Minecraft, But From Year 1 To Year 3000...

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this is minecraft but you can time travel today minecraft is about to travel through time involving your items player and even the game itself thousands of years into the future from evolve tools to involve structures to even a photorealistic game oh no my computer's about to die again i'll be going higher and higher and years evolved all leading up to the final minecraft evolution so how far can minecraft be evolved to and how much can i evolve accesstorio stay tuned to find out what defeat the butterfly um okay wait how am i supposed to defeat a butterfly okay we hit it once this is so hard to hit oh there we go oh what the heck wait what seven i don't even know what that number is bc wait where am i okay stakes zero out of 32 and we got a loin cloth do you feel a draft hey look at me okay so we have a little thing like this declassified time guide a dinosaur's nest is built from stakes they can be a scavenger's dream but careful some species are extremely territorial wait we also got a stone spear some crude stone things and an axe okay let's get the sticks going did i get the sticks oh wait it's a dinosaur nest where's a dinosaur nest oh i found it okay so it's like a little campfire that's empty i guess this is gonna be the first thing i do and just put some sticks into it well let's go put all the sticks i can i kill that butterfly pretty quickly so what do i get with this oh gosh okay it's going up do we get anything oh hey hey we're dead oh okay we're fighting apparently okay literally boss is back to back to back let me throw my spear try to think it's literally pretty much a trident can't get over here i i feel so bad for just killing this little dino guy but he's kind of adorable he's doing a lot of damage though and oh my gosh that is a lot of pork chop rest in peace mr dino but wait what's on the sky oh my gosh no no no no no no my computer cannot handle that okay okay let's keep going this way and over the bus okay it's done i guess that was the end of the dinosaurs from the small dinosaur anyways we got an eye of evolution which looking into it is like looking into another time is this how i go up in time uh right click oh we're going up my eyes have improved oh okay everything actually improved a little bit with realism oh my gosh look at that beautiful water and i'm supposed to help a magic golem down here or something it says 73 blocks away so where is this guy okay wait let's read the book real quick oh um just a lot of cryptic things and a pumpkin golem thing okay anyways i guess let's go and find this magical guy also by the way guys look at those leaves oh wait whoa you're not clearly experienced enough for this yet come back when you're at least level 30. oh uh uh okay i'm supposed to get level 30. and the only way to get that is by mining now this should give me some levels there we go okay level five already also this place is amazing i didn't really look through the chest yet but give me one sec guys i didn't check the other houses maybe i'm not supposed to do this much mining right now okay what's in here oh okay so i don't think i was supposed to mine that many diamonds that is a lot of bottles of enchanting so maybe that's enough for level 30 and level we're getting there slowly but surely okay let's see if we can find some more chess oh we found some more nice okay hopefully this is enough come on we literally have over two sacks right now oh wait we're almost there and there we go okay level 30 if this was xp equals realism we would honestly be a bit my computer probably wouldn't be alive right now but there we go okay so now what they say you there muggle get us some iron for our golem he's nearly complete i only got diamonds so um yeah let's go find some iron now though it's hard to find what iron is in this pack um i think that's iron right there okay let's uh go up i guess okay that should be 18 and now let's go all the way back down okay so 18 iron ingots and what happens now oh no our golem you broke it wait what hello hello hello oh oh nevermind okay they're fighting okay boss fight time i guess go on little wand do your thing let's drop the main sword does that do good damage against you guys oh honestly this might be the best way of fighting them i mean after this we might be going up in a year i think if this is the final challenge oh no saying no we won't come back so oh he just did a sad phase oh rest and piece of the wizards and now we got another eye of ender thing which is gonna be the eye of evolution so with that being done guys we ended up with 39 diamonds a full set of wizard armor and i think we're still back in the olden times so i guess let's get to the next tier and now we're going to 3100 bc looks like you can see better um that's beautiful oh it's the beautiful sun look at it oh it says subscribe to the channel guys you heard the sun go ahead and click that subscribe button anyways oh my gosh what the yeah realism definitely upgraded take the temple door it says in oh it's a buddy we're gonna kill the bunny ancient sword i'm gonna try a thing to sword oh buddy's running okay um guys i i don't think this is normal minecraft anymore wait what happened to my wizard armor well that's kind of lame um so we got pharaoh's armor from a king of the past oh let's put that on hey we look pretty cool not bad okay so we got the pharaoh's armor now we got an ancient pickaxe pretty cool and i guess let's read the book before anything a keto temple is valuable just look out for booby traps oh okay well let's go inside and see what's done i mean we gotta keep going up and realism there's a crime table right there maybe we need it the door is locked with a copper lock oh wait did i get any copper okay so how do i get copper because i didn't get anything that isn't copper i don't think unless it's like really hd copper uh maybe the sword does something no sword doesn't do anything there axe no what about shovel oh that's cool do i just move sanetery wait what about the pickaxe oh oh that's like a super pretty casual circles holy copper i guess we got all the copper we're ever gonna need and i'm also curious is this very historically accurate let me know in the comments down below if you guys do know because i am going into this very blind so how do i make the key is there anything around here is there another entrance maybe up here or oh wait what is this oh wait could i just grab these guys i think i'm just gonna go ahead and grab these i'm pretty sure this is how i cropped the thing did i even have to go mining there i'm not sure but let's go ahead and use this probably nothing good inside this temple and i should probably not be going inside but you know we're gonna do our best okay uh was it like this okay there we go copper key a key to a temple so let's go inside oh that's sick you may now challenge the king oh what the heck what's up buddy are we really fighting okay yup yup yup okay boss time i don't do that much damage to him oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay he's sending out like some poison stuff against me i only had the raw pork chops from the dinosaur yes we're doing this all right let's go king do i have any other abilities i can use against him no i don't have the wand dang it all right we're stuck with this like ancient golden sword thing oh gosh he's giving me slowness okay couple more hits one more hit and just like that that is gonna be it for the king of the temple teleporting to the temple parkour area okay apparently this is the next part of the challenge and now we're doing a mega parkour wait i don't have a water bucket oh gosh okay i think this is what i get for choosing the copper thing okay i just gotta make this jump and i don't have any blocks i was going to choose it again guys but i guess we're doing this i'm trying to be very safe with this okay oh oh gosh what this looks so good like what that look at that glass how's it gonna get even more hd from this guys like look at that pumpkin that's absolutely a real pumpkin like what the he made this one in the video comment down below hd pumpkin why because no reason wait how am i supposed to do this jump oh i did it okay that was actually a bit scary oh okay this bar isn't too bad oh look at the ladders that's amazing this video is really just gonna be me again just looking at really hd stuff oh look at the slime what the heck that really is hd slime okay up we go time traveling is something else right now oh wow okay we're almost up i think oh no wait what is this oh man okay we got this oh we're done with that couple more jumps oh my gosh we finally made it literally to the top and we're here finally oh the bunny's here again i don't trust this guy at all oh look at chest are we stealing from the temple i guess we are what's up man oh there we go okay the eye of evolution yet again and i guess yet again we're going up in time or maybe back in time not sure let's see what's next 1427. wow it's much clearer here holy okay yeah that is beautiful oh my gosh yeah we're are we not going to talk about the gravel and even the hay help the mage 50 blocks away not bad and we also got night leggings and a bunch of cool stuff hey we're full night arbor not bad night sword oh this is cool nice oh dunno right click the night sword oh that is beautiful ow um okay does the big guys do anything nope shovel axe oh look at that hdx nice um okay so before we go a little bit deeper i'm gonna go ahead and steal all this wood because we do need this probably later in the challenge i'm gonna make sure i get all the items i need because i never really had a one mining portion of the video so let's get the wood don't really need all that copper right now what does the book tell us the medieval age was in the age of fire people faced many threats to their way of life helped the mage 41 blocks away okay oh is it this guy zandoff it looks very stevie to me whoa what's up lol sandoff what are you doing you're no good with that useless uncharged staff bring me some amethyst and i'll charge it for you oh i didn't realize i got a wizard staff holy that is hd what the heck okay so i gotta get some amethyst and it looks like there's a mammoth right here oh that's a good pickaxe i'm gonna destroy this entire kingdom all right okay guys look at that tree can we just take a moment to appreciate this beautiful tree oh my gosh okay i i'm loving this video so far like what the heck realistic videos my favorite holy i i'm breaking everything aren't i okay mrs handoff i got all the crystals i put in here no no uh do i just give it to you what up with the crystal do i just throw it oh that works i think there we go here take this wait what is that a magic crystal cool oh no did you hear that sound the dragon is here help me stop him oh what the heck okay that was instant okay guess we're not funny medieval dragon we got the wizard stop now which is charged no no no no stay back stay back i have a new staff and i'm gonna go ahead and try it out oh hey it can fly aka you can definitely fly standoff you're gonna help no no you're not gonna help okay nice okay couple more heads this is like a machine fireball what the heck oh well there goes the dragon rest in peace and ah thank you here's a reward that you can keep the beast's eye oh there it is okay sorry for kind of destroying your entire medieval thing before i go ahead and evolve again and see what we get with the realism and everything let me just take a moment to really appreciate the scenery wow that's incredible anyways uh i guess we're done here with the medieval times let's see where we go next 15 24. oh and we're getting an update oh guys this is way too hd i think is the most hd we've ever had a video wait ninja nowhere to run it looks like we're in medieval japan or something let's go and put on our samurai armor that's pretty cool and we got a katana let's go to read the book there can be many evils but kindness pays off don't really know what that means let's make sure not to die but oh wait never mind there's some stuff behind us got the axe and some throwing stars cool oh wait what i just right clicked this and it summoned like a nexus story what's up buddy um i'm guessing he's a soldier ignore the really hd things oh he disappeared anyways let's go in here and see what's up anyone home ninjas of the hidden eye wait where are they though uh hello oh what's up guys wait there's so many ninjas wait what the heck we gotta find all these ninjas no no no no no stay away guys i am literally just i i come in peace i am not trying to fight you guys there's so many of them guys i don't think i can beat these guys i i think i'm supposed to do something else wait actually i'm doing some damage to them now oh we got him okay it was the ninja stars i had to use you're only a small fish wait what did i get from them this is statue piece it looks like a part of a big statue oh interesting okay i guess let's grab those statue pieces and also i gotta heal up susachi wait what the heck is going on i hear something is he up here in this very beautiful roof oh sushi what's up i'm sorry if i butchered the name okay we're fighting this ninja warrior oh wait he does a lot of damage okay um the ninja armor is not doing us a lot of good stuff throwing star going throwing star oh gosh it barely does any damage holy okay this boss fight is actually really hard we're barely doing any damage throwing stars go literally just gonna spam them couple more hits oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh this is barely doing any damage beautiful fight though at least few more hits and yes finally we finally beat sasashi i need to train more and we got another statue piece which i still don't know where we're supposed to put this at oh nevermind it says that should be zero out of eight where is it though okay so in the book it looks like that and i'm gonna guess that's what we need for the next area give me one sec guys i'm gonna try to find this thing oh he was literally at the entrance of the thing let's real quick give you all the little touchy pieces and hey there we go okay so we got the next eye i don't think i need the statue pieces anymore and i think we might be done here in the year i think was 1574. so without further ado guys let's evolve yet again and see how much our eyes improve oh gosh where we go now 1676 your eyesight is improving oh wait hold on is the new update legos this doesn't even make any sense i mean how do we go from realistic to i guess it does look realistic wait what is that thing okay hold on bo pirates i think we're now in the pirate era guys oh we got a power hat it's uh it's captain nestor very nice i like that a lot oh what this is literally like okay i might read a question if we're supposed to be pirates we get the arg swashbuckler sword does this do anything cool oh we shoot a sword anyways what do we get this time of the book sometimes a solution is a bigger stick or a golden er cannonball by the way my computer is making the loudest noise after right now i don't know how the legos are even more laggy wait the kraken uh captain captain is there a captain are you the captain no you're your pirate where's the captain okay maybe he's still here oh i found him don't just stand there matey get us some more golden cannonballs and hurry that our kraken is going to have us for dinner oh oh that's not good okay i gotta give you gold blocks go go blocks go blocks how am i supposed to snowboard gold blocks or when everything is legos if i was a gold block where would i be maybe another ship let's try that okay so it wasn't in that ship but apparently i think the shovel works for this oh it worked oh look at all that gold okay at the end on the way uh that is 19. okay we just need a little bit more and then we're good oh gosh yeah computer computers are happy okay that should be enough gold let's real quick and get those blocks of gold and now mr power here you go buddy oh what deck wait we have cannons thank you mateys radiating fire oh we're literally oh my goodness this poor kraken all right just a couple more shots and then we should be good all right one last shot and there we go thank you have the treasure compass oh rest in peace kraken and uh let's go ahead and grab that compass from you oh wait so we might not be done this area if we get a compass treasure compass okay what do i do with this thing do i just follow it let's go straight that way i guess we'll go that way by the way those candidates are so sick looking let's go that way oh wow very nice x marks a spa it's a big ol x and it actually looks really hd nice oh wait we gotta mine this i'm guessing all right down we go and hey we found the chest okay let's block this off real quick so nothing bad happens now what's in here hey we found the parts treasured not bad okay that's a lot of good stuff very nice and best of all right here i think we finally can go ahead and evolve yet again so let's go ahead and grab that i have evolution and i guess mr pirates i'm gonna be gone now i didn't explore those villages but oh well let's see what we're getting this time 1884 we're getting really high up there my couch isn't even made yet the world looks so different oh here we go oh whoa okay we're back to things being a little bit better oh man yeah things are hd help cowboy rough rodney wait are we in the cowboy right now cowboy leggings hey all right i'm a little cowboy and now we got a wrangling sword sweeping edge three wester axe nothing special does the job and the western pickaxe nice okay so what does the book say it takes a true cowboy to defend this livestock mr caliber ronnie where you at hey okay we found him hey fellow mind lending me a hand this whole town's on fire help me put them out i mean why not i already put out one fire so let's go ahead and i guess get to all the other ones it's not that many by the way holy this looks really nice holy that is um a lot of fire okay we should be good there now let's get to the next ones eight in total so i guess let's just jump from building the building waving causes was it you tree it was probably that tree [Music] and there we go okay now let's all go all the way back to the cowboy and see what he wants us to do i mean do we gotta find something let me eat all these raw pork chops cowboy what's up man whoa you really saved our biscuits but our gosh darn cows get out the gate think you can help drag him back uh i mean sure but where do i find some cows oh did you have any leads or anything oh what's up man i just right-clicked it and it gave me a cow a really aged detail let's like just grab all of these guys real quick and then uh talk to ruff rodney and put them wherever they need to be in 17 13 18 20 and there we go okay mr rancher bill what's up buddy uh okay so i give them to him help me catch all these cows i got you i got all the cows you pretty much need um i guess i'll stand him over am i like that strong i don't think that really makes sense but you know we're evolving that's all that matters thanks for your help please tell ronnie the cows are safe now okay i think he's back here and this is a really interesting fetch quest oh look at that sorry i got distracted anyways uh my man i got you your stuff thank you what's on there buddy he saved our here town you know i bet those dorm bandits across the tracks were the ones that caused all this you should go rough him up for me uh yes i will go fight the bandits and hopefully not die if i die then uh i guess the town's over wait are they all the way over there do i get across that train thing okay do we get on the train or all right let's go from train thing to train thing okay we're almost over here i don't see anyone though where are these guys oh wait never mind they're here oh i guess abandoned fighting time no one can stop us wow okay that's a lot of them do i don't have any special abilities oh i do oh wait i think i have like a sword tornado wait what if i hit them off the cliff that might be the strategy guys i'll tell you guys go oh there goes one oh we're getting them all right get over here buddy okay so we pretty much killed most of them there's another dude right here wait dude do i just knock him out i feel i feel so bad bye hey we did it okay i would have gone away with it if it hadn't been for your meddling time traveler that's me that last one dropped something oh i really gotta go all the way down there oh come on i don't even know water bucket okay what the heck did it drop oh my gosh so i went all the way down there and i had to come all the way back up because uh yeah it was up here the whole time anyways i'm evolution so yet again everything's gonna upgrade again and i guess let's see what we get next here we go 2024. oh and our eyes are changing too whoa okay that that was definitely a change and where the heck am i now 2024 what happened in 2024 i mean with 2022. okay so we got some survival armor they're barely holding together okay so we got a rusty sword apocalyptic pickaxe wait what the heck did we get into does this do anything oh gosh okay that's what that does apparently let's get the book out though and what does it say this time survival in hopeless situations requires brains brawn and sometimes shiny rock armor um so 2024 apocalyptic what's over here then okay let's go inside uh before anything you guys already know me gonna mind that anvil real quick and that's my evil no probably why is it so hd what the heck oh yo what's up guys shane oh thank god he must be here to help please get us some diamonds for protection i knew saving those diamonds was gonna be helpful and we don't have enough [Music] why because we have shane fiona finn olivia john adam brawley and phil i i like that guy's name bruh and then lee okay um okay so where do i get these diamonds then do i mine down what's mine down i guess oh gosh i just hit right click wait what just happened let's go ahead and grab those diamonds and i think we're good i don't know what that pickaxe ability is but that's insane all right guys um to the survivors i'm back the time traveler the evolving existorial let's go ahead and i guess drop these right here and you guys pick them up or something oh it's working nice okay so now we wait till 48 and then we see what happens oh thank you this armor will help keep our people safe looks like it was just in time they're coming wait what's coming uh hello survive the zombie horde oh it's a zombie apocalypse okay that makes sense now well anyways let's go in oh gosh okay i sliced in way too far wait where the survivors go i gotta help them go go go guys oh they're rgl fighting let's go oh my gosh holy zombies what the heck okay there's so many of them oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh there's a few more and then we should be good the survivors are doing a pretty good job against these guys okay couple more almost done and yes okay we're good and also you guys are kind of stuck there there's one more coming wait what what the brutus what's up man oh gosh okay okay okay that's actually a bit difficult go on team get him no no no no no calm down buddy i only have a sword and a dream okay halfway done oh almost there come on guys and there we go bruise is done thank you so much you saved us thank you nestor for saving us i found this shiny thing you can have it oh there we go so i guess with that being done guys i'm sorry about the apocalypse but i guess i'll be going now let's see what type of hd textures we get next and here we go 2147 oh wait what the heck um oh okay it's the really hd default pack i guess this is another portion of the challenge and we got heated armor which i'm gonna guess is pretty much netherright armor pretty cool protects you from heat in a heated blade oh this is kind of cool and uh the hot pickaxe oh my goodness if you guys aren't using the channel you guys already know what the hot pickaxe does and wait it usually doesn't do that but that's sick okay and the heated blade what do you do oh my gosh okay i don't even know what that is but that's sick okay so do i go all the way over there uh how do i even go all the way over there wait we can go that way okay let's go over there up we go and now what are we gonna find in here captain balrog hello am i supposed to fight you oh buddy okay that was loud oh we're fighting i guess oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay the right click attack is doing damage i can't even see him fully oh my that is sick you've killed the captain and might as well lose ship another iq one nether wings light as air wait what does this do oh it's like an elytra all right another wings let's go around and now let's find the key any chests around here wait a second this looks a little familiar guys do you guys remember the temple we needed a copper key and oh i never read the book a fierce empire is mighty a determined adventure needs to be mighty if he's to take over his screw i mean where's the screw i kind of just gotta destroy that thing but let me grab those other right blocks i'm pretty sure i'm supposed to mine for it but i'm gonna real quick steal it and without further ado let's make one of these hey there we go okay another right key now where do i put this thing this must be the key to captain balrog's chest where's his chest though okay if that was a chest where would i be oh we found it um does it have eyes kind of looks adorable that might just be a normal chest okay what's up in here okay and hey lots of times another way not bad okay don't really need it but the main thing i was actually this thing right here which is yet again another eye of evolution so i guess yet again let's improve the graphics see where we go and here hundred we go your eight site is cracked welcome back nestor fuel reserves are depleted minimal fuel needed sixteen evolutionary fuel tanks where am i oh we're in space oh this is sick and we got a lightsaber what the heck anyways let's update our eyes real quick whoa okay uh the cobblestone is so hd what the heck and we have a laser digger 9001 right click to use the power of over 9000 oh laser i like lasers adventure is the fuel of life unless you're stranded in space which i guess i am okay how do we get fuel then wait find my ship so my ship should be somewhere this way maybe up here wait what are these things are these aliens even fuel sources detected nearby oh it's these guys oh my gosh okay okay we're fighting aliens apparently okay here we go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh they do so much damage i don't even know what i'm fighting oh my gosh this is sick what the heck okay that's another one they keep coming no go away aliens i don't know how i would travel through time to get all the way here but this is really happening from ninjas to bandits to now aliens very nice okay let's put in all the fuel and oh okay systems online welcome aboard wait warning space anomaly detected the sudden explosions may occur wait what oh holy wait what um i think we're back and i think we killed the dragon somehow through all that okay dragon's done we have one more eye of evolution and i think this might be the final realism thing so follow right-click and hey there's a butterfly congratulations you beat the evolutionary challenge so with that being done guys i think that's it for the dragon and i think that might be for the challenge and without being done over guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's one more final clip of us evolving one final time bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 2,086,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are, realistic minecraft, realism minecraft, minecraft hd, minecraft but you can evolve, minecraft but from year 1, time travel
Id: h0qbYqd6WUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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