Minecraft for Kids - How to Win! S2 E23

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hey everybody Phineas rage here this is minecraft for kids and today we're talking about how to win the game you're saying but Finn you already did a video on how to fight the under dragon in fact look here's the egg Finn it's right here that's right here I say that's true I did I did do that however today we're going to talk about how to do the entire thing from start to finish right how'd it go from your very first day to building a beautiful house to fighting the ender dragon and thereby technically winning the game now I say technically because minecraft is a sandbox game of endless adventure and and magical wonderfulness right and so really there's always more more minecraft to do right but technically if you beat the ender dragon you have won the game and then you keep playing because minecraft never ends right so today before we get that started we are going to go over here behind this house and there's a skeleton horse that has been trapped on this one block for basically almost forever well since I moved in over here and today we're gonna try to get him out of there I should have brought a shovel to dig my way around this first can I see if I even get on let's see yeah okay I I am on the horse that is good the horse the horse seems fine but your face is in the walls there though okay the horse seems okay with this maybe I can kind of put the saddle on right now oh well that was easy look okay well the horse doesn't have very many hip points at all oh my the horse is a very fragile horse alright let's put this very fragile horse over here in the stables with this less fragile horse named I don't know Pete yeah Pete okay I'll get you a nametag beat and you'll stay here and you can be bones and you can be Pete and we'll get a better name for you bones but for now you'll this Pete bones all right there we go in any case let's talk about how to win the game let's start with the very first day if you are lucky you will start in a nice place like this with trees and and animals and all that stuff around here and and rocks to get to so that's fantastic so first we're gonna get out of this tree down here and this is probably gonna hurt a little bit but you know whatever okay not so bad not so bad there so I turned on the bonus chest and I recommend doing this right it just saves you some time it saves you know minutes at a time which is great you know and some people might say oh it's too easy well you know it's fine if you want to spend five minutes gathering stuff that's that's up to you that's fine go right ahead any time I'm gonna grab this and do something else with those five minutes so once we have these things we need to get wool and we need to get food so we're gonna start on this sheep we take the ax here and puts on one hit if we do it with a critical hit so you jump up in the air out here coming down put star there you go you swing with the ax and what side there we go okay we have three wool now I hope yes we have three wool that's enough for a bed that's great we have enough wood for a crafting table and the first thing we want to do now or rather the next thing we want to do since we have some fish and we have an apple and some mutton meat and well I just just straight up mutton not mutton meat that's redundant but it's getting here and this we're gonna swim across this ocean to get that coal you can see over there and also some stones so we can get started making stone tools now that we're over here we are going to take this wooden pick and we are going to grab three pieces of stone only three because that's gonna save us some time or go into our crafting table here take one of these boom boom she's gonna put it down anywhere like this we're gonna get some more stone here we need eight more pieces of this to make a furnace and two more to make a sword which we want and we might also want to get some for an axe so we can get more wood which we'll need pretty soon let's see how we're doing here okay so we have ten that's enough for a furnace and a sword let's get three more that's for an axe and let's get three more for another stone pick just in case but this is great look at this this is or high up up here and maybe there's monsters up there but we can build a sort of an overhang if we dig into this wall right here a little bit this is pretty good look at this alright we make we make a little thing like this and then we'll do the same thing making a little 3x3 right in here and we take three wood like this and three will we got earlier make this boom we got a bed and pop it down there fantastic we can put this in here and with that and start that cooking Oh in fact I should have shown you something else you can do you can always take your old wood and pick you don't need put that in there too eventually that will burn up it's enough to burn one thing so so that's useful all right get some mutton fantastic plenty of food on our bar now we just need a door which we can make I'm using a bunch of this stuff here it would ok become would you become a door I really wish just make the recipe show up immediately boom door oh look it's a nice acacia wood door and there we go all right we got this we need to make some torches yeah we have torches right here okay fantastic and boom now we have a house and we can get the coal out of the ceiling fantastic now we've got that all set up so let's see real quick let's go get a sword alright so have a sword that's fantastic and we need to get iron hopefully before the Sun Goes Down or we can do that and get back home now we're homeless ok we'll deal with llamas later in the meantime let's see if we can find some iron oh this is cool it's probably there's iron down there however it might be a little dangerous to get down there maybe we can find iron closer to the ground now I'm a little high up to find iron here so I need to get a bit further down we're gonna go here into the woods this seems like a pretty good place oh look fantastic so if you can find a cave that goes down you can probably find some this isn't a cave at all alright but usually you'll find something like that around here let's see if we find a cave oh look there might be a cave okay this is a cave not too far from home let's put this here and we'll just remember that we came from over there alright great I should have put a torch behind my door all the iron fantastic so let's see we want to get down here carefully it's make a little staircase so we can grab some of this get some blocks on the bar we don't need those doors there you put that there fantastic and you're a little stairway now no monsters no monsters okay good and what's there we go no monsters no monsters okay oh but there's our dungeon oh my goodness what a fantastic well that's lucky we won't deal with that just yet we're gonna grab this iron we only need three to start but let's grab as much as we can while we're here keep looking out for monsters no see any yet I'll put down this torch I can take a quick look as I'm curious we don't need this today what do we have over here zombies all right cool well that's fantastic so we're not gonna worry about those because of dungeon like that is a lucky find alright and we're not gonna deal with that we're not gonna pretend rather we're going to pretend we didn't find it now we have iron we have coal we have food we have officially hit the end of the first part of the game this is the very beginning the Sun is about to go down we're gonna go home we have some food have tools and then in the morning which will be very soon because we have a bed all right we can go down into the ground and start looking for diamonds now that we have iron I have fast forwarded a little bit because this is all stuff that you do once you get iron and I have been creative right now because we're gonna do that for the rest of the video just to speed things along okay so once you have iron I recommend taking a little break and setting up a little situation like this build yourself a little house to whatever degree of fanciness or non-fan seeing as you desire and build yourself a little that thing over here for wheat and you want some cows and also the chickens are optional but I recommend getting some chickens this because they're easy to take care of okay so the wheat for making more cows the wheat seeds are making more chickens the cows are for beef and leather the leather along with this sugar cane over here makes paper and the leather and the paper become books which you will need later and of course this is great for making sugar which you can use in fancy treats and also in potions okay so first get this set up let's talk about the house for a moment now I just threw this together and creative I threw a bunch of bits and bobs on everything to give it detail and depth and I don't know if this is actually any good it kind of looks weird but stake a look what we can do alright this is a basic simple house with some decorations and flowers of a cactus growing over there I made this little guy I could have died the leather armor and made him even fancier but I did not I did not take the time and I'm not sure I will leave him here sometimes you come in the door you come in the door you're like okay hey nice house here you go oh hey sorry man oh it's not you're not real you're just a pumpkin headed thing okay great and we have a thing up here we have this bedroom this is pretty nice now the bookshelves serve no purpose other than to look pretty classy like oh look at all this fancy bookshelves you had very nice the chests are here for storage I've got stairs above them so you can still open them which is great there's nothing in any of these they're just just for show another bed up here just for you no respawning yay and there we go controlling the Sun in fact let's control the Sun right now while we're at it to brown now I also built a basement and this is perhaps the most important part this part right here these double doors once you have iron and stuff you don't have to spend too much time in capes because you're gonna dig a mind really all right so once you have a bunch of that stuff or before you do if you start you start digging down you dig staircases down here and I see go you're gonna get a lot of cobblestone which you're gonna make in the stairs right you're gonna grab a bunch of coal you're gonna find a bunch of iron you know kind of dig that out of the wall that'll be great as you go and so this is you don't have to go digging in caves Ryan because you'll find it as you go down these stairs okay now if you don't know about depth take a look at the the f3 key on a computer they're bland on the keyboard you see that second paragraph of text over there on the left or as X Y Z okay you want the middle number which is Y which is how high up or down you are in the world and you want to go down I think 213 is pretty good you can go down to 11 or 12 and those numbers but a lot of people like 13 and that's what I like cuz I'm 13 there are diamonds like first it's glam diamonds lots of diamonds over there and some gold and some of this stuff over here now here's some some good stuff to know about diamonds okay when you first find them before you have anything else make sure you have a get an iron pick we need an IR pick where you go you need at least an iron pick you could also use a gold pick if that's something you want to do for some reason just for funsies alright and what are you gonna do you need to get at least alright I'm in creative you need to get five diamonds okay let's pretend we got five diamonds once you have five diamonds think to yourself maybe I should go home where it's safer and take your five diamonds all the way back up here alright and we'll talk about why that is in a moment it occurs to me that while we're down here we might as well discuss branch mining right or just mining for diamonds there's many different ways to do this this is one way I like to do it and you know you can you can research this on your own and figure out what you want to do because there are advantages and disadvantages to all of them right so let's talk about the advantages here now we're on 13 okay which is great it means if we can see twelve that's thirteen fourteen and we can see fifteen as well so that's pretty great we can see a lot of areas where diamonds could be and so you go in here one two three four five to this once you have that you dig out three more either one you dig to say about one again back over here you do the same thing on this side and I dug out a bit there cuz I found stuff right and that's what you'll do you just keep repeating this pattern as you go digging like this and what that does is it shows you so many blocks right now there is a block you'll miss you won't see what this block is or the blocks like right in there necessarily okay but the good news is the good news is the Diamonds rarely spawn just one block you'd usually see at least part of the spawn right there so this is a pretty good way to do it it's pretty fast I enjoy it just keep doing it find diamonds and junk and again once you find diamonds take them home and you're gonna make some enchanting tables and diamond picks and all sorts of cool stuff like that pretty soon alright and you can take the gold if you want it leave the redstone for now you don't need it alright wait til you have a magic pick same thing with lapis lazuli you want to take a little bit of it if you find it take it home for enchanting but leave a bunch of it so you can come back when your fortune same thing with all the other diamonds like for instance I go all the way down to the end of this this thing over here and I think it's over is it here now I think it's over here yeah I found more diamonds but I'm gonna leave these here until I have a magic pick so I can get even more diamonds out of this right so patience patience my friends alright back home okay so we're back in the basement and we've got all these things here right and so we're gonna take three of these diamonds like that come why a man take two of these KaBlam there we go take our diamond pick and we're also going to want this bucket of water I'll show you why soon and we take the other two diamonds we're gonna put him in a box we're gonna put them where they're safe we're gonna leave them there we're not gonna take them with us because then if we die they're gone forever okay well maybe not but we'd have to go get them and if it's lava down there we don't to lose them and lava because we are going down to find obsidian that way of diamond we need four pieces of obsidian right now you could go and you could get all the obsidian you need for another portal - right which is at least ten I recommend twelve so you can make a nice you know 3x3 symmetrical one alright so let's see we want to find we want to find lava so we go down to about where we got 10 right now well 12 is better and we can see 12 so we're gonna go looking for a lot of it you gotta go to around 12 or so and you dig until you find it you just dig in a line and you'll eventually finally you hear it maybe in the walls get some iron on the way and it's dig towards it lapis is really sweet so we grab some of this for enchanting let's pretend we did alright you see that was right you see we got here we're like Oh zuly i listened oh my god there's a lot over there and there is this both water and lava so that's that's cool and this will be great for our purposes right so there might even be diamonds and stuffing that's pretty cool all right so we have the water the water is very important remember this all right put the water KaBlam like that water on source lava of course makes obsidian I forgot we need another bucket here we need just a basic empty bucket to reverse this because if we're in creative okay when you see how that works now let's get some torches let's get some torches down here - all right there we go torches BAM boom and remember when you're doing this you're gonna put torches not on the floor because the water you're using will will wash them away you want to put them up at least one block I just take a look around here okay this is pretty cool nice all right so let's let's not even bother with this what we're gonna do is we are going to start getting obsidian and the way to do that you need a diamond pick right and it's kind of very slow it's it's 13 seconds the diamond pick to figure obsidian so now we've got all the subsidy and what are we gonna do with it well we got to find a good safe way to dig it so I'm working on this over here alright you gotta find there we go boom put the water down before the lava flows in water next to flowing lava becomes cobblestone so now we've given this water and now we are safe okay if lava comes flowing out on us like God where am the water immediately pushes us forward and then it turns the lava into obsidian and we're gonna start digging away at it well that didn't work out I wanted to get back get back okay so that's still very dangerous so be very okay I'm still got to be careful remember lava carefully carefully carefully that's how we work with it alright so do that four times now that we have her obsidian we're gonna grab a bunch of this stuff I wall were out here and we're gonna go over to this area and get some leather from these guys and we're gonna come back over here with all those things and go back into our basement where our crafting table is situated along with all the other ingredients get down get down the ladder all the other ingredients that we need alright let's see what do we have in here and there goes and that and this and that and this okay and can we go over to our survival inventory yes and put all those things in there great even more than I need so let's go in here here's what we need to do we need to make a bunch of paper we have paper recipes maybe a Rio being materials paper okay so we want to make just a whole bunch of that that mmm it's a whole bunch of this here we go we make a bunch of those BAM then you need this you take these you put these around there and hey look at that looks lots of books books are important you take these down here let's see this goes there the four obsidian these are two diamonds we had from earlier that we were saving and it's book look at this an enchanting table which we need okay so this is we're moving up an hour we're getting even cooler stuff now let's see once we have that then we also need bookshelves which I believe look like this correct yes correct and you need see you need a whole bunch of these how many of these do you need I think I need 18 bookshelves I believe that's the correct number so I'm also going to need a place to put all that stuff I'm gonna just put kind of an addition in here where this lovely window is so here we are a quick little addition through some torches up there enough room to put all these bookshelves now as I put these here you should see see little magic notes there little magic notes coming from here okay so each one of these is putting out magic notes then go to this they power this then make the enchantments on it stronger ill see for instance put this here level 12 in Chapman that's not bad i but we want even better than that boom boom boom boom boom boom okay and now we get ya level 24 that's pretty good too so much okay pretty great let's put in a few more they might max at that but I think you asked you thirty I think that's the best we're ever gonna get but I want the rest anyway for just the way it looks that's pretty cool hoping a monster spawn up here would see you can they um block 12 now we're fine well it's daytime now we'll see how it works a if any monster spawn in here we'll deal with it at that point all right so now we have this at maximum power I've put an angle here which you remember for we can mix and chapman's and stuff and over here we'll keep all the lapis lazuli and stuff but we want to do once we have the enchanting table let's take our diamond pick hopefully I mean that would be pretty great and we don't want silk touch we want something else but let's you know we got its creative we can just get all sorts of stuff let's get some more diamond fix well this was lucky this was the first I got this and see for unbreaking 3 and silk touch that's pretty good what we want is fortune but silk touch can help in the beginning but we still unfortunate let's see if we can get that in creative in fact we this we can get a book we'll just get a book right oh there we go perfect fortune 3 efficiency for that's that's a really good diamond pink we don't need all these done that's a lot of time and picks that let see we don't need you let's get rid of you mmm and see you I don't need you will you wait we want wait no no where'd the good one go this is why fortune is important ok so here's all this diamond we have down here at the end this is eight blocks of diamond that's pretty great that's pretty great I think it's the best you can ever find so we're gonna go into survival to show this off okay here we go so what do we got we got this diamond pick with fortune on it right fortune three okay pretty good and we see here eight diamonds but because of fortune because these blocks they don't drop blocks of drop like items like diamonds or coal or redstone we're gonna use this and each time we break one of these will probably get more than one diamond so we break that oh good well we get that four diamonds already so we're gonna just wow this is nice dig through all these us is very good indeed Oh wonderful and what are we exit 25 diamonds 25 that's more than three times so what was here that's pretty great so that's why you want to wait until you get fortune before you start digging up all sorts of diamonds and redstone in geography cuz it does the same thing with coal and with redstone like all this redstone down here it's real quick just real quick cuz I get I get asked this a lot here's here's this other's trick works okay you take this you take it or torch good boy like that you take the item frame put it behind the torch see that's the torch that's the wall there you go and then in there you just put a slab and there you go now it looks pretty cool okay that's the trick okay umm to the nether so when I build another portal to go to the nether I like to go away from my house just a little bit you don't have to you can build it right in your house if you want here it doesn't really matter except remember that pink people's you know zombie pigments they they come running through the portal sometimes and that's fine they're not aggressive but you know sometimes there's in your house like oh hey I didn't I didn't invite you but no I guess you're here now okay so I went over here because this is amazing this spawned naturally look at this I built this little dirt bridge but it's not can this is floating in the air so whoa okay whoops I'm in creative doesn't matter right so I'll fly up there but I'm in this bridge like a block up there I'd make a better one later if I were in survival and we'll go up here and I think it's a good place to make another portal it's very cool how about in here all right great can we take you down let's just okay there we go so we're gonna take this let's go here one two three remember you can make this smaller if you want to middle click a block in creative memory and you get that block all right so let's put this here and you go there and I think you go here one two three and let's just put this here let's get some wood you can put that there and more Citian blam blam and now we have this which is really cool flint and steel KaBlam and the nether you you remember the nether and here we are in the nether you might notice this netherrack is a bit brighter that's because I don't like the way netherrack usually look so I made it a little bit brighter in my texture pack and I like it I like it a lot more okay so here we are in the nether once you hear it remember you want to take a bunch of let's see I think it's something like I usually use pumpkins I think jack-o'-lanterns right take those and just mark mark your path remember it when you're exploring yes what soon as you can't see the nether portal go back to where you could see the nether portal right and just place a couple of pumpkins down look at skip I am KaBlam and then you look at these and you're like okay if I see the faces I'm going the right way because like a welcome-home finn and i go through them like this and then i'm going the right direction okay so that you can just keep doing that you guys keep doing that and you're gonna look around for another fortress's oh I think that might be one over there let's see and what direction are we facing north and south okay so another fortresses were on north and south so once you find one you can turn east and west to find even more of them is that another one over there alright let's go over here and see what we can find now we're in creative mode so we don't have to worry too much oh no that's just lava create a moat we'd have to worry too much but what we're doing so we were gonna fly east and west but first we're gonna go back here and we are going to make a pathway so we don't forget where we're going because that would just be awful okay where there's another portal okay so let's say we were going over here then we would want to mark this we'd say okay if we're going this way come back over here like that okay and that's how we'll do it and we'll go looking in one direction like this much faster because we're in creative oh there we go that's another Fortis matter right there okay fantastic so now that we're here is a few things we need to get from the nether fortress I also changed the way this wood looks I made a little little darker let's go in here okay so hey guys how's it going oh wow look at these guys remember there's treasure chests in the fortress which is cool you want those things just for funsies you need to get a lot of nether wart we've done that before right you come in here you get the nether wart you're very careful of these guys because they're super dangerous and once you get some blaze rods right and blaze powder then you can make potions and eyes of ender and that's the most important part here's all the kids on another work great everybody get some soul sand too and you get this because you need that to plant the nether wart in so grab a bunch of this and a bunch of that and take that home with you alright maybe grab some of these so those are the most important things get another wart get soul sand for another word and find some pleases and get some blaze rods so you can start making stuff okay how do I got out of here remember this is important remember to mark your way even just one of these is fine not it not mark my way so now I'm lost now this is the point where it takes out kind of a long time you need lots of ender pearls in order to find the stronghold which by the way is the next step in what we're doing okay so you need a bunch of those which means you got to find a bunch of ender man's now which means you got a weights now you've seen videos on this I have ways to do this I like to build a sort of taunting tower right where I can say hey Enderman look at me and he can come running for me but he can't get to me because I'm under a thing all right and then I just hit him in the feet until eventually he gives me a ender pearls and so we have an entire video on that so we're not even we have two videos on that so we're not gonna bother going over that today but that's what you need to do a lot of that for a long time until you get a whole bunch of ender pearls and use that with blaze powder and you're gonna make some eyes Avengers let's let's go over that now that we are home we take our blaze rods there and make some place powder let's make a bunch of let's make a whole bunch alright here we go come KaBlam there we go we got all of that I'm gonna take these we're gonna take a bunch of the under pearls we have here make a bunch more eyes of ender right this is the important thing we're gonna use these to go find the stronghold now I was very clever and I built my house very close to where Irish spawned in and the reason I did this is because the first stronghold you find is probably going to be a about a thousand blocks away from where you first spawned in okay so we've we've done this as well but it's kind of do it really quickly we've got the eyes of ender we made and we're gonna throw it in the air there you go goes that direction I'm gonna fly because we're in creative make it faster and that means we have to go in that direction so let's let's go flying this way now if I were in create a survival rather I'd probably travel this way for a while get up on top of one of these trees so I could you know see more clearly where it's gonna go and see if it still goes in that direction it does okay and so we're gonna keep traveling that direction and every now and then I want to get up on top of something and throw it again and see see if I need to change course all right and then we'll triangulate the position of the stronghold okay it finally turned around and it looks to be maybe it's somewhere here in this jungle which would be great news yeah that's going back here somewhere okay so now this is the triangulation we know from this point it's there we know from over there at that point it's going in this direction so let's try from over here and see if we can kind of figure out where exactly that is all right and huzzah okay good okay somewhere around here then well this is very good news okay we're gonna keep doing this we're flying to make this much easier for the purposes of demonstration ah that we're good yep okay so it's still going around here I think we're gonna try this we're gonna go right down we're gonna dig straight down what's that and see what we can find get down there all right there we are we went way down we're about I'm forty-five get these out of the way now be careful with these remember if if you are actually in survival and you see these instructions dig one of these and it's taking a little longer than you expect it's not a real block it's a silver fish and so don't take that block and dig around that block all right here we are in the stronghold so we've done a lot of videos on strongholds we know what to do here so here you're gonna find the end portal in order to find the end portal quickly we're gonna use spectator mode if you don't know how that works you say game / game mode 3 okay and now you can move through stuff whoa look at that and you can see all the stuff under there alright now remember if you're actually playing a survival this this isn't as right because then you know where everything is and you don't know yeah we're like oh I know where everything is now but let's try to find the end portal so we can demonstrate wow so we can demonstrate what's going on let's see where where might it be okay we found it so this is where let me land your brand this is how it looks every time or usually find it you're walking along oh yes this this doorway looks familiar you see this there will be silverfish here there's always much lava here so that's be careful that come might be silverfish in there too right and now there's really no reason to keep the silverfish thing around some people have found obscure uses for the silverfish spawner but they're kind of really irritating he jumping out of you and knocking you back those lava here blocks keep falling apart it's it's pure chaos right so yeah boom usually breaks out of parts would I do and of course we've seen this alright we're gonna fill this all with this business here and now I didn't I've haven't done it yet more Mele what I would do is use all the enchanting oh nice and the potions alright which again are pretty optional but you probably want regeneration potions now which we're talking about soon and was a jump through here now this is interesting I'm glad that this this happened this way because this is one of the worst situations you can have okay so I've spawned out here on the subsidy and platform which you always spawn on an obsidian platform so you won't just fall down into the the uncaring void out there in the end because that's that just you keep falling alright so usually though it's connected to the world here sometimes it's not right I've seen one sometimes where it so it's like over there oh man and then ender dragons out there and he's like hey I'm gonna come over there and hit you you're like wait no no no I don't have enough floor to stand on if you hit me I'll go flying off into the uncaring void and then of course that's what you do and that's very sad so that's always too bad so that's another reason why it's good to have a whole bunch of ender pearls with you let's see do we have under pearls down here where they are and think of a bunch of on girls so you want even more under pearls with you when you come through so if you come through like oh no I'm trapped you're let's throw that up there and see where you go oh great good job now we're up here okay so we've done the whole video on this and took me a long time and I I didn't do it very well they're gonna be a very long time to get rid of the ender dragon but today we'll just demonstrate what we're gonna do right so these crystals are very important let's see if we get a bow of some kind well you know it we're in creative let's do it so normally you get a bow you sit down there and you start shooting up at the hello wonder dragon shoot at these BAM and they blow up remember they will blow you up if you are too close so do not get too close and these ones are the more difficult ones you got to find ways to climb up here right and dig through this a little bit and then back up and hit that with an arrow so it doesn't blow you up and you're flying over that way right now here's once you got all that the ender dragons gonna fly around okay she's gonna fly around she's gonna breathe fire at you which is not nice by the way and then every now and then I'm just gonna swoop down here and land on this thing and when she does you come over here you run around behind her and you start hitting her feet oh my god take this take this and try not to beat you close to the wings try not to be in front of her and you know kind of off to the back here of the side and you can jump up and down and do critical hits and you've seen the video it's very loud in that video so I'm sorry about that okay so this is that's how you do it or once you've done that this whole thing will open up how am I gonna do this so in order to do this I'm gonna try to actually just see if I can just fight the ender dragon look brick I'm gonna go into a survival mode so she comes down here more often hopefully I'll show you the cool trick I just went into creative I grabbed a bunch of armor because you know whatever and I've got this cool sword with sharpness 5 on it which is basically as good as it gets okay so also I'm gonna show you this cool trick I can do let's deal with this first hello notice I have this pumpkin I'm gonna put this on my head like this okay that's important and it looks kind of funny like this right but here it's going to go into survival game-mode 0 okay there we go and with the pumpkin on her head we can't see as well but we can look directly at Enderman and there you don't get mad okay that's going and they don't see us so like a pumpkin person we don't care pumpkin people look at us so this is what you do over here very loud very loud and you just you just do the hater in the feet ha feet there we go hip against there we go okay there we go almost there takes a very long time okay so let's get away from this remember it's gonna be huge thing up there I don't know if that hurts but I don't want to be there for it anyway there we go that's cool-looking right nice there we got a bunch of experience which is super important there we go and of course remember the the portal to the rest of the end opens up in fact they let's take this off now let's take this off we go remember this the portal to the rest of the end opens up and that's where you find n cities and a lighter and I've already done a cool video on that and since it's not really part of winning the game that's not something we actually have to do Hey look at that we won the game I totally forgot about that that's what we came here to do wasn't it to win the game okay so now that we've done that now let's go back into creative because we need to get some cool stuff all right we need specifically a piston and just bring the stuff with you next time you go and bring some blocks you need you can be blocks and we need a lever where's the lever just activate this because if you if you try to collect the dragon egg it just kind of pops off into nothingness and I think I think it can technically fall into here I don't know if that's still true it could at one point maybe they fixed that word just can't fall under there but we don't want that to happen right so we want to be very careful I build up all this lamp lamp and bland and blam okay now we got that we build this here umm piston what's that facing that way and say I think we need can you go there and you go there and come where we push it and then it becomes a small thing and we can pick it up okay great and we we did it once let's get through here this should take us back to our bed Oh after you read this this is the ending thing it's kind of this existential interesting introspection about the fourth wall and the fourth dimension and stuff so if you're interested in that just need to take a look otherwise you hit escape and you get out of that I've read it once already that's really all you need to do okay so there we go we did it team we did it we're home we won the game I didn't talk about potions and I probably should at length but I also feel like potions are there entirely own episode and as you saw I didn't even have potions there I just had magic eye diamond armor wood you can get by getting Diamond said I had a magic sword and it's kind of took my time as camp KaBlam good way it's actually the ender dragon fight is actually pretty boring once you know how to do it okay that's that's how you do it folks you start there over there and you end over here in the end and of course it's ending cities and a light for to do all sorts of stuff like ocean monuments and whither to do but we've we've done videos on all of those and so hopefully now you know how to win the game if you did not know before and if you have any ideas about how I could win the game even better or more quickly just you know let me know or if you're like Finn this is amazing also just let me know either way all right always glad to talk to you see you all in the next episode bye bye
Channel: Phineas Rage - Family Friendly Minecraft
Views: 10,454,580
Rating: 4.1830106 out of 5
Keywords: phineas rage, minecraft for kids, for kids, family friendly, kid safe, clean language, no bad words, no swearing, no cursing, no cussing, no foul language, funny, tutorial, how to, minecraft, ender dragon, stronghold
Id: 1If_T91yAK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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