Eep and the Lucky Blocks + More | Mother Goose Club: Minecraft

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[Music] hi brothers Club today I found this lucky block meadow isn't it cool yeah lucky blocks are super fun come on let's go and open a couple so I don't know if you guys have played with lucky blocks before but they're so much fun there are these yellow blots with question marks on them that you hit and break open and random stuff comes out sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be really bad so we're gonna open a bunch and see what happens all right let's start with this one right here oh look I got a bunch of leather armor that's pretty neat let's see what this one does oh man a couple saddles alright alright that's pretty cool stuff I wish I had a horse to ride it though Oh where's Peter the pony when you need him let's see oh man I guess I should have thrown the the gold into the wishing well but I fell in instead oh look you know there's a beacon oh oh oh the fishing will gave me all of these diamonds and emeralds that's awesome Wow ah I guess you can get some really lucky things in these lucky blocks okay let's open this or next oh do you guys like cats I love cats they're so fun to pet oh all my little friends here okay oh let's up in this block now awesome gold armor that's awesome you know I'm gonna put the boots on as soon as the light gold boots ah let's check this one out all the little kitties are meowing oh oh oh that's so oh oh that's awesome it's like a rainbow tower that was so cool okay okay let's see what this 100 meter got me well I guess that block was pretty unlucky all the cute kitties carnac oh I'm sorry kitty cat oh man okay well good thing I put on that armor oh you know let's let's uh let's put on the leggings too just in case I get hit by another creeper let's see let's open this one Oh Oh some chest oh that's so cool let's see what's inside let's open this one oh there's nothing in that chest Oh or this one oh well oh my gosh EP let's open up this lucky block by the grey sheep Oh pull some more armor awesome let's put on the iron leggings instead of those there we go let's see oh hi villager oh he can give me some some cool stuff if I give him some diamonds well I don't need anything man yes let's try this one oh we got some mob heads that's pretty cool alright let's see let's open this guy oh oh cool a bunch of or some warts and Oh some nether quartz - that's awesome Oh Oh the lucky potion oh let's let's drink it and see what happens let's see whoa it gave me a bunch of extra hearts isn't that cool check it out kitties oh oh they're all so cute let's see oh and I'm super speedy look how fast I can run that's awesome whoa oh this iron block need a kind of scary voice well I'm doing okay so let's open this one oh what a bunch of horses - look this one's a skeleton and that's a zombie horse I I know I didn't tame any of these but maybe I can put a saddle on one of them and ride them around oh I guess not well maybe if I get some apples I could tame some of these horses and donkeys let's see let's open this one next that's pretty cool wow look at all the cool stuff I got from the lucky potion oh that's awesome oh oh I got a bunch of TNT okay I'm gonna save that for later let's see what's in here Oh a bunch of enchantment books that's pretty cool my inventory is kind of full well let's get rid of some of these blocks here I don't really need any other courts Oh kitties you're so loud oh sorry villager you bought in the way of me getting this lucky block I'm sorry oh we've got a cool looking uh bow here but I'm thinkin that let's see one is lucky one is not okay okay let's open this one oh cool oh that's awesome let's get rid of one of these saddles so I can pick that up let's see oh it's another start well since its here let's open the unlucky one oh oh no oh man I can't get out oh maybe I can break this open oh good thing I got that lucky potion oh man maybe I can dig my way out oh it's so crowded oh man this is rough boy happen oh I should have totally gotten an ax that shovel from the villager oh that's my fault oh man oh I'm gonna burn I gotta get out of here oh these these bars are so hard to break well I've got some time kiddies why aren't you helping me oh man kiddies that's not very nice okay I'm almost there I almost got this one bar oh okay let's get this other one I should be able to get out oh come on oh I don't think I'm gonna make it I might not make it you guys I think I might die Oh oh dear geez help Keizo oh man I've only got one heart left I don't think I'm gonna make it uh uh well that's all right I'll just respond and hey kiddies why didn't you help me get out of that lava pit that's not very nice oh okay cool so the beacons over then oh look at all my horse friends are still here well I guess that was a really unlucky block with all that lava huh well I still have all my stuff so let's uh let's open some more and hope some good things happen hmm let's go for this one let's see oh well there's your problem well oh it's a bit oh I can't remember what it's called bedrock yeah well I can't break that rock and some diamonds too let's see I've got a bunch of horse donkeys and and I'll bet you're all cheese now let's go open some more lucky blocks wolfies let's go let's open this one well cool another beacon that's pretty neat we'll put it right there uh let's see oh we've got a few more here now let's open this one Oh some more armor oh oh look it was a gold block that's pretty cool oh hi guys oh so many doggies okay let's see what's in this one oh oh oh wow whoa that's so cool it's like a little temple okay let's open more Oh Bob I don't stop that Bob that really hurt oh no oh man oh boy I wish I had a weapon a fight Bob with oh look Oh get him get him oh man what's crazy that that zombies name is Bob and look he has he's just like me that's so funny take him down wolfy you guys got oh ah I guess all those lucky blocks really came in handy you guys distract Bob while I put on some more armor let's see let's put on this lucky helmet and we'll put on this chainmail chest plate there we go oh man thanks guys you took care of Bob oh you guys are the best doggies ever okay let's see Oh oh man Oh looks like we got another wishing well I wonder if I throw this in oh man that TNT got me good oh I exploded huh well I just responded we're doing okay I hope that uh my wolfies are doing all right well they seem to be doing fine Oh looking up bunch of that I'm still here so let's open a few more and see what happens oh boy oh wow it's a big hole in the ground let's open that block oh look a sword that would have come in handy fighting Bob earlier okay will feet come on I'm sorry I know it was scary let's uh oh that's a cold block not a lucky block Wow Oh bunch of XP that's awesome let's collect all these well I came like eight levels that's so cool Wow let's see there we go I have the sword how you doing wolfy good good oh it's okay there we go Oh a puffer fish I don't need a puffer fish let's see if I can reach that lucky block oh it's a little high up maybe I'll get it later oh this this hole in the ground is making a little difficult Oh another beacon we've already seen one of those though oh finish oh that's so cool but I'm not hungry so I don't need any fish see Oh another lucky villager hey there and to you too Oh out well let's see let's use some of this dirt to build up so I can open that lucky block there and see what happens let's see there we go that's that should be close enough oh oh just exploded that one got me oh man that worked so hard to get to that one that's the thing about lucky blocks there are a lot of fun but you never know what you're gonna get oh let's see do I see any more over here no there's a one right there and I think there's one left over there so we'll open those last two and see what's inside let's get my lucky sahrin just in case and oh it's a chess oh it's got some horse armor some bread and weed some music disc that's pretty cool but I really want to see what this last one is oh man I hope I hope it's really cool we got some really cool stuff today though oh it's a bunch of potatoes that's pretty cool i really like potatoes but sad let's pick some up and i have some to eat let's see here oh I picked up some dirt instead I can't eat dirt that's a key let's see a potato oh come on now let's get rid of this dandelion there we go a potato oh that's awesome you can make so many things with potatoes well I guess it's all the lucky blocks in this meadow uh it was so much fun opening all of these lucky blocks you guys let's see let's take off all of this armor and yeah I guess now that I have all of this stuff I can go on up bring a bunch of you back to the clubhouse and see if any of my friends want to use it thanks so much for opening all these lucky blocks with me guys I had so much fun but I really should go see you next time crafts bye [Music] hi everybody I'm eat the mouse from the club today I'm on old MacDonald's farm you see the King's birthday is today so I'm gonna make him a cake and I've come to old MacDonald's farm to get all the gradients come on oh the K is one of my closest friends and I'm so excited it's his birthday today so Old MacDonald is letting me up you some of his uh ingredients on his farm to make the cake so let's see what he has in this chest here Wow so to bake cake you need milk eggs sugar and wheat and it looks like in this uh this chest here we only have sugar hmm but oh we've got some buckets here I can use those to get some milk so we'll grab those too and that should be enough so we've got the sugar and I've got some buckets but we don't have any eggs wheat or milk yet so let's go out and see if we can find some places to get all those let's see oh so this must be where Old MacDonald keeps all his chickens Wow that is that is a lot of chickens in there well there's already some things out here that's out let's walk around and grab as many eggs as we can without opening the the chicken coop cuz there's a lot in there and I don't want any of them to escape or get out I don't think Old MacDonald would like that very much at all so let's see oh yeah look I managed to get about 16 eggs and then three eggs this is so many but this will be plenty to me okay so we've got eggs and we've got sugar and we've got these empty buckets now the buckets are forgetting milk but I won't see any cows around here so let's go over the bridge and see if we can find any Calais oh man but I love birthdays so much the balloons and the presents and all the fun you get to have it at a birthday party sometimes you can dance or play and play hide and seek and oh look okay we found the cows cows are so cute and they're so funny to make Oh Moo oh can you understand me mr. cow Moo I was saying hello okay so we're gonna milk this cow all right so we got some milk let's fill up all of the buckets we'll put some more milk here and some here awesome so we've got three buckets of milk a bunch of sugar a lot of eggs now all we need left is the meat yes sweet so unusually Old MacDonald has all his crops growing on the other side of the barn so we'll go and check that out and see yeah hopefully he has some some wheat that's fully grown over there oh yeah but I love baking it's so much fun I bake with my friends all the time we like to bake cakes and brownies cupcakes sometimes cookies too all cookies are the best so all MacDonald has some pumpkins growing oh look and a watermelon just finished crying that's cool but that's ugly this is we this is what we need so I'm gonna harvest some of this wheat here let's see and then we'll harvest up the rest of this row okay oh cool so we've got five bunches of we we've got some seeds which I don't need I'll just plant them while I'm here I'm sure Old MacDonald won't mind Oh he'll probably be thankful there we go so I have some four seeds left oh there's some room here I'll plant some and there you go old McDonald I'll tell him I did that later I'm sure he'll be very excited so we've got a bunch of wheat a bunch of eggs some milk and sugar that's just what we need to bake a cake so let's go over to this crafting table and I'll show you how to make a cake so first you take the milk and you put it in a row up at the top here and you take an egg and you put it in the middle then you take the sugar and you put it on either side of the egg and then you take the wheat and you put it at the bottom and there you go you just made a cake oh this cake looks so tasty oh man well since that's all I needed to use I'm gonna put the rest of the ingredients I didn't use back in this uh this chest for Old MacDonald I'm sure I'll be really excited oh hey there we go and now I've got the Kings birthday cake now the Kings party is happening at the castle and it's a surprise he doesn't know about it yet so I'm gonna get it on Peter the pony and ride over to the castle okay Peter let's get going okay let's uh there we go oh yeah let's go Peter now let's be careful let's get out of your pen I know it's a little scary but I think we can jump over the fence if not I can break it open but I don't think Old MacDonald would like that come on Peter there we go okay we'll leave that open and head out to the castle to the castles this way all over the bridge and past all of the cows and down over this way oh there's even more cows over here oh that's pretty cool old McDonald has so many animals so let's head out we're heading off to the castle look we're almost there I can see via the castle out in the distance come on Peter let's hurry we don't want to be late and we want to make sure this cake is still warm when we get there oh no there's a bunch of slimes though oh we're gonna have to fight our way through the take that and that and take off at you little slimes oh it's so much fun to fight while riding on a horse come on Peter let's get these big ones up ahead take that you little fun and uh this big ones gotta go take that he hurt me take that you medium-sized fine take that and that oh yeah awesome oh there's a few more over here be careful villagers take that and take that and this one in then Simon and 7s oh yeah now there's only small ones it shouldn't be too hard take all this and take that and sir mumbles you're here you're here oh you've come to help thank you sir mumbles thank you well let's hurry and get to the party oh man I hope the king isn't there yet oh all right Cole became isn't here yet come on Peter I get settled we're gonna have so much fun oh and movies here hey wolfy how are you come on inside we can party okay okay um so we'll set up the cake right up here so right yeah Oh perfect and it's floating oh that's so cool the Kings gonna love it all right all right okay come on sir mumbles get in here villagers Peter stay right there the king is gonna be here at any moment okay oh he's gonna be so surprised oh so excited no no we'll see you can't eat the cake that's for the king wait hold your horses happy birthday surprise oh you can't believe you remembered it was my birthday thank you thank you I did not expect this at all oh well come on your majesty come this way we have something to show you we made you a cake it's made of old MacDonald's ingredients from its farm so it's baked nice and fresh oh wow it smells so good my royal nostrils are tingling it smells so good and it's my favorite flavor - vanilla and cherry oh I just gotta take a boy oh you see no not yet we haven't sung happy birthday to you yet oh I almost forgot yeah yeah so get ready everyone okay happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday your majesty happy birthday oh thank you a thank you no problem your maxy now come on heat up try the cake oh oh if it's delicious it's so tasty here have a slice oh of course of course let's try a bit I mean yum yum yum oh it was so good sir moles have a bit it's delicious the cake oh man oh thank you all for coming out and celebrating the King's birthday with me we're all so excited you can make it well I better go hey everybody I'll eat the mouse pretty mother Goose club today I'm exploring this cool swamp check it out it's gotta all these cool waters and this waterfall and some lily pads and check out all the the plants around everything is a lot greener than where I've seen it before like look those trees are dark green and they have violence growing off then it's really really hot out here but I'm having so much fun exploring I've seen so many cool things like look sheep and there's a big a cavern up there and all these violins and oh what's that behind the tree there it looks like it's a house there's like a house on top of this lake it's just floating out there and it's kind of bridge leading to it that's so cool well it's gone check to see if anybody's home oh man I wish I lived at a house in such a cool spot Wow look at cavern you can see right through to the other side that's awesome let's see what's inside hello hello anybody home hello oh I guess this place might be abandoned an abandoned swamp house that's cool oh look at all these pretty flowers oh that's so neat check it out they've got some cool friends and a chest oh look how much cool stuff is in this chest a bunch of enchanting books oh I'm gonna take a few if no one lives here I might as well uh salvage some of the stuff on a clock and a compass oh I'm definitely gonna grab the diamond sword look at all these potions ah let's take a bunch let's see let's add this one this one looks pretty cool let's see that one and this one let's grab this one and uh let's grab some more books yeah yeah yeah that's good that's good that should be plenty oh man well I wonder if there's anything in this chest oh no nothing there oh cool some crafting blocks let's see what's upstairs man this place is super cool I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to live here let's see oh oh man there's some more potions here let's grab a couple let's see let's see let's go let's check the bedroom over here let's see what's in here hmm Oh another chest whoa check it out there's some armor in here like some horse armor all Peter will love that huh I've never seen emerald armor before let's let's grab it and check it out oh that's so cool and what kind of a black iron sword that's awesome well they aren't following whew man that abandoned building went on attacking me that's pretty mean help all that really hurt well I seem to be safe here they aren't following me so let's check it let's check out all the cool stuff I got maybe we can see what some of those potions do oh yeah look at all the cool stuff I got here a bunch of books and hey it's probably from the potion that that witch throw at me oh that's gotta be it oh no this is terrible oh man maybe maybe my colors aren't really gone maybe maybe that wasn't a potion maybe just a some some paint yeah some gray or black and white paint maybe that's what it is well maybe I can just wash it off yeah yeah I'll go swimming in the swamp and see if that gets rid of some of this yeah gray pain I bet it's great pain yeah I'm sure that's what it is so let's see I'm swimming uh what so let's go under the waterfall and see if uh that can wash away some of my paint oh let's see right in here oh boy huh okay let's uh let's check and see if I got rid of all this gray oh I don't like the color gray not at all I guess it's not painting it must you must really need some sort of spell or a cursor effects from a potion but the private that--which do this to me that's not nice at all that's really really mean oh well well maybe oh no what if what if that house wasn't abandoned at all what if what if it was that which is home what if that's where she lived and and I uh I barged right in there without even waiting oh no I bet that's what it was she was probably mad I was taking all of her stuff oh that's not very nice of me at all but I didn't do it on purpose it was an accident a complete misunderstanding although I'm gonna go back and talk to that witch and maybe maybe she'll forgive me I'll give her back all the things I took yeah yeah that's what I'll do and maybe she can help me get my colors back oh wow oh it's such a cool house - I can't believe I thought it was abandoned hello sending wonderful hello Oh oh there you are miss wish miss witch I've come back to apologize you've come back to apologize yes yes miss which I shouldn't have taken all your things about that without asking I'm sorry please please take them back here here take some of these books here I'm really so so sorry here I'll give you back everything I took I didn't know this house was yours I thought it was abandoned huh well if you eat I'm glad you came back and apologized it was the right thing to do here take this potion uh it will give you back your colors really oh thank you so much miss witch I understand that you'd be mad and uh uh but thank you so much for being wanna to care my color problem okay well I'm gonna drink this potion right here all my colors are bad potions are so cool all thanks again miss witch I really appreciate your kindness oh this will never happen again don't worry I'm gonna put some of your stuff back now in this chest oh and uh yeah I live not too far from here you're welcome to come and visit anytime you want maybe we could have brew some cool potions together or play or a bunch of other stuff it could be so much fun yeah oh I'm really sorry this happened but I'm glad I met you miss witch I'm really I'm really glad here let me give you back some of this stuff since uh it belongs upstairs and um I'm really sorry about this again I really am but I'm gonna give you all your stuff back here and this and this and that this and then lastly the horse armor oh thank you so much in here um I don't want to take your class bottles you can have that too you can use it for more of your potions well I had so much fun playing with you guys today and I'm meeting my new witch friend well uh come back for more minecraft soon
Channel: Mother Goose Club Let's Play
Views: 3,705,109
Rating: 4.2606254 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft, eep the mouse, mod, Mother Goose Club, Mothergooseclub, Sockeyemedia, Mother Goose Club Playhouse, Mother Goose, lets play, Minecraft lets play, gameplay, Minecraft gameplay, traugmacsev, RWU, SAR, JUAR, LTR, Driving in My Car, Dinosaur Stomp, Freight Train, Rocking Robot, Peek A Boo, Peek-a-boo, The Bunny Hop, Rainbow Rainbow, Clap Your Hands, ABC Song, ABC Song with Eep the Mouse, lucky blocks, tnt, explosion, mystery, surprise, lucky, blocks
Id: EXpWNa4e_FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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