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behind me i've got my bodyguards these are my iron golem i've heard that somebody is trying to come out war at my minecraft base and these golems are not going to cut it in today's minecraft video i'm sharing with you guys 12 modified golems that you can get in your minecraft world some of these golems include tnt golems glass golem leaf golems and so much more there's so much i gotta share with you guys in today's video so make sure you drop a like if you want modified gollums in your minecraft world but let's get into [Music] this ladies and gentlemen in front of me we have the runway of modified golems all of these golems i'm going to be showing you guys all have different features and all different abilities these things are not regular golems but first before we go ahead and start spawning these things we need to check out what is required first things first you're going to need to craft a golem spell the golem spell pretty much allows you to use all of these custom golems which i have already gone ahead and done next you're going to need a palm kit wait wait that's that's that's not a pumpkin yeah that's a golem head it is a custom modified golem head that you can use instead of pumpkins to spawn these golems and you might notice i do have a spawn egg in the right corner but we're gonna save that golem for the very last one of today's video if you can guess down below in the comments what golem that is i will give you a shout out in tomorrow's video first column up in today's video ladies and gentlemen is the redstone golem if i go ahead and grab the golem head and put them on top of the redstone blocks boom we now have a redstone golem now what's cool with this redstone golem is it actually emits redstone signals so if this golem is anywhere near redstone it's actually going to power certain things let's see if i oh look let's check this out okay boom we got a piston all because this golem is nearby every redstone thing is activated which i think is super cool look at this this is so cool you could use some really cool redstone contraptions with having a redstone golem i mean he can be like your bodyguard and if he notices any mobs walking by he'll walk over to a redstone and boom your traps are activated no mobs are getting in your base you're so cute little red golem hey if you think the red golem is cute i need you guys to leave a like on today's video look at him he's so adorable he's just minding his own business next up on our list here ladies and gents is the water malone got him who doesn't love watermelon i don't know about you but i love watermelon and peck if i can have a watermelon golem that is even 10 times better you sure know i'm spawning this in my world and spud in there he is dude he is so cute now the melon golem actually does a little bit of cute little deeds for the world other than looking like a melon all this golem really does is just plant flowers around the world so if you're looking for a nice little gallon to place some flowers all around your minecraft world this is the perfect one for you before you know it you'll have an empty slate world turning into a roseberry forest with this golem walking around you know what in a matter of fact to test that out i'm gonna spawn like five or six over here and we're gonna come back later to see what this looks like the next column we have guys is the leaf golem who would have guessed that there would have been a leaf golem in minecraft not me the leaf golem is super cute look at him he's just a little leafy look he could blend into the trees almost perfectly now this golem in particular promotes regeneration so if you happen to be anywhere near a battle or maybe you just got attacked by some mobs this little guy right here is gonna be providing some regeneration for you so you can be constantly healing as long as he's nearby and other than that he's just really cool you could literally see through his body i mean like how cool does that get now do be aware all of these golems have different attack strengths some are weaker some are stronger but we're going to test that out a little bit later the next column is our nether quartz column man i hate to tell you guys but huh wait wait what huh okay well thankfully i was just about to tell you guys that the nether quartz golem doesn't have any special abilities he just looks like nether quartz to replace our nether quartz column let's try and bring in a nether brick golem oh dude that's so cool another brick golem actually lights etc's nearby on fire so any any mobs are chasing you or anything like that boom they're instantly on fire so yeah don't try punching this golem he will light you on fire and it's not gonna be a pretty sight next up ladies and gents we have the light of our lives which is the glowstone golem you ever wanted a portable led light well here you go this guy is always emitting light for you he's like a walking he's like a walking torch or walking glowstone block that would probably he's a walking glowstone block so if i go time set night you'll notice right away look at him he's walking around and he's emitting light super cool dude like imagine you could have an entire castle full of these guys and no corner of your base is going to be dark i think this is super cool just for some light not only do they defend you but they also provide light the next column by far one of the coolest that i can't wait to share with you guys and that is the glass golem the glass golem is exactly what you expected he has a garland made of glass which i'm not gonna lie this is kind of terrifying it's like the golems wearing chainmail armor plus he's invisible like this is like if i saw this chasing at me i'm out of here dude that's terrifying unfortunately this golem doesn't do a whole lot doesn't have any special abilities he's more here just for decoration and flex that you have a golem made of glass but be wary he's made of glass so he doesn't have that much health one two three oh well for glass i mean that's yeah oh i dropped the rose i'm so sorry i didn't think you were gonna die all right what was i think it needs a glass collar let's see what have our melon golems been doing oh dude they've been planting flowers look at them they got some mushrooms here they've really been planted out here they're loving this grass area dude that is awesome and they're just like hello my name is gollum and i am planting flowers in your world please do not mind me i'm just doing my thing as i got them thank you it is so cute yes yes yes you guys saw the first row this is the most exciting row here that we have we got obsidian lapis gold emerald and diamond plus what is left inside of that chest so stay tuned to the end of the video first up ladies and gentlemen we have the obsidian golem this one is one of the most strongest golems you will ever meet now he doesn't have any other special abilities other than the fact that his health is extremely high if you think you're taking this guy out in five or six hits good luck dude you're gonna need to set another right enchanted with flame bows probably a lava pit trap a couple ender pearls some water notch apples before you even consider taking this guy i'm telling you he is like 40 iron golems in one now the next column is actually really unique it would really help you in battle this is the lapis golem and i honestly didn't expect this ability from a lapis golem but the lapis golem gives all entities a poisonous potion so if mobs are attacking you or if another player is attacking you or if you attack it you are going to get poison so be careful this combined with the obsidian golem combined with a redstone golem this is like the power trios right you have all three of those golems roaming your basement nobody is touching you it's super cool plus he's plus he's blue he looks just like my shark birds dude he looks so cool i like it a lot gold yes we have a golden golem guys the shiniest most brightest looking butterest looking buttermilk pancakes looking golems we have in the world boom this is the golden duh it looks so cool this is the biggest flex on any of your friends oh hey billy yeah guess what i just got yeah i got myself a golden golem [Music] you got an emerald golem [Music] dude come on you didn't have to try to win up me like that now before i show you guys the emerald golem the gold golem well he's got knockback resistance and well that's that's that's about it it's okay little guy we all still love you ladies and gentlemen this is the emerald golem boom look at this guy now i would love to tell you guys that he has a special ability unfortunately he's just got some extra health this guy doesn't do anything any different than a regular golem he just got more health than the average gollum out there and last but not least ladies and gentlemen on our tier list here this is the diamond block golem i said the gold golem was a flex no this golem is a flex if you have a diamond block golem i mean that is like insanity just like the emerald golem the diamond golem also doesn't have any special abilities aside from massive aside from massive health and massive attack damage he's just one big diamond tank that's pretty much what this guy is now these golems are all cool they're really awesome biggest question is well number one what is inside of that chest and number two how useful are these golems say if i myself were to attack one of them how would they actually work so before i attack these golems and probably die 40 times ladies and gentlemen the world's most strongest golem in the world if you commented this down below you are right and i will be sure to be giving one of you lucky people a shout out this is the bedrock gollum ladies and gentlemen in fact this golem you cannot craft of course bedrock is unattainable you can only spawn the bedrock golem through a spawn egg in creative mode once you spawn it there's no going back ladies and gentlemen this is the bedrock golem holy cow look at how cool this guy looks i mean this thing is insane the only way to de-spawn it is to right-click it again with the spawn egg you you can't kill it you you literally can't i mean like when i say you can't i mean like you literally can't he's indestructible you can't kill this golem you spot him once he's here forever like dude holy cow so we've summoned all these golems and boy do they look awesome but how do they actually work and how powerful are they let's find out so i went ahead and spawned in about 50 zombies right here we're gonna release these test subjects to see just exactly what these golems do all right my little zombie friends stop glitching through the wall and come out to your cage oh my gosh the obsidian glowstone and redstone golem are going in on these guys dude where's the bedrock golem dude i want to see what this guy can do oh my gosh the regular island golems also pulling away uh oh the bedrock golems here y'all better run there's no way you're killing that golem dude that like literally no player can kill that golem no matter how hard you try oh my gosh he's trying he can he's too thick he can't get to him he's too he's too heavy oh my gosh dude one hit kills for the win bro what the flip this is insanity like literally this is crazy ladies and gentlemen thank you guys so much for watching today's minecraft video of course if you guys did enjoy and you would love to see more golems like this in your minecraft world let me know by leaving a like and of course subscribe to my youtube channel right now for five years of good luck it's simple it's free it helps me out plus you get to watch some really cool videos from your boy shark make sure you guys go check out the merchandise link down below in the description and if you use code youtube just say five percent of your order thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys have a safe and fantastic question today and i'll catch you guys tomorrow brand new video take care i really hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to watch some more from me you see the end card that is right there all you got to do is click that or the playlist and you can watch a bunch of more videos from me go ahead make it i'm sure you'll enjoy they're really good videos actually okay we'll see you there
Channel: Shark
Views: 602,852
Rating: 4.9237056 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, modded, modded golems, modded minecraft, modded golem, iron golems, modded iron golems
Id: 0mauRd43ac0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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