Minecraft, But You Only Have 1% Health...

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so recently guys we've been beating minecraft a lot using things like op trading and mods with realistic physics but then i got the idea what if we make minecraft 99 more difficult yeah i don't know why i'm doing this to myself this is minecraft but you only have one percent health so if you guys are excited for today's video you already know the drill smash the like button and if we can smash one light that's it i only want one okay i'm obviously kidding but with that said if you guys are new to the channel then make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because according to youtube analytics only one percent of you guys are subscribed and with that said gamers let's do this oh god what are we gonna name this world lord help us all all right boys let's do this man this is gonna be the ultimate minecraft challenge i don't know how we're gonna do this man and okay oh my goodness holy nuts my health is at one percent oh like okay okay we gotta relax we gotta relax um oh my no no no no no are you kidding me this world is just it just wants me to die it just wants me to go in danger okay whoa whoa whoa bro i gotta watch out with how many blocks i go down any bit of fall damage will literally kill us i can stub my toe i can get a splinter and i will literally die bro i don't know how i'm gonna do this i'm definitely gonna die in this video like there's no way right unless i played super sweaty unless we sweat beyond sweaty boys oh man i think i might just have to i think i might actually just have to treat this as like hardcore and just make it like the most sweaty video ever bro i'm gonna be smelling like a freaking high school gym after this okay okay we gotta be very careful oh my goodness okay we're good we're good we're good okay realistically guys do we wanna loot that do we really wanna loot that i don't know there's so many there's so much danger there's so much danger bro i gotta play this so safe it's okay hold on hold on i'm gonna go ahead and grab some of this exposed stone we gotta watch out guys honestly we literally cannot take any form of damage unless we die which is okay technically this isn't hardcore so if we die it should be okay but like that's never the goal i never wanna actually die and hold on let's grab some of these dead bushes give me your sticks thank you okay okay do we actually want to do this have any mobs spawned inside of here oh dude i'm so scared oh my god oh my god a skeleton oh my goodness no oh my god bro bro he's coming this way he's coming this way shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up can i see his toes oh no oh my goodness okay okay okay how are we gonna do this how are we gonna do this oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm so scared i'm so scared hold on wait wait wait wait if i maybe do okay okay wait i built a wall hold on let's just dig straight down let's just dig straight down and oh my goodness mission successful okay okay let's grab these chest boys let's grab these chests yo dude we got a plane so safe hold on when i got some cobblestone and some extra blocks and okay damage control there you go you know what just in case bro just because i don't i really don't want to die we cannot afford anything there you go we're good and let's see oh oh sharpness five sharpness five fire protect oh you know what no i don't even need that dude sharpness five book oh my goodness okay let's take these bones i'm gonna take the string as well aqua affinity okay bone string yo like um oh yes diamonds two diamonds boys okay hold on channeling book uh i don't think i need that i'm gonna take these blocks what's inside here oh no ah i need it i want it but i can't it would be too overpowered boys it would just i would just cheat the system the point is having one percent health so although i want the god apple and the regular golden apple i'm not gonna take it i'm gonna make things a lot more interesting guys but we did get two iron i know you guys probably think i'm some sort of psychopath not taking the god apple bro but listen okay it would just i like the challenge okay roaches are red violets are blue where's it oh oh i almost crapped my pants and you probably did too that rhymed i have to channel my inner dream boys and then like this there you go i can get out oh my dude yes we're out of there oh my goodness successfully successful holy nuts we're actually a psychopath doing this challenge man oh man if we take any formal damage guys if i get hit from suffocation from any sand block i die if i even touch one skin cell on one of these cactuses i'm gonna die if a rabbit somehow licks my toes i will literally die bro it's actually crazy and okay we have no food that's not gonna be a good thing okay hold on i'm already starting to get hungry oh my god wait what is is that another that's another temple oh my god oh my pog in my butt dude i don't know what i'm saying we can't take any form of damage whatsoever patience is key hold on i need some blocks my inventory just in case oh my goodness bro we're so big brain more tnt okay okay bro six diamonds six diamonds guys we got a saddle iron horse armor perfect i'm gonna take these bones as well just in case we need bone meal and emeralds oh my goodness yes bro pog okay we have rap to the blocks this is perfect dude let's go oh oh bro i almost got myself killed i almost just got myself killed there okay oh my goodness bro bro bro i can okay are we good i don't see any mobs oh my goodness okay hold on oh my goodness okay don't fall don't fall don't fall and we're out oh my goodness enough dude six diamonds we have six diamonds oh and we escaped the skeleton dude okay we need to make a shield asap um you know what screw it i literally hear a skeleton under me though okay there's probably a cave i don't care for it i don't care for it bro if we can avoid caves that would be the smartest thing we could do and cactuses do not hug a cactus bomb basically how this half a heart works is if i take any single tick of damage and normally if you take one tick of damage like point zero zero one percent take of damage sometimes you take the damage and you don't even lose the heart well in this case any damage guys it doesn't even matter like how little the damage could be again one of these villagers could kiss me bro and i will literally die and speaking of death it's about to be nighttime oh no all right well you know what screw it i meant to craft myself on an axe but i'm beating you with the pickaxe and how much did we get we got okay well we have six in total let's make ourselves an iron axe and oh my god okay it's fully nighttime oh no no no no no babies on me baby zombie babies on me that's bad that's bad that's bad that's bad oh my god oh my god okay don't take damage on the timers don't take damage oh my goodness okay go go go move bro i need to sleep oh my god bro i can't even sleep i can't even sleep no no no no no no no help us someone call for help dude i hope i hope i hope there's no spiders no no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god this is actually so scary okay hold on wait let me play stop and go go go go go i avoided fall damage go go go go if i see any skeletons bro i have to i have to just cry i have to cry and pray i have a shield so i'm not too worried wait what there's another iron golem a bra hey bro do your thing man i do need to kill him oh there's a baby coming nope nope nope not even to take it dude okay please tell me he can't hit me bro please tell me he can't touch me leave my toes alone okay we're good oh dear god there's a spider right there too we don't want to go that way all right my g sorry bro i know you're trying to defend your village and all that stuff but i need the extra iron oh my god oh my god okay there's another one too wait how what how is this possible there's no way there's three iron golems oh my god i have eight iron hold on wait a second i'm sorry bald man yeah i like it cut and 11 iron we have 11 iron okay bro i'm honestly risking it so much i crafted a hole dude i can't believe i'm actually doing this go go go go go go oh my goodness bro okay wait what do i do there's literally no point in crafting armor there's literally no point in crafting armor okay well let's make a bucket we gotta get to the nether oh dude that's gonna be so challenging what do i do with these diamonds though i don't know screw it let's make a pickaxe now do i make a diamond axe i don't know bro hold on let's just make food brah why did i think this would be a good idea man i'm actually a proper florida man crackhead for doing this challenge okay we have the sharpness 5 book holy crap we can use that we can actually use that we got to make an anvil for it okay well let's um is the creeper still here hold on the creeper's right here okay what if i do this oh okay we don't take damage that was a risk but we don't take damage now we know let's make that diamond axe perfect okay is anyone behind me no now all we need to do is find ourselves a lava pool some orange juice boys we need some of that oj yo but we've been doing insane so far like the fact that oh let's go let's go i honestly just need to shut up and literally just focus bruh bruh we are actually nuts i was gonna say though guys we're actually doing so good for doing like such an insane challenge and boom okay we're good we're good we're good imagine that block right there lights on fire we just die and oh god i'm scared i'm so scared okay wait how are we gonna do this how will we act dude we can't take any damage any damage whatsoever wait what is oh no i did not no i did not spawn in one of that do we go for that for the gold i think we should make boots first and then you're gonna call me insane but i think then we should go to the bastion remnant perfect oh my god yes there you go okay we're good now we don't have to worry about these piglens attacking us you're gonna call me a psychopath but i think we need to go over there boys it's gonna be the easiest way to do i have a bow do i have a bow i don't have any arrows we can absolutely not get spotted by that guy ghasts are actually our freaking arch nemesis oh my god it's right there bro how are we gonna get over there how are we gonna actually get over there oh did it shoot oh we would have died we would have died if it shot we would have died of a shot even if i placed blocks there guys we would have taken a little bit of damage and we would have died oh my god all right all right all right where's my sand i have one piece of sand okay i missed click but it's fine i could break this and bro if this video doesn't deserve a like i don't know what does i don't i'm dead i'm dead oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god that was too close one percent health challenge ladies and gentlemen this is it okay and there's a skeleton and there's a gas no no no no no hold on wait a second if i do this oh there you go i can now see the hitboxes oh that's gonna be way better gamers that way we notice mobs way quicker go go go go go and perfect yes yes yes yes yes yes i think i have to go up right okay hopefully nothing falls on me bro if it does i'm dead oh my god bro i see one of the piglets hold on if i loot this oh my god oh my god dude dude what did i just do hold on hold on i'm gonna back up i'm gonna back up i think i could kill him he can't do anything oh oh there's another one there's another one there you go okay there you go wait that's perfect i can loot it iron block soul speed three boots okay wait wait wait this is so good let's get this gold a bunch of carrots let's go iron nuggies um okay is that it is that actually everything bro there's no way not too much gold from these chests though all right hold up let's go back in our hole wait hold on what if we dig down this time okay we gotta be very careful i can only break like three blocks i think without taking damage yep go go go go go go go go go whoa whoa whoa what did i just find i got my shield up oh hello hello my good sir hi yes no i'm not trying to steal your gold come on what i would never i would idiot yank all this iron gold block actual pog more food okay oh dude this was great isn't there supposed to be just like some big room or something oh my god oh god wait did i find it is this like the the part where you mine or the items you don't even know i don't even know three gold blocks by the way broke are they just randomly around here everywhere do do blocks of gold just actually just randomly spawn around here there's no way there's actually no way oh my oh wait i already looted this wait diamond shovel why didn't i take that i'm gonna drop this guy a couple pieces of gold hey man yeah yeah give me a five rest potion please buy rice pop fire rice pop please oh yes oh my god fire rice potion let's go let's actually go and okay how am i gonna go down there without taking damage all right this is gonna be kind of ballsy boys but eat okay let's block ourselves up okay literally basically nothing bro golden apple i can't even use that let's get the balls out of here bro oh my god oh my god oh my god i think i just made them angry i think they can't touch me they can't be they can't touch me oh oh my goodness that was so close bro pog let's go are these guys gonna attack me no they're not they're not they're chill they're chill let's start trading with these fools take my gold oh wait they dropped pearls i literally see the pearls right there oh my god he still wants to kill me though this one guy wants to kill me so bad bro i want to pick up those pearls i don't want to risk it though bro we've gone way too far okay okay okay okay i don't think these guys are trying to fight i don't think they're trying to fight i don't think they're trying to fight please please please please remember me guys yeah yeah i'm the dude from church you guys uh you guys liked uh oh god okay 10 is good 10 is good hold on wait should i try again hold up we got some more gold here you go bro two gold pieces please please please please okay the wrong balls bro the wrong balls ladies and gentlemen we can put sharpness five oh wait we need five levels we lit bro that's nothing we're gonna have a sharpness five axe in regular minecraft bro oh that's so nuts and oh no no no no just shoot okay and grab this gold real quick and that should be it okay there you go charm is five boom oh my nuts speed bridge and perfect okay fortress please can we just find a fortress quick no fall damage no fall damage don't fall damage do not take any dude i could have died right there oh oh my god yes yes so the fortress is right there oh my bro what okay we got to figure out how to safely enter this thing whoa whoa oh dude i thought that was a blaze that's just fire whoa we made it bro we're still alive oh no no no no i spoke too soon get back get back you freaking boner man yes there you go wait yup we found it okay okay all right let's go and block this off haha nerds okay let's splash this and honestly guys i think if we go like i don't know if it's smarter to shoot them or go in oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay okay that could have been bad i'm going in i'm going and i'm going in i'm going in there's two right there there's two right there there's two right there oh my god oh my god oh my god we gotta wait we gotta wait safely we got six bro i have to dodge and we've eat okay i killed another one all right i think i'm gonna go in three three i got three i got three i got three that's twelve that's six there you go i have ten eyes of ender i have two extra blaze powder do i kill one more do i risk it screw it bro we could do it oh that was so close and okay okay did it drop one i can't tell i think i think it did that's either xp i can't tell i can't tell i'm going in it did it it did it did you oink yo i'm breaking this i'm breaking this i'm breaking this yes yes we're good we are so good oh my god we're basically done let's get out of here let's get out of here go go go go go go we can do this boys we can actually kill the dragon now oh my nuts no damage taken bruh oh my god wait wrong way oh my goodness okay okay okay oh please don't be nighttime please don't be night time please don't be night time please do not be night time it's night time it's night time of course hold up now we can sleep perfect oh my okay let's do this yeet that way go go go go go come on yes i didn't break it i'm honestly risking it with ten boys we are wait what is that oh wow are you kidding me wait you're telling me i could have just lit in this bra i actually bro there was already a portal here oh depp started three boots let's make ourselves our boat boom oh god okay it's gonna be difficult to go through this ice on a boat but it's fine oh man i'm realizing now we only have four beds bruh i don't know how we're gonna be able to kill the dragon guys this is gonna be way too difficult oh man bro can we do it with zero deaths oh god i'm pretty sure it's below us i'm just gonna do it i'm just gonna yolo it let's craft a door boom let's hold on i have so much crap in my inventory all right go go go go go now we just have to be very careful that we don't take any stupid damage okay there's water there do i risk it yolo yolo oh it's right here oh my goodness okay bet literally bet mine inside okay okay okay we are goaded we are actually all there's a skeleton giving them toes boy okay can we kill him how is he not how is he not dead hello pop all right let's find this thing raw bro really lava trapping the door are you kidding oh there's a chest oh yes okay that's perfect we got an ender pearl um i can't even use it anyway so yeah there you go now we have 11 oh my no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god no that's over fish bro not silver fish okay we found the biblioteca but we don't need that okay it's literally not this way bro i think i've searched everything bro don't tell me it's actually oh wait you made a hole hold on a second can we go down here oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god if it's not this way bro i'm actually gonna scream yes i screamed anyways okay hold on let's break that and oh my god oh my god oh my god okay okay these things can literally not touch me oh my goodness brother i was so close okay please please please please we have perfect amount we have the perfect amount oh my god oh my god bing bong bing gang thing hold on a second hold on a second wait we gotta be big brain i'm gonna sacrifice one of these beds okay there you go respawn point set and boom oh my god yes all right boys do i leave anything behind i literally don't even have enough for a chest hold on is there a chest maybe this way um i need one piece of wood okay wait i have one idea i don't have a crafting table okay you want to screw it i have an idea let's see can i craft anything that can store something an observer oh no i can't how about a barrel how do we craft it oh no okay wait we can make a furnace okay i can put that in there oh dude wait that's actually perfect put wood though wait what fur what you can no no no no but you can smell an iron axe wait what happens when you smell an iron axe oh i just wasted it i hate myself dude three two one eight okay okay okay go go go go go go we cannot risk a single enderman getting pissed at us there you go we got one let's get this one over there oh my god oh my god run run run run run run run eat boom bam oh god oh god oh god the dragon is pissed that he's gonna be defeated by someone with point zero zero zero one percent health land that land that land yes bro honestly i just need to concentrate come on come on perfect okay i broke every single one okay wait he's going down he's purging right now ah dude i'm not risking it i'm not risking it i'm not risking it do i go in do i go in i'm going in i'm going in i'm going in okay there we go i'm doing massive damage i'm doing massive damage and i'm gonna get out i'm gonna get out i'm gonna get out i'm gonna get out okay wait i could have stayed a little longer that's fine that's fine okay i gotta run i gotta make sure he doesn't touch me no no what what it's fine we spawn right here oh my god go go go go go go first death first death that's fine that's fine we did nuts go go go go go go go go go go go i gotta get my stuff he's purging again he's going again come on come on come on come on come on no dude he just randomly does that there's no way you can do it without taking any damage right oh man i don't know there has to be a way but you know what dude it's fine he's coming my way ugh really dragon we're being kind of cringe bro not gonna lie it's fine he knows he's dead he's just mad poe's mad bro he's literally just mad that we're about to just slap his cheeks he's purging again oh i have no more arrows oh my god all right this is it this is it come on come on come on wait a second the tnt the tnt the tnt the tnt no i can invite it what an enderman the tnt is lit the tnt is there it's set up all we have to do is light it it's fine it's fine it's fine we set up the tnt hold on you know what set up a little bit more smart kind of like this there you go oh my god perfect this is perfect is he going is he doing it is he doing it yes he's doing it yes he's doing it perfect shield up shield up go go go go go and i laid it i lit it i let the gt i lit the tnt come on come on yes yes what what he's on one are you kidding me bro this is bs we're so close we're so cl is he oh oh oh oh oh my god oh my god oh my god dude i don't care shovel shovel we're gonna beat him with the shovel yates oh we got him with the shuffle yes yes am i recording oh thank god i am oh dude i would have cried i would have cried we did it we did it boys we actually didn't hold on you know what hold up no no where did he go right here we gotta get it we gotta get it wait can i even get it how can i get it i literally don't think i can i literally can't craft anything wait which string maybe i play string right there and does it work oh it does we got the egg oh man ladies and gentlemen we did it bro we actually did it we actually did it dude oh my god bro holy nuts and just so you guys see how easily we could have died i want i wanted to show you let's just light this up and then you know how you can just survive and sometimes you don't even get set on fire watch this that's it that's it that's all it takes bro literally if we just jump off like this we just die oh my god bro honestly i'm i'm so happy i'm so happy if we got zero death that would have been insane but it's fine i think we could easily redo it and actually do it holy crap if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like subscribe if you guys are new and with that said there should be some other videos on the screen some more minecraft butt challenges peace gamers
Channel: Bionic
Views: 4,843,669
Rating: 4.8878484 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But You Only Have 1% Health, minecraft but, minecraft but you only get 1% health, minecraft but you only have 1 heart, bionic, challenge, minecraft challenge, family friendly
Id: XE9zF0MmtxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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