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what's going on everybody welcome back to a brand new video today we're checking up my little brother to see how he's been doing over the holidays here i hope you guys had an incredible holiday season and all ready for the new year if you're ready for the new year be sure to click the big red subscribe button right now on my channel now listen guys this video is a banger a couple years back my little brother told me that his greatest fear was herobrine and now yes herobrine is a very scary person but what if i control my little brother as hero run all right guys i just joined the server here and i haven't been online in a couple of days actually looks like anthony's still working on his very unique looking house here anthony what's up how you doing did santa treat you well this year if santa treated you guys well i'll be sure to leave a like on today's video he says hello what are you doing he says how are you doing andrew you know i'm doing really good it's very cold outside but that's not stopping me from having a good time he says farming well yes obviously that's what you're doing you're farming do you have wood no but there's a tree literally right there and right there and all over here there's trees everywhere have you been working on your base his base didn't look like it changed a whole lot from last time all i know is this craziness that he got going on down here dude this is i will still stand by this this is the most ocd infuriating basement base i've ever seen in my life oh my gosh the last time we saw my little brother guys we actually caught him x-ray he completely left the server and i don't really want to call him out for it anymore i really don't want to bring that up in this video i just don't want this to stray away from what we're actually trying to do which is trolling this herobrine do you want feather sure i would love a feather thank you oh wow wow thank you thank you anthony for giving me these feathers this is this is beautiful uh i got a question for you he says what wow that's this sounds very odd okay he says okay um what's your biggest fear imagine he says like a potato oh gosh what's your biggest fear it it could be anything it could be a a shark he says harold brian i don't like harold brain what okay so that has confirmed my theory here that harold bride is still his number one fear oh yeah harold bryant is terrifying i agree with you he's the most scariest thing i've ever seen in my entire life he's very ugly and scary well i wouldn't say he's ugly you know what if harold brian is like a really nice person that all he wants to do is just make friends on minecraft but all of us just despise him and end up leaving our world because we get scared of him you just gave me a rotten poisonous potato is this my christmas gift because you never got me one anthony wow this is a yes wow thank you thank you so much anthony this means absolutely everything to me mwah thank you okay well uh i gotta go file some paperwork uh and do boring stuff i'll catch you soon i'll catch you soon anthony okay i gotta go like file paperworks and and and drink coffee and i don't know i really i don't actually have to do any of that but that's going to be my way i'm leaving he just he doesn't even say bye to me i feel like my little brother actually kind of hates me guys it is turning nighttime right now which is the perfect opportunity guys for me to pull this troll off let me hide behind this tree here if i go disguise now disguised as harold what is this herobrine has a christmas skin what is this nonsense oh gosh guys this isn't good i didn't know harold brown had a christmas skin i look like a cute hero bride like a kitten harold bride what is this dude if i saw that skin i would literally start laughing like i would i would not be able to be scared from herobrine if he was wearing a kitten onesie i don't think this is gonna stop our plans here to try and scare anthony guys but i don't want to give myself i don't want to give myself away right away let's see where exactly he's at he's not outside farming anymore he must have gone inside of his base ooh yes he's right outside of his base okay let's start small we're gonna start i'm gonna mess with all these trapdoors hello there's something outside anthony but you don't know what let me get let me get a turtle like hey take this turtle egg you noob there's a turtle here he says question mark shark nope not shark hair it's not shark oh he's coming outside wait what is he doing is he placing all of those turtle eggs what is he's just placing the turtle legs he's like oh is it easter already look at this guy oh my god she says hello nobody here but these chickens over here anyone there i i would say no i would literally be giving myself away because my name tag would show up let's just break this blocky oh anthony what could this be what could this be oh he's so scared he's getting sketched out now guys he's using dirt oh he sees there's a hole in the wall he's like what is that he says question mark question mark what oh my gosh guys this is perfect okay let's go back to spectator mode he's going down in the basement replace near 50 torch to redstone 31 blocks have been replaced let's replace all of them now listen i'm pretty sure anthony has watched a lot of heroin videos and minecraft videos in fact he probably watched all mine he should know that this is a clear indicator that something is going on around here he says redstone torch uh yeah you know just a redstone torch nothing about it we'll just undo it everything goes away what i see he said shark is that's you i can't respond because that obviously he'll know it's me let's just dial this up a notch shall we replace near 50 stone into bedrock no god 410 574 blocks have been replaced oh gosh this kind of this is gonna cause a mega lag oh everything down here is bedrock replace near 100 torch into redstone torch oh my gosh he's just standing here like huh uh he's got no idea what's going on out of everything he comments on lag what a dude he goes what what oh guys he's starting to freak out i think he's starting to realize what's going on he's looking right down here it's like he's waiting for something what if i did a lightning what if i did a lightning strike down here oh he saw that how about another one and another one and another one and another one shark can say you audio help there's no there's no helping over here anthony i can't do anything to help you oh he's blocking it off oh my gosh he's trying to block it off like that's gonna do something oh my gosh all right let's undo everything undo everything get it out of here why is there so much bedrock uh anthony you should know that when there's a lot of bedrock there's clearly something going on in the world look at that i don't know what you're talking about there's no bedrock it's all stone see it's all stone if this were you guys right now and you would be creeped out i need you guys to all leave a like on today's video i know i'd sure be creeped out guys i have packaging and we are shipping all of the shark merch orders right away you guys can save twenty percent on shark merch right now only available at so hurry quickly because everything is selling like hotcakes wait do you smell that oh i can't i'm gonna go get a hot cake now oh god okay what do you say we block off the entrance of his staircase here it'll lead nowhere if he tries mining through this he's literally gonna mine through his house he's gonna be so confused okay oh guys he's at the bottom of the staircase okay here we go here we go here we go he says what it's back oh help herobrine oh wait he already thinks it's herobrine dude what wait guys ready he's gonna mind through oh my gosh oh i gotta do more oh come on i gotta be quick i gotta be quick i gotta be quick go go go just spam blocks everywhere go spam blocks everywhere he says what is going on i i don't know anthony what's going on it's totally not it's totally like it's not me or anything you know it's it's not me doing any of this he says what happened to my house i don't i don't know he's literally mining through his house right now he's got no idea oh i gotta block that off gotta block that off there we go there we go we did it he's on the roof he's like what the heck this does not make any sense uh how is this happening why am i on the roof oh he's gonna jump down and of course he's gonna see this oh my gosh i think it is time to give him his first scare of the video we're gonna come out of creative mode here and now my name tag and my player looks just like herobrine what if we hang out oh he sees me he's looking right at me oh he looked right at me he's running away he just ran right behind the street he's like nah he says help all right no i i did not think he was he was that terrified of heroin dude what's going on oh he's running to the water you think water's gonna save you water into lava yeet replace near 50 water lava there we go 49 977 blocks have been replaced ah yes oh he was so close from dying he goes how'd you because you got shot what no that doesn't make any sense anthony you got it you got to go back to grammar school okay we're gonna undo it it's all going back to water take it away look at him he just glitched all the way to the bottom of the ocean spawn mob villager one let's just bring one villager here i feel like villagers are like a key resemblance to herobrine they're very i feel like for some reason villagers can be very scary although we all know they're not he says the trees are burning now you you know why anthony this language does not make any sense it's not it literally does not make any sense he says villagers question mark oh it's almost daytime let's set it back to night time here i think we need a little bit more time to mess with anthony it says no day oh wow you realized right away that i switched it dude he's like anthony's starting to get way better at this game all right we're gonna pop out of spectator mode right about here and let's just stay off in the distance and hope maybe he'll see us oh he's looking at us he says my house is haunted he's running guys he's running he sees us oh he's underwater where is he going where's he going oh he's digging down he's digging down what if herobrine's right here oh hello anthony where do you think you're going imagine harold bride right in front of you oh guys he's terrified he is so terrified he keeps looking back he keeps looking back oh anthony oh anthony he's got no idea i'm literally behind him this is so funny let's just uh do that oh he's running go get him go get him let's go let's go let's go come here anthony i see you holding that cooked chicken but harold brat's hungry and i want some cooked chicken come here come here right there hey come here oh dude look at this bed wars pro over here man he's starting to build like a madman oh would you look at that would you look at that oh are you trying to pull a dream are you pulling a dream he's mining down he says help you yo he's mine he's literally mining straight down guys i think i think my little brother might have actually just took a dump in his pants like i've never seen anthony this scared before we're gonna do the notorious harold brian troll you ready for this one let's just wait for him to realize that something's a little off here hi how's it going anthony oh yes he's terrified okay you know what i think this is a best idea to not reveal myself to anthony that i'm actually doing this leave your best comments down below it's how i should troll anthony's hair brian for the next video and the best ideas is going to get a shout out thank you guys for watching we'll catch you in a brand new video very soon my gosh dude this thing is huge okay now first i have to line this up so it actually looks believable because right now it doesn't look believable at all uh okay let's try this there we go oh wow that's still not good okay three more blocks down and this is gonna be perfect one two
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,269,119
Rating: 4.9203825 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, little brother, minecraft little brother, little brother minecraft, little brother in minecraft, minecraft herobrine, minecraft herobrine little brother, minecraft little brother minecraft
Id: _oETCiy0m4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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