Minecraft but Everything I touch turns to Rainbow

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bread orange yellow green blue indigo and Batman wait wait no not that uh Violet there we go everything I touch turns into rainbow and I'm gonna change the entire world into these beautiful rainbow blocks all right wait a second dude I'm not turning the world into purple what's going on here oh Red Blocks oh I see the ground slowly changes between the colors that looks so cool and everywhere I run literally it turns the blocks look at the pink trees wow I've got a rainbow log dude and I got a bunch of rainbow items okay heck yeah this is gonna be fun do I yeah I make a rainbow crafting table too nice very nice there you are look at the beautiful purple trees dude I like it now that's a nice looking Leaf if you ask me sheep do you turn into a cool looking sheep now the cool thing is the more progress we make yep one percent reached we get items for the more progress we make as you can see by the little tiny Dash on the progress bar we got a lot of the world to turn into rainbow we got ourselves a white dandelion dandelion yeah excuse me sorry right click the blow on the dandelion ah yes it turns to the ground into some more rainbow as well looks like I can also blow the dandelion on mobs to pacify them which is so cute dude hold on to find a creeper hello Mr creeper oh this is terrifying don't blow up buddy don't blow up yeah now he's okay he's dead well we tried let's try this on something a little less explosive shall we hello Mr Spider-Man look we're friends now we're enemies now we're friends again right are we friends yeah yeah enjoy your friendly life Spider Boy go save a bunch of people shoot webs out of your butt you know that in real life spiders shoot webs out of their butt that would make a very interesting new Spider-Man sequel Badger man Spiderman oh I'm out of food hey 2.5 reached a Red Barn revealed itself that's nice I'm actually hungry anyways where are you beautiful Barn I will rainbowify you hello beautiful little bees you like your flowers oh gosh I'm so sorry I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know don't be don't be angry oh no I can't plant them again the rainbow blocks are not conducive to flowers good to know sorry bees that's my bad well good news is I did find oh gosh good news is I did find myself the barn they were talking about which is pretty perfect because I really could use some grub what the heck is this dude a crimson fungus oh how would I eat this crafty help our cow has gone completely red with anger oh gosh not good not good where's the cow buddy every single block here is red dude there he is oh hi Mr Cow he's red with anger nah dude he's just a Mooshroom oh God oh gosh no he is angry he knows we've been making soup out of his back fungus are you mad oh he does he does I might be able to blow my dandelion on him there he goes are you happy now whoa whoa whoa okay more dandelion okay I think that worked he dropped something here what'd you drop buddy a red chili fire breath okay thank you that was weird but all right he still looks kind of angry guys be careful he might erupt into flames hey they're back to normal little buddy I mean not totally normal he is like nine feet tall but hey that's a tall glass of milk if you ask me what are you guys doing you guys waiting in line for something is this a town meeting everybody wore red today except for this guy he did not get the memo oh it's a red day today all right well that's really creepy I'll see you guys later oh yes I can make progress in their town now too there you go boys have some color in your life yeah that's looking much better now I don't see any food in this Village aside from you know the giant cow that could feed a family of 70. but I like you you stay alive buddy however I did get this red chilly fire breath item and when I eat it I run fast and leave a trail of rainbow oh my God goodness I'm not pressing the forward button I'm just running holy cow apparently I leave a trail of fire behind me too my word alright let's Munch again shall we uh hot spicy spicy hot oh my oh my wow it's not the most efficient way to eat but you know what we'll take it it gives me literally like one hunger bar but hey percent reach oh gosh this is too spicy dude a pumpkin patch generated nearby all right let's keep an eye out shall we I can't tell if I'm so spicy I turn the water red I left a trail of spice behind me yeah that's how they get spicy salmon actually some people use cars to travel I use spice pardon me skills oh my goodness sorry sorry my bad my bad oh that looks like a big pumpkin patch dude those are some massive pumpkins those don't look like good Golems I'm gonna be honest with you what are you looking at that's what I thought could be friendly Golems but I have a bad feeling about it so just in case I'm gonna make myself a rainbow sword yeah there we go and now we make a wooden sword okay well it's not rainbow hey editors can you make the sword rainbow that's not what I meant Becky now I'm gonna go in nice just in case they're good guys oh what the heck I'm not making any more progress shoot I might have to complete a challenge before making more rainbow progress you guys have a challenge for me are you friendly whoa they're like scarecrow dudes wait wait hold on you're not looking so friendly dog are we chill we're not chill all right This Means War dude there are so many of them sheep run or stand there looking Derpy that's fine too oh they're Golems everywhere I'm sorry I make bread out of your arms don't judge me okay okay can I pacify him at you love me all right dandelion does not work looks like we're going plan Z oh gosh oh my geese fast take this okay okay I took out one of them oh I see I have to take out all of these scarecrow Golems no worries pumpkins I'll save you why you messing with the pumpkins dude chili fire breath attack I will take you out with my fumes man they go down really fast from the fire I mean it does make sense they're scarecrows they're made out of literally hay take this scarecrow ah he's fast he's fast run run I don't like that they get fast run run run yeah no that back up dude back up foul scarecrow I got a piece of wheat oh heck yeah man I could make bread out of their eyeballs oh gosh I'm sorry I said that out loud yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don't you dare mess with my mother's pumpkin pie I'ma die Imma die hold on I gotta make a snack out of your friends real quick okay time in yep yeah wait wait hold on I've got a strategy yeah I can't touch me now can you scarecrow yeah yeah dude pumpkin Shield oh nice dude ah and it looks like I'm making progress again that feels good there you go pumpkin patch you're safe for now until next Halloween oh sick when I hold it I block all damage and when I right click I can push mobs back as well I like it dude hello piggy backup foul monster back okay yep that certainly works as cool as this pumpkin Shield is it is not pumpkin pie and I can't eat it and as much as I love having fire breath oh no chicken walk away from the fire don't do it don't you dare think about it okay he's safe here you go buddy nobody looked oh look at that oh sorry Cal oh gosh uh sorry sheep okay okay as much as I enjoy munching on spicy food and uh bad guys arms I think I need to find myself a decent food source hey excuse me Vines gosh Vines are one of the most annoying things stop man I'm trying to get through hey excuse me beautiful Village I'm not only here to rainbowify you but I am here to munch oh look at that the cactus is immune to my rainbow powers I guess he's like dude I'm already green what more do you want from me pardon me gentlemen mind if I grab some of these hay bales I gotta be a little careful at the rainbow if I am on accident oh gosh dang it what am I supposed to eat I can't eat green dude well technically I can vegetables are green all right that should do it on food here whoa check it out dude we got a cool little waterfall hold on I shall make you a rainbow waterfall whoa ah there we go much better honestly it looks a little dirty but you know what we take those reached conversion area increased well that's nice I also got this Amber Amber item which I can throw at mobs to crystallize them let me find a husk around here somewhere oh my goodness oh that's satisfying I'm not gonna lie I love when sand does that dude hello Mr husks would you like to be amberified oh I see like traps them in place or something huh all right boys enjoy your day it's beautiful it's beautiful day 15 a desert pyramid generated nearby oh that's nice I'm already in the desert dude dude looking for a desert pyramid to turn into rainbow yeah a tree in the end about that I don't trust you trees whoa dude check this out man that is not a normal desert pyramid look at this bunny Isn't that cool okay oh looks like there are some bad guys out here looks like some yellow bad guys either that or they're like golden statues of some kind straight up this would be a pigland's greatest day of all time are you statues oh no they're not statues they're bad guys all right Amber uh stay right there boys no thank you we're just gonna play a little game of freeze tag here Freeze pun me excuse me get out of here you're in Zombies you're in trouble if you ask me ah bright yellow husk oh right right cause rainbow anyways you guys got any treasure around here oh a staircase my favorite treasure wait there's more the Treasure's not just beautiful stairs it looks like the treasure is a giant glowing sword well that sounds totally not ominous what's the worst that could happen I can't resist give me give me give me I got a sun sword and now it's booby trapped all right don't worry I got a pumpkin Shield can't stop being Mr traps boom crushed it dude challenge complete and now can I attack you with my son's board they drop golden apples well who needs bread when he got golden apples dog heck yeah uh should I take out these guys I feel a little bad oh but they dropped golden apples crafty live your values only attack mobs that attack you first oh my goodness you guys not only does the sword do Insane attack damage but also when I right click it plants trees wow yes beautiful tree grow my son grow grow grow you know just single-handedly taking out climate change yeah yeah yeah hey trees sorry I made fun of you earlier I brought some friends for you there you go buddies ah those who tree together stay together I don't know what that means but it sounded wholesome oh I love how I sweat by the way I just sweated of one part of the back of my head oh yeah broke my tarsal bones I should probably look I should probably look where I'm violently sprinting hey hey 20 reach dude can I unlocked something new dude a chartreuse pear what the heck is chartreuse dude is that like Charmin Ultra less is more is that that Pokemon Charmander what is that Charlotte Johansson what is this Char Char Binks okay I'm done it doesn't just make bad puns it also has a power apparently when I eat it not only does it give me help but also it turns an area into rainbow that's cool man and go 30 reached already a Mossy Cavern has revealed itself nearby all right Mossy Cavern I'm coming to explore you transition ah this must be the mossy Cavern yep and I stopped turning the world into rainbows so looks like there's a challenge I gotta complete oh hi terrifying green spiders hi buddies I assume we're gonna be friends right we're not friends we are not friends ah take this I shall use my power of trees okay that did nothing that did nothing can I make a wall of trees back monsters haha yes I shall hide in my trees You Can't Touch This I love how sparkly these trees are yeah I'll fight you I'll take you out spider Oh yay don't sneak up on me I got F5 mode dog I know you got 45 eyes but I got F5 and crushed it dude okay I think that should be all the spiders uh did I complete the challenge curious curious indeed looks like there's some flat land up there hold on I might be able to get up there oh can I parkour across this yeah here we go I can parkour nope I can't quite make that uh wait a minute dirt block I can put a tree there hey I'm a genius dude look at me so smart ouch okay okay oh nailed it yes thank you tree for your glorious branches and now I can climb up these Vines okay is there something up here looks like there is I can plant a tree here I guess oh gosh please don't summon bad guys hey there we go I did it did I get anything fun oh I did I got myself a green four-leaf clover when the hell that gives me luck and so I dodge enemies attacks which is pretty nice oh look at me so smart oh it's time to unlock progress you could say it is my obsess shun oh that trees are so gorgeous dude boom 40 what the heck is this I got myself a teal geyser I don't know what that is I'm as confused as I am excited if I had to guess I would say when I right click it creates a bubble geyser below me but I don't know why I would know that so I can place down Bubbles and then I can just walk on them hey look at me dude I'm a floaty Bubble Boy I'll take that I love this sound it makes oh my gosh I'm just realizing now every structure we go to is a color in the rainbow and then the item item Green from the from the Clover we got the orange shield from the pumpkin patch I hate how long that took me to figure out but hey don't judge me all right I'm not a rainbow expert hey 80 reach dude a sky island has generated nearby a Skyland I like Skylands everyone keep your eyes peeled we're looking for a sky island there it is okay never mind that's just the sun it's not a sky island dude it's a whole sky castle it's this Castle Skyland sounds so much better than scasile though like his castle sounds like a disease he's been diagnosed with a bad case of scazzle all right looks like I can use my teal geyser to make it up on top of these little floating islands or clouds or whatever they are oh what nice little flowers my favorite color gray I'm colorblind I'm just kidding oh hi little chicken oh gosh he's got red eyes uh he's mad he's a mad chicken the evil chicken evil chicken no thank you no thank you have a good day oh gosh okay lapis chicken they're called oh very cool I'm a diamond person oh man I forget the lapis people are very angry with diamond people excuse me chicken pardon me Whoa man this place is awesome looking hello how you doing buddies oh I see I might have to create a block of lapis to complete this wall do you guys drop lapis ah there we go this whole place has been infested with lapis chickens hello chicken boy yeah all right I got nine lapis so I can make myself a Lapis block but hold on dude there's a portal over here it says warp portal it's not lit that might be useful for later one lapis block thank you very much and now we shall complete the puzzle oh oh no I did that as a joke and I don't have a pickaxe hold on all right got myself a pickaxe that joke was not worth it please tell me somebody laughed at that hey there we go I know we complete the wall yeah we got it dude check this out we got a blue windy burst blue burst go whoa nice all right it could be a blue windy burst or it could be a blue burp I don't know about you oh that's cool looks like it turns the blocks into rainbows where it touches very cool very cool now Mr portal how do I activate you my boy can I use my windy burst yeah go portal no it looks icy I'm not sure if this is a nether portal or not it does say warp portal on it maybe I gotta make more progress hi chicken bye chicken 60 reached a warp portal oh yes yes yes there it is all right looks like the warp portal is now activated and it does not look like a normal nether portal where will it take me I don't know oh goodness it's like a science lab or something hello test subjects go back in the pods for science or something oh wait hold on I think I know what I gotta do with my windy burst I gotta push the subjects back into their tube here there you go all right that seemed to work pretty well they're testing you to see why you're so beautiful looking that's all such a glorious color my friend man it's a cool looking shirt you get that at crafty dot store or what all right three subjects are in their containers three more to go come on buddies there we go come on just like this just like this get them come here bucko back her up back her up and last one get them right in there boom we got it dude easy peasy man I like these challenges I don't know what test they're doing on these guys but I hope you have a great time in there I assume it's the test how good candy tastes oh looks like I unlocked a cool item dude is that a jet pack that I get myself an indigo jet pack dude let's go oh I like it man I'm always happy when I got myself a jet pack we don't just have to convert the floor anymore we can convert the walls and the ceiling see ya later crying obsidian 75 percent reached a violet portal room unlocked um camouflaged I'm no longer camouflage this must be the Violet portal see you later space station room yeah oh my gosh hi boys well all right lesson learned uh this is lava that must be Violet lava dude hold on excuse me pardon me Jetpack Man coming through is it safe up here what's going on here dude looks like there is an item over there hold on I can get that without falling in lava I think oh I gotta be careful nailed it all right what item are you dude I got myself a violent beam laser yeah oh man wait if I put the jet pack in my off hand oh I can use the jet pack and the laser at the same time oh now we're talking say hello to my little friend yeah dude this is awesome it looks like the laser also does progress on the walls as well oh yeah now we're talking dude oh man we're gonna get 100 rainbow in no time well there's 90 and it looks like there's a whole Dragon portal here sorry boys I have business to attend to yeah nailed it looks like there's a grayscale dragon oh I see ooh this whole place is so ugly I need to rainbowify this place it looks like hello Enderman well enderman's a little purple I mean that's something there you go let's make the pillars nice and pretty yeah that's looking better all right Dragon it's your turn dude oh excuse me come here Dragon it's time to color you up ah oh man my laser is so slow dude take that Dragon I can't tell if I'm missing or if it's not doing any damn image to it yeah I'm definitely hitting the dragon but it's not doing any damage hold on I might have to give a world to a hundred percent first it's time to paint the town rainbow beautiful gorgeous gorgeous yes that's what we like to see oh looking good dude oh this place is looking better already no offense to colorblind people I think you're awesome this video might be very confusing to you though and will that do it 100 reached oh gosh the dragon's dying that did it I just had to turn the world to 100 rainbow and there goes the grayscale dragon there's even a rainbow egg dude I love it and now we know it's at the end of the rainbow and you know it's at the end of the video subscribe
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,767,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, custom minecraft, minecraft custom items, minecraft rainbow, minecraft but touch, minecraft custom touch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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