Minecraft but Mobs are Monsters

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oh I bet you're wondering how crafty got into this mess there are hideous monsters putting the world in danger crafty's been selected to be a one-man Army I want equipped with Monster hunting weapons and gadgets okay to head straight into the belly of the Beast um eradicating all the forces of evil okay all right I'll do it Monster Hunter crafty ready for Duty ah yeah looking like a monster hunter nail huh I hear there's a spooky creeper in that cave tormenting the town and blowing stuff up or something don't worry citizens I'll take out this little creeper scared of a tiny little oh my gosh that oh goodness the Creeper's got arms that's cursed dude I don't like when creepers have arms okay okay he does he does it yet come on crafty be brave as long as ah see what are you doing in here buddy don't worry I'll save you sheep hey creeper buddy yeah you pick on somebody your own size oh gosh he's after me um what do I do dude I have no weapons oh goodness oh no I thought I was supposed to have like gadgets and stuff oh no no no run run stand back creeper what he just exploded well that was easy there's something in the dirt over there oh gosh is it a creeper's second form get ready for battle boys nope it's just Chester dude what's up buddy Monster Hunter Chester yeah now I'm feeling safe dude when Chester's by my side I can conquer anything except maybe my fear of talking to women I'll get there well our first mission is accomplished we'll use our Monster Hunter Communicator to get back into the shop come on Chester let's go back to home base into the mouth of the Beast and here we are my friends hey good job crafty you took that guy out but you're gonna have to do better than that here's your reward for that Bounty 50 bucks gear yourself up and take on the nasty mutant zombie I I opted okay I've got 50 bucks to spend here looks like I can buy a landmine oh my goodness yes please and I can buy a zombie repellent well that'll be nice what happens if I use it on you Chester oh yeah oh goodness he was not happy about that I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry he's looking at me like why come on Chester Let's Take on the next mob monster whoa guys looks like we have a graveyard on our hands hello Mr skeleton you're not supposed to be here you're supposed to be under there under one of these oh goodness ah zombie back up dude can you go back underground please I don't like you being up here oh goodness yeah a bunch of zombies are gonna start popping up huh good thing I got zombie repellent yeah get scared boys oh goodness except that skeleton isn't a zombie Chester get him Chester yeah now we're talking team ER boys he's dead repellent aren't you wait I got landmines yeah come on watch out Chester OH he's fine Chester is laying mine resistant as well as deodorant resistant he's a little stinky sometimes all right well clearly those guys are normal zombies I'm looking for a big monster oh this place looks terrifying we might have to go through this maze to get to the monster hey what's up buddy are you resistant to my zombie spray looks like a Chester I could use your help here buddy uh Chester I'm playing ring around the death Rosie over here let mine go yeah all those landmines are powerful oh buddy are you stuck here there you go come on we gotta find this mutant mob I might just go ahead and cheat this I mean I'm a monster hunter not a Maze Runner that was last video hello Mr monster zombie can you not eat my brains I don't have a whole lot of it left hello anybody Here wow get up Chester come on yeah smack em dude oh he does a lot of damage oh goodness nasty dude he shoots out this green ooze and launches baby zombies back up dude I got zombie repellent and I'm not afraid to use it come on keep getting them Chester landmine go ah I'm taking a lot of damage I keep spraying those zombies back that's a lot of baby zombies keep throwing out my land mines come on get them get him come on Chester yes back him up into a corner boom boom Adam dude oh nice job Chester that was terrifying and now we are king of the zombies Chester you shall be my jester make me laugh buddy ah yes what a hilarious joke Chester what is this a comic uh let's see here oh this is very nice we should hang this on the fridge come on let's get our next mission shall we the coolest way to enter a secret hideout of all time hey back in the grave with that monster here's your 250 reward no suit up for a slimy situation a slimy situation you say all right let's do a little bit of spending slime bait that sounds good to get oh we gotta fight a monster slime this is gonna get weird dude I did not bring a change of underwear but that's all right Bedrock boots all right let's buy that as well back to zero dollars it's fine I didn't like having money anyway ooh the Bedrock boot smashes mobs I jump on all right let's put on those bad boys nice looking good a a little clunky but you know they're not the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn but that's all right ooh and slime bait lures slimy mobs as a distraction interesting come on dude let's do this thing oh my goodness what a castle ah slimy pillagers dude okay there's gotta be some kind of slime around here whoa check that out when I jump I make like a little explosion on the ground hey boys I got some slime bait for you yeah every hmm don't you love zombie arms or whatever that is yeah yeah oh oh gosh they do a lot of damage Chester help buddy yeah yeah yes crushing this yo Chester keep these guys company all right where is this monster slime uh not of the giant skull's throat that's where most slime is I guess hello giant mansion what's up boys oh he's after me he's after me ah there are two golden pressure plates here do I press both of them no uh Chester there might be some sort of puzzle dude stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop okay there's a door here and there's two golden oh I see what I gotta do hey boys come over here I got a secret for you yeah it's nice treasure it's a nice zombie arm to munch on come on yeah right over here and then just hop on this pressure plate just like this oh my gosh oh no they stepped on it yeah okay okay uh hello Mr Sly man step on that guy right there perfect step on that oh my goodness ah yeah oh that is so cool gentlemen I've got some gold for you to step on it didn't work hold on is there another pressure plate I see come over here yeah step on that pressure plate perfect okay is there oh my goodness there he is the Slime Monster oh oh my gosh look at him dude oh can I distract him distraction uh he is not he is not distracted don't worry my boots can take you out ah yeah can't grab me can you I'm too fast I'm not doing damage to him I need to get to Higher Ground okay if I can get to high enough ground and stomp on him I might be able to take this guy out or I can smack him with a stick that works too huh come on little monster I got some slime bait for you oh this is gross this is not gonna be an easy challenge but I gotta take this monster out oh perfect perfect and jump smash yes yes I've damaged them oh we've got em dude no problem call me Mucinex cause the Slime problem is taken out ask your parents that's a hilarious joke Chester where were you buddy uh yeah all right he looks a little traumatized are you mad cause I sprayed you with zombie repellent earlier Chester I'm sorry buddy I didn't mean to spray you I don't think you're a zombie look at those beautiful eyes so much more handsome than any zombie uh and way more handsome than that guy my goodness come on buddy let's collect our reward maybe I'll get 10 bucks this time hey a two thousand dollars we need to stop that slime into the dirt here's your two grand reward pick up some new items and face your next bone chilling monster bone chilling monster I think I know what that means Chester we might be taking on a skeleton okay well I got two thousand dollars oh interesting I could buy a slime launcher I figured I might well no that wouldn't have helped me last time right shoot slime just makes the Slime Monster more powerful I could also buy an orbiting Shield let's go ahead and purchase that as well whoa dude these are getting cool look at this ew the Slime launcher fire slime balls that trap enemies nice oh and the orbiting Shield blocks projectiles from any Direction that's so nice come on buddy let's hunt some monsters let's do this Skeleton Man whoa hey chill guys oh he's got some bodyguards can't touch me then can't touch me now can you hold on what happens if I use my shield oh oh sick dude come on boys try to smack me hey oh sick dude so if they shoot me I can shoot the arrow back at him ah come on hit him reflect it come on hit him what was that where are you aiming there dude yeah we got him oh this orbiting Shield's gonna be handy Monster Hunter Chester is ready for action oh yeah I forgot I have the Slime launcher as well oh my goodness so you may be wondering why I've gathered you here today let you know that you are all now a part of our brand new skin pack get skins based on your favorite videos crafty season 5 skin pack available now on the Minecraft Marketplace we're in the belly of the Beast now slime monster attack get him get him slime yeah you're stuck in there now can't get out of there now can ya oh it's temporary okay wait hold on can I hold my orbiting shield in the offhand yeah that'll make it nice and easy take that monster okay perfect now those guys are just the bodyguards we've gotta get past them and see if we can ah Chester buddy uh that is not a hot tub dude that is not a hot tub I'm not judging we've got to get past these guys and see where that monster is oh my goodness that's a far drop wait a minute can I turn these blocks into slime yeah I can okay sweet sweet so if I turn all these blocks into slime and then I do a big jump I might be able to reach it oh gosh get ready Chester to jump yes and can I jump up there oh barely made it yeah uh Jester yeah right buddy Jester oh gosh where'd he go oh well that's unfair Chester you can just teleport I gotta do all the hard work oh my goodness look at that guy wow that guy's scary I don't like this okay let me get across this real quick Chester do your teleporting thing or whatever watch out Chester buddy hey can I make it yeah crushed it dude we've made it hello Bunko would you oh all right well got a taste of his own arrow medicine huh I have no idea what this guy's power is gonna be so let's be super careful here come on yeah take the guards out hello Mr ow oh goodness gracious whoa whoa whoa chill chill chill what just happened man slime attack yeah smack him with slime is that working yeah take that dude oh no the Slime doesn't last very long oh always after me yes yes reflect the arrows back at him and shoot him with slime oh my goodness this guy's gonna be tough he shoots so many arrows man he's got like six arms what are your General Grievous from Star Wars yeah we are the monster hunters and you've been taken out not like on a date you've been taken probably to the underworld we've done good Chester even though you spend most of time uh biting at this block but it's cool I don't mind doing all the work you're cute let's get back to the base what kind of items do we unlock today hey hey whoa ten thousand you grinded that skeleton monster to dust here's your reward ten thousand for a job well done don't get cocky kid let's see how you deal with an Airborne enemy an Airborne enemy uh Chester stop eating my arm please looks like he's a little hungry interesting an Airborne enemy a chicken no probably a phantom right yeah Phantom let's see what can we buy with ten thousand skeleton archers bow I can buy nice I can buy oh Phantom fighter wings I like the sound of that looks like purple elf ears let's try them on oh sick yes yes oh I like this already yeah Chester I don't know how can you give me a push I don't know how to use this thing very well and yeah dude the skeleton bow locks onto enemies as well that's gonna be nice all right Chester oh well this was not what I expected a nice little pretty flower garden we gotta fight a flying flower uh no probably in this dark scary cave huh alright let's try out these Wings shall We There we go now I've got the hang of it no oh this is so pretty dude get ready though ah Phantoms there they are attack these heat-seeking missiles will take them out no problem keep zooming through no we gotta take out all the Phantoms those bad boys multiply like it's nobody's business ah oh gosh I gotta wash my head while I'm flying ow ow I haven't got the hang of this yet lots of phantoms I don't see any big bad boy boss yet this is so cool yeah shoot the arrows the Phantoms oh my gosh what is this man the Phantom Lair okay this is not good no this is very bad what is that man is there dragon in here take out the bantams fly in and do a couple of hits there we go oh my goodness what was that attack oh it's still alive not good ah shoot not the zombie get him Chester ow all these Phantoms hey stop it get em Chester ow okay I'm running looks like these Phantoms keep spawning I might have to just take out this boss ow oh little hearts low Hearts yeah did I get her yeah the Phantom Boss has been slain dude that was awesome Chester you like it in here nice and warm oh hello goodbye we're crushing these bosses Chester let's see what else we've got nice job taking that fluffy Beast Down 100 000 is your reward a hundred thousand jobs not done yet though hope you aren't scared of spiders uh I actually am scared of spiders too bad oh you can hear me no yeah okay well that's weird Chester buddy we've got a hundred grand to spend uh oh we can buy an arachnid disguise I'm just gonna look like a spider yep I'm a spider I'm a spider with wings yeah it's a totally normal thing and for 25 000 oh we could buy a venomous tranquilizer don't worry Chester I won't use this on you buddy dude but I will use it on you if you don't hit the like button yeah let's take down this spider hello spy there it's a spider get him okay not a spider whoa dude this place is actually kind of nice it's daytime don't mind me I'm just a fellow normal spider with wings I'm a a whole new tap yeah I'm cooler than you guys no that sounded mean I'm sorry spy there they bought it my spider disguise is working perfectly oh gosh there's a lot of them dude I don't know about you I kind of have arachophobia is it moroccophobia or is that fear of Maracas Arachnophobia that's what it's called oh no the secret spies with their laser vision they'll see right through my perfect disguise just gotta get back oh no they saw me no tranquilizer get him tranquilizer put him to sleep put him to sleep guys guys guys we can talk about this we can talk about this oh no this is bad this is bad no no no oh gosh they're Chester they know dude we've been made go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep hey all right boys okay okay are we cool are we cool they'll never suspect a thing no no no okay okay we're cool now we're cool now I'm a whole different spider with wings very different from the guy from earlier for sure oh gosh where am I going now ah okay no no it's fine it's fine I'm a totally normal dude gosh these spiders are freaky man ow what was that ah they've taken a bite out of me they know how tasty I am come on Chester and climb up these walls we gotta find the boss as quick as possible run run run run run run take it I'm so bad at this climb up the walls climb up the walls yeah I just gotta find this big boss and I'm out of here oh gosh yep that's him that's him for sure hello master yes I am your fellow spider here ow okay okay well either he's mean to spiders or he sees right through my disguise that tranquilizer go come on dude the tranquilizer's not working on him get up come on man come on yes forgot to mention those monsters May explode [Music] I'd run if I were you what explode all right all right I'm going I'm going oh there we go Chester oh he's good he's good he's chilling oh my wow yeah uh well they certainly exploded all right I'd certainly call that monster slain or is it Slade slay spider I'm glad you are right buddy that was a close one all right let's get back into our spy Hut how much we get for that one it's got to be a pretty penny half a million just barely made it out I see yeah you could have warned me ahead of time here's your half a mill reward you think you got what it takes to take down the monster that rules them all uh gonna be honest with you no not really but I'll try I've got half a million dollars to spend we can buy ourselves the web shot looking cool very spider-many I like it it's very tiny that's a very expensive toy gonna be honest with you it looks like a toy you get a like McDonald's oh that's looking better we could also buy an end sniper look at that dude oh now we're talking whoa I could like scope with it Kaboom okay I like this and I have a web shooter for some reason sure man let's do this the end oh my gosh what the heck is this dude oh this ain't no ordinary end is it ow wow what the heck no thank you man that's a that's a scary looking monster okay oh man he can snipe me dude oh no this is not good man hold on let me recoup for a second here ow hey yo bro Chester where are you man okay okay we're fine we're fine Chester no no don't get distracted we got a big boy boss to battle he's making a noise over there it sounds like he charges up his sound attack or something all right Chester we gotta look for weaknesses oh his attack doesn't go through obsidian that's helpful there are the crystals up top we could take out there are so many of them though dude oh looks like I can use my webshot to sling over things hello my boy show them looks like I can't do any damage till those crystals are taken out all right let's snipe them we'll set up camp on top of this Tower here hey can't touch me now can ya you can't go through obsidian come home oh perfect all right scoping on the crystal land boom easy peasy yeah we can snipe from up here and take out those crystals oh this is so cool man I like this sniper yeah take them out and you can't do anything about it can you Mr Ender uh Ender Groot he looks like kind of like Groot from guardians in the Galaxy well and hit my toes sorry did uh calling you strike a nerve there we go keep taking out the crystals perfect that's really far away can I hit that I gotta get closer all right I'm coming come on Chester be careful buddy he's charging up his attack come home only a couple more crystals there we go boom is that all of them only one more yeah ouch well that was a mistake and let's try this again shall we come on come on come on one more shot run run run run run run Chester his sound wave okay okay it's just you and me buddy who's gonna make it yeah we've got em dude yeah a million dollars hey no stop stop stop pleasure working with you you're a genuine Monster Hunter keep this reward you deserve it ah we've done it Chester We are Monster Hunter millionaires um wait hold on how do I get home hello this spider suit is very itchy uh guys well I'm a millionaire and I'm stuck in the end fantastic
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,996,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, minecraft but upgraded, minecraft funny, minecraft meme, minecraft marketplace, minecraft mod, minecraft skins, mob, minecraft mobs, minecraft mob
Id: zB1qCtLONg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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