Minecraft but you can Go Inside Blocks

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oh what a beautiful little village i stumbled upon what you got for us beautiful little villain oh my goodness okay start our adventure nice and right what the heck is going on with this everything's all glitching everywhere whoa there's a new item that popped up here the quantum door what can i do with a quantum door it is a little small of a doorway i don't know if i can fit in that can i put you on a door no okay oh it worked i'm small now i can fit inside okay i guess we're going inside a dirt block now oh my gosh it actually worked i'm inside a dirt block now nobody panicked holy cow there's a whole ecosystem inside of blocks man i didn't know this was so complicated what the heck is that this is a bad guy or a good guy quantum parasite that doesn't sound good that does not sound good quantum parasite okay something weird is going on i do not know if this was my fault or not by placing the doorway here i have a feeling your blocks are not supposed to have quantum parasites in them don't kill me no no no i only have one heart one measly tiny heart oh gosh dang it i died inside the block hold on how many quantum parasites are there whoa what the heck is this over here looks like this might be a shulker box here is there is there stuff in it a grass grower okay okay and we got a magical journal written by an old quantum traveler dude check it out i got a grass grower power now i can use it to create blocks where i'm walking oh that's super nice man i can also throw vines to hold mobs and play i can shoot out six second videos very nice let's read this note shall we so i gotta fix these blocks on a quantum level to save the world or something i guess don't worry little minecraft blocks crafty is here to rescue so i assume i need to make a bunch of these quantum doors here mr magic journal what's next uh cobblestone the stone particles of the block are spread out making the stone more brittle here goes nothing a time to go inside a cobblestone block oh i see so the problem with cobblestone is all these blocks are disconnected guess i can use my grass grower to connect all the inside i don't know worth a shot i guess oh and there is the quantum core of the cobblestone dude this is actually so neat i hope i don't mess up something and create like a cobblestone monster or something no no foreshadowing raccoon not this time okay all right that should do it is there some goodies in here yeah a rock thrower dude what does the description say rose rocks well i i kind of got that impression all right that's a nice little power well uh mr cobblestone i hope that fixed your problem my dude all right let's get out of here what the heck where am i i'm in a dungeon i think i might have turned the cobblestone into mossy cobble because of all my grass in there i hope that didn't break anything on a quantum level what do we have in here oh more stuff sorry iron sword you've been upgraded tnt nice i'll need that for later and we got ourselves a spawner here i don't mind not dying right now but it doesn't seem like it's working infested by quantum silverfish now before we go inside the spawner here i'm gonna make myself a quick little bed so i can reset my spawn here here goes nothing i guess don't worry spawner i shall save you oh my gosh look there's my bed there's my crafting table oh this is awesome dude the book said something about silverfish right are you inside quantum silverfish get out of here okay okay i can use my grass grower to stack up here yeah can't get up now can you now i can take you out easy peasy lemon squeezy did i get them all i hear some more where are you oh my gosh that's a lot of them oh i do see the core though okay quantum silverfish are destroyed oh my gosh i got myself a zombie companion do i just get a hello zombie companion i shall call you zomberto you're beautiful and i love you all right hopefully that fixed our spawner here actually i kind of hope it doesn't what do you think zomberto are you happy yeah he seems happy enough what's next magical journal it looks like tnt is next okay we actually got a tnt earlier although i will need a bit of iron to be able to make our next quantum door here come on zomberto time for a side quest looking for iron with a zombie deep inside get him zamberto does he not fight for me yeah get him dude i'm gonna die i'ma die i'm a dime did you get him oh zamberto died all right don't worry buddy you're back at least we found ourselves some iron hey zomber ah you're not a dumber all right we're getting out of here we're getting out of here that should be plenty iron for a while make ourselves a quantum door and inside our tnt hold on before we go though what exactly is wrong the components that made up the tnt aren't working all right tnt what's wrong with you my boy whoa looks like gravel uh sand i guess it makes sense an iron over here i didn't realize ent was so complex dude well i can use my grass grower here to get to the center i'm not sure exactly what i should do to fix this place the components that made up the tnt aren't working oh i see wait a minute i have to fix gravel sand and iron i may have to do some inceptions here so i might have to go inside each of the components to be able to fix the tnt itself we shall test our theory so if we try to go inside i'm inside tnt and i'm inside gravel inside tnt i am tiny my man oh my goodness it's full of water gravel is waterlogged the core is hidden deep in the water preventing the tnt from igniting i gotta try to remove this water somehow i found the core it looks like there's some pathways here oh gosh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die don't kill me don't kill me don't get me i'm too small to die all right i found this little pocket of air over here anything of the barrels anything in there when i see a button i gotta press it that's just the rules if you see subscribe button you press that too right oh there's a lever up there shoot a vine at it okay that doesn't work can i shoot a rock at it i can i don't know what that did just yet but i assume that's good let's go down this hallway here go crafty swim little buddy yeah all right i made it once i get those switches we might have solved our issues or we might have blown up the tnt i am not sure how any of these work let's head over to the core and see what's going on the water's going down i am so sorry fish you're not really supposed to be here anyway what does this give us hey a flint resin throws a flaming resin yeah fire fire fire wow all right well i don't know exactly how useful that'll be but we'll take it one down two to go all right mr sand what can i do to help you buddy hey hold on i think i have an idea what i'm supposed to do here the beach is covered in microplastics and pollution it looks like i can use the flint resin to burn the plastic away go away trash this beach deserves to have a nice home get out of here pollution i don't think it's a great idea to burn trash i'm gonna do this the old-fashioned way 12 hours later this is our last piece of plastic what the heck just happened okay well i mean something happened looks like i found the core of the sand here what might we have here a magnifying glass makes diorite see-through okay it turns dire right into the glass well that makes it convenient i guess to get out diorite i'm dying to see what's behind you i imagine there'll be something nice and useful to use with this later alright let's get out of here sand is taken care of and i gotta admit i gotta give myself a sand for that one standing ovation okay i'm done next up iron ore i don't know why i'm fixing tnt right now with me inside it i feel like uh something bad might happen as long as our zombie friend outside doesn't light it i think we'll be fine all right mr iron ore what's wrong with you my dude i'm running a little low on iron to make our doors here although tnt wouldn't mind if i borrowed a couple of these right i'm just gonna grab a couple okay let's get inside the iron oh my gosh what the heck is this a giant iron golem ew he does look a little rusted though man check my notes here the iron ore is flooded with water causing the core to rust i see you gotta get the water out of the iron okay how do i do that there is a lever up there can i reach with a rock throw from here can't reach it all right hold on it's time to nerd pole fun fact did you know in minecraft this is called nerd polling you probably already did comment down below if you already knew that okay so i can walk across this scaffolding this is actually kind of freaky all right can i hit this lever yeah yeah i got another lever over here yeah yes i got it the water is going down now before it goes i'm dropping a nice old yeah actually the water tastes quite irony i don't see the core yet there is a facility down here it looks like hey let's see what's going on in here this is kind of weird dude don't press the wrong button it'll blow up the base what the heck dude no what do you have to say about buttons there's nothing about buttons in here the correct button fuels the golem fantastic it looks like all the furnaces are off here can i flint resin i can't yeah i don't know if that helps or not now i gotta press one of these buttons without blowing up the entire world no pressure crafty diary dude i got a magnifying glass okay so i can look through that's tnt that'll probably blow me up that's some tnt too that's a green block that must be a good thing the buttons are too tempting he calls to me all right i'll press this one i got something iron skin dude fix the tnt core gonna explode in five wait wait i'm inside the dnt no wait no i'm alive i'm alive whoa are we in between blocks right now what the heck you're hungry i've got some bread and apples if you'd like sorry i already ate the apples must consume every block what the heck oh my gosh i'm back on land hello little parrot what the heck just happened man okay crafty get it together i did not see anything about that in the magic journal oh wait guys i found something here it says there's a quantum dragon growing from the quantum realm in between blocks it has the power to warp blocks so it may weaken the boundaries of the quantum realm and escape to consume everything in minecraft wow that sounds terrible so we got a quantum dragon that if i don't fix all of the blocks it's trying to weaken and change it'll escape and consume the entire world of minecraft what's the worst that could happen i guess wait wait wait we do have a new power from our tnt out we have the iron skin which i probably should use otherwise i'm about to die iron skin gold that can do doesn't prevent all damage but it looks like i've got resistance four heck yeah man now i'm looking full iron golem mode probably should get some food and head on already to my next adventure which is the diamond ore gosh king midas is involved in this of course he is made it back to our village from before villagers are still weird-looking and beautiful except for you jeremy you're very handsome we'll grab yourself a snack for the adventure here i'll bring you back some diamonds all right boys i just saw a version of you except he was giant technically very small actually do you understand english sorry my iron accent is a little rusty let me try this again okay i might have offended him i do not know what i just said all right zomberto time for a cave experience sumburto i found your friend group are they chill they seem kind of chill actually yeah i got i've made some friends i'll burst out fine i will not be in your squad i get it diamond gotta make myself a little stepping stool tell me what's wrong with you holy toledo batman we got diamonds i guess it does make sense there are diamond blocks inside of a diamond door let's make ourselves some gear here now i'm looking ready dude our book did say king midas is trying to take the diamond core underground i assume it's not in this beautiful lush diamond space i i guess it's down this terrifying cave all right oh gosh that's a lot of lava am i fine to swim across this i do have fire resistance now because of my steel skin i think i could have swim through this right ah heck yeah just got skin made of metal what's up i am invincible here's the core dude and there is king midas he must be trying to turn the diamonds into gold i don't know about you but diamond works much better than gold mine he did not like that okay okay okay he's doing a lot of damage stop stop stop well is there anything inside this diamond drill oh my gosh it has 15 attack damage three times the amount i've currently got going on this is not a drill king midas this is your doom take this diamond drill attack oh that does so many hearts of damage yeah take that king midas all right so we took care of him that should have solved our diamond ore issue also something cool here our diamond drill mines three by three block area oh my goodness that is so satisfying i'll take a couple more if you don't mind yes anything fun over here no okay in figuring out what to do next i went back to our handy-dandy magic journal and it mentions that the end portal frame has also been messing up we should find our way to the stronghold which makes sense that's a dragon dragon lives in portal so we should find a way to the stronghold if we want to cut that quantum dragon off at the source and would you look at that zomberto got ourselves a portal looks like it's already completed too oh heck yeah man question can i use the flint resin to light it light portal actually okay okay that that portal is not lighting fire literally on the portal right now there's an issue with obsidian of course there is the obsidian core has been buried underneath a bunch of rubble barry i guess our drill's gonna come in handy looks like it's time to head inside an obsidian oh my goodness you came with me dude all right welcome wow this is gorgeous man looks like there's a water section and then a lava section that does make sense that is how you make obsidian and it has been buried against the rubble the one way to avoid this throw diamonds at it yeah you throw money at your problems everything fixes it well that didn't work all right diamond drill it in ah there we go i'll save you buddy there's something so satisfying about a drill like this i don't mean to drill it into your head but it is pretty dang cool i got such a thrill to drill okay enough of that what do we got over here an obsidian crossbow dude so i don't need any arrows i can shoot it i guess infinitely oh my gosh heck yeah man quantum dragon you're going down dude and i can also sneak to teleport to where my arrow is fired isn't that dope all right man how about i go over here yeah nailed it okay well i might have messed up the teleportation i shot a few too many arrows but this will be a helpful thing to keep in mind now there is a section in here water and lava having issues i must have to solve the issue inside of water oh man i gotta go into a block inside a block again as long as it doesn't explode i'll be fine famous last words i guess what are you gonna do about it go wow this place is amazing dude there's a lot more life in water than i remember ew am i drinking this every time i have a glass of water oh hi buddy welcome to the world of quantum mechanics i see the water is stagnant preventing most chemical reactions can i teleport over to these spots oh teleporting dude i am a fan of the obsidian crossbow i'll tell you that much hey check it out take that lever zomberto could you not stand inside me thank you i assume i gotta get on all these platforms right oh my gosh i love this teleportation so much dude clever smack water core is working guess that fix whatever water issue they had now what i'd like to know what the heck is behind this corridor here the water core yes it is my friend we got a water whip i shall give you a furnace in return not entirely sure what swapping places with an opponent means but uh sure man we'll take it i assume that's gonna be useful somewhere now let's tackle the lava issue that's going on over here okay well zomberto has died in lava that's not how the lava works man you gotta wait for the door to open up don't do it again time for me to head into the lava that's a big blaze all right the nice thing is i already do have my fire resistance so at least you can't take me out like that your fire does nothing okay what happens if i water with them oh gosh i did it i swapped with them water whip go go i do not know what's going on i killed him okay i do not know what happened wait a minute this looks like the center of the core in the core there was always shulker boxes i wonder maybe if the core got too hot and turned into a blaze or something got ourselves a new power and oh my gosh a stack of blaze rod now we're talking dude i got infernal stature converts blaze rods into my inventory into fireball go fireballs actually i shouldn't use all those yep i already used 10 blaze rods yeah let's be a little more careful with that if we are heading to the nether i'll need a few of those bad boys hey check it out roberto isn't that dope don't worry he likes it he likes very hot showers and dying in lava now that we got the lava sorted wonder if that fixed our obsidian issue ooh there is a portal over here wait a second i think i have an idea what i'm supposed to do if i shoot a blaze rod here is that gonna light the portal what the heck is happening oh my word dude look look look the nether man did not expect that to happen but that is the coolest thing i've ever seen i am inside the nether inside of an obsidian block this is not the kind of day oh oh well i'm now swimming in nacho cheese it is time i've got myself all the eyes i need i hope at least oh my gosh that was so perfect and boom let's boom let's when i say boom you're supposed to oh gosh dang it is something wrong with the stronghold well the nice thing is we did get a great deal on getting all these blaze rods so that's nice and speaking of great deals dude for this week only we have 15 off everything on the merchandise store crafty dot store 15 off literally everything including the new crafty plushie and the new crafty comic book so hurry while the time lasts all right time for the dragon battle now might be the last quantum door we have to make and one last block to enter oh my okay uh hello can i jump in here am i just going to get to the end oh what the heck just happened what just oh man i can feel myself getting smaller man oh i do not like this this is weird and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller oh what the heck i'm at quantum particle levels what is this dude quantum staff oh now we're talking increases growth well that's pretty nice growth of what growth of subscriber count well we do have ourselves a portal here can i go in am i gonna lose myself to the oh my goodness oh that's the quantum dragon okay okay oh we got some quantum endermen now i can use my quantum staff to grow myself throw myself massive what's up quantum dragon i mean technically i am still super tiny because we're on a quantum realm but i'm big in comparison to you dude i can take out all these crystals yes and now it's you and me the quantum crossbow has your name on it keep shooting at them not so big now aria oh this is awesome dude okay okay how do i get out of here now can i use my quantum staff to grow oh i'm growing fast oh my goodness i am back at the village i might have grown uh a little too big is there a reverse button for this no okay excuse me sorry
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,253,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft funny, minecraft mods, custom block, custom blocks, custom item, custom items, custom pickaxe, custom weapon, custom weapons, custom blaze, Go inside blocks
Id: CGU4beS4Hv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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