So I cheated with a ORE TRACKER MOD in a mining competition...

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in today's video guys I hosted a mining competition but I was secretly using a diamond ore tracker mod and no one had any idea and the winner of this competition was supposed to win a thousand dollar purse with that said if you guys enjoyed today's video I maybe want to see more videos like this smash the like button can we go for 13,500 likes that's how many diamonds I found and of course if you guys are new to the channel makes you subscribe with post notifications on because if not I'll turn you into a diamond and I'll mine you okay that was stupid just subscribe guys and with that said guys I hope you enjoyed today's video and make sure what's till the end just to see how things played out alrighty guys I'm here with bean man Donny are you serious we're three seconds in you can't be bullying the bean man okay anyways guys today we're doing a mining competition wait that was that I feel like it it's a boost killing each other bro and we just have a normal intro dude oh my god I say that but then again I do have a bean man and Donny Bub's anyways guys we're doing a mining competition we each have the same amount of things and whoever gets the most diamonds and ores wins that's it okay obviously diamonds are better than iron iron is not as good as gold and that's stuff is okay stop restarting okay there you go guys I need it up I am going to unmute though like here and there which hold on guys we actually need to find the most insane cave ever okay kit nope that's just a water pool wait what is that hey yo G pulled up is this a trap did Donny set this up okay I'm gonna go down here Yolo oh my god what is this what the balls wait who the heck made this okay ladies and gentlemen before the game started I actually made it so that whenever I did a command it doesn't show anyone else so they're not gonna know that we're gonna be cheating and obviously yes I know I have created mode I could probably spawn into all the stuff I want but that's like too far however little do they know guys that I have like data pack mod thingy that look at this we can literally track down where ores are it if you guys check out this one right here yeah it's literally telling me that there's iron right in front of me which is kind of obvious we can see the iron but basically guys we're secretly gonna oh my god yo okay wait this cave is nuts we're secretly gonna go ahead and be using this diamond tracker as well as gold and iron in order to get the most diamonds and like basically win this competition listen guys we just have to be careful not to freaking die and not to make it well I mean there's no way they're gonna find out that we're using this until I know my god okay wait there's lava here and any diamonds around here no bleep there's lapis though oh yes this has to count for something wait Connie found diamonds already are you serious brah no way cheater no he's a hundred percent cheating I'm just kidding he probably just got a little lucky trust me guys we're about to catch up let's go to y11 which there we go perfect all right let's go ahead and start digging the second we find oh let's go wait it's flashing red and it's pointing to diamonds which apparently are over all my god all right let's go baby give me that achievement guys I honestly feel like we're gonna be able to find the most diamonds that wait oh okay I forgot what I was gonna say I thought there were more diamonds I was gonna freak out this is gonna be too easy fam we're literally gonna find like diamonds left and right with this diamond tracker I've used that oh my god okay wait we actually have to be very careful we don't die lava no orange juice please so I have used the diamond striker in the past I don't know if it's better than x-ray but hopefully I'm pretty sure it is no or maybe not actually wonder guys is Diamond tracker better than x-ray what do you guys think so far we have nine diamonds oh my nuts broad that is so many diamonds and just like that oh my god yes okay apparently there's diamonds right wait yes okay let's go he said he's following me what the heck is going on bro SAFF is literally the biggest bond he's a literal bean man wait what the oh I just found another okay that was that was weird it didn't even like detect on my diamond chakra at least I didn't notice it okay whatever so far guys I was about to say we have 17 diamonds now we have 18 diamonds which is really really good I think I should still be minding this iron though because I mean it could still be very useful and oh wait I think I just Oh check that out guys over here if I go right here no diamonds if I go over here and down diamonds are activated yes okay hold on we gotta go find these diamonds well I don't know why dude I feel like this diamond tracker is like way better than x-ray at least it might not be better in terms of like actually finding the diamonds which arguably is the most important part but I feel like they're just a lot more fun and wait oh yes let's go dude we found the diamonds gimme gimme gimme listen gamers I don't know why people don't do this in real life wait there's more diamonds wait what oh my god yes there we go oh my god and this is a fat vein well actually not really whenever the diamond tracker turns red that's when you know it's a fat vein bro and we want to keep fighting them fat veins aka the fake veins up gamers what is going on guys he's the one who told me I don't lean anyone will ever trust you brother a little bean like no Sam do not no no no no you cannot be near me brah I don't want your a smelly mean man that makes my wall want to be next to you right there right next to you Brett now Brett chill you're weird and smoke you smell like doodoo oh wait guys it's real quick how many diamonds do you guys have and you can't lie don't lie eight Oh buddy you have oh my god dude wait what you did not just find diamonds wait where are they no I cheated I lost my all my god I hate you guys I actually hate you guys brah let me see the red Denise the fictive look again no wait what does this win oh my god now he's following me stop please dude whoa okay wait now I got the haste have you guys been giving wait all right you guys have been cheating this entire time right so where are we having tea I don't even know oh let's be honest it's [Music] wanna kill him keep inventories on bro leave me alone rod oh stop stop no okay these are - no I don't care no no oh those are mine diamonds but oh yes you left on our you left like three let's go dude I go to them no stop stop stop Donny Donny this is supposed to be a mining competition now who can annoy each other the most while mining the idiots I'm trying to see I don't know why I joined the Cobra I was oh my god South get away from you nobody is subscribed you you keep acting so weird imagine imagine you go swim 50 subs from this video to like 10 K and then what they were just like I let's take it all the way the world record for losing the most of ourselves in like five seconds laughing by lucky you're crying it's my pickaxe is actually about to break anyway so I might have to sacrifice three diamonds unless we must be jump whoa the x-ray oh wait okay wait yeah I'm gonna give everyone would oh I got it yes wait what here I'll protect you I'll protect you Donny wait Donnie how did you get hold on three three girls grinding hard okay okay okay okay you can come back you come back I'll give you yeah as a small fee for getting trolled I'm taking - all right log on I'm gonna throw them down log on idiot I got dolly trusted me but leave me alone I will find my own diamonds good luck gets it up to me boy Madonna you have to be cheating now there's no one you know I'm not sad it's just following me and we're getting lucky right now yeah probably think I'm an idiot I swear you have no diamonds yeah I've I've been taking is from you guys but what happens when we win or when I win like what's the forfeit when you win problem 33 yeah but I'm on 46 all right she is my own event that makes you more likely to see what do you mean free diamond baby I thought why was it just one time by itself guys don't worry about it sweetheart yike more diamond let's go only two okay I mean you see me I'm shifting I see well no I know anymore I saw you need attack for a second uh-huh why clue CV huh was that nervous obviousiy yeah I just saw your name with the eggs really no I'm not are you getting Donny wait yes we'll be inside for a second I have my 2d and this guy followed me way I'm going to different mind get away from me please that is fishy bro why why did you mind me I didn't see I found diamonds I didn't even say I found diamonds you did have fun - yeah and I mined them both Oh clearly you didn't conceal their stuff I'm going to distant cave if you tip it to me it's on site I'm killing you there never care okay guys I bind your mind your magic I started by the way let's let's set a rule because we're gonna be here mining forever right whoever oh my god okay this is a good sign whoever gets a stack of diamonds first automatically wins is that a deal okay okay yeah obviously not I have the logs yeah be here for years I'm using a stone pickaxe okay I may be really good you gotta play bro oh I knew you were gonna stop stop no no Tony started and literally at 61 this man-made diamond armor brah I wasn't the one who killed you remember who killed you I thought that's why I found it from the last time you hello SAFF remember Arthur we're all the good times we had Joey has got his sword I literally only need two more diamonds to win peace out diamonds yeah yeah well you guys fight each other oh my god I got a view I guess what this I'm gonna win okay guys we literally only need two more diamonds Brian these guys pull up I'm gonna just go ahead and like do this there you go guys we literally only need two all my god no we just need to find one more diamond vein and that is literally it doesn't have to be a fat one doesn't have to be a thick one Oh give me a nice skinny one with the juicy booty you know I'm saying those are the best ha ha ha I'm just kidding okay okay hold on I swear guys I'm actually gonna get the monitor come on do there's so much okay okay game mode creative I'm just gonna mine over here and create a mall who cares bro as long as they don't see Peter me if they TP to me now I'm actually screwed okay game mode survival okay come on just keep going just keep going your mom believed I need a fight no I don't want dude I hate these stupid I don't even need these other frickin gems yeah I don't need those or Tracker those gem finders whatever I just need this one the diamond boy come on dude there's no way man directly under me directly we know that's a buff that's above we know that's under that's under yes we win oh my god hold on y'all boys what you guys are still killing each other I win anyway it's over I have a stock Android diamonds you crafted all your diamonds guys just check this chess actually here everyone put them out of diamonds you have in your chest okay hey no cheating no cheating all right there you go all right what okay let me see Oh mine is mine well I guess I'm the winner how the way bye sweetheart oh because I won because I won right I get a free wait what is it what's gonna be the fourth pity much wasted time I knew it yo I knew you were x-wing bro oh my god yeah I knew it because I didn't mind those diamonds and you still came to me like why would you you know like that was so sketchy oh yeah yeah oh my god it was like jaws he was following me for so long because I'm the winner I'll send you guys an invoice for $100 I never said no rule was no cheating yeah you have to pay sued don't worry
Channel: Bionic
Views: 4,815,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod, ore tracker mod, ore detector mod, minecraft ore mod, minecraft ore tracker mod, So I cheated with a ORE TRACKER MOD in a mining competition, so i cheated with a mod, so i cheated with, mining mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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