Minecraft But It was DRAWN by a BABY!

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anyone know what texture pack this is?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/webygale 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
when one of my friends discovers a secret potion our minecraft server gets a complete makeover from our pets to even the villagers everything on our server changes but when diamonds become incredibly hard to find we have to find a way to get back to normal which leads to a crazy adventure will our minecraft server go back to normal let's find out also subscribe and like this let me see i gotta finish this graphic oh my gosh hey how's it going you don't have to yell that loud look at that you yelled so loud the plants died wait do i have a superpower that's awesome what do you want pierce oh yeah hey uh so i was down over in the village you know just hanging out with the populace uh stealing everything over their houses that wasn't bolted down and hey look what i found what'd you find a little potion look at this thing what does it do i don't know it's a question mark potion okay you know what i'm saying right what do you want me to do with this uh drink it come on it's like it's special it's new it's exciting what could it possibly be first i don't drink anything that i don't know what its name is all right so there you go you can drink your potion i'm not gonna be your little guinea pig okay i'm actually gonna go get some water because we don't have any water for this so okay but yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on come into the house real quick here i'll fix it for you and then you'll have no choice just one second here one second someone said just put this bang bang bang bang bang and uh here you go one new potion for you now you know exactly what it's going to do and nothing bad's going wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute first off we have the potion of rem narration you spelled it all wrong that's exactly what it is the potion of rememberation rememberation okay well you know what i can't argue against you fine i'll be your little guinea okay i'll try it out let's see what happens okay let's see let's see let's see how i drink it drink it oh [Music] so oh oh my god i see the sun i can't blend the sun [Music] spooky's eyes oh my god oh my god my baked potato is different it's got butter on it looks delicious okay all right just actually look dangerous now oh the where's bob where's bob the villager where's bob where'd he go maybe bob freaked out we might have to go down to the village let's go see what's going on in the village i'm curious i want to see what they're probably all freaking out they probably don't know what's happening emergency emergency are you ringing the bell oh this bell looks pretty but oh wow [Music] emergency villagers arrive they're in there they go in their houses over here look the villagers are here they're having a meeting oh look at that whoa whoa oh my god oh my god look at you guys oh my god this has been nice but um yeah where where where do we uh change back like how do we change back what do you mean change back this is it this is this is all we got we can't change back we can't live like this there's not another thing you change back because how are we gonna tell what normal minecraft stuff is a tamale all right fine you know you found a potion inside of a what chest in the village yeah do you have another potion no oh uh that's the problem yeah whatever you know this is so gorgeous i love it hey miss the sun okay you're having a good day of course you are you're cool miss the sun let's see if we can find another chest maybe like in a i don't know a mine shaft or something like a dungeon all right so are you guys okay over there oh what happened you know it's a bite okay oh my god come on let's keep going let's keep going come on gary oh my gosh scary my arm hurts yeah it looks the same we just gotta oh my god what's that over there oh yeah it's a button oh there we go oh there's a bed it is there's a bat guys look oh my god oh my god oh my god why'd you bring your cat with you down here this is a dangerous place it's spooky because spooky can you guess what's guess what spooky does spooky spooks away creepers yeah all right this is not a mineshaft let's go this way wow i got you don't worry get up here look i thought of my chef down here okay fine let's go to my chef where are you go with you too um did you guys fall in holes dude stop falling in halls oh my god we'll come get you we'll come your way home where they go where'd they go we're right here where's right here there are a lot of holes oh my god are you guys seriously stuck in this hole oh yeah yeah they're down here let's just go down there let's see what's going on yeah let's go down here see we found this i totally didn't do it on accident you literally performed you literally could have walked out and just met me and pierce over here like that's literally okay weird go get them i'm going i'm going i'm coming i'm going we're going to go up here all right here i am here i am hey buddy oh no oh no where are you okay i don't have enough health hold on hold on i got to eat something quick oh hey buddy that explosion was great all right guys we have a real real dad okay you're dead okay we have a real job to do guys we gotta go find this chest where is it where'd it go so what color is the potion like how do we know if we found it i don't know it's just sparked a bunch of question marks yeah or sometimes it's called refrigeration all right come here pierce here here there you go what what what are you digging me a grave what do you know i'm trying to help you get up here and achieve your goals but no spidey boy spidey boy israel day just because it's a spider okay there we go zombie boy zombie boy that don't make sense okay let's keep going no it makes perfect sense it's a spider yeah there's lots of oh that's a big spider i don't want that big spider no okay oh big spider little spider oh big spider little spider eating meat okay oh put some of this down guys guys guys oh keep looking i'm not going that way everything's starting to look the same here oh i think we were effectively lost oh no just kidding totally knew where we were i got it got it i got it i got it i got it all right oh come on too bad pierces go back to normal minecraft ready ready whoa whoa spooky oh my god get off that chest spooky oh we're back to normal guys it worked it worked okay wait what's up normal oh hey okay all right cool i got this all right uh yeah look at this i found we could finally go back to normal guys here we go wait what huh we had it next silly yes we just took a potion well now you tell me i had this very nice potion here and then all of a sudden you're like oh all right now please tell me there's more left of the potion that you drink okay so it's pretty obvious that there's no more chests here that have any of the potions so let's try maybe like a different place like maybe hear me out okay i know right super smart let me help [Applause] sorry i made it to the water i was trying to put you out with your sword i put you in the water stop killing me into the bath i got it i'm getting this obsidian give me a second okay all right there we go another portal let's let's do this let's do this let's go to another bloop hold on come on wait for so pierce while you're coming up here we're going to get out oh there you are there you are let's go we got a spooky place all right oh sorry maybe we can't if you're good all right god did you dig underneath me how do i reach these kids oh maybe okay guys come on just one chest where are the chests i don't know i don't know together oh my god we've gone so far are we there yet i don't know oh my god what happened guys why did nobody ever tell me that the nether was a dangerous place i thought it was just like a cool place to go to hang out with friends so that's a lie i love the livestream it's always been dangerous i want to see what it looks like i want to go see what this blaze looks like and then we can continue our little adventure to go back to oh oh what is this place you like flirting with death oh there it is there you go death how are you doing oh oh it's about it's about it's about spooking oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it's angry i saw it [Music] [Music] look to the right oh i see the goose okay follow me follow me follow me let's go let's get down let's get down i don't care how cute dangerous this place is we gotta go come on hurry up let's go this way you had to build the most dangerous way yeah because i like living on the edge okay you know the internet told me this place would be filled with candy and i'm really disappointed [Applause] what is it guys the internet wasn't wrong it is candyland candyland candyland [Applause] oh my god okay i'm gonna send you something you need to look at this look at this oh my god behind you oh it's cute oh it's super adorable [Music] we can just build up here with the cute nether oh this is candyland i don't know how i feel about this but okay it's not intimidating or scary at all yeah oh look at those oh my god what is this clinton's deal is that everything gotta find a guest where's the gas oh my god i found the gas i put up again i filled out a hole [Applause] hey guys what i have good news and bad news okay i'm scared what i want the good news first the good news is i found another potion the bad news is i filled out a very deep hole pierce don't you damn drink that potion don't you dare doesn't got it oh my god did it work oh it goes i think it works oh why is everything scary again i don't like it oh man all right let's try somewhere else because we're getting weird luck with this stuff okay pierce you're not but what if i'm super thirsty okay guys guys guys that's what it says look look there's a boat down there all right it's it's it's kind of a boat i think but but here while we were in the desert i found this so gather around gather round get around what gather round watch this [Music] [Applause] all right so let's get our boats out oh my god our boats they're so bright i love it oh my gosh all right i didn't realize you're joining me all right let's get down let's get down all right and uh all right all right let's think it's so pretty right we're gonna go see what is this fishing oh my god i can swim actually yeah look at you guys look at them they are i'm drowning i'm drowning them [Applause] let's go check that ship see if there's got anything in it there we go there we go there we go this is the saddest ship i've ever seen like the actual status ship i have ever had it's not hurried oh wait did you pick i heard you open a chest though you find something okay [Music] you got it i did oh [Music] no i don't like this i don't like how they look i don't like them [Music] make them make them cute okay they're so much more adorable look at that oh wait guys i think i just i think i just pulled a pierce and literally just took us back to where we were okay oh yeah yeah you we we had two didn't we yeah yeah it was worth it though because those things were uh ugly with the capital u yeah they were uggos all right i don't like it they were kind of scary the minecraft ones were cute ugo so let's let's keep going let's keep going all right be perfectly safe nothing bad will happen all right that's the opposite of safety there's a great man though i repeat it okay all right all right leave it it alone silverfish get get get get oh there's a silver specification get out of here oh no no no no no no no no no it looks like get up break it up there we go okay we broke it it's good it's gone all right there we go eyes of ender okay let's put them in uh okay and i'm very curious what this is gonna look like hold still is this really like we checked everywhere else huh nowhere else we could check i mean we could have gone to like a desert temple or something but do you have another rack helmet what what wait you didn't share with us what we could have made and i found it the eye but where oh guys i want to see this ender dragon do you guys have any uh let's see here i got some i got some cobble hold on okay be careful i want to see what the enderman and the ender dragon and all these things look like it's gonna be great let's go let's go let's go it's gonna be great we're also gonna get squashed let's see let's see oh maybe it's not as sad if it wasn't oh okay a lot of the enderman kind of looks similar okay look a little [Music] okay all right i'm getting beaten up the crystals those are the crystals they don't like the dragon look at that okay yeah they're pretty upset i'm trying i'm going i'm gone i'm gonna go together well nice nice wow there we go there we go is he gonna come down he's gonna come down come on come on down it's safe down here we promise no it's not he doesn't have to know lie to him like you lied to us okay guys guys guys guys what's your plan i have a plan here we go no fl that is not a good plan no i think this is a great plan okay thank you no i think this is oh not safe you keep making it really scary there we go all right go get em the ender dragon and the wither are gonna fight and it'll be great all right yeah they'll fight will lose oh my god look he's taking care of the enderman all that's so nice i think they're all coming after someone oh what did you do this is bad this is bad it's okay it's okay it's okay you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna what are you gonna do i'm gonna go up here and just uh have some more of my brilliant ideas get away from me oh my god all right have fun with your brilliant ideas we're gonna stay down here and die put it [Applause] arrows into his face but into his defense he deserved it guys get him get him get him arrows [Music] remind me why you brought the withering because we were trying to use him to kill the enderdragon we did it i'm so tired i'm so the weather's healing back up you know oh my god i love it i love it where are you going
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,641,055
Rating: 4.8328524 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau drawn by baby minecraft, minecraft drawn by baby, minecraft but, minecraft but our server is drawn, minecraft funny survival, minecraft funny moments, minecraft mods, minecraft funny mods, aphmau baby funny, aphmau funny moments, aphmau mod, aphmau draw, minecraft life, aphmau minecraft baby, aphmau bad minecraft, bad minecraft funny
Id: iNXna1_GNtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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