Minecraft but TNT Beats the Game for Me

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TNT has come to life in the form of these mob TNTs they are scattered all throughout the world but if I can collect them all they might just be able to beat the game for me and here we are yo piggy are you a TNT or something challenge breed some chickens okay whatever you say text you're welcome hold your horses chickadee come on boys I got some snacks for you so you can explode or whatever there you go nobody look all right dude don't look even some privacy there we go oh goodness well Jeremy I think your brother's looking a little different than you are we got our first TNT the chicken TNT what do you do hello there little buddy oh you said a little explosive eggs that's so cute like flies up and breaks blocks that's pretty cool man it just keeps going oh and then it dies okay I might never even pickaxe dude I can just send out exploding chickens to do all my mining for me there you go break the blocks boys it's that much but you know you gotta start somewhere can I get some wood Please Mr chickens oh my goodness go buddy so this is not the most efficient way to mine but you know we do our best hey got my first piece of wood very nice challenge gets some bread okay that's a little weird let's get that bread Gamers howdy Village folks I'm just here cause text on the screen told me to what's up boys how you doing nice here we go here we go there we go and we got some bread haha delicious protect the village oh gosh this is not good what the heck is that dude oh no why are you building your village next to a giant Skull Man all right boys get ready for battle I hear their Sirens ring Gregory get inside where are these guys a black cat that's not good news there they are all right chickens it's your time to shine uh go go go go all right all right that's working pretty well dude oh they're a little hard to aim don't be a chicken chicken go fight for our land ah one heart wait wait wait don't kill me oh gosh that was a close one oh dude blocks are iron that's good looks like the pillagers drop items that's great haha you've been crushed what the heck he dropped a pumpkin head oh blocks of iron and pumpkins I think I know what I gotta do with this make an iron golem no problem and there you go looking a little headless buddy and oops my bad yeah hey oh we dropped me a iron golem TNT ah very cool welcome to life buddy boy oh look at it go I like it man because it deals knock back to enemies and then it gives me like temporary armor it looks like which lasts a while that's really cool might be able to mine a little easier with this guy and boom honestly dude having portable diamond armor anytime I need it is super nice thanks for your gift buddy I love you oh gosh protect the village again dude all right well at least this time I got some Iron Golems hello boys all right launch out some chickens drop out some Iron Golems oh man all right all right I've got my armor that'll protect me a little bit careful Piggies oh gosh oh gosh okay perfect you're stuck in this hole over here if I can drop down some Iron Golem TNT's on him oh got me in the booty dude run voice oh gosh go Iron Golems that's it and boom not quite oh this is hard drop some chickens for the aerial attack yeah chickens you got them dude nice job guys all right you can stop you can stop dropping uh poop bombs or whatever oh intriguing find a secret passageway uh I don't think it's that giant skull right that doesn't look extremely um secretive well no secret there oh secret apples What secrets might you be hiding hey I see some Secrets little fun fact if you're trying to keep a secret might want to close the door oh gosh yeah let's just explore this dark and mysterious tunnel what's the Worst That Could Happen hello oh there's a chest over there uh I don't trust this for a second definitely not a trap oh wow yeah let's just try it shall we rip oh my son you lied to me you lied to me sign there we go hopefully you learned their lesson oh gosh that looks bad can I break this here oh my oh no it's just gonna keep going forever huh I just gotta run through this hold on I can use my iron golem TNT to give me some extra armor here there we go and now run run run yeah there is an arrow inside of my Cranium but I can't tell if there's any damage pardon pancakes pancakes feel nice when I squeeze them huh do you say something well that led us to another trap I'm assuming uh but this time there's no lying sign so uh yeah let's trust it and Chester you're a TNT today oh sick dude oh looks like Chester Minds for me all right let's see what you got Chester buddy oh my goodness yeah look at him go can I plant multiple Chesters yeah Chester Minds for for me then I get the oars automatically he's a hungry bully but doesn't like eating ores apparently yeah go Munch Munch that's honestly super useful dude and I'm always happy to have Chester on my Adventures no gosh my next challenge is to explore the giant skull oh the text calls it a death skull that's great yeah that's fine I didn't need any extra adjectives to make it any scarier dude I will never forgive you oh gosh let's walk into the Cave's mouth well on a positive note we do get a bunch of free Iron Chester if you don't mind doing the duty yeah oh my gosh I have over a stack already dude this is so much iron that'll do it yeah it feels a little more safe in here I probably should make a sword as well what the heck dude oh my goodness this place just keeps going man are we inside like an ancient giant or something these are his rib cages this is freaky man I like it destroy the spawners what spawners oh those spotters oh my gosh ah there's spider jockey spawners okay okay my sword's not gonna cut any here yo boys it might be your time to shine yeah dude they launch man wait wait hold on Chester munch on it yeah okay stop stop ah there's more of course there is okay Chester get ready hope you're hungry buddy go and Munch it I'll take care of these bad guys yes good job Chester you can stop there all right well you know it's fine Iron Golem go Chester go yeah yeah buddy oh this is sweet man Teamwork Makes the dreams explode I don't know I'm a professional yeah yeah oh gosh Golem Army go it's your time to shine chickens I don't know if the chickens I couldn't break the spawner but we'll try it do you do it yeah go chickens and it dropped the new item we've got a skeleton TNT now very cool let's try this bad boy out shall we oh it shoots a bunch of arrows yeah yeah ow hey chill bro find a zombie swamp I don't know what a zombie swamp is but all right let's go find it tell me where the zombie swamp is this is awesome look at him go and now they're confused they're like oh my job here is done it's time to die yeah hack the mobs go skeleton deities it just rains arrows I love this dude these trees are looking a little sus over here oh gosh get them skeletons oh I like these guys man they have little happy faces too they're oh gosh okay I think I found it hey yep yep yep those are some zombies pardon me excuse me oh my goodness what the heck's going on here uh destroy the zombie eggs don't mind if I do oh goodness slime zombies hello boys oh they're so slippery man Mr slime zombies meet my friend the Golem all right let's find a way to break these eggs pardon me slime boys go away slime zombies yeah there are these Target blocks on top of the eggs can I place down a skeleton TNT oh yeah okay that works that works so I gotta use my skeleton TNT to break these targets here oh that's satisfying dude back up monster oh gosh they're everywhere dude these slimes are non-stop chicken attack not really go Iron Golems get him yeah looks like there's one more Zombie egg and boom we've done it do I get something cool yes we've got a zombie TNT let's just place it down and see what happens okay so it like runs and drops zombie body parts oh I see they're basically pressure plates for bad guys if they walk over it then the body parts explode let's try this out shall we we'll do a little sneak attack even though that guy totally just saw me we'll lay a trap Around The Outpost now we can sit back and watch yeah come over here man yeah yeah come on keep coming keep coming boom oh that's really cool oh this TNT is weird but I do like it who came up with this oh got another one rescue them Jester nice job find a desert bunny Shrine these challenge challenges are just getting weirder and weirder I like weird I may have found it I don't know those look like ears and a mouth nope I think that's just normal sand uh yep nothing kids yeah this is looking a lot more uh shiny hello bunny boy the cheeks are made of Target blocks so I might need to use my skeleton TNT there are these pressure plates here go skeleton there's a little activation sounds happening and hit all the cheeks go no oh wait a minute I've got a weird idea if I put down my zombie TNT can you leave a body part on top of it yeah there it goes leave your foot at the door literally there you go and all right okay now the pressure plates are activated now let's try to shoot out the little targets yeah oh snap this is awesome looking dude I see it yeah we've got a bunny TNT don't forget to hop on over to the Subscribe button if you want to watch more of these videos or the like button if you already are awesome and subscribed alright let's try out our oh my goodness wow that was more powerful than I thought it was gonna be okay so the TNT jumps and explodes yeah totally normal totally normal bunny activities that is so explosive dude I didn't know you had it in you buddy but you've made the most dangerous TNT so far oh save the desert village uh oh that that doesn't sound good I've been wandering the desert for many minutes but I found it I think explore the alphabet back rooms filled with spooky monsters and valuable loot play alone if you're brave enough or team up with your friends to survive together can you find all the key pieces and make it out alive available now on the Minecraft Marketplace oh goodness hello why is that so close dude yo Golem you gonna help me out here you're just gonna pretend like nothing's happening where were you when they built this monstrosity oh goodness there's a lot of guys they don't see me yet so I might be able to sneak around a little bit is that an evoker okay this is not gonna be an easy battle first let me grab some food here because I might need it and I think I have a strategy I want to use here how do you guys not see me oh goodness these guys are blind all right here's my strategy I'm gonna start by sending out some zombies here to lay down some traps for our bad guys go zombies go all right perfect next up I can send out my skeleton artillery oh it's working it's working I could hear the explosions oh gosh there's a guy right there all right go skeleton yeah get him dude all right that works great they still won't see me this is excellent no no no no no no don't kill the villagers hey back up dude yeah next step in the crafty plan oh goodness gracious hold on this is not a part of the plan this is not a part of the plan all right lay down our skeleton archers go boys now we set out our chicken attack yeah go chickens he's just looking at him like what is this ah delicious chickens it didn't even touch them that's fine what the heck it might be time to bring out the big guns come on bunnies let's go oh goodness gracious go bunnies attack there we go that's working all right that's taking out most of them attack yes hello buddy oh my goodness alligators go skeletons okay okay they're shooting some arrows we go for some close combat with the TNT's yes oh my goodness this guy has so much health man go Iron Golems protect the village ah demon Angels okay not good not good half a heart oh this is very bad this is very bad Iron Golem protect me here buddy perfect and then I gotta make it to the surface before I drown eat some soggy bread while I swim yeah we got him dude it must have been that Archer all right we unlocked the new TNT it looks like and we got herself a totem of undying all right dude an evoker TNT let's go dude hello boys just got a couple of bad guys to take out here get him a voker yeah the Volker sends out these little angel boys that fly to mobs and blow them up that's pretty cool ouch hey I am not a mob and now it's time to destroy the Outpost yeah well I think I'll call that a win the village is saved stop the nether Invasion plaguing the forest oh gosh these challenges are getting dangerous dude it started off with yeah get a piece of bread last challenge is World Peace oh my word this place is massive dude here I thought it'd be a little nether portal no this is a serious Invasion man hello Mr Blaze would you like to meet my friend Mr avocer yeah get em dude uh kind of exploded the bridge all right relax relax oh dude this is working great all right we got ourselves a blaze raw that's pretty good looks like there's a giant portal inside that might be what's causing this Invasion oh attack let me just chill over here and uh eat my lunch real quick thank you boys get em this is scary dude oh yes and the portal has been destroyed nice job of oakers and looks like we got a new TNT as well the blaze TNT and I'm naked my armor must have broken in the explosions hovers and shoots Fireballs that explode on impact oh my goodness yep it also targets and turns on campfires good to know back up zombie yeah get out of here oh there's a chest up here ender pearls hey that's awesome hi chicken just warming up by the fire just melting up some iron here now I'm no longer naked locate the secret ancient portal what I mean I do have blaze rods and ender pearls for my last challenge so are they talking about the stronghold I mean the stronghold's old I mean it's not exactly a secret if there's tutorials online about your secret it's no longer a secret looks like it's right under us 10 pearls I hope I have enough any day now oh what the heck oh my goodness oh no no no an ancient city dude oh this was not what I expected I should have known better man ancient portal oh goodness I have no idea how to like this portal man um hello Mighty portal what am I gonna do fight Herobrine or something here is my ender eyes there you go nope you don't like it oh wait wait wait wait there's some campfires over here my Blaze doesn't it light campfires haha I have solved your secret come on light the fires there we go there we go can't reach it come on man and boom the portal is created out all right chill hey buddy your job here is done let's relax let's relax please you're very loud I guess the wardens in hibernation or something he didn't hear all those explosions oh look at this man we got ourselves a warden TNT I feel very awarded right now like like awarded no blasts any mob with a Sonic attack very cool all right well I guess we'll go into the portal what's the Worst That Could Happen the end oh my word that's that's totally normal save the world from the dragons tyranny well I think it's a little pretentious but I see what you're putting down hello Mr Dragon I've Got a Friend I'd like you to me go little Warden yeah oh snap Dude Looks like he's Sonic blasting all the crystals oh that's awesome more more [Music] yeah one more Crystal left come on guys they're all morphing into one Warden oh my goodness all right the crystals are taken out get him buddy come on skeletons you got this all right well the skeletons are a little confused ow watch out for his dragon breath it's stinky come on guys yeah we got him we have beaten the game using only TNT oh and another challenge like And subscribe might need your guys's help on that one see y'all in the next episode
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,189,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, creepers, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, meme, memes, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, minecraft xp, minecraft xp farm, tnt, minecraft tnt, custom tnt, minecraft tnt mod
Id: OTD0g-Ry5uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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