Minecraft for Kids - Tutorial - How to Protect Your Base Ep 002

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welcome back everyone this is the next episode in minecraft for kids last episode we talked about how to make your first base and that's what this is my very first base and this episode we're going to talk about how to do some basic monster proofing of your base right so it's daytime now there's no monsters right now so that's nice however remember when it gets dark when there's enough darkness that's when when monsters come out and there's a few different types of monsters and we're going to talk about them more later but right now we're going to talk mostly about creepers now creepers are the green monsters you see walking around and you probably found out if they get too close to you they explode and if you're near your house when they explode they rack up your house and that's no fun so so how do we deal with that how do we protect ourselves from creepers well first thing you need to do is make sure that you get a lot of wood and a lot of stone so i've got a bunch of wood here and some planks i don't have any stone so i'm gonna go get some of that now you don't need stone but it looks cooler if you have stone so i'm gonna go get some stone so i have a stone pick right here uh so that's nice i'm gonna go over this way and i'm going to get a bunch of stone now remember last episode i said oh here's a cave over here well it turns out it's a very small cave it doesn't actually go go where i want it to go so so that's too bad i'm going to take some wood here put this here all right so i'm going to make a tiny little bridge just just cross here dude you can you can swim but it's faster when you walk on water so notice this just it doesn't go anywhere right so oh it's cold there that's cool so what i'm going to do is i'm going to spend some time grabbing this coal first off because that's always fun but then i'm going to get a lot of stone all right and that's going to take me some time so i'm not going to show you all that i'm going to cut away and when i come back i'll have gotten a bunch of stone like this okay we'll be right back okay so i got a bunch of stone i'm gonna get some more but first let's examine here we go look there's a creeper see him now the sun is up the creepers don't go away when the sun comes up they they have to kind of wander off if they can see you or they're near you they'll stay around so you can see he's swimming towards me so here's here's how to fight a creeper real quick if a creeper is too close to you for too long it explodes right so we're going to dash hit them knock them back we back up we back up a lot we back up fast we run around we let him come to us we're gonna go we're gonna knock him back again we're gonna back up get over here keep running we're almost there we knock him back some more oh okay well he he blew up so that's that's fighting creepers that is dangerous so you know you want to uh not have to do that too often right so look they made this huge hole right here that's because dirt is very soft dirt blows up very easily other things are harder to blow up but we'll deal with that later in the meantime it's going to pick up this dirt that he left here not going to let it all go to waste um hello mr cow how are you and we're going to get back over here i'm going to keep mining stones i want i want a lot more actually so we'll be right back okay so you see i got a bunch of that stone it's kind of dark back there all right so some monsters could actually appear there it's dark enough so i'm going to put a torch right about right about there and that'll light it up so monsters won't appear here later uh maybe i'm gonna move this one i'm gonna move this one over here okay so in any case um that's all actually this is i'm leaving this is dangerous so i got a bunch of stone and two things happened while i got all that stone uh notice see i have 64 there and 35 64 is the largest number of things you can have in one space in one stack so 64 stone uh here look at this bar down here right it's almost all the way gone see this one is greenish this is kind of a little red dot at the bottom this means the stone the stone uh pick here is about to break so that's just how we know someday soon we'll need to make another stone pick now so we had that happen um we also look at this this down here this is the hunger bar we were working so we got hungry okay since we're hungry we're not going to heal these hearts back if we get hurt so we need we need food so we're going to eat some steak and look at that okay now we're not very hungry anymore so so that's good okay so we ate we we have some beef that's good oh man there's a lot of cows look at there's a lot of cows so we're gonna go get some more beef right now um later we're gonna grow food so we don't have to get it from cows uh but right now we need some we need some beef so there we go we'll get some more beef uh some cow okay i'm not gonna not gonna take all the cows we'll need them later and we'll deal with that in future episodes how to get more cows okay so i'll throw this in there cook that now while that is cooking i'm going to take a lot of my stuff i don't need right now i'm going to put it i'm going to put it right here in this box with the gunpowder that comes from from creepers put these things away i don't need those we'll deal with all those things later and what they are but for right now let's just let's deal with with the basics so we're going to need to make another tool right we're going to make some sticks because we're going to make shovels now remember how to make sticks right like this okay so two sticks like that most all tools almost all tools start like this two sticks and it's one piece of stone see how it looks like a shovel yeah we get a shovel okay so we're gonna dig so we wanna make our house safe right and it's always tricky minecraft is a game where you always have to be at least a little bit careful right keeps you on your toes that way can't get can't get careless all right so we want to protect our house so the first thing you want to do take a shovel you want to pick a size like i'm going to make it small so i can demonstrate but i'm going to dig a ditch a trench around my house so you want the trench to be to be a block wide right but you want to be two blocks deep okay and the reason for this is because monsters can jump one block like you but they can't jump two blocks also like you right so they once they're here they can't get out of this okay so that's cool you think to yourself like well they can't get out um so that's good you wanna make an entire trench like this all the way around your house so i'm gonna do that right now it's gonna dig through this see uh see where we are now oh we're way far around okay i don't need to go that that much okay we're gonna we're gonna keep digging let's see how many blocks i want to go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven that's it's 12 13 14 15 16 17. that should be good so here's 17 blocks i'll mark that there all right so 17 and we're going to dig straight till we hit that so let's uh let's get here is that 17 am i lined up with that i think so all right here we go start digging so last but stones we're gonna use this with a stone pick this picks almost about to break let's let's check so here we go do we have two blocks yeah this looks two blocks high it should be as tall as you are all right so there we are okay we're doing pretty well so some more to dig this shovel is almost used up you see see how it's almost almost used up there so we may have to build another one soon so let's let's mark where we want to be we'll line up with that we line up with this and okay so we want that sound good all right let's do that all right now we're lined up we're gonna go this way oops okay i'm gonna make another shovel i'm gonna get right back to this okay that's that's plenty deep enough uh and now you say oh no and then how do i how do i get out what do i do oh no it's too it's too deep i can't jump out of this don't worry you have plenty of dirt because you've been digging so put a dirt block down jump up and you're like what oh no now monsters can get down there and jump up there what what am i gonna do don't worry you're very smart you're gonna dig this there you go and you're going to leave that dirt there you don't need dirt there's plenty of dirt you can always have more dirt let's take a look around um i'm going to take that down all right so we have we have a pretty good trench there all right it goes all the way around around our base um and then i'm going to clean it up a little bit i think you know that's cooler if it looks like that just because you know i like it better so there we are okay great good job good job us we've done a great job so that's that's our trench right now this is this is not very pretty yet and that's okay it doesn't look great but right now we're doing the fastest the fastest monster proving we can do okay uh so and remember the easiest way to deal with monsters so when the sun goes down go to bed right away so there'll be far fewer chance for monsters to come out in the dark right but you know we don't always want to go to bed right away so we'll make sure we do this so we build a trench all right step one that's good right so monsters will try to come over to us if they see us they'll walk here they'll fall into this and they can't get out okay that's great and skeletons and zombies when the sun comes out they'll catch on fire and they'll go away the creepers won't right so let's be careful not to walk too close to this or also see us in the blow up okay so here we go let's get in bed almost bedtime and then we'll talk about the next steps to make this even safer all right let's get in bed here oh uh oh sun's not down yet sun almost almost down look at the sunset huh beautiful beautiful sunset right almost see the stars coming out okay let's try it now this is probably there we go so i said last time that a day is 20 minutes a day in minecraft is actually about 10 minutes same thing as the night so look at that i went to bed right away do we see any monsters no no monsters okay so that's step one and we have a trench that's step two now that's great so you have creepers will fall in here and they won't get to you so zombies and and and skeletons but spiders can still still get across this okay and spiders can climb up the wall because they're spiders so that's that's no good what are we gonna do about that okay well there's a solution that's why i went and got all this stone okay there's a lot of it and you know what i'm probably going to run out but i've got all this dirt now too so so that'll work fine all right so i'm going to i'm going to even out this edge a little bit because that's how i like to do it um all right i'm even that bro oh nope nope don't want to do that that was that was wrong don't wanna okay put some look at that i almost almost broke the entire thing i was doing all right so good we're back we'll leave that as it is so let's talk about what we do this stone so we're going to make a wall okay around the entire property make a wall there's going to be two blocks high so first i'm going to lay the foundation of the wall all the way around okay keep doing this dude okay there's our first layer i'm gonna keep going around hmm is that enough jump over here that's not not quite enough let's see how it looks on the outside yeah it's not not quite what we want um this this might actually be close i'm going to jump up there all right i'll keep i'm use dirt it's not going to be the best looking thing but i'm going to i'm going to do it let's see i want to get up on the wall for this next part because this uh this requires to be up on the wall so we're almost done with this part see it takes a little bit of time but it's going to be so worth it because you know creepers and spiders won't get to you okay so here we are on the wall see this now spiders can still climb up this all right so what are we going to do well there's a trick to it now see this this is one block everything in minecraft is about blocks right this is one block this is two blocks this is how big we are we are one block wide and two blocks tall okay so keep that in mind now spiders on the other hand are one block high but two blocks wide okay see that like this okay that's how big spiders are so they can climb but what that means is we're gonna make spaces that they can't fit through okay so now here's here's a key thing okay you can crouch okay i'm hitting the shift key to do that on the xbox you're gonna click in the right stick here i'll show you i'll show you what it looks like okay see me there boom i'm crouching i'm crouched if i can stay crouching i can't fall off the edge of stuff look at that so yeah i can't fall off the edge so it looks like i'm standing on nothing but i'm actually clinging to the very edge of that block see that okay so that's good all right so we're going to do that we're going to crouch so we can lean out over the edge and we're going to put a lip along this so spiders can't can't get up it right and we're going to do to save resources we're gonna do it like this so spiders can climb up but they'll get stuck and they'll be able to go through this so we're gonna do that all the way around all the way around the base and uh i'll cut back to it when we've when we've done that look at this see this would have done here spider can get up that right so boom another one just like that just just in case that happens make sure there's it's always at least a one block gap there or no more than a one block gap okay we did it that's our wall so this this wall is spider proof they cannot get inside this all right and the good news is when creepers get trapped on there they can't see you so so you're safe all right you're safe inside this area so so that's good now remember we could we could build it like this with no gaps right because spiders still can't get through here because they hit their head on the underside and they can't come around okay we just left a gap because it saves us resources so we have not that we need to save dirt but now we still have plenty of dirt left over okay great so that's cool now we're in here and you're asking yourself well well wait a minute now i'm trapped in here how am i going to get out of this this is not very helpful i'm safe but i can't leave well don't worry there's a solution for that so let's talk about some further steps we take to make this a little bit safer so inside this right we want to make sure it doesn't get dark on top of the wall or else monsters will spawn on top of the wall and walk inside so we don't do that so we put torches down and you know you can you can put torches down and whatever makes you feel the safest but really if you put them about 10 blocks away from each other in straight lines that's pretty good all right but if you've seen any spots look pretty dark at night just put a torch there all right so let's just i'm gonna go like this i like to put down a lot of torches because i like to be sure that there are no monsters because i don't want monsters in my base nor do you i'm betting i bet you don't actually want them in there either okay so here's the other thing we have to do we have to put torches on top of our house this happens all the time people forget to put torches up here and what happens is a creeper appears up here at night and in the morning you walk out of your house you're like oh what a beautiful morning oh i'm walking out of my house it's so lovely and the sun is up and it creepers up here and you're like this is nice it drops on top he was like bloom the bluey and then you know wrecks up your entire door and this and and you're really hurt and then you're mad so we don't want that so we're not gonna we're gonna avoid that i'm gonna put a lot of torches down here boom now you can put torches on the wall okay and that's great and it looks nice uh but you get the best light spread if you put them on the floor so it's best to put torches on the floor still if you want to make it you know look better you can put them on the wall just you need a few more torches this is probably fine i feel better alright see you there one more okay see this now this this isn't necessarily the best looking thing and later on we can fix this and make it look much better but right now we're just trying to do the fastest easiest things we can okay so here we go here's your wall you got spiders can't get up this that's nice okay actually maybe spiders might be able to jump over this let's take this without one more square that feels better there we go i'm just you know just in case i might be wrong but i like to be sure okay that's better so for spider proof wall we have light on top of our wall so monsters won't spawn on top of it with a torch on top of our house which is very important so monsters don't spawn there they have light inside this okay that's good but still you say how do i get out well okay you could jump right you could jump across this and you get over there that'd be pretty easy right but then how would you get back inside well don't worry kids i have a solution for that so the sun is going down so we're gonna we're gonna get some sleep real quick as the first step in monster prevention is going to bed when the sun goes down so step one sun's almost down let's see can i go to bed now yes there we go let's see the sun isn't even entirely down yet see that okay so you can go to bed pretty early and that keeps monsters away okay so that's good now you're saying how do i get out well i can't jump up here well don't worry there is a solution for this as well so you're going to make a little little staircase like this one block so you can jump up so that's pretty great okay sounds good now how do we get across this well here's the answer to that okay we make another dirt block like this and go one more dirt block like this and i've got all this other dirt now we're going to make we're going to make sure we're going to make sure no spiders get through this either right okay so that's so that's good now we're like oh i can't i can't get down there what am i going to do all right well this is where ladders come in ladders are very important so look at this i have wood a lot of wood i'm going to make a bunch more wood i want all of that to be wood i'm going to go here and i need to make a lot of this into sticks all right so we're gonna we're gonna make we're gonna make these into sticks boom i have 20 sticks now that's that should be plenty all right select the 20 sticks and i arrange them like so see this see what kind of looks like a ladder boom and it makes three ladders and that's all i need right now are three ladders okay so we've got ladders i've got the dirt this should be this should be pretty spider proof right like they can't climb up anything there i feel good about that i'm gonna drop down boom here we are i'm gonna make bam okay remember spiders can spiders can totally get up that so we're gonna make another lip around it there we go and now they can't get there and take the ladders like this and put one two three look at that let's walk forward towards it and we go right up the ladder just like we're walking normally and we climb down the ladder i'm not the ladder now be careful walking down ladders you're like oh let's walk down there whoa boom and you've missed the ladder and you fall so when you want to go down ladders just you know kind of be careful and there you go ladders all right so you practice that you'll get better at that so there we go look at this here's our house totally safe we got a trench monsters will fall in there you know spiders aren't going to get up there or maybe not here let's this again i just like to be safe so i'm gonna i'm gonna dig this oh wait now monsters can get out that's fine monsters can get out this way that's okay you don't want them to get into your house that's all you want then not to get into your house you know what i'm being silly this is this has got to be fine oh no wait it's not it's not fine spiders can get up this all right let me dig some more we're gonna dig some more sorry kids sorry a lot of digging so we should have made the initial wall a little bit taller but i forgot i made a mistake but there you go it's minecraft it's easier to fix mistakes so i just you know dug a little bit more around i'm gonna keep digging here just a little bit more just to make sure there's no way a spider can get up there look at that now again monsters can get out of this this way but they can't get in that way so that's good we're gonna run all the way around find our ladder go up look at that and now boom stairway and we're in and there you go put a torch right there and that now you have it now your house should be safe from monsters you can go in you can go out monsters uh monsters can't climb oh wait ha look at this there we go now it's safe for monsters monsters can't climb ladders so somebody absolutely sure they can't climb ladders there we go monsters can't climb ladders so we are safe there you go guys home again home again jiggity jig safe in our house
Channel: Phineas Rage - Family Friendly Minecraft
Views: 2,000,812
Rating: 4.2788081 out of 5
Keywords: MFK02, Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Role-playing Video Game (Media Genre), minecraft for kids, family friendly, tutorial, how to, base defense
Id: nbKaWHIY0jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2013
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