Minecraft but I have 1 BILLION Diamonds

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I've had a thousand diamonds before I've even had a million diamonds but just like any millionaires since that's a need for more to fill the void in their heart today we're after one billion billion diamonds and it all starts with you little buddy hold on hold on I'll be back [Music] all right Mr Cow thanks for your patience so now I've got myself a good old bucket and I shall fill my bucket with illustrious warm Diamond milk do you mind it's like chocolate milk but it looks like meat alright so we got our bucket of diamonds and if I drink this uh then I get myself 27 diamonds holy cow uh literally no and so now we can head into our Diamond shop portal here to do some spending I can already buy our Diamond Drill thank you very much which will make diamond harvesting just a little bit faster and this beautiful drill will oh mine blocks instantly to Give Me Diamonds it's pretty nice it's pretty satisfying thank you boys for the diamonds thank you very much all right we got plenty already no what what no it's not cheating it's just custom what you think I was gonna get all this in normal survival Minecraft yeah baby free diamonds let's go did you know that every single Stone has a Diamond Living deep inside it yeah just have to have a beautiful drill to get it only three easy payments of 975 945. there we go we're just gonna take a little bit off the top there and we'll head back into our shop I'm gonna actually skip the diamond Shield I'm gonna go right for the diamond laser here my goal is just get to a million as fast as possible Diamond saplings I'll be back boys so I've already gotten to a million before so really I'm just trying to get past a million kind of as fast and as efficiently as possible so if I laser how many do I get I get two okay okay so it's a little bit faster than just drilling I do have to right click all the time though oh sorry I didn't mean to didn't mean to laser you buddy hold on there should be some Diamond sheep around here somewhere right oh gosh I do need food as well hey Mr Diamond cow can I have more if you're a luscious Diamond milk yes it doesn't give me any hunger it just gives me a bunch of diamonds Glory's Village I alert you of my presents by shooting lasers in the sky I don't know what that means dude this is gonna be a weird video hello Mr Golem how you doing buddy I like your arms does it feel weird to scrape your knuckles on the ground when you're walking oh gosh was that a rude thing to say oh grab a couple of these guys I don't just need bread to eat though I also need bread because I can breed my sheep and my diamond calves speaking of sheep dude hold on I want to try something if I breed a diamond sheep here with a normal sheep do they make a diamond sheep maybe an emerald sheet a normal sheep is diamond dominant gene all right well because check this out if I Shear a diamond sheep it gives me a bunch of blocks of diamonds which is rad so I really want to make like a giant sheep farm just full of diamond sheep perfect hold on stay right there buddy come with me frendo what the heck just happened all right we'll take that come little ones oh gosh you grew up fast oh my goodness come here guys I gotta Harvest your hair for money don't question it I'm not weird you're weird oh gosh I got a few more that I'm into come on you guys this here is your new home it might not look like much because right now it is not much but it will be paradise all right stay right here okay I gotta do a little bit of construction there we go pardon me grass I have need for you oh my gosh the most satisfying way to clear out grass of all time just normal millionaire stuff okay all right there you go have fun boys it was not as easy as it looks but now the cows and the Sheep are separated which is nice now we shall Harvest oh it's already working great I can't quite get all of them at once excuse me boys all right so now from one little Harvest I got 13 diamond blocks that's fantastic that's only like two and a half stacks of diamonds but we're getting there that sounds insane to say but remember we're going for a billion diamonds so I'm just trying to make progress fast now the next thing we could buy are our Diamond saplings which should be really excellent to get a bunch of Diamonds oh gosh those are so expensive papers back I don't think I like calling myself pop but this is a good little spot for a tree farm right there you go tree every good Farm needs their Diamond sheep and their Diamond trees grow little buddy hey there it is and now watch this dude if I right click on it boom it it just explodes into diamonds uh he's oh that's way more than it cost hold on I'm just gonna go back into my shop buy another one of those bad boys and then go pick up the rest heck yeah I'm rich dude oh my oh my Ivan's in a double chest is really putting it into perspective here let me buy a couple more of these saplings and if you're very confused which it would make sense that you are all of these items I can purchase to get myself more and more diamonds including the diamond crafty Mecca but you've seen those already what you haven't seen is the diamond Singularity the quantum diamond portal Etc just the diamond asteroid cost 2.5 million diamonds so now you can see why I'm trying to you know speed run some Diamond gaining grow little buddies I shall sing you a grow up okay well they grow up so fast okay that really should do it now before I get too much progress I'm gonna go and make myself some diamond armor because one thing I learned last time as soon as you buy the diamond wallet then you can't get any diamonds anymore so I gotta make all the diamond tools I want right now oh yes Pinky's out boys looking fancy and now it's time to get myself our Diamond digital uh whatever it's called my wallet so that'll make collect diamonds a lot better dude 2 000 already all right oh my gosh I gotta get to a billion dude what have I done to myself well we'll grab some more Diamond saplings and we shall make a beautiful diamond farm oh it's so nice to watch gosh I love those Diamond trees I'm gonna clear out a little bit more of this grass though because I want to build out this Farm to be pretty massive well right now that farm doesn't make a whole lot of sense it will uh I hope this challenge might take me 10 hours it might take me 10 lifetimes it might oh gosh am I vomiting the laser out of my mouth but I will complete the challenge if it's the last thing that I do I hope it's not the last thing I do I still want to go to the Bahamas someday ah yes looking much better now step one of my plan build myself a farmhouse and I need a metric heck ton of resources oh I forgot using diamond tools gives me diamonds as well that's kind of nice I mean it's literally one out of a billion diamonds but I mean every single Diamond counts time for my Daily Harvest thank you sheepies and now it's a magic trick I flex really hard and I build a house real quick [Applause] pretty cool huh oh gosh no thank you no thank you welcome to my home everybody oh I spent way too long on it but I kind of like it dude I'd love to get glass for the roof but I do like the kind of open Farm layout it's not a Billionaire's home not yet at least oh hi witch in fact I don't even have a bed but billionaires don't need to sleep right well now that I have somewhat of a house my next goal is to automate Some Farms so one of my most efficient ways of getting diamonds right now is literally by drinking the milk of my diamond cows I'm not sure how I feel about it and then of course my illustrious Diamond trees oh that's always so nice boom baby okay okay honestly sorry cows that's 13 000 diamonds all right sorry cows I don't need a milk anymore the big thing that I want from the shop is right here the diamond Quarry because doing that I'll just passively get diamonds over time and our Diamond dude which I am so mad is not Chester Diamond dude you're cute and all you look like you're about to fight somebody but like a preschooler but no you're not Chester I'm so sorry guys don't don't get mad at me it wasn't my fault I can't afford a diamond sight I can't afford some Diamond TNT here and our Diamond unicorn so yeah we got some upgrades I'm coming back for you Diamond site all right glorious oh my goodness I love you dude now that's a nice way to clear grass just feed it to your unicorn the unicorn's nice because it just breaks the blocks in front of them and it gives you diamonds it doesn't give you a lot of diamonds all by hand there we go I got a nice old flat land for my farm here all right well oh gosh I just realized I can't put the horse in a pen because it he just breaks through it I have to keep this horse kind of far away from my home should have thought that one through but for now let's find a good place to use these Diamond TNT shall we hello gorgeous this is my mission I will fill this place with TNT oh oh gosh I don't have anything to light it there's a light automatically ah shoot do I need a flinted steel oh it comes with one okay fantastic I'll take the carrots okay some up here oh gosh here we go here we go here we go glorious raining diamonds and excuse me reigning diamonds there we go that's more like it let's go oh gosh I'm gonna die from that Pillager oh good goodness no thank you oh here we go we did a good deed today and we got a bunch of diamonds too I love that diamond TNT it's not the most efficient but it's one of the most fun ways to get diamonds it's day two and my goals today is chickens it's kind of hard to explain so I'll just show you hello chicken boys come with me yes keep pooping diamonds come on boys I got a new home for you so this year is our temporary chicken home and here is our future chicken home just need a heck ton of iron I shall shoot you with my mouse laser bro no gosh dang it dude I mean thank you for the diamonds did you have to wander all the way over here okay Diamond unicorn you get to stay inside the water all right stay over here okay so if I can use these Hoppers to essentially grab on to all of the lovely diamonds that the diamond chickens are pooping then you boys got infinite diamonds uh theoretically at least this is gonna be cool dude all right come here chickens okay so theoretically they should just start racking up diamonds there we go seven come on eight nine all right there we go the more time I spend in the world the more chickens that we spawn the more diamonds we'll get just kind of passively and anytime one two we can claim these diamonds and more diamonds to our pile yeah all right let's fix my house real quick two hours later oh gosh I don't remember how I had it but that's close enough all right let's see how many beautiful diamonds we've got oh my word that's actually way more than I thought dude that was only a couple of minutes all right chickens I see you go off and the more chickens we have the more efficient this is gonna be too I like it also I'm just realizing it's time for daily sheep shearing there's nothing I can really do with walks of diamonds the only way to get diamond blocks now is by shearing sheep so why don't we Flex on them haters and make a floor out of diamond blocks we'll get there soon you shall be a Billionaire's house so I continued farming trees in shear and sheep you know a farmer's life oh wait come back I need your hair for my floor oh so close hold on hold on chickens it's your time don't disappoint me yeah dude and that right there is enough sheep help me out dudes cows now it's your time to shine hold on let me just drink some diamonds real quick boom 50 000. it's a long way out from a billion but dude we'll take that it's time to do a little bit of shopping here oh I'm stuck man I can buy a Diamond miner but just barely I can't afford a diamond Scythe here I'm gonna go with the side it might be a bad idea but I don't know I am a farmer after all all right so oh my goodness dude that's so much more efficient than last time holy cow oh that's sick man I play it like huge areas now of Diamonds oh that's so much better than last time oh my words oh gosh okay it does break blocks I gotta be careful where I use them no sheep don't get out stay in your pen please that was an accident my bad oh my goodness best purchase ever yeah all right not bad not bad I spent 25 000 diamonds on it I'm already almost making profit oh now we're talking that is so nice who needs a Diamond miner let's go dude that's amazing I like when you hit it and just all of them there we go we're already back at 50 000. okay this was a really great investment oh now that is a Billionaire's backyard dude now we're talking well let's head on back into the shop and it's only been a few minutes we'll go ahead and purchase our Diamond miner here as well once I can buy the diamond dude he'll multiply My Diamonds by two that'll be nice and then the Quarry will automatically give me a bunch of diamonds wait a minute drill that automatically mines oh perfect oh and I know just where to put it right on top of the mountain oh there they come dude it looks a little weird right now but he starts at the top then mine's all the way down to bedrock oh my goodness oh that is so nice so while he's doing that I can go all the way back over and start farming with our Scythe even more too look at how glorious our farm looks from here oh I love it there we go dude oh my gosh oh goodness gracious that's a lot of diamonds when you're so rich it lags it's day three on our quest for a billion diamonds I started off the day reaching 1 100 000 diamonds let's go baby let's go and as I got passive diamonds from our Diamond miner I went to the local Watering Hole to get some sand upgrades for our house hey and boom baby we got a roof I mean it's not much but at least we have a roof I'm also gonna go ahead and open up this wall here just so I can see the diamonds out there yes creepers might walk into my house but it's beautiful excuse me buddy boys thank you very much I've also been keeping up Sheeran my sheep check it out I've got boom 40. 40 diamond blocks dude oh gosh how many do I need to finish the floor I don't know and our chickens whoa dude we got Stacks heck yeah man thanks chickens keep doing your thing buddy boys and last but not least let's plant ourselves a heck ton of diamond trees there they go it's like an entire Forest going on man oh yeah now we're talking yes give me diamonds more more so really what I'm aiming for now is 250 000. and there we go there's 250 000. we've got a diamond Quarry dude oh gosh it feels so sad to be so poor we shall place the Corey right about there oh there it goes oh gosh sorry horse go boys go oh man look at him go dude they're just gonna mine all day long I've got 30 000 already so they'll just keep mining literally forever yes yes we're almost there Boys Don't Stop farming there's a hundred thousand man that took no time at all and now I can buy myself a diamond dude now no it's not Chester but now all of our diamonds are multiplied by two thanks buddy that'll make progress even faster oh my gosh dude look at it go no thank you no thank you hi bye oh my gosh and in no time I'm already at another 250 000. oh shoot dude I thought I might be able to purchase another Corey here but I'm not far away from buying our Diamond Mac so yeah let's do that we'll go ahead and buy a couple more of these Diamond Dudes to multiply our diamonds even more there you go welcome to the world buddies do you not have a face oh never mind that was the back oh my goodness oh dude that works fantastically look how fast my diamonds go up now oh my gosh all right well that that man buy a bunch of Diamond Dudes thank you very much there you go welcome to the world buddies now I think our multiplier is like eight or nine oh my look at it man and I'm doing nothing I just hit half a million and come on come on a little more there's a million diamonds baby let's go and we shall celebrate by buying our Mecca dude all right now we're also not very far away from our first wait a minute 400 million hold on there it is 2.5 million for our Diamond asteroid I don't know I guess I'll just AFK for like two and a half minutes and I get myself the asteroid yep there it is hello minions would you like to see my new toy boom yes sneak to shoot mining laser okay mine oh my gosh I probably should not use this right next to my house just for like the ugly Factor dude I can go all the way down to bedrock with this oh my gosh look at my diamonds go up dude laser go oh my goodness there is eight nine million and 10 million dude holy cow oh it does make the world quite ugly but at least it make number go up well we're at 12 million shall we check to see how our chickens are doing oh man that's awesome we're almost at a stack in here it feels so weird to have so many diamonds now chickens you serve me well but I don't think I'll need you anymore buddies unless you like pooping diamonds into a hopper then feel free to stay now the Sheep on the other hand I do still need their wool because what's the point of having so many diamonds if you can't Flex on all your friends there we go looking good floors are about halfway done all right let's do our first real purchase here we're getting our Diamond asteroid for 2.5 million our next upgrades not until 25 million so I need to wait a little bit until then oh hi guys let's get some more Diamond Dudes here as well what's better than purchasing friendship let's try this diamond asteroid shall we I'm a little scared so I'm gonna go uh far away from my house to try this bad boy Diamond asteroid go oh gosh where is it where is it oh there it is it's huge watch out little dudes oh my oh it's for Diamond Dudes oh oh shoot well we got one careful buddy careful where you step that gave us so many diamonds dude I'm at 72 million diamonds all right well let's do this again shall we Diamond Dudes Run come on boys run oh gosh I almost died oh my goodness dude all right well we can now buy ourselves a Quantum portal in fact might as well go ahead and buy two I'll know what they do we're also gonna go ahead and buy a bunch more of these Diamond Dudes sorry boys there we go we've got a metric heck ton of Diamond Dudes now I'm getting like 10 million diamonds a second basically hello miners you doing all right look at that dude 70 million 80 million oh yeah we'll be at a billion in no time it's time for our Quantum diamond portal oh my goodness dude whoa dude this is awesome looking hold on I want to stand in the Middle with my awesome Mecca yes feed me diamonds feed me oh my gosh we're gaining diamonds so fast that right there is half a million we'll buy ourselves our quantum singularity and put our Singularity right there in the middle Diamond value four eight oh I see it doubles over time all right I'll come back in a little bit there buddy I've gotta finish what I started excuse me buddies I got a couple more to place here and there it is our floors are done honestly that looks incredible wait a minute oh my goodness Diamond value a billion well Mr Diamond Singularity I don't even actually need it there is a billion Diamonds oh my gosh it's literally raining Diamonds oh this was ridiculous well we have reached over a billion diamonds and honestly the hardest part of this whole video was building my house
Channel: Craftee
Views: 3,749,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, custom minecraft, minecraft custom diamonds, minecraft custom items, minecraft 1 billion, minecraft 1 million
Id: v1vt1rzrafY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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