I secretly used Knockback 1,000,000 in Minecraft Bedwars...

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so you know how we've done like knock back a hundred thousand in bed wars before and that was just an absolute banger and a really funny bit because i just got to bully you guys well i thought what how could we make that better knock back one million yes we're using knockback one million in bedwars so with that said if you guys are excited for today's video you already know the drill smash the like button every like in this video is how much knockback we do in the okay i mean that means we need a million likes okay that's gonna be impossible but with that said if you guys are new to the channel then make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because according to my youtube analytics you should subscribe and with that said let's do this three two one and oh my god it started okay let's do this boys ladies and gentlemen welcome back to some more scuffed bed wars where you can craft and there's wood generators and okay listen scuffed bed wars is basically hypixel 2.0 i'm just saying okay i'm kidding okay no but seriously guys we got this scuff bed wars is the best bed wars why because you're giving things like a knockback one million stick why is it called yolt wait what is oh no no no dude shut up is yot the past tense version of yeet oh that is that is awful i don't know why but i'm disgusted okay whatever guys i guess we're gonna yolk some people don't even know how you say i don't even know how does that make sense okay whatever it's cursed and okay hold on we're getting some iron you know what hold up we gotta be what brit blue is already bridging uh uh dude oh we gotta be super wait wait yellows behind us oh are they bridging are they bridging okay no they're not dude i think there are some really good players in this lobby so i got a freaking sweat let's make a thick boy building a thick boy of a defense there you go and how much iron we got we got 27 okay perfect let's get to crafting guys oh my gosh we have the power of the yolt which i don't even know what that means yet uh hold on let's craft a suit wait imagine i craft a sword with them no no no no no no that's a bad idea that's a bad idea okay hold on let's make yourself so i need an iron block for a moment let's make yourself some armor perfect okay there you go hold on we need some more armor dude i'm so scared about yellow just bridging over to us guys uh-uh uh-oh bro psych me scared me i have the power of the yolk okay hold on wait knock back one million must be literally insane like how much more insane can knockback be is it just gonna ban people from the server i imagine it's just so powerful the knockback is so strong you're just banished into the shadow realm bro speaking of the shadow realm bro i'm about to send this freaking person to the shadow realm okay wait blue is sweating so hard they're already at mid okay guys you know what perfect my little test subject right here yellow oh my goodness dude i'm low-key so scared we gotta watch out we cannot die bro we cannot die oh my i don't know if i want to risk it okay hold on i think i'm gonna do it i think i'm gonna do it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god wait where'd the date oh my goodness wait wait hold on i have to try that again hold on i'm gonna hide i'm gonna hide i'm gonna hide i'm gonna hide and hold on let's just yelled her shadow god you've been yoded oh my god that's what happened i lost sight of her i was like where did she go at all i'm so sorry i'm so bro bro bro yeah okay bye what is this what is this what is this dude we've actually to know we've gone too far we've gone too far oh my god hold on i'm just gonna yell her all night she's struggling she doesn't know where to go she doesn't even know where to get she's just i'm so sorry i'm so sorry truly i am oh my goodness bro the power of knock back a million you don't even take horizontal knock back bro you just go up you just go up hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video bro this is gonna be a banger oh my goodness and we've only done it to one person so far bro we totally got this okay hold on wait where should i go i think i should just bridge to oh whoa whoa hold on no no let's go to aqua what the nuts am i thinking bro aqua is literally gonna go to yellow and then go to me because we already built a bridge uh-uh i may be dumb but i'm not an idiot what okay hold up hold up we got this we got this okay let's go over here oh my god dude dragon wizard just got diamonds bro people are actually sweating which it doesn't even matter because we're the ultimate sweat we have the power of the yolt with the power of the yo anatomy on my side there's literally no way i can lose and hold up don't modify do wait what where's this bed it's right here i got it oh my god he didn't even know he's hold on i'm just gonna hide i'm just gonna hide i'm gonna bait him out she's alive she's alive she's alive she's alive she's alive and prepare to be yoded oh what it stopped her it's oh my god she's so lucky she's so lucky hold on hold on maybe maybe maybe she'll come outside again oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness hold on hold on no no no no no this is not good oh my god yes she's outside she's outside yes she has been yoded what wait where did no we were a fool no we got to make another one hold on hold on i need diamonds i need diamonds this guy is right here no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dude we actually have to knock him off come on come on come on come on we got to knock him off we got to knock him off come on yes yes yes i knocked him off oh my goodness bro that was so scary bro this game is actually insane we got to go to mid let's go here let's follow red's path we just gotta get diamonds boys we're gonna craft another yoke stick there's no way dude there is no way we can let this slide go go go go go go go go go go go and if you guys think the yolk stick is oh we have a perfect amount eight should i collect more yeah yeah let's do it we might as well we might as well we're here i just hope no one goes to my bed while we're just literally collecting dimes like an idiot okay you know what screw this i'm going back i'm just not risking your voice i'm just not risking it we got diamonds let's go back of course of course well there you go rip my bed rip my bed and oh no pinkie's right there pink is right there okay i just got a sky baseball i literally have the sky base oh my god red's right there okay stick diamond oh my god oh my god i got it i got it i got it i got the yolk stick i got another yolk stick hold on hold on i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this and yeah yes he's dead he's dead he's dead oh my god oh my god he's dead he's in here hold on hold on hold on i think he's it's over for me yes oh my god we got him we actually got him okay who's left pink is left and wait red is still left red still has their bed what every move we must calculate okay wait wait pink is going ooh pinkie's going to red okay you know what right is the only one with their bed let's double team let's double team let's go from behind let's go dude let's literally do what pink did to me oh my god yes let's get karma let's give pink the biggest karma ever so while he destroys red bed and is fighting red we'll just sneak up and third party oh dude that's gonna be big brain okay be careful just don't die now we don't have our bed so we cannot just mess this up we cannot die with the power of the yoshi oh they're fighting they're fighting they're fighting they're fighting they're fighting they're fighting perfect perfect perfect and yeah oh yes we can get their bed we got their bed oh my god and we got pink karma karma oh wait wait he has a water bucket oh my god i forgot i forgot he got did he did he oh he died yes yes oh my god wait where's pink where's red where's red where's red oh my god oh red's right here red's right there okay hold on what is he hacking wait what the nuts what was that that was so weird okay maybe he wasn't hacking yo that guy was so fast though hold on hold on we gotta be very careful cut him off over here why are you running why are you running why are you he just he just slipped he just lit what let's go we won okay well that was a little bit anticlimactic but we did it boys with the power of anime and yo on our side we yoded everyone get yoded mate okay guys we're here with round number two and oh my god red bed was already destroyed don't worry i already double cheeked up my bed defense all right we're nice and thick and oh my god someone was just sent flying looking chat look at chad oh my goodness okay hold on we have this guy right here oh i mean he's literally called this guy like guy guy and let me just yoda oh dude i missed i missed that miss woman i'm so scared i'm so scared what did he ch i feel so bad i think he panicked i think he panicked so hard and boom okay okay perfect i got his bed though oh i feel so bad bro man panicked so hard and yay or should i say yo wait he has the water bucket uh-uh no way he clutches this no way he clutches this no way no way no way no way no way no way no way he's gonna do it is he gonna do it no poor yellow arm feels so bad dude oh my goodness bro okay hold on wait gray is over there i they haven't really moved it looks like i don't really know hold on i just don't trust them okay so we obviously won round number one which was fairly easy because we were the only one with the yolk powers and okay hold on okay yeah he actually hasn't moved from his bed what is he doing maybe he's getting like super mega stocked i don't even have a wow i didn't have my weapon in my inventory pink yellow and red have all three been eliminated okay so that's kind of interesting okay guys he's not even looking bro we can keep bridging i wonder if we'll be able to win this round gamers when everyone has the yolk stick and okay i'm going up bro this guy literally has no idea i'm just scared he's gonna jump on me and yelp me speaking of which i don't think oh my god she did not see me no you did not see nothing you did not see nothing and i'm gonna jump around here yeah and get yoded oh my god wait what she's dead she's gonna die right unless she has a oh no she's actually dead hold on wait wait wait wait wait we can break the bed we can break the bed yes i broke it she get eliminated or she's still alive oh no she's right here she's right here oh my god she has a shield she has oh okay yeah no iron axe too strong okay pink was already eliminated i don't even know how who eliminated what who eliminated them no one oh it was it was definitely white it was def they must have been white okay hold on blue is over there oh dude no no no blue is a menace i'm the real blue actually technically i'm actually not the real blue i'm aqua i don't care aqua is better than blue there you go i said it i'm whipping out my stick dear god that's that does not sound right at all i don't really need a shield and the reason for that guys in case you're wondering is because i have a water bucket and i don't want to accidentally right click my shield when trying to mlg collect you know what i'm saying this is perfect hold on hold on hold on i'm actually going to go ahead and he doesn't know i'm here i think he's going to collect the diamonds on this pillar right maybe not wait where is he going wait no yeah i think he's coming here he's coming here he's coming here he's coming here okay let me whip it out let me whip it out let me whip it out and and yeah oh i missed yes i yielded him oh oh my god it worked yes yes yes yes yes yes wait wait he doesn't have his bed he doesn't have his bed he just said gg it's over unless unlike wait whoa whoa whoa what what what did he just oh i'm so confused he's lagging so hard no he was eliminated okay we have green now the final person the shadow god themselves or shadow goddess and okay we just picked up two diamonds which i don't really need weird flex right like we actually don't need the diamonds in this bed wars dude dude this is tricky i don't know where wait green might have actually left oh no never mind yep she's right there okay okay okay let's go wait what wait she just fell oh no she just fell oh bro this is perfect this is our chance we can win how have i not been yoded yet i've actually just been a freaking ninja dude and come on coco coco go yeah okay okay hold on hold on i'm scared oh god oh god she's there she has her stick she has her stick uh uh dude watch out bro watch your jet watch your jet watch your jet watch your chair watch your jet watch your jet watch your jet watch oj oh i got her i got her i got her i got her oh my god oh my god the place the place the place the place the place the place the place yes go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay okay she died she died i got the bed no i've been yoded i've been yoded oh my goodness oh my god i gotta concentrate i gotta concentrate i gotta concentrate i'm gonna eat i'm gonna eat i'm gonna eat i'm gonna concentrate i gotta concentrate i gotta concentrate i gotta concentrate i gotta concentrate i got this i got this i got this i got this i got this no i didn't get this no it's fine it's fine it's fine we won and yes we gotta keep inventory this round except for armor armor doesn't stay it's fine i don't even need it i don't even need it bro dang it how could i been dude i was such a fool i was such a fool i got two cocky boys wait where's green green's all the way over there what the farther bra the literally the farthest bet are you serious oh my goodness bro oh my goodness come on come on come on let's go let's go we have to send the shadow legend to the shadow realm with a knockback one million okay yes perfect yellow had so much wool for me let's go okay okay hold on she does not notice okay okay hold on we're going oh dude i don't think she knows i don't think she knows perfect you just delete us oh my god oh my god i'm scared i'm looking scared i'm looking scared hold on uh do i have a weapon hold on wait wait i can stay shifting i can stay shifting okay hold on let's go and make a crafting table and i'm gonna go ahead and let's make ourselves an axe bro and a chest plate and you know what let's make a shield what oh oh my god no way i just did that that was the most that no that was just bad that was just terrible okay i don't know if she knows i don't know if she knows i'm here i don't even know if she's even here yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow oh no she's not what where is she oh no she's probably trying to get my bed if she falls bro and i win because she dies i'm gonna get so mad okay she definitely went this way for retracing her steps hold on she probably went to mid as well or maybe she didn't wait what no she should like oh my she fell she fell no that was so anti-climactic well ladies and gentlemen with the powers of the yolt stick we have won holy nuts bro knock pack one million is actually insane if you guys enjoyed make sure to leave a like subscribe and there should be some more videos on the screen just click one of those if you guys want to watch more of me peace out gamers love you
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,038,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I secretly used Knockback 1000000 in Minecraft Bedwars, minecraft bedwars, bedwars, knockback 1000000, minecraft bedwars knockback 1000000, knockback 100000, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: zvTX4xAJ2Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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