Minecraft, If There Were Custom Blocks..

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in this video i'm able to craft custom blocks in minecraft that can do anything from spawning a death trap to a gigantic diamond temple what will the netherrite custom block do let's get right into it and see enjoy [Music] do you really not believe in magic okay well in three two one i will summon a village right in front of us you know that magic is real and you know that i'm going to apply that magic today in a world where we're going to be able to craft some custom magical blocks but before we do any of that we have to check out the village you guys know look at this this is really neat terrain right here a little chicken in the middle all right so now that we have our essentials the first custom block we are going to create today is a super dirt block so we just need nine pieces of dirt basically every single little custom super block we make is gonna require nine of the original thing like we're getting nine dirt right now and we're just gonna have to fill up a crafting table with it now usually dirt is like yeah why would you ever want to use that we'll make our crafting table we'll put it down we will put all this dirt in the crafting table and boom it's a super dirt block dirt so tightly packed together that it can form multiple different things look at this it is literally it looks like a freaking ore like a dirt ore so i mean i guess let's place it and see what happens in three two one oh there's particles it's like jingling is it like a musical box big little notebook oh there was a what the it disappeared did you know that less than 40 of you watching this video are actually subscribed to my channel if that's one of you go ahead and click that red subscribe button below right now it really helps me out and while you're down there leave a like let's try and go for like i don't know 1769 likes on this video enjoy it went all the way down to the ground and just created a void block literally all the way down if i was standing on that i would have died well dirt isn't good anyways but apparently you can get like a few different things from every block so i'm going to place a couple of these and see like you know what we kind of can get bam and oh it placed both of them no no no i didn't want to place both of them at once okay well we're in trouble i think you can also make yeah an apple block apples with so much gravity it may call some friends from space and oh it dropped leather armor so we got another void thing but it also gave me a poop helmet poop boots poop leggings and poop chest way i don't want any of this they're cursive binding i'd never be able to take them off but okay i really hope i did not waste all my apples here because apples are very important i made this apple block so please give me something ex other than avoid down to bedrock make it worth my while oh it gave me a a tree no that's it oh my gosh what the heck was that now there are apples everywhere all over the ground so wait a second if we can get more than nine apples out of this yup yup we pretty much have infinite apples now because we can just make another one and that will happen over and over and over again no i just put on the poop leggings are you kidding me now the only way to take those off to put on better armor is they need to break but luckily leather armor breaks pretty easy so shouldn't be a problem i just found a cave here and i was just thinking maybe we could get a bunch of oh there's a big ravine we have an enderman right away okay hold on a second here we could get an ender pearl do i want to risk it uh yeah i do but before we even think about doing that we're making a cobblestone block dude super cobblestone block cobblestone packed together hard enough to wait to what to what what is it gonna do why is it keeping it a mystery okay well we're in the middle of a ravine i guess i'll go ahead and place it and see what happens oh gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dude what i can't go back in there now oh my gosh oh my dude it's getting night now this is the most disastrous start i've ever had to a recording ever i might actually have to put the poop stuff on dude why is the cobble block doing that now it's creating a forest fire everywhere this is insane all ores are now auto smelted okay well at least cut clean's on oh my goodness it completely took over the ravine oh man wait they put furnaces down should i smelt cobblestone and see what that does okay let me get some coal put these in the furnace put the coal in smelt the stone you know what another thing i just thought of hold on will this work if i go ahead there's 11 sticks let me make a crafting table real quick just like making all the blocks in the game right now can we make a stick block we can a block containing so many sticks that it may accidentally form tools oh so we want to do look at this it is literally a block of sticks in my hand okay so while the other stuff smelts i'm gonna place this i think and i really hope this doesn't kill us okay because we're like really high up on the platform here i'm gonna get a little bit lower no no no i wouldn't you're kidding me what oh there we go perfect yes give me all the tools ever all right finally we have enough stone to make a stone block yeah super stone block stones so compressed that it has extremely strong gravity and it is completely demolishing the entire cave around me okay there goes my crafting table and it dug underneath and just created a huge hole great so that didn't really help me in any way shape or form these early blocks are kind of cruddy and oh my god dude you can't make this up i am having the worst luck ever this video i'm gonna die no i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm gonna get kill these guys kill these guys kill these guys when when do you ever even find a dungeon let alone dig into a dungeon and we don't even get a golden apple in any of the oh my gosh sharpness three that's actually huge and let's dump all this wood tools all over the place just clogging my entire inventory up and yo these games are like the massive 117 caves okay we can't fall down there you know there's a block i forgot to make i have 11 bread in my inventory i'm about to risk it all by making this into a bread block look at that thing i hope you're not on a low carb diet no i'm not we're gonna place this right in the middle of this mine shaft right here and hopefully it doesn't do anything bad yes pop out bread everywhere no it's going all the way down into the caves and what's going on there is literally we everywhere there's cows sheep chickens i lost all the bread i am so bad oh no i didn't i have 64 bread okay thank goodness that's probably enough i see diamonds i see diamonds down there give me these diamonds okay so that's one and that's all but we'll find a lot more so i'm gonna just start making the iron blocks we have two of nine and i hope this is enough to make this all in iron blocks yeah that's six that's eight we need one more no go away look at this more dot is this another vein of one okay maybe they're not as ob as i thought okay finally after a lot of mining we have enough iron to make this iron block block so that i can see what exactly it does i really hope this doesn't make the entire cave go on fire look at this iron block block iron so compressed that even structures can fit inside of it this spawns a structure i will be blessed okay i'm gonna spot it right here in the middle of this huge cave please give me some oh my god oh my yo yo is this an iron temple or iron sea temple it just spawned a bunch of iron golems all around i think this was probably supposed to be spawned on the surface but now i have a bunch of iron golems that are gonna work for me okay you can go inside of here and there are chests full of iron okay so iron axe beautiful yes yes yes yes yes yes this is exactly what i wanted i just wasted all this iron but at least i get a whole lot of it back you get what you put in man and there's diamonds yes another one more iron another diamond okay so we are this is a good source but honestly i can find i can't put on leggings remember i could probably find diamonds faster just caving i will grab the coal though and i know you guys are screaming at the screen so i will also put on a chest plate our leather leggings are nowhere near breaking with all this iron though we can make buckets and with buckets you can make blocks and they stack yes perfect okay we're gonna make a lot of these buckets real quick actually we're gonna make 18 of them because i want to make a lava bucket block and a water bucket block oh and also here's our chance at an enderman come here buddy oh my gosh oh my gosh he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me no oh okay i got an ender pearl yes fill up all the lava we need i forgot that filled buckets don't stack how many do we have okay we have way more than enough i have a chest with all my stuff over there don't worry i've been messing around with the stick block but if we go ahead and put nine lava buckets in here we get the lava bucket block what could go wrong with compressing this much lava together here goes nothing oh run away grazer incoming fire what did i just get fire aspect three oh oh oh oh wait was that the fire were they breaking a play along words and i got a fire aspect book okay there's too many freaking mobs in this game i have to get out of here now but i have enough iron actually i believe in my chest no because i made it all into freaking ah buckets okay now i have to make a water bucket block let me do this real quick get out of here mobs all right let's scoop up as much water as we can put them all in the crafting table like so we get the water bucket blocked be careful of compressing this much water hopefully it just gives us like a water breathing thing or something like that because the lava one was kind of kind to us for what i thought it would be in oh my goodness it's shooting tridents everywhere and it's clearing the entire swamp the swamp is leaving us whoa look at all these tridents i can pick them up i have a free thing and tried it's everywhere they're like free bullets and i can just fire at any mob okay well i don't really want these i mean i kind of do i'll savor them but look they're kind of taking out my inventory that's a pretty cool block though you know there was one i missed i believe there's also like a sapling block so let me pick up a bunch of these guys this is like a starter block so i don't expect much from this i just wanted to see it sapling block the block that can contain an entire forest all in one square give it to me oh that's exactly what i thought would happen oh there's an ax an ax spawned sapling axe it has oh my goodness bait of our fortune mending the axe with the power of making trees fall over with a single chop and it's true okay beautiful i was like crawling under there but yes this will give us all the wood we ever need which this late into the challenge i shouldn't be looking for wood but still pretty cool now we're gonna start getting gold so we can turn our apples into golden apples and make a golden apple block and see what that gives us hopefully a lot more gold so we'll surround all these guys we'll get all of our golden apples that's nine exactly and now we're gonna use the golden apples put them in the crafting table and a golden apple block contains the power of nine golden apples merged together to create an even more powerful effect give me something good legend says that the notch apple block is the best oh there's a notch apple block two and did it just give me a bunch of gold and that's literally it oh my gosh it popped out like 72 more and i have a lot of regen and a lot of haste wait okay it's not as fast because i don't have like a really super diamond pick or anything oh but gold is multiplied now every piece of gold that i mine is getting dude i just got like three pieces of gold from that one thing okay so now we're working toward that notch apple block block thing and hopefully that gives us a little more i mean that was good we got a lot of gold out of that it basically spit us back the goal we already had but now i want more i'm literally also fighting diamonds like every two seconds so i'm gonna strive toward the notch apple block and this haste is dope by the way and also the diamond block block those are probably two really really good ones so first i have to confirm can i even make a notch apple okay i can so we need nine of these guys to make the notch apple block we're getting close on the diamond one this has been way easier so far than the gold all right we finally have enough diamonds to make this diamond block block holy smokes what could possibly be more compressed than diamonds already were only one way to find out we're gonna spawn this right here in the swamp this is like my spawning ground there's the village hello guy please give me something good oh okay sure is this a diamond woodland mansion oh my gosh it is yes i'm collecting all these immediately yup yup it's a woodland mansion that's an evoker run grazer get out of here wait are there anything crazy in the chest oh sharpness four diamond check what so okay so there's just random enchants on everything fire aspect one it's another white ingot yes a respiration three diamond block very cool well anyways i'm all geared up to where i i can be and my stash of stuff is starting to look a lot better i haven't gone upstairs yet oh my goodness there's there's two more there's two more okay watch out for the vexes just give me your totems i just want all your totems get out of here vexes and there's another one oh my gosh i'm having to activate the totems i'm getting to kill all these guys they're actually pretty powerful they hit us so much that it broke our leather pants we can finally put good ones on but i think yeah i have enough totems to be able to create a totem block so let's see what this does we also have this nether i ink it and i wonder there's probably a netherite block or another right ingot block somehow put all these guys in and oh a totem block the wizard tells me putting this many totems close together may create a longer lasting immortality yes i almost died like five times in there and place it down and you are now immortal for ten minutes oh my god wow what the great view from up here dude it's sending me like completely into space wait am i gonna die on this fall hold on is it working oh you i didn't even have a totem in my inventory that low key actually scared me all right now i'm going to collect the rest of these apples on the ground and we're going to try our hand at the notch apple block i hope it gives us a bunch of notch apples it's going to be pretty cool so we put the apples in the middle we surround them all with all these gold blocks that's eight we'll go nine even oh my goodness actually we already have one in our inventory but it's all good we just made 12 notch apples oh my goodness and now we're gonna flood the crafty table with them and make the notch apple block the block that contains the powers of notch himself what's he gonna do oh notch apple sword and what what am i doing [Music] oh my gosh oh yo gigantic notch apple craters just came and almost killed me if i didn't have the invincibility from the totem i would have died so now i have a notch apple sword that has sharpness five a sword crafted with the finest apples in minecraft the wielder receives the blessing of notch okay i'm gonna make this my main weapon now what can i do with this guy okay so holding this gives me infinite regen i still have my invincibility but right clicking with it spawns this huge meteor that's gonna come from the sky i don't want anything to do with that thing because that thing can kill you from like miles away okay so maybe we use the snatch apple sword to take out the dragon okay so now we just need a way to get to the end and then we're just gonna right click this on top of them and it should do the trick yo i just noticed by the way there are tons of netherright ingots in this like this diamond temple so if i get enough i think nine i can make another right block hopefully putting these all will work and yes another right block block uh legend tells of an ancient debris so compressed it could contain a city in three two one sorry cow oh oh what's it oh oh my computer oh it's another right and city what are those what are those oh my gosh dude why does it always have to scare me like that i don't even think i have my invincible no it's gone it's gone that almost just killed me and it just layered nether right blocks everywhere and there are chests up here and they have the default and city loot this is way better than the diamond temple game because the enchants actually make sense they're all they're on the right things now what happens though if i go ahead and pillar over to the another right end city ship am i gonna get an elytra oh yeah baby give that to me we'll put that on all of our armor is broken by now whoa that is an amazing sword great chest plate great shovel these are all beautiful okay so good good thing because we're gonna need to get all oh and there's obsidian yes yes yes yes okay do we have a pickaxe somewhere in here i need a diamond pick i can make one at least it's not a great one i could probably get a better one back at the other place with the temple but we're gonna have an obsidian mining session oh that's one more than i needed but i just wanted to quickly see is there an obsidian block super obsidian block obsidian supercharged with powers of dimensions yo i'm gonna break the dragon head real quick get out of here and i'm going to go ahead and replace it with the super obsidian block whoa oh okay just i can go right to the nether sure yeah why not come here blaze you think you're any match for me and my notch apple sword oh we have two spotters right next to each other all right we're gonna use our looting sword i want at least nine of these just because oh that gave us up to 11. i want to see if there is a blaze block i'm literally wasting all my blades but there is one blaze rod block blaze is so tightly packed together that it can make them go crazy ah no i'm spotting it right here just in case i don't get my blaze rods back i'm still gonna have to kill the blaze anyway so i don't want to come oh my gosh there's blazes everywhere the winter skeleton coming inside and they all just died and there's a gas right there next to me and i am going to die oh my gosh but they dropped blaze rods everywhere how many do i have 14 okay we are good to get out of here give me all your ender pearls stupid endermen do you think they're on a plane here come on can we craft an ender bro block yes we can ender pearl block a very explosive way to contain the powers of dimensions oh this is gonna lead us right to the end hold on please please please please please please lead us to the end what wait why is there a timer am i gonna die oh it just spawned an entire stronghold right next to me oh my gosh it's knocking me down oh if i didn't have water there i was gonna die dude the ender pearls just destroyed the entire stronghold wait i see the portal block over there it's still fully lit okay before we go into the stronghold there are a couple more things i want to create that i haven't yet but make a bunch of diamond swords real quick and fill up the crafting table with these guys hold on i might have to sacrifice one of my already enchanted diamond swords okay sweeping edge 3 is not that bad we'll put it in we get the sword block only the most powerful players may unlock the swords inside okay let's see what the sword block does oh my goodness are those netherright swords oh my gosh all right so axe block give me a bunch of cool axes oh it doesn't give me a bunch it just gives me one that has a bunch of stuff on it okay and then pickaxe block what's that gonna give me whoa okay that's gonna mine all the way down all the way to bedrock okay and we'll block up with gold head into the end and defeat this dragon i hope it's as easy as i think by using this notch sword we'll see though all right dragon here's the moment of truth if i right click the notch apple here is it gonna come down from the sky and kill you oh oh my god [Applause] [Music] i didn't have to take out any crystals i didn't even need any good armor all i needed was a notch apple sword
Channel: Graser
Views: 1,813,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft custom, graser, challenge, minecraft blocks, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft, minecraft if
Id: cNsiiVkopbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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