I Survived 100 Days in a COOKIE ONLY WORLD in Hardcore Minecraft

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we all can imagine a normal minecraft world now imagine it overtaken by cookies and the god himself well in today's video i will be surviving 100 days in a cookie only world when you break one of these cookie blocks it acts like a lucky block meaning it could give you a random item and if you're lucky enough it could even give you diamonds i have three main goals for this video one is to defeat the ender dragon two is to defeat the wither and my third goal is to build myself a cookie castle so i can have somewhere to live and if you guys are new to the channel please consider subscribing i hope you guys enjoyed the video and this right here ladies and gentlemen is the cookie only world i'll be surviving 100 days on and look i basically camouflaged with the entire world you can't even notice me but i can't mind the cookie blocks with my fists or the candy cane looking sugar trees and look what they did to my leaves it's like cotton candy i'm okay with that though cause i am a sweet tooth but in order for me to mind this i'm gonna need some tools and you might be wondering why the water is so white well it's supposed to be milk hopefully it doesn't get rotten by the end of these 100 days but anyways we got lucky and found ourselves a village with real wood and some cows looks like i don't need these anymore but let's steal me some wood and there's all the tools i need let's also steal this bed and kill this iron golem i also realized getting dirt might be really hard in this cookie only world so i'm gonna steal this farm and look at the milk just pour everywhere that's hilarious the sun is setting though so let's go to bed and now let's finally mine the cookie blog and see what i get oh we got me a piece of iron and some grass let's see it does act like a randomizer though so i do get oh i got diamond let's go my first diamond ever already on day two but let's mine out a whole section and see all the different items i get and this is everything that i got for mining 4 diamonds 18 gold 7 ender pearls and a lot of iron and you might be wondering why does my head look so big well i actually ended up getting my own head for monitoring the cookie blocks and three cakes that will feed me for three minutes well i got unlimited supply of food now and mining these candy cane trees i get a bunch of sugar and actually different types of wood which would be really nice for building what if i mine these candy cane leaves what do i get oh what is this i got a lollipop oh yes you get leaves for mining these blocks i'm gonna spend some time cutting down this entire forest and see what i get and with all of these trees cut down i didn't get a lot of wood i did get a lot of sugar though by the end of these 100 days i will be over 9 000 pounds you know what let's make a separate chest and collect all the sugar i get this entire 100 days and by the end let's see how many double chests of sugar i can fill up but i'm gonna continue mining until i get enough diamonds for a full set of diamond armor and tools and there we have it we have full set of diamond armor and my tools and a huge dent in the ground aha i cannot forget a shield now i'm gonna spend some time to go around this entire village with some fences to protect it from all the zombies because i'm gonna call this my home so let's get started [Music] and there we have it after two days i finally surrounded the village with some fences and trust me it took a lot of wood and now let's move all of my stuff into the village so i can call that place my home ah this looks like a pretty abandoned home let me take over this house and there we go i'm fully moved in and i ended up finding a cave in this cookie only world and imma spend some time trying to find some coal like right here so i can make some torches that light up the entire village so no mobs have spawned inside it and it's pretty hard to spot the coal is also cookie textured so it's pretty tough to find but anyways let's get myself some coal [Music] oh i ran into a spider spawner oh there's two name tags in here too and the saddle i've never seen two name tags in chess before imagine there's one in here oh there is one in here too i got three name tags and two golden apples but i'm actually gonna break this because i don't really like spiders hey i'll take the chests though i'm so cheap i don't want to use my wood and a mine shaft this would be a really good source of wood oh and there's a creeper okay i'll let him blow up yo the creeper blew up the cookie blocks and it gives me all the items that gives me a really good idea for something i can't do it just yet though but later on in this 100 days and there we have it two stacks and a half of coal and now let's start lighting up the village now i think i'm gonna start building my own house instead of living in the villagers home because i feel kind of bad so let's clear the area right over here and i actually want to terraform the ground a little bit because it's a little bumpy and not too smooth though so let's make some cookie blocks using nine stacks of cookies but let's start expanding the ground and smoothing out the land and there we go the ground is a lot bigger and flat and now can build a house on top of it it looks pretty empty right now but trust me once this house is in place it's gonna look amazing and let's start working on a layout for the house here it's gonna be a pretty simple house design pretty much how i built all my houses in my videos all right this is the layout i got so far it's pretty simple but if you guys wanna build the same exact house that i did just pause it right here and copy out the layout i got a stair going up to a simple door a small little window on both sides and just some cobblestone on the ground and on the side of these stairs to add some more color and now i'm gonna expand the middle part only and i'm gonna keep the window parts a little lower so i can make a cool rooftop that slants downwards obviously i'm gonna need to strip these logs now let's build a quick furnace and let's smelt my sand for some glass and while i wait for that to smelt i'm gonna start working on the rooftop for the house and now i'm finished my house it's a pretty simple design but i think it looks pretty good i'm running seriously low on wood though it's really hard to get in this cookie only world so i'm gonna spend the next couple of days mining these sugar trees to try to get some wood and most of the time it just drops me sugar or a different type of wood i won't use but let's get chopping [Music] and there's my collection of wood after two days of mining wood all you basically get is sugar and some candy but the inside of my house is kind of boring and dead so let's start decorating and decorating it with the floor now that is true decoration and to make this house a little bit better you guys know what i need to add exactly say with me the leaves and this time i'm using jungle leaves because you know what i have it might as well use it and i spent the entire day of day 20 all the way to the night placing leaves all over my house and each and every single block was artistically placed it's an art form guys placing leaves you guys should learn it now let's add some glass in the windows and there's my chest room with all of my stuff and over here i'm actually gonna make a separate area all for my sugar and my candy and might as well put my heads right here so this entire village knows this is the cookie house and i'm pretty sick and tired of living off of cookies even though i am a cookie eating my brothers and sisters isn't really my cup of tea so let's start working on an actual farm [Music] and now let's grab some milk buckets and this should feed my crops hopefully they aren't lactose intolerant because this is the weirdest thing i've done and let's plant my three potatoes and my 11 wheat seeds and now i'm gonna go for the hunt for some lava because i think making it wait i found another spider spawner and there's another name tag in here with a golden apple and some gunpowder this would be really helpful soon ooh here's some lava somewhere ooh i think we're getting close to some oh yes jackpot let's take this let's put down my milk buckets and my lava buckets and there we go we got ourselves a cobblestone generator finally a normal block and i spent the rest of day 22 mining some cobblestone so i would have enough to build a brand new one one that would be a lot better all right let's start working on the brand new stone generator let's put a chest here four hoppers behind it two blocks on the sides of these hoppers like this let's make a little wall surrounding it let's grab some milk and put it right here just like that now let's have a little slot of milk right here and build up and right underneath here are the four hoppers now you simply place lava buckets up here and there we go we got some stone i should probably get a sign though and place it right here so no milk pours out and then well bam now we got a stone generator and every single time i mined it it does get burnt and it goes right into this chest now i have an infinite amount of stone we went through a whole diamond pickaxe already and that should be enough cobblestone for what i'm about to build and you know what i'm actually gonna build this as high as i can maybe this will help with the problem that i have every single time i built this thing and yeah i'm pretty high up now just kidding let's go higher you know what because i can because i can and you guys are probably wondering why am i so high in the air well i'm here to make a mob farm so i can get enough xp to start enchanting my tools so let's get building and just like that i completed the mob farm all right let's take my sword and kill all these guys for xp it looks like a ufo so high up in the air but i got level 30 and a bow with some arrows and some gunpowder but to enchant with my 30 levels i'm gonna need a chapman table so let's go on the mission to find some sugar cane wait i just realized there's no sugar cane in this world so instead let's start breeding these villagers and try to get some librarians so i can trade some emeralds for some bookshelves and in order for me to breed these villagers i'm gonna need some beds and luckily i do have one sheep over here but i need another sheep and i'm gonna need some wheat as well so i can actually breed these guys and steal more of their wool so let's go explore the cookie land and try to find another sheep so he can breed with a sheep in my village here we go hello buddies come with me might as well grab these guys as well all of you guys will have a new home soon i'm almost there this is taking a pretty long time all right and in you guys come welcome to your new home what the heck look at this fence i just glitched minecraft as she was walking past and i tried putting a fence down and he was right in the middle of it and i just cut the fence in half this is you walk right through it too that is so weird but now i got all four of them inside the new pen and let's boatmail all of these carrots up so i can feed these villagers all right let's give this villager some carrots and hopefully he'll spread it around let's breathe these cheap i wonder what happens when a white sheep breeds of a black sheep you get a gray sheep wow i would have never guessed and let's cheer them up for their wool thank you and now i can make some beds and now my plan is to make the villagers a new house for them to only breed in with all the beds there so that is where all the magic will happen and i'm just gonna tear down this entire house because like it's already a mess and i'm gonna replace it with a big house just for them to breed in all right i got the line cleared out there should be enough room to build a nice house and let's get started uh [Music] this is what i got so far for the house i got the windows done the interior is basically done and i'm working on the roof right now but i'm slowly running out of materials i'm gonna fill up the top part of the roof with spruce wood and i'm gonna need some more cobblestones so let's go grab some more wood this chop chop time all right that entire tree on mine that only got 30 pieces of sugar not a single piece of wood i got one stick well let's get going all right a whole inventory of sugar and not a lot of wood this is gonna take a while i'm gonna need a lot of spruce wood now let's add to my sugar collection chest it's getting pretty full and i didn't get that much wood but it should be enough to fill up the roof over there all right let's fill in the rooftop now since i have the spruce wood for it and finally the villager breeding house is complete it looks a little bit weird with the jungle wood but at least the roof is complete and now let's place the beds in right now i only have three beds so let's grab some more wheat and let's breathe these guys up and while i wait for these sheep to regenerate their wool i'm gonna continue harvesting all of these carrots so i can feed the villagers and while i wait for the villagers to breed i'm gonna make a pathway connecting my house to the villager house a little ascending bridge just so i don't need to climb up these nasty cookie blocks now i'm actually gonna go exploring a little bit i've been in this savannah biome for so long and i really want to see what like a jungle bomb looks like in cookie form so let's go run around and see what i can find yo i found the ocean guys an ocean of milk this looks so weird it's just white stuff okay that sounded even weirder but there is an island over there i'm kind of curious to check it out so let's grab some wood from this tree make a boat and off i go with my boat to brand new land i made it onto the new land and found myself a desert village and it looks pretty big oh yes hey there's hay let's start collecting this up i can finally move on from cookies and eat bread oh god that is a lot of wheat and there we go four stacks and 11 pieces of bread i don't need no potatoes no golden apples and no more cookies i can eat bread now okay maybe i do need the golden apple but since i'm at this brand new village let's steal all of these beds so my village at home can grow and expand while this village dies in pain that's kind of cruel but i'm sorry these villagers are doing quite well there's a lot of villagers everywhere so they don't really seem like they need the beds oh geez look at all of these villagers standing out here not knowing what to do because i stole all their pets my whole inventory is full i'm sorry guys i'm not a thief i will return them one day maybe in the next life let's head back before the sun sets yes i hope you guys are happy because we have a lot of beds now it's just never ending it goes on forever best for days marcia's day nights and bam now that is a lot of sleeping area even a bed the size of this can't even fit my 400 pound life but it will fit the villagers now i just need to plot them with more food alright did a lot of farming and let's give these villagers some food and you guys better make a lot of babies and now we shall restore the village population and the cookie village should be back and thriving within days all right let's harvest some wheat here and let's breed all of these cows i'm gonna need some more leather to make some bookshelves i only have two pieces of leather and i need nine in total in order to make one bookshelf and that's all i need how many cows do i have here i have seven cows in total including the two baby cows if i just wait for the baby cows to grow up and each cow gives me one piece of leather i should be good so let's afk for one day until those two baby cows grow up and unfortunately i'm gonna have to slaughter them everybody say your last goodbyes to my girlfriend and her sisters but now let's breed all of these cows since they are fully grown and i'm sorry kids but you guys won't be growing up with a father or a mother cause i'm gonna need leather give me your leather and i'm sorry cows but the leather was more important now that i have leather let's make three books and now let's slap these lecterns down and hopefully they take the job there we go and let's replace these lectures until i get some bookshelf trades come on guys all right we got bookshelves for nine i'm guessing it could go cheaper hopefully these are nine all right i'm guessing the lowest they can go is not an emerald or one bookshelf so let's grab as many as i can and that's my first ever trade on the cookie only world but i do need more emeralds and i think the best way to get emeralds is just to mind the cookie blocks since there is a small chance of me getting emeralds and let's start mining again and hope we get lucky and get a lot of emeralds and this is the massive hole i carved out i ended up getting more diamonds than emeralds the only time i don't want diamonds but hopefully it's enough to get myself bookshelves for a level 30 enchantment table and i don't think it is because i only have five bookshelves in total all right what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna try to lower his trades by turning him into a zombie villager and then curing him and hopefully his trade will go down to one emerald or at least get a little cheaper so i can get enough bookshelves to make a level 30 enchantment table so let's grab some water and let's find myself a lava pool oh i found another oh i found an amethyst cluster with a minecart inside it this amethyst geo just engulfed this mine shaft what's inside this chest hopefully something good oh a golden apple some rails some more bread i'll take some more food but let's go i finally have another block to build with i'm gonna collect all of this up [Music] now but there is a spider and i do need an eye to make it fermented so there we go oh i found a lava pit nice nice let's put the milk down and make some obsidian and now let's collect the stuff for another portal because i need some blaze rods to make a brewing stand and there we go we have 12 obsidian let's take over this guy's house this is my house now and let's turn this house into a nether portal yes there we go now let's try to grab some flint from this gravel here oh first try second try third oh my god i'm the luckiest man alive i got three pieces of flint already and we're bam and i need to go to the nether to get myself a mushroom to make myself a fermented spider eye and some blaze rods let's go all right i spawned right on oh my god i spawn right on top of a tree on a island floating oh there's another fortress right there there's another one over there hold up there's two no chance no shot there's two i've never seen two nether fortresses so close together that is insane but there are a lot of piglets over there so i should probably go back and grab some gold okay all i need from these nether fortresses are like a couple pieces of blaze rods and i should be golden but let's make my way over there i try not to fall into the lava here it's kind of dangerous doing this though and let's not fall down into those hoglands because hoglands are scary all right let's end the pearl all the way up there okay we just made it hopefully there's no hoglands anywhere i'm gonna build up just in case and there's another fortress and luckily for us there is a blade spawner right up there why was that advancement so late but let's head on up there to get myself some blaze rods oh they're up there come down and here are the blazes let's get myself some blaze rod so i can make a brewing stand and get potion of weakness and i'm out of here i got 15. let's head back and try to find some mushrooms now yo yo yo there's one brown mushroom right up there no way let's grab that there we go we got the brown mushroom alright time to head home i think my nether portal's over there somewhere because i do see the nether fortress so let's end the pearl down onto this tree and yes right there and let's just uh walk climb here and let's ender pearl onto there hopefully don't miss please don't miss i just saved myself and bam and let's head home let's power it up and let's put some fermented spider eye in there and that should give me there we go potion of weakness now you just gotta put a piece of gunpowder in there and it's gonna make it a splash potion there we go and i got myself the golden apple all right this is the guy i want to turn into a zombie villager so all right i just need to get him into a hole so he doesn't infect any other villagers there we go let's trap him in some glass just in case so no other zombies get infected like that all right he is contained now i just need to bring a zombie into here somehow so let's just make a pathway for only a zombie to get in to make it the gate pathway go all the way here which will have an opening to the outside and now we just gotta wait for the night to come alright the night is coming up and let's wait for some zombies all right here we go are these husks or zombies i think that's a husk but hopefully he can still infect the villager oh wait there's a zombie in here already okay goodbye husk i don't need you anymore you are useless we already have a zombie in here somehow okay let's free the villager let's trap them in here and infect them go get them go get them no not not me oh my god decide decide who you're gonna infect you stupid zombie let's try to trap all these villagers in i'm sorry villagers but you guys are going to be trapped for the night i bought these guys in and now let's let the zombie inside and hopefully he can't infect the other villagers come on in all right okay let's block them in here and in fact that guy what are you doing not me go go get the villager oh my you're dumb go get the villager go get him okay and let me let me run out of here and hopefully he infects him or something let's give them some time alone and there the zombie goes infecting the villager and bam now we have the villager zombified all right i heard him get zombified i think and yes it is okay let's kill this zombie here let's throw the weakness potion on the zombie and let's give him a golden apple and now he should turn back into a villager and have really cheap trades that is the goal at least so now let's wait and see oh and there we go he is cured and let's wake him up and see all three emeralds for a bookshelf that is actually really good and it is daytime so while i wait let's do some more mining for emeralds and after a bunch of mining there's a lot of cake down here so i can expand the cake collection and also mine into a mine shaft so i have mine so deep with this thing let's add these cakes down and now the collection is getting pretty big i did end up getting 20 emeralds though so let's head over there and let's start trading with this guy three how many can i get six and that makes a total of 11. so i'm pretty sure i can get level 30 now it's either 11 or 13 bookshelves i need let's make ourselves an enchantment table and let's actually make a special enchantment table room so i think i'm gonna tear down this house and redesign it to have a specially made for an enchantment table and some anvils or something now that demolished a villager's house i think i'm gonna make an underground bunker or something for the enchantment table that means i'm gonna have to fill up this entire milk lake so let's grab some cookies and make some cookie blocks and let's fill up this entire milk lake but minecraft seriously needs to add a cookie block into the game like it needs to be officially added and there we go the lake is gone does anybody else see that villager bathing in milk anyways now with the lake on it seems like i have a lot of more room to build with all right but i'll be making some sort of underground enchantment table design so if you guys want to follow along i'll walk you guys through it all right first off make a pillar with some spruce logs or whatever logs of your choice and strip them like usual you guys know i love strip logs i'm gonna make a pathway that connects to my existing pathway here and on the top of these put stairs facing each other like this and at the bottom right in the middle put another slab and just to fancy it up i'm gonna take a lantern and bam now i'm gonna break some blocks on either side and it's gonna be four blocks i'm gonna put some stone brick at the bottom and it will be nine blocks across and now we just connect them together at the back and you should have something that looks like this now i'm gonna put two blocks of logs on this corner here strip them and a slab on the top and do this on every single corner once you're done that line up the wall with some leaves just over top the stone brick or whatever block you use and now slabs on top of the leaves and this is what it looks like so far with two of the lamps on the sides once you have it mined out a little bit let's bring the staircase down enough so it could go underground and i'm gonna have to mine out some more all right here we go i finished up the wall so it looks a lot better so it's not just cookie blocks and now let's make a little design for the staircase little path thingies i'm so bad at explaining things and now i'm gonna have to dig the staircase even deeper but before i do that let's add something nice over here on these little sides and i think i'm going to simply add some amethyst to replace the cookie floor i'm not sure what else to add but i really love this block so i'm going to use it you guys can put anything you guys want though whatever fits your taste and there we go i'm happy with that once you have a big enough area carved out just make a little platform out of blocks i'm using spruce wood and this is where your enchantment table will go now take your enchantment table i'm gonna slap it right down in the middle take your bookshelves and i'm just gonna simply surround it like this bam bam and i'm hoping to be level 30 it is not but all good we could keep adding it to the top now i'm going to add some spruce logs on these corners right here now i'm going to replace the walls with some stone brick on every single side and now of course you got to add a leaf wall come on guys you have to add leaves to every single build or else is not a good build let's come up with a cool little design right here and let's put a lantern on these two corners there we go and for the entrance i'm just gonna cover it up with some slabs and you know what i'm gonna replace this stone brick with some logs and there we go the engine looks a lot better now you walk down in and there's my enchantment table i'm also going to put a glowstone block right here on these corners with a trapdoor and leaves on top of it so it looks like a little planter but it's actually just hiding a nice little light source and with these empty slots i'm gonna fill it up with some bookshelves and for the roof i'm gonna make a simple glass design just so i can see the sky and get some really nice sunlight inside the enchantment table room just to make it really fancy and there we have it there's my brand new enchantment table room underground i think it looks pretty good let me know what you guys think but my enchantment table still isn't level 30 yet and only have two emeralds so i'm gonna do some more mining and get some more emeralds while i wait for the sun to set and once it's nighttime i'm gonna try to lower the trades even more with the villager all right back to mining the cookie blocks let's get me some emeralds all right that was an entire day of mining and i didn't get a lot of emeralds only have eight the good news is i did get a lot of cakes so let's add to the cake collection at least there's one positive and the cake population is expanding steadily but let's try out my new method of mining that i've been waiting to do since the beginning of the video let's grab all the gunpowder i have and let's grab all the sand that i have and now let's make some tnt i can't remember the last time i've ever crafted tnt before it's been a very long time but this is gonna be so worth it so let's craft this i have 42 pieces of tnt now let's grab the tnt i have in here which makes 51 and have some more gunpowder actually and nine more almost a stack of tnt now let's get some flint and steel since i don't have redstone and let's do some more mining with tnt and let's start strip mining so i can line this whole thing up with tnt and explode it all up i'm excited to blow this world up all right let's line it up with tnt and now let's light it up let's go go go run away run away oh my god and there goes the entire mountain and it seems like a lot of items came out of those cookie blocks let's go take a look oh my god look at that there's like three diamonds right there there's like four emeralds over here oh my god that is a lot of stuff okay let's try to collect everything that's valuable here there's a lot of diamonds a lot of emeralds exactly what i need oh my god it's non-stop there's a lot of cakes though holy cow this will be a nice addition to the cake collection but there we go we jumped up to 22 emeralds with only using 45 tnt that is pretty insane and a stack of diamonds oh man this is a cheat code and now let's fill up my entire inventory with cakes and let's place all these cakes down let's add to the collection i finally transferred all the cakes that got from blowing up the mountain and this is what it looks like so far it doesn't look like a lot but trust me that's like a double chest of cakes at least and this insane method of mining is so efficient all you need is one piece of tnt and he gets so much in return look at all of these items are diamonds emeralds cookies milk there's blocks everywhere i should have done this from the beginning aha yes look at this and let's collect it all up let's go and this is everything i collected almost a stack of emeralds and almost a stack of diamonds and then this peasant material but i'm going to save my last pieces of tnt to go mining in the nether to get another right armor and now i have enough emeralds to trade for enough bookshelves for level 30. these are the enchantments i got they weren't really that good i just stuck with the first enchantments we got paints of arthropods in this one that's completely useless but now let's grab myself some more food and start on the new adventure and that is to get myself net the right tools and armor luckily i did get a lot of gunpowder from grinding xp up there to enchant and a lot of sand from tnt in the ground so that means even more tnt oh i just love blowing stuff up 46 oh i have 19 left as well so 65 pieces nice all right i'm back and i have no idea why there's a mob happening over here i guess i'm a celebrity or something and they were excited to meet the cookie god but uh please get down all right i'm on y12 i think that's the best place to mine for ancient debris and let's make a long strip mine and i'm gonna line it up all of tnt and it kind of sucks because another rock turned into cookie blocks so it's kind of difficult to mine all right here we go let's start putting down some tnt and we're finally at the very end and let's light it up oh boy boom all right here we go go is going all the way down all right i'm not seeing any ancient debris oh i see one piece right there um and that's about it well that wasn't so successful all of this tnt'd and it only got what two three pieces of ancient debris oh there we go this is gonna take a while well let's keep going [Music] and with a stack of tnt i got 17 pieces of ancient debris and a ton of valuable resources that's not too bad let's head home yeah that is a lot of resources i'm gonna have to make a diamond beacon soon and with all these cookies i've collected i have to make a cookie castle by the end of these 100 days but now let's smelt up all this ancient debris let's grab these nether scraps and let's make some netherrite ingots and now i can turn all my armor into netherrite now we are set to defeat the ender dragon and now with this netherride armor i should be ready to fight some wither skeletons to get some skulls for a beacon but to up my chances of getting one i'm gonna try to get looting on my diamond sword but i don't have 30 levels or lapis so i'm gonna take my emeralds and trade with this guy give me all of those lapis and let's get some xp by killing some mobs and now let's try to get looting hey we got looting two on our second try though that's not bad i think i'ma stick with that since i have so many diamonds might as well make some more diamond swords and let's try to get looting two again so i can just combine it with this one all right i finally got looting two and sharpness three on this sword so let's combine these two and let's call it the cookie sword bam looting three charmanders three sweeping edge three alright let's find me some wither skeletons to kill there it is my first wither head two more to go [Music] oh nice to meet you sir oh go away nothing in there plug them off and let's grab this alright now that i have soul sand and three wither skeleton heads i should be ready to fight the wither and get a beacon all right let's run super far away from my base so it doesn't get destroyed by this guy alright i should be prepared let's get my boots on i do have a bow and it should help me a lot in this battle and some golden apples just in case let's put the soul sand down and let's spawn him in the wither is in let's run and try to take some cover away from him and load up my bow and there he is let's kill him oh my god oh he moves fast oh man this is actually a great way to get items hold up i should have done this a while ago i could make the most op item generator with the wizard he's just shooting the blocks and it gives me all the items this is amazing i might have to keep him as a pet what should we name this with her guys put some names in the comments below okay let's actually kill him he's healing up another arm is doing me really good though he's coming close to me let's use my sword adam come on oh no i'm getting low oh no oh no it's not good okay eat the apple oh my two hearts get the apple again okay we should be good now oh my god he's doing a lot of damage i'm close okay he's pretty low oh i'm low too go go go two and a half hearts he eat one and half part okay i'm good and he's dead that was a battle and i got the nether star that battle was a lot closer than i thought it would be i am back villagers and alive did anyone miss me okay i guess not but now let's make a beacon and how about we make a diamond beacon because you know we have a lot of diamonds and it's gonna be pretty easy to get around three stacks of diamond blocks if i have tnt so i'm gonna grind up the mod farmer a little bit and some sand so i can make a bunch of tnt to get diamonds [Music] all right i ended up getting a whole stack of tnt that took me an entire day but i'm gonna do this mining in the nether actually because the nether is also made of the cookie blocks and it will give me some diamonds but at the same time i could also find more ancient debris so it's kind of killing two birds with one stone and let's start lining up the nether with tnt oh whoa i ran past ancient debris i didn't even realize i'm so distracted with my phone i'll leave it there for now all right that's 32 pieces of tnt down and let's light it up ah yes look at all those items come down yes life is so easy when you're a cookie god where you can turn the entire world into cookies it's amazing and let's collect all of the items let's see how many diamonds i get and i ended up getting a stack in 10 pieces of diamonds from 32 pieces of tnt and one ancient debris one is better than nothing all right and here is an entire stack of tnt what do you want get out he's gonna steal my dog he's stealing the gold bruh that's my goal get in there get in the hole let's start collecting all of the resources now and just two stacks of diamonds yeah that isn't a lot let's take all of my diamonds now and let's turn them into diamond blocks and i totally forgot how beautiful diamond blocks are look at this it's so beautiful i only have 45 though only that's not enough for full beacon so i'm gonna mix it up with blocks of iron and gold and let's make the beacon now let's start working on a huge cookie kingdom castle thingy let's turn all the cookies i have into cookie blocks and i have so many cookies because you know i can kind of just poop them out and i'm actually gonna build it right beside my village right over here but i'm gonna flatten this land right here so i have enough space to build the kingdom let's get started [Music] but first off let's actually build the beacon of the diamond blocks and iron i think it's four blocks high like this and i'm gonna be cheap so the inside is going to be iron blocks and the outside is gonna be diamonds it's gonna look all nice and rich from the outside but the inside's gonna be poor and there we go a full diamond beacon no i'm just kidding i had i had to go cheap on the back side i didn't have enough diamonds guys and the inside inside's all iron but hey let's let's not worry about the small little details and let's worry about the actual beacon and bam there we go and i think i'm gonna get let's try to get haste two let's see if i can break blocks instantly and not just yet but maybe if i have efficiency five it would be instant let's grab another pickaxe let's get some more lapis and let's try to get efficiency for there we go and let's quickly combine this to get affinity five and now the moment of truth let's see if it's instant and oh yes it is yes it breaks instantly oh yes i could probably easily get a full diamond beacon now but i'm running out of time i still need to kill the ender dragon anyways let's start working on the castle part it's gonna be a pretty simple design like usual i'm gonna use some chiseled stone like that it's gonna be pretty much the same design i always go with because i'm not creative and i suck at building strip all this down let's put stairs and let's fill it all up with cookie blocks so be like a big cookie window now let's put some stairs to finish off the window i'm gonna put chisel stone and now i'm gonna make it look like a castle like this putting slabs on the top and a few little decorative pieces like trap doors up here and some fences with some lanterns on it will just make it look a lot better and let's take a look bam there we go the cookie castle it looks pretty good already now do the same thing on this side all right and there we go now let's work on the little entrance way into the castle and there we go we got the inside beam complete maybe just like a trap door in the middle trap door here and trapped over there fences across the very top with lanterns hanging on the sides and i do need to add a touch of leaves just because that also is the theme of my videos and i'm also going to line up the back of it with gold because you know why not we got the resources for that let's make a little curvature design kind of like this and there we go we got the entrance into my castle where the cookie god will live and if you guys didn't realize that cookie god is me and to change the floor a little bit i'm going to put some oat slaps to cover up the cookie blocks just so it looks fancier and there we go the castle is complete well not quite because if you take a look at the back side it's completely empty and there's nothing i will complete it but i'm running out of time because i still need to defeat the ender dragon let's go alright i think this is everything i need to defeat the ender dragon before i do that though i have to add my cookie heads on my cookie castle because like what am i going to do with them and it looks amazing all right my heads are in place and let's quickly go find the end portal i'm already on day 99 and i'm just now fighting the stronghold i'm not sure if i could even make it in time yo i'm finally running into new volumes i ran to a swamp bomb and there's actually vines i'm missing the color green in the nature but no more distractions let's keep going i'm i'm pretty close i think it's been like a thousand-ish plus blocks let's throw another pearl oh it brought me back okay i'm pretty close oh it brought me back again okay it's right underneath me somewhere okay yeah it's right down there let's get digging am i finally in it i am not where's the stronghold it has to be here somewhere i'm pretty low oh okay it's right there stone brick finally yes we are in oh geez the whole stronghold is broken and floating okay let's find the portal oh aha found it break that okay and there's already two placed in i have eight let's flap them all in and let's make i think i need four more oh two okay i just wasted two all right let's eat the golden apple and let's all right i've made it into the end and the end is also cookie blocks everywhere the entire place is all cookies this is insane and you guys know the drill shoot all the end crystals and i think there's like two more left up there so i'm just gonna build up it makes life a lot easier there's one more all the way over there bam okay oh there's another one actually missed a lot and that should be all of them so let's jump down oh stinky breath and let's eat a golden apple just in case and let's go in go right underneath his head slap his head oh he set me up and it's time for bow and arrow time all right let's shoot him up he's just breaking my pillar bruh he distracted on the wrong thing buddy he's already halfway health that was pretty fast oh i can't miss i literally can't miss my aim is just insane he's coming back down he's perching let's try to get as many shots in him as i can get him as low as possible and i should be able to kill him with just my axe right here slide right underneath him and hit his head and he's dead maybe that was probably the fastest time i've killed an enemy dragon ever that was like a couple minutes that was pretty fast and let it rain xp oh yeah let's right click the ender dragon egg where did it go over there let's go grab it it is mine now the dragon egg is mine and and i'm right back home hello villagers you guys missed me i didn't die and it is nighttime so it's heading onto day 101 but let's head over to my castle with the dragon egg and let's slap it down right here right underneath the beacon and there we have it we are day 101 this was extremely fun let me know in the comments if you guys want 200 days in a cookie only world and thank you guys so much for watching take care everybody [Music]
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 13,620,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore minecraft, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft 100 days, i survived 100 days in a cookie only world in hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days in a cookie block only world, i survived 100 days but the world is only cookies, 100 days but the world is only cookie blocks, i survived 100 days in a world that is only cookie blocks, minecraft cookie block only world, minecraft 100 days survival, acookiegod, acookiegod 100 days, 100 days minecraft hardcore
Id: KYzaDct1vqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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