Minecraft, But You Can Craft Custom Items...

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Likely clickbait judging by the thumbnail, bit I could be wrong

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ajhr_issl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Think it’s silents gear

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/twixbar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Screenshot is misleading but the video itself is using silent's gears

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ludba πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Too cringy for me to watch more that 5 secs. But the mod is Silent's Gear it has companion mods: silent's gems and Silent's mechanisms

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/djfdhigkgfIaruflg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thumbnail; Photoshop

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/random_stair πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

A mod you might like is Tinker’s Constructs: you widely customize your own tools...it’s great I highly recommend it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/a_wild_space_coyote πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Silent gear i think

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FRakanazz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skyeyemx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Silent's gear

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MysteryPlayz08 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
in today's video we can mix the materials to craft overpowered items oh redstone okay i don't know if we can actually do anything with that i think we can what if we just add it to like oh my god that looks so sick can we beat the game with these new custom items watch till the end to find out and of course leave a like from the youtube algorithm and subscribe and with that said let's do this three two one and go go go go go and oh no no no no no no no dude guys well first of all i think that's a village oh i see the house oh my goodness okay well well one we just found a village and two we spawned with something called a fully loaded blueprint book which hold on a second i'm pretty sure oh my god yup this is exactly what we need we're gonna be able to use these blueprints to literally craft oh my god not only can you craft stuff like pickaxes you can craft something to call the katana a machete a spear a sickle a shield oh my god okay well let's just stop fanboy ladies and gentlemen to say the least this is about to be really really crazy and honestly i'm thinking now our two goals for this video is one to create the most and epic items that we can mix together because today that's exactly what we're gonna be doing basically crafting the coolest armor and like the coolest weapons we could possibly imagine and our second goal is to beat the game with the crazy items that we're gonna be making so um let's just make a crafting table boom and uh oh god am i really about to make a normal wooden pickaxe just a normal wooden pickaxe this is literally gonna be the most trash thing we're gonna craft all game boom well we made it because we need it all right hold on is there some stone right here oh there literally is there's like some water okay easy area to just yoink some stone and oh some surface iron what well i haven't found iron like this quickly in so long bro this is nuts and there you go i plant trees you're welcome mr beast i don't think that's gonna grow don't ask any questions all right and yeah let's definitely make ourselves an axe and let's make a better pickaxe i think we get two more cobblestone and i go like this oh my god yes okay okay so this is literally already part of it this is already part of the custom crafting we already have a stone rod wait hold on my uh if my calculations are correct can we make like a stone stone pickaxe like i'm not just talking about a regular stone pickaxe i'm talking about stone stone stone pickaxe i don't know what i'm saying but hold on if i get this fully loaded blueprint and we literally just joined the pickaxe blueprint that we're literally given okay and then we just do this part oh my god we have the stone pickaxe head it has like a custom enchant of ancient one i don't really know what that does stats oh my god okay this is big brain guys i'm telling you this is gonna be nuts so hold on if i now go like this and then oh no no no what wait so what if i just put like a regular stick oh that is just wait this is so weird it's it's a stone pickaxe but no that didn't look right no no no no no we want the stone stone pickaxe i have like three traits that's what they're called increased xp drops by blocks and mops wow so this stone stone pickaxe just better things i mean i don't think i'm gonna get xp from breaking stone right yeah unfortunately no uh no xp from getting stoned but if we mine ores then it should give us more speed now hold on let's just grab literally this iron with our you know stone stone pick accident okay i don't know what just happened did it just break i just got a bunch of advancements called kachink i'm a little weirded out not gonna lie but i'm very intrigued okay so hold on we literally just need to dip from here let's head to that village to start getting some iron and smelt it oh boys this is actually about to be insane dude this is so weird man like my stone pickaxe is fully stoned i'm just not used to seeing that we gotta make like a stone wooden sword that would actually be really weird but hold on i'm really tempted right now to just make that wait should we just make like a knife i want to make knife now if we get too stuck i can always just search up the crafting recipes like for example knight and then if i go for example knife blade oh that's all you have to do wait so in that case i literally go like this and like that i get this thingy my bob and then boom i get a fully loaded stone knife what okay wait this is so cute look at it it's like a baby sword okay anyways let's just get stab nerd oh my god it's so fast oh man give me them toes for the village oh i think i just saw a blacksmith oh wait shut the front door there are two thingymabobs oh my god this seat is actually cracked bro i nearly fell out of my chair bro oh my nuts i just broke bruh no way no way people are gonna think this is rigged man i can't i can't dude the luck is actually bro my luck is unreal my luck is actually unreal i actually genuinely think i'm the luckiest youtuber no cat bro bra and oh my god some obscene wait can we make obsidian stuff i actually don't know oh we got an iron pickaxe not that i'm really gonna use it we got some gold oh my god hold on and some free food okay hold on i'm actually kind of curious if we just search out on our thingy ingots how many ink okay wait wait wait i like pretty colors yo this is gonna be insane blaze gold engine how do you even make this i'm so confused it's just blaze pop okay we gotta go to the netherlands basically this obsidian we got is worth a lot oh my goodness bro we're actually cracking now where's the bald man yeah oh god okay he's gonna bully me no no no oh god i missed places oh god oh god hey bro watch out hold up hold up i need blocks i need blocks okay now i can bully you with my dagger oh my god bro look how quick we're dude wait what yo this is insane and oh my god dude my crits can't even keep up because this little dagger is so quick oh my god dude we killed them and we got five bro literally five iron like you can't make this up and it's already nighttime what okay we need to make a shield let's get our blueprint the shield where is it right here so put the shield here and what exactly do we need so we just need any mate we can make a shield out of any block bro what oh my even a barrier wait how does that even make sense did you guys see that okay anyways we could use whatever we have and then we just need one compound like stick or whatever i can make oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my god no no no we're gonna make one quick hold on hold on we gotta kill this guy real quick oh my god just die bro what if we just go like this and like that oh we have an iron shield there's a bunch of traits magnetic pools in nearby items that's nuts what if we just make oh my god the iron rods are magnetic three that's way cooler okay hold on i'm gonna use some of the iron to make some rods but what if we make instead of an iron shield we make a stone shield with an iron border oh my goodness wait would it change if i make a wood i can make a wooden shield and it changes the texture gold shield oh that looks so sick but no no no we gotta go for efficiency so i'm gonna go and just make a stone shield with an iron border there you go oh my goodness bro wait this looks so sick so sick okay but we're gonna add some color yo wait what the oh my god no no no no oh my she'll protect me it's lit it just pulled the what hold on a second look at this look at this look at this oh it's literally what i'm a literal magnet so if i'm mining anything it just completely goes to me oh that's so fire okay so yeah hold on if we just go like this does that okay no no no we need to go ahead and get the blueprint right so you need the blueprint for everything let's get a pickaxe now boom let's get the head of the diaper pickaxe and then let's go and make ourselves a hybrid like that oh my god that looks so sick we crafted it oh man yo this looks so sick and come on man why are you trying to kill me bro yeah let's get a better axe boom bam like that boom goodbye stupid axe i have cooler iron axe hey bro watch oh jet watch your jet i got the new items and you easy oh my god okay we gotta dip bro there's so much mobs and let's get out of here okay let's try and find a cave or something we gotta get so much oars guys to just make ourselves the coolest armor i don't care if it's the number one rule of minecraft let's just dig down okay please don't get me killed please don't get me killed just in case oh wait i heard a skeleton i think there is a cave oh my god we found it okay i'm going down three two one get our iron iron axe go go go go go oh it's a spawner no that's a good thing but also still a bad thing okay wait but the cave ends here we gotta go the other way oh my god okay well we just found an even better cave with so much loot okay come on we just have to find some diamonds oh some more gold gold is gonna be really useful to craft those super sick ingots i think they're called the blaze ingots oh god oh god oh god no no why are there so many of them no no no no no oh yes idiots oh my god this is so hilarious i'm literally just killing all of them and lapis okay might be useful ooh lava already smell the diamonds boys can you guys smell them they smell a little bit like toes that i wanna lip okay then let's go okay whoa whoa we gotta be very careful okay well actually you know this is a little bit of a flex you know how many diamonds we got we got all the diamonds we got autumn diamonds just surrounding me i really hope they don't follow the lava so before that happens let's actually just joint them and all right sick now we have five more diamonds that we didn't have before oh my god there has to be some more diamonds around here i don't have a water bucket oh my god there were diamonds right dude i almost missed them they literally blended in with the oh this is pog this is actually pog right now bro oh my god this pickaxe mine's so quick even underwater okay well now that we have 10 diamonds we can do a lot more with this definitely like craft a sick chest plate maybe a six sword let's make like a little face thingy of operations okay here we go we have our little base bam bing bong bing bong let's start cooking bam bop beep boop other than cooking well i don't need this iron pickaxe anymore let's start crafting like other than armor there's some really cool things we can make man like a spear that sounds super cool okay guys i don't know man i think a katana bro or a machete must be sick i'm the katana oh the katana looks so sick guys uh you know i'm an anime weeb we gotta make a katana and you know what without even looking let's try and make it hold on this creeper is getting too close yep idiot let's make the katana like i said with the better and cooler ingots let's make a regular sword the classic diamond sword but let's upgrade it oh my god this looks so sick this is how the regular diamond sword would look okay kind of dookie what if we make the diamond sticks instead oh my god that can lead us okay wait i think this is more of an investment let's do this i'm gonna make my diamond sticks but what if we do something like oh my god bro there you go no going back no regrets to take this obsidian sword to the next level what we can get is something called a tip upgrade bro wait no this is just madness that looks so sick now it does nine attack damage oh my god this is literally the best sword and it has all the other traits okay well gg gg man we just made the coolest diamond sword ever and you know oh bruh i literally just dude okay if that doesn't include lucky i don't know what it does let's just try mine and see if we can honestly just find some diamonds i think once we find some more diamonds guys oh redstone okay i don't know if we can actually do anything with that i think we can i don't really know what it does but i'm gonna just make one why not what if we just add it to like oh my god that looks so sick should i actually replace it bro it looks pretty sick okay i'm doing it boom and we solved the diamond upgrade oh my god holy crap our iron axe is gonna be then stronger than our sword there you go never mind we we have our use for our iron axe now oh oh my god bro i literally oh my god oh my god i don't know if it's the lucky dude but i think it's the lucky bro i think it's actually the lucky oh my goodness i didn't have to say okay let's get the diamond chest play blueprint boom and then i'm pretty sure it's self-explanatory oh my god that looks bro what wait we can mix it if i have some better oh watch oh jet watch oh my god we can swing so fast dude what oh this looks so dude the sword looks so sick oh my god it's literally darker bro bro bro bro is this a good thing or a bad thing i actually don't know i don't know if the synergy being lower is a bad thing it's 89 i think it looks like a bad thing i don't know well yeah i think it looks like yeah okay so a full diamond with full synergy is actually gonna be stronger okay yeah screw it let's just get a regular diamond chest plate thingy and wait just like that we literally got the diamond chest plate okay well there you go we have our diamond chest plate which looks so weirdly cool though all right let's make this portal boom bam bam okay i really hope i don't screw this up boom okay please work please work please work yep perfect and easy portal put some wood right here and we should have a portal really soon all right boys let's do this holy crap we look so cool oh okay okay let's make sure not to get lost i don't see anything oh my god wait what is that is that the oar right there and oh no no no guys oh wait they're busy fighting the nerd okay perfect perfect perfect mind mind mind while they're distracted you like oh no no no no no no yeah take that nerds come on come on come on i got more for everybody oh my god they're just throwing random stuff at me oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die dude that was so scary but we have six six in a pearl so far okay okay there you go yes give me your trades wait pearls pearls i just saw them i just yes so if i'm shifting it stops working more pearls more pearls okay unshift unshift come on give me the pearls yes i got them at 13. let's get out of here let's get out of here oh my god yes perfect we found it we found it and more of the ore oh god okay oh my gosh there's literally a way to go back bruh oh please the thingies we found another banana what if i eat it what happens oh good banana yummy okay there's a blaze spawner right here so hold up let's make ourselves a little thingymabob okay boom two furnaces boom boom i don't have any coal but it's fine because i can get lava bucket oh god yes they're smelting well that smells let's kill these blazes and join no and yes come on come on come to papa blaze rod yep come to me yoink oh god oh god oh god oh my god dude this shield is amazing look at us bro we look awesome be careful be careful be careful oh my god my shield literally just broke i can't even pick up my shield anymore oh my god literally my shield is broken i think i can repair it i broke it thanks for telling me man okay well yeah i'm sorry shield you were a good stone shield but yeah oh my dude this is gonna be so fire this is gonna be so fire okay hold on i need i literally just need a chest i have too much stuff we need a shield so let's make that first oh i don't know if we should have the magnetism do i want it i feel like i do right it's looking really useful and then have the material as the diamond boom new shield oh my god it looks so epic okay we have a crap ton of blaze rods let's get enough for eyes there you go 13 is good enough back to grinding okay so we have oh my god we have so much iron of the crimson but then also now what we can do is craft some of these bad boys we can go like this and then oh my god we have blaze gold ingot we only need one more blaze powder for another piece and boom we have enough go go go go go let's make another one of these boom oh my god so fire we have a good shield let's make some armor first and then we'll move on to our katana our god weapon and then beat the game can we get all the blueprints store some doo doo crap stuff we don't need let's make an iron helmet boom all right now let's make some leggings there you go and some boots boom oh wait should i have used the crimson stuff low-key i should use the crimson stuff i'm gonna just remake the armor bro i wasted so much iron but it's fine i have two brain cells oh my god that looks so fire boom okay i think we need one more piece for the boots yep that's fine now if we go like this we get the pieces oh my god this looks so sick bro this looks so epic oh my goodness boom and then honestly guys should we just compliment it we just make our boots with the tip oh that looks so fire yo boom i can't see the the thingy but it's fine it's there our armor looks so fire dude hold on guys let's get a bow and let's get our katana boom and boom okay wait will this work oh my god we have the obsidian bow limbs now we just need the string now hold on how are we gonna oh my god dude do we want to go with a diamond katana or do we want to use the blaze gold or the crimson iron or do we just go with obsidian you know what not let's get one more blaze gold and it was that easy oh no okay i'm just running back dude this is gonna be so sick i don't even care if it's not that strong blaze gold katana all right we're making it there you go oh my goodness bro you cannot tell me that doesn't look sick you literally cannot tell me that doesn't look sick bro now hold on can't i go like this and then just tip it pink which boosts it it gives a fire aspect wait there's a trait oh my god it doesn't it's the crimson ironing it that gives it fire aspect oh my god all right we're out of here boys go go go oh my god no no no oh my god he got whooped so quickly okay boom boom boom mind obsidian and bam we out bro oh my god what we're in a cave interesting all right you guys know the drill time to beat the game this way sorry sir but i need to oh my god that was so sick no no no no oh my god the fire aspect is so sick on the katana it's literally completely broke can you guys not learn i have a freaking fire katana you stand no chance now that we have this then we can go boom bam bang oh my god this looks fire and then with the fire crimson update okay well this is insane let's go let's beat the game okay wait yeah no it's literally here oh yes okay i'm just gonna dig straight down go go go go go go go go go go oh my god we found it we found it we're fine we're winning the fact that i'm missing one armor bar no no no no oh wait let me break this thing before we run into too much trouble there you go let's honestly just make yeah diamond boots there's literally no point in that boom we still only have half but it's fine all right boys let's do this if i die we literally lose everything and have to restart bro we got this go go go go go let's get that one over there first try okay i missed terribly okay there you go got that one hey bro watch oh jet watch oj can we reach that one come on come on yes yeah dragon i bet you've never seen a blue half pink man before with this type of weird shield lime and boom okay and ye easy oh my god no oh my god dude i don't know how omaha didn't survive that okay we gotta go we gotta go there's one over here yo oh my god the dragon nearly missed me we gotta get these easy all right one more i'm just gonna make a stupid pillar bro cba and okay okay come on yes yes yes yes and oh my god face me nerd come on oh man okay here he comes here he comes here he comes here comes okay okay no no no no no no no no no oh my god oh my god my shield i think he broke it already what oh my god oh my god yo we're doing mad damage oh my god okay okay my shield is literally useless i can't even do anything i can't even do anything all right okay we're really really really running out of food oh my god oh my god bro we're hitting him so quick oh my god he's so close to dead he's actually so close to dead come on come on and boom okay there we go no more arrows boys okay now we're really really really running out of food okay i think he's going back go go go go go we're gonna cut him in half oh my god oh my god and we did it we did it we literally cut him in half with our katana yes i eat bread to celebrate your death oh my goodness oh my goodness bro every time is so satisfying using our obsidian bow our obsidian sword with redstone diamond and i don't even know man our iron axe with diamonds and our katana that i don't even know bro i don't even know what katana is man it's a mutt of just random ores and stuff one last very very important thing as you guys all know and dude this feels so good oh my goodness and with that said we did it make sure to subscribe and make sure to leave a like if you did enjoy there should be some other videos on the screen go click them and watch i'll see you guys there i love you peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,117,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But You Can Craft Custom Items, minecraft but, minecraft but you can craft custom swords, minecraft but you can craft custom pickaxes, minecraft but you can craft custom armor, minecraft mod, mod, mods, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: r7dxC5TVpSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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