Minecraft, But It's Extremely Realistic...

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minecraft is a game which is is not really known for having very good graphics but if we take this world add a realistic texture pack and some shaders to go with it we get something that looks so so much better and i made the trees more realistic the mobs and on top of that there's brand new areas to explore also guys we are currently speed running to three million subscribers and i'd like for us to get there before happy kids tv nursery rhymes does so please please help me to win this race first thing on the agenda is to get some wood i know i've said it before but this place looks truly amazing look at that over there is that a dog i think some sort of dingo but it looks pretty cool before i go any further let's just craft a bunch of things get some tools going probably gonna be best to dig straight down that's it look like stone galore make myself a stone pickaxe nothing much has changed in that department and i need food i don't know i feel more better than a little more real all right well you've got a baby i'll leave you alone you on the other hand have wandered too far what have we found here a beautiful village might as well steal a bed and don't worry i didn't change the look of villagers that would uh that'd just be creepy there's not much this village can offer except for the fact that i'm going to steal part of the house and the reason for that is because i'm very hungry hang on a second i see hay bales these will now be turned into bread and whilst i'm here this golem well he's got to go you can never say no to free iron i will plant a poppy in your honor let's take the wheat turn it into bread and pick up this furnace villages are cool and all but i'm sure there's way better things to find like that i'm going to go ahead and take a guess that this place is very very dangerous oh my goodness i did not know there was a creeper in it for the positive side of things we have found some iron things are getting a little bit dark but i found some more let's set that off smelting grab some more wood and oh my goodness it went dark very very fast and trust me i will be staying up tonight now i can make a chest plate a shield grab even more iron craft some leggings and finally some boots and with that i think we're ready to take on the tower at least i will be ready if i could find a way in ah i think i found a staircase now then what do we got here another furnace i'll take that there's actually mobs everywhere this sport those mob spots i'm just going to run i'm just going to leave it i think this is a yeah it's not a place i want to go however there is a place that i do want to go and that is net's website who have sponsored this video neff has partnered with minecraft to make some brand new merch and there's eight items in lots of different styles and designs to be honest it's the kind of merch which is actually quite stylish and quite sleek but still features those iconic characters from minecraft it's available in lots of different sizes and available at retailers like zoomies tillies and nephedware.com so there's a link in the description which you can use to get some awesome pieces of clothing and accessories and once again thank you neff for sponsoring this video and now i can visit yet another village this guy seems to be stuck there you go mate go on i guess not it wasn't stuck after all but i'm still stealing the wheat what is this another cave i really want to find some coal everywhere i go i find loads of iron but never any coal in it it's too dark to see ah there's some pieces right here and with this i can create some torches smelt some more iron which finally lets me make a helmet and since i've already stolen loads from these villagers i'm going to steal their torches also this algae is super annoying like i can break it very easily but it is very annoying this chest was a bit of a let down but on the positive side i found more coal now i've got torches i feel ready to head into a cave apparently coal is everywhere i just didn't look properly i don't know what you're doing down here mate but if i were you i'd i'd go back i'm so sorry that that don't blame me for that you try to help a guy and that's what you get i don't think i mentioned did i but caves are also very very realistic well they're realistic in the sense that they're nothing like vanilla caves whilst i have found more iron i'm not really sure i need any it just feels so much more claustrophobic in these caves let's deal with this creep but last time it didn't go so well though when i met a creeper i do feel like caves have so much more depth though looks like we have a spawner here let's get rid of that and the chest has cold and a bucket actually that's kind of useful what have we got through here oh my goodness there's loads of love doesn't look so so much better than a normal cave can't believe i went caving and forgot to bring water oh my god i just i just realized i was stunning i was gonna say wow look at the redstone we were literally on top of diamonds at least i think it's a diamond let's mine it up hold on a second nine pick that'd be a very embarrassing mistake indeed it may only be one diamond but it's a good start and i think this is iron is it iron it is yeah blackstone iron ore if i wish to go any further in exploring this place i really need to get some water and unfortunately you can't pick up this stuff might as well keep grabbing i am going to see it i have to say everywhere you go down here there's just iron oh my goodness look at this enderman we're going to make a boat and then put him in it like that there we go and let's get rid of him oh we got an underbell my biggest fear has come true i have got lost in a cave so my best option is to just dig my way out it's nice to be back at the surface let's get some water and keep exploring the world it doesn't get more picturesque than this does it speaking of picturesque who the heck are you guys i'm guessing flamingos you get black flamingos i have no idea but i'm just going to keep sailing and there is land up ahead oh my goodness spiders are the creepiest thing i think i've ever seen i've i'll be honest guys i'm scared of spiders in real life and now i'm scared of them in minecraft too look at this a tiger okay it's a tiger that's going to attack me are you kidding me tigers are endangered species all right you don't attack me i will attack you i'm going to carry on sailing into the sunset new land once again and some new building in fact there's loads of them and is there's a pillager what what's attacking me it's these stupid warthog things they also move incredibly incredibly fast there we go we're safe you guys on the other hand okay hold on are we safe as we're saying you guys not so safe if we're gonna run sack that place i'm gonna need some new stuff that means making a brand new axe a shovel dealing with these very very creepy spiders we're also going to collect plenty of blocks because we're going to need them and now we're ready ready to run suck the place starting with this guy who's got his rocket powered crossbow yeah that's that's pretty dangerous so here's the plan first disable the spawners collect all the loot that comes with that oh my goodness diamond helmet don't mind if i do there's more spawners here let's get rid of these i hear fireworks which worries me a little bit and there's more gold here and a chest full of iron and another ender pearl nice this is actually such a good place for getting loot whenever it goes there's like a barrel it's got a bit of looting okay oh my god i do not like those guys had to deal with them in the past and usually they are a nightmare because yeah there's about 17 of them now just see fireworks everywhere i'm going to break any spawner i see the loot of this place has been kind of decent but let's be honest that must be the tower with all the good stuff so that's where we're going okay i'm now down to half a heart things have got a little bit hairy i've just blocked myself in i think i'm kind of safe here got my health back let's get rid of this spawner and work our way up this is spawners everywhere and barrels full of loot so the good thing about this is i'm getting loads of xp things are a little bit busier up there oh my god protection three nice i'm just gonna build up the outside a little bit oh you're there as well how on earth did you get there let's upgrade that let's just carry on the next staircase i'm just gonna keep running the problem is i keep getting blindness which then makes me run slower so it kind of is very annoying it's just chess everywhere look at oh my goodness look at this i'm so rich okay i need i need to grab some of this stuff this building is ridiculously opaque need to take a moment to heal quickly there we go let's upgrade the armor to diamond create some iron ingots that could be wrong but i i think they discovered where i am once i head through these doors yeah anything could be waiting for me i'm just going to keep running oh i know i've lost my speed okay now things are going to get a bit a bit awkward not sure what's going on here they seem to be hitting each other oh my god they can kind of glitch through i don't understand these guys sometimes i think the best option is to just go right past this guy's the guy that you need to worry about he's got his rocket launcher and everything so i'm guessing one of these is the real one and you have to hit it no you see you hit them all and they don't work is it the one that hits that shoots the arrow there we go we got him and look at this more great loot and finally a golden apple this building just seems to go on and on forever and i need a new shield go ahead craft that i've decided it's time to use the outside made to the top and oh my goodness you guys again i am sick to death of you guys let's get rid of this spawner once the spawners are gone life will be easier oh my goodness this there's a lot of those okay you know what i'm i'm jumping now that i have three diamonds i'm making a diamond axe and i expect these higher up areas to have some of the very best loot probably everything i've got i'm gonna get out of here which i think i could safely do by jumping in the water if this goes wrong oh dear it's gonna go wrong no it's okay this house seems pretty safe golden apples i'm not sure about all these cobwebs but we can just get rid of them with water and my inventory is just full of all this stuff i have no more space so instead i'm going to make an anvil there we go then i can start putting these items together i'm feeling pretty good full diamond armor i think it's time i explored more of the world it seems that we've come to a desert and is this what i think it is yep it's a little crab look at him go he's very very speedy okay but i don't know what i think this is all i know is that it's a massive structure i can't see a door so i'm building up what is this place it's not what i expected it's pretty empty there must be some enemies guarding okay there's enemies in there these freaking spiders again please get out of here quick check in this chest okay there's some good stuff it's worth getting i'm just gonna have to do something like this this is this is risky okay that works though and now i can peacefully loot this chest and to be completely honest with you i don't like this place i'm getting out of here just a little too dangerous for my liking you'd think i'd be a bit braver with full diamond armor now this is more my kind of place a lovely little village gonna steal the food it could come in handy it looks like this village has a new structure okay what is this why do i feel like going down here is some sort of disaster okay i'm floating um what on earth is happening so if you walk down the well you you float back out is that is that what goes on doesn't get much stranger than that it would be cool to explore more caves look at this it's like a gloomy dark sandstone cave what we got down there lava this time things are different because i have a water bucket which kind of looks mesmerizing over the lava so i shall explore this place to see if i can find diamonds cave generation here is so much more exciting is that lapis and this diamond i think this is water what on earth is going on was that creeper that walked up behind me it is water though i was probably extremely close to death just then but this is going to be all the diamonds that i need and i'll grab lapis since we've got it right now and these caves are so weird it's like magma and water and what a place probably a bit dark for you to see as well son i'm leaving this place what is this is this this is a mine shaft but a way more exciting mine shaft actually i take it back about the mine shop being way more exciting it's kind of small and underwhelming and now that i'm completely lost i think it's time i dug my way out of here and it's usually it's quite dark i should sleep and continue to explore the land see something over here what is this is it some sort of buffalo are you are you friendly can i eat you i'm not gonna do that doesn't seem like the kind of place to really have that much good loot yeah nothing nothing too exciting here's something a ruined portal i think it makes sense to turn my gold into blocks another golden apple and some obsidian and when i grab this one it'll just add to the stack looks like we found the red trees way more exciting than boring green ones everywhere i don't get why vanilla minecraft can't add dams like this look at these trees that grow down under the water like a more exciting version of a swamp it's another one of these random things but i still don't know what they do i feel like if i had an elytra they're floating upwards could be quite useful other than that they just kind of seem very random what on earth is that a bee that is terrifying actual bees in minecraft look way more cuter than this these are some very random mountains but hey free coal and i now have a stack of coal which i think is going to be enough let's also get rid of these tools and upgrade myself to some much better stuff still haven't found a new structure i just keep finding random places like this that look amazing another ruined portal very carefully grab the gold and two golden apples pretty good what is this upper head it looks like a pirate ship i'd better prepare for a battle i'm getting it by drowned with a trident what's going on first thing i need to do is get out of the water now that i'm up here i need to get rid of those spawners this is probably going to be easier said than done but let's do something like that and break it quickly break another one i don't know what's going on but i'm floating time for a golden apple i think well these guys have tipped arrows that must be what it is kind of feel like i'm getting destroyed in this battle but if i sail away i'm pretty sure everything should despawn and then when i go back it'll be easy pickings can get rid of this spawn i think everything has gone at least above the ship come to land i don't know what these what on earth it's some sort of strange thing floating on land looks like we've got another camp here might as well deal with these fellas and enjoy the free loot it's not really worth staying there this on the other hand looks way more exciting time to start climbing the staircase up here we have a chat oh okay you know what this isn't some nice stuff i'm gonna take this opportunity and make a sword add fire aspect to it that's going to be nice and we can also make an efficiency 2 pickaxe this tree was definitely worth clearing to the top now then what's going to be the best way to get down i say take no risks i'm going to take a slight risk there we go we can make an mlg and we have another ruin with plenty more gold to collect and more obsidian and these guys well you know what i want to get my revenue right did you take out a chicken as well you've got to be stopped and what if we got over here on this side it's a very fancy windmill on this side we got an evoke are you kidding me so if i take him out does that mean that i managed to get myself a tone come on did he drop one we did get a totem oh that's brilliant and here's the entrance okay i'm gonna use that totem a bit sooner than i expected at this rate let's see what this place has to offer we have got these guys but they're pretty simple with some loot in the chest which isn't that impressive and it's quite dark i should oh my goodness that village looks amazing in the dark oh yeah i should probably get some sleep i could bridge over there but hey we've got into pills we might as well make use of them hopefully okay that was that was a little bit risky but we're going in straight away spawners is that a vocal sport i just punched him out in the winter you know i don't like this one bit i'm just gonna keep moving um look at this brilliant we just we just did the old wrap around that guy survived are you kidding me right you ain't gonna survive any longer mate get out of here okay i'm one hit away from using that tome i'm gonna eat my last golden apple vexes are without a doubt the worst mob ever the real question oh he did drop a top i was going to ask did he drop a tom so we've got two of them now not a very good place for a village to visit right next to that but at the same time what a view they've got to look at i've seen another pirate ship and this one looks even bigger than the last one so i'm gonna need to try a new tactic and that is to sneak in the inside place is a bit dangerous i'm getting arrows of fire shot at me and everything got a little bit hairy there but i made it out alive i'm just going to leave this place i don't think it's worth the risk this looks like a brand new biome to me apparently the sierra range and look at this a classic vanilla shipwreck and these can still be great for getting well i was going to say for getting good luck but to be honest that's that's a big letdown maybe the buried treasure map can make amends okay well it's literally right where i am so that's a good start this has to be the easiest buried treasure i've ever got in my life and you know what that is even that's well that's a lot better let's just put it that way still didn't take most of the stuff because the abuse for most of it what on earth is this you guys again everywhere i go you're here can't seem to find the door there we go we found the door do i want to be in here i don't know there's about seven of these guys let's just block them off no one half a heart this evoke a guy i've got to jump i've got to do it we got to land this there we go let's just get the water and get out of here i'll give me totems lost something hit me you know what the sun has set so i think that's a pretty good time to end the video and if you'd like me to continue this series make sure to leave a like i don't know like a hundred thousand likes and i might do another one
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,889,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, op items, op, minecraft op items, hardcore challenge, minecraft but, realistic, realistic minecraft, real life minecraft, rtx, shaders, extreme graphics, real minecraft
Id: kqqEfB-VZJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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