Minecraft for Kids - The Wither S002 E020

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hey everybody spinning us rage here this is minecraft for kids and today we are going to fight a wither boss now many people have asked me many times hey Phineas please fight a little boss or hey Phineas when when are you going to fight a wither boss then well today is that day my friends that the answer to that is now today in fact we're going to fight a few different with their bosses a few times that's because withers earth with this can be pretty dangerous ok and there's a few different ways to fight them and this is the one of the most dangerous ways to do that ok so first let's talk about why we're way out here in the middle of nowhere right so Withers very destructive alright so when I make this thing into a wither it's going to fly up in the air and it's going to start just shooting explosives like skulls everywhere and they're going to hit things and blow them up and do a lot of damage and give me the wither effect which as you may recall makes those my my hearts they're my hit point hearts makes them black so I can't see how much damage I'm taking and it hurts me over time like poison and it can kill me unlike poison so I need to be super careful not to let that happen and have a bunch of potions to kind of help with that alright and we'll we'll see how this goes now I've got these three wither skulls okay and wither skeleton skills rather okay fruits there we go mmm Tori I have one left here and when I put it up here it's going to become a wizard alright so what's going to happen is he's gonna start going yeah I'm gonna run over here to hide behind this thing okay because he's then going to give off an explosion fly up in the air and just start again shooting at me with these weird explosive skull things okay and I'm going to have this as some very basic protection against the wither as I as I shoot at it with with my fire boat here okay and that's that's the first part of the fight the first part of the flight is that he flies up in the air start shooting at me so I shoot back at him with this boat then what I've come about found a half or so he's like alright that's enough of that and then arrows stop working and he'll fly on down here and I'll switch over to wizard blade here and that is special oh it seems that is special because it has smite on it and smite does more damage against withers and zombies and skeletons and with their skeletons as well I believe okay so that's the plan the plan is to have these things take a couple potions one of strength one of speed another of regen and then we're gonna we're going to go after this guy and we'll see we'll see how with you and you'll see why this isn't even that great of an idea here okay so shall we just so we jump into it I guess oh honey uh let me take some of these potions let's see which of these two are paid I can take the swiftness potion run around pretty fast let's see we'll take the strength potion drink that do more damage maybe I should have waited till he came down to the ground but alright well there we go and we have a regen potion will switch to as soon as soon as we I deal with this okay it's no no no turning back now but um that's not how I haven't wanted that to go ah okay well that's embarrassing so don't don't do it that way all right obviously can I just there we go whoa okay so as you can see is there he goes okay that's cool okay watch is gonna blow up now is gonna be really angry let's get the bow ready okay what works Wow okay where'd he go okay happy oh you you monster get back here um oh oh no now you see why this is a bad idea oh my goodness wither wither come back oh oh oh no this is why you don't fight them outside oh come here I should have found a desert or something ha how about that whether you're like that now it says fire on it and that doesn't matter to wither come on there we go I've gotta get over there see oh my goodness okay this is super dangerous this is why this is why you never fight a wither out here in the open because now I gotta take care of this oh my goodness I can't just leave him out in the world oh no look at this oh if that would be irresponsible in fact one could say that it was irresponsible of me to actually fight the weather out here in the first place nowhere to go oh no I didn't lose did I lose to wither oh no did I lose a wither out in the world let's see oh I hear little bit whoa well alright lady Oh excellent totally missed the wither at point-blank for that okay and also that's about water whoa okay LT can we get them to hard we got him stuck on leaves oh that's good oh well it was good even getting confused here in the forest how hurt am I probably pretty hurt let's get that Oh No go away get away relax potion okay healing that's important oh my goodness see back up there well why are you where'd you go there you are oh right up there alright think we're almost through with the Oh No Oh see wither damage oh no oh no oh no I'm in my castle that means it's way over there alright well let's go see if we can get our stuff back oh my goodness oh dear Oh while we're at it by the way this is my little castle our doesn't work and on this is pretty cool these are at piston door right secret piston door like uh organized council you have than this boom secret piston door okay cool well I'm gonna be a bit of a hike all right so I'm back in the area of of the wither here I ran all the way back here I'm going to eat this raw chicken just to see if I get some health back oh it's not very good not let's see so much stuff should all be simply over here probably see the withers health where you can see he's healing up already oh this is terrible and there's my stuff up there I'll see if I can get to it and get out alive huh yeah well here's some boots that's good oh where is that with her now let's see you can't get up here good yeah oops okay I can hear the wither I can see all my stuff I'll look at the wither is back up to full health now that's not great okay but here's some potions got some food my pants some arrows oh that's good skip this potion can we put these things on in time I bet we can all right see let's put you on what else do we have oh good we have that no idea where my shield is oh you know what I should have been using a lot more of my shield we've got the wither over there after you see my boner if you see my boaters shout because I don't see it anywhere and I that's that's a problem actually if I can't I can't hit it with a bow then I have a real problem oh no oh no I got this feeling like I'm going to lose this wither somewhere I see I can hear the wither shooting I don't even know where look at this that's some red dye okay that's that's nice awesome flowers fantastic hmm team I'm a bit worried I'm a bit worried I don't have a bow and I can hear with her and I don't know how to shoot at it you see why this is the worst way do you see why this is the worst way now this is so don't ever do this way this is a terrible idea oh my goodness well I think I've lost the bro um hmm yeah I found out there although without the bow I don't really know what I'm gonna do maybe I can out I don't have a seal that this is this is sheer folly my friends I don't know what I mean I got to go back and get some more shields maybe some more stuff I don't know I'm kind of you know don't even have now get this regen potion I guess Oh No oh that poor pig would you know she's not going to come down here all right this is a terrible idea I should run away again or else he's just going to blow me up again I can't get down this there's some safe way to jump down this I hope so I'll wither is hurting me oh good I made it back alive all right so hmm all right here's my thinking here's my thinking okay he's over there you know like no he's not bothering anyone as long while he's bothering everyone in that area but he's not bothering us right mr. cow right I mean we're we're fine you and I he's kind of over there in that tree and maybe that will keep him busy for you know maybe the rest of his life I'll look at that look at the skull is he shooting at that squid that's thinking forever why is that taking so long that was that's very strange well I guess here's the thing here's how he pays I'm thinking I'm going to leave him alone I'm just I'm going to say this was a terrible idea I'm gonna leave him over here and hope that he never comes looking for us because if I leave this area eventually this yeah there we go the chunk will despawn and I mean he'll still probably be there but he won't be loaded right I mean she won't actually be doing stuff but he'll stay in this area forever I believe I'm pretty sure I hope I really hope he doesn't he doesn't get to wander the world so if I'd have never come back in this direction as long as I never come back here ah that'll be fine all right well okay we're going to try the next way of fighting withers now this this is maybe going to work a bit better so I've got an obsidian cage down here now the weather can still blow this up but it will take a little bit longer and I've got this tiny obsidian wall so I can shoot up the wither through there and then eventually come on down here and hit them I've got this here because for some reason I think that he'll stay in there longer if he's able to shoot out from there I don't know if that's true or not that might just be in my head in any case I've got some potions going strength and night-vision because it'll blow up these torches soon enough gonna drink some region in a moment and then you know get this guy start it got some obsidian here to block this off this is a lot of obsidian friends so let's let's try to get this right all right here we go and with that their block up this with obsidian get behind here get that regen potion going all right we got some time okay let's wait it out wait for the explosion hopefully this is fine okay what well not very long at all okay let's just keep shooting at him always gonna keep looking oh no he's gonna keep looking for a place to go well we almost got him now oh okay it's working he's working his way to us let's get him with a sword yes oh there we go he's got that stuff around them that means he is immune there we go what what I see you I ah Janeiro's what's that what's this for that get some potions I hope that worked where do you go I got him that was it I got them all victory oh wait get some potions of healing there we go go on withered who oh my goodness it worked it worked look here we go another star oh this is this is what it's all about my friends is this another star core now we can make a beacon oh that's exciting oh my heart is racing oh look at all the three obsidian watches not free but in any case Wow we went through that they didn't take him very long at all to go through that obsidian Wow I'm going to come back down here later and get this obsidian again because it's just a lot of obsidian but still alright well we did it okay and after this I'll show you the the third way we could go about this so before we do the last fight I just want to stop back here say say hi to mr. stuffins mr. stuffins wish me luck no nothing okay well here I go down to the end and we are going to do the following we're going to bring some ender crystals with us let's see to have this end crystals there we go with four of those they made out of glass and eyes of ender and gasp tears with four of those we can bring back the ender dragon and so we're going to build it wither and bring back the ender dragon and have the ender dragon fight the wither I hope I'm pretty sure that'll work it sounds like it'll work right it should work so we'll just give it a shot and see see how that goes now I have never done this before I've read about how to do this but I've never done it myself so I'm going to bring these over here and I've got these four end crystals as it understand it I'm going to place them one on each side of this exit portal over here and when I do there will be some sort of explosion fireworks thing or whatever and then the end crystals appear we'll all respawn and then some beams will shoot down here and then the dragon will come back and we will be able to fight the dragon and once that happens I'll start putting together wither there we go okay that's nice looks nice it was there okay good deal and so how about that and that should do it okay here we go that looks pretty cool now I'm trying to look at any oh that's cool trying to look at any end room as it goes as you can see bring your back all the enter crystals okay so while it's doing that let's whoops don't look at the under man okay let's see do we get the dragon to come back probably I want to wait until the dragon is back before I make this wither do I if that's smart I don't know hey guys careful I don't want to all right there we go ender dragon is back let's do this oh no dig it up quick let's see can we now to see now the Dragons got no man I'll see if we can get over here we should have put up the wither you forehand Nazi get that out of the way there uh-oh no put that like that there and ow too much Oh too much breath oh man there we go this will be embarrassing if I just kept dying here again now let's wait for the breath to get dissipated over here because I want to put these wither skulls on there without walking through dangerous dragon breath all right there's the dragon let me get the dragon to attention to is over here a little bit okay that is gone let's see do we have enough time I think we might there we go okay good now we've got a wither going up there let's take this regen potion just in case all right good we're going to get this strength potion going we used up a bunch of these already okay there we go let's see if we can get off the side here see how they do versus each other okay there's the wither wither fights under people's okay and our peoples fight back outlet oh okay dragon breath are the dragon and the wither fighting each other though I don't think that they are I think they're just okay what would may have to do this the old-fashioned way oh I'm not good next well let's see what we can do can we at least help out the under men a little bit yes we can let's get these guys started and there we go don't it don't pay attention to me man don't pay attention to me you got Enderman to worry about towards that dragon hi dragons over there probably facility oh don't babe leave me alone okay the Whizzer right above my head is that what's going on I think it must be yep there you are oh don't look at me ma'am whoa hey wizard don't you want to like fight the under guy over here along with our fights oh look ender pearls I think it's wonderful now notice I can't escape through the portal because it has closed off again Oh No obviously don't have any mutton let's get some mutton on my bar I feel like I'm serious danger though come on wither fight the ender dragon oh no well this does not work out at all as I hoped it would there up this is just terrible I'm going around lose of this yup there it is oh no hmm all right well that was interesting we learn something today the under dragon the wither will not fight each other let's do that I'm gonna have to deal with that somehow can go back there gonna have to go back there that's interesting I've to go back there and fight them both but that's that's gonna take some some time I'm gonna really have to think about how I'm doing that in fact I don't know it might it might be too much I might have to go in there and I don't maybe I'll turn it to peaceful to get those guys to go away boy oh well that's that's been a long day of fighting withers I've shown you two about three ways to fight withers two of them terrible and one of them you know pretty good so they've tried the pretty good one or try the terrible ones on your own and see what you can do remember it does take a lot of time though you have to kill a lot of wither skeletons in the nether before you get free wither skulls so it's up to you how you want to do it you know take your time if you thinking to yourself I want to do it out here in the middle of everywhere then go for it as you can see it's pretty difficult but maybe you are better at Minecraft than I am and maybe they won't be terribly hard for you so I suggest you do whatever you like oh you know what while I'm here let's let's do this deikun thingy so I can show you what it was all for right and then I'll be able to get wither ender dragon problem at a later date so let's build the begin really quickly here so it's not too difficult when it's you are going to find the beacon beacon there we go like that it's just the another star and the five glass and the three obsidian and boom beacon now we have you seen Deacon's before I don't know why I'm asking you can't tell me opinion from over there okay so I have this vegan and we need to build a pyramid to put it on its power and the pyramid has to be built out of precious things so iron blocks or gold blocks on the blocks I think emerald blocks also work so we're going to make a four level pyramid the bigger the pyramid the better it is for is the largest it can be so it's going to be nine a bleep long two three four five six seven eight nine by nine again so one two three one two three one two three alright I'm going to make this by an entire pyramid and I'll be right back that's the nine by nine and on top of this we're going to build a seven by seven here we go this takes a lot of iron here so I forget if I have enough to go get some more I always I always forget it might be two and a half stacks I think it's two and a half stacks of iron oh not just one okay I have to go make some more some more iron blocks alright that's it we finished it so as you can see it's a nine by nine then a seven five and a three this is entirely solid by the way it can't be hollow you have to have the entire thing made out of blocks I think you can even change which types I think you could have iron and gold working together if you wanted to if you do not have enough of one of the other for instance and if you want to make a smaller one that's fine just remember it's not the built from the bottom up if you want a smaller one yes build this layer and this layer right you always need the beacon to be on a 3x3 like this one okay so that's that's how you can do it so you get these four here let's let's put this on top of here and see how it works boom nice look at that you get a beacon oh that's pretty cool you can see it from way back over here you stand way back you can watch our hay horse you can look at it with the horse oh that's cool nice all right so what does what's the beacon good for besides looking super cool well I'll show you it's go over here we can right-click on it and you can see because I have this is a number of levels of it you have that's what which powered you can add so I've got this here so I get a speed or haste have two all of them unlock so let's take a jump boost or resistance or strength and regen so let's put the region on there okay and then we want to put the foot speed on that there we go and these are the two that we have and how do you how do you change this I forget what's this for okay I looked it up that's why so in order for this these powers to become active right you need to put something in here if I want to change which power this was let's say to strength okay it's still speed up here but if I put like iron in there boom and now it now it changes right does that work yes there we go and I've still got speed until it wears off but if I want to put speed back God's jump through so I'll put speed back because that's that's more fun put the gold in there boom did that work that's good okay bat speed as you can see around the beacon I'm going faster and this a maximum size speaking goes out to about 40 blocks is that correct 40 blocks from the beacon I'll be able to have the effect of speed and regen so that's just nice for working along the base and if I if I'm digging or building I might change out this ability up here to be haste which lets you dig faster jump boost ifs if I want to jump around a bit I don't use this that often though because I end up jumping too high and falling off things and hurting myself so but I stick with regen and speed and that's that keeps things going smoothly enough all right so any case that's that's how you do it there's a beacon we did it poorly I mean there's still a wither out there somewhere it's kind of hanging out and we can't ever go back there and there's a wither and the dragon in the end and I'll have to deal with those somehow that's a problem for another day that was today we have a beacon and that's that is a victory my friends we set out to do something and we we did it once out of three times but those other two times are really just going to show you what not to do right the first one that's maybe don't do it that way I mean you can it's risky though as you can see and the other one the one in the end just didn't work the way I wanted it to I mean the Enderman and the wither they thought that was cool but the ender dragon was no help at all no help at all before we go I wanted to show you one more thing about beacons it's pretty cool if you take some stained glass here and you put it right there changes the color of the beam it's not cool and you can put different colors of glass here and it will keep changing the color of the beam in fact it's pretty cool you say you should play around with that once you once you get one of these right so that's the plan team go out there get some wither skeleton skulls go way underground build a tiny obsidian cage build a wither fight the wither underground get another star make one of these it's great okay so that's that's our adventure for today folks and I'm going to go deal with that wither ender dragon problem somehow and I'll see all of you in the next episode bye bye
Channel: Phineas Rage - Family Friendly Minecraft
Views: 536,406
Rating: 4.5601277 out of 5
Keywords: kid safe, family friendly, minecraft, phineas rage, phineas rage family friendly minecraft, minecraft for kids, funny, epic reads, edutainment, wither, wither boss, fight, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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