Minecraft, But Crafts Are Realistic...

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what happens when you can make any item in minecraft suddenly become super realistic and even hd let's go and find out first my goal is to find it obtain realistic minecraft ores which i'll be able to use to make hd super weapons second i have to craft a super realistic set of netherey armor where every time i take a step a literal nuke happens and last but not least i have to try to defeat the hyper realistic dragon but if i get hit once the entire challenge is over can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 3 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video so this is a normal wooden axe and with these three wooden axes we're gonna be getting a very hd realistic wooden axe which destroys all wood type blocks near instantaneously an axe made to destroy its kins so with that being made guys and welcome to minecraft but everything we're going to be making today is going to be very realistic and this thing is mining wood so quick but we're not done there yet though because with three wooden pickaxes we can also make a very realistic wooden pickaxe periodically destroys nearby blocks while mining turns out wooden tools tend to splinter and of course we can also make swords very realistic with two wooden swords and then we get a very realistic wooden sword which says hits sometimes cause the enemy to bleed for a short duration which apparently is gonna splinter the enemy so i guess mr villager do you bleed oh it's bleeding right well that is one realistic wooded sword and the pickaxe mine's a lot of area very nice so before we go deep down and do some mining we can also go ahead and do one more thing which is gonna be a realistic dandelion place the flower outside and it will grow be sure to give it plenty of room how big is this thing gonna be okay well here we go oh gosh what is this oh well we pretty much just made a big old flower not bad i guess now we can go mining okay this pickaxe is actually really good what the heck but now that we've kind of used the wooden pickaxe pretty much a good bit let's go ahead and move on to the next realistic item which is gonna be an even more realistic stone pickaxe periodically it finds extra bits of wars when digging stone type blocks great for finding little tin bits while mining so is it kind of just like a normal stone axe oh wait okay so i find extra stuff whenever i mine stuff okay all right well just like that we got some iron not bad oh we just got gold there i'm not really sure how getting gold from iron is realistic at all but i guess we'll go with it okay let me know in the comments down below if you guys think this video is very realistic but you know what let's go to make the next realistic thing which is gonna be a realistic stone sword mobs hit by the sword sometimes become petrified for a short duration so terrifying it's petrifying so what does petrify mean is that like frozen or i'm not really sure hold up oh oh my gosh okay well apparently the rock exploded is that realistic i'm not sure but okay exploding wrong you know what that'll be the comment of the day if you made it this far on the video comment down below exploding wrong and i guess let's go ahead and make the next item which is gonna require us to make three stone axes and take note how the stone axes look you know they look normal in minecraft but now with this we're gonna be getting a very hd realistic stone axe every once in a while it finds extra bits of wars when chopping any logs who knew iron grew on trees okay right these things are definitely getting better and better and now what we got to do is definitely get some iron and then we can go ahead and get the realistic iron tools but i should be careful with that oh gosh i'm pretty close to dying no no please please please please please okay skeleton i'm gonna turn you into a rock gosh okay okay okay okay oh gosh wait okay do i just hit it like this oh my gosh i just killed a skeleton like that what the heck okay let's go to mine this iron and uh i guess we're also still getting a gold from iron which doesn't make any sense puffer fetch from iron does that happen in real life probably not but you know what we're getting as close as we can to making minecraft realistic uh let's just not question it though oh wait we forgot one of the most important items which is gonna be again a weird one but take note of how the stone shovel looks and now with two sticks we can go ahead and make a very hd realistic stone shovel periodically finds random junk and treasures when digging dirt type blocks so yet again i'm gonna guess we're gonna find some good stuff with dirt where is some dirt i guess let's see what we get from the dirt we literally get mushrooms gold and a bunch of junk okay we're going back down that is a scam so now that we're done with the copper we can actually go ahead and make something realistic with the copper which is gonna be with three copper apparently and oh okay just like that we get a realistic copper ingot throw into fire to heat up the ingot okay pretty good at conducting heat wait so i do i put it in here okay no i don't so i'm gonna guess i gotta use a flint and steel or lava right well let me real quick get a flint steel guys all right so realistic copper and get and i guess we'll just throw it in here oh wait particles okay wait did it run away oh no wait okay there we go realistic heated copper egg right click to throw the heated copper and get creating a field of fire where it lands 1 000 degree copper you get versus hands well i guess we'll throw it down here why not oh gosh oh okay so it's literally just an explosion wait low-key i could technically fight mobs with this oh wait can i try against him oh it works i guess it's got a gold and with that being done let's go ahead and move on to some other realistic items okay so next thing we're going to be making is i think gonna be with three iron ingots and just like that we're gonna be getting a realistic iron ingame which when dropped creates a pit straight down to bedrock wait what i thought i was gonna be crafting with this thing but apparently i can drop it okay oh oh it literally does that oh it went through the void apparently iron can break bedrock but with that being done let's go ahead and make some more realistic iron ingots and not only can we throw these but we can also go ahead and make literally a realistic iron pickaxe which says digs in a 3x3 cube okay that's pretty good and hold crouch to charge up a large area mine the longer you charge the bigger the area swing to activate the charge that sounds pretty good not bad did you say vane miter so i just hold right click and then it binds oh when i shift oh that's really broken okay so it doesn't do the three by three like i thought it would but oh my gosh that is a lot of mobs okay maybe a better way of finding these guys is just throwing in this heated copper and gate okay that may have helped okay that was a little bit too many mobs all right let me get my heated copper and get back it doesn't seem like there's any diamonds around here but on the bright side we at least now have a realistic iron big gags which i kind of just hold down and then boom nice let's go ahead and make the next item which is going to require us to do a lot of space real quick so let's go ahead and throw away all of that but what we do need is two more of these ironing gets in with our let's go to make a realistic iron sword oh gosh that thing is very hd does incredibly high damage and throws the enemy at a large distance yay okay okay i guess we gotta fight mobs now but i don't really see any so instead what we could do is probably get a lot of iron so let's real quick do that oh wait i have a better sword okay let's try this out real quick okay that was a lot of knock back what the heck anyways though more iron not bad and with that we should have 28 that should be enough at least for some arbor but i definitely need an entire set of realistic iron armor actually something i can do while i cook this with three gold ingots we should be able to make a realistic gold ink it which apparently does something else also one drop which it creates a static field that strikes lightning in a radius who needs a lightning rod anyway so is this gonna kill me i'm not sure let's put that right there oh oh wait it's gonna hurt me nope nope we're picking that up we definitely don't need to do that again let's not get ourselves killed but while this cooks i think i'm gonna go ahead and get some more iron so give me one second guys okay so i kind of figured out how to use the pickaxe now so now it actually minds in a 3x3 which is actually pretty useful not bad right so we have a lot of iron ingots now a lot of realistic ones too so in total i think i need definitely one for a shovel and three for an axe so let's go ahead and see if we can make a shovel with this and yeah we can alright alright so a realistic iron shovel throws a ball of dirt creating a slowing field of mud where it lands okay that sounds very interesting and we're not done there because after that we can go ahead and make a realistic iron axe which also has a warning apparently spells the entire tree when chopping any log warning don't use this in a wooden base exceptional at filling trees okay well it definitely looks very realistic very hd but the main thing i want to figure out is how does it work with the shovel oh oh okay we can literally throw dirt and it slows them down oh that's actually really cool oh i don't like you so i'm just gonna throw some dirt at you enjoy that dirt wait did i just go skeleton with dirt okay okay and now with that being done let's go ahead and make some armor with four iron igits and i guess we'll just make boots normally and with this we should be able to get some very hd looking arm boots creates a shockwave okay whenever you would normally take fall damage flinking all nearby enemies away and crouch while in midair to double jump what is fall damage okay so uh all right let's put this on and oh yep we get to double jump that's pretty cool oh and that's the shockwave i don't really have any mobs to test that out on but it already looks pretty good so next up let's go ahead and make the iron pants and i'm not sure if we have enough iron for the entire set of armor but i think we should at least have a chest plate so what the 78 gets we're going to be getting another set of realistic armor which is going to be the leggings that charges towards the direction you're looking at if you crouch twice in quick succession and enemies that are hit while charging are flunk and dealt damage alright so let's put this on and let's try it out oh oh that's so cool the dirt attack is a little bit better but that's really cool okay next item so now we're going to be making the very hd iron jazz blade which we're going to be needing a majority of these rnas i really hope i have enough so with eight of these this should be the second to last piece which is gonna be the very realistic iron chest plate and so each armor piece definitely gives me a new ability with this one being that anytime an enemy hits me they're gonna be getting flung away which yet again very ob also holy i look so hd what the heck oh we have the perfect amount to get a helmet not bad and with this final in get we finally get the realistic iron helmet it's a me accessorial wait what the heck okay break city block you jump into from below wait is that like mario oh i'm literally mario and i guess just like that we're pretty much done getting all the iron we need and now let's go find some more gold and some diamonds too alright finally some gold so how much gold do we have right now seven gold and that might actually be the perfect amount to make a good pickaxe so let's see what it does now i guess we can go ahead and make a realistic gold pickaxe okay there we go so this one every once in a while strikes the ground digging a large area straight forward okay that sounds very open fast does lightning sometimes all right well let's go and try it out oh oh my gosh wait so it literally just goes boom boom that's really cool oh wait it's all the smelly stuff okay that's actually really good so i guess getting gold is gonna be a lot more easy i just gotta actually find it oh it's the little fish thing oh it's two of them apparently i found a really rare one the other day and i didn't know so i'm gonna leave them alone this time because i don't really want to ruin their habitat and in the meantime where is the gold oh diamonds uh okay that that works too gold please thank you very much literally auto smelt so this is gonna be a lot easier than i think uh five golding gets right there we don't really need any more copper unless there's like more realistic copper stuff but oh my gosh okay so when i double jump i literally like mega mines oh also some diamonds don't mind if i do i will gladly take those diamonds oh wait waking my bedrock okay okay well two things we got 13 diamonds now we also literally supermind whenever we like double jump which uh i guess it's kind of like a combination with the realistic pickaxe and the realistic armor i gotta be careful though because we are mining bedrock and mining bedrock is not really the best thing we can do oh diamonds uh okay i'm gonna real quick mine all that okay so literally after all that we at least got some good stuff including 23 diamonds oh my gosh we're getting really good stuff very quickly i'm not sure if this is very realistic but you know capitalism and stuff you know it could be realistic we get gold in real life even though gold is very expensive but we can at least make now eight gold ingots and i guess what the realistic gold ingots we might as well go ahead and make one realistic golden sword there we go occasionally strikes the target with lightning damaging and stunning them okay so literally it's kind of like a stun sword and it says what a striking display not bad and we can never forget the shovel which is now going to be creating a static field on right click that grants haste speed and strength wait what wait so if i just do that oh he's three oh that's really good and what about the axe i legitimately don't know how this is realistic but now we get the realistic golden axe which causes a series of controllable lightning strikes on right click oh i am literally thor okay why not in real life when you get a golden axe to become thor fun fat guys maybe don't try this out yourself but maybe it works you know and now with the gold ingots that we have left i guess we can go ahead and start getting all the armor so with that being done let's go to get some more diamonds and gold which shouldn't be too hard because if i double jump oh more diamonds sure and it literally fortunes it up nice 33 diamonds i like 33 diamonds 33 diamonds are perfect very nice let me know in the comments down below which realistic item you guys like the best so far i think i'm going to go ahead and say either the copper ingot which explodes or the pickaxes these are really nice right now i think we got more than enough gold ingots so let's go ahead and start grabbing them all and uh so i'm gonna guess that the theme is electricity now we have the realistic golden boots which says press shift while in mid-air to throw all nearby entities away and when they land they're struck by lightning that's definitely a little bit op don't mind if i do definitely take that and now that we're done with that let's go to make some pantalones which with this we should be getting the variation leggings which now when we hold shift we're gonna be charging up a very large jump but the longer the jump is charged the farther you're launched okay well i'm apparently firework now so might as well try this out too and before we do anything else let's get the entire set so let's real quick grab all these let's go to get the very hd chest plate this one says sparks flake off the user constantly if an enemy is hit by these sparks they are slowed and weakened so it's kind of like a force field is it let's uh double check oh my gosh we look so hd right now what the heck and finally with the last five gold ingots we get the realistic golden helmet the wear is occasionally struck by lightning while outside granting speed and haste for duration so i kind of just keep getting hit by lightning i mean sure why not i guess i'll take it all right let's try to leap real quick so i guess i'll go all the way up there oh oh that's really cool very nice and now that we're done with that i guess we can go ahead and move on to the diamonds here which i'm not really sure what to expect with this one but on the bright side we do have 33 diamonds so we should be able to at least make a pickaxe so three diamonds and oh okay that is a very hd diamond what the heck they're getting more and more hd as we go but with that being done we now have the realistic diamond which says right click to throw the diamond on hitting a block all blocks in a radius are turned into diamond blocks okay and on hitting an entity the effect above occurs and the entity drops diamonds on him what okay i guess we don't need diamonds anymore so let's real quick find a mob oh no my armor's killing them okay so realistic diamond oh okay well i guess that kind of fixes our diamond situation we literally have unlimited diamond blocks now oh wrong pickaxe maybe it's best if i go ahead and make a normal diamond pickaxe for this one and i guess just like that guys we're gonna be getting a lot of diamonds that easily what the heck okay and now in a very normal way i'm gonna be having exactly 16 blocks of diamonds which is definitely gonna be more than enough to actually make all that i need to make oh actually wait i just realized i can go and make a pickaxe why not two sticks three very hd diamonds and with that being done we get a realistic diamond pickaxe on right click sends for the minion to mine a very large tunnel occasionally finds netherite scraps when mining netherrack wait it's literally getting more and more because now apparently we can get netherlight from just going to the nether but what does it mean it has like a little mining guy oh it's like a little minion oh look at him go oh my gosh and with all these diamonds i guess the only real thing we really got to do is just make i guess 21 of these all right and just like that we have a more realistic diamonds and we'll ever need like probably too many now let's try the sword out i'm actually getting shot right now so this might be a really good time a realistic diamond sword don't really know what it does i didn't have time to read it so i guess we'll just go after them what does it do i'm not sure it's doing nothing oh wait is it like a laser oh it summons this little guy how's it going buddy oh oh he's he's trying to kill me uh i'm your friend oh he disappeared very nice anyways so realistic diamond sword summons a minion on attack that fights any monsters nearby aura or aura okay it's so pretty much as a little minion right there with dual swords it's kind of cool looking we're gonna name him jimmy there we go load jimmy all right now that we're done with that let's go ahead and get four more realistic diamonds and let's see what the shovel does i haven't used a shovel in a good bit and we have some dirt right here all right realistic diamond shovel on right click creates a large field that heals players and damages mobs oh actually pretty useful not bad and what about mining dirt oh it's a normal shovel okay and with the diamond axe we get a realistic diamond axe which occasionally summons a flurry of axes on attack let it rip i'm not really sure how that works but i guess we'll see that very soon for now i guess we'll go ahead and grab all these diamonds and make the full set of armor so give me one sec guys right so this is literally diamond texture that is insane so what it says is hey hello look listen and with each piece of diamond armor we get added a diamond pixie around our player and these pixies fire at any and all entities in a radius around the player dealing increased damage for each pixie so we're going from very hd golden armor to literal diamond armor like we're made of diamonds now what the heck okay so i'm gonna guess these are the pixies not bad all right so where is a mob i can try fighting with this maybe this bat oh my gosh the bad guy didn't sleep okay okay so i don't think any mob is safe what the heck actually i do need some obsidian so this might be the best way to mine obsidian actually some dimes over here let's do it like this i'm gonna put the water right there uh get a lot of obsidian that should be good for obsidian at least so with that being done i think in total we have 24 obsidian not bad that's better before we go in the nether i should probably get some wood so let me go up real quick okay so while we were gone i actually realized that there was a lot of realistic items we haven't made yet so i ended up getting a lot of cooked private a lot of steak some potatoes some carrots and even some string which we'll get to very soon but one thing i didn't realize that we could do was with three carrots we can actually make a very hd realistic carrot which uh is kind of really weird looking but i guess we're gonna eat it either way consume for night vision mom said eating these let you see in the dark all right so we're not really hungry right now so i guess we can't eat it but i'm gonna guess it gives us night vision but another thing we can also make is with some potatoes we can also go ahead and make a really big potato what the heck comment down below hd potato if you've made this far and it says consume for absorption shame it isn't mashed can i eat it right now nope i gotta be hungry well on the bright side we can go ahead and do another one and this time it'll be with a cooked bunny where we're going to be getting oh gosh realistic rabbit consume for a jump boost look at the rabbits george what the heck oh my gosh it's literally rabbit okay oh what the heck and finally the last feed we can make is with three steak and just like that we get a nice looking steak not bad consume for regeneration 2000 vintage coat the boof wow i probably butchered that but you know what it looks like a very nice piece of steak don't know what it does cuz i gotta get hungry but in the meantime until we get hungry we can go ahead and make the next best thing which is gonna be oddly some realistic string right click to leash up any entity while leash they can be dragged around with you and then right click again to unleash the entity i'm gonna leave something let's take off the arbor for now just so i don't kill anything while i see it but what about this spider let me leash you real quick oh oh i leased him oh i'm tracking him oh what the heck how do i release the leash then oh so it's literally like a little leash how bad oh wait we ran out of hunger so i guess we'll eat the big old potato all right potato give me some good stuff holy absorption okay i definitely gotta get more of those for when i fight the dragon and with the carrot we get night vision nice not bad anyways now that we have the realistic string i guess we can go ahead and try to make a realistic bow what that is not very realistic at all fires arrows very fast send your enemies out in a blaze of glory so uh is it like this oh okay well i'm not sure how it's very fast but it's definitely an explosive arrow oh yeah okay all right so next thing is gonna be oddly enough with the crossbows so i think we do one of these then we actually use a normal crossbow in the middle and then with two more realistic string we should be able to get a realistic crossbow that looks just like a normal crossbow i not sure if this is kind of a scam but either way it says it fires bolts that hit the target after a brief delay the target goes boom so boom no wait don't follow me oh oh that's actually really good all right well i'll take it why not and i guess with that being done guys i guess it's finally time to go to the nether get some another right items and then we can finally get the long-awaited realistic netherwight item so now that's done let's go all right we're inside now i need to either some piglens or some blaze rod so where is a fortress first i'm gonna go for the netherway right after i get that oh here we go okay hello blazes i need your blaze rod so i'm i could technically just stand here but i want to see what the realistic diamond axe does literally you'll need one more blazer on and then we should be good we are way too overpowered right now okay last one i think that was it come on come on oh wait actually axes oh okay so the axe ability is literally causing axes to go around me in 360 circles slow blaze powder not bad okay so what i got to do now is definitely do some enterprise trades where is a penguin when you need them oh okay i see some all right no take that take that in oh gosh don't kill me don't come don't kill me don't kill me take some of those and take some of those all right in the meantime i'll eat some steak which uh i like mine medium and regen five nice actually while we wait for them we might as well go ahead and start mining for the next thing i guess let's go into mine right click it oh gosh oh okay well i know what it means now when it says occasionally finds netherrite scraps when mining netherrick because just from one mining session we're gonna be getting seven netherright scrub which is gonna be more than enough to go ahead and make one netherey inga and now that we know the power of the realistic diamond pickaxe i might as well just spam this real quick and get as much another one as i can this is insane let's see how many more ingots we can make i should probably go back to the overworld actually because uh we can only make two nether right ingots okay so nothing from this guy and this guy oh okay wait two stacks of interpol is not bad now that i have everything i need though i should probably get out let's go ahead and put the blaze powder in that's gonna be twelve bites of ender all right six nothing right ingots and i think we could get a little bit more so let's real quick do that and grab some ancient debris and never go wrong with some ancient debris i used to be a piece of ancient debris but you know then i uh it wasn't ancient anymore so that was kind of new so it just happened sometimes but all good though doesn't bother me too much but just like that that is the ugliest way of making death right but just like that like i was saying that is going to be eight nothing right gets which i think we don't need anymore after that so with that being done let's actually go back to the overworld and uh place on the plans deal and now we're good here we go okay it's good to be back so something i actually forgot to do a while back that i meant to do was actually make a realistic gamble with three anvils and just like that we get a very hd looking realistic gamble hold crowds to charge up a throw on uncrouching the anvil is thrown and the throw distance increases the longer you hold crouch okay turns out steve is pretty strong and let's see what it does oh my gosh that's a very strong anvil all right i am definitely gonna be keeping that one okay wait so for realistic netherrite stuff do i do this oh that works that looks really cool a realistic netherlight sword an upgraded version of the diamond sword of course and it says did someone ask for explosions with that i guess i'll just right click oh okay we now have the power of netherride blocks what the heck okay now we have another right soldier very nice oh and it doesn't like bees okay but now that we're done with the sword let's go ahead and do the pickaxe next so what these two we're gonna be getting the realistic netherrite pickaxe an upgraded version of the diamond pickaxe featuring a larger dig radius and a surprise in the nether wait what does it do in the nether oh my gosh i don't even know if i want to go back to the nether because this is already insane i guess we'll go ahead and upgrade everything else we do have the axe next so i guess now for the axe and just like that we get the realistic netherlight axe send netherright axe shurikens all around you can i ask you another question legit guys i have no idea how any of these are realistic anymore but i guess what happens if we right click oh we throw trees we okay well if we ever need trees guys we now have all the trees we'll ever need and i assume that when we hit something we'll be getting the shurikens which is a bit wild but with that being done let's go ahead and get the shovel version and just like that we get the realistic netherlight shovel super buff radius heal you and kill all the stuff coming to attack you it's in all caps now so i'm guessing it's very serious and it's very hd very cool looking like look at these things guys like it's i'm pretty much playing real life like look at that anyways uh i guess we'll right click what happens oh so it's definitely a bigger radius and i'm gonna assume that whatever is inside of this will pretty much die so with that being done there's really only one more thing we can do with the netherite and that's gonna be with our diamond armor let's take it off and now let's let them update cover me and debris very nice now we have every single piece of the realistic netherlight armor and they all say the same thing going a up oi listen here and here look okay so they all say an upgraded version of the diamond armor set effect featuring increased damage range and fiery so i'm guessing we get the body lasers again grants a special effect in the end so this is definitely the endgame armor which i'm very curious what it does because we also have extra lines on the boots and the pants where it says could also charge like the iron leggings with increased distance and speed oh that might actually be very good and then with the boots we get can also double jump like our boots no limit on the number of jumps okay this is gonna be very good when we put this on holy all right so we got the little forcefield and now we can just jump oh my gosh that is very good and we even have an explosion when we land nice so now that we have everything ready i think there's only one item we have left and that is gonna be with some tnts so let's find some tnt real quick oh here we go okay let's make sure not to explode it though is there anything okay i guess we're not figuring out whatever is in the chest never mind anyways we got the tnt at least now that that's done now let's go all the way back up and actually craft it so oddly enough the last item we're gonna be crafting requires diamonds and we have zero diamonds that is very tragic guys so uh i actually gotta go down and find some diamonds real quick wait is this guy gonna mind bedrock oh gosh if he mine's bedrock this is not good oh diamonds all right well we didn't have to test that at all because now we at least can get some diamonds and so now for the final thing all we need is four diamonds right there and then with two tnt we're gonna be getting the final item which is gonna be the realistic tnt boots sprinting while wearing these boots will place lit tnt at the user's feet oh gosh and blocks below the user are unaffected tread carefully wait what the heck are these like nuke boots oh oh no oh no okay this is not good at all so it literally just causes tnt to happen definitely a little bit dangerous so we're gonna put it on the hot bar for now maybe we'll need it for later but with all that being done let's go ahead and throw the eyes of ender and find where this portal is wait where'd the eye go oh that way okay nice all right time to follow uh i have under okay i just went back and i'm gonna assume that it's down here so might as well let's go to usainville okay so it's somewhere around here so i might as well just dig straight down i'm tempted to press right click oh why not let's do it oh gosh okay he found it it doesn't look like he found the portal room so he didn't break it at least oh we just found immediately okay good thing i have 12 eyes of ender literally if i had one short i would not be able to go to the end but finally with all that being done guys we can finally go by apparently the realistic dragon which i'm not sure what to expect but i think we have everything we need so wish me luck and here we go okay we are inside it says normal engine dragon for now but sometimes it ends up being something very weird oh okay yeah that is not the normal dragon well to end off the challenge guys we're gonna have to fight that literally very hd dragon over there and before anything i think we should go ahead and break all these pillars so let me focus on that okay i think that should be it oh my gosh we're doing so much damage literally i can't even use my sword this is gonna be the fastest fight ever the dragon doesn't look like he can pack a punch but i think myself is just way too good wait is this gonna be it i think we may have just got it there guys and that is gonna be it for minecraft but we can make things very realistic that was a very weird challenge for sure and with all that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed it go join my discord right now the link will be on the screen right now and besides that here's a video just like this one bye guys you
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 2,595,355
Rating: 4.9113002 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but crafts, minecraft but crafting is realistic, minecraft but crafts are realistic, realistic minecraft, 4k minecraft, HD minecraft, real minecraft
Id: UuLvquxGlsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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