I Survived 100 Days as an EVOKER in Hardcore Minecraft...

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i started life as a normal evoker living in a massive mansion and stealing from villages but then one day a new threat arrived many tried to stop it but every one of them failed and so this is the story of how in 100 days i became the greatest ever evoker and saved the world so this is my room and i am fresh out of resources look at this i've just got nothing but junk these guys aren't willing to give me anything now you know you're you're pretty useless so instead i'm gonna have to get my loot the only way i know how by finding a village and starting a raid although just to get me started i'm going to grab myself a little bit of wood then i can make tools and i can use my powers to deal with creatures like this yeah i'm an evoker you guys don't stand a chance also before it goes too dark i'm making a bed and going to sleep and now the search for that village continues looks like we're coming into a desert but i still don't know where a village is i think it's best if i grab some wood craft a boat and sail across the water in search really i'm having a whale of a time finally i have spotted a village up ahead now before i actually go and attack it i want to check out this ruined portal which okay well nothing too exciting but more importantly i want to grab some stone and then i can actually cook myself some food otherwise i think i'd be a little bit worse for wearing this battle and now i feel ready ready to destroy this village the raid has begun and i shall watch the chaos unfold from here yes look at them go although it seems that their defenses are strong let's see if they can cope with these guys i don't believe it they survived another wave but this time with the ravagers they don't stand a chance i'm gonna get involved as well clearly these guys couldn't do it on their own that's right come and face my crocodiles i am the most powerful evoker in the world and now there's nowhere to run little villagers you think you guys can hide it with your golems think again oh no okay he's coming for me but he stands no chance there's no point going in a house little villager you can't run forever is that it if we defeated them all so you think you can hide in the wheat do you what a foolish thing that is there is no escape that's right villagers we are victorious they've been defeated now i can take all of their crops all of their resources and all of their emeralds then i can craft myself some better gear and continue exploring the land although we'll start coming into distance like some massive wait that's no ordinary mountain apparently it's home to black stone golems whatever those things are but let's be real how dangerous can they be against an all-powerful evoker okay you know what those guys they do look kind of dangerous oh my goodness look at the size of him i didn't even realize okay now that now that i'm close up to you yeah you're massive and there's more here wait do these guys live here and what on earth is that it's like some sort of void monster this is this is a very strange place they don't seem too bothered by me i guess i'm an evil thing as well so they're not hurting me so you know what whatever these guys might do it's not my problem instead i've managed to get plenty more food and resources so i'm just gonna go home although i've spotted a desert pyramid up ahead and a ruined portal down there let's first check this place out with the oh my god mate i am an evoker you cannot stop me slowly but surely i am becoming the most powerful of the evokers and whilst i'm down here i'm gonna get some tnt that was certainly very successful now i definitely want to get home as soon as possible although i found a ravine on the way i should use this opportunity to get some iron as well as coal and then i can smelt it and with that i have got full iron armor hello little creeper it's uh it's nice to see a friendly face around here and speaking of friendly faces it's now definitely time that i went back home here we are we've made it back to land and my home is up ahead somewhere in this direction yep there's the dark oak forest and why are blackstone golems coming into view is that is that my house what is going on what are you guys doing here why have you done this where is my family i have may have spared you guys before but this time you will face my fury oh my goodness i've just been hit by him now okay i've got to get out of here they're now all angry at me i'm so so weak okay let's just get out of here i'll pop a golden apple i am no match for those guys but i must get revenge oh my goodness they're coming through them for example what do i do but if i'm to stand any chance against these guys i need to find something and that something is hidden in my bedroom oh man he's there i don't even remember where my bedroom is okay is it over this way somewhere there is a chest and it it's not that one but you know that could be useful i think that's it over there of course it's at the opposite side of the mansion this chest was hidden under my bed and it has my totem which is only for emergencies and if this is an emergency i don't know what is and if i'm not mistaken we also keep an emergency diamond block inside this obsidian perfect i've made it in and there is the diamond block i can't really get to it but if i put a block here there we go we got it and now to send a bit of a warning message to these guys to not mess with me yes that's right guys you want to go against me you will meet your match i hope that hurt and now i'm getting out of here and i need to come up with a plan now the first thing to remember is i am an evoker i am the master of the totems all normal players have to take me out if they want to get their hands on a totem but i'm aware of the secret of how to craft them oh wow it's another village here i i wonder if they'll help me i know we don't see eye to eye but but i'm in desperate times hello friend um any chance of a sparrow okay what was that about in that case i i guess i'll just sleep in your bed i start to get the feeling that i'm i'm not really welcoming this face look look mate look oh my goodness that was my one and only totem now what am i supposed to do you see the thing is to create a totem you need another totem to make it from i don't know how to make one from scratch i think it's time i stopped messing about and went and got myself some diamond armor this cave looks quite promising although maybe not i'm just gonna have to dig down look at that a mine shaft and the area down here looks perfect for diamonds what we got in here well nothing too useful but i'll take the coal look at that we have found some diamonds already the mission has been successful and gold is another of the resources that i'll need in order to craft totems found some more diamonds down here and i've worked out the only possible way for me to get another totem you're probably not going to like this guys but i will have to take out a fellow evoker not something i want to do but those golems and that void monster must be stopped otherwise every mansion in the world will end up the same way as mine has i'm just doing what i have to for the greater good now in order to track down an evoker i'm gonna need some sort of plan phase one get full diamond armor and for phase two i need to trick a villager into selling me a map a map that will take me straight to another woodland mansion so to realistically pull this off i'm gonna need a brown mushroom some sugar and finally a spider eye then i can craft one of these and next i need a golden carrot the best way to find one of them get one from a bastion but we've spawned in a fortress but that's not what i'm looking for it seems that i'm not as welcome in this realm as i first thought but don't forget that i am far more powerful than you are i've spotted a bastion i'll craft myself a gold helmet so nobody gets upset and hopefully they will have some golden carrots all right guys are we cool i'm just gonna steal some of your gold okay they seem a little bit angry at me now and now they've calmed down yes i am one of you i really hope they have some golden carrots okay nothing in this one oh big step you know what i don't mind a little dance every now and again an ancient debris that could be very useful in my battle and so the search for the carrots continues thankfully this bastion is full of chests nothing in this one loads of gold to steal right here and more on this side as well and more potential chest right here finally it is mission successful now to steal the rest of their loot and get out of here mission successful to make it to the portal although i have just remembered i forgot something the netherwart is also going to be vital i also mustn't forget about a blaze rod this guy apparently drops as well make that two blaze rods actually and now there's nothing stopping me from getting invisibility i've almost got everything i need and they're brewing nicely but i've just realized i need redstone and there we go and now i've got everything that i need time to find a village also guys if you find that you're enjoying this video then please make sure that you subscribed it would really mean a lot to me at long last i've spotted a village up ahead now to create my disguise i'm gonna craft some shears carve this pumpkin and put it on is this guys working so far next i drink this invisibility and i am just a head that is wandering around hello good sir okay the plan does seem to be working next i need a cartographer and you look like the perfect guy you want paper say no more i'll sort that out for you why are you looking at me like that it's like they've never seen a floating pumpkin before look at this there's loads of sugar came round here i've got a decent amount of sugarcane but i don't think it's going to be enough so i'll also go and mine up plenty of wood so i can get plenty of emeralds let's level you up a little bit makes you want glass finally i'm gonna have to go and get you a compass these guys still don't suspect a thing my best bet for a compass is probably just to dig down and grab some diamonds whilst i'm down here then some redstone and even more diamond okay well that was uh i was a little bit baited wasn't it made it out in one piece at least that's not gonna stop me from getting these diamonds now to craft a compass drink more invisibility and obtain the woodland explorer map i think i've got everything that i need and the map is telling me to go a long way in this direction and finally after a massive expedition i found it time to put on my disguise and get myself another totem hello illa just do not be alarmed i'm just a normal uh evoker i reckon upstairs is the place i should go all right good sir i know as a fellow evoker you would never give away your totem but i have absolutely no choice there is no escape i'm not who you think i have no no i am i'm a regular evoker and now it is time to meet your doom that is right i've got the tome i gotta get out of here it won't be long before they realize something's up i'm just gonna make a daring escape into the water and i think the mission has been complete i'm sorry that i had to do that but uh i really was left with no choice and now to begin the first phase of this new plan i'm going to create a crafting table place it down here and then drop a totem on it and there we go we've now got the special crafting table and then if i mine this up yeah i just get the totem back i've traveled thousands of blocks to get here the quickest way home and to get to my emeralds and gold and everything that i need for the totems is probably to go through a portal there's no point delaying i might as well get on with it let's make the long long journey and of course we're in the worst by on the basalt delta it's actually one of my favorite biomes but one of the most difficult ones to traverse i've made it into the area that will correlate to where the village is but i've got absolutely no obsidian song we have to find a way to get some there's a nearby bastion over here might as well steal the gold just to start off with and hopefully there's loads of obsidian in the chests although unfortunately there was none in those chests or this one so this just down here is my last option also useless which means bartering is my best option so far from the bartering i've managed to get nine pieces of obsidian i do believe yep now i just need one more there we go we've got it and now to build a portal and head back now we seem to roughly be in the right area just need to head in this direction and there we have it the village is there and my stuff is here let's grab the gold and the emeralds drop this totem here and now we can create more by doing this we get a totem we can keep going and with the amount of emeralds i've got that is all i can do but look at this guys i can go ahead and create a piggling totem an enderman totem an iron totem whilst i know these villagers are quite scared of me i'm gonna make a load of glass panes keep well away from the golems and attempt to trade them with this guy before he runs away i think he's trying to get out but there's no escape that now he's running but that will allow me to make a villager totem and more totems in general feel like slowly but surely we are becoming more and more undefeatable if i can go out and find pigs then i can go ahead and create a pig totem and i think now that i've got all of these i'm as ready as i'm ever gonna be let's craft a new axe one more totem for good measure that's a with the one that's gonna be really good and then set off to get my revenge on those giant golems and there it is up ahead i've made it to land let's get all of my items ready and show these guys what happens when they mess with an evoker all right i'm getting some hits i'm doing the damage there's not much you can do from over there look at this we've got this guy on the ropes you know what i'm going in for some closer action okay let's just be careful though i have the power of the crocodiles and look at that okay that guy's down there is trying to get him but okay we've got to be a little bit careful oh my goodness okay i'm down to one heart i just got knocked off the mountain and he's gone blue wait what does that mean okay i wasn't prepared for this oh my goodness he just hit me with a rock i'm on half a heart what on earth i didn't know he could throw things at me i think he's picked another one up okay can we can we can we do this he's he's certainly causing me some trouble oh my goodness okay the wither totem has come in handy now the tables have turned mr olmag another one's gone okay okay i've got loads i can oh my goodness they're going through all my totems there's loads of items on the ground from those totems though i'm starting to think that maybe this little guy is uh maybe i'm just out of my depth i've got this guy down week but there's loads of them in here i don't really stand much for a chance it oh my goodness i think you know what i think i might be able to defeat one here this is a big victory for the evoker oh my gosh there's little guys down there what i didn't know that was not the end of it okay oh my gosh oh i'm stuck in a hole here okay we're all right we're all right no i'm not all right okay half a heart you think you can defeat me oh my goodness i'll get hold of them we got into pills out of that though okay okay we're good we're good we're good we're good i can wait i can do this there that's it okay we've lost them let's gather up these resources and we got some ancient debris look at this emeralds and iron galore this guy now thinks he can come after me take that wither look at him he's getting damaged now that's okay is it worn off already i'm just going to go all out on this guy all righty get on some big hit oh my god oh my goodness i'm going to pull over that way grab all this free food and then i've got to try and get out of here is that the void shadow wait can i can i hurt it i don't know it's taking a little bit of damage i think i don't know i don't know a really standard chance i mean it doesn't seem to be causing me any trouble can i do this oh my goodness what's been thrown i've been to all of them i i tried to get him close to that guy i think is that my last totem it is now just gotta get close to that void thing without the other guys going after me let's try under pulling up there and then i can get out of here i made it away from there in one piece at least but if i'm to have any success i need a new plan but i'll be able to regroup once i make it to the village so i'm getting close to the village but i've noticed some blackstone golems are loading in right what is what is that in the distance fire oh you've got to be kidding me you guys followed me all the way here what is your problem why why will you not just leave me alone and now they're all coming over here attacking me oh my god i've just gotta grab what i can and get out of here quickly okay i'll grab those uh grab my oh i've got too much stuff can i kind of hold him back a little bit take that oh my goodness no i just gotta run i have lost so much good loot there although the joke's on you guys because i'm actually actively encouraging destroying villages so i guess that part is kind of a bonus do i have minor fatigue oh my goodness and i left my diamonds i've i've just got to go back what's this a blackstone golem heart wait let's shift them right click it says oh my goodness wait i got some more hearts i don't know if this will make me more powerful but it's got to be useful isn't it all right guys we could do this the easy way or the hard way oh my goodness they're going the hard way i'm going to lure them over this way then quickly run round grab my diamonds pearls gold okay that's good that's all we can do you know what yeah i've just got to get out of it and now i need a new plan that new plan is to defeat all of them by getting way better armor and way better gear and then i'll take out every single one of those golems no matter what it takes i think my first task should be to craft another totem then i've got one spare that can go in my offhand and next i need to find some lava actually never mind i've got obsidian i'll just build a portal because where i'm going i'm gonna need blaze rods which means hunting down a fortress and at long last i have found a fortress and it is a little bit of an awkward one to get to although nothing that i can't handle and we still got that guardian of the blaze and okay arrows don't work on it well let's just go for the normal blazer although if i'm careful i can probably get rid of this guy as well maybe a good time for some fire resistance oh my goodness um didn't mean to run off there and that should be all the blade rods i need let's get out of here and whilst making my way to the portal i have found a ruined one over there just gotta make it across this terrain in one piece it's got basalt all over it but if i mine up some of this obsidian i can then complete this portal next up find the stronghold because that will be the key to me getting loads of op loot the eye is pointing me this way so let's make our way there as quickly as we can stronghold located it is an exposed one that makes life a lot easier there's already been quite a bit of decent looting here i think i should take the opportunity to make an anvil grab a load of books and also wood and then craft a load of bookcases portal room discovered let's add in the eyes and go get myself a dragon we are kind of far away on this platform but i brought pearl so that's not an issue and next to put this bow and arrow to good use and that is all the tower's gone now i want to set up this so that i can upgrade my equipment never mind i forgot to bring any lapis didn't i what on earth happened that i seem to take loads of damage really fast from the dragon's breath i've got enough stuff to create one more hopefully it's gonna be enough all right here we go the dragon has now been defeated and all this precious xp is mine now to mine up all this and head on through now the next priority has to be to find some lapis down here looks like a very good area i was right we found the lapis i could still do with a little bit more and there we go we have located some and some diamonds as well very nice i had run out of those so at least i can now make one extra totem and now the next thing i need to do is make a base a base that is fairly near to this island but hidden in such a way that they will never find it perhaps in a cave could be a smart idea oh yes up here is perfect if i just block up the walls and add some torches then we could have a very cozy little base and finally i can also upgrade some items get some sharpness on the axe aqua affinity on the helmet and feather falling on the boots else need to repair a bit i could probably do with more diamonds to do all that straight away i feel much more powerful health enough to take on those guys no not just yet there's still one more thing i'm missing before i can handle that nether right and you know what i'm gonna steal some obsidian right from their own back garden with this i can build a portal and then track down that ancient debris my only worry is that this pickaxe is probably not gonna last forever already this piston is almost broken and not a single piece of ancient debris so it's time to come up with a new plan firstly to block up my entrance then to travel back to the stronghold and then head to the end where i can purl across actually nevermind i need to go up there from here i can head on through and hopefully find then city pretty quickly perfect there is one up ahead although it is a very very small one so small that there's no loot here whatsoever all i can get is a few shulker shells and so the search continues first one's there and there's another one there although this one is also tiny and useless but thankfully right next door is a massive one and this one does have some good loot in it although it could have been slightly better although not to worry these chests are a bit more like it so the search for a pickaxe continues well that was a little bit stressful this time i'll be a little bit more careful not to fall and i'd see what loot we've got sadly no pickaxe but these electro will be very useful as i fly in search of the next place which is just up ahead now this is more like it finally although in this massive entity there was only the chests in there massive letdown and now that i found an end gateway i might as well head back and with this i can do a little bit of ambulance and now to go back to finding ancient debris there we go we finally got some and this pickaxe is almost broken i really need them breaking three although there is always plum b to grab some paper take out some creepers knockback is so annoying on the sword and then i can get plenty of gunpowder or even better i can just collect it up from here now let's craft these and find more creepers and all of that should be enough because i have a plan i can take this one single totem and surround it in gunpowder to get a creeper totem if i now fly up really really high and remove these elytra and boots i'll use the totem and look at this tnt galore next i'll make an iron pickaxe and go in search of a few more diamonds which are right here and use these to craft a brand new pickaxe go back to the surface next is to the crafting table where we can craft okay what has happened there used extra gold what's all about don't matter too much so i've got loads of it but let's make loads of this and another creeper totem then the exact same thing again and we get even more tnt then i take it down here place it down and light it up and the mission for ancient debris has been pretty successful and that's five more pieces all together now to set it off smelting make a smithing table then there are ingots and then the nether right armor you can't see it but i'm feeling good so good in fact that the only thing i really want now is just more levels something i can get by mining quartz and there we go i've made it to 33 levels now to upgrade this pickaxe and combine it with this one let's also do some combining with these although i'm a little bit short of xp still but with this right here i have enough there we go with all of my gear i think i'm finally ready to pay another visit to these guys down here well at this time my armor is way better as is my boat you guys do not stand a chance you may have knocked me in lava which uh i know looks like a little bit of a bad situation in fact it's a very bad situation at this point yeah there goes one totem i'll just keep moving i've still got one totem left maybe using the bow is a smarter idea although from here you can't knock me in the lava so uh the tables have turned my friend whoa okay you can knock me all the way up a hill though and give me the high ground look at that absolutely destroyed and now it's your turn big fella you can hit me with everything that you've got it won't be enough although the worrying thing is i've now run out of arrows it's like i'm gonna have to get up close and personal with this one okay maybe not that up close and personal well what's going on all right i'm out of arrows i'm about to use up another totem bat no i'm not you know what let's just get out of here asap okay now i've used my totem up let's just get out of there that's right you losers i can fly and that was just a warning i'll be back back with many many more arrows i don't want to stay in front of those guys but i'm not doing too well after that battle no totems left my bow is nearly broken and there's not a single arrow available so my first task is probably to find a bastion and this bastion can be used to get more arrows and also string drink to be used to make a second bow which can repair the first bow cut that brown spanking new pickaxe and all in all this has been a very successful mission with ancient debris now let's get out of here and head back home let's use the anvil like this there's a lighter probably end of the road unless it gets some phantom membranes now i've got above got 40 arrows that should be good enough to go back in there another totem would be ideal but if i'm careful i'm sure i can manage without it all right fellas look who's back for mo wait oh dear oh dear this is this is not good this is very very bad and i've got to get out of it they've been multiplying there's now at least two of those void shadow things i'm just one evoker how on earth can i win this battle i'm gonna have to come up with a much bigger and a much better plan first things first get more totems to do that i have to find more diamonds now that i have a fortune pickaxe this is gonna be even better i've already found some literally i've just come in there and there's one here but let's still keep searching there's a couple more diamonds here and we've got loads and more diamonds here 21 all together for me now time to get back home and the amount of totems i can craft now is beautiful i'm nearly out of emerald but if i go like this and make a villager totem and drown myself in this hole right here although i've just realized that everything will go in the walls if i do it there better off doing it right here with that i can create many more that's all me diamond's gone and that is a lot of totems but it's still not going to be enough to defeat all of those guys these guys have destroyed my home they've attacked me and my family and more and more of them have been created at an alarming rate so what do i plan to do about it i'm going to nuke this entire island blowing it off the face of the earth and that's the only way to stop him is that a dragon over there and this is getting crazier and crazier every second how on earth am i going to nuke the entire island you may be wondering well a normal tnt like this it's it's just not going to be good enough even if i had 100 of them it it wouldn't stand a chance against those guys no i'm going to have to create something much much more powerful so tonight we're going creeper hunting and from that entire night i got 42 gunpowder let's also grab a bit of sand with that i can make eight tnt and whilst they say tnt is very good we need something else to add to it yes some fire charges will make it even more powerful already this guy's giving me two fire charges but those guys did give me a lot of good stuff and 22 fire charges which is certainly a very nice amount indeed now if i put eight tnt together with a fire charge in the middle we get sparkler tnt will sparkler tnt be good enough for this project well there's only one way to find out let's place it down right here light it and then see what happens okay that is that is a lot of tnt it's got not going to be enough though by the looks of things i mean it has blown up a decent sized area but it could be a lot better however the good thing is that sparkler tnt can be used to create even more powerful tnt although for this project to work i i've got to do something about my problem of having no gunpowder because right now we've only got two we've got we've got nothing else my thinking to solve the gunpowder problem it's just to make a gunpowder farm one of the things i'm gonna need a lot of is glass and also quite a lot of wood i had to get 12 stacks that's a lot of deforestation many trapdoors can be created with all of these which can fill up this shulker box i do also have a good little smelting system for all this sand with the furnace but it's gonna take till next christmas if i wait this long i think it's in my best interest to add a few more furnaces and to fuel all of them i'm gonna need more coal while i'll leave all of these smelting i'm gonna head straight down okay well that was a good mlg wasn't it anyway as i was saying i'm gonna head down here to collect a bunch of redstone and now i've got over two stacks i think this is gonna be enough i've continued gathering resources i've got nearly everything except for the fact that i need a load of iron so it's back down the hall we go this time i'm gonna land the mlg and mine up all of the iron that i can find pretty much got everything i needed and some phantoms have spawned i don't know if these okay they are going for me i thought they might leave me alone but with these membranes i should have say membrane i can ever so slightly repair the elytra now that i've got everything that i need let's build this creeper farm and get lots and lots of gunpowder and is the collection system complete and now to create the platforms where the creepers will spawn almost made it all the way to the top but i am now out of blocks so i'll just mine a little more up from their mountain they'll never have to know now all the layers are complete so it's time to add loads of trapdoors and that is now the trapdoors done on every single layer i'll add these campfires and here's my afk platform now to add some redstone goodbye to my elytra now i'm going to mine up a load of logs then i can turn them into slabs and then i can place them all down to make a giant roof that is every single slab down i'll turn the machine on and build my way up to the afk platform and let's see just how much we get well a lot of time has passed let's see how much gunpowder we've got it's nothing too crazy but it is just as much as i'm gonna eat in fact it's more than i can fit an infantry we're gonna need the shulker box and that gets me another step closer to the ultimate tnt to blow those imbeciles up all this gunpowder is great but it's kind of useless if i don't have loads and loads of sun to go with it that is going to be more than enough now let's craft a serious amount of tnt that'll do for now and we'll get more later but my next issue is that i need a load more fire charges i could continue bartering for them but i think my easiest option is to just find a fortress and then collect loads of blaze powder from it that make a furnace so i'm making a campfire to cook all of my food the rails already had some cooked pork chops in the infantry anyway apparently i'm just blind and 22 blaze rods will be more than enough let's head back home now to craft these fire charges we need blaze powder and then coal and also gunpowder now let's craft a bunch of sparkler tnt that should be enough if i make some bonemeal and get white dye as well as breaking a few puppies for red dye then we get pink dye which allows me to craft a brand new tnt pink tnt i just another piece in the puzzle to my ultimate nuke i'm also gonna need some buckets that will then be filled with lava i also need obsidian which i'm once again stealing from these guys and thanks to all of this i've now got the next one geyser tnt and i can craft four of these all together which is perfect now i just need to grab one more type of tnt and i'll have all the types that i need now if i make loads of pistons and with that we have got fountain tnt let's make four of them all together then if i combine these three new types of tnt that i've just made we've got the ultimate tnt and i really want to test out this tnt in the nether and use it to find ancient debris it's going to destroy absolutely everything this should be a good spot to light it i'll just chisel out a nice big room as well as dig myself an escape route on some ancient debris on the way and let's go ahead and light this tnt i gotta get out of here oh my goodness look at all of that [Music] what a crazy explosion i think a few of them should uh solve my golem problem on volcano island and in the meantime i can get loads of ancient debris from this i run out of food so something tells me i'm imminently going to use it on the totem then again i am a half a heart warrior and i have absolutely nothing to worry about i don't know why i left all of my food in here i don't know why i was worried about losing a toaster i've got loads of them a new nether right ingot can also be made and applied to these boots and now my next job is to get loads and loads of ultimate tnt those guys won't know what's hit them step one is to grab a bunch of lava and also obsidian step three get more flowers and i've crafted a bunch of sparkle tnt and geyser tnt and you know what i need next way way way more gunpowder hopefully enough time has passed let's see what we've got i can also use the looting sword on some of these and grab plenty more gunpowder i'll also need more sand after lots of crafting i can now make two of the ultimate tnt my goal is to get at least four all together although something like that requires a little bit more gunpowder and if all of this isn't enough then i don't know what will be and with all that i have now managed to make two more ultimate tnt giving me four all together let's make a few extra pink tnt and that'll be all of my ammunition for those enemies well before i attack those guys i want to send a bit of a warning for them yes i want to send in a wither so let's go ahead and get the necessary resources for that and that's the first of the heads and another one and finally the third one now to get back home asap for my next plan i'm gonna get in some of this wither and get out no idea how effective this is gonna be but they don't look happy to see me all right whether i'm counting on you to save the world go go go and i've gotta get out of here asap yes wither get them defeat them i don't know how effective it will be but that's just a warning next i'm going to wipe them off the face of the planet although there is unfortunately one problem with this plan somebody has got to stay on the island to detonate the tnt and yes that that someone is gonna be me so i don't think i'm gonna be coming out of this alive well that's just as well because they've already taken everything from me let's just go and take them all down and show them what happens when they mess with the world's most powerful evoker the weather is looking a little bit worse for wear down there and i'm under attack as well i'm gonna pop this and i'm gonna start getting all of this down put the pink ones down finally the ultimate tnt and sayonara you monsters [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 7,558,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, shapeshift, morph, evoker, 100 days as an evoker, 100 days evoker
Id: KA5wgIwjtKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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