Minecraft, But Your Diamonds = Your Health...

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in today's video our diamonds equals our health oh bro i hope this works i hope this works three two one and boom oh can we beat minecraft with this new health system watch till the end to find out also guys really quick thank you so much for almost 3 million subscribers i have some crazy news soon don't worry but with that said let's do this okay three wait what the what is this cow doing legit spawned right on me and oh my oh shut the f bro there's no way bro come on man minecraft can you stop spawning me i mean okay i love the fact that you always spawn me like literally so close to any structure but this is so sus bro i swear guys i don't have a mod where like it instantly teleports me or anything like oh my god i'm literally gonna get cancelled for having too much luck here but ladies and gentlemen welcome to another minecraft butt challenge yeah we all like the minecraft butts one day i'm gonna make a video just literally called minecraft but and that's it just just a butt but here we are boys i am destroying this house's real estate property i'm sorry your house is gonna be worth nothing because i'm i'm joining all your wood nerd but anyways guys today we have one main goal and that one main goal is arguably the best goal in minecraft our goal is to find diamonds and you guys are gonna see why okay and boom let's make poop pickaxe and then oh my god this actually feels like we're speed running right now which low-key we are we're gonna speed one to find some diamonds and then from there the craziness is actually gonna begin listen in today's video we're literally taking minecraft health to the next level and then hold up we bully the bald man elected cut g oh my god i actually perfectly got a ton and no only three okay it's fine we can't complain about our luck when we literally spawn inside of a village and there's that thing over there i did not forget so let's get all this and you know what hold up let's make ourselves iron pickaxe which is good for mining the diamonds that we're gonna need and let's make a stone hope there you go see hoes can be pretty useful and i think that's all the food in this village bro if you think about it we're so evil we show up we kill the defender of the village basically their security and then we steal all their food and then just take all the diamonds that the villagers need to mine or something i mean i guess they only like emerald right oh man we're so evil i'm a bald evil man no i'm not i'm nice guys i promise just kidding i'll fire it on your tongue wait what honestly we could explore this like desert and probably find like i don't know probably find another village i mean they're just always in here and okay basically kind of unneeded and don't land on the thingy okay thank god for a second i thought i was gonna explode all the tnt and boom okay anyways what do we get oh oh my god the first thing i broke fortune three yo wait that's actually so good we literally need fortune to mine down we don't really need it but dude oh my god okay i don't know if we're really gonna end up using it i mean we might we we probably will and okay a golden apple broad there's actually no way so many emeralds and iron let's go and i got apple oh my god this is actually nuts okay hold on just double check we don't need anything else let's get the balls out of here boys and ladies and everything else in between listen we're in 2021 baby everybody welcome to bunk channel even cyborgs and oh my okay i almost just died and now hold up we found a cave around here i'm pretty sure uh oh wait this is the cave right here wow what a nice cave all right screw it i'm digging down boys i don't know oh okay bet and now hold up there's a boner man right here hey yo lick my nuts boy or don't actually let me get this cold as well come on guys we gotta find some diamonds i honestly plan on breaking the game literally we're going to break the game with our health i know you're probably thinking bionic how is that possible how you break game with health come on now we've broken the game in every single video because that's what we do in case you know there's any new viewers and don't know what bonic is about i'm basically a crazy florida cyborg man and i beat the skeletons and i call them boaterman yeah oh giant ravine that's good for diamonds oh my nuts steal stuff that one creeper just killed everybody bro okay in that case let's quickly boom bam there you go we got a shield awesome we got a booger boy right here i don't really want to fight you man i am a peaceful cyborg i need the diamonds police oh i literally just said please and i got it oh my god please and thank you let's go boys yo okay i beat him with my pickaxe and no no no do not explode my diamonds you nerd there's another creeper right here bro what is this nonsense dude okay okay okay so gamers we found finally some diamonds but honestly we're gonna need a lot more diamonds than this i need to craft a diamond blocks and you guys are gonna see why but with that said if i mine a single piece of diamond boom ladies and gentlemen yes every single diamond we mine we're gonna get a heart now wait hold on was that was that it was that only two pieces bro moment oh my god there's so many mobs but it's fine we have extra hp oh my god come on come on yes there you go technically we're still full hp and do i go left gang or right game guys come on comment down below are you guys left getting the right game i think i'm gonna have to go with oh man left gang yeah yeah yeah sorry right gang i'm trying to find the diamonds for some reason i trust this because there's a lot more lava to be honest and ye okay oh oh my god left gang did not did not let me down and oh my god we're getting so much hp let's go oh my goodness okay hold on hold on do we have enough for a we need one more diamond gamers one more diamond and we can craft the diamond block and you guys are gonna see what happens when we craft the diamond block it is crazy oh god oh god wait hold up a second no no no no no no no oh god no please stop stop okay there you go we're now in a mine shaft oh my god wait you think you can defeat me idiot all two chests okay what are we getting here golden apple and oh my god okay i bet some more food and gold bro i forgot i had all this sandstone oh yes yes yes yes more diamonds oh my goodness boom yes and oh my god look at our health voice look at our health we got 11 diamonds and oh bruh this is actually about to be crazy if we go ahead and go like this and make ourselves a diamond block oh bro i hope this works i hope this works if i place it down let's make sure we're filled up with our hp let's also eat a golden apple to make this look like the coolest thing ever three two one and boom ladies and gentlemen oh my we have a diamond heart bro what oh wait i just realized i just got back to diamond block can't i just place this down and then oh oh no way we have three different types of health right now bro oh my goodness i have literally never seen this before ladies and gentlemen hold on a second wait what happens we got that flint right oh yes i just got an insane idea every time we take damage which is why i just made this fleeing steel we get a random overpowered item gamers just watch this three to one and boom oh wait it didn't work because we got to get through our absorption hearts so boom and boom oh i just got oh my god oh my god wait wait wait wait wait oh my god i'm getting such insane stuff bro bro bro bro i'm losing my hp but i'm gaining oh my nuts i just got so much stuff hold on a second wait we literally just got our cod chest plate we literally just got a god chest plate first thing in oh wait hold on i need my iron bro look at this diamond axe bruh silk touch on a bruh that's insane this helmet is okay i'm actually going to put it on depth strider 10 and the sword has sharpness 10. oh my okay well we definitely do not need the axe anymore oh i just placed this accidentally and then wait what is this axe right here okay wait it's literally the same thing and then hold on i'm just going to throw out a bunch of stuff that i don't really need stick up our armor and then oh my god wait what did i just get i got bedrock wait what am i getting oh my god i got another chest plate as well which i think is probably just okay yeah it's not nearly as good so hold on a second if we literally just place this and mine a diamond block oh my bra moment i am gaining my new health oh bruh guys imagine we need to literally fill our entire screen with hp to the top of the screen i'm talking about i really want to get an overpowered pickaxe that would be so cool because in that way we can just find diamonds naturally like one with like fortune 10 efficiency 10 something like that that way we can easily just get so many diamond blocks and get infinite hp which we basically already have oh my god wait hold on wait wait wait he can actually damage me and then oh we got golden apples get played nerd all dude this is so fire and oh my god oh my god okay there you go oh oh my god oh my god oh my god look at our inventory it's getting filled wait we got five end portal frames and a bunch of insane armor we got a pickaxe oh it's only on breaking ten honestly it's not bad but yeah we need the fortune dude these boots are way better dead shredder 10 protection 10. oh my goodness okay hold on let's definitely go ahead and surface i wish this pickaxe was efficiency bro please okay i literally do not know where we are oh wait yes i do i see this oh we're basically at spawn and hold on a second i have to guys hello cactus oh oh my god oh my god i'm so done i'm so done i'm so done we just got an elytra we literally just got in a light truck oh my goodness hold on where my fireworks oh my god oh my god oh we can fly boys yo this is so sick oh my goodness okay we gotta watch how we don't die accidentally and now that we can live bro we could probably just find the most insane ravine to just go into but let's try and find more diamonds now that we have the god pickaxe so not only are we gonna get more regular health which is you know much needed oh my god shut the front door bro we just found hold up hold up hold up i do not want to die i don't know how to land as uh with an elytra and okay i did it right we found another thingamabob perfect perfect let's go i mean not that i really need it but if there's any mobs ah you fool you see i am now getting overpowered loot i just do that now we have a stack of carrots oh my god okay guys chill yo yo okay i'm getting oh i just got more done more bad what is happening okay okay okay okay hold on i'm gonna have to kill you guys i'm just getting too much overpowered stuff i don't know what's going on all right there you go oh my goodness bro i'm dropping so much stuff what look how much better arc we have okay we need all the bedrock hold on what is this sword this sword is on breaking ten okay ooh knock back ten i'm honestly i think i'm gonna keep the knock back ten yeah let's let's take the knockback wait what is this sword okay wait it's still in breaking this one's regular sharpness okay let's take the knockback and then uh and then what is this pickaxe it could be better hold up okay no it's just efficiency time we don't really need it but hold up let's just you know oh did i just i have 12 gold levels i just got some from taking damage i didn't even realize okay oh my god i just got boots you know i'm actually just gonna wear some of my armor because it's scary being naked i don't want to die okay let's see oh we got another diamond and that's basically another golden apple get me out of here please oh all right oh is that another village i think that's a yeah it is another village oh my goodness boys we're able to literally scope out the entire area okay okay but we need to focus we need wood we gotta go back into the caves and ouch wait wait would i just get an axe hold up oh my god fire aspect 10 and sharpness 10 on an axe wait no this is literally better than my sword let us fly i'm trying to find a parker's place to start mining bro if you guys didn't watch the beginning of the video you would just think this is a mod pack at this point with our health and hold up wait a minute i think this looks kind of cool i mean there's two caves two entrances yeah this one looks kind of lit screw it let's go down boys and now all we have to do is literally just dig straight down and oh my god wait i took time engine i got i got a helmet what is this helmet hold up it could be good it's so good dude are you kidding me we just took some damage we got a freaking god helmet okay bet okay i think we're at diamond level so now all we have to do is literally just mine diamonds okay wrong blue orc come on minecraft three two oh oh my god we did it we actually did it and just like that boom how many we have 22 diamonds oh my god okay let's see let's just keep going let's go more diamonds okay we have 40 now and okay just cuz we can i'm gonna eat a god apple and there you go oh my god bro our health looks insane oh my god no my diamond pickaxe is broke raw moment actual brahma might okay that's fine let's go ahead and boom there you go yes boom there you go we have 22 demon blocks now oh my god that's so many hold on wait i just want to see how many oh my how have we already mined three stacks in 14 i don't even understand and there you go now we're getting stuff oh i just got a freaking portal frame oh my god that's nuts all right let's go get another round oh my god more golden apples okay come on come on come on come on oh i got two pickaxes back to back fortune 10 and official oh my god this one's goated this one's actually goated bro and another elytra oh my bro and 33 diamond blocks our goal is to literally break the game and that's exactly what we're gonna do now we got so many more diamonds boom and oh my god 36 blocks of diamonds bro i think that's good enough i think that's literally a lot geez bro this is like i'm at a point where i'm too rich i'm like the jeff basers of minecraft now all right let's keep our blocks because blocks are blocked and we'll need them including our bedrock and our obsidio we have our god weapons right here except yeah let me take this knockback sword let me take this godzilla just in case we need looting 10 that's fire we have eight portal end frames already so hold on let's try and find one more oh god one more vein of diamonds come on baby oh no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god bro bro bro i'm still dropping lou oh i can't even see anything okay okay okay hold on hold on hold on oh wait wait wait wait wait wait i see xp another right another right oh yes yes yes yes yes oh my god three pieces of nether right holy crap and 48 bottles of enchanting and a better helmet somehow yoink and honestly a better pickaxe than just the fortune 10 because it has efficiency i like how i have full protection 10 but i don't have even a water bucket listen guys if there's diamonds here you guys actually have to subscribe i said that with that no without knowing i said that without knowing oh my goodness oh my dude if that doesn't deserve like you guys subscribing i don't know what does bro okay okay fortune 10 right pickaxe and oh my goodness our health bro our health is looking mad bro mad sauce and oh my god 33. hold on a second i can place the crafting table let's craft more of these bad boys there you go 49 oh my goodness boom now we have exactly 51. holy nuts okay now i think it's a good time to surface okay now i really really don't know where the balls i am imagine somehow we made it back to spot okay but now gamers oh dude let's go and actually place all our blocks and now boys let's mine them [Music] he's just vibing bro look at her health let's keep grinding the diamond blocks [Music] boys gamers it's lit bro i've been grinding all night like quite literally and look at our health bruh i don't even know at this point we actually have broken minecraft we're actually about to break minecraft look at my armor bar it's a dude i can't even see it i literally can't even see it anymore i've never seen this before i've actually never broke we have manually made it so our health doesn't even show up on a screen and not just that right if we eat this golden apple oh my god we have three colors here of our hp bro this is madness this is actually madness oh my god look at it i can't even see it bro i actually can't even see our health now we have infinite hp i i don't even understand now i actually don't even understand well let's go with another boys i wonder how the nether's gonna be oh my god and netherright hearts would be so sick unfortunately you know i don't think i'll be able to see them unless we take a lot of damage but bro and the fact that we just spawned right next to a fortress holy i can't i can't even see the fortress barely if i just like literally sit like this and wee let's go blaze hunting time give me the string cheese please okay there we go we have six already bruh i can't even see the blazes okay you're right here dang it dude my health bro this is so insane i think this is literally exactly what we need 18. now we just yes gotta find blue biome and kill the enderman sorry bald people i come kill you give me your balls thank you oh my god we got 10 already bro what i just realized so we need to still grind more damage for the end portal frames which will be really really easy okay i spot another enderman right here boom and stop oh no i took damage i can't even see if i dropped anything bro come on come on no stop please stop oh my god oh my god and just like that boys boom all right let's dip yay and boom let's go i have a sack now anyways let's go ahead and bing bang bong bing bing bing bong bing bong bong now all we need is to take more damage hello cactus i just i just yeah i'm just gonna hug this cactus until we just get what we need i see a bunch of lube burning though no holy nuts okay okay that's enough dude we have barriers we have netherright and we got whoa whoa we got what we needed oh my goodness this is actually insane okay we're in and fly fly fly behind the 99 and hold up wait a minute i want to make beacon and the boom oh my god bruh that looks so sweet is it not gonna it works bro my health is just in the way i have my screen discovered by my insane blue health okay hold on there's one fly and nope stop no please i literally i physically cannot die and bomb and bruh monster just gonna place it in every piece every corner leave me alone you're making me drop more loot i need my button place it yes yes yes yes yes oh my god i'm hitting i'm hitting him oh my hold on a second i know what to do elytra let's take this battle to the sky baby i'm the real boss here don't you see my boss bar bro we're literally the actual boss let's get him let's get him oh my god he's going down he's going down this is perfect this is perfect i'm gonna go in i'm gonna go in and oh my god oh my god he takes damage every time he hits me come on come on oh my god what's happening you coward you are no match for me bring it on nerd whack him in the chin bow to the job bow to the no final hit final hit final hit we got this we got this i'm dropping the shield final hit needs to be in the sky come on come on yes just die please he's one hp why are you running yes we did it we killed the inner dragon oh my god oh my god we did it while in the air boys while in the air and with our multi-colored hp oh my gosh we did it we did it that was honestly one of the coolest end fights i've ever had ladies and gentlemen all my bra if you guys enjoyed man make sure to leave a like and subscribe there should be some other videos on the screen go watch them i'm there waiting for you peace gamers
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,104,278
Rating: 4.908051 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But Your Diamonds = Your Health, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft mod, mod, mods, minecraft health, minecraft mods, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: BRGuw7XSj74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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