Minecraft for Kids - Tutorial - How to Make a Small Farm Ep 003

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hello everyone welcome back uh in this episode we're gonna go over how to get food because we're gonna need we're gonna need food now last episode you remember we went over how to make a wall around our house so we can protect our base from from monsters wandering in because that's no fun and so i i took some time between episodes to put a few more torches out around the uh the house that keeps that'll keep monsters from spawning here they can still spawn out there but at least they won't be right around here i kind of went around the entire base a little bit you can see how that looks in the night there and also i forgot when i was making this to put torches down in the trenches so i went i went down and i put some more some torches around the edges there and kind of see them so that keeps you know monsters from being in the trenches when i when i get back from a long day of of adventuring and harvesting stuff and farming so i'm gonna go to bed right now uh because it's it's it's pretty dark and i can't do any farming now and it's best just to get you know get uh get some sleep make sure no monsters come back my door is open which is funny but i have this wall so so i'm safe all right so here we go first things first before we farm we're gonna need some different tools let me go back inside and show you so i want a couple things i want to make a hoe for gardening that looks like this all right see once again the shape roughly looks like this thing so i get that and that's for that's for making farmland in farmland i can plant crops and then i'm going to get an axe axes look like this all right see that and i'm going to use an axe to get wood i can i can punch wood with my bare hands and harvest it that way but it'll be much faster if i use an axe to do so i'm gonna go down there and clear out a bunch of these trees over here and i'm gonna you know chop up wood until the axe breaks that's usually how i like to harvest wood i get one axe worth of wood so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna show you all of that i'm probably just gonna jump down here and uh make sure there's no monsters that appeared last night that looks pretty good i'm gonna chop down a bunch of these trees and when i'm done chopping them down i will uh i'll get right back to you okay so we will we will see you soon okay i want to take a quick break from from chopping down trees to show you something so i made a little bridge here across with dirt because i had a lot of extra dirt so i figured you know why not and i chop down some trees over here and actually show you so you can see kind of over here how i chopped away all these trees the leaves are still there now when you take all the wood out of a tree the leaves will eventually disintegrate and and go away and when that happens a few things will happen so one some of them will drop like this that's a tree sapling see that that's a oak sapling you can use those to plant more trees in case you want to do that and sometimes look at look at this sometimes from an oak tree you'll get an apple and that's cool and apple apples are pretty good you can eat them they're food see i have three hunger missing so i eat an apple and now i've got you know a little over one hunger missing so that's good so apples are apples are good they're not the most the most efficient food because they don't always fall out of trees and you can't rely on them but they're they're nice to have when when you just happen to find them look at that chicken look at him he's in the tree just what are you doing up there chicken well i guess he's guessing he's having a good time so we're just gonna leave him we're gonna leave him there so i'm just gonna keep chopping down trees and i will uh i'll get back with you shortly i just wanted to show you about apples and saplings i'm gonna get those trees right there so i'm not quite done with this axe but i wanted to show you one more thing before i'm done here so you see how this tree is covered in leaves as many trees are so you might want to get to the wood there more easily and you're like well i'll just use this ax and cut away these these leaves that's actually not a very good idea you don't want to do that when you use a tool on something other than what it's intended for and axes are not intended for leaves you actually use up that tool much faster and so what you want to do is have something in your bar here in your in your inventory hot bar here something next to the axe like a piece of dirt which is fine you can switch quickly switch between so that you can just knock away some leaves like this with the dirt and then switch back to your axe and you can get the actual wood that you want from the tree so that's that's just a simple trick that'll save you uh save you some durability on your axe okay this axe is almost done oh look at apple sweet i'll pick up an apple uh you gnosh on that in a bit when i'm a little more hungry and i'm gonna keep chopping down trees so i'll be back shortly now you can see the sun's going down and i still have a little bit more of this axe to go and so monsters are coming out soon i don't want to get eaten by monsters but i also really want to use up this axe so i'm still digging with it and hopefully hopefully i can get home before too many monsters show up and uh and eat me almost there oh there we go that's the end of it but now i have this tree hanging and i don't want to leave it hanging there so i'm going to keep punching out this wood this is incredibly dangerous what i'm doing okay here we go switching over to my sword in case there's any monsters between me and home oh there's a creeper over there two creepers okay let's not get noticed by those let's uh let's go here uh did you see me not yet all right so far so good but there's a spider i see that and a zombie and uh oh zombie wearing gold armor all right we're gonna we're gonna take this guy out we want this zombie two oh man skeletons oh it's really dangerous all of a sudden oh and spider oh my goodness okay this is why this is why we need walls to protect us from zombies kids oh my goodness whoa this is incredibly dangerous i'm not wearing any armor either what am i thinking oh no he's gonna get me oh no i've only got one half a heart left run run run run please please please get up the ladder almost there almost there almost there okay all right well i'm gonna get in my house here and we go to bed oh i can't sleep there are monsters nearby oh man there's monsters out there waiting for me and i'm really hurt see look i have half a heart left and i'm missing three hunger so i'm not actually i'm not actually healing those hearts if i want to heal i need i need food and i don't have a lot of it i have this apple that's not going to be enough maybe well we'll see let's eat that apple now this this next part is kind of gross uh this here that's rotten flesh that comes from zombies when you when you kill zombies they drop zombie meat and that's it's not good for you uh but in a pinch you can eat some so we need one piece see how it turns my hunger bar kind of green there that's because uh i'm it makes me hungry it's not it's not good for you but in a pinch it fills up your hunger enough you can start to heal so you see my hearts are slowly coming back there there we go there we go so you see uh you see what happened there let's see what happened i i wanted some wood i waited till dark it got a little too dark i was like oh i should run home to the safety of my my base but i didn't and then i almost got a i almost got killed so let that be a lesson to you let's see if the zom if the monsters have wandered off yes they did okay so i can go to bed now so the monsters will still be there in the morning when i wake up but now the sun is up hear that you hear that that's the sound of a zombie and or a skeleton uh burning in the sun let's see i don't see him so he must have burned up somewhere um it's a little creeper over there so it's not safe to go out just yet let's see look there's you see that guy he was he was burning so so what you can do in the morning sometimes when you saw some monsters burn you can go out out into the uh the world and see if they dropped anything when they uh when they burned up well this guy did not did not there's a creeper over there let's hope he doesn't see me i don't really want to deal with a creeper right now so okay this this all has been very distracting and i just wanted to show you how to farm stuff so oh look there he is see it's dark under there he's not being hit by a sunlight so he's he's still trapped all right we're gonna have to do some cleanup here so i'm just gonna just be very careful with skeletons they have a bow and they can try to shoot you so get him there hopefully he doesn't uh yeah yeah all right got him drop there oh good that's good he dropped some arrows and some bones we'll want those bones later all right so we have lots of wood and we have everything we need for that so we're going to go back inside i'm going to make some basic preparations and then i'm going to show you how to how to make a farm let's go over here so we we have the hoe we already made we already made that there that is and we are we are sick and tired of eating zombie meat we don't want to eat any more zombie meat because it's gross and we just don't like it so we're not going to do that so we need wood we need a bunch more of this i'm going to take all of this wood put it right here and turn all of that into wood planks that's a lot of wood planks now the reason i need so many wood planks so i need a lot of sticks all right so i got all these sticks why do i need all these sticks well i'll show you because with sticks i can make something very important for farming which are fences see that 16 fences gonna make some more fences keep cutting these stacks in half get some more fences all right that's that's probably plenty fences for now all right let's let's assume that it is for now so i've got my fences i've got i've got a hoe that's good and the last thing i need to make a farm i need some seeds so now i have a bunch of seeds from earlier which i have here and i can use these but i'm also going to show you how to get more of them and actually i'm going to put all of this in the chest that's a very important rule of minecraft is never to carry everything with you because what happens if you're out there and a skeleton gets you like like he almost did well i would have dropped all my stuff out there when i had to go back in the dark and get it and that's incredibly dangerous so i don't want to do that so i'm gonna i'm gonna take eight of this wood though uh two more and i'm gonna make another chest so i can have some more some more stuff to put stuff in now there's a funny thing about chests this this doesn't make a lot of sense but you can do this look at this i can take this chest and put it right on top of that now i can't open it because there's something above it so i'm just gonna punch that out right there there we go and i'm just gonna go around the back and just i'll show you so this is this is kind of silly but look at that there it is so i put some dirt in there i don't need that much dirt for this arrow it's a spider eye i don't want that put some bones in there too got all these seeds but let me uh let me show you let me show you how to get all this other stuff you need alright so we have we have those things now let's go over here take our ladder down looks like the creepers have all disappeared so that's good that'll that'll make this safer so we're going to go down to the water now you don't need to grow wheat which is what we're going to grow you don't need to grow wheat next to water it will grow faster however if there's water and so we're gonna we're just gonna come down here and we're gonna we're gonna make a little wheat farm so the first thing you need are seeds now i have plenty you can see that but how do you get more well you take a hole like this and you there you go and you mow this tall grass and eventually there you go some of it is seeds so that's that's how you do it i'm just going to clear a little bit more space so there we are okay great news so here's what we're going to do we have water here right i'm just going to use the hoe with the right mouse button or the right trigger to to make some farmland now see how this is darker and that turn darker than this that's because this is getting hydrated it's becoming wet from the water and the water will hydrate four blocks of land oh like this see that so this this is four blocks in that's hydrated this will eventually hydrate eventually all of this will hydrate and that'll be cool now once we have that all right we've made our little made a little farm plot like that we're going to plant some seeds again using the right click or right trigger and put those right in the ground and now we have we have seeds growing well that's great now here's the problem all right you're like oh this is cool that's the seeds i can walk over it yeah that's fine okay that's great but what if i what if i jump up and down on it what if i jump on the seeds well oh i see i shouldn't have done that because now i killed my seeds oh okay i don't want to do that so let's uh let's re-hoe that and boom more seeds so you don't want to jump on seeds now you also don't want animals like sheep or cows or monsters jumping on your seeds right so how do we protect them well good news everybody that's what fences are for and i'm gonna i'm just gonna make a little more room here i should have brought a shovel with me but i didn't so now we're doing this okay so boom so we take a fence like this ah that's nice start putting a fence around it there we are all right um hmm i didn't think about that now monsters can get in there all right you know we're going to risk it we're going to risk that monsters won't come up this way they won't swim up and get over there take that flower out all right so now we have we have a little nice little farm area now how do you get into this without without jumping up on this well there's a solution and that is to make a gate which i completely forgot to make so now i'm going to run back to the house and make that gate okay so i'm back in the house and i have wood planks which i need and i have sticks which i need now if you're playing the xbox version you might not have fence gates yet which look like this see that and the sticks for the fence and then two of these it's kind of like a door and so that's fence gate so take that we'll need the one right now so now if you're on the xbox and you don't have a fence skate which i forget you may or may not have it you can instead make a door there's a regular door and you can use that but fence gates look better and so that's what i want to use i want to use a fence gate so i'm going to run back over here okay i'm back so remember the fence is made of wood so did i leave i left my axe back in the house all right so i can you can still punch it though you can still punch you can still punch fences it takes longer but yeah you can still still get we need so i have fence fence one block here but the fence gate right there see it looks a little different so i can right click that or right trigger most things you want to use you can use the right click or the right trigger so i open that up and now i can get to my farm which i will not i will not jump on because that will ruin my farm so look at this you can see some of these now i open that some of these are new and these these are growing a little bit now wheat takes takes some time to grow right and maybe you're hungry like man i'm so hungry now i wish i wish i had food well i have forgotten to get the one thing i was gonna do so i'm gonna go do that all right so i'm back here and i found my bones which i'm meant to bring down here uh but forgot because i am being very forgetful today and if you take bones and put them in there you can make bone meal all right so i have six bone meal and i can hear you hear that spider it's definitely a spider around so i'm gonna be fast if use bone meal on look at that you use it on wheat it grows instantly so i'm gonna gather a bunch of it right that and now it gave me some more seeds when i uh there they are it gave me some more seeds when i harvested it so i'm going to replant those right away i'm going to get out of this my sun's going down and having learned my lesson from yesterday i'm going to go home because my sword is almost broken and i'm not wearing any armor look at that see i'm just wearing my nice suit and bow tie no armor so i'm very squishy right now and i don't want to get eaten so i'm going to take my hard-earned wheat i'm going to go in here i'm going to get some sleep real quick so there'll be less monsters in the morning or rather i should say fewer monsters in the morning all right now i've got three wheat which is what i need to make bread look at that three wheat mix bread and bread bread is an okay food right it'll it'll get you by but ultimately you're going to want something better than just bread see look at that about two to almost three almost three uh hunger points it's a beautiful morning open the door now you may be wondering where i got all these bones now if you don't remember i got them from skeletons when you kill skeletons with skeletons die you get bones bones become bone meal one bone becomes three bone meal all right three bone meal means you can grow three wheat instantly three wheat is one piece of bread so you can think of one bone as one piece of bread all right now we need a lot more wheat for what we're going to do next all right what we're going to do next is let's get some cows remember how i said let's not kill all the cows well you are going to be glad you did not because of what i'm about to show you so let me just get some more wheat real fast it's going to take a second to harvest all this look at that see knock all that down that's good have a has more seeds now plant those there we are good mr excuse me excuse me sir i'm going to kind of push him off a little bit there we are excellent so now we've got that still have some more bone meal don't want to jump on the plants so i'm going to come back around just you know make some more of this almost done all right knock over all that but the seeds back this is always very important replant our wheat immediately so we we excu we just get off there we go oh yeah i forgot it's because i have seeds in my hand he wants he wants these seeds well you can't have them i'm using them for something else maybe later but not not right now all right so we still have some fences and this is probably enough i i really probably should get some more so i'm just gonna i'm gonna grab a few more fences i'll be right back okay so i made some more stuff you can see here i made some ladders uh three of those i made a bunch more fences i have 19 now i have this extra piece of wood here eight of these maybe maybe you're like what what's that for well i'll show you soon and have all this wheat now the wheat is important i'm also making some torches real quick let's get that i want those so i'm going to leave my house here and go around i'm going to find some cows i see a cow over there i want to find some cows that are close because otherwise it gets gets pretty irritating ah here we go it's a couple cows over here so we're gonna do is we're gonna jump off this we're gonna clear some space just you know knock down some grass oh there we go some seeds in the meantime just holding down the button and getting all that all right so i'm going to make a little enclosure here i'm not going to close it off all the way yet because i want i want an opening for uh for the cows to go into now hopefully this is this is good i'll see one two three four five six well it's gonna be good enough that's gonna work i'm gonna put this little stack like that okay actually that'll be that'll be perfect so we're going to do that so i've got six of these left and i need some cows to come with me now i can i can kind of push them push them along a little bit but they don't they don't really like that it takes and they're like hey man and they kind of wander off on their own and it's difficult to push them where you want them to go sometimes so so that's one way to do it and they kind of wander off though so that's not as much fun so how do we get cows to come with us well it's easy when you have wheat just put some wheat in your hand oh look at that oh now they're interested like hey man you got some wheat over there oh yeah man i got i got lots i got 15 wheat you guys want you guys want some wheat come on in guys come on in so i'm going to get them in here and once they're in here i'm going to very quickly switch to my fences aha and then i'm going to just you know boom put some fences in there and boom now i have cows in there all right great but how do i get in you say you didn't build a gate and i did not instead i built this and i put this ladder right there now watch this i can jump climb the ladder and boom i'm in here and the cows can't get out and i can get in and i didn't need to make a gate and that's really fast and fun so well now i've got some cows in here you're like okay well now you got cows what are you going to do with them well i'm going to make more cows take wheat give one wheat to this cow and one wheat to that calf see they're in love and they smash their faces together and boom look at that baby cow there's a baby cow now pretty soon that baby cow will become a regular sized cow and we'll have four cows so that's good and we can keep doing that we can keep making more cows and when we need beef we can we can take a couple cows and get their beef and their leather and we keep making more cows so the goal is to always always have some cows on hand right always have enough cows so you can uh so you can farm them so congratulations to us now maybe you're saying well surely there can't be this can't be it well no it's not i'm gonna put some more torches out here just to make sure this is nice and lit up in case i need to come back out here in the evening good to have torches on your farm and i'm actually gonna put some torches all the way down here by my my wheat farm now why am i gonna do that well there's there's a very good reason uh torches i'm sorry what i mean to say is wheat grows needs light to grow obviously right all plants need light to grow now the funny thing is wheat doesn't need sunlight to grow necessarily any light will do all right so i'm going to put some torches around here and that way the wheat will continue to grow at night look at that so that should be enough light to help it continue to grow and this way i don't have to come down here with bones all the time i can just leave it to grow and i still have plenty of wheat which is good news and look i can also make sheep follow me hey man what's up is that bufo maybe that might be bufo again well i'm glad to see you're doing well so both cows and sheep want to follow me now and that's that's nice but i don't actually need sheep just yet eventually i will want more sheep and i'll get some more sheep and i'll put them in their own sheep pen and then we'll get some shears and we'll start harvesting wool and the sheep will regrow the wall but we'll talk about that all that much later in the meantime in the meantime i think that maybe that may be it for today we have some wheat we have some cows growing over here that's nice and since these cows are are growing over here we can actually clear out some of these other cows without without any worries because we're going to have plenty of cows now so i'm going to grab a couple of these grab this guy hello how are you got plenty of that i want some leather from these guys so i can show you something else that's cool excuse me hi do you have any leather well no leather nothing all right well maybe we'll we'll deal with leather some other time in the meantime i have cows i have some wheat growing down there and i have wheat in my hand which is good news because now i can make some bread and that will uh that will that will be nice i'll be able to eat something regularly all right here we go all right door there we are take this uh let's see we put some bread in there look at that yeah oh perfect i have plenty excellent there i are i have four for bread the sun is going down it's been quite an eventful couple days right i have a wheat farm over there i saw bufo again hey man nice to see you again and now i have some cows over here and look there's a nice little baby cow so he'll grow up pretty quickly probably tomorrow he'll become a grown-up cow and that's it look at that you're really coming along you've got your impervious fortress here that is monster proof uh nothing gets in and and gets to you maybe need some more torches over there i'm gonna i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna jump out there and put one more torch right there all right i'm gonna run around the front uh you got a wheat farm you got a cow farm you got bread you are doing really well i'm i am very proud of you good job us all right i'm gonna go to bed see you guys in the next episode
Channel: Phineas Rage - Family Friendly Minecraft
Views: 2,307,132
Rating: 4.2811823 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft (Video Game), let's play, tutorial, Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Role-playing Video Game (Media Genre), how to, minecraft for kids, family friendly
Id: X_Hr7isbQMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2013
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