I Joined HEROBRINES SEED And You'll NEVER Believe What I SAW!

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herobrine in minecraft all right guys so literally today there was a study that just came out from minecraft at home.com where the world of herobrine minecraft seed has been found today i wanted to load up that seat of minecraft in the latest version to see if maybe there's a chance that we could find harold bryant or something even creepier all right without further ado let's go ahead and load up the world so as you guys know all this lore stuff is very crazy so there's a good chance i might miss something so just be sure to let me know down below in the comments first things first of course this is not the same world as it was back in alpha minecraft they must have updated a lot of stuff in this world this is a very interesting spawn point i i must say i gotta hand it to him this is crazy uh so really guys with this video i wanted to just i wanted to really explore the world to see if anything would happen if you guys really do like this video we can do another one where we where we spend 24 hours in this place which i don't know about you guys but that sounds freaking awesome now let's see real quick can i even find a tree anywhere near here like is there is there any wood i can chop oh my gosh the whole world's not loading why do i feel like i'm gonna fall through the earth i'm scared oh we have signs of a regular biome coming up please dude these mountains are freaking crazy bro oh my gosh this is actually insane [Music] all right let's just go ahead and mine this trip we're gonna grab all the basic resources that we obviously need here my whole goal for this entire video is to debunk the myth of herobrine to see if he's actually in this version or not i mean like there's been i there's been hundreds wait what what just did those leaves just get broken what yo that's a little weird bro that's a little bit sus okay as i was saying uh there's been so many rumors out there of like yes herobrine's real no herobrine's not real look we're just like a news reporter here that's all we're doing we're like the ghost hunters we're the ones that go out in the field to see if this is actually legit or not even if herobrine wasn't real i have a really good feeling that maybe this maybe the seat itself is cursed like what if there's something going on that mike that mojang or minecraft never even told us about and that's what this seat is i mean there's there's a chance that there's a chance that could be the case okay i got i got plenty of wood we should be fine next next thing is food i have probably spawned in the absolute worst place when it comes to trying to find food i literally nothing lives here see some squid down there but no fish dude gosh dang it oh yo what oh wait oh this is sick it's like a little mini mine shaft over here oh my gosh is there any chest down here i can oh i hear a skeleton okay yep yep yep we're not going to challenge that just yet oh god he's coming he's coming out he's coming out isn't he yeah he's totally coming out at the very least just let me get a sword in a pickaxe please okay oh i hear a pig there's a pig nearby piggy piggy come back piggy thank you you're gonna be my first source of food thank you so much pick up sorry i had to do it to him i see a chest i see a chest i see a chest i see a chest golden apple yo let's go that's a pretty rare find i'm not gonna lie i'm actually really happy about that skeleton you could just stay back there i don't want to mess with you ah now let's see here uh where does this lead i've actually never explored this before this oh there's another chest right there oh let's go oh there's some fish too i just want to grab all the resources that i need right now so so come night time we'll be set and we don't have to worry about grabbing food i know there's gonna be a million and one mobs out so i really just want to make sure we're good now i need you guys to leave a like on today's video okay it greatly supports the channel and it tells me that you guys really like these kinds of videos so please just go ahead and leave a like it would mean everything to me there was a chest here like four seconds ago and now there's a pig but hey i got bread though you know what did it break did the pig like stand on it it broke i mean i know pigs are heavy but i didn't think they were that heavy gusting all right well we have gotten uh some decent starter resources here we got some food let me just grab some stone tools and i just want to keep venturing off i really want to get out of this biome i just want to get a move on i really just want to get out of this biome i'm getting really eerie vibes i mean literally everything around us is a dead bush what if the dead bushes are a grave of the old players that used to wander this world oh my god okay yeah i really want to get out of here now oh wait what is this oh my gosh nice little mine shaft down there okay we might have to go and explore that all right let's go check this out real quick wait wait satisfying moment hold up yes oh my gosh i love it all right let's go down real quick we're gonna make this mining trip very quick guys i really don't want to spend a whole lot of time here let's grab some of this iron quick time quick time here we go nice it's looking a little bit dark and spooky down there i was not there that was not that was not that well how did that yo wait what that was a diamond a second goal that was literally a diamond what yo what all right guys yep that's confirmed there is something very off with this world if it's not herobrine it's something i don't know what yo that is creepy that is creepy bro did y'all like go back just like a couple seconds and just verify for me that that was actually diamonds and now it's gold again wait wait wait wait wait i need to go check it i need to go check it i don't always i also don't remember all the sand being here bro wait what this was literally not here a second ago did all the sand collapse or something yo what the actual heck is going on yo okay that's weird that's weird this is this is where i get all the heebie jeebies from bro this is so creepy okay we got some more iron everything is looking up so far oh god please no zombies stay away from me where's it like yo i saw the light and then i turned around and this all dropped bruh what where are these zombies coming from as well i literally don't even see them bro okay i just got pushed by the sand again okay all right you know what we're gonna get out of here we're gonna i do not like this at all i do not like this at all i feel like i'm gonna get suffocated by all this sand oh yeah y'all just saw that get placed you just saw that get placed i swear i literally just witnessed that it's getting covered up it's it's getting covered up i'm not getting locked in here i am not getting locked in here that's the last thing that's happened to me today no thank you no it's almost nice time to bro i said by nighttime i'd have a house and i don't even have no it's what no stop i'm literally getting blocked i'm literally getting locked in okay okay we're out we're out we're out oh no thanks no thanks i do not like that at all i was legitimately getting covered up how is it i i i met a bro how is any of this happening this literally makes no sense before i start freaking out too much i want to read i really want to evaluate everything i really want to evaluate everything that's going on there's literally a freaking charge creeper that just got ignited right there oh my god bro i said i was gonna have a house and i don't even have i don't even have anything near close to a house right now bro come on there's so many freaking skeletons no stay away stay away stay away stay away stay away oh my god a witch are you freaking serious bro these zombies aggro like 50 blocks away of course well we just got to keep moving i really don't want to be stuck here come on bro this is the last thing i really want dude this biome is massive how does this even make any sense what the where did this water come from bro oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god this is not looking too hot yo this is starting to sketch me out way too much i have no idea how this is even happening oh we got a desert bomb wait is that a snow bomb coming up yo just let me get out of here oh it is a snow biome i guess i gotta be careful what you wish for i'd rather i'd rather be in the snow than in a desert come on come on just let me get out of here let me just get out of here okay thank you very much thank you oh my gosh bro oh my gosh this new seat is so freaking weird i mean you spawn in the weirdest spot ever then you have this giant snow biome with lightning bro bro this is this is not cool i don't like this are you freaking serious bro i'm gonna stay away from you i don't want to mess with you there's floating snow somehow i thought they fixed those glitches back in the alpha days but apparently not oh my god bro i don't know what's going on i do not like this at all come on let's just keep moving oh i can barely see where i'm even going oh my gosh just get me out of here please no stay away from me no don't shoot me with a bow please oh can i find some sheep i just want to go to bed i just want to make this all be over with oh my gosh no no no let's keep going let's keep going please oh village village yes oh my god oh my god yes this is literally my saving grace hey this guy must be a canadian this guy totally must be hey hey villager is it cool if i sleep in your house he just he just he he just vanished okay you know what it's got to be cool i'm going to bed i am going to bed oh we did it we did it yes we made it oh my gosh thank you so much thank you so freaking much dude hello do you have anything in here nope you got a bed though so i'm gonna take the bed thank you very much any hay bales laying around there were there were potion particles right there and this is completely full of puzzle bro what i thought for a second maybe that was a traitor y'all i'm getting really sketched out i have not done a lore in such a long time and we come back to this this is really starting to freak me out bro i don't know if i want to keep doing these lures man these are way too sketchy uh what can i get rid of okay redstone redstone who just rang the bell who's doing this i i i genuinely think it's confirmed if there's no herobrine in this world okay fair fair play there definitely has to be but this seed is definitely haunted no doubt about it i mean bro this is all happening in front of our eyes literally literally i joined the world not even not even 15 minutes ago when all this is happening like this is all legitimately happening in front of us like i there's i don't know what else to say oh my gosh we got snowballs and more potatoes okay cool okay let's just keep on moving through the entire world so here's all the information that i've gathered so far number one seed that was posted on minecraft at home is not the same it's not the same world generated as it used to be that's fine but if there was any sort of haunted things going on in the original herobrine seed i mean it is confirmed that it's still ongoing we found another village bro what what what are the odds of that what are the freaking odds of that we started off now what's going on with you gollum why are you taking damage why are you taking damage what's you're literally not nothing's around you what see this started off very rough but now we're looking a little bit better thank goodness what is going on i keep hearing things break y'all i'm just gonna go quiet for like a couple seconds so you guys can listen to this because like me over talking might like hide the audio a bit but i literally keep hearing things break all around me oh we got some coal and bread let's go yo who's hitting the bell maybe there's a villager just doing that but like i don't understand why there's no raid going on right now so that literally makes no sense i don't even see the bell i don't even see the bell where is it bro what like what is happening something that that door just broke yo it was the door guys i don't know what to say about this this is so sketchy legitimately i am so freaked out right now i have no idea what's even going on let's real quick just explore this just to see if there's any extra materials that we can find inside uh oh a chest oh nice we got some iron that's cool we got 18 iron let's go oh my gosh bro i just like i keep saying the same thing i'm at a loss of freaking words okay let's go ahead and craft a boat here i'm gonna go we're gonna set on shore any second here but i want to grab us some extra okay okay you know what we're just going to go now we're just we're just going to go right now i do not want to stick around for any of this yeah can somebody explain this to me like genuinely can somebody explain this to me this makes like okay all right there goes my crafting table i literally like bro i i cannot explain this myself this world is one thousand one thousand one thousand percent guaranteed haunted like literally guaranteed haunted i would strictly advise anybody that wants to go through on this world to be extremely careful i mean this video is literally living proof that there is something going on the seat itself very weirdly generated there's actually things going on bro i don't even know what to say about this this is this is so weird oh my gosh okay if you guys want me to go on this scene with other youtubers maybe we bring action maybe we bring moose let me know down below in the comments because this could be totally something that we can all dive deep together and try and solve this whole mystery because i know they're all in for all this kind of crazy stuff too there was a name tag down here there was legitimately just a name tag oh all the tnt ignited what where did the team take night i legitimately saw a name tag bro what hold up we gotta go down we gotta go down bruh what uh what is happening right now quickly quickly quickly oh we got a saddle in case we find a horse nice nice nice no no no no no no no no no no no no any more blocks no no oh my gosh that was so close that was so close okay we're getting out of here all right it's confirmed i like i literally have no idea what else to say this this world is haunted it is haunted it is confirmed haunted there is something not right with this world whatsoever i think i'm gonna leave this here everybody if you want me to continue surviving this world maybe we can do a 24-hour challenge be sure to subscribe to my channel right now but of course guys i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video peace out
Channel: Shark
Views: 2,788,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, herobrine, herobrine minecraft, herobrine minecraft seed, i summoned herobrine, i summoned herobrine minecraft, herobrine summoned minecraft
Id: 96B4DMjEY40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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