hotel we have a house we don't need to stay in a hotel wait is that it we found it fred fred and i need to get some groceries uh i don't know if they're gonna have rotten flesh in the store so we'll see what fred's gonna get here and uh then we'll get back to the house okay fred that was a long day of shopping and i do think fred we should go on another walk we were talking about it at the store and i think that he's ready he feels bad about earlier and let's go for a walk i do need to put you on a leash even though you're a teenager what if you get some ideas you're not old enough to move out on your own yet that's why we're gonna close the door so chuckles doesn't escape okay although it's the dark i don't really like the dark um i don't i don't like that at all at least it was sunny earlier now you're making me walk at night time i don't really appreciate this let's walk back this way miss marvin lives over there and miss wallace and i can't remember who all we have a lot of names wait wait why are there monsters fred we never have monsters i'm taking you off your leash oh my goodness he's saving us you're amazing he's defending us he is powerful actually i'm about to die i have to run into the house fred you'd be a strong man chuckles don't go out there hey how did you beat me in here he is majestical thank you for being amazing i'm very impressed by you is that why you have pink sparklies flying off of you constantly how's your magic so did you know that endermen have the ability to pick up blocks and teleport them around i feel like i should teach fred how to find diamonds for me i think that could be pretty useful hmm let me check my chest over here and see if i have everything i need huh i have a diamond to teach him what diamonds are a pickaxe for pickaxing and a saddle yeah you have the enderman paint me where i need to go so fred this is a diamond look at me fred i need you to help me find diamonds with this pickaxe and we're going to ride to the cave mine cave mine like a caveman are you ready he looks down for the challenge okay so let's go he already knows where to go so uh i think he was born to do this i mean i'm not even needing to use the ender pearl he knew where the mine was he took me to iron not not bad fred i'm really impressed and i really appreciate it because you took me to a very useful block this is iron them so it's not what i asked you for so uh we'll try again next time however i can use this so uh i'm gonna i'm gonna get some might as well mine it while i am here okay fred let's keep looking run where are we going i can't even see okay i'm impressed i don't know how you found them this fast you found a ton of gold ore goldor is amazing yeah this still isn't diamond's friend i need diamonds cause you know soon we're gonna have to defend ourselves i'm just sure and so we're gonna have to make diamond armor it's not because i want jewelry or anything okay don't ask any questions it's for a purpose and uh let's go oh i see him is he using his sense of smell like a pig who finds mushrooms like fred i could just kiss you right now because you found the biggest vein of diamonds i think i've ever seen in my entire life this is amazing and i'm gaining a ton of experience points fred you're getting a ton of rotten flesh for dinner and normally that would be an insult but i think you would like that so you're welcome i now have a casual 22 diamonds hey fred it's time to go home that was so fast we just like teleported here immediately are you tired i mean you teleported 20 000 times to find all this stuff your inner teen is growing up it hasn't even been a date well it's been like one day oh my goodness you are an entire enderman and i am now very intimidated by you i i don't know if i like this i like baby enterman and teen and german and now i'm very afraid but i hope you'll remain sweet please stay nice fred don't eat me you know what fred i am sleepy it has been a long day and you have aged what two three times so let's just go to bed chuckles you too chuckles where where do you want to relax i feel like you typically relax in your little pen did you see somebody in the distance guys who's that running by our house our window just broke robber there's a robber at our house hey don't come in please oh what is that outfit hey no please don't hurt us we don't have anything oh my gosh fred get the robber oh man he's angry he's chasing the robber get the robber oh my goodness yet again he's defending our house go fred go go fred go this doesn't look good he killed the robber he didn't even get to go you know to a trial or anything did the robber lay an egg the robber laid an egg or fret fred did you lay an egg fred and i are gonna go relax with chuckles but i have to ask you guys what pet would you like to see me have next and also remember if you get to my video in the first 60 minutes of it being posted your comments are going to be featured down below so you don't want to miss it oh no chuckles is lost again
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 6,844,645
Rating: 4.8435249 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: wpGIyvriS9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 50sec (4130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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