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in today's video we're playing minecraft but it's cubed meaning for every one block that we find there's actually going to be 27 of them this made the world stupidly massive and overpowered and wait what the tree why is the tree so big that is a long wait wait what oh the amount of loot the amount of loot can we defeat minecraft cubed watch till the end to find out let's do this all right three two one and go go go go go what the nuts is this wait what oh no um something seems off ladies and gentlemen like the world kinda looks normal wait wait what the nuts um am i small no no no no no no hold on wait a second there's a tree over there it looks pretty normal i'm i'm honestly really oh what bro what i just took fall damage from just look at the pigs wait oh my goodness okay okay hold on hold on hold on no no no no no no let's just make our way to the tree bro this is so weird this is so sketchy oh my god every block is like massive no but that's not quite right and wait what the the tree why does the oh my god why are we running through grass and why is the tree so big holy no what yo this is literally the biggest tree i've ever seen in minecraft what oh my god okay hold on i'm just gonna get some wood but ladies and gentlemen i think i know what's going on for every one block in minecraft like literally for every one block of wood there is a three by three meaning oh my god the entire world is cute holy nuts it's not just squared it's cubed oh my goodness wait what does this exactly mean though this basically means for every one block that we would normally find in the world it's going to be nine because it's three by three wait diamonds oh my goodness bro wait a second what y level are we oh my we are why 213. wait what that literally means we're just 40 blocks off the world height limit i'm i don't even what wait what happens if we find a village is there a village nearby wait there was a desert going that way oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen today is gonna be another very adventurous video honestly i'm so intrigued as to how everything is gonna look that means it's gonna oh my god how hard is it gonna be to like mine in this video okay anyways we have so much wood from this ginormous tree honestly guys we can literally just keep mining wood infinitely like how much wood would we have after we mined this entire tree i'm really lazy i'm not gonna do that maybe later we'll just mine an entire tree just to actually see my best guess is at least like a stack in like 30 logs maybe like a hundred and something but there you go i think we literally have enough yeah we have way more than enough wood to literally last us the entire game and oh okay bet let's just get some surface tone but you can literally see where like the blocks actually cut off like that's one block of dirt this is one block of stone oh my goodness that is so cursed dude this is literally just a curse video that's exactly what this is and okay hold on just getting some stone is so difficult already we're gonna have to be big brain boys and okay door tactic active member bait that is enough for now let's make some better tools stone axe stop pickaxe and screw it let's make shovel for now and okay we found the sand biome oh my god is that cactus no no no that's no cactus that's congest thick cactus boy oh my god and okay good thing we made a shovel because boys this is gonna be enough this is gonna be hard terrain to just like go through and honestly guys i wonder if by the end of this video we're just gonna break minecraft i honestly wouldn't doubt it the entire world is literally square or next squared cubed let's see i want to really really find something crazy guys like if we could just find wait what is this it's a cave oh my god no no no no no no no no this is not a normal cave bro this thing is huge hold on a second oh i just felt like literally one two three four blocks and i almost just died okay well not really but still that was that was nuts falling four blocks in this world no no it's not the same and okay i'm just i'm just ready to prepare to take so many fall damage and oh my god oh my god horse oh my bruh i am so confused is this just gonna actually be infinite iron oh my goodness how big is this vein and there you go boys we only mined one block of iron technically right and wait what how do we have 27 iron ore i wait my map hold on something's wrong here one two oh no no no my math was very wrong for every block that we find it's 27 blocks because this is one two three times one two three that's nine and then nine times one two three oh my goodness i don't even know what cubed means but now i do you guys play minecraft tommy more than school holy nuts what while mining is gonna be insane first we need to find like a structure you guys know my luck okay there has to be something around here i refuse to believe we got like a dead seat let's just keep getting out of this freaking cave oh my goodness dude i'm telling you bro it doesn't look that big until you get just really close to it you're just like oh my nuts and oh my okay oh my goodness bro that looks so terrifying what look at the sugar cane wait what if i just bro oh bruh oh my god how many sugar cane did we just get and oh no it's about to be night time oh that's not good holy nuts oh my god okay well we literally got two stacks in some some freaking crap sugar cane pro that is nuts oh my goodness bro there's so many mobs oh not a village but it was a pizza pyramid that might even be better and is it really big or is it just kind of like i don't even know dude but it looks really big that's what she said everything in this video is just a thick boy oh my goodness oh my goodness bro the only thing that's not thick are the mobs and myself actually i'm pretty thick right boys oh my no shut the front door hold on a second wait speaking of the front door we gotta we gotta look at this baby from the front and okay maybe not because there's so many mobs i have the iron okay i just don't want to smell it right now oh my bro what holy nuts wait a second i really want to see the entrance of this thing oh my goodness bro i'm actually gonna die i'm really hoping we're gonna find a golden apple holy dude this looks so insane what the crap oh my god okay let's just climb up oh my goodness now this is what a proper temple feels like dude this is huge this is what i feel like the normal one should be in oh my gosh bruh bruh no no wait we gotta break over here ye and oh my goodness dude that is a long way down that is a long wait wait what oh oh my the amount of loot the amount of loot oh my god go go go go go go this is gonna be insane boys i actually don't think i've realized how crazy minecraft cubed can really be i don't think you have probably realized how insane this might actually be oh my goodness bro we're playing thick minecraft and thick minecraft comes with thick boy amounts of loot wait wait is every chest oh my god so we got little ingots some saddles is every chest this oh my god every chest is not the same every chest is not the same okay well uh in that case i'm living here for a second dude holy crap wait we gotta actually loot everything oh my god we have iron we have so much iron let's make ourselves right off the bat bro a freaking thingymabobshield and let's make another crafting to oh wait i already oh my i'm so stupid let's definitely make ourselves a pickaxe oh my goodness bruh wait so we already looted this chest oh my goodness i think i should just probably break the chest diluted dude this is actually gonna be mind-boggling wait wait a golden apple oh my god hold up hold up hold up i'm gonna go and just make a double chest right here and i'm just gonna put all my stuff that we have right now inside of here and you know what let's get our iron let's see i'm just going to dig straight down oh my god i totally forgot oh my no shut the front door okay okay wait wait we cannot afford to have this exploded because if this explodes it's actually over like it's actually over chief dude oh my god look how many tnt we have look how much tnt we have bro this is crazy this is actually gonna be the best video ever oh my goodness okay there you go boom bam bop let's start smelting our iron and with that said let's put the t in here oh my god i got one golden apple on me i'm just gonna eat it just in case because honestly something tells me that we're gonna have a lot of golden apples after this oh they said it we got two diamonds and oh my and a flame book and another golden apple there's actually no way we got some gold emeralds okay hold on baby i need my axe there you go there we go we gotta just break everything that we already loot like another golden apple oh my goodness dude bro another golden apple right here how many golden apples are we gonna have this is actually insane we just got two from this one another one in this chest bro no no this is actually about to be the most insane thing ever like i don't even know fire aspect two books fire aspect two book we did not oh my goodness literally everything is gonna be overpowered oh oh yes our first god apple oh my goodness how many are we gonna have by the end of this dude i don't even know i don't even know man we're gonna be so stocked after this got some more iron bra brah this is actually nuts wait which books are these knockback two book another golden apple oh my god no dude this is gonna this is just literally infinite loot oh my god we need more chests we literally need more chests and this is just the beginning boys wait hold on what i could do is just spread my entire inventory and that way we only pick up the stuff that like we want oh my god pogba yeah there you go oh my god now i could just grind through this oh my god another golden apple there there's no way okay i'm just gonna start minding the chess boys i'm just gonna start mining the chest i won't be able to pick up any of the books but we're gonna look at the books in a second i just want to see how much golden apple and iron and i'll just god stuff we can get brah as the baby says boys let's go we got another gun apple oh my goodness bro this is insane and more diamonds bro this is actually illegal dude if we find a village we're gonna have so many emeralds to trade with man i mean no no more diamonds two more diamonds oh i should get another god apple holy nut okay let's just grind bro let's just speed through this man one eternity later all right two more books let's see sure oh yes shirt is five oh my god and knock back two ladies and gentlemen bro if we don't get a good horse for this video and we have our 27 iron right here oh my god we're actually stacked this is from one pyramid okay well because we have so many diamonds let's just go and make ourselves diamond chest plate diamond pants protection where it counts boys and i'm actually gonna just make boots and let's keep the rest of the four diamonds i'm gonna make a pickaxe yeah yeah yeah pickaxe for sure bam bap let's get all of our freaking insane loot oh my god i actually don't have any food i just have to eat golden apples for food boys that's how you know we're rich and let's just take exactly what we need oh my god definitely need these books protection for let's take all the tnt all of these blocks for sure and all right i think we're good let's get this and now to get out of here even though it's really high up oh my god yes it's actually daytime and now hold up i really really oh my god if we find a mob spawner i think that's gonna be the goal let's go mining let's try and find a mob what yo there's a ruined thing oh my god another structure bro this world literally has us doing everything like backwards food what nah loot pyramid and eat golden apples like dude no no this is two cracks and we have 11 gold apples by the way we ain't dying bro and oh my god look at the lava blocks bro dang it i should probably get a water bucket oh my god my inventory is full i don't know what i could let go of maybe the sand and keep the sandstone yeah boom boom bam bop oh my god that's such thick water dude okay and bro there's so much gold dude no no this is actually too insane i don't even know if i brought do i even want all this gold no we need to guys come on wait how much gold do we actually have bro we have 39 gold blocks sorry eight pieces of cheese look at this oh my god okay wait there are mobs coming after my booty wait maybe we can have a protection three on my oh maybe just off these chests we'll be able to literally get oh my god obsidian to build a portal bruh oh my god wait a second bro i don't even know if there's like that much insane looting oh wait the golden carrots that's actually insane food yes bro golden carrots are literally the best food in the game oh my god we're getting so much obsidian too we have 24. oh bro this is actually so cracked this is actually so cracked why didn't i realize this before oh my goodness bro no this is actually insane oh my bruh all the cheese not just that we can easily go to the nether whenever however it would be cool though now to try and find a cave wait is that it right there ladies and gentlemen we found ourselves the cave entrance let's go this green boy scared me shut up booger boy all right oh my nuts dude beans i don't know why i said that this is crazy look at this cave this is a simple normal cave in minecraft but in minecraft cubed it's massive wait what the nuts is oh my ladies and gentlemen i can see the clouds from the top of the bra shut the front door oh my goodness dude this is nuts oh my goodness there's so much gold ore over here oh my gosh this is actually mind-boggling look at the size of this thing it is massive i'm literally just trying to cross the other side of the ravine hello mr zombie ye gets belief nerd oh my god i'm such a god my man named bro the parkour that you can do with this though in this cave is so sick okay you know what i'm not gonna ask any questions about why the lava is glitched i mean this entire world is literally cursing oh my god no no no no please bonerman stop it's probably a good thing that the lava isn't updating because then it would just be chaos it's okay though cause we got god apples and oh is this a mineshaft what this is a mineshaft holy wood there's so much wood here boys oh my god i like how the rails just don't even make sense anymore bro but why does the caves actually feel like real caves now and okay there's so many more mobs stop just fight yes fight each other nerds idiot boner man yee food which we literally have normal food come on if we could just oh my god i was just about to say i was just about to say we could find some diamond we did it boys we did it we found diamonds oh my god and this is just one block bro if this is an eight vayne what's eight times 27 oh my god i don't even know but it's just way too much but with that said let's get on the mining boys this is gonna be such good xp and okay wait was it just one diamond was it just literally a one vayne are you kidding me in minecraft cubed i get so unlucky to the point where i only find one vein okay bruh you know what i'm not even gonna complain i got 27 diamonds from that one block oh my god wait what the balls what the balls is this oh it's it's it's a mo wait oh my god we found it we fought we found what we were looking for oh my goodness wait wait this is actually cracked hold on a second away before we even do any of this i'm pretty sure we have 11 xp we can actually now let's make three iron blocks and then make like a bp-like thing there you go sharpness five on our oh my god we can't oh my gosh we can't wait should we put sharpness four or should we just go full on sharpness five i could make a diamond sword and then put the sharpness five on that i don't know man you know what yeah let's get sharpness for diamond axe let's put the fire aspect first and then okay we just need a few more levels for the sharpness five perfect bro this is massive okay wait can we just mine these for xp wait oh my god it's lit bro wait wait wait wait oh my god this is actually cracked oh my god it's not like i want them to spawn anyways oh my holy xp levels [Music] we're at level 24 oh my bro oh we can easily get the sharpness five boom oh my goodness and then wait on our chest plate protection four not just that thorns three baby oh my gosh bro we're stacked we're actually stacked dude no way no way okay hold up i think i want to surface right after we just mine all of this and get some more xp bro this is so cracked i want to see if we can find a village just to see how it looks like bro we've been hyping it up we got to man we actually have to imagine how the nether or like oh my goodness imagine how the end looks like holy nuts that's probably so weird get me out of here we found it we found a village oh my goodness wait wait it's actually massive it's actually massive bruh bruh wait what is actually happening right now i am literally running like one fps oh my god i can't move i can't move oh oh my god wait what is happening the village the baby what the nuts hello minecraft okay wait we're good we're good we're good no we are not oh my god wait what is hot what why is the world broken right here oh my god hold up what the wait what huh gamers wait what happened to wait what the balls ladies and gentlemen wait my frames are good now um why is the world literally just caught off what happened to this village hold on a second oh my god i'm trying to dig inside of the house to investigate what the crap wait why is my game lagging again no
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,816,053
Rating: 4.8818393 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft3, minecraft2, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod, mods, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: HGvT03HS5k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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