ROBLOX Super Pizza Hero Easter Bunny Tycoon! FGTEEV #18 Superhero Eggs w/ Hulkbuster

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I'm about to become the Hulkbuster what what oh my goodness why do I have that what's the biggie visit is study and chase and we are here joined today with our can opener that is all thanks for watching just kidding just kidding so this is pizza frac torii tycoon as you can see it wrapped up with a lot of cash here and got all of my pizza making machine so this machine here drops the pizza dough this one here shaves it to a circle this one it puts tomatoes on it back on there puts cheese on it and then we have a sausage or pepperoni missed it and then there we have the oven which bakes it and then boom it goes right there we get some money oh cheese almost built up his whole pizza restaurant I'm gonna catch up there's a biscuit there's a biscuit cutter cream there's some sprinkles there's marshmallows and then that one's done or we have Oreos so yes this is my this is my pizza my pizza frog through what is this thing do right here restaurant floor 300 yay restaurant walls 600 whoa some building my own pizza restaurant where people can come and get pizza restaurant path 300 guys were almost you got a magic carpet Oh chase ow you magic carpet in my face into my own restaurant good job Oh golden pizza statue five towels in look at - hey we need some pepperonis Oh customers hi you guys might be my first customers of the day not yet guys I'm going inside here to get set up chase out of my restaurant waffle fries moon kitchen 1,000 we needed tea I got my kitchen menu I have nothing yet what's that cheese pizza dispenser I just miss Mia but I got a cheese pizza my first menu we're drinking like a ball oh my first customer hello sir yes we do sir that's right there would you like one cheese okay sir here is your cheese pizza here's your cheese pizza thank you you're welcome I hope you enjoy hey baby oh I suppose you wanna steal my pizza - Cali walk well I don't think so what are you doing upside down this guy wants him for girl wants a pizza let me tell her okay cheese pizza boom listen the last person didn't pay I know where you live when I give this to you gonna pay yes I pay okay here you go thank you you're welcome now that'll be 23 go get her yes I hired you you're a police officer now here's your badge okay cheese melis this is really this is really hard cup dispenser - happy customers well I got two happy customers and I got a cup dispenser cool banana milkshakes five happy customers I don't have five happy customers yeah oh there's a third guy all right sir I'm going to make you a happy customer here's your pizza thank you that'll be 23 no one's giving me money Oh you back again oh that's it where's my way upon's I have weapons do I have we're pawns oh dear platform 50 my we have a sport giver a magic carpet giver a breakfast gun giver block star bike giver pizza gear clout giver gravity coil balloons give her a red table Giver let's get her with a spork or a breakfast gun you don't pay for pizza your gets parked oh she's immune to my sport how about cheese what chase you're ruining my restaurant no use I'll let me guess you're not gonna pay either nope who else wants a free pizza there you go you're welcome get out of my restaurant for a change my mind here you go second free pizza of the day sure five happy customers do I have five happy customers yes I do have a banana milkshake machine twelve happy customers don't think I have that many but let's see if I have seven happy customers who do not have seven happy customers yet you sir I can't shoot so you can't shoot and use your weapons on your customers only other people in the world cheese pizza take it yes it worked yeah Oh chair six thousand we need chairs people have to sit down at my restaurant what's this extend the walls oh wow that's a tall pizza place what does this do entrance $6,000 for my entrance this is a fancy pizza restaurant stairs oh I have enough stairs ooh second floor whoa move over Pizza Hut and Domino's and Papa John's I'm taking over chairs tables dude I have to get 25 happy customers to get a chairs and tables open in a milkshake oh I got you I got you dog chase how do I get him a banana milkshake put this stronger and you'll get it alright let's see you got it I got it oh nice thank you cheese Oh hail the pizza king over here do you want to miss a face do you want a messy face do you end a messy face the Ottoman no one wants to messy faces yes you go close to them I how close this close yeah Oh Oh bacon ooh hey don't move I'm trying to talk to you we have one you only have one eye ah boom boom boom yeah you look good all right Thank You chase who wants a banana milkshake I like out these customers they just don't ever get mad so it's pretty cool here take it take it you're welcome sauces pizza my first sausage pizza let's see if he likes it do you like it he likes it oh geez hey no coming here shoot my customers you have your own customers to shoot you're welcome do I have twelve every customers yet strawberry milkshake I don't have 12 let's go get some more weapons rage table what does that do what Oh who just did that true did you flip my table yeah oh that's quite cool so we I have all these cool weapons now but I came here comes down on people like what does this thing do whoa I'm floating on cotton candy ah I'm like a cotton candy Silver Surfer that's cool here have some cotton candy oh you don't want that cotton candy you there you go you have a piece cheetah and then right here all right do I have 12 happy customers yet strawberry milkshake boom yeah there it is I like my strawberry milkshake I will make one and tried you always a good chef oh I'm sleeping on the floor why am i sleeping on the floor I'm not sure that makes sense I'm stuck in the floor whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa cup check strawberry milkshake got it I'm who wants one you're getting a strawberry I don't care so uh take some medicine afterwards you wanna take that shot berry I don't care if you wants banana I'm the boss he's gotta eat the strawberry eat it he wants get out of my restaurant you don't like my strawberry oh hey I'm let's just saw my face in a waffle no one wants a strawberry here here you take a cold pizza you're welcome 15 happy customers chocolate milkshake garlic that's not annoying chocolate milkshake what chuckling no one wants chocolate everyone wants banana even in your store what is this oh goodness everybody wants bananas bananas are all carbs okay you don't need them they don't need only meat pizza more healthier why your hair so messy allow me to brush it for you [Music] looks good now you're welcome banana you get out of here don't come back in anymore we're today's the last day for baby here we go last banana customer Oh banana man what are you doing here whoo one banana milkshake please extra banana banana man wants a banana milkshake shoe it's not real it's not Minecraft it's roblox shoo shoo yes goodbye okay yeah all right you get out all right I feel that am I even getting money for giving them food you [Music] all right do I have 20 happy customers yeah pepperoni listen listen excuse me sir I'm trying to make an announcement to the world attention everyone oh hi who's this guy oh whoa I'm a shift listen listen everybody we're now settled pepperoni pizza now I'm a mascot I don't want to be a mascot oh that's beautiful right there wait I'm gonna be this guy oh look at that how can I clear my face chase what are you to my house I can't fight they can you come to my restaurant and shoot me in the face please where's chases restaurant ha ha ha oh no I died I died what my bike works in a water have a water fight wait I think this is my house oh wait wait wait nope I'm at rhythmic misses Factory I'm coming in here oh yeah where are ya hell hello what crazy get down from there please shoot me in the face four times one two three four look at my crazy face man Thank You chase you have made me so happy ow I'm gonna fork you what it's a spork it's a spoon for very different forks get offended when you call them forks forks wow that's like a tongue twister that's not tongue twisting okay I'm going to my factory wow I had a lot of customers in there wait oh I saw someone that wanted a here we go [Music] strawberry milkshakes are made and apart from the help of cow we're not the permission Gopi a little dweeb what I could agree with that what I just put that in the banana and it came out like a straw I realize bananas down you get out of here where are you making banana oh do I have 25 happy customers boink ah I do I do 32 happy customers gives me paintings Wow alright overalls this Tycoon game is quite not as fun hello I'm kind of bored Oh smells awesome dude could work at that how long you been working on that one except for breakfast and lunch Wow high five nice want to load in real quick and show them the bunny rabbit let's do it alright Pizza Factory tycoon you're kind of boring me where am I oh yes okay run run run wait let me go let me go Buster thank you Chase is giving things to me I will chop you now yeah fatty so we're not gonna play play this we're just gonna wait for the Easter Bunny to spawn so we can I'm gonna kill you then don't do it now don't do it that is so annoying I'm gonna crush your drink I don't have enough power all right I just had to buy unlimited money really quick because I don't want to stay here all day and build my superhero tycoon house I'm just gonna go crazy and get ready for the Easter Bunny which one these guns golly call it I'm gonna get this one oh the things you just drop for me thank you think you think I think you think you and think quick I can't get it oh thank you and I'll create the wallet boom and then buy a second floor Wow did you do that to me oh oh that guy did yeah who is that guy get him good though I'm buying the door thing so nobody can come in here use your bodies with me I could yeah and switch yeah I'm you're naked with a shirt yeah you can't be naked with clothing yeah just buy everything yes I'm about to become this hog buster what oh my goodness why do I have that I'm glad got it boom got it boom got it - this is okay look at that what what did you do well that's me flying that's fun daddy's fun what's that I could shoot was that me oh yeah I'm shooting I will shoot this guy down here monkey get the monkey man get that monkey man why can't the monkey man be gotten boom who killed me means to get everything again okay [Music] [Music] yes I will trap all of you peoples ha ha you're all trapped in here see you later whoa I look like a like a an an asian sumo yard okay and I'm sliding and surf no stop Oh Easter bunny spawning in two minutes I kind of like when the roofs are off that way you can easily get outside dad I can't see you sir chase you are now on my number one hate list cuz I have like seven of them okay it's time for you to die how come I'm not hurting anybody okay Easter Bunny's funny in 38 seconds but I don't know my weapons are working die slam again somebody give me some weapons quick die step on me I can't get him it's not working it's not even attacking us wow this is lame you are lame bunny you deserve to go bye-bye yes drop it give it all the diamonds give me all the time boom who don't get them how do you get them get to click no stop it stop I want some stop get out of there get out no give me that one Mike yes how many times did I just get I got it I have 26 diamonds I came by Hulk my whole where's my okey you can't see my Hulk I must have to die oh there was my whole the Hulk lives inside of the Hulkbuster go figure where's my ok not annoying II quit where's my home oh there he is he's outside no he can come inside come in there you got okey welcome to Casa I'm not what the cop cats are so dirty alright well that was it you want to show you used to bunny update I thought that was pretty cool and Hulk is getting ready to smash someone let's see what he does Hulk do something ok get this guy Hulk get him go home yeah just don't rock hey how dare you kill a little baby Hulk pet vs. pet no you're not allowed to hit me go home fight ouch oh no dude your pets are taller than my superheroes superheroes way superhero throws wait Superman has lasers in not super hero has wazers chase I surrender I surrender I'm on your team okay throw me a weapon so we can defeat together hey Superman's killing me quick throw me a weapon there you go get that see I didn't get cheese chase got upset watch stay right there let me see if I can even hurt you I can't even hurt people watch this ready aunt look did I do that yes oh I did that nevermind I can't hurt people give me my vanilla bean if you drink it one more time kids over peace out guys really Bob low alcohol I would make it disappear see I made it disappear [Music] [Laughter] right it's just my old desk oh no I wasted so much time in this chair no don't talk don't talk about creativity in that way I wasted a lot of time no wait no like so who's talking Joey yeah Joey's told he's talking bendy yeah I don't think Bendis talking I think Joey's
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 179,334,794
Rating: 4.4953804 out of 5
Keywords: games for kids, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, Family Gaming, youtube kids, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, kids gaming, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteevers, fgteev videos, fgteev games, fgteev playing, fgteev family, gaming, kid friendly gaming, kid friendly, family gaming, fgteev roblox, fgteev roblox obby, fgteev roblox tycoon, roblox tycoon, fgteev roblox tycoons, roblox tycoon games, fgteev gameplay
Id: sKFL0JmIxe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2017
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