Minecraft but Structures can Level Up

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whoa what the heck is that oh my goodness hi buddy zombies don't usually have diamond helmet stronghold level 100. oh my goodness okay okay this is no joke no thank you oh what the heck there's floor traps and everything oh no okay i don't think i'm quite strong enough to take on that stronghold oh i see i'm currently level one i assume i gotta level myself up to take on the stronghold how do i level up oh man do i gotta kill mobs i'm sorry piggy boy okay that that did nothing maybe i could level up for mining ore it's a little dark and spooky in here mining coal i'm getting experience but it doesn't look like my level up is going up anywhere oh okay okay maybe i can level up from structures let me see if i can find a village or something even better we found ourselves a desert temple or is that like they call them dessert temples desert temple level one what is this a boss battle dude like this you mighty temple there's a chest over here structure essence instantly gained five levels well there we go hey i got a new item as well looks like a golden ally staff let's test this bad boy out yeah looks like it sends out friendly allies does some damage and lights mobs on fire just how i like my rotten flesh well done let's find ourselves some more structures oh my goodness guys i found a level five village that looks like it's been run down man oh my goodness this poor villain there are guys here hey how you doing farmers you guys need one of these here you go dude he's like what is this contraption angst and magic yeah you use that on the crops my man that guy looks interesting though hello my good sir you happen to have any essence around here got some emerald you do trade 32 dirt for a structure essence don't know why they need dirt but i'm not complaining these guys must be desperate around here all righty my good man i've got you your fancy dirt he left me one left over you know what here's a nice tip for you buddy all right we got our structure essence and level 10 let's go your maximum health has increased oh sweet okay i at least have normal health limits now all right my boys let's see what the sea has to offer okay this is an enclosed lake let's try the other side that's more like it we are certainly making progress level 10 already although if we want to get to that stronghold we're gonna have to take on some more powerful structure can't tell yeah this is something different hello boy ruined portal level 10. oh snap we're friends right we're cool all right sweet i give you bargaining chips there you are buddy munch up okay it doesn't look too dangerous but we do have a chest yeah more essence and hey look at that got ourselves a new chest plate looking fancy now although my pants have cursed by me so those guys are gonna sit right there cursive binding worst enchantment of all time am i wrong structure essence all right dude five more levels what the heck i've got a portal rush does it take me to the nether it does not i i don't know what just happened okay it like propels me forward a little bit oh i see i can use it to like leap on top of structures and stuff my superhero name is squirrel man ready i'm gonna clutch this well i almost made it into the water i could see myself using this against dangerous mobs and of course getting around and jumping pretty high i'll take it dude it's a nice little upgrade but i'm hunting for more let's head back to see what we see yeah in the sea oh that was sweet dude i'm hoping i can find like a guardian temple or something like if that's level 40 i think i could take it on and then i could make some upgrades real fast i crashed crashed my boat wait hold on comment down below if you remember when crashing boats would literally break them ugh that was horrible found something here it's like a hud of some kind wait a minute it might be a shipwreck my friend there is a lot of pirates oh maybe i can barter with them gentlemen i'm just here to take the essence of your ship okay they don't like that here's a flower all right pirates not a fan of flowers i'm gonna write that down on my diary look at these guys dude they're like drowned pirates man they're kind of terrifying ally help me out my friend okay that staff is definitely the best thing ever no wonder it's hard man level 25 shipwreck i thought i could take on like a level 40. level 25 is hard enough as is is that the captain cool eye patch man okay okay just block myself off in the captain's quarters okay what a nice decor he's got in here you have a chest here what's inside steak okay well there's another one yeah essence dude we got the structure essence and a treasure map well now we're talking dude it's a small little map look at it why is it so tiny you know what they say the smaller the map the bigger the reward no one says that don't trust anything i say except to subscribe that's a good thing portal rush all right have a good day you guys now that we're safe here we unlock infinite water breathing no way dude well if i have unlimited water breathing i might as well explore yep there's more chests around here cooked pork chop yeah that's where i put all my cooking pork chops oh hey there we go that's useful got a nice helmet and sword upgrade never felt better that honestly wasn't too bad it was tough but i think i'm ready for a challenge here what is that dude oh my gosh guys i found a fortress in the over world that looks totally normal yeah i bet that's like a level two or something oh my god level 90. just a casual level 90. portal rush don't let me down my man well we tried there's a nice waterfall right by it up the waterfall we go getting water inside my nostril oh made it just barely hello boys you don't look so bad easiest fortress i've ever been at okay now it's night time all right that's fine okay okay no thanks i don't know man no i might not quite be ready for a level 90 yet but mark my words fortress i will be back that'll probably be the last stop before we hit that level 100 stronghold anyway no luck on the old treasure map here looks like we're also running out of water oh there is a village though although when are there stalagmites and villages level 35 does that mean i'm battling i would like a nice kind adventure hello you whipped around so fast dude it gave me coal essence well that was easy dude um i got some coals thanks for the trade my man this is helpful i like their cute little igloos they even have snowmen as their golem never mind look at these guys looking nice and blue dude for some reason the color of him looks amazing can't quite put my finger on why all right illusions what do you have for me today oh i got an ice blade dude everything i see to use it on is like cute or small it does nice attack damage and shoots out a wave of ice this is cool yeah oh now that feels like a level 25 weapon these two do they stack up together oh man now that is a temple my man this guy's humongous and a humongous temple means humongous rewards am i right level 40 that's not so bad i at least have my icicle blade now we can test out here hello oh man i just heard a lot of huss okay i can use my golden ally and my ice spikes together if i can keep them at this door here yeah oh level 40 no problem my man okay okay are they all dead don't see any other bad guys uh let's see if we got any treasure here there is no pressure plate hello i'm a little concerned to drop down there worst case scenario i guess i can portal push my way out whoa this is not a normal desert temple gosh lasers and lava looks like some parkour might be required here portal push all right well i died and i spawned back here i guess i'm stuck i guess i'm stuck in here till i get out yeah i made that jump can i make it through the lasers what's gonna happen here oh my god okay the lasers don't kill me they just shoot out flaming arrows why did i test it twice oh man this is gonna be hard come on oh yeah i made it i made it kind of yeah yeah i found a chest over here it's a trap chest i don't trust that ah but i have to right i'm stuck in here until i open it huh is that what you wanted from me got a plan i can break it okay can't break the chest here goes nothing i guess all right we got our structure oh there's a lot of husks i'm fine i've got my power-ups that'll be useful tomorrow yeah no problem dude and now i can leave let's get out of here uh how how do i get out of here actually hello oh i'm excited to see what a level 40s essence does yeah i got slow regeneration okay you know it's not a mega sand sword 5000 but i mean we take some regeneration yeah how slow are we talking oh that's not slow that's really fast thanks temple have a good one why am i talking to a temple one step closer to taking out that stronghold white dog no way no way no way no way that's me at the bottom i'm that white dog finally i have found the treasure man please be worth it looks like the x is right over here looks about like right here please be something good i don't want what is this algae gross this thing smells oh i see wood on the inside holy cow this might have been like the pirates hideout or something and they've got cake fish flavor i do love me and chess what do we got here yeah essence structure man also this buried treasure is level 50. i'm tempted to take the gold but i have a feeling this is a trick i don't think i trust a level 50 buried treasure not to have traps in there i don't know about you but i'm leaving that gold where it is but the essence on the other hand gives us a golden chester no way dude chester oh it's been forever since i've seen you buddy how are you were you hungry in there here have a shovel there you go buddy boy his favorite if you don't know who chester is he's one of my favorite little characters he helps us fight he picks up items for us chester is a feisty lovely little guy aren't you buddy he's a little shy always feels good having a buddy on these adventures which is why i like you joining them and now inspired by chester and feeling powerful as ever i set out to find the neck structures no matter how deadly and no matter how scary although this did lead me to a pretty scary structure right off the bat which i wasn't exactly hoping for it's easier to be brave when you don't have to fight anything scary all right chester let's go in nice and stealth shall we level 55 we've got a lot of items now to help us get past this but level 55 hillager outpost doesn't sound super safe gosh here they are look at them dude they're chester ghosts wow they're everywhere okay okay okay oh my god there was way too many of a man we took out our first wave of pillagers i feel pretty good about that chester dude we crushed it there's more there's more no thank you okay oh yeah you like those pants over here chester i think uh those pants look pretty nice to me too oh hi boys didn't mean to interrupt the monthly meeting oh there's a lot of them dude what is this the break room whoa big guy big guy help me out buddy yeah go chester oh nice job buddy boy and there's a beautiful chest here yeah structure essence guys we took out that level 55 no problem what do we have now my friend oh i got a pickaxe a lock pick it says unlocks nearby doors and chat all right well we'll keep that nice and handy anything fun i can steal well chester i'd consider that a job well done looks like we found an even higher level temple too a jungle temple normal zombies no problem dude level 16 this is nothing i regenerate fast enough to where i oh never mind never mind never mind oh gosh okay that's a lot of zombies all right i was getting a little cocky there dude i am not quite high enough to regenerate fast enough but with their upgrades these are getting a little easier how you doing there chester 41 rotten flesh my goodness okay he might have taken out a couple more zombies than i did more lasers here can i jump over these lasers oh no problem looks like some kind of puzzle room what's up boy hanging out on vines looking good careful chester dude there's spikes below us well my first rule of thumb is press all the buttons well nothing happened wait a second i do have my lock pick here i got from the last guy can i just use this to unlock the door heck yeah i can holy cow there's some serious traps going on here okay okay we got droppers shooting out arrows we have an unkillable slide can i just turn off the no i can't turn them off can i take the arrows i think the only option is to get al past this the puzzle is solved totally solved it legit and did not cheat at all goodness gracious what the heck is this chester you know what's going on here dude okay well chester's rule is just walk through the lasers all right sounds like a fun plan crushed it dude made it through without dying we take those what does this button do that spawns a skeleton okay good to know we do have a chest over here and we got our essence my friend what upgrades do we have a magnetic miner automatically mines oars and pulls them to you well now we're talking man all right well that was it for the dungeon let's test out our magnetic miner shall we oh i was gonna find a cave but this looks even better looks like a mine shaft yup mine shaft level 65 hold on boys before i go in i want to test out our magic miner oh there it goes so if i mine any ore yeah dude it gave me a bunch of orcs wait can i just mine this entire wall with one oh that is satisfied man i got 33 iron already and there my friends is full iron now we're talking hello buddy man looks like these weird-looking mobs are everywhere they all look like drowns oh this guy has a diamond pickaxe my gosh there are so many miners in here while i'm here might as well get all this wow that is satisfying man just like that 29 iron now the question is does this place have it has a lower level i'm hoping we can find ourselves some diamond hello goodbye oh that's a lot of bad guys sorry i broke your stairs i don't know why you put stairs on a trapdoor that's a lot of monsters use my power-up oh my gosh boy do i love these powers golden ally staff and the ice blade combo is so good uh diamond level yep that's some diamond oh my gosh look at them all no thank you no thank you they are not happy with me right now they're using their diamonds for evil these must be the guys that get all the pillagers all the items they need there we are now we're talking eight diamonds oh this magnetic miner is so nice dude gosh guys i found like a shulk area i thought this was just a wall of diamonds but nope it's sure okay i feel very uncomfortable with getting close to this right now just gonna grab some of these diamonds real quick it's fine i'm actually kind of scared right now please don't summon a warden man structure all right infinite haste okay that that's pretty nice man now my quick mining is even quicker wow look at how hasty my mining was got myself full diamond i'm ready to get out of here hey chester do you think you're ready for a battle man because uh that's a although it doesn't look very wrecked to me oh man i'm a little worried dude look at that masterpiece but we had some serious issues with the last ship that we were at although we are level 50 now so let's give this a shot so far i'm not seeing any pirates okay there's one maybe 2k not too bad level 70 dude okay this is the hardest level we've had to face so far oh wait matey two guys this doesn't look so bad okay there's quite a few guys over here oh man gosh there's a lot of guys okay okay okay i underestimated the crew even with my diamond armor man they're doing some serious damage if i just keep using my power up help me out chester we got this dude ow my armpit chester i might not make it buddy find me a wife and tell her i love her yeah nah i'm just kidding little did the pirates know i used my bulletproof deodorant this morning all right we got anything fun ooh pork chops oh my goodness now that's some diamonds oh two of them oh heck yeah man 10 levels in one structure anything else in here uh no i do like this flag though that's pretty sweet i'm taking that with me hold on hold on this will be so sweet if this works can i combine the shield yeah dude i got a pirate shield man it's just an ordinary shield but boy does that look awesome all right pirates it's been fun now what actual upgrades did i get today infinite saturation and come on give me an item or something last crafty skin oh man look at me dude does it tell me what it does no i just have glass skin i don't know about you but glass skin does not sound like a good thing it sounds like i'm really fragile i'm as fragile physically as i am emotionally now i can't lie you can see right through me don't know what the glass skin does but i guess we'll find out later maybe at the next structure we've been following this path for a while and it seems to lead us right to a castle feeling pretty good about the battle situation we're about to go to we've taken on everything so far pretty good village level 75 it's a village what the heck dude this is what a village looks like in level 75. oh that's cool man apparently the upgraded version of a villager is a fox so far they do seem friendly hey boy don't mind me i am your friendly neighborhood clear skin crafty question is you guys have any cool upgrades or essence i can steal i mean buy so far looks like normal trade hello everybody yeah you trade essence oh for diamonds dude you can have all of my diamonds hold on can i keep buying okay i can oh they gave me two all right let's see what level 75 has to offer maximum health is increased oh heck yeah two health bars man hey got a nice old fresh pair of kicks here fancy does it avoid fall damage it does okay that's good it doesn't give me speed i'll no longer trigger foot trap thanks gentlemen uh in fact here i got a bunch of extra diamonds just go ahead and take those on the house i'm just excited to have finally a peaceful structure to play with i've been dealing with enemies after enemy cool to see a little fox society that is awesome now the big kicker is what kind of place has floor spike traps well this seems like the place oh man level 80 desert temple casual very cool gonna be full of traps isn't it gosh how do i get over these lasers here wait a minute i have a dumb idea but it might just work dude if i take off all my armor here will my glass skin not affect the lasers it's the only thing i can imagine this being useful for get through it it works dude look at this it refracts the laser's light no traps for me my dude okay before we get any further though we're definitely gonna deal with some floor traps so i'm keeping these light shoes on okay this was not what i expected at all wow oh careful here my light shoes are working wonders do i need to take off my armor okay i'm cool i'm cool dang dude this is oh shoot okay don't push any buttons man if i push any buttons the pistons make noise not excited about this man i don't like wardens at all dude be careful be careful don't make a single sound hey don't make any sound dude except for the subscribe button that one's fine you can make all the noise you want to on that yeah yeah gosh this does not look good man is that a warden that's not a warden you guys are ordinary dude no prob don't make too much noise man okay it's very hard to be quiet in a crafty video tell you that much everyone be quiet let me just oil them up real quick please don't make too much sound another two essence man heck yeah okay we gotta quietly make our upgrade fire resistance now that's a nice upgrade images cause explosions well that's certainly quiet let's try to get out of here as sneakily as we all right let's get the heck out of it oh goodness i think we made it out right on time stay in there buddy no thank you yeah keep sniffing i i did tune around there somewhere oh goodness chester don't sneak up on me like that man couldn't where were you dude honestly that was probably for the best chester can be a little bit of a noisy one i'm feeling pretty good about our upgrades man we got double hell super regeneration we got all these item upgrades before we take on that level 100 stronghold there's a place i want to get to first here we are the level 90 fortress now the last time i was here oh hello boys we're fine right we're cool the last time i was here i got absolutely destroyed hi buddy oh gosh ow not wearing gold come on guys where'd my gold stuff go pardon me excuse me boys essence essence no essence all right got ourselves a new unlock oh my word ender laser well now we're talking man that is horrifying let's test it okay well it shoots out cotton candy so far it too hit him that's actually pretty strong dude oh sick man what's up blazes dude i got fire resistance the last upgrade you guys can't even touch me oh heck it is oh this is so much easier than before go ahead hit me see what happened he just died i know that was gonna happen he just keeled right over there's another chest here yes another structure man i would be level 90 after this what unlocked my hand fiery attack dealing damage will now cause fiery fl wow what a cool fire and as cool as these portals are i think i'm just gonna go out my friends i think it's time for the stronghold look at that you can see my face on fire and here we are 89 levels later i have a feeling this is gonna be a lot easier than it was before hey buddy go ahead and smack me ah she can't even do any damage to me now we're talking man use me pardon me pardon me excuse me these upgrades really are doing wonders dude this is not bad oh my god hello boys that is a lot of silverfish i guess some goldfish as well these are the snack that do not smile back oh there is a lot of moms man although i'm not even close to dying i feel pretty good about this actually use all the power i've got gold laser attack looks like the laser attack goes through a couple mobs at once as well i don't know if i'm taking like a single heart of damage man this is amazing well all right avoid uh avoid falling that's good to know i'm assuming there's gonna oh my look at this library man it goes on forever dude this is incredible this has every book written by every villager ever they all just say a bunch of times and there they go again shoot me right into the armpit this library might go on forever man i can't wait to see what the portal looks like dude yeah i have killed hundreds of mobs down here this place goes on forever yeah level 100 stronghold is no joke man oh my goodness dude whoa this place is amazing look they even have like enderman structures excuse me excuse me i'm trying to view your beautiful portal okay here we are my friend the portal room oh gorgeous dude wait there was a hole up there i could have just fallen down right into the portal ah well we got some good use out of our weapons here and yeah two more structure essence we got ourselves vast regeneration and we got dragons bane with this mighty sword you're able to slay the dragon in three hits my word okay don't mind if i do pre-lit portal yes please let's test out our dragon's bane shall we it is me level 100 crafty i may be made of glass but i am here to kick your booty mr dragon i got something special for you oh i hit him once i liked it as a third of damage come on dragon i'm only level 100 fine i guess i'm gonna take out some of these crystals here i might be able to yeah portal push across okay well not quite there's another one you're going down crystal yeah all right crystals are taken out this should be no problem here we go one one hit come on man take this dragon laser attack come on yeah perch down here yeah one last smack is gone and that is how a level 100 crafty does it and i hear you become instantly level 100 when you subscribe bye
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,938,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, custom structure, custom structures, custom item, custom items, custom mob, custom mobs, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, custom level, custom levels, minecraft but structures
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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