Minecraft, But Trees Grow OP Items...

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mmm this apple looks so good oh okay wait i'm still kind of hungry um all right well let's just try and get what the ah yes trees growing overpowered items but with that said ladies and gentlemen if you guys are excited for today's video then you already know the drill smash the like button you guys have been demolishing the support recently so if we could maybe smash like 30 000 likes in a day that would be crazy and of course if you're new to the channel then make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because according to my youtube blah blah blah blah just subscribe seriously though these videos don't only just take a long time recording them also coding and boring and if you guys have any crazy ideas that you want me to try and get made into minecraft then comment them down below but with that said let's do this and we are in oh man not a no not a single tree inside rock come on man come on man the one where oh wait we have a chest we have an actual chest wait is that my trip nuts or is that actually a pyramid yo wait if that's actually a pyramid like my eyesight is beyond 2020 bro it's 20 21. get it because that's the year bruh okay i'm gonna shut up butt there you oh a oak sapling and a dirt block um all right i i think i know where this is going but i don't know if i like it i mean yes obviously i like it trees are apparently in this world supposed to drop op items except in this world it doesn't look like there's any trees um at all wait is that okay that's a lava source i think there's another lava source right here okay so wait we could still potentially speedrun minecraft and i was right i was right bro okay hold on wait a second we loki have to conserve all the wood we can we gotta get all the bushes because i yeah i don't think there's any other biome in this world i think literally the only biome that we're in in this world is gonna be a desert biome but regardless hold on this could be good because in order to get more stuff we need to plant the street which is why we have the oak sapling we gotta start a tree farm a tree farm is a must ladies and gentlemen and oh god okay there is mobs here oh my no no i have to beat you with the stick guys come on i'm only half human bro i ain't got it i don't even have that many brains to eat i literally have two brain cells bro come on hop off my nuts okay well guys this there we go we finally got our advancement and oh food nice run flesh yeah no i'm not gonna do that and okay there you go please please please i hope these chests supply us with more blocks okay we got some sand we got some a string if i can get a bone meal some bone meal that would be oh my god yes and plenty of blocks and some diamond horse armor don't need the iron anymore oh my diamonds we already have three died bro that's actually crazy you know what guys i'm a psychopath but i'm gonna leave i'm gonna leave the three diamonds we don't need them you know what no i'm gonna use them i'll put them to good use and oh my god more golden apples we got some decent books i don't really need them i'm gonna take the string just in case and i think we're good please be enough please be enough to escape make my great escape yes houdini the oh oh yo let's go okay wait things just got very interesting boys all right hold on a second we still don't have any wood there's no trees there's literally no trees in this world and oh i did not mean to slap your head i'm sorry bro your cut's not even that good all right hold on i'm pretty sure yes we have our crafting table i'm actually gonna go and join this i don't say anything you won't see nothing bro call me a psychopath i don't care bro boom we got diamond hoe and a diamond shovel let's get ourselves some food there you go listen i'm literally from florida okay i'm the crackhead that you find on the news hold on wait we need to find water which is gonna be kind of tough to do did we get any iron no we didn't there's water spawn okay wait we have this right here oh yes oh my god this is perfect i can just poop and poop oh it's so cute okay yes the tree of life i will bring life to this very dry and and sandy world watch and learn buddy okay or not rude hey no no yes oh my god we have our first street okay okay hold on we gotta be very careful dissecting this um do i go for the wood first or do i break the leaves okay oh you see why i made a diamond hole you see why i made a diamond hole are you kidding me this tree just grew an enchanted golden apple and oh oh my nuts wait this is actually insane what so you're telling me if i break this one up we just got a duplicate we got more pantalones oh now we have some crying obscenity why are you sad bro we got some spectral arrows yo this we gotta sharpness ten holy nuts are you kidding me no way we actually have a sharpness ten book or a book what i mean a book would be really overpowered but i would much rather just have it on the sword okay we have a helmet doesn't have protection but it has fire protection and respiration so screw it i have myself a little cap to hide my baldness listen i'm bald and proud though don't five golden blocks oh my bro we got five fortune 10 mending ten something tells me though that ironically enough what are you looking at something tells me that we're not even gonna need this pickaxe plus it doesn't really have efficiency so hold on wait let's see we got oh my god an ender pearl okay that is really really good we got some we got ancient debris holy nuts yo yo yo mother nature is extremely overpowered and oh god okay it's becoming nighttime i'm not too scared i mean we do have a sharpness 10 just keep breaking and wait what are we oh we got 12 dirt we have 12 dirt okay that is gonna be so useful and we have one beet roots here i don't really think i need that oh my god wait we got more dirt so we can now like oh magma cream wait what else do we get a breakington helmet okay nothing too insane oh my god okay i'm just gonna keep breaking bro more pantalones oh my mending 10 protect bro the god iron leggings except curse of binding 10 yeah that's no bueno i'm pretty sure even if i die which i don't think we will hopefully right hopefully i didn't just jinx it oh these legs are sweet but i already have guard leggings all right we just got like why am i getting so many pants literally what is this is the world trying to tell me something i can use other stuff that's not pants away would that just pick up i got another right ingot oh oh my bruh i like how we have four god apples and i have zero wood i haven't mined a single piece of wood and we have another right well that's today's video for you guys and oh oh my bro wait what protection tent on breaking ten thorns ten curse of vanishing i literally don't care i don't even know what that does does it just disappear when i die oh whoa whoa where's that i heard a mob i heard a mob we're so stacked though we are so stocked oh there's some gold right here i didn't pick up not that i really need the gold i mean yeah what would we even need the gold four all right boys well unfortunately i knew this time was gonna come this is where things get tricky right hold on there's some saplings right here perfect and we have four we have four saplings okay so hold on let's uh let's craft ourselves we're gonna be very careful with our wood because we don't have an infinite amount we only have these little logs right here and that's it okay now it's time to make a farm let's go and just break like a little thing like that place one here and then every two blocks place one there you go keep going and place the saplings down there you go wait i'm not too sure what we need the water for now that i think of it listen it's for the aesthetic all right boys don't don't i have two brains okay leave me alone yes pog and now we can break this and continue getting overpowered stuff i got a regular diamond sword bro two all right come on come on more enterprise perfect we got another shovel i don't really care for that oh oh we can get those we can get those boys yo this is insane okay wait wait wait wait we need to make a chest we need to make a literal chest we have 16. where's my crafting table right here let's go ahead and make a double chest because why not okay boom boom let's just pour all this stuff in here and you know what dude screw the shield we have a tone of undying i need a little bit of more wood there you go and i need the iron from here and then we can craft oh dude this is another game changer boom we have a smithing table bro this is actually nuts okay wait wait wait we have one another right in it do i want to turn that but i want to use that on anything here i don't know let's cut this much another right as we can let's dump all this stuff in here that we don't technically need right now this is great bro we literally went oh more pants oh my bro okay i'm breaking tennis actually and dude that's so broken loki i don't think i'm gonna get another better chestplate so we don't have to worry about that bruh i'm just trying to get some more another right dude whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my god fire aspect 10 sword wait what is this oh my yo what are you kidding me hold up and oh my okay it doesn't look like the punch is working but this thing is insane what bro let's win some video games boys hog hold on let's get our iron how did i not think of this before how did bro we have shears we have shears oh my oh no no no no no this is so broken this is so broken bro what the right another another another right i just picked it up i have two pieces dude this is so overpowered there's another sword oh my dude i can't even do it i get fire aspect 10 holy crap that is actually so insane we have yet to receive any boots are you kidding me oh wait no there's boots right here what am i dude i'm actually an idiot oh no but they suck oh come on man come on mate let's see anything good knock back 10 mending 10 what bro what is that knockback 10 by the way okay hold on i want to keep that let's keep breaking oh my bro i don't even need my bread i can just eat golden apples weird flex but okay and hold up let's collect our wood we literally need as much wood as we can the only way to get woods and the only way to get super stacked is having a literal tree farm we also still don't have blaze rods oh no we might actually have to go to the nether which i'm not really too worried about let's plant a tree here plant a tree there boom yeah i'm doing god's work now let's create our own forest grow my minions three two one and re oh my god make it rain my inventory is actually full of just god luke we got more nether right oh my god a lot more tortoises have been dying next tree go go go go go go go go go oh like wait a second there's a trident yo channeling sharpness 10 and loyalty 10. wait loyalty means yeet oh okay wait what if i actually hit the stupid iron golem bro that is so sick what bro this guy wants to fight are you dumb are you dumb i literally broke i can just spam i can actually just spam bro that is so fire wait this one is riptide this one and impaling i don't know what impaling does but dude oh my god wait that's this is the one wait a second okay i'm gonna probably regret this i'm probably gonna die here hold on a second three two one yeah oh wait what what i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not no i'm not laying in the water what are you kidding me are you actually kidding me are you out of your mind oh my and then this one i could just okay or i can just miss right in front of me ye oh my bro this is actually so insane dude and come on i need boots please oh booty boots boots and what are they what are they what are they ross walker10 huh okay wait that's actually sounds that sounds sick i'm gonna keep that come on if i can just get some good boots bro that's all i want feather falling 10 will be pogged that way we don't have to worry about dying oh my god dude be gone thoughts come on give me more boots oh oh my god are you kidding me bro i'm just trying to get my boots bro just let me loot my boots and okay mending 10 what ross walker and already what oh bro bro bro oh my god oh my god guys no no no no i don't care if it has curse of binding 10. i i'm putting it on i i haven't even read every end chain okay well i literally cannot take it on and i think if i die it's still gonna be on me because it's cursive binding 10 but we have death strider 10 we have feather falling 10 we have fire protection 10 somehow frost walker it's like all of dude i think the only thing we're missing is literally mending and it would be the best boots ever oh my bro well i think we have like really good stuff let's just turn everything we can into netherride wait what this thing is bro oh oh i right click the correct table oops and now the right sword and oh i can't do that either listen guys a cyborg can dream okay and boom oh my god this looks so clean and you know what just because we got the nether i hope serious dedication boys yup all dedicated to the wildlife that we destroyed for our prophet what i'm evil oh my oh my god wait am i gonna die am i gonna oh wait i think i'm dead i think i'm actually dead what oh we're fine yo what okay wait if i'm not mistaken you i'm pretty sure we spawned literally like right over here in front of a bunch of oh yes perfect let's get this water bucket boom and then let's just jump in here and yeah oh there it is ender pearl who's gonna land first and oh my okay i would have died there bro these god boots are looking so annoying no come on don't do this to me and boom easy park hello dude i just dude i'm so fast at the portal thing but lag always stops me okay and wait what am i gonna light it with bro i just realized i don't even have any gravel okay when i want gravel there's no gravel oh my god fine i have to use my super overpowered pickaxe to find gravel somehow we still found ourselves mining even though we have everything we could have asked for three oh my bro wait what how many how much flink did we just get okay then all right boys it is time it is time let's do this i'm gonna be honest guys i'm like not scared at all okay there you go ate a golden apple and ye let's go up there oh yes we found one hold on a second wait does this work on lava okay no we cannot rip tight on lava unfortunately oh blazes i need your cheese sticks okay hold on i see some places over here target spotted oh my god dude this is so easy and ye yo oh my god what the heck there's a bunch of blazers just hiding in here okay we have ten i literally just need to kill one more place leave me alone okay we got one and oh my perfect if only i had eluding 10 things would be so much easier yes another cheese stick let's go let's go let's go let's go that was the easiest thing i've ever done in my life and now for the second easiest thing we're gonna do in our lives come on come on come on yes all right we gotta go this way let's go ahead and break this and yuri and oh god oh landed it go go go go go go go and landed it and yurt oh my god oh my god oh my oh dude i'm actually nuts i'm actually nuts see now i think of it frost walker is just kind of annoying because like it would make sense if there was an ocean but no this the world is just a desert so yeah frost walker kind of dookie plus with riptide no fam although it is kind of sick dude it's huge oh wait it just stopped working okay okay are we still going the same way bro holy crap how far is this thing all right eats oh man dude this is so sick this is so addicting dude and yup is that easy fam wait i'm almost certain though that we literally like what if i throw another one what oh that means it's right here all right well don't mind if i do and oh my bro we literally just might train to it all right where's this thing i'm ready i'm ready ender dargan i smile in the face of fear okay perfect we found it and oh man and no problem there's no iso vendor we have all of them yeah let's freaking do this oh my goodness i think the only way we can die is if we just get knocked off other than that boys we basically got this this is literally gonna be the easiest thing ever and boom hold on a second guys what if we do this and then ye oh my bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh dude barely any damage bruh this is too easy you land on this bad boy and bop eat and slide in your dms like yo i'm gonna be honest i don't know if i should be more like worried about dying we're fine dude we're fine just casually just yep mlg water bucketing and hold on wait can i make that throw okay oh it actually landed bro what wait hold on a second can i just do this oh my god bro that is way cooler what the nuts and oh my bro we're actually insane we're actually insane and okay no land the pearl and the pearl no oh oh wait wait we're good let's go and perfect look at this stupid idiot and there you go i think we destroyed every single one come here mr dragon hold up let's eat over there and why did i do that i'm here nerd oh god oh god hold up wait a minute let's just eat oh dude we're literally just headbutting the dragon we're literally just headbutting the dragon dude this is so sick this is so sick hold on wait a second we have multi shots literally can't miss okay i actually missed how am i missing with multi-shot boys oh god oh my god dude this is so caked so cake all right going in going in going in going going and going and going and going and going in why are you running you can't run from me boy oh my god and i have thorns it does more damage how does my big brain taste huh alright let's shoot him with the crossbow a little bit more we got this gamers the power of abusing nature wins every time come on we got this we got this we got this we got this oh my god dude wait he's taking damage by bro dude oh my god my thorns my thorns is actually gonna kill him and hold on no we have to headbutt him the final headbutt three two one come here boy oh no one more one more one more final one final one and yeah what okay one more final headbutt and yes oh we got him we did it boys let's go okay you guys are so annoying bro leave me alone let me celebrate in peace yes we did it dude we did it we headbutted the dragon with freaking riptide 10. oh my bro power of nature ladies and gentlemen see guys this is why you should save the earth and plant trees because they'll drop you good stuff like apples that are enchanted and tons of undying yes well boys we did it and and and the game broke um okay okay boomer i don't know why the game is bugged i think the power of nature is too strong but with that said if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like make sure to subscribe for more videos just like this and also let me know should i do this in a uhc i feel like that'd be really cool and also interesting to fight everyone with like the riptide tens and stuff and okay my inventory is so dude i can't even exit on minecraft what what and there should be some other videos on the screen so just watch those and peace i love you guys
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,311,197
Rating: 4.9093642 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But Trees Grow OP Items, minecraft but, minecraft but trees drop op items, challenge, op items, minecraft op items, bionic, family friendly
Id: rn8VATwph3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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