Minecraft but Mobs you look at Multiply

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minecraft but mobs multiply when you look at them even a quick glance and there they go but we do have a bunch of unique items like the wide sword that helps us slash multiple enemies at once the fury bow which fires a fury of arrows we have to kill the inner dragon but even the ender dragon multiplies if you look at him can we beat the challenge i don't know watch the video i guess i just started the video and these zombies i can't i can't kill the zombies because they keep spawning when i look at them back up i just started the video but i can't kill these i can't kill these zombies because oh no no no no no okay i think i escaped them i'm gonna go find myself some food let's find a village look at it go there's three and four infinite iron columns how about you villager are you gonna multiply two wait a minute i can do it with food this is genius and one cow two cow three cow moo let me get some swords to kill these guys oh my goodness the army i can't can't keep looking at him they're gonna take over the world anything fun oh i see some stuff what is a skeleton core huh interesting wide sword that shouldn't be very hard before we dig too deep into that let's make sure i don't die let me get some food infinite food time yeah yeah yeah multiply more more more more yes hey zombie back up man oh i forgot they multiplied don't look at him don't look at him don't look at him don't look at him just look at the sky ah let me out and then keep multiplying let me out of the pen i got 46 thick i'm good bros a one a two a three cooking time while that's cooking i have something else to cook up and that my friends is the wide sword all i need is iron and i'm sorry boys but i did just make a bunch of iron golems i'm gonna make an iron golem farm and just spot and kill them i feel bad no i don't yes i do don't feel bad okay we're making a sword on the right side of the crafting table like a psychopath ah finally some food oh hi buddy oh oh no no no no no i can't look at him oh oh oh oh no no no no what am i supposed to do with this how do i kill them uh can i do that yep i can look at their toes yeah if i can make a home around one of these iron golems i can have them just keep spawning and kill them inside this little hut but it's not going to be an easy feat because they keep moving around go in there no stop multiplying no go in my home go into my trap so i can farm your children perfect perfect perfect stay right there so if i just keep looking at them it'll spawn infinite iron golems and then i can get infinite iron i'm a genius dude i mean an evil genius but i'm a genius at the least don't look at me like that no stop stop multiplying stop here we go yes infinite iron i don't know how i'm gonna get this iron this was a bad idea oh my gosh what's happening they're dying because there's too many of them i'm an evil person oh they stopped dying how do i get this iron out so if i just do this i should be able i got it i got it i got 27 iron now oh okay they're mad at me that it makes sense that makes sense can i get my iron please i got 42 iron holy 56 iron yeah i did it i feel bad but i did it there's more in there too i got two stacks of fire oh my gosh the wide sword we can do it already oh my goodness we got a wide sword mob multiplication speed has increased oh no so if i look at a villager uh one two oh yeah that goes fast that goes faster okay i gotta be careful this sword is massive look at me oh what did i do to you oh yeah right fashion icon yes the next item that caught my eye is the fury bow which i need some string and i don't know what a skeleton core is but i can use my new sword and test it out on some skeletons faces oh what's in here nice let's go ahead and grab the string while we're oh hello little skeletons oh my goodness oh okay they're multiplying very very quickly now they're fighting each other yes uh yeah wide sword activate yeah god oh they're stuck up inside that that's amazing oh my gosh this is getting out of hand oh no i'm i'm dying i'm dying no no don't let me die here oh god i'm stuck in the cobweb oh no no it's a dead end wait a minute i got a core i got a skeleton core i didn't even notice i do have an arrow in my face but i do got a skeleton core i need to get that string though i gotta go stealth mode dude mission string where are you arrow not it targets a bad guy i looked at him they multiply stop multiplying stop multiplying how am i ow am i supposed to get the string i gotta make a normal sword because my fat sword doesn't let me get any strength let me go in don't look at him don't look at him ah stop stop stop give me that oh fight each other fight each other good good good i can't look at the mobs this is freaking me out just look at their feet look at their feet come on oh oh my gosh okay i think we got this okay ah stop multiplying i gotta hit him fast yeah i got a lot of stuff i got a bowl i gotta i got a bunch of things grab it run oh my gosh run this will be my safe place for a while oh my goodness look at me i'm covered in arrows that should give me what i need for a fury bow it does and now i can make it and i've got plenty arrows as well mob multiplication speed increased oh no let's test this thing out shall we yeah what the it shoots a bunch of arrows at once oh oh but it does multiply into uh i do still multiply mobs hey stop stop stop i have an idea how do i get out of this oh my gosh there's no way i'm out i can get out of this okay okay just run just let's try this again shall we i have trapped some zombies in here now i can summon them without any danger and if i shoot this bow okay it shoots like multiple arrows at once yeah the zombies are getting a little overwhelming okay why disaunt oh no no no no no a chicken a chicken zombie of of course a chicken zombie would spawn no okay that should keep us safe for now now what other items are gonna be useful if we have a lucky pickaxe i need a piglet core can't get that yet oh a walking hoe a bat core uh yeah might as well i heard one too i think i saw him bad are you there he's right here oh my goodness i i just saw please please please get inside yes come here come here buddy yes keep multiplying them perfect no zombie get out of here how do i get the bat in here and the zombie to stay out fly fly through maybe they can't get past this fence here no no no no no not the zombie that's every stinking time all right i'm going for the bat all right i've got a bat trapped no zombies can get in here give me some cores please oh i hate the sound they make what did i get i got it i got it i got the bat core i am batman yes all right that should do it we got ourselves the walking hoe oh my goodness guys this is getting too much guys this is getting crazy well welcome to the bad exhibit i got to get out of here okay we made it to the surface and i've got myself the walking hoe uh i genuinely don't know what it does i start walking fast oh my goodness the more i walk the faster i go no i goes faster dude okay and then as soon as i stop walking then it goes back to normal this is gonna be so nice for walking around can i jump with it yeah i can yeah editor can you put like race car sounds [Applause] dude this walking stick is awesome for get away from hordes of mobs this will be so helpful i've got my eye on the lucky pickaxe i need a piglet core so it might be time for the nether and i'm going nether you like it or not water lava portal gravel flint steel nether time aha beautiful time to find the piglen core no way that's so lucky i found it already man i was ready for an adventure that would take five hours i had so many stories to tell you long story short it was a pineapple the whole time anybody want to come say hello to me i will multiply you no not markiplier you okay i just gotta find one trap them and multiply them i don't want brutes okay don't look at them too much okay they're coming they're coming they're coming okay honestly this might work out okay fury bow attack oh they're spawning so fast oh my gosh this is getting crazy new plan oh i got one trapped perfect and now multiply you a couple of times and ah if i can attack him quick i might be able to hit him without them multiplying a ton i'm gonna get a headache doing this what i just do i think i just span around hold on i right click with my sword i did like a spinning attack what dude that's so cool i don't know i could do that oh yeah oh now they're dying fast i'm gonna get it so i got a little sick sorry guys okay kill them all now if i get in here is there any items ah did i get a piglet core oh man brutes might not count i might have to get an actual piglet i found some piglets attack oh i think i just saw a drop where did the core go i swear i just saw the core ah oh fast fast fast do the spinning damage um i got it i got it i got it okay uh i i gotta get out of here before i die no no no no no no no no all right we're safe and we got the piglet core that was pretty hardcore [Music] let's craft the lucky picka i need some gold oh all right i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i got it i got it oh goodness oh don't look at him don't look at him just run i can't believe i got away with that you saw nothing oop i mean you two you three you four you five that'll be good for under pearls later we'll take that yoink i ended up with eight blocks of gold and now the lucky pick is ours whoa this looks so cool i've got haste two we'll take that let's try it out on oh gast no go away go away oh oh no no no no no bad oh i did not mean to look at that gas i gotta make this work i gotta make this work if i can shoot the arrow don't look at don't look at the ghast don't look at the gaster suit the arrow oh oh my gosh that was close all right we got some gold here and uh doesn't look like anything special is happening maybe it just gives me like a slight fortune increase or something oh it worked it worked what did i i got a block of gold it looks like there's a rare chance that it happens it doesn't happen always but whenever i'm lucky like that i get the block of gold like that oh my gosh that's amazing i gotta try this on diamonds later this is gonna be amazing now that we got the gold let's part it with some piglets for cement or pearls i'm gonna get myself to the dragon here pretty soon i don't want to drag on for too long here take take the gold take the gold take the gold oh my goodness oh my goodness all right this is getting wild well the good news is the training will oh oh my gosh look at him trade like crazy all right there's some pearls there's some pearls there's some pearls i already got 16 of them that took like two minutes oh my word look at this pig army before they revolt and take over the nether i'm getting out of here and getting some blaze rods okay so really if i drink my fire resistance potion i should be good oh i can use the walking stick i can find a better place oh here's a blaze area i'll take this spit attack yeah i got one oh this is getting dangerous oh my gosh i'm so grateful for that fire resistance potion oh my word this is crazy i've gotten two blaze runs so far half a heart half a heart okay okay okay this bow is so sweet they shoot a bunch of arrows at once this might be the way to go there we go and four five i can't see a thing right now okay okay before the fire resistance runs out yep thank you i've got plenty of blaze rods i am out of here no i'm out of here oh okay now before we go to kill the inner dragon i got a couple of things i need to do find some diamonds make new armor accidentally make too many helmets and shoes and get some more water and make some eyeballs baby let's do this guide me to the light all right looking oh hello buddy okay there's another guy don't look at him don't look at him excuse me buddy oh my goodness ah back you foul monsters they keep sad they're creepers multiple creepers okay okay don't die don't die please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes break this before it spawns like crazy i think i made it no no no no no no okay i'm glad it doesn't multiply through the bars i can look at you all i want to it is satisfying looking at creepers you know they're literal mona lisa's has it pronounced mona's elysis monastelisis monastalistos they're literally main elizas i love the sound these make yeah boom it's time never thrown an eye vendor when you're here where does it go what let's do this thing [Music] all right it is time to crush the inner dragon and take out the healers no problem boom okay that should do it all the healers are done and now it's time for the dragon let's do this thing dude oh i think one more guy's left can i hit it from here it's not healing him did i actually hit it did i hit that mlg man all right dragon i don't want to look at you in case you turn into two dragons ah okay okay this bow is super useful right now get him it does some good damage too yeah yeah don't look at him in the eyes we don't want two dragons yes yes oh we're doing a ton of damage to the dragon this bow is so nice because it shoots a giant spray of arrows it lets me not look at him while i'm shooting careful careful careful careful oh over halfway done as long as he doesn't multiply or we run out of arrows i think we got this in the bag oh i got to be so careful a few more hits please don't run of arrows please don't run into arrows oh i'm so afraid i'm ready adeveros yes yes yes yes we've done it thanks for watching make sure to subscribe to watch more of these videos and we'll see you guys in the next one what the heck did you come with me through the portal
Channel: Craftee
Views: 3,801,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, mobs multiply, minecraft but mobs multiply, looking at mobs multiply them, multiplied, multiplied mobs, mobs multiplied, minecraft multiplied, multiplication, multi
Id: wl-0lanv3XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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