Minecraft Survival: I HAD TO STAY UP ALL NIGHT

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please don't be raining I want to go outside I want you to go outside and work great I haven't slept in so long I feel like I'm starting to forget Who am I what's my name it's morning it's raining how how about now whistling now it's dark and rainy great combo how about now is that dusk is it done I don't even know anymore please hi buddies you guys are watching Clay Guida corn this is the second installment in my Minecraft Survival Series today we are going to be abandoning my little mountain home and heading off into the unknown I decided that living on top of a mountain is not really all it's cracked up to be basically every single day involves climbing up a sheer mountain face nose like you know what I think I'm gonna have it so the first order of business is to say goodbye to my llama friends goodbye fluffy nutter I'll miss you handy Oh mr. Spitz mr. Spitz I'm probably gonna miss you not as much this is what I'm talking about it's like every morning I have to literally swim across a river it's a bit of a tiring commute you know alright so we're just kind of scouting a location for the new house that I'm gonna build I've never actually built a house on Minecraft before so this might be a little bit of a challenge for me but I'm gonna do my best oh my gosh okay this looks nice I've got like a little lake or like pond or something oh my gosh the pigs this looks picturesque alright building a house building a house just gonna put down a little bit of foundation here I don't really know what I'm doing make it a square make it a big old square yeah no this is a great square this is like one of the best squares I think I've ever seen maybe he'll be fine alright so I decided to go for the stone foundation followed by the wooden plank main building look I'm acting like I've got a plan here I really do not have much of a plan by the way if you guys have any awesome house building tips for building houses on Minecraft please let me know in the comment section because this is probably going to be a bit of struggle alright who wants to see my wall there it is it's big it's a wall I think I mean I think we're doing good is this good I don't even know anymore probably would help if I left some room for a door there we go that's gonna be a nice door also night is falling and these walls need to be a lot higher and talking a lot higher okay can we just can we get some okay know that story maybe I will have two doors in case I need to make a quick escape am I gonna need some stairs up to the front step that looks great okay let's go around the other side and stairs to the second door oh yeah killing it inside stairs beautiful doors doors would be helpful great excellent here's the thing this house is looking housey or by the second like if I saw this thing from a distance I'd be like oh dang that is unmistakably a house I mean it's not fancy it's not it's not crazy fancy but you know what it's it's my first house so it's a starter home all right just remember that an important feature of houses is definitely rubes so we're gonna get some roof happening right now no the Sun is setting and I haven't finished my roof okay we need time we need to hurry up here hi it's me I'm afraid of the dark and I'm also stuck on the roof so I've got a ladder and I'm hoping that I can use it to climb down into my house can I climb down into here really really quickly okay that's enough to climb okay let's let's get out of here yeah retreat to safety no it's awesome torches lots and lots of torches I really didn't do something about that roof so this is what I like to call a temporary solution I have run out of wood planks but I is no way I'm spending the entire night with a giant hole in my roof we're just gonna patch this baby up and yeah that'll be that'll be fine for the evening how do I do this I decided I want to make it look like a little bit more homey in here so I'm gonna go with a really beautiful cobblestone floor because that's pretty much all I have available to me it's gonna look great you're gonna love it cobblestones I'm telling you cobblestones everyone's using cobblestones on the inside of their house it's like it's rustic it's functional it's um cool in summer and warm in winter it's it's all like it's all in fun so I got good news and bad news the good news is I think the floors looking awesome the bad news is I totally forgot that I needed to have a bed and therefore I'm gonna spend the entire night mining underneath my house this is gonna be fun basically building an underground lair wait a second tonight burrow too far up oh no close it up close it up we got to close this up not with a perk shop there we go whoo nighttime mining has resulted in iron okay this isn't a wasted after all can we just take a moment to appreciate how much progress I actually made during the night like I did some serious mining but I think that it is morning so we need to go out and find some sheep so I can make myself a bed because I don't want to have to do this every single night you know it's nice to it's nice to have choices huh basically rain wasn't really raining okay oh let's just have a closer that is definitely rain oh man okay so now I have to spend another day and another night in the mines please stop raining I want to stop mining I'm getting tired of mining I just want to make a bed you know and like get started on my gardening finish up the house yeah it's raining great all right so day two of rain that's okay I'm gonna do a bit of smelting in my brand new shiny furnace and soon we'll have some iron to play with that'll be pretty good I feel like I've already lost track of time what is this like my third night in the mines you some getting some iron sunshine sunshine what's it gonna be today it is oh man he's so ready yes awesome okay I'm gonna get my things together we are gonna head over today yay I am so excited oh wait a second why so dark oh my gosh that was sunset not sunrise I completely lost track of time all right back to the mines please let me out of the house please can I go out of the house it's negative please I've forgotten what sunshine feels like I want to feel it in my skin I want to see it in the sky I have never been so excited to be outside I literally don't even remember what I was planning on doing outside because I've been underground for so long by the way if you give my new house a passing grade on shelter give this video a like desperately need resources been underground for so long wait why am i hitting a tree with an egg what am I even looking for no not sword axe there we go I think I've actually lost my mind so I think one of the things that like kind of drove me nuts during that like whole period underground was I couldn't like easily look outside and see what was going on hey pig what's up so it basically got like a little bit claustrophobic so I've decided that I definitely need some windows in my house because otherwise it's literally like a giant cardboard box so we're just gonna get some sand and makes it less I'm trying to decide on the perfect name for this giant squid so far my major contenders are squid Lee and dr. octopus so let me know in the comment section what you think is best I mean I tried to ask him but he just ignored me so all right so this is the ravine that I'm kind of afraid of I'm gonna go down there eventually I swear just today is not the day I'm not I'm not feeling up to it I've had a bit of a traumatic time underground be very quiet I'm hunting sheepies I'm sorry oh do you think I might hold this greywool that this shibi will think that I'm Ishida I'm just a sheepy sheepy with an axe okay I'm sorry about what's about to happen is if we could be very quick okay Shh I hear another sheep II serious up and you go white one yeah I've got like all different colors of wool oh hello having a little meeting are we well I'm sorry to break it up I I need to make a bed here's the thing like I've got like quite a lot of will nail but I still don't have three wolves that are all the same color and I'm pretty sure that's what I need to make a bed and that kind of sucks because that means I'm gonna be spending another night in the mines unless I find a sheep really really quick that's right you guessed it I did not find a sheep so that's gonna be another night in the mines news my home is pretty cute I feel like I've got like a little cabin in the winter another sleepless night in the mines please don't be raining I want to go outside I want to go outside and work great I haven't slept in so long I feel like I'm starting to forget Who am I what's my name it's morning it's raining how how about now with like now it's dark and rainy great combo how about now is that dusk is it done I don't even know anymore please oh yes why did that take today must be the day must be the day that I find another white sheep or two gray sheep or two black sheep I mean I'm not really that picky I don't care what color my bed is I just wanna sleep in it right so a bit of an embarrassing moment for me um here's the deal basically whoa okay hey squiggly or dr. octopus whatever your name is hey yeah I'm just trying to get around here yeah that's oh oh okay so here's what happened it took me this long to remember wool in the mountain cave I killed a fourth sheep I've just got wool in here it's been here Oh alone I mean I'm pretty sure it is let's check in the bag test yep there she is rifle okay maybe this is delusional but I kind of feel like these squids want to be my pets like doesn't it look like they're like little dogs they're like rolling over than that can you scratch my tummy get in my little feet all right so basically it is time to start farming so I decided that my little pond over here is gonna be sugar cane central sugar sweet sweet sugar I would have baked some cakes that's what I want I'm going to be stuck eating pork forever that would just be terrible all right so next up obviously has to be my wheat plantation I'm basically going to clear this entire area new places I realized after I started clearing for the plantation that there's literally no water where I've decided to build but I'm just gonna try to be stubborn about it and see if I can get some seeds and the earth before the land starts dry up so let's see how fast I can be in the right seat seats where my seeds seeds seeds seeds no it's drying already okay just pop them in the ground just get some of them not you some of them in the ground I'll be fine I'll be totally fine maybe grow a little bit slowly but I'll be good yes look at my my tea plantation now we'll just roof I've put it in another hard day's work and it's the moment yeah we've been waiting for a bit finally up oh my gosh good night good night world my first night in the new house cozy he's alright yes oh my gosh I had a good night's sleep it's not raining things are looking up wait let's check out the progress in the garden not a whole lot of progress but I mean looks cute that's nice okay umm maybe I probably make that a little bit bigger I could probably make it a lot bigger I probably don't have enough seeds for how much space I'm I'm making here but you know what I just want to be like a really big farm I think we look nice seeds more seeds I tell you I'm gonna clear all of the grasslands if I need to get some seeds oh that's cute there's make another little lake don't you wear a little garden I have lots more Z's except that it's all dried up why did I even bother I should have just waited to do this that's okay I like I like telling the earth makes me feel productive I feel like I'm gonna sleep well tonight now that I have a bed and also I'm doing productive work alright so just gonna get my seeds in before this dries up I want this to be a square though I make this like a nice big square that's better oh my guess is dragon already okay so I'm not saying that I'm giving up on the dream of having like a giant wheat farm in front of my house just yet but just in case I'm gonna have like a secondary area over here by my like Lake of Agriculture where probably it will grow like a lot faster oh my gosh hi are you my friend are you so what were you interested in what if what about this what about this here you wait where you going if like he thinks that I'm building him a beach he's like yeah it feels me my private beach bills admit it I wouldn't wait here and you will bring me an umbrella and a picnic basket and then you'll rub my back with suntan lotion I will just wait hear it so it's a wolf it doesn't it doesn't care what are you what are you doing why are you why are you staring at the wall and I'll get it well joke's on you will see cuz this isn't a private beach it's a farm okay just don't don't look at me like that don't give me those eyes I want this whole area to be wheat like I'm gonna be an expert Baker people are gonna come from miles around to try all of my different breads it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna be fantastic the agricultural project is coming along very nicely I've decided to expand to another Lake so this is going to be agricultural lake number two so much bread maybe I haven't thought this through what am I gonna do with all this bread nobody needs this much bread I feel like I'm becoming emotionally attached to my wheat like these wheat seeds couldn't even blame him I'm just gonna take him home with me cuddle them all night long all right weedy I think I think it's time to go to bed sweet dreams sweetie dream of being tall tall and proud sleep well we tea you know I don't think that I've ever slept so well as I did when I was cuddling with seats I just think I think that that really helps my quality of sleep I did decide though that it was a bit selfish of me to not let weenies fulfill his full potential so in the ground you go all right maybe we these brothers too why did this squid decide to live in the tiny poet I mean like this is not this is not normal this is not good it's like it's like a killer whale in an aquarium it's not natural you know what I can admit it I got distracted I could distracted by all of the Wheaties of the world I just farmed and farmed and farmed and totally forgot about the fact that I wanted to add some windows so today's window day yeah that's a fine window that looks pretty good I think okay don't know where to put I'm just gonna put windows all over the house maybe a double window does that look good I mean it looks lots of light in so I guess that's something [Music] I guess it's not gonna be totally symmetrical I'll just put like a single pane on this side it's like no I can spy on you in there whatever I'm putting like too many windows now like I don't want to feel like I'm living in a giant glass box we're like Munsters can just like look through the windows and see what I'm doing watch me sleep that's creepy I don't know why I decided to go there but I'm adding more windows more windows starting to get the feeling that I'm gonna need to watch a lot more building tutorials on minecraft before I actually build anything that looks like anything I watch like three tutorials and still I built a box I mean I think it's an improvement it's definitely an improvement let's see what it looks like from the inside look at all that light oh my gosh amazing we're letting in letting in so much lights good spy on people out here see what's up maybe I'm overthinking it but now I'm like I'll be able to see all the monsters do I actually want to be able to look at my windows and see all of these monsters is this a good thing are they out there where are they I mean at least I can say goodnight to squiggly squiggly do out there good night I think he's waving all right so this morning I've decided that I need to get a little bit more like structural with the house like it doesn't really look like anything I feel like I can do a bit more with the roof that's the first thing I can do is just fix this stone cuz that was meant to be a temporary solution it's been like a week and a half just patch this in with some nice wood okay it's starting to look a little bit more uniform at least is this design I don't know if this is going to look good I don't really I don't know what I'm doing I'm trying to make a root squiggly it's really healthy I mean that's alright can I do better how about a more different kind of wood we've got contrasting colors of wood in the wrong places this is contrasting woods yeah awesome here's the thing though doesn't look better I mean it looks like something it looks really tall it looks really but I mean an a-frame house tall roofs it's hardly a bad thing you know what I think I'm gonna sleep on it okay so I slept on it I was like you know what there is no reason to be critical it's my first house let's just roll with it I can add like a little like front porch thing that will probably look really cute um probably it'll turn out great alright there we go how we looking does it look like a house I mean I don't know I think it looks all right right so I'm gonna extend this so I've got like a little area I can sit out of the rain when it's raining maybe put a wooden bench do you think I got eaten by zombies if I tried to sit on my wooden bench out in the rain I would almost definitely get eaten by zombies anyway building some pillars how can I make this look better I'm getting rid of these I don't know what I was thinking I don't think it I don't think it works for me I think it's makes it too tall all right so this is my temporary solution I can always come back and do some renovations later it's perfectly functional the first of the weeks soon I will have bread all right so I'm just gathering some sugarcane you should be looking over on the side of your screen right now because there's a whole bunch of other videos that I've made click on one I'll do them
Channel: Kawaii Kunicorn
Views: 2,166,330
Rating: 4.7171564 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft survival series, minecraft survival, kunicorn minecraft, kunicorn roblox, roblox
Id: LxnxAmvtCv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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