Minecraft but you can craft LASER swords from any block...

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ladies and gentlemen in today's video we're going to be crafting swords yeah literally like this out of any freaking block yes this is actually a lightsaber by the way it's actually it's just nuts it's nuts i know now with that said guys if you're excited for today's video bro this is so crazy you already know the drill okay hold on i gotta be very careful because if i drop this on me bruh my leg is coming off or my head smash the like button if we can crush an insane lego of like 30 000 likes guys on this video which is really high then that would just be insane and of course guys if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because if not this is going to happen to you don't risk it gamers subscribe with all that said ladies and gentlemen let's do this alrighty guys we're here in a world of minecraft where apparently we're going to be able to craft laser swords i mean you guys saw in the title you saw the intro i'm so ex wait what no no why did we spawn next to a freaking like squidward farm oh my god a pillager outpost oh wait we get a loot chest with some freak okay i mean i'll take some iron tools okay so guys in order to craft these super sick laser swords we need like diamonds iron glass and redstone okay so yeah we really quickly need to go mining which is good that we already have some freaking like some tools i'm gonna stay away from the pillager outpost you know what let's make the laser sword and let's completely eliminate all the squidwards it's gonna be lit fam and okay wait why is this hello why is this tree just floating though he do be vibing all right oh holy tree i shall mind you down there you go okay we got 16. i want to get some more wood we need to find diamonds we need iron and redstone which should be pretty easy but yeah we also need glass okay well i don't want to find a freaking cave i'm too homeless that's like okay no that's not a cave i'm lazy guys don gangang like you literally know it's gonna work you know we're gonna find the cape like i said and it never fails watch three two one and boom okay wait okay well hold on oh oh yo wait it actually worked i don't know why i'm surprised still at this point like i literally don't know why i'm ever surprised and oh my oh i thought we found another cave well we did find another iron man guys these swords are so freaking dope you're not going to believe they even exist in minecraft and well they don't they don't in vanilla minecraft right i guess that's the whole point that's why you're watching a cursed minecraft video a cursed crafting episode okay we got 20 pieces of iron which is really really good i mean that's honestly more than i need but you know what it's okay gamers maybe we can make more than one uh late lightsaber blade sword thing i'm gonna get some cool though because we do need to smelt the freaking iron i wish i had like auto smell or something okay we also need redstone which shouldn't be too hard to find hopefully if this cave is decent please be decent cave all right you probably are i'm not trying to hurt your feelings you know i love you ahaha okay wait oh it's getting thicker it's a bigger cave yeah oh no it's a boner man oh my god dude i don't have a laser sword bro okay you know what there you go easy peasy okay i know i'm passing a bunch of iron guys i don't want the iron though i want the what's it called okay no there's literally nothing over here i want diamonds please please give me the diamonds okay well we're not gonna find diamonds going up we need redstone and diamonds come on bro we always find redstone like now that i need it i don't find it okay wait there's like a mine shaft right here this is pretty sick oh it's huge oh we just jumped down on a creeper oh my god no okay okay hold up no this is not this is not good oh my god brad no no no no no no no no no no stop oh my god thank you lord i don't know how we're still alive and okay we get i got some bread i don't really need the bread though oh my god bro this is not so can we find lapis no redstone no are you kidding me you know what just in case guys i'm gonna take lapis because you never know when you're gonna shut up bro oh my god my luck is actually insane i prompt like i don't no one's gonna believe me this is real wait did we already check this chest okay yeah we did okay well you're an idiot you just fell okay come on come on we need to find diamonds now we literally have everything we need except for dude we have 23 red zones way more than enough we got to keep our eyes peeled all right boys literally and physically okay please do not fall in there or i shall literally lose everything i feel like a skeleton is going to shoot me out of nowhere but if i keep spending all my time looking around i will any diamonds no diamonds please i want diamonds diamonds oh my nuts bro let's go how many we just find three four oh my god don't bruh five we found six diamonds i cannot count but that's a good thing okay i'm gonna steal this redstone just in case as well boys we can craft it we can literally already craft it well we can we need glass but that's like the easiest thing to get right out of everything okay i hear things crawling around i'm really nervous please do not fall bunk not now at least you've made it this far hold on we even want to check for more diamonds over here hello diamonds my name is miguel and i'm trying to find diamonds miguel's always fine diamonds boys that's just how it works i don't make the rules okay hold on this goes deeper there has to be diamonds here diamonds right here okay no we're at the y oh my god wait what let's go dude we found more wait was it only two oh god there's so much gravel i can barely even check come on come on come on come on please more please more i mean it's fine if we don't really technically need more but okay yeah no there's that that's it is there any more run here okay hold on i'm so scared bro do not want to fall in there i'm gonna take this gold just in case i don't think we need gold in order to craft this guys we're gonna be able to make a sword literally out of any block specifically glass box it's going to be so dope at least i think that's how it works oh wait we need an anvil meaning we're definitely going to need more iron okay yeah let's take the iron but hold on i think for now we can craft this like super crappy and i say crappy because it literally looks absolutely nothing like the actual swords but oh yeah there you go i made a dx late i don't even know what that is i mean you guys saw yeah literally the achievement's called laser blade question mark trust me the actual blades guys the lightsabers are like ten times cooler which yeah i'm just trying to see if we can maybe find some more diamonds so we can make like a bunch of them okay but i think we're good i think eight diamonds is more than enough and okay yeah i don't even know where i am anymore all right let's go back to the surface boys oh yes finally and oh god well it's night time but i think the sun is about to go up which is perfect well kind of not because i wanted to fight some mobs but we don't have it yet all we need to do is find some sand which i think should be this way oh my god i literally stand right there come to me sand call me sandy cheeks because i'm about to uh get cheeks in my butt what perfect let's do this okay wait i'm an idiot i just remembered we need glowstone wait but i saw another portal that way right hold up i'm gonna make myself a quick shield yeah wait i'm right wait there is a portal over there i knew it i did see it okay please be easy to like bro we're so lucky not even kidding guys subscribe for more luck and okay we got one obsidian we got clean steel okay which is perfect oh no how much obsidian do we need we only need one and we got it from the oh my brother we going in boys okay glowstone blow some glow so we just need oh my god right there yeah don't oh my god holy nuts okay go go go go go go go faster bunk no stop ye oh my god i only need one i only need one there you go there you go go go go go go go go there you go yes i got seven i hope this is enough don't notice me gosh yes okay we need just literally one piece of glass i think we need one piece of glass i don't even know man i'm so excited guys this is gonna be awesome okay we got the diamond we got the glass we got the redstone we got the iron we got the glowstone that's literally what i need i don't even think i need a stick okay so if i do this i'm pretty sure it's oh wait hold on wait how is it again is it like that and then like that and then two pieces of wait what oh no i'm dumb no i just found out guys i'm actually dumb wait hold on if i use this recipe book wait are you kidding me you can make it with either glass or glowstone we didn't even need to okay well i'm extra dumb actually i'm kind of big braided you think about it i crafted it twice is there even a difference okay well hold on i'm gonna craft one like wait what why is this one green and then hold on if i get this one wait this one's also green but then this one's red wait huh hold on we just got the achievement ancient technology oh my not ladies and gentlemen yo this is nuts dude look at this look at my hand right now guys no this is it this is like literally the coolest thing i've ever like had in my hand no other sword is as cool as this and it does seven attack damage which is pretty freaking good it has light element too i don't even know what that means holy crap hold on you can literally spam it so quick hello chicken oh my god he just got murdered hello mr cow okay well they just got absolutely destroyed bro we got a green lightsaber this is so sick now again guys you can craft these if we make i think if we place down an anvil and we just get literally any piece of glass let's do bro let's do red and let's check out the light blue hold up wait a minute oh my bro it works dude look how sick this looks oh my god dude why does the red actually look so sick with my skin i actually look like a sith lord bruh i'm star wars man i'm evil bro okay no hold on hold on the green is cool i'm not gonna lie but it just doesn't really fit me i'm not green however if we use light blue oh dude oh dude this looks so sick yo this is it chief this is literally it this is the coolest one i don't even care wait we can use technically every any glass right okay hold up before we go ahead and just keep crafting more lightsabers guys which we're about to do because there's some crazy like secret ones we can make i want to go and just get some revenge on these nerds right here hello no no no oh dude these guys are about to get destroyed bro they literally don't stand a chance hold up about a wreck these fools ye oh wait okay hold on there's a lot of them okay no this is not good hold up hold up ah i have no armor bro what is this dude okay no no i can do this i can do this i can do this no psych get blocked nerd okay hold on i'm gonna go ahead and stray this way i'm gonna go in i'm gonna go and i'm gonna go in i'm gonna kill this guy yeah there we go there you go oh my god dude these guys are getting wrecked let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go got another one oh no no oh my god oh my god this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good oh run run oh my god okay hold on this weapon is nuts i just don't have literally any armor which kind of sucks okay okay we killed all of them wait is that all of them i don't think so hold up oh dude this looks so sick but it does nothing dude if i could do a wheeled lightsaber that would be so dope hold on yeah i'm actually gonna switch to the red one oh dude this is oh this one one right here okay oh my god they're everywhere they have the high ground for i am anakin sky oh wait no he dies well not really actually he's reborn as darth mader oh hello oh wait what what that was the boss that was the vindicator boss puny axis cannot take me down present okay well it's night time i'm kind of scared now you don't like what you got in here okay actually bottom now boy there's more down here okay hold on i'm switching to blue the blue is way cooler boys in my opinion at least oh my god bro there's so many of them oh my god but i looked so cool just murdering all of these nerds oh did they just stop they don't stop coming come on come on these are the last two i'm pretty sure they're like stormtroopers bro they hit themselves oh no no no no no survive bonk survive bonk come on come on come on come on come on come on oh come on this is so tricky this is so tricky bro yeah okay okay one more one more one more come on go go go go go go we did it let's go we have defeated all the pillagers with just a lot okay wait more of them are spawning ah that don't count that does not count i don't care to craft more lightsabers out of glass yes okay hold on let's quickly just eliminate this freaking okay no you guys are so bad bro it's so easy with the lightsaber it doesn't do the most damage in the world but it's so quick to fight with it might as well be like the best weapon ever yeah no you don't stand a chance spider come on bruh guys i literally just want to check out every single type of like the lightsaber colors bro even the brown saber i don't care even the pink one actually the pink one's probably gonna be really sick okay so let's do the pink one first oh okay i mean it kind of just looks like a red one i do like it though it's like hot pink yo it actually looks sick af guys comment down below once we go through all the lightsabers which one's your favorite now this one's the brown one which looks not that bad i feel like this would be yeah this one's pretty sick i'm not gonna lie i mean well i'm kind of curious what's the difference between this one and the orange one uh okay well there's a slight difference kind of no it's kind of the same how about the yellow the yellow can't be that much different oh dude the yellow looks so sick what am i saying and the lime green one which we already checked out yeah this one's pretty sick and then we've got the darker green one which also looks this one looks like yoda's now the purple the dark purple oh dude this looks so awesome oh my god i don't know which one my favorite one is i mean i'm gonna be honest guys i think it's gonna be the oh dude if it could switch colors like this that would be so sick but the light blue is just so beautiful it's my freaking channel color guys wait hold on how about the other light blues though because we have blue and then we have cyan then we also have white which might look really cool what other color haven't i done uh oh yeah the grays i mean the grey is probably gonna be boring but and how about the regular glass i don't know what that does okay let's try dark blue oh wait a second this looks so sick what it looks so dope oh dude i don't know which one i like but i i kind of like live blue better but the dark blue looks so dope too which one do you guys think fits my skin the most i want you guys to comment that one a little below as well like which one do you guys think looks the coolest but wait this one's cyan hold on guys hold up wait a minute look at the difference this one's light blue this one's cyan okay yeah i think i like cyan the best it looks so awesome it's so it's like baby blue oh dude this is so dope i love this color bro it's probably my favorite color ever now hold on since we replaced our favorite with the cyan guys let's go ahead and edit the light blue let's turn it into white which looks awesome i mean it just kind of looks like a regular light saber it looks like you just forgot to like dye it yeah it's like you want to rush somewhere guys but this is the gray one which looks pretty cool too i mean it just looks a little bit less cooler than the white now i assume the the light gray is just gonna okay yeah it's also just it just looks white really quite the clear okay wait there is no clear so clear glass doesn't work how about black dough wait what is black just the dude what wait i look he kind of like this this looks kind of cool you know if you think those lightsabers were cool guys check out these look at this one bruh this one's like handle is black and it's like a different color vibe to it like look at that hold on if we get like different colors i think it's actually gonna look different compared to the other ones yeah look at this one this one's cyan in this version and then oh dude this one looks 10 times cooler in my opinion now hold on how does the purple look oh dude wait this looks so sick as well guys we can do this forever man all of these looks wait i think this is a proper sith one yeah this is a proper evil lightsaber i think this one's the good version and this one's like the bad version and then we have the pink one which oh dude i think this one looks the most freaking epic with the black handle and the different lighting now guys this is the ultimate lightsaber three two one boom oh my nuts bruh wait can we change the color of this one look at the amount of in chance on this one guys the normal one does seven attack damage this one just 15 but then this one also does 15 but it has way more enchants holy crap what dude oh my god look at it in my hand bruh hello mr creeper oh it does dude what it lights them on fire bruh it's literally a one shot are you serious oh my god this one's so sick hold on guys let me go and survive mode real quick hello mr pillager oh okay well yeah uh that's interesting hello mr skeleton i'm just gonna tickle you with my lightsaber okay you're dead already oh dude this is the best food collector you literally just hit them and then you just get free cooked meat now hold on let's try and see if we can maybe mix to oh you can that's the thing you can't do it with this one oh ramp can you combine them though okay no you can't well ladies and gentlemen the sun is up and we've defeated this world i guess i mean yeah we basically made the lightsabers and then we used creative mode to just craft the other ones using the anvil hopefully you guys enjoyed today's really crazy video i mean this was basically a video of us just drooling over like some cursed swords that look so sick if you guys want to see maybe like a uhc or some other game modes actually using these lightsabers versus other players then uh smash the like button 10 000 likes guys i'll do it and of course also make sure to subscribe if you guys are new come on guys we gotta hit two mills so i can go bold with that said comment down below which lightsaber you guys like the most and with that said i'll see you dudes in the next one peace out everybody
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,835,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft but you can craft LASER swords from any block, minecraft but you can craft swords from any block, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod, mods, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can craft swords from any item, minecraft but you can craft swords out of any block, bionic, craft mod
Id: qlBUQCTi5aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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