Building Our Own Island with Ronald / Minecraft Realm

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- Hey guys, this is Karina. Today we're back inside Minecraft today, We're gonna play Ronald's Realm because I think it's pretty cool, and we found our own island, which is actually kinda sweet and we're gonna make this our private island, which is kinda cool so, we're just burning down the tree's, cause they're gonna be um, a distraction. - And um, I am gonna be now, keep on recording my realm, cause I miss playing it. - Yeah, I miss it too. So um, I'm gonna just burn all this down, all right! - I'm making it flat, here - Oh Yeah, I was gonna do that too I was gonna. So I think about this flat, right here! - Why so flat? - Because.. - We could reach the cave, ya know! - Then we'll just cover it up. - Ahhh, Aw, I hate when that happens! - Aw yeah, I hate it when it rains, don't like it. - AH DA DA DA DA - All right, this is going well, seriously! All right I'm gonna grab this - Seriously, what do you mean seriously? - Do that, and gotta break it, just like that! Or it doesn't have to be that flat! - Yeah, exactly! Wow, I thought someone was in the game, but that was just a dog! (Karina laughs) - That, that's, that's kinda funny! - DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA - Wait, did you end up in the cave? - No I didn't! - Then what is that? - That's my digging! I'm an expert at it, am I right? - Wow, you digged a lot! I need to get my.. - All right I'm gonna do it like that. - I need to get my pillar. - Ah, kinda like Sarah's, so we could get to everywhere nicely, I guess? (laughing) - We can actually make stairs. Like this! Slab! - No! No! Okay, so, all right. - So, what we need to do. - Is break one more layer, just one more. - Like this? Just break this? Lets just break this. - Oh, there's um, business still going on, just gonna break that! - Oh! everything fell! - Oh wow! (laughs) That's all I can say! Wow! - Squid! I'm shooting the squid over! - All right, so what kinda house you wanna make? - Um, it's a Quartz and a Purpur. - I think, um.. - Yeah, Karina! They match! - Okay! - Do the blocks that match! - Okay, sure! All right, so, um, we need quartz. - And a dark oak wood door. - And we need um, - We got a one head kill horde sword. - Purpur, Purpur, Purpur, there we go! - Killed. - There we go! - Killed! I got a lot of squids near our house! - Yeah, that's not gonna look very pretty, all right, I'm gonna grab my sword, um, it's this one! - That's why I'm killing them! - All right I need um, - You know what I need? - Night Vision - Wait, why are you? Oh yeah, I need that too! I was gonna ask for a Night Vision! - I can barely see under water still! - How? - I don't know? - Wait, you can not see at all! - I can still see squids perfectly! - All right, oh, there's a bunch over here! - Not when your not close to them. - Over here! There we go! All right, I think that's good enough Ronald! All right now lets start building a house. - There's a squid right there, we don't want that! Look, straight through the water! - I know! That's so cool! All right! - So, what we do. - Is break this layer. - Really? - What? Sometimes you gotta break the layers! - Okay. Break the layers. - All right, gonna do that! And then I'm gonna do... That! - And then I'm gonna do that! - There we go! Just gonna break all that, and then we're gonna start the house soon! And we can have our own farm too, and maybe, even a tree farm, cause we broke all the trees. So, be all flatter! Look, see how flat we made it already! - Well, that's gonna be after we build the house! - Yeah that's gonna be after we built the house! - Oh look, we have our own flat land! - Yeah, kinda cool! - So, this is how we roll in our place okay! - All right, so, front doors gonna be here! All right, I need um, - Just like this! I'm already getting into it! - Yeah me too! I think! - Probably not! - Um. - Ah, that's bad! I did something bad! Not my fault! It's the clickers fault! - It's not mine either! - We need glass too! - Is that look good? - Sure, once I look, I'm gonna know. We can still use barriers, right? Aw yeah, we can use barriers! - Yeah, for kinda like windows! - Wait, really? - Yeah! - Okay, then I'm gonna use my barrier for this window here! Barrier! It's like.. - Wait, Oh we have to look at it for a little, then its gonna like turn invisible. - If you hold out your barrier, You see if it's a barrier. - Okay. - Then when I take it out it disappears slowly. - Slowly! - There you go! - All right, gonna do that! There we go! This is cool! I like this house! It's in a nice shape! It's getting lots of exercise! (laughing) - That just randomly came out of your mouth! - It's getting lots of exercise! We don't need the house too big actually! - Yeah, but we need it really nice! (Ronald sighs) - All right, now I'm gonna build it over here, no, there! - Wow, that's so big Karina! Why is it raining so much times? - I don't know, I seriously don't know! - Oh no, I broke that by accident! And there! Okay, there we go! So, I'm just gonna, Oops! There we go! (laughing) - Karina, you know what's going to be funny? - What? - There's gonna be windows at the bathroom. - No! don't put windows in the bathroom! - But, the bathrooms gonna be right here. - No! Put it like somewhere in the middle of the house. Not there! - Okay. - There we go! That's finished! It's looking pretty sweet! If you do say so myself! - It's "If I do say so myself." Look at that! - Oo oo... - Pretty! - Stylish! - Stylish! - There we go! I'm just fixing that up, there we go! - All right, so now, what do we need to do? I'm gonna bring this, this way. - We're gonna have a big roof here! - Aw, you know how to build like a beast now! - I always did. - All right, it's about here, that we need to do that. There we go! - There we go. - Oh, nope, I dropped that by accident! - Okay! - There we go! - Building is not really actionable. - Yeah, but soon we'll get to the actionable stuff, not just this stuff, we're gonna be adding the rooms and the bedrooms. Which is gonna be awesome! So stay till the end. - Or you better skip ahead to the end. (laughing) - No! Don't do it! - No! - Watch the entire video! Wow! This house is good! All right, ya ain't finish the roof yet, huh? Huh? Huh? - I'm not working on the roof now! That's how I build quick! - Rude! Just rude! - What's rude about that? - Oh no! I dropped that! - Wait, you messed up a bit here! - I did? - Yeah! - How dare I! - I thought you were gonna say how dare you! And that wouldn't make sense! I'm telling you, you messed up, okay! That's the good thing, okay! Okay! - Really? - Yeah! - You're strange human being? - What! You're a strange human being! - I said it first, You can't copy me! So, - But, I have a mouth for a reason! - Okay! Whatever! I think this house is looking great! - Yeah, and most of it is because of me! - No? You got the idea of blocks but, nope. - Yeah, you were like. Hm, On the blocks. And see its a good idea! - Didn't really like it. Still don't like it that much. - Wow! You just said, "look at this house." - No! Just in the style, not in the blocks! See what I mean? See what I did there? You see? - No! I just see that you're picking your nose all the time! - You're so disgusting, Ronald! Ronald, are you gonna build the um, barriers yet? The windows? - Not yet! - Ah, no! I dropped it! All right, there we go! - Look a that! - And then we gotta do that! And then.. - In Minecraft you can not see your self, In first person. You can not look down at your legs. - Yeah, but that would be a great update. All right! Looking snazzy! Not too snazzy! I don't know what Snazzy means? Is it bad or is it good? Who knows? - Not too snazzy, that means its okay! Snazzy means bad. Look! A little hangout up here. We can make a ladder. - No! A ladder won't look nice. Maybe in the inside! We'll have some kind of staircase! - Hangout! Put like barriers here! I hate when that happens! - Me too, I don't like it when it rains. - Karina, you don't know that there's barriers there? Do you know that there's barriers there? - I do not know if there's barriers anywhere! - There is barriers there! - Well, thank you for telling me. I can't go! I can't go through! - Its the barriers! - Help! Let me out! I made it out! (laughing) - Okay! - All right, now we need to continue on. That's gonna be the roof or slash ceiling. Right? Okay! I'll let you do that, cause it seems very complicated. I'll do the floor! What's the floor gonna be? Purpur pillars like this? - Karina, doing a roof is not complicated? We're gonna have a nice chimney. - Are you gonna make um, webs for the, smoke, fake smoke too look good? - Yeah, but that's gonna be at the end. I'm just saying we're gonna have a nice chimney. - Yeah! We're gonna, gonna! - Stay tuned! - For some more awesomeness! All right Ronald, um, do you have any plans of excitement? Cause I am a little bit bored. - What do you mean bored? - Don't call me bored! - This is a strange human being! I've never lived with this human before! - You've lived with me for your entire life! - But you weren't strange then. But now you are. - This is so strange. - My roof seems really complicated! Now I just said that my roofs are not complicated? Look how complicated it is to build in thirty seconds! - Wow! Pretty complicated and you're gonna have to cover the entire place. So, I don't know how you're gonna do that? - Simply, and you're gonna be amazed! You're gonna be so amazed! how simple it is. - No I won't! Guess what? I won't! (laughing) - What if you are? What if you are? - No! Never! - But how do you know.. - Okay, Ronald! Do you have any um, ideas? For excitement? - Stay tuned! - No, no, seriously I mean it. Do you have any ideas for excitement? - Is to stay tuned! (laughing) - Okay, that's not very funny anymore. - It wasn't funny ever. - Yeah! Exactly! - I was acting cool! - Well, that's rude? I don't even know if that's rude or not? - Its not! Oh no! - Almost finished the floors, looking really good! - I'm one of the dumbest idiots in the world. - Why? - Cause, for here I did slabs not blocks. And now... the block goes flying the slab. - We can just put something on top of it! - Yeah, but I'm gonna have to do two laps of slabs. - So? - Is that bad or what? - No? All right! - Wow! Bomb! - That's not amazing at all! - Look Karina, look how I did it! - That's not amazing? That's normal. - But slabs connect, when there's two slabs on top of each other! - No that's fair. Both of them are a fifty, fifty chance. So, Yeah! I declare this as my bedroom. - Aw yeah right! - Oh yeah! Just watch me declare it! My bedroom! - I'm simply gonna slash kill ya! - No don't do it! - But game rules on. - It would be very mean of you! - Okay! - No! Don't no! No! What if I spawn point you? - Don't do it, Ronald! No! No! No! - I'm spawn pointing you! - Okay good! No! I don't like this! - Wait! Oh! I killed myself! (coughing) That was a dumb idiots life! - Oh well, too bad. - That's a dumb idiots life! - Too bad. (laughing) - I'm not gonna slash kill ya! Unless I get over to ya! - No! - It says can O, M, G, is not a real name! and that is true. - I'm not real? - No, just whatever. - What? - Your fake name. - No! - Boom! - No! - Yeah! - I do not like that! - What if I do it another time. You're not declaring this anymore! Or I will do it another time! - No! No! Ronald, don't do it! Don't do it! - Then don't declare! - Then I'll fake declare! It's fake Ronald, it's fake! Ronald, stop! I really mean it now! - But, what if I do not want too. - Then you're gonna have to pay the price. - Then you're gonna have to pay the.. Pfft! What! - I said, you're gonna have to pay the price! - What is the price? - The price... Is... Simply... - How much money? - Just too... Fifty dollars! It's fifty dollars! Its fifty! - Okay, why not? - Really? You really would do it? Okay! Whatever! So, here's my bed and then here's my chest. - Hey, you're not declaring it ya know! - Okay! Declared my room! - Wait, that's tiny, I'm gonna have a bigger room then this! - I know! Me too! - This is the bathroom then! - Okay, fine! This is the bathroom. - Karina, Look! - Yes, I see you got (mumbles) in your hair! I can't pick that up! - Take, or it'll disappear! - That's money! (laughing) - Money in the air like you just do not care! - Are you raining it on me? On my face? (laughing) - Money! Money! (laughing) Circling! Some of it's actually going in the water! How much? That's a lot of Emerald! - I need are.. - All of those be must Emerald! - Cauldron! - What if I give you.. What if a totem comes falling down? - Cal! How do you spell cauldron, couldron? - Boom! Make it in! Boom! Yeah made it in. definitly! - How do you spell cauldron? Cauldron? Cauldron! I can just find one here, right? - Money in the air like you.. - Ronald! - Oh! I was actually meant to..No, but for real I was meant to clear the weather, cause I thought that was the previous command I did. Look! Look! Free cheers for Karina! - Nah. - Sitting on the toilet! - Gimme, gimme, gimme all that! All right, so we need this room.. We need a cauldron! - And an anvil! I actually need that. - That is weird! - I'm gonna play some games with you, Karina. (laughing) No! Don't look! - Where do you find cauldron? How do you spell cauldron? - I don't know? Write a 'C'. - C. - And you'll find it. - It will take forever. But its worth it. Just for a toilet. (laughing) Hm.. Huh.. Huh.. Where's the cauldron? Oh! Cauldron! How could I not know that? All right I need.. - Karina! You want your ticket? - My ticket? - Look! Wait! You have a skull on your head? - I know, I'm evil! - Pick it up! Free cheers for Karina! (laughing) - Really? Free cheers for Karina, are you serious? - Free cheers for Karina! - Free cheers for Karina! - Free cheer.. No! You wrote three wrong! You wrote free cheers for Karina! You spelt three wrong. - Well, what if I don't want to spell it right? - Too bad. (laughing) - Oh... And the last free cheers for Karina gonna go to me! - No! Give it to me! Give it to me or you'll pay! - No! - No! No! - You didn't CAP's! I have her now! - Ronald! Stop, don't do it! No! (laughing) Memories! No! (laughing) Just give me the last free for Karina! Give it to me! - You already have sixty-three! - But I need more! - Who will get them? Me or You? - Me! No! One more time! - Okay! - Hey! That's cheating! - Up in the air! Yay! - No, do it again! - No! Yay! - I'm so bad at this! - Try again! - Hey! (laughing) Ronald! Don't do that! Its cheating! - That was fun! - Okay, Ron! Continue building! - But, guess what? Its time to end the video. - Oh, it is? Aw! Guys, I hope you like this video. If you did, smash that like button and we'll see you all next time, Bye! - Free cheers for Karina! Free cheers! - Bye, Bye! - It's over there!
Channel: GamerGirl
Views: 26,695,854
Rating: 4.5209084 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, ISLAND, our own island
Id: wNqiEW3rIsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2016
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