Minecraft, But Crafts Are Giant...

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what happens when you can craft items to go from completely normal to extremely giant let's go and find out first my goal is to craft a full set of giant armor where each piece will cause me to get bigger and bigger and well really big second i have to successfully craft a full set of gigantic items where just one swing of a pickaxe can annihilate entire chunks and last but not least i have to try to fit my giant self into the end portal and once inside try to defeat a gigantic dragon can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 3 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video so everything in today's video is about to be very big and of course we have to start with a literal giant crafting table which i'm not sure if it's going to be very big when we place it or if it's just going to be normal oh oh that's big okay when we right click the giant crafting table now we can go ahead and make our first big item which is gonna be oddly enough a giant a bell and when we place this thing down uh i'm not really sure what happens but i'm gonna make a stone hoe just in case before we do so giant halo what do you do oh okay that is a lot of hay and i guess that's how we're gonna be getting a lot of the bread we need what the heck um that is a great introduction to today's challenge which is gonna be minecraft but everything we're gonna be doing is literally just ginormous and that might be a good thing or a very bad thing so with that being said stay tuned and let's go ahead and make our next giant item which is gonna be something very simple and that's gonna be a simple stone pickaxe a big one though a giant stone pickaxe which looks pretty normal so far but it's definitely a lot bigger than our normal ones so when we put this one here oh gosh okay let me break this real quick that is such a cool thing literally a giant crafting table but we got the giant stone pickaxe now and when we mine stone oh okay wait what happens if i take straight down oh oh okay maybe we should go up this cave but the same time it's kind of hard to really go through caves okay now we got a real cave so there's some iron right here so might as well mine the entire chunk why not well it's not really an entire chunk it's kind of more like a little big area but yeah this big box is definitely a little bit overkill and actually i do need some coal so let me get that real quick all right and so with this coal right here i think we can actually go and make the next giant item which is gonna be yet again another weird one like the wii but this time why not let's make a giant block of coal and it kind of looks like a normal block of coal so it might not be that bad but with that being said where do i place this i guess i'll place this right here all right oh yep and yet again we literally just get a giant block of coal oh my gosh and just like that we also have all the coal we'll ever need one stack of blocks of coal and uh might as well why not let's go ahead and get all the furnaces we can alright so the good thing about all that coal is that oh my gosh okay we're good no no stay away please please please please i'm trying to do a challenge here i only have one live and if i die then my channel gets deleted that's actually not true please don't delete my channel anyways because we have so much cool i guess i might as well do this and this i kind of want to make some iron stuff so we might as well get that ready and because it's a big area mazel plays down our chunky table this thing is huge like what the heck all right and so now with three iron the next thing we can go ahead and already make is gonna be the giant iron pickaxe watch out again it's a pretty big iron pickaxe i'm pretty sure it's bigger than this stone pickaxe so they're definitely getting bigger and bigger these things are getting a little bit overkill but on the bright side let's go ahead and grab everything we got there and now for the giant iron pickaxe so how big is this gonna be oh okay um that was a lot of lag you guys maybe didn't see that but pretty much on the bright side we got a lot of iron but oh my gosh on the bright side i'm finding a lot of big caves so i might as well go here how's it going spider i kind of need a better sword so this might be actually a good time too to make our first giant sword which is gonna be literally a giant 999 attack damage iron sword wait what the heck okay that's a lot of damage wait is this just gonna one-hit everything all right well literally i won't hit that skeleton i mean i'm not complaining but okay oh and some lap is nice i kind of see if it can break bedrock but at the same time i don't want to fall into the void also holy but on the bright side we did find diamonds over there so let me real quick bridge over there how do i mine these though with this pickaxe is this gonna work okay yep that is a lot of diamonds a lot of cobblestone and i'm also getting a lot of levels somebody real quick and just like that five diamonds not bad all right oh and more diamonds right here okay what i need before i mine that is definitely a water bucket so why not let's not make the good old-fashioned water bucket that everyone makes that's kind of boring instead we're gonna make a giant bucket this is actually maybe too big but you know what we're taking it let's go ahead and see what this thing can do and let's get our giant crafting table back to you okay let me uh real quick all right now we gotta find water i'm kind of scared of grabbing lava with this giant bucket so i think it might be a better idea if we get water instead because i definitely gotta get rid of all that oh and a mine shaft okay wait there might be something good here so let me real quick grab some string because i think i might be able to make a giant bow too literally everything in minecraft today is gonna be giant maybe even the dragon which uh i'm not really sure if that's a thing but you know what if it is then we'll try to beat it also two times in chest not bad i'll take that all right so where is some water i need lots of water lots of good stuff and then we go boom boom pop out oh gold oh there it is okay so if this doesn't work i'm gonna assume i need to go to an ocean but baby oh okay we have a giant water bucket okay that definitely worked but now that we have that let's go back to where those diamonds were so is this gonna work we'll see oh okay right that is a lot of water oh no so the giant water bucket literally places down a giant thing of water but it also takes away the diamonds no on the bright side i still have seven diamonds which actually uh before we do anything with the diamonds i'm kind of curious actually can we make big pants oh my gosh we can make big pants we can make giant diamond leggings which is a very big leggings silla i probably should have made a diamond pickaxe and said like a giant one but i mean big pants if you made this for the video comment down below big pants so what happens when we put on the giant diamond leggings do i even fit these oh oh wait we just got really big oh my gosh wait we're getting smaller then we're getting bigger okay why are we so big oh wow this is actually really weird um on the bright side we found some more diamonds but it looks like we're getting bigger and bigger as we put on more diamond armor pieces that are big well on the bright side we got four more diamonds and i guess i could make some big diamond boots but at the same time i'm kind of scared of getting a little bit too big so maybe we should not make that just yet let's go ahead and use the stringing why not let's get a literal giant bow which i'm not sure what it's going to do but i guess we'll go ahead and find out let's go and grab the crime table boom boom boom boom boom boom where is the crime table there it is all right giant bow oh my gosh that arrow's huge okay uh i guess here goes nothing oh wait it's like an explosion okay all right and i definitely use an arrow there does it just break the wall oh it does oh my gosh that's actually really cool all right so let's place down that water right there because the next thing i kind of want to do is actually let's see what happens when we get a giant lava bucket and place it down so low key i don't really want to get in lava and die so i'm gonna place it down right here and then go straight in the water so three two one oh okay we're good we're good that could have been very bad i wanna do it again we're doing it again nope that was a bad idea that was a very bad idea we are not doing that again and let's get some normal water like normal people and maybe let's find another cave so straight this way maybe we can find a cave okay being this big is not normal and i feel so weird going through this cave right now like what the heck am i supposed to do i'm not small enough for this oh oh okay that could have been bad i am taking way too much damage also how's it going spider i'm kind of very big here also do i even fit in here all right so no problem i can't fit into the cave i'm literally too big and it's kind of getting a little bit too goofy being this big in a cave but you know what we're gonna make it work i can't really go down this game because of a giant water bucket you know what let's take this off for now go back to normal size and let's try and craft some more things now so before we do anything else i actually gotta cook up a little bit more iron because i'm kind of curious if i can do a certain item in the giant form and then it'll help us a lot with getting a lot more items and that may have been very vague but don't worry guys it will get to a very soon also some raw gold might as well do that get some gold and some more gold also a giant golden apple might be a thing so i think gold might be very useful there and what the next thing we gotta make i think it's gonna be the giant iron block which if i'm not wrong it'll work just like the giant coal block which we might as well find out let's go ahead and make another giant coal block i don't know why we need it but we're gonna place it down either way so let's place it down right here don't do anything bad and look at that big old block and now that we have the nine iron ingots we might as well let's go and get that giant iron block and i guess i'll place it right here this might be a really bad idea but you know what we're going for go on okay yep yep just like the other one a bunch of iron blocks and what happens when i mount it like this oh yeah yep yep yep that is that is a lot of iron blocks that is definitely a lot of iron blocks don't mind if i do i am gonna real quick just grab this 23 blocks of iron and we're definitely not gonna need iron blocks ever again can i make a giant anvil i might not be able to do that but i might as well try why not and oh wait giant angle hold up what is a giant anvil oh that is a lot of animals wait if we can get a giant anvil and a legit works just like the iron block can we do that with any block what about a giant crafting table oh wait this might actually work with every single block hold up guys i may have found a loophole oh my gosh okay that's cool that is very cool i kind of need some lapis too or maybe some redstone why not this might be a really bad idea actually no there's no tnt in caves i don't know why i thought tnt would be naturally in caves for a reason okay yeah that actually works that's actually so cool all right well we got giant redstone giant iron blocks giant anvil and you know what maybe there's a giant sub button right there that you guys can click right now and then boom shameless plug why not and uh muzzle let's make another giant iron block just uh can we make a giant furnace why did i do this in the first place oh my gosh wait giant furnace so this whole time the furnace is right there when i could literally just have done that okay yeah that would have been a lot more useful earlier i don't know why the furnace is there but you know what let's go ahead and move on to the next item and let's put my giant diamond leggings back on because i think i'm about to get a lot taller so the next item i'm gonna be making is not gonna be the diamond boots but instead i'm kind of curious what is the ability of the giant diamond pickaxe i mean it's definitely gonna be better than the iron one so i guess i'll mine straight this way and let's see what happens oh yeah well we can literally mine chunks now i'm kind of not surprised but at the same time i'm just fascinated oh my gosh we are getting a little bit too powerful there's so many things out there also so many diamonds oh my computer can barely handle this okay and like usual guys let me know a new title for this video in the comments down below honestly what i'm thinking right now just minecraft but nestor's finally tall because i'm kind of like the shortest youtuber but you know what it's all good alright so i think the new plan is gonna be probably make a giant golden block or a giant diamond block i'm not even sure what to make next okay so on the bright side wait can i make a giant torch oh oh gosh okay this might be a mistake guys my computer might crash if i place this down but giant torch here we go oh actually kind of beautiful well giant torch right there if you guys want to know how diane torch looked like would they there you go and i think we might be done there with all the giant stuff i think it might be time we make our next giant thing which is gonna be the giant diamond oh my gosh that is so much damage i didn't finish my sentence wait okay so this does 999 attack damage and then the diamond sword does literally 99 999 attack damage that is just way too ob what the heck we'll see what the final boss is but this is a little bit too much what the heck because we're talking about damage can we make a giant shield we can't make a giant shield but having a shield is good either way how big is a shield anyways compared to me it's still pretty big so i'll take it now that we have the diamond sword what we need to do is uh definitely try it out that's for sure but i first gotta find a mob somewhere so where can we go i guess we could go straight up or we could just mine this oh my gosh okay that may have been a mistake this uh this video has definitely gone a little bit too crazy in a matter of like 10 minutes we've escalated very quickly and that is for sure and i think ever since we made our first giant thing of hay bales we've now literally made a giant tunnel of just uh chunks which i only got eight diamonds from which is kind of a scam but something i could do in the meantime is why not let's see what happens when i make a oh my gosh okay that's big a giant diamond chest plate which is gonna be like a normal diamond chest plate but am i gonna get bigger when i put this thing on oh no oh yeah i'm getting very big now that might be a little bit of a problem but at the same time i kind of want to see how big i can really get so we're gonna go ahead and get as many diamonds as we can which i'm actually getting none right now oh diamonds right there okay there we go and with that we have 10 diamonds which i think is the perfect amount that we need so let's real quick get away from here actually it might be smarter if we go all the way up yeah this just does not look right can i swim like this oh wow always swim quick oh gosh we are so big what the heck all right well let's place this thing down why not kind of looks like a normal crafting table now since we're getting so big but without further ado let's try to see what the final size is gonna be with our giant diamond boots and we can't forget about the giant diamond helmet too so let's put this thing on oh gosh we're already getting a little bit bigger so now we're this big oh my goodness and with the final piece of giant armor this thing looks so goofy even in my inventory oh my we're the size of the mountain okay i'm not sure if it's a good idea to play the rest of this challenge like this but at the same time i feel like it'd be entertaining so i'm gonna try to do this as long as i can but before we do anything else i think the next goal we should go for is definitely a giant golden apple all right so we got 36 raw gold that should be hopefully enough all right so what we got to do now is straight up make a giant furnace and then we place it down and there we go we got a furnace fit for me that should be enough for us to make a giant golden block which is gonna be the next thing we make i also need a lot of apples how do i get a lot of apples actually wait where is my crafting table okay it's down there can i make a giant axe actually uh no it's just a normal diamond axe dang it okay i'm gonna have to get apples an old-fashioned way but i think we should be able to make a lot of gold at least all right so we got 10 gold ingots so now we should be able to make one gold block which is gonna be a very big giant block of gold so i guess i'll just place it right here why not okay yep yep that never gets old and just like that oh gosh i should have probably not done it like that and just like that we have 24 blocks of gold which is definitely gonna be more than enough actually a lot less than i thought it was gonna be but i'm not really gonna complain and actually i think it might be a good time right now if we get a little bit smaller but you know what i kind of made a promise that i couldn't go smaller so we're going to stay this size and now with all these blocks of gold i think we should be able to finally make now one really big golden apple i think oh yep that's big yep literally a giant golden apple the only giant golden apple we can really make so what happens when i eat this oh my gosh it's so big it covers my screen holy oh wow yep jump boost and absorption water breathing luck hero the villain speed strength resistance regeneration hates the fire resistance all level 10 for literally five minutes that's a little bit overkill but i'm not gonna complain and also i think one thing i'm gonna do before doing anything else is actually go back to normal size because i gotta mind this thing oh my goodness i have so many potion effects this is kind of overwhelming and now that we have all of this i think the next goal might be to actually go to the nether or get some more apples so before we do that let's actually head all the way back up and maybe get some sugarcane too i'm not sure if i need inches actually everything's already enchanted for me so we should be fine for now but oh my goodness jump boost 10 is quite the thing right now where do we head uh i guess we'll go over there all right so we got 17 red apples and with that i think we should be able to make a good bit of golden apple so real quick let's go ahead and do that and not really sure why i'm making all these but you know what why not 10 giant gold apples jets like that and these things are so big okay and the next thing i really need to make definitely before we go to the nether and all that good stuff is gonna be a giant block of diamond and why we need a giant block of diamond actually before we do anything i'm gonna go jack real quick and let's see how big this thing really is oh wait i'm really as tall as the giant block of diamond oh gosh okay oh no that may have been a bad idea well there goes all the diamonds but technically with the giant block of diamonds we can go ahead and make three more giant block of diamonds and yeah just just everything's diamonds now but maybe let's not be giant real quick let's be just a little bit bigger all right i'm gonna mine this real quick and then we can get all the diamonds and then i think we should be good to go to the nether get the eyes of ender get the blaze powder get the boom get the pals and the boom coming down boom there you go anyways uh let's grab this real quick and actually i'm kind of really curious this might be a bit of a risk guys but what if i try to mlg water bucket clutch while being giant this is a little bit too goofy but let's go for it three two one oh i almost died okay um we're never gonna try that again and i forgot that my water bucket does not work like that okay um anyways let's go ahead and take this armor off one more time and i guess it's time to start heading to the nether and we'll see how things go as long as i don't die i should be fine i feel like it'd be kind of fitting if i make a giant nether portal but at the same time can i mine a lot of obsidian this way they actually call me the vast subsidy miner in minecraft and anyone that said that i wasn't is honestly lying and i will be finally a lawsuit against them because i am the fast obsidian minor there we go i want to get as much obsidian as i can though because my plan is i want to get into the nether portal literally as a giant nestor okay so this took way too long but we finally got a big enough portal for me to fit inside of and without further ado guys let's let the big giant portal and let's go inside oh gosh okay that worked um all right so we're in the nether now and what we need to find is some blaze rods and some ender pearls which might not be a good idea to be this big oh gosh i'm going so quick in the nether okay i haven't touched lava yet somehow oh okay all right we found a fortress just slowly but surely i am literally the height of the fortress this is so weird okay um just a couple places would be appreciated then i guess i'll use my giant bow is this gonna break the spotter oh um well let's go find another one all right so this time i'm not actually gonna blow it up oh there they are okay how's it going guys oh my gosh okay apparently this thing has looting too and i forgot what hits everything so just like that we have 21 blaze rods and i think i'm gonna get out of here because i'm getting sell on fire away can i place water in the nether nope i cannot that is definitely a definite no so with that being done i guess what all we need to do now is just find a piglet and get all the ender pearls we can so where is a piglen when you need him okay so we got enderman there or oh i can just want it in enderman for a lot of enderpearls wait this might work oh my gosh and just like that ten end of rules which i'm definitely gonna be taking back to the world i think we might be done here though actually no let me kill one more uh how's it going buddy you're gonna die now okay it feels so weird seeing them being so small but you know what it's all good 28 ender pearls is definitely going to be enough so i think we should be good to go back now all right so now to find the portal okay so the hardest part about this challenge is definitely being so big because it's so hard to get from point a to point b really quickly but on the bright side we're back now and something i didn't realize until now is that there's actually something better than giant items and they're called mega items and the first mega item we're gonna be going for is gonna be the mega bow and to make a mega bow i actually need some string so where can i find a quick mine shaft i guess i can just go ahead and mine that and let's hope for the bus literally the only way i can find mine shops is by digging entire chunks all right come on one of these has to have a mineshaft please game anything good i think we found one yes i think i definitely gotta get a little bit smaller for this part of the video so let's get a little bit you know back to normal sides and now let's actually go explore this mineshaft get as much string as we can and then make what is called a mega bow so what i need is three times nine string which is going to be 27 string i also can do level 30 enchantments even though i don't really need to oh enderman more intervals why not there we go how much stream do i have so far 23 okay still a little bit more that i need and then we should be good oh my gosh wait i forgot i don't have any armor and i am definitely getting out of here before i die so before anything i think we need nine total giant bows in total so oh wait no i made the wrong type of bows oh i'm so dumb oh no i gotta get more string now okay give me one second guys let's get the string again holy i'm dumb all right let's actually not mess up this time one two three that should be enough now and with nine giant bows i think we get i guess a giant giant bow oh it's a mega bow oh gosh okay so this is a giant bow and this is a mega bow so they're literally the same size but i'm gonna guess they do something different so let me not make the mistake of accidentally breaking something all so what does the giant bow do oh oh that's a big arrow oh my gosh okay we are definitely gonna be fighting the dragon like this that is insane just like that we got a very good giant bow and the next thing we can actually make is with these 10 super golden apples we can actually use nine and get a whoa that is really big a giant enchanted golden apple which uh i don't know what this thing is going to do loki i don't even want to eat it yet until i fight the dragon so i guess stay tuned to see that and we're definitely not done there though because after that i guess what we can make next is gonna be the rest of the giant items which you can probably guess they're gonna take a lot of diamonds so before we do that let's get our full set of diamond armor and i guess start mining some chunks and just like that i have no idea where the diamonds went i'm gonna guess i'm picking them up all right 17 diamonds not bad and i think that should be good enough so let's head all the way back up holy we swim so fast by the way normal crafting table giant grab table and now let's go ahead and oh gosh wait um actually sent me flying this is your typical normal giant golden block let's uh mind a little bit of that real quick and definitely need my down blocks and oh gosh i gotta go all the way back down don't i 53 blocks of diamond that is definitely more than enough let's head all the way back up all right so now what we need is definitely a bunch of double chests and honestly the most fun way of getting a bunch of double chests is wait giant oak planks why okay just for science guys why not boom oh gosh literally making like a little mini base there we go giant wooden planks anyways what i was supposed to be making is uh because i'm a little bit curious let's uh get a giant chest and when we place down the giant chest oh yeah that might be a little bit too laggy let's not look in that direction let's do this the old fashioned way okay so the next thing we're gonna be making is a giant massive netherwight pickaxe and we apparently don't even need netherite to make it so instead of that we're actually gonna be making nine giant diamond pickaxes first so let's go to make nine of these and final time pickaxe and then we get not a bigger diamond pickaxe but a massive netherite pickaxe which i think we might as well go and try it out right now i'm kind of scared of breaking everything so let's go far away real quick to use it i guess we'll mine something right here i'm not really sure what it's gonna do but here we go oh gosh oh gosh have i made a mistake oh no oh no oh no my computer froze oh my gosh well we found some glow squids and we also found every ore in minecraft oh my gosh so with that being done right there let's go ahead and make the next mega items and the next one is gonna be the giant diamond sword so we're gonna be needing none of these so uh and i guess we'll now see what this thing exactly does i'm not sure what to expect but yep just like the diamond pickaxe won't be coming down the right we're gonna be making all these giant diamond swords with 99 000 damage now become i'm gonna guess a million wait a thousand oh wait i see now i mean we really don't need that much damage but what we get now instead of 99 000 we get plus 30 reach and plus 30 attack range so uh we now have a massive netherwight sword and i kind of want to test this thing out but there's no mobs around us so we might have to wait until we fight the dragon and now we have yet another item which i kind of realized we didn't really have to get this many ender pearls because once we have nine ender pearls we can actually make a giant ender pearl and with the ender pro i'm not sure what happens here but i guess we'll throw it wait where'd it go oh oh it's like a bomb okay that was actually kind of cool i'm actually gonna go back here and because it kind of is like a bomb i'm gonna real quick make 16 giant ender pearls and i could legit just do boom boom oh my gosh okay yeah we gotta get more of these i'm gonna make as many bombs as i can three sacks of giant ender pearls there we go don't mind if i do and we're not done there because now that we have all these ender pros the next thing we can go ahead and make is gonna be simply a giant ivender and i'm not really sure what this thing is gonna do so i guess we'll find that out very soon and i think that should be all the items we're gonna be needing to fight the dragon so with all that being done guys i think it might be time we start heading to the stronghold to see what we can do against the dragon and finally test out what the massive netherrite sword does and what the giant enchanted golden apple also does so without further ado let's get out the giant eye vendor and see what it does oh wait what oh it's taking me straight to the stronghold oh that's so cool okay i just realized i'm a big old giant on top of a little eye vendor 50 more blocks and oh there we go guys okay and i was gonna say we need a bunch of eyes of ender but it literally dropped a whole stack of them also another right sword completely normal one all right so now how do i get down i really don't want to break the portal but at the same time i might as well risk it why not let's go ahead and mine just one dirt block please don't beat the portal down there oh okay that could have been bad all right so just for this i think i'm gonna have to take off my armor real quick so let's put off the armor for one second down we go and now we just gotta find the portal room oh here we go guys okay what do i break this what oh gosh okay uh there we go and luckily i have a whole stack of eyes of under that don't don't question them we're just gonna go with it and now all that's left to do guys is go inside and put all my giant armor and then see what we can do against the dragon this might be a really quick dragon fight so without further ado wish me luck guys and here we go okay good thing i didn't go in here with the giant armor i would have suffocated let's head all the way up i kind of made a little bit of a mistake but we should be good now anyways though let's put on the giant armor oh gosh here we go this is it guys so before anything let's go ahead and eat this giant chance to go an apple and see what it does oh gosh that's big oh wait low-key wasn't that good besides the amount of extra hearts i get let's actually eat a giant golden apple this might be a little bit better so giant gold apple there we go now we get the jump boost oh my gosh that's gonna be one that's gonna be two oh gosh these are so big i've almost killed the dragon guys the dragon is almost dead this is gonna be the quickest fight ever wait i haven't even tried out the sword all right dragon i guess this is gonna be the final hit in three two one i missed oh gosh let's go back up i'm so big what was this video and with all that being done guys that is gonna be it for minecraft but pretty much everything is incredibly giant and oh my gosh what the heck was this video so with all that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 8,925,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but crafts are giant, giant crafting, giant, giant items, minecraft giant, minecraft but giant, minecraft but giant crafting, minecraft but giant blocks
Id: fej0R_eSALw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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