Black Hole vs. Security House Battle - Minecraft

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what he says a black hole will form today so take shelter is this some kind of prank Mikey we're in trouble a black hole is about to appear seriously don't black holes suck up everything around them that's right we'll get sucked up too if we don't prepare [Music] we need to hurry up and build a black hole shelter let's hurry uh where should we start come on Mikey I don't know wait I just remembered I have something that might help ta-da oh I've been saving this for an emergency now seems the right time and let me show you check this out well what do you think Mikey is this Bedrock yep Bedrock is pretty much the toughest material we can get if we use Bedrock our shelter will be indestructible then what are we waiting for you're right there's no time to waste let's start building yeah hmm here we go first we'll need a place to build this spot here should be good I agree I like this location it's at the edge of the village not too close or far away hurry JJ we don't have much time all right sorry let's get to work hmm what's up Miss way sure whoa watch out for gravel while you're digging Mikey Roger that gotta Dig Fast hurry up I'm hurrying good the black hole could form at any time hurry that should be big enough now let's line it with bedrock like this yeah if bedrock can't stand up to a black hole then nothing can that's right I just hope it actually works uh don't worry Mikey Bedrock is completely indestructible but it might be a little boring if we only use Bedrock maybe we could add a window yeah that looks nice we're making good progress I think we'll be ready for the black hole nice our shelter is almost done one more block all right that's it we're officially safe I guess it needs an entrance too we have to get out somehow we can't forget about that this hole should do the trick and then I'll add some water at the bottom that'll prevent any fall damage looking good let's add a ladder so we can get out finally the door goes right here that should do it that door looks really tough it should be nice perfect what next I could finish up the entrance okay it doesn't need to be big it just has to cover up the hole and be easy to use something like this looking good that'll do the trick now the entrance will be nice and safe plus it will be extra visible [Music] sweet it's official our shelter is finished when the black hole forms we can dive down into the entrance yeah and once we're inside we just close the door behind us perfect seems pretty good to me yes but before we can say we're prepared for the black hole huh well when it shows up what all of our stuff in the village will get sucked in oh which means we need to move all our valuables into the shelter you're right let's hurry [Music] let's decide what to bring with us maybe the enchantment table and the furnace definitely really we should take all of the furniture sure why not that includes the beds of course those are important and we can't forget the TV obviously the shelter might get boring oh let's take the armor stands with us too sure just don't forget the armor I know that just making sure what else hmm oh Mikey we forgot to check the Vault you're right let's go this way we'll use the secret entrance to get down here I go right behind you whoa here we are let's open it up nice we've saved up quite a fortune in this chest not bad we're rich yeah let's grab it we'd be pretty sad if the black hole sucked up all our savings so we're bringing it with us let's go nice and safe in our shelter is there anything else here we should bring I don't know why but I want to bring this torch why not next up let's take some food I almost forgot you know in the shelter for a while so we'll probably get hungry should we bring some water too might as well right Mikey I don't see why not there's still food in the village we could take all right let's grab it food is really important if we don't take it the black hole will speak as much as we can definitely we don't know how long the black hole will last well that's everything let's get to the shelter come on Mikey we have to hurry phew we're safe now that we're inside let's Place everything we brought with us like torches I'm glad we brought all this stuff with us yeah we're ready yep we're well prepared for the black hole the double chest will fit there and this armor stand can go next to it that's a good spot now let's put away all the valuables I'll start with the armor and everything else goes in here that makes sense gold emeralds and diamonds everything we worked so hard to collect let's store the furniture too nice and safe yeah that includes the TV I don't think it'll fit anywhere else it feels good to have all our important things safe in the shelter definitely now our beds are safe too what next I don't know what else did you bring all I have is food then let's store the food and water food can go can go in this chest throw in everything that I picked up great open all of my food in there too awesome that's a lot of food yeah I think that's everything put away are we done in this chest we have all of our furniture and valuables right we also have our Armor Plus we have all the food and water we could need for a really long time I think we're ready we have all the important stuff finally let's get all the villagers into the shelter yeah all right it's time to get everyone here to safety how are we gonna do that I'm not sure but we have to try oh no no way it's here we're too late the black hole is here we need to get inside the shelter now we're right behind you hurry now to close the door we made it whew we're safe it seems like things worked out is that supposed to happen yeah I'm on it hurry come on there we go it's we're saved sheesh good job we may be safe but we just lost so many valuable things her armor and treasure even her furniture oh it's all gone why me oh no it all got sucked up by the black hole it's all gone forever this could definitely be worse worse oh we still have our food and water as long as we still have that we'll be okay hmm I guess you're right Mikey maybe things aren't so bad for us the spirit JJ whoa what happened was that the black hole oh how is that even possible it's so dark I can't see a thing yeah hang on I'll give us some light thanks what happens now we are officially doomed uh somehow the black hole sucked up all our food what are we gonna JJ I don't know if we stay inside the shelter everything is within the black hole's reach but it actually gets worse than that Mikey black holes keep growing which means their gravity only gets stronger so bigger oh no no and even if we stay inside the shelter the black hole will swallow us what are we gonna do I hate to say it but we're all out of options there's only one thing we can do what we have to push the black hole away what push it away is that even possible maybe I have an idea follow me to the surface how can you possibly push away a black hole I'll explain everything once we get to the surface let's take it very carefully wow there it is sheesh the village is ruined be careful Mikey you're standing way too close for comfort so how do we push it away well Mikey here's the plan I think this spot here is still outside its reach oh so I'm gonna place a bunch of TNT here like this TNT yep what are you gonna do with that we're gonna detonate all this TNT all at the same time whoa my plan is for the explosion to hit the black hole if my calculations are correct the exploding TNT will get sucked in by the black holes gravitational pull I with enough TNT the black hole will be sent flying into the distance wow is that really possible to be honest I'm not sure but we have to try it let's do it all right then here goes nothing yeah okay it's lit stand back oh come on can this plan really work whoa look no way it's working I can't believe it we pushed it away we did it's moving farther away where's wow what a relief no kidding it's on if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time foreign
Channel: Maizen
Views: 1,625,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: _GiBQ08-2ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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