Minecraft for Kids - Mob Farm - S2 E29

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hey everybody Phineas reads here this is minecraft for kids and today we are going to build a mob grinder on my survival island because frankly I need I need more stuff as not a lot of monsters out here because it's a very small island and so if I want them I have to sell out to one of those other islands after I've it's gone dark and I've waited for them to spawn so I figure why do that when you may have seen my monster spawning room down here in the basement which I am changing out by the way I'm gonna seal all this off and I've made this over here just to make it faster to get down to the monster spawning room which very soon is going to become the oh my goodness oh dear umm whoops did I Frodo I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot to close the door I forgot to close the door I forgot to close the door okay so I'm gonna have to deal with that very quickly I forgot to get my shield - so I'm oh my oh my goodness well that was very close okay so that's we've learned a lesson always close the doors when you're working on dangerous monster spawner so I'm not goodness just eat this fish see if that helps put this other fish away for cooking not see can you go in here yeah I need to put coal in there or else you will never be you'll never be food I'll see you go in there and this will be you and there we go anything else in there just iron alright well we're gonna wait for that I need more of this fish oh my goodness fish is not very filling that's too bad I really hope this week continues to grow so where were we oh yes we were going to close the door so first let's get awesome doors let's make doors I want to make some trapdoors we'll need those and I also want to make a a regular door there we are take three of those and here we go let's get downstairs again hey Reginald how you doing that's get the shield on the bar right okay now now we are prepared to go down into the basement now let's take the boat off the bar put the trapdoor there now we're gonna put the trapdoor here right boom there there we go and now we're gonna hatch on our Island and people say what's in there and well it said it's a monster spawner and right now it makes creepers so let's let's get down there and very carefully try to close out that space okay it was down here oh you blew up that thing - oh my goodness alright guys so it's gonna be a lot of people in here right oh I guess I didn't forget the clue I guess he despawned after I guess it was dark enough okay well it sounds put that there hopefully oh maybe he spawned in this oh that could have been it now let's put this over here as well because it's feeling awfully dark okay so here's what we need to do we need to get in here clear out these guys in the creeper room hey hey guys wow does what it says on the tin huh look at this that's incredible oh wow um okay well you know it's good it's doing the work for us it's doing the workforce there we go doing the work for us okay can we hi how are you sir we just need to deal with getting this room emptied out Mackesy a creeper he's gonna make that easy for us yep okay well shields are very effective against creepers that's really good take this how you get there we go now what yeah try look there oh no he did that to himself okay let's light this up because we need to dig this out a little bit I have decided already we're the center of this thing is going to be and I'm gonna figure that I'm not so it's gonna be at 138 143 I think let's see we're 140 130 there we go and 143 so we want to go right about let's go here okay so actually want to go right there that's where the center of it's going to be and it's gonna look like this and we're gonna dig out four blocks I'm gonna turn this off there we go they got four blocks and what this is going to do is mobs are gonna they're gonna fall right down here and a very far away and we're going to have trapdoors down there for them to land on so we can hit them in the feet and get XP or if we don't want to bother with that we'll turn the trapdoors off and they'll fall even farther and land on some hoppers and chests and stuff and we'll just collect their stuff automatically that way okay so first thing we need to do is build out this thing here and build from this there you go a little bit further down and we are going to create look we're gonna create these channels which are 8 long okay so I'm gonna do that in all four directions Wow ok 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ok great and we needed to be 8 I'll show you why because water from source flows seven blocks okay very exactly seven blocks there there oh I need more water oh I should have made an infinite water supply okay I'll do that in a second so notice this so I don't know if you know how to do this but if you don't here's how it works you make a little 2x2 like this but water in one corner and then water in the opposite corner and there you go and now as long as we take it from a corner but what was feel like in infinite water congratulations we put one here and we take another one of these and put that there and there we go look at that so now if I'm a monster I'm a girl I'm just a monster I'm wandering around like oh no I'm in water I had better follow the water where's the water taking me what oh no oh no no and then they fall down here and that's when they're in the mob grinder okay so we're gonna do that four of these are in a cross pattern okay so I'll be back momentarily take a look at this now we have done this so far we have the channel so we have four channels okay and then we're going to dig out of space up here so that we have these platforms one block above the channels such that it makes a square okay a big ol square around this so we're gonna dig out the square which is not by the way it's a good way to do it I think is carve it out of something as opposed to building it up in the world you get a lot it's a lot easier just carve it out okay so let's make this us where now the way to do this to make this a square okay we're gonna go from here and we're gonna dig a line just until it lines up with the end of the other channel so we take a look over there how are we doing up there yet over there now no how about this are we there not nope not yet and I think if we do this how about this are we there now yes see and now we have lined up with that perfect so see one two three four five six seven eight okay great so we'll go over here and go eight out as well it's one that's to notice we found some iron on the way and now we go one two three that's three four that's five and six whoops whoops sorry that's 7 and this is 8 right so I guess if we go through here yeah there we go look we found the channel already Oh perfect fantastic it's like a look right here I've done this already I carved out these tunnels all around right so now we've dug out the edge of the square in fact he was just look that's a fishing rod here we go put this down just just so we can better see what we're trying to do here okay so it's gonna look like this it's gonna be a giant room okay we're gonna carve out this part here so we have all these platforms like this we're gonna fill that and that's not gonna be a water forever and then once we have that it's a very dark monsters will spawn in here they'll wander around the fall in the water they'll fall down this channel I'll collect those things and then we'll collect them down deeper below and we'll deal that when we get there in the meantime I'm gonna dig out the rest of this space okay we want to have a little room like this that we can stand in so monsters can spawn all right so let's get to digging all right you can see I carved out this part now as well just two more of these to go remember to use torches while you're building this up because you don't want monsters spawning over there and by the way we're gonna grab this coal and this iron and stuff as soon as we are finished carving out the rest of the space all right so I'm gonna get back to that and keep going from that remember it's pretty easy just think the tunnel around the edge here whoo-oop Oh get up get out of the thing get Seamonsters weed Oh Oh No okay wait we're good yeah we're good okay so dug out this tunnel and all around the edge here so it's really easy now to figure out what we have to do to clear out this space all right so I'm gonna get back-to-back so we've got all four of these dug out now and we're going to collect the coal and the iron and then we're gonna fill these spots back in because again we need monsters spawning up top of these so they walk down into this okay let's see probably also gonna put some water in here as well just so that we have this going there we go perfect you can see how it's gonna work oh it's gonna be great oh it's gonna be so great so I'm gonna get this stuff and fill in the floor again it lever is a piece of cobblestone like that and then it's thick like that and then boom it lever fantastic I already had one but we're gonna have to just encase and redstone and trapdoors and I think this is gonna be enough to get us started oh we need more half slabs we should have everything we need now to do the rest of the project well to begin it I guess we don't have the hoppers or the chests we'll need but we'll get those we've got a lot of iron cooking that I got from down here so we should be able yeah okay we should have enough iron to make the stuff we need to make to collect the stuff at the very bottom of this right an infinite water supply moved it out here okay good we're looking good here I think we are so here's what we want to happen we want two things we want this this to have two modes right in XP mode and an item collection automatic mode okay so here's how that's gonna work we need it to fall we even get in here and fall 24 blocks all the way to the bottom that should that should be enough to be sure that when they hit the bottom they go up boom and it turned into bits and we get those bits from the chest later we want back but let's say we don't want that let's say we want them all to stand there so we can get experience from them well we're gonna build it so they fall and we'll have some trap doors we turn on and off and when they're on the land on the trap doors now that that hurt a bit but I'm still okay and then we'll go oh yeah well here's your feet yeah don't hit their feet like that until we get their XP and their bits okay so that's what we need this we're gonna go down 24 so this the Y value we're on 36 right now which means they are on 37 when they fall so we want to go down to 13 that's pretty cool and a great thing about this we're gonna just dig down this way a great thing about this is that it will hopefully expose any caves on your way down right oh I should have brought sand for easy getting out of here make sure you bring torches to light your way as you go down just to see what you're doing right and you might want to grab for instance some ladders so you can climb buck back up out of here although we're gonna try a really fancy sort of water ladder climbing thing for the way back up we'll see how that goes all right how we doing here we are on 29 so we've got a bit left to go now we're gonna listen for monsters as we do this and see if there's any caves around us because in order for this grinder to work efficiently we want to make sure that moms can only spawn inside the grinder so we need to light up everything else around it and that's what I think makes the ocean so useful is that most of the stuff outside of here is our places where mobs can't spawn anyway so so that should be okay right the number of monsters in the area should should be pretty efficient unless of course the squid change our spawn rates in which case ah well not the greatest place in the world to do this but here we are well here we are at the bottom of it this is 13 right here and eventually we're gonna dig this out so let me show you what we're gonna do I'm gonna want it facing that way because I believe that is is where I want to go and we're gonna build this such that here we go this is gonna be a double chest right here okay and these are gonna be hoppers and they're going to be pointed into the chest okay when you put that there's a lot of wood and iron but it's gonna be worth it for all the cool free stuff we're gonna get and hopefully some carrots so we can make more pigs that would be amazing okay so this is gonna be hoppers and this is gonna be a treasure chest okay and we need to get back out of here let's see if I can do this the fancy way the fancy way can we do this way and there we go and this way and okay do you see how this works we keep wrapping the water and replacing it and make sure you do this such that you don't fall all the way back down because that would defeat the entire purpose so oh okay so you look at that for instance okay here we go can we do it yep oh look a small ready it's already working oh that's great it's already working team al out why am I was hitting me oh it's a spider get away from me spider yeah nope nope yeah oh okay there we go so we got that oh my goodness oh we're very badly hurt - oh my goodness this is very dangerous I might I might not make it here let's see what we can do that let's let's try let's do our very to our very best our very very best okay here we're getting there we're almost there I feel like we're gonna make it I feel like we're gonna make it I I'm not gonna make I feel I feel like we're gonna make it done never go you're gonna make it you gonna make it gonna make it come on we can do this we can do this you can I believe in you I believe in yourself and we're almost there okay wait I think that's it I think that's good enough we're gonna be able to get up out of this and to hear probably spiders spiders hey guy always got a potion effect always dangerous always super dangerous get back oh my goodness ah okay I think I think we got him okay good who needs some fish you got out of there that was incredibly dangerous we don't really need to let's fill that up let's grab this okay well I think you can see the principle works look at there was monsters down there they were falling oh good news I'm very being very careful here look there's the XP oh that's great it's already working sooner than we wanted it I probably should have put more torches up here in fact let's just let's put some more torches down just right in the middle of everything just to make it harder for monsters to spawn in here while we're working on it silly me okay I realized that I need just a few more things I will need this iron for sure and I'm gonna need to set some of this cobblestone here to cooking because we're gonna need some smooth stone for what we're doing next now I think we finally have everything we need I have picked up a bunch of wheat and replanted I have planted some more trees I have set a bunch of this to become smooth stone which we have done I made this into more iron because we'll need more of that and we're going to need a bunch of chests how to make more chests as you can see right here we're going to need more though because we're going to make hoppers let's see can we make chests and ever their chests we'll need four of you oh here we go one two and three great okay take all those we have four and hoppers how many you guys can we make one two and all right we have enough we can make four of these Oh perfect that's exactly how many we needed fantastic so I'm going to make some redstone torches I need five more of those to our total of eight right there and then we need to make a redstone repeater so they're not on here I don't see them so I believe they are this and then this and this and then this yep there they go and I need I believe four of these so can we have four of these alright there's one and one two three perfect okay we'll need four of those and now if everything we need to build our amazing machine hey guys its Reginald here and Bertram I'm gonna go down into the basement I'm grab this wheat first but then I'm going to go into the basement and you guys be good okay take care of the farm up here while we're down there thank you we're gonna go build a room that makes monsters oh this is lucky I was just making this thing and found some diamonds let's see how many of these we get out here oh wow that's at least four might be a full eight oh it I'd be exciting let's take a look here and oh looks good oh my goodness I think we're getting a full eight diamonds here which is fantastic because this diamond pick is seeing a lot of use here and boom oh great fantastic oh I'm one farther up that I wanted to be huh okay so let me show you what I'm doing here that's the first platform I'm making up there with the trapdoors I'm gonna have a lever which opens all of those but I'm shut so the monstrous fall down there they they hit that thing though man not really hurt and I hit him with my sword and then I get experience from them or if I don't want that I turned the switch off these doors open and they fall right down here and the land hoppers and stuff and turn into bits and that'll be pretty great so let's get this diamond out of the wall here Oh exciting times and then we're gonna put the rest of the machine in place upstairs omote wow look at that another one oh my goodness that's rare I've so rarely seen that let's see what do we get that just the one Wow nine diamonds that was pretty great that's exciting oh wow so I'm gonna head on down now to the two different platforms so you can see what I'm when I'm working on here and I'll start putting the hoppers in so we can have the collection system going now this is pretty exciting okay so this is the first one remember this is where we're gonna stand there was going to hit him in the feet because we're gonna block this part off in fact I'll show you let's see it's we have any blocks with us we have lots of blocks here we go and you can go here see well block this off so they can't get out and you'll probably put some half slabs here so they can you know see us q per second ah blow up there so that's good work everyone just like that that should be good enough and I think we should still be able to yeah we can still hit them with a sword in there that should be okay can we get close enough yeah yeah and we still hit the one back there so we should be fine so we can leave that like that for now because we're going to eventually just Boop little thing all around here so yeah okay we'll get back to that so we need to put this chest here and that one there and we can yeah pick it up it works fantastic and we want to put these hoppers so they touch the chest in they're facing into the chest so you're crouched and you click boom there you go and you kind of see it there that there they're pointing into oh hold on up there you kind of see that it's pointing into that and then this way make sure it's pointing into that one good and then that one points to this one and that one points into that one great now any object we throw in there should show up there fantastic and let's test it out this way here boom and we go let's see one and two and three and what we see we get them all okay fantastic it works so that's what's gonna happen they're gonna fall on down and they're gonna go blam on these things but we don't want to just have them fall on that so we're gonna do this when I take these yeah like that boom boom and boom so now while they're half-slabs down here right they don't count as full blocks for blocking objects hmm that's a confusing way to put that if we put half slabs right here because they're only half slabs this is the bottom half of a half slab right because of that when a monster falls on this and it turns into bits those things will fall through here into the hoppers and we'll get them here so for instance let's see um how about like this I'm throwing all this stuff over there Oh where's it going it's falling through the half slabs into lobbers and over to here so that's what will happen with the monsters right so let's also make sure that we let's put this here for instance so we want to just make sure they don't go out of there and we can make sure we can see it's working okay so it's good that's a simple part that's the automatic part now let's do the part where we can have it be an XP farm as well let's just actually dig around this right here I'll show you what I'm trying to do so get this all dug out all around the space now I think I have it all set up to to start working on it so I've started it over here I've dug away all these these walls here so we can work I've taken these two redstone repeaters and I've got them pointing into these blocks here so they're gonna power these blocks which will then turn these these trapdoors on and off so watch this for instance I will say like that boom and it turns them on so boom click that and they're closed again so I'm going to then take these and connect them to another pair of repeaters let's say for instance let's dig some room well take a torch down let's make some room here and we're gonna take these repeaters and put them there and there and what I want to do is link it all to one one lever now I earlier buton like this and I put redstone right here and it kept this from turning off again so we're gonna take this make sure we we stretch it out a bit boom there we go and have a line now we only get 16 16 units of redstone before we need a torch to power so it's one two three four five or rather a new redstone repeater to help six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen oh good because you need fifteen and sixteen up there so we'll get to that in a second put this over here BAM boom boom okay good working out pretty well so far which means that if we power this let's see you put this that's some room here if we power this it should turn all four of them off excellent and we do this boom and they're all back now how do we turn that to a lever Deeley well here's what we'll do we need this to go so you want this to go 16 a perfect like this like this so this goes here and this goes there okay and then we're gonna take this block carefully carefully take this block here put it right there put the lever on this so when we turn this on it powers that block and the Redstone behind it boom oh oh no it didn't reach far enough oh no am i one off I think it was one off Oh No so close well let's see I can I can fix this I can fix this what we have to do here Oh easy no problem no problem watch let's watch this I'll simply take this like this and you like this and you will come up I'll put you over here there we go okay this is good this is good right well that work will that do what I want it to do I think it will right so we have that there I'm gonna put get off get out of it get off of there this block will go here however there we go well this well let's do it what I want to do ever this this might not work at all okay it seems to be working it does it works fantastically so this lever powers this block which powers this line which goes through the repeaters and the repeaters point into these blocks which power them which turn these on and off Oh fantastic I feel so smart here we have the automatic mode and there we have the XP collection mode so I'm gonna put some walls back up around here make it all nice looking and then we'll turn off the lights upstairs and see if we can get to work umm I'm excited this is coming along really well that's gonna make it fancy Jerry well I think we are just about ready to start our first attempt here see how this goes we're gonna close this up now because I don't need the infinite water anymore now let's go through here and we're going to start taking out all these torches very carefully without falling in there because now I think I've got two turned on or off to have it turned case in XP collection mode so that would still hurt very badly if it fell down there I think that might be far enough all right let's get around here let's take off these torches and then we'll uh we'll see how it works okay there we go we've closed it off and that should be working so fantastic let's go down let's go them down and see if we can we can see any people start collecting there you might have to wait a little bit I don't know how long left to wait I think it's pretty well constructed it might start working almost immediately what's this let's go over here and hang out see what happens well I went upstairs to go fishing and look what happened when I came back here's some dudes in here some zombies and some creepers that's cool to see how it works anyway can we get in there yeah we can get to those guys can we get to the ones on the back uh-oh hmm that might be tricky perhaps I could build a wooden ounce they've got all that huh well I really want to get to them can I try stand here let them seeing me hmm I don't know it kind of seems kind of dangerous yeah see he sounded he almost saw me he almost got a thing going on there um throw those things down there we go and that way they'll fall into the hoppers I guess that's okay that was going all right hmm yeah it still makes creepers that's great um not exactly what we wanted though there we go yeah see they take a lot of damage when they fall that's good you know let's turn it let's turn it on to automatic mode there we go well I heard one go down see how we do here okay there's some things that have fallen in okay two arrows in the bone that's ours from earlier so I guess if we just hang out here we should see more stuff start to pop in down there I should put glass here so I can see what's going on that would be much more interesting all right so it's clearly a bit of a problem here right and clearly these monsters there's far too many monsters in there I took a look at this this is running for about 20 minutes or so and not a whole bunch of stuff is in there because most of these guys are just kind of hanging out and I think you know the problem is I bet if I go up one more level here to this yeah see there you go look at that oh my goodness oh my goodness huh huh okay that's not oh wow okay hmm so you see they're landing on these oh oh my goodness oh okay don't get back get back hey now hey excuse me what are you doing oh you just crawled right out of there didn't you oh okay I get my shield on Oh oh my goodness hmm again um oh how am I gonna fix this I guess I'm gonna try to just do this from here I guess hit you guys okay and then we're gonna have to get knees take these just right out of there because frankly that's the problem the entire problem aha hello sir entire the entire problem all right excuse me one second there we go entire problem is they keep standing on these so first let's get this out of the way no one fall in there and get this out of there okay matheran there I was trying to take out their feet in the way it's supposed to work up there but one level below here let's see how this works let's see okay hmm hmm I'm gonna build a channel around here and see if I can't I know what to get it's our feet maybe and say that look at this well no that's the base oh it's baby zombies baby zombies baby get back okay so mmmm I think we've found a definite problem okay that's not that's not how we want to do so go down one more the hell this can get your feet now let's take this out and there we go okay that's that's how we want it to work now see that's how we want it to work one level above I said clearly Oh Cara by Rossana me clearly it's not working and because of those it's because those trap doors now what I should have done maybe is build Pistons but Pistons have done it better they might I'm gonna I'm gonna try that out I'm gonna clear out this whole area I'm gonna hmm I'm gonna try that out okay those guys are cleared out this should all be fine now I'm gonna block this whole area up like this and then that should just be set to go let it sit and run automatically and hopefully that'll work much better I'm let that sit for another 20 minutes so and see ya see what happens well it's actually working pretty well as stuffing starting to build up and that's and that's and everything but occasionally because I'm playing on hard these monsters spawn with armor on and that's protecting them from the fall damage so I might have to make it a little deeper in order to make sure they all die on the first fall because I've also seen spiders hit and then climb back up so clearly it's not deep enough so I'm gonna have to lower this I think buy a few more blocks or maybe I'll dig a thing around and see if I can hit their feet it might be if I just make a sort of a chamber around here at the base this is a little bit better there you go nice job nice job I was able to get in here and I can I can swing at their feet now but there's still a couple spiders in there somewhere what see that guy he fell on he was fine so this definitely has to go down a few more blocks so I'm gonna dig it off underneath them first hey buddy you're not supposed to be you're not supposed to be this to fall all the way down like that guide be more like that guy okay let's see here we go get under here and we're gonna lower it a few more blocks around 13 now is that true no we're on 12 okay so we go there's a few more down maybe maybe this deep here we'll go down this far it's making which is now just cool and they keep drinking potions of health because they get hurt really badly but since they're falling down there they're hammered I really need to make this a little bit deeper make sure get the spiders to see it looks just drinking potions here yeah what there we go if you can get them while they're drinking the potion boo oh yeah I forgot it dug the floor if you can get them buzzer they're drinking the potion sometimes they'll drop the potion but yeah hmm I'm gonna dig it out from underneath here and see see what happens then will you please come down here oh yeah they can't because there's that thing all right so it's gonna drop here and then you drop there yeah there we go and oh there's a lot of guys up there hey everybody um haha let's put that ha what nope come on and was that oh I'm poisoned boys okay but I should be okay I'm gonna be okay wow it hurts but I feel like I'm gonna be okay ouch okay how much longer poisoned am I see eight seconds that's a lot of poison now let's get up here and eat this ow ow now boys I'm take you down to half a heart but no lower than that ouch okay well I heal up now I'll see was it the witch drop of these things um check this out there we go that all perfect that's how we want that to work fantastic okay let's get those hoppers back that's gonna put those there so we need this chest I am did you and you grab all that stuff fantastic I'll put the chest down here now and you can go over there and you can do this and you are just good job both of you and this and this and weird it up with those hoppers there they are all right and shift and shift and oh whoa hey don't there we go whoo close one and hey whoa excu that was how are you surviving that's not how it's supposed to work Oh a my goodness this is gonna be a very tricky thing and there we go see good that's what you're supposed to do okay congratulations good job guys that's how that's supposed to work let's close this back up uh we need to put those half slabs in it I almost forgot about that Lowe's diamond pick is almost gone where are those half slabs they are and boom whoops oh sorry there buddy let's go there this goes there that goes there fantastic and let's just close this up you go over here and back under we house this looks put a torch in here it's not fancy but you know it's not it doesn't have to be fancy it's got to work nice you can go there you can give this and this should be fine where I shouldn't have to close it off but I will just just in case we'll give it some time and see how it does well someone fell down already great job oh good spider well clearly this is this is not what I wanted to happen these guys aren't supposed to be here in this part of the machine at all and they're clearly some spiders aren't aren't you no exploding when I hit the bottom like they're supposed to and I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that exactly I've already made it go pretty far down so I think maybe they have potion effects and maybe I need to make it even deeper a guy and as you can see it's it's working but I think you'll be working a lot faster if weren't spiders up there clogging it up and I think that's what's happening I'm afraid that most likely spiders are just this whole shaft is probably full of spiders and everything else is not spawning because there's too many spiders let's go all the way up here and see what we can find I poked my head in here for the window and we're gonna just run the risk that we might have to rebuild some of this when creepers below up so let's be very careful here and see what we can see what's in there okay well it sees a lot of stuff some spiders okay a bunch of spiders over there see there's kind of hanging out hey guy I want them to fall into a thing hmm I guess we just let them in wait huh we kind of let them wander around I wonder if there's something oh they're gonna spider he's just falling down there so I guess maybe eventually that would happen or maybe a spider would eventually wander down there but I think what's happening is more and more spiders and it's not falling into the trap and so eventually this entire thing will just be filled with spiders and I mean spiders are great I love string and everything but I think I would rather have the zombies that's really what I want here that are the bits from the zombies hey guys umm well I saw a lot of spiders up here so I'm gonna have to deal with this how can I make this so no spiders will appear perhaps you know what maybe I can put half slabs on the ceiling because then other mobs could maybe spawn I remember hearing something about that I'm gonna try to put half slabs on the ceiling of this okay so it turns out it's not on the ceiling at all I looked it up good thing I did - I would've wasted a whole bunch of time what you need to do is put him on the floor in a specific pattern you see so apparently spiders won't spawn on a block if there's arc a half slab next to it right so for instance for instance what I understand is boom because that's there spiders won't spawn on one of these four blocks right here because there's a half block next to it they need like an open area supposedly supposedly so we'll see we're gonna place some of these like so I believe there we go I think if you make them these two by twos like this this should be okay I've never thought this through was placing them down see now I'm wasting space there I guess well here we can boom and you know it's okay we've got it's lots of lots of cobblestone slabs we have tons of cobblestone so we're just gonna keep doing that how about this I'm going to be able to place the pistons from from this angle so I'm gonna take this out to you as well whoa carefully eye on see Oh knock that although it didn't mean to do that take this and this this iron pick is almost don't I shouldn't mention as well the diamond pick we made remember that that Wow look at that that is almost gone as we're a few picks left on that how many left on this nine nine picks left on this durability nine okay so I think we're gonna get all nine of those used fantastic but essentially what that means is this whole machine here basically only cost us three diamonds really I'm sure there was iron but you know irons irons pretty cheap and long stuff so three diamonds for one pick they dug out and did all this cool stuff I say that's worth it because of all the stuff we got down there alright so back to the pistons here we go so you go like that and you're building that and then you go like this oh you know what this maybe maybe we were fine maybe we didn't need anything at all let's put that there and we're gonna put the walls back because those seems super important before we stop anyone from doing anything I want to be very sure that they do not they do not get out of here alright see now will this work if we put this back here everybody you there all four all right okay now what happens let's see let's see what happens it does work oh that's great that's fantastic now I would hit him with a sword but as you can see I'm fully out of swords so what we're going to do is go make diamond sword and go light up some other islands alright around here the ones we can get to and then we'll come back here and see what we can do about this oh this is very exciting now I haven't put in these safety half slabs here which I guess technically I should because really a baby zombie could fall down there and run right out here and just get all of my business oh hey guy oh great news Oh see it worked oh that's so good we get the experience kind of not real looking not really okay let's see we're gonna take out this glass unfortunately a punch punch punch and punch punch punch and thank should we put a little half slab here at that point because I'm looking still I don't see may better take this part out we shall see let's take a look at another one fall down and see what carefully carefully don't fall into the machine well that's what happens when you walk away sometimes from the game you find out that you died to a zombie and hopefully all your stuff is still there you don't know because who knows when you died because you weren't at the keyboard you were just somewhere else maybe feeding your dog's dinner and taking them outside and who knows what happened in the meantime let's go find oh my goodness let's go find our stuff and hopefully there's no zombie down then it's probably still a zombie down there hopefully there's no zombie down there guarding our stuff from us cuz oh my goodness I have a diamond pick on Diamond sort or I did who knows if I still do oh we're about to find out oh my goodness here we go and okay I see a creeper umm oh no I don't see any of my stuff mmm like I see those guys there oh man if I lost my pick and my sword oh that's that's bad news that oh no no they didn't fall in here here there oh dear oh no well I guess I was dead for more than five minutes oh man well gee that is that's a real downer no I tell you what my friends I had all that stuff looks I don't think had too much stuff on me it was important just the diamond sword and diamond pick which are now gone forever I guess I guess baby zombies can get through here I guess that's that's what's going on oh let's put some slabs down here but not have any slab all right you know you guys can all go down there just deal with that I'll see you guys later goodbye mm-hmm huh all right well I'm gonna go make some more diamond stuff I guess huh well okay tell you what here's what we're gonna do we're gonna call this an episode it worked on this thing we got it working pretty well it works basically we will want to do except that you know we can still be attacked by zombies do it yeah marry you give me stuff this is I want stuff from you now and really it's not you who would cost you myself it's my own fault that was the one who who just stood around not doing it there we go boots sweet because boots nice well at least that's something right Oh golden boots let's put these on right now okay well there guy golden boots and a bone feeling much better about everything I'm gonna go back home and see if I can't salvage some of this with a few diamonds I have left and then next episode we'll go caving and see if we can't find even more diamonds to make up for all the diamonds we lost making this wonderful wonderful machine that gives us infinite bones and arrows so that's good news okay I'll see all of you in the next episode bye bye
Channel: Phineas Rage - Family Friendly Minecraft
Views: 1,061,093
Rating: 4.5593219 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft for kids, phineas rage, funny, kid safe, for kids, family friendly, clean language, no bad words, no swearing, no cussing, no cursing, how to
Id: 6UUmM3C2YvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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