100 Days, But There Are Custom Bosses...

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the bosses in minecraft are well they're just too easy so i have added new bosses with new challenges starting with some easier ones but progressively getting harder and harder until i take on the hardest boss of them all the sun can i survive 100 days in hardcore mode and defeat the hardest custom bosses first i need to get some decent loot which means i'll punch a few trees it turns out i've spawned right by a village come on guys move out the way there's only room for one of us i can steal one of their beds and also some of their emeralds if i had a pickaxe i'd take the furnace but i don't hope you like potatoes guys because uh we're gonna be in a few of them before i go any further i might as well craft myself some tools grab this cobblestone make a better pickaxe and continue mining there we go things are looking a lot better this village has served its purpose now to grab some food actually i've just realized this village hasn't served its purpose i want to take this furnace and also the two blast furnaces they're usually pretty annoying to craft normally there is a golem somewhere but i can't find him let's make a smoker and get some food on the way because i'm currently walking extremely slow this looks like a perfect place for iron and i was right i'll also grab the coal whilst i'm here i can craft torches and i'll actually be able to see where i'm going and look at the sheer speed of these blouse furnaces perfect for me to make a pickaxe it has also gone dark so i'm glad i've got this bed let's grab the rest of this iron and a little more to go with it get more coal and now i can continue exploring the world in fact if i grab some wood i can make a boat and sail across the seven seas a room portal here which is an interesting find and yeah decent stuff or importantly the gold block now i believe my next move should be to summon a wandering traveler at least i think that's what they're called before i do that it might be wise to make full armor just in case anything goes wrong let's also sleep so i could be wrong but i think if i make a block of coal and place it down and then mine gravel until i get flint there we go i can create a flint and steel i think if i light the top here we go he's come let's get rid of all this water what a mess you've made he's also dropped a couple of books let's see what they say the lonely villager and the search i think they just give a bit of background information but you good sir oh we've got trades we can find the house we need a compass very convenient because i stole from the village i already have the emeralds let's go ahead and put you in a boat you're not going anywhere i'm gonna make myself a bucket grab some water and go searching for redstone we're at the perfect level for it i might as well go like this and then i can do dive mining here we go let's mine it up there's a little bit more here i think this should be all the redstone i'm going to need for now now i've just got to crawl me way back and build my way out all right good sir i have no idea where this is going to lead that's a i don't know what a pergamon even is but let's go ahead oh wait we need to craft the compass there we go and you could have got what you need so i will take that map i was going to take this callback i'm not leaving that for you and i'll see you some other time i don't know what boss mob is going to be at the house all i know is that it's a long way away and we're gonna have to go north east to get there my plan is to head in this direction and just collect things on the way because i stand absolutely no chance against the bosses unless i get way better armor and items i think portal trouble is gonna be the fastest way for me to get there but i'm gonna need much better items to do that so i'm going to try and find a cave although having said that the little dot has got a bit bigger which means i'm starting to get closer so i might as well just keep running get the feeling this structure is going to be over water and we have now come to the ocean let's see what happens yeah we're getting super close a bus bar is showing up saying deserted is that what it is over there starting to think i shouldn't be here but i'm gonna quickly make a shield get my golden apple ready and let's see what we have up ahead also guys before we get there we're getting so so close to three million subscribers so please could you subscribe if you enjoy my videos just just do it in the meantime i've got to find out what's it well what's down those stairs i'm gonna open this chest hey good loot i'll take that and now very carefully i'm gonna go down here what is this what is that okay i think it's something like an ex-villager that resides in the desert the shield is taking the hits but i just don't think i have the loop to do this it has also gone dark i'm gonna remember where this is and come back when i've got diamond armor we've also got a desert pyramid here let's just carefully drop in break this pressure plate and we can grab an emerald and diamonds i mean normally they're for peasants but right now we need them and it's a third one here as well and looting three oh my goodness that's so good that right there would be a speedrunner's dream oh my goodness okay the kraken bus bar has just shown up that looks like some giant sunken shipwreck and oh my goodness what's that there's another thing that i'm not ready for yet i've discovered a cave probably my best chance of finding diamonds this is so so good it goes all the way down to lava level and it connects to a mine shaft in a way that's good news but i've also got to be careful because the spiders are going to poison me you have to play this extremely carefully let's try mine away at that there we go perfect and get rid of you and then keep searching the land this is what i was hoping for a minecart just oh my goodness what a chest seriously it does not get better than that a notch apple and diamonds in one thing i mean that was like the one thing i was hoping to find but seriously they're so rare but it's going to be so so useful since some of these bosses are very very powerful this is handy i've managed to find some lapis although sadly it's only one piece this game has kind of come to an end so i'm gonna do a little bit of dive mining to see if i can either find the diamonds or find a better cave found more redstone if nothing else and here we have another cave it's actually a bit of an underwater one and i'm near the kraken apparently okay well i don't think i want to be here then i also don't want to drown so i'm going to do this apparently the kraken is down to half health not really sure how but it could be a good opportunity i'm gonna make a new diamond pickaxe and dig my way up now then where is it is that it over there well i do first see a shipwreck in this direction so let's check it out this looks like a great shipwreck i think there's gonna be loot here okay more potatoes yep brilliant in here we're gonna have a treasure map and here we have diamonds iron lots of good stuff before doing anything else i'm going to follow the buried treasure map because it's very close right about here to be exact there we go we've uncovered it and lots more good stuff at this point i must be as ready as i'll ever be i'm going in and there it is the pieces of the seven seas now that i've got here i don't know how much damage it does i don't know how best to attack it and it doesn't look like it likes me if i could find some string and make a bow i feel like that is a better idea it would just give me a good chance to assess the situation and not do anything stupid whilst i wait for darkness to fall i'm going to place the chest here and just put a bit of loot in because i'm really struggling for space i found a creeper maybe there's a spider down here there's some sort of spawner okay i probably want to break this spawner we've got another golden apple we'll take the bread and the gunpowder i think could be useful down the line and more decent stuff and decent stuff includes this iron iron which we definitely want to smelt the darkness has come let's find a spider we've got one right here and we got some string and there's two more over here which is but no three more that's all the string i'm gonna need i think i should sleep next i'm gonna go after chickens and that way i can get feathers think after this one we'll definitely have enough also grab more iron on my way past coal and also flint now i'm gonna craft more arrows a bow another shield then i shall take on the kraken i'm thinking getting the height is gonna be the secret to this one yeah i don't like the way that that's looking at me if i just shoot oh look at that it's not doing a huge amount of damage but it's doing enough times like this i wish i had a power five bow now unfortunately i have used up all my arrows and it still has some health currently traveling in search of chickens but i have found some more obsidian and here are all the chickens that i want found something else on my travels it's some sort of random abandoned tent with a book the search i think i've already had one of these books and they don't really tell anything important i'm more bothered about these chickens i'm also going to take this opportunity to mine up some obsidian look at this out of nowhere a wandering trader is turned up of all places nothing really of use though i've got 14 obsidian and 13 feathers i just need to get some flint which can be found right here and apparently you're in a thunderstorm that's just great i'm so so close to defeating this guy and there we go now then what did he drop oh my gosh what's this shield ancient kraken teeth okay this is uh i guess a pretty useful shield to have also increases your health look at the health at the bottom it actually increases it which is cool but it also makes you run slower and deal less damage it might be useful we might use it sometime now i'm gonna make a few doors and see if there's any good loot on this shipwreck oh my goodness okay yeah straight away there's treasure there is a lot of treasure every one of these chests is just full of loot i've even found diamonds on board here that kraken really was guarding some good loot i was really not expecting this much loot when i came down here i haven't even got enough space for it all and there's still loads more for me to collect i think it's safe to say that that was 100 a worthwhile battle i think with all this loot i need to set up some sort of base and i know just the place i think being neighbors with this village is a good idea and because i'm now pretty rich i'm going to use iron blocks to build this house and then this bit could be lapis and the rest can be cobblestone because i'm only rich from the front of the house i'm going to grab a load of sand turn it into glass and then i'll build my house out a bit and whatever you're doing in my bed this is not all get out of that you as well tell you you can't do anything without villagers getting in the way then they all just like my furnaces yeah look at all queuing up i think i'm just gonna stick to mining sand turns out this village has a blacksmith with a little bit more iron although i'm more bothered about finding something else that something else was booked but uh there doesn't seem to be any here well the walls of my house are now done i'm also gonna make some iron doors and two levers so i can stop those trespassers from coming into my house and sometimes there's only one way to stop people like that and that is to build a wall and no i'm not donald trump before you say anything like that so this wall doesn't block me i'm going to add some slabs like this and then also a couple right here so that i can just jump in and out no problem i want to gather a little bit more sand and place it around the outside of my house i have to say it gives me great satisfaction seeing all the villagers stuck outside now i'm going to make some stone bricks then i'm going to mine out this floor and create a better one which includes emerald blocks because you know i want to flex on these villagers i think it's now time i steal one of their beds and go out in search of more diamonds i have to say this is a very good cave connects up to a spawn so let's get rid of that i'll take the bread in the bucket the book isn't very good i found more redstone quite a lot of redstone i'm gonna grab it all of it and now we have a ravine there's gotta be something good down here just another mine shaft apparently another mine shaft that has well bread and torches this corridor of floating rails might be a little bit better uh depth strider three that is better that poor poor creeper it's just falling to its death you know what i take pity on the creeper i'm gonna try and save its life although there's diamonds down there and you know what you're just gonna have to go it hurts me more than you buddy but uh i've got to get those diamonds how many have we got so far full yeah look at that up to 13. make that a fifth one i can't wait to get another right and leave the peasant diamond days behind we got here more gold good stuff could be wrong but is this two mine shafts interlocking because normal mine shafts do not look like this it's a very cool find if it is speaking of cool fines i'm going to grab this lapis and there's even more over here doesn't all that lava just look beautiful a shame it's going to be ruined and turned into obsidian oh my goodness we just found some diamonds right under where i landed as well another three for the collection and even more right here which gives me a grand total of 23. one more vein and i should be sorted and there we go the final diamonds that i need a little trickier by the way if i go and place a block like this i can swim inside and get free air and since it only actually gave me one diamond i'm going to keep looking and that's paid off because we've found some more i'm going to say some more i mean one more there we go we've found more and this time it's more than just one that's been a successful mining journey i'm getting out of here with 31 diamonds home sweet home let's go make some diamond armor there we go let's also make ourselves some tools and i think i'm all set for the next adventure although just before that i'm going to make an anvil and then put luton 3 on my sword since i'm starting to run long food and i'd like to solve that problem by very simply doing this next i want to build a portal as further progress is going to require me getting to the end or at the very least finding the stronghold just before i go through i'm going to try and see if i can find a little bit more food looks like chickens are the thing on the menu that's good enough for me let's go through as you can see i've still got the frost lens back on because i quite like it and i've been very carefully bridge across hopefully find a bastion or a fortress i'm also going to go and get a new shield and also some more blocks now i'm all set let's get back to it and it looks like we've found a fortress then i just walk straight into lava great idea sp and here we have the blaze thanks to my looting this is going to be very fast now i've got 26 i think that's definitely gonna be enough might as well try and find some good loot in the fortress now oh my goodness four diamonds in one chest that's uh that's pretty rare i don't even need diamonds anymore but i'll take them just in case i'm pretty happy with what i've managed to find my next stop is either a bastion or a warped forest is that another fortress i'd say when you don't want them you can't stop finding them when you do what if you can't find them good news i've got a warped forest which is going to make getting the ender pearls very easy already got two and now i have a grand total of five in fact make that six twelve and finally fourteen that's gonna be enough time to head back home could be wrong but i think right next to this fortress on my way back we have actually come to a bastion oh no this isn't a bastion this is the home of a boss i believe it's the gauntlet and if i mine one of those blocks in the middle it'll summon it but i'm i'm not ready for that i've no way down the coordinates so it'll be perfect when i'm ready for it look at that i've made it to gold tourist destinations it looks like this time we have actually found a bastion i'll be back for that later we're getting close to being home and here we are the next mission is to turn this into some blaze powder and use these eyes of ender to find the stronghold it looks like it's in this direction what i'm gonna do is grab my diamonds as well as all my lapis and also my bow and some arrows then i'll be able to use the xp from the ender dragon to upgrade all my armor more or less successfully track down the stronghold right around this lava lake if my estimations are correct if it's any of these chunks it will go down there okay it's this chunk and the mission has been successful and what a mess this is i didn't think i'd have to build my own stairs when i got it i also needed an ender pearl at some point which you know we got in the first chest which is good it's possible that i get an eye already in the portal and the bookcase room is also very important look what's just being dropped here a star i think they can be useful useful in tracking down another boss so what else is useful a sharpness three book i've also remembered i didn't bring enough wood so i could be mining that too that's all the bookcases i'm gonna need and i'm just gonna grab a little bit of extra wood another chest and another ender pearl and some gold unfortunately i don't really have the space for that gold sweeping edge three and power four actually that's very useful i'm gonna save that for my bow when i need it oh my goodness thank goodness for shields and the mission to find the portal room has been successful let's load up the eyes of ender and just before i go through i have found this room which importantly has paper and also efficiency 4 and smite fall at this point i do not have enough space for everything so i've got a plan i'm going to put quite a few spare items into this ender chest sadly when i break it it'll just become obsidian but that will then allow me to take more stuff the final thing i want to do is hunt down more creepers because they're going to be very useful for firework rockets i've got 15 pieces which i think should be enough for now let's head on through and see what happens i have to say it's quite nice to battle one of the familiar bosses there goes under the tower and so does the final one now to get rid of this dragon and whilst i'm waiting i'm gonna start placing bookcases i've already managed to get myself a much better bow look at that an efficiency five pickaxe all right back to the more important things and there we go the dragon's defeated another of the bosses down and lots of lovely xp to collect messed about so long that i accidentally let all the xp despawn well i'm pretty happy with all the loot that i've got time to find the elytra i'm also stunned to get low on food so i feel like chorus fruits might be the way it's not ideal but it'll do for now what is that that is not an end city it's another boss and this time i think i've got the equipment to deal with it the only other useful thing for this would be a lighter but i don't really have time to find those now if i'm not mistaken this boss is some sort of obsidian one and to activate it i need an ayah vendor thankfully i did keep the blaze powder so we can make one let's put it in and see what happens there we go the obsidialist i'm gonna be honest i'm getting destroyed by this boss hopefully a shield will be helpful turned on my particles and now i can see what it's doing okay i couldn't see them showing these already my shield just broke i just realized and the amount of arrows i don't know if i should just run away at this point i'm just gonna go in with a sword oh my goodness okay i don't like the look of that i was gonna say i'm gonna go in with a sword and see what happens but it looks like it's pretty dangerous i can just keep getting little hits it's kind of working out we've already got it down quite a bit of health um okay i don't know what it's doing now i think i have to mine these up there we go and that means mining all of them three down just one to go there we go got him i can go back to doing damage on it there we go i'm getting the hang of this guy i'm just i'm just out playing him he's gone into that phase again let's try and take these out i've just been knocked to half a heart which is um pretty worrying okay i just gotta get out of that i'm gonna try and eat some coarse fruit nice to eat a bit there we go decided to get stressful i want two and a half hours this is this is gonna be a pretty good situation come on sb don't don't crumble now and i think i've got it and it has created a tower now let me eat this it's not gonna really help me regen but i look forward to seeing what's at the top of the tower oh there's loads of xp for a star i did not expect that i just came out of nowhere and in here we have got an obsidian heart i don't know what that does a lot of obsidian a great pickaxe with mending on it pretty good shovel as well and some prop 4 leggings which i already have but hey mine are pretty much broken so that's good i'm going to carefully work my way down not doing anything crazy apart from nearly drowning yes that was a bit uh terrifying i just want this chorus fruit so that i can regen it feels good to have my health above two hearts even with prop 4 armor that was a much harder battle than i expected and so now the search for an end city can continue after much searching i have found a tiny lens city i've also found another of those obsidialist things i'm not going near there one battle with that was definitely more than enough it may be tiny but i can get some shulker shells not really sure what the best way to tackle this was but it seems like floating up is my answer in this chest we've got a new helmet which is good because the other one broke and the pickaxe isn't worth taking and this one we've got quite a lot of gold and if i want any chance of finding electric i'm going to have to keep searching another one spotted don't know why they're all so tiny there's not even any loot at this one now this one looks better we begin with the usual float to the top and we start grabbing some loot those do look like that well they're pretty much the same but these are in a lot better shape that's a pretty good shovel i can combine it with the other ones it's got mending next i'm going to end a pearl over there and i could float my way across but i think it's just going to be safer to bridge and these guys are going to send me across and here is the good stuff lots of gold lots of iron some leggings with mending on there going to be useful and the most coated thing the elytra and i usually forget this dragon head but not today he's coming home with me and next i'm going to try and find an end gateway so i can head back i've had no joy finding any so i'm just going to fly back to spawn hold on there's one there let's swoop into the gap and then grab the egg then do a little bit of ambulance and through we go now i don't have a bed so yeah it's probably taking me to spawn but on the plus side i can just fly back to my house here we are home sweet home that can go there and that can go right there next i need more wood that's gonna let me make bookcases and also lecterns and i'm gonna use this lectern to get mending although apparently it's too late in the day for them to be interested so i'm going to quickly take the opportunity to get more food didn't take long at all which is nice so there's mending i do need some emeralds though but thankfully i've got lots of them so i'm going to buy as many as i can and then get to work with my anvil next i'm going to grab a little bit of gold make a helmet and then i'm going to head to the bastion that i found earlier here it is pretty easy to find i'm going to change this to be a bucket of lava and carefully try and deal with these guys and loot the chests at the same time look at loads of obsidian good stuff more importantly loads of arrows things are getting a little bit dicey but i need to get rid of this spawner and try and not die in the lava like that next let's get rid of my enemies and start stealing the good loot well there's nothing that's very interesting so i'm going to grab all the gold now there are piglets everywhere so i am i'm gonna drag it out of it little chest over here a little bit more good stuff and finally i've made it out of that time to put my electron and head back home whilst i'm here i'm gonna mine up quartz so i can get xp that's gonna mend my elytra i've managed to fully mend my elytra i'm just doing the same to my chest plate combining my chest plate we now have protection four on there all right to the anvil by the way but now i think i'm as ready as i'll ever be to take on the deserted boss i do have one trick up my sleeve i'm gonna use this special shield to be able to bait it because equipping that will then give me a load more health i can still maintain a decent speed with my elytra okay here we go let's see what happens we'll play some blocks here as well okay yes they do block him then if i go like this wait can i hit him with his own fireballs oh maybe not i'm not sure if working my way closer is actually going to be helpful it does seem to do quite a bit of damage to my shield with this then i'm going to try and keep hitting it with my arrows well i seem to be able to do it just hit its toes as i keep coming round whatever i'm doing though this is working slowly but surely oh i've worked out the system i'm peeking just enough bills to hit him but he can't see me the only sad part about this is i'm nearly out of arrows yep they're now all gone he'd say it's time for plan b find a way to get more i've managed to get 41 i'm thinking that should be enough let's get into perfect position and finish the job and i believe this should be the final arrow there we go a little bit of xp which is nice some sand and a sword now what is this sword okay sharpness x that's pretty good all in all considering that wasn't the easiest of bosses well it wasn't a first anyway but yeah considering that the loot was pretty terrible the next thing i'd like to do is make another anvil and prepare my bow and with these lex turns i'm going to attempt to get on breaking three i've managed to get it but it's going to cost 29 emeralds which which is a slight issue because i only have 19 however of course me being me i've always got a backup plan what's the point of having an emerald block floor if you can't afford to buy anything looks like we're switching to gold which i don't know if that's an upgrade or a downgrade more importantly we can put that on the electron i'm going to put it on the bow as well because i think the bow is going to be super important and now there's just one last thing i want to do mine up some gravel and if you have fortune 3 you get flint 100 of the time then create a fletching table and get a villager that's going to be a fletcher and from that i'm going to buy loads of arrows because i'm sick of running out the other thing i'd like to do is test out this brand new sword on a golem and see just how effective it is you know what my answer is it's it's absolutely useless it's definitely not the best loot that i've ever had in my life but now i'd like to grab nine pieces of coal create a block and then of course we're just gonna light that block on fire once i track down we flint there we go we summoned this fella he's gonna offer me the same two trades again just seems to me that's all that he offers so maybe maybe i should get some emeralds for him but no i gave all the emeralds to you that means it's time to get tree trapping oh my goodness i come back and this guy's in my bed that really is unacceptable i know you're not working here it's like this guy's taking your job instead he's got the desert stuff underneath anyway let's get back to trading sell you loads of sticks and then buy one of these which i don't really know what it does but it does upgrade into the next one which is the iron mines let's craft another compass and buy that map from him according to the map i need to head north west and now that i have electric traveling is much much better that does look like the place to be although it's not the one marked on the map must be some sort of other boss here are the iron mines that i'm looking for with the iron slime i'm going to equip my chest plate and see what we've got the first thing i've noticed is i've got a bit of minor fatigue i don't know why but i'm gonna use water to get through the cobwebs a little bit of extra loot which is always nice what have we got here is this the iron slime now i don't know how much damage oh my goodness you are you you resist my bow and it just broke my shield like that all these arrows are pretty useless now there must be some other way to defeat it what we got in the chest just a golden apple to do a little bit of research apparently you can just make some pillars and then oh okay can break blocks i need obsidian i think to do this but and then you just have to keep hitting it with your pickaxe i'm gonna head back out grab some obsidian and defeat it like that although that does mean finding some lava which might be a challenge i've spotted some down there before too many mobs get around me i'm gonna go to sleep pour water on here and start mining quinty should definitely be enough time for take two on the battle i'm gonna place obsidian down like this as you can see swinging my sword does nothing but if i keep hitting my pickaxe you can see that the health does indeed keep going down i have to spam it very very fast to keep it going it can also break obsidian which is a bit of a worry and as soon as i stop hitting it it instantly regains its health instead i'm just going to place a few rows of blocks then put obsidian on top and from here i should be able to take it out okay it's got a bit smaller that's a good sign now i've just got to keep going i'm guessing he's going to get a little bit smaller in a moment although having said that if he's about to get smaller then i'm going to be careful because he might be able to fit through the gap okay uh i don't think that was fitting through the gap was it he just got all his health back i'm gonna have to come with some plan because he does a lot of damage thankfully i have a few more plans that i want to try such as making some buckets getting a load of milk and using that to dig a tunnel underneath okay well that didn't work i'm gonna be really patient and do it manually i can even use the dive mining strat to speed things up well unfortunately this plot hasn't really worked because he can't see me i'm gonna make a run for it i'm really running out of options but i have one last plan first get a load more obsidian then place it in kind of a shape like this gonna also break this block and i should be able to do it although this method isn't really working either because he just jumps away all the time i'm gonna try one final thing if this doesn't work then i'm truly giving over starts by placing four obsidian like this and i can't properly reach him but that i kind of thought that might happen so i'm gonna mine the way the block above my head and then i'm gonna place two trapdoors like this and that's gonna knock me downwards just enough so that i can reach him and damage him any moment now he's gonna go to the smaller size there we go and now he just takes dummies like a normal slime his shell has gone and that means i can hit him with my axe which is perfect defeated you better give me some good loot iron slime and a pickaxe apparently gives me a bit more speed if nothing else but that was an extremely difficult situation now i'm gonna grab my stuff and fly back home on my way back i've just come across a giant ice tower i don't know if that's any good loot in it a notch apple oh my goodness okay well the answer would be yes it does have good loot guessing you're supposed to defeat a bus before being able to get to stuff like that hey i don't mind stealing it this way just seem to be all sorts of minions down there i'm not gonna bother instead i'll enjoy the loot and keep flying home and speaking of home there it is up ahead i'm gonna give you another emerald and this time you want to send me to the ship pretty sure that's just where you take out a kraken though and i've already done that and instead he's got the castle i think the castle is what i flew past but i think buying both the maps is a good idea so that we can go on a double adventure as it happens i've already been to the ship on this map so i'm throwing that away instead it's north to the castle that we go and there it is the castle i don't really know what i'm doing okay they've got villager guards i better suit up and then see what we're dealing with okay well this guy isn't so tough i can just i can just out pvp although to be honest he has so much health like i keep hitting him but he's he's not taking a lot of damage there we go defeated so i'm gonna grab a load of blocks and those should be very useful for the battle now they probably want me to go in the front door but i'm i'm going to be sneaking and going like this see a lot of chests i can only guess that that's going to be looped my bow seems to one hit these guys there's one final guard over there i think i can just go over now and hopefully okay there's a lot of guards over there let's just steal their stuff oh there's one behind me see you place a couple of blocks and they can't get through although truth be told the loot is uh it's not really the best now i'm gonna go upstairs okay there seems to be a lot of guys is that the king okay that guy looks pretty big there's a lot of handles here tell you what this is free stuff all right fellas do your worst oh my goodness i let him all in i've got to run now i think my best bet is to try and maybe go upstairs and then i don't know go outside the tower this is an enthralling battle at all but it's gone dark so if you don't mind i'd like to get some sleep now then how do i battle this folk and i just i can shoot him with an arrow although he didn't seem to take much damage from that and now he's looking at me and all his guards are on me again i don't like this all you guys that's it just just come up here and um we'll we'll send you all down into the water oh i'm going in as well now the only difference is that i can fly now then let's see what we're dealing with up here okay he's um yeah he's a big fella doesn't seem to take much damage he can move okay that i do not like it's such a strange battle i think i'm gonna try and make a shield and see what that does so my shield will take his hit but it is breaking and he's kind of still able to get hit back and if i hit him like i don't know why but it just okay it's done a bit of damage there you know this could be a strategy wait can you not hit me he looks kind of angry but this is working guys like it was working until he escaped okay i've got to get out of here now otherwise i will die okay we just about made it and he's just fully regen his health and wait where on earth is he gone he just jumped in the sky and he took half of his health oh my goodness wait this is an opportunity i have no shield wait let me just make a bunch of shields so this is the plan every time a shield breaks we've got another one at the moment he seems to kind of be slightly stuck so i'm just going to keep hitting him while i can i don't know how this is working but i'm just going to take it what the heck his health just went all the way back to full i think he's now getting extremely weak he is not attacking me which i am completely okay with surely this is it there we go and we got him and get rid of all these crazy shields most like part of this thing was to put cursive binding on some golden boots huh got to get rid of them somehow oh these are the boots i originally had so yeah i've gotta break those to get rid of them on another note looting five on the whole that's gonna be really useful and can i steal these gold blocks yes as a matter of fact i can on that note i'll head back home now in order to make my armor much better i need to stop having diamonds i'll leave the peasant days behind and get some ancient debris to upgrade it but i feel like i'm going to need a lot of tnt to do that so i'm going to make a creeper farm there's a lot of items that i need for this farm including quite a lot of blocks and i'm also going to go in search of a forest because i need lots of slabs and wooden slabs are going to be the easiest ones to make and i think i've now got enough wood i've got loads of inventory as you can see i've got loaves right there if that's not enough then i don't know what is i'm gonna need five dispensers so i'm going out collecting string and with that i should definitely now have enough pieces time to get some sleep another thing i'll need is some magma i've now got everything i need but i'd also like to grab a bit of sugar cane and then turn it into paper so that i can make more firework rockets next i want to build this farm over the ocean right about here looks like a good spot to start and to make that start i'm going to build a decent sized platform next i'm going to build up a few blocks and build the floor and this platform is now done i've extended the walls to be one higher and i'm also just adding these blocks in like so and next this is where the water comes in because we're going to place it on top of each of all these blocks and that is every piece of water placed down next i'm going to dig out all of this area and replace it with magma i've got that slightly wrong this magma should be one layer lower next i'm breaking all these blocks which has made a bit of a mess but once i start placing blocks like this it'll all start flowing where it should do there we go it all takes me to the center now and this is where my fence gates are now going to come in i place them kind of around like this but they're all going to be opened under here i'm going to build the minecart collection system this is where my chests are going to go with hoppers going into them powered rail here and a powered rail here with normal rails all the way around let's add a couple of torches to power them i never knew this but if i go and put down the thing it doesn't move but if i use a fishing rod i think i have to stand kind of like that look at that we can make it move and now let's build the platforms where the creepers will spawn so to do that we're going to build up one two three four then i'm going to build it out to make a bit of a platform we're gonna add a torch on top and then repeaters going all the way around just to make a nice little clock with redstone dust at each side and these repeaters on four ticks delay the clock can be activated by doing something like that and on top of here we need a dispenser and then we can begin building a platform at this height right here that is now this layer finished so i need to place a block and then an observer and break that block and then just build the same platform again above and then with another dispenser in the middle next i'm just gonna keep repeating this until we're really high up i built six layers and now i'm just gonna build a final roof now comes the part where i need loads of trapdoors as well as that i'm gonna grab my glass and i'm gonna put that all the way around this like so and on the roof i'm going to add all these trapped doors but i have to leave a gap where the glass is so the water can get through this now means that the only things that be able to spawn under here are creepers and spiders now to repeat this on all of the layers and that is every single one of the trapdoors down and the final thing to be done is to build a giant slab roof and that is every single slab down there's just one thing left and that is to fill these buckets with water and fill up each of these dispensers it's actually going to be a massive challenge without blowing up i somehow got away with that although i'm now out of firework rockets so i'm gonna break this sugar cane make more paper make more rockets and be smart about doing this last one and break the roof and put it in the dispenser that way let's put that right there put all these blocks around patch up the slabs i also want to quickly nip home to grab some torches that i'm going to place down here to stop any other mobs from spawning i don't know what happened but my minecart hopper has also disappeared so i'll quickly craft another one which is quite straightforward and the machine is now fully working filling the chest up with gunpowder from the creepers and string from the spiders now i just need to build out a few blocks and then go up about 124 blocks come along here to build a platform which is where i shall afk now let's break all of this look at all those mobs loads of spiders loads of everything it's brilliant although those blocks aren't meant to be there in the middle i'm gonna have to try and get rid of them chest plates going on let's um let's hope that creeper doesn't come down here and blow me up and we just got one more to go there we go i should make the farm work much better already over a stack of gunpowder and i want to use that to make and some more firework rockets and i'm going in search of more sugarcane look at this there's absolutely loads along this river just from exploring the area i got over a stack and whilst i'm afking for gunpowder i could be growing sugarcane over here and this should be enough i don't know if mobs can spawn my sugarcane r so i just added torches in case and now i'm gonna spend time afk up here and see just how much gunpowder i get a few days have passed let's see how much we've got first of all we can see there's a bit of a build up of mobs but more importantly how much has been collected okay look at that a full double chest i'm gonna put all this gunpowder into this shulker box and also turn all this string into wool since i can use it for beds my inventory is completely full but before i go i also want to make myself some firework rockets the sugarcane has been growing nicely i already housed it at once which is why i've got loads of sugarcane i haven't really got the space to carry anymore let's turn all this into paper i can live in the end of chester and i'm just going to get everything else a bit more organized now while that's more organized i'm going to grab a load of sand and very conveniently i'm in a desert now that my inventory has successfully filled up i'm gonna start crafting the tnt and this is all the tnt that i have pretty certain that should be enough for me to get all the ancient debris i need so let's start searching we're on level 12 i'm gonna dig a really long tunnel my first piece of ancient debris has been found probably a good time to start adding the tnt turns out i actually uh missed a piece of ancient debris while i was tunnelling as well still got a lot of tnt left but let's just light this and see what happens i'll tell you what happens we begin to find lots of ancient debris there's some more over here starting to find quite a lot now there's at least one up here and if i can remove all of this lava there's another one down here we got seven from that which was okay but we need to use way more tnt we need a longer tunnel but i also need to repair my pickaxe my pickaxe is nearly broken so i'm gonna use this to also find me quartz here goes take two here's the quartz that i wanted and there's the ancient debris another three right here which means we're up to 15 with more ahead once again i've reached the edge of the tunnel but this time my pickaxe has more health so i'm going to keep mining just while doing a bit more tunneling i've found some ancient debris two pieces next i'll place down the last of this tnt and see what we find plenty more pieces it would seem i got a grand total of 26 pieces two more and i could get an ingot though so i'm gonna search for some on my way back hopefully i find one that i missed before or i find some through strip mining like that now i just need one x okay well i don't need one extra piece um i've got all the ones i want it would be nice to get another four and then all my tools can be another right if that doesn't happen then i'm happy with what i've got okay i just found one you know what this is i suddenly got very lucky i was struggling a bit but now i'm actually fighting quite a bit although my pickaxe is pretty much broken now so i guess the fun's over oh it's temporarily over anyway with enough xp i can be back on track look at that we are back on track i'm gonna go for a change attack to find these last two first i'm gonna set off this all smelting grab my gold helmet and then go in search of a bastion and here we have one coming into view fortunately nothing particularly good in the first one except for this shovel which is useful and in this one again nothing super useful say what will be useful though a bucket of lava don't ask what just happened there i i did something stupid now back to useful things let's try and loot these chests very carefully and deal with the pickling brutes we also got pig stem that's that's the greatest treasure of all this books also going to be useful and more obsidian and a few extra arrows finally i got a silk touch pickaxe i have to say my ancient debris theory isn't really working out not a single one in the entire bastion there's nothing really left here for me so i'm gonna find another bastion and i'd also like to grab some extra food on the way bastion number two looks like it's another stables and still no sign of anything good and we've got this going i'm starting to think that just mining for the ancient debris would have been faster there we go we finally found some this is the last chance okay well hey some food is actually quite useful and i also missed a chest up here which had nothing in it and so the search continues here's something you don't see every day a fortress right by a bastion oh and that's because it's not a bastion that is the gauntlet and you know what we are we're not ready for that just yet we're getting very close but still not quite ready this to me looks more like a bastion for the third time it's a stable only this time the loot looks more promising i only got a split second to look at that because the piglet brew but if i come around here okay i've just got to think fast we'll just get rid of the torches second thoughts i can craft these iron blocks into ingots and then the torches can come back right i think we head home although not before stealing a few more things got more gold more food i think i've got all of them now to grab the ones on this side i've got everything i want time to get out of here on the way back i've come across another one going to quickly see what loot they've got and grab the gold blocks i'm not really going to mess about here because i don't really need anything here we are home sweet home now i can smell this extra piece of ancient debris let's grab it all out of these furnaces create the ingots craft a smithing table and upgrade all of my gear unfortunately i have no helmet at the moment so i'm gonna have to find some diamonds which means we're going mining one of these caves should be good it was good it looks like it's taking me all the way down to diamond level now i've just got to start searching and the search has been successful with this pickaxe we will get loads of diamonds okay don't burn five more that's just enough to make a helmet time to find my way out of here the next thing i should do is get some more food the other thing i want to do is head to the end but i i can't the life may remember where the stronghold is i seem to remember it being somewhere yeah look at this i've been here before this looks to be the place that i dug down the next question is where is that portal room thankfully my memory is jogged for that so i have remembered where it was now that i'm here i want to gather up a load of enderman so i can use them for xp quite a lot here so let's take them out i don't know why there are diamond boots just lying on the ground are they mine from another time oh they're my old ones which i have basically the equivalent of if i just fly like this i can actually force all the enemies to spawn together then i create version two of the farm it took a while but i finally got to 30 levels now to make a helmet and upgrade it just realize i left the table at home so i'm just going to bring all the bookcases home with me so i'll set it up right here this is just on breaking through you know what i'll take aqua affinity let's upgrade this helmet cover myself in debris and then find a villager that's gonna give me prop four something tells me that that villager is gonna be you i was wrong it's not actually gonna be this guy that was miles away and i just hit him okay well you know what i don't want it to be you know let's make it this random guy over here before he learns that all the other villagers don't like me protection three for forty three angles that's pretty expensive but i've also realized i don't have any emeralds at all so i should probably work on getting a load of those before anything else and thankfully i've already got lots of logs to trade it's this fletcher's lucky day and if i get this guy out of bed and give this these emeralds to him i can then give him a load of gold to top it all off i'm going to sleep in his bed now i have loads of emeralds let's get back to getting protection for in fact i'm going to grindstone this because i have more levels now and prop 4 is waiting for me kind of sucks is only prop 4 but you know what i can't bother complaining let's also anvel this on buy some mending and also add that to the helmet and finally i'm gonna try and get on breaking three from this guy it'll be useful for my helmet and also my elytra gotta change your heart and i'm gonna take fire aspect since that'll be perfect on my sword i could be wrong but i think i can just summon more villagers with coal i just need to be out of render distance of this fella which is not hard if your render distance is only two now that i'm here let's dig a little hole light this on fire and there you go it worked perfectly you probably thought you were here to give me a map or something like that but no you're um you're here to give me my books i've gotten breaking too and you know what that's good enough for me only thing i need now is a load more emeralds then we shall be ready to battle the gauntlet let's buy two more we just need four more emeralds okay i made another rumble although i just realized i have six right there let's put these together and i'm gonna put some on my helmet i thought it was also getting it for my elytra but apparently i already have it on them okay what have i done don't tell me you were already selling on breaking oh already been there done that long ago yeah that was that was a waste of time not to worry i'd just like to grab some extra food and then we can begin the gauntlet more gunpowder would also be helpful so i can make some more rockets now i go in search of food randomly found a ruined portal over here with you know what nothing good the only good thing i see is the pigs now this one's got a baby so we leave them in peace i really don't want to have to adopt an orphan child the food is looking pretty good let's uh let's go and fight that hand i don't know what else i could bring i'm just gonna go ahead and do my best here it is let's glide on down put on my chest plate and brace myself for a battle i mind that there it is the hand i don't really know what to expect i know it looks pretty creepy the arrows don't work do i have to hit it in its eye okay that's what i do i think i made him mad to be honest guys i'm i'm just going to keep going oh my goodness he's a fist thankfully i have the best armor but this is going to take all my skill okay i think after game to try and open up maybe like that and then oh my goodness there we go that's how we do it we go got a good hit again okay i just pulled by mistake that was not intentional hopefully he doesn't do too much damage and this first bit is not look at that double hit okay a laser now what that's it open up come on oh he flew away so what uh i need to get away from that can i do this come on yes go on our day open up is he vulnerable when shooting the laser he is i can kind of do something like this then and do some more hits that's it open up i dare ya i said oh my goodness what's he doing now okay he's brought fire into the mix there we go still getting hits i think it's time i pop one of these bad boys that's it now yeah don't understand that chance go on shoot me with you later see if i can i've just got the most powerful thing ever and you do not stand a chance against me sb737 okay okay what are you doing okay i don't like the look of that there's eyes everywhere okay i'm now blinded yeah maybe he does stand a chance that's the thing oh not anymore though okay we've got another one let's try and okay more fire coming in where is he at i've got fire resistance so it doesn't matter too much come on open up okay how did you block that looks like blindness is coming back i think i hit him though oh man the laser okay i'm eating the other one you know what let's let's let's just go for it there we go another hit come on another hit he's so weak now yes we got him and look at that wide ancient debris just have to take out this guy without a doubt that was the best spot yet we got the blazing eye lots of xp as well a little bit of extra ancient debris well there's loads of actually i think this might be the final piece but that truly was amazing i guess it's time for bigger and better things but not before i get myself the best item in the game yes that's right the nether right hoe now let's see what you've got for me i would like to know what the next thing is the lab i need one more emerald then you sir here's some sticks i know how much you love them that gives me enough to go to the lab also don't know what i'm gonna do with this hoe now i'm gonna leave it behind to get there we're gonna have to travel a long way south east right now i'm on the map although there's not actually anything marked on here which means i'm actually gonna have to use my brain to find this one something that i was kind of afraid of the crawler okay the bus bar is shown which means we must be close it's dark it's raining if you guys ever heard of pathetic fallacy then you know that's not a good sign i can only assume that this right here is the secret lap breaking game probably isn't a good idea but okay there's actually a guy here what have you been doing to this board what on earth hey hey hey hey what's going on this guy obviously doesn't want me snooping around another one of these things oh my goodness what is that i don't want to hurt these guys but but they're really they're causing me trouble oh my goodness there's loads of scientists what are they doing i said hit yourselves you stupid idiot this is why i brought so many arrows i've had just about enough of this right we're going in my way my way apparently isn't a very good way now what on earth are we dealing with here feel bad because they're part wolf but but seriously these guys will hurt me i don't want to hurt all these scientists so we're just going to block them in if we can what on earth is going on over there listen the longer time goes on the stranger this gets what are they doing they've got bedrock that this is so strange what on earth i don't get why there's a portal here either portal leads nowhere interesting although it took me up up here oh my goodness what just happened still okay that's the main thing i mean what have they created down here the crawler it's so strange what is in these dispensers oh my goodness it's just full of loot it's not half bad if you ask me but to be honest i came here for a different reason not to sleep but to defeat the crawler in this place this way you guys sleep oh my goodness you're still here how long is this going to take what have you gotten oh my goodness more good stuff this is the research area here's some research but you know what i should probably get out of it i think that's the last of them no there was one guy left now then what can i do against this guy okay there's quite a lot of glass what do my arrows do my arrows do hit it oh my goodness it is breaking blocks over there it's gonna break out if i'm not careful done a bit of research and apparently all the redstone blocks are what has given him the power so if i break these broken all the ones i can see what does this book do i've got no idea what he's saying i'm just gonna leave it on here found a couple of blocks that i missed i know if the redstone blocks above the lumps count though cause that's gonna take me forever well arrows aren't doing any damage still so i'm gonna try this all of these outer redstone blocks have now been broken this light is coming from sea lantern so don't worry about that yeah things are a lot darker but there's still all of those ones and of course to get there i've got a minor obsidian this is where things start to get risky i am in the main place breaking all this don't know much about this guy but i think if i don't get too close he won't hurt me this guy's he's pretty friendly you know you don't hurt him and don't look at me like that yeah he doesn't seem to be bothered about me okay i guess i got too close to him that time he's not quite as friendly as i thought he was or maybe he doesn't want me touching this last redstone there we go that's all of them gone and i don't know if anything's changed i'll just carefully try doing some damage and see what happens okay that wasn't good i think my best bet is to come round here and see what i can do from this angle apparently i missed a redstone block okay that could be important now it does seem to be taking damage a lot better but it's still healing up instantly i'm guessing i'm too far away anytime i do any damage to it as you can see it instantly heals it back there must be another redstone block that i'm missing i really have no idea how to defeat this guy it must be broken or something like that i mean i'm hitting it with a power five bow and it's just instantly regening i also went into creative world and summoned the boss there and even when i could guarantee there were no redstone blocks in the area it was doing the same thing yeah i don't get that one although i did come away with all of this loot so i think i'm the real winner here let's try giving this guy more emeralds and see if he's got a better but wait apparently that's that's the final boss but don't worry i haven't got just one one in store so if you've got no bosses for me i'll find more but if i want to make further progress i feel like a totem is going to be a good idea just need to track down a pillager outpost it's also thunderstorming right now which means i can sleep in this tent feel like whenever i see one of these i just have to go in because you never know what you're gonna find although most of the time it's rubbish but this one was not so rubbish oh my goodness i got it did not expect that one to happen i was planning on saying but this one is also rubbish but yeah i i was thwarted because we found one of those that certainly puts me in a good position now we just need the outpost and the outpost i have found it's amazing how quickly you can explore the area when you have electric i think i spoiled a captain yeah i did indeed now we can start a raid although i'd like to quickly visit this place just to see what we can find this one was actually pretty rubbish but i can no longer complain about anything before i begin i'm gonna quickly put a load of loot into here because i just have so much to look at those redstone blocks i don't need those and because i have a bow this raid is going to be a lot easier although it's kind of slow and boring as well so i'm just going in might be a good idea to put my chest plate on as well wave number two down very easily wave number three has ravages which is where the bow comes in that's another wave down i've still got plenty of villagers left i'll take these guys from distance although they're coming close now so uh a change of tactics i think i'm also pleased to say i now have my first totem i'm feeling so relaxed i'm uh i'm gonna go to sleep for some reason these guys seem to be going for the squid i don't know what's going okay i need to get rid of these vexes though and i believe that this is now the final wave you know what things are getting a little hairy i'm just going to pull out the golden apple and then we're going to go in and get serious you know what things are getting serious again let's um you know what let's just let's just let everything happen yeah that's it that's it you know i got more totems where that came from i don't know how many of my villagers are left but i need to get in here quick supposed to be an angle around here but i don't see him helping and i think oh god there's one left i am now victorious that's it guys like your fireworks celebrate with her we've done it i didn't do it to help you i did it to help myself i just wanted these totems but now i can head home victorious things are looking pretty good guys but you see we are gonna need the best stuff because next we're gonna be battling the sun yes we are going to summon the sun boss and when i dare to do that i'm gonna have to be so so well prepared one thing i'm going to need to do first is max out my armor and to do that i'm going to need more xp and not walk into lava as well finally i've made it to 30 levels from that i can get aqua affinity add it to my helmet next i'd like to get some feather falling the only problem is i've completely run out of coal so i'm going to have to go mining for it then i can fly straight out dig a bit of a hole and once again summon the villager and i'm going to keep doing this until i get further falling took a long time but finally i have got feather falling for let's buy that i'm also going to release you you don't have to live down there forever and the final book i'm gonna need is respiration three which shouldn't take me too long to get this time it didn't take quite so long you two can be released villager and now i'll head back to my house and add these to the armor there we go i'm not going to add thorns because i don't want my armor to break when i'm battling the sun since i am probably going to be taking a lot of damage the only other thing i'm definitely going to need is quite a bit of fire resistance since the sun is so hot you you will burn if you get too close i'm going to fly around and get the items that i need magma cream is going to be useful to start off with also an extra blaze rod and finally i'll grab some of this anything good at this room portal you know i'll take that and now i can get to work i believe i've got everything that i need i'll get some sleep grab six iron blocks that i'm gonna need and then i can summon the sun in order to do this i'm gonna have to take off my armor so that i only have three armor points i'm also going to have to light myself on fire at some point so we're going to go like that have six blocks of iron in my main hand and i also need to get myself down to three hearts got myself down to three and a half hearts with lava there we go three hearts i think everything's correct i've got three armor bars i'm going to have my totem ready once i do this so set myself on fire okay there's the sun i'm inside the sun we're going to use the totem there we go that's now going to give me a bit of fire resistance got my armor on regen my health gonna drink this fire resistance it seems the sun is currently taking damage i can hit it by doing something like that but where is the foot in that no i'm gonna go in with the flying method we can do something like this and hit it as we find it i think the lava is actually giving it damage the sun takes damage from lava that that does not make much sense the place that you can hit the sun is actually at the bottom so right there there we go i can also get my bow and arrow and shoot down there whoever designed this mod did not really test it when they uh they they made it so it could be heard by lava did they hang in a minute the sun went to half health and it stopped taking damage it seems to have now become immune to all fire damage okay well this is this means this is where i've got to step in okay oh look at this i can do damage i am inside it i've got to be careful i'm probably going to use a totem here yep that's okay let's just eat a golden apple let's get another tote that's my last one i'm going to be very very careful now in fact i'm going to put my chest plate on oh please don't use that last totem come on that's it another gold knuckle i'm swimming i'm in i'm in a bit of a sticky situation here i'm just going to try and fly away there we go i've used another totem up i think that's my last one gone that's looks like i couldn't get to fire distance because these stupid guys are chasing me i've got enough on me play i'm battling the sun without you getting in the way let's drink this okay throw that in now we got to be careful we've got no totems left there's lava everywhere and the sun has a lot of health left and i think in order to damage it i'm gonna have to try and get below it yeah and then hit it like that perfect even with a power five bow this is gonna take quite a lot of time and a lot of care he's moving away from me but this is a perfect opportunity to get more arrows on it problem is that when you're far away it's so hard to damage it seems that the more damage the sun takes the faster its attacks are if i get too close it does more damage as well so i've got to try and do it from a distance i've got a pretty good angle this sun is just destroying absolutely everything it's getting extremely weak but it's also moving really really fast and it's hard to keep up it's doing more and more damage all the time i'm gonna go in with my sword okay this is a little bit risky let's just get out of there now have a quick golden apple there we go we're okay i think that does confirm that the bow is the best way to go still managing to get hits this is such a challenge i am so close to running out of food yeah this is not a good situation at this point it's either me or the sun there's no in between but i'm getting it so so weak it's destroying everything so so fast that is my last steak i think i have some pork i've got eight pork what i've got in well i didn't know i had a nut chopper left this could only end one way ladies and gentlemen let's eat that and let's go for it come on let's do this final damage that's it you think you can defeat me come on i'm gonna get weak here i'm in a really dangerous place but i've just got to do this damage as quickly as i can this is kind of tricky but i'm gonna try and fly beneath it and shoot it with arrows i think that's the only way i can do this now it is getting so so weak it can't have much left in it but also i don't have much left in me either i've had my last pork chop the sun could not be any weaker but i'm struggling to keep up with it i'm gonna eat anything i can find and i'm just gonna go for it come on just gotta land those arrow shots it's gotta be so weak now i only have three and a half hours it's now or never hey we did it we did it what a great long range shot to finish the job i feel like any potential loot that i got from that will have probably dropped into the lava and burnt well that doesn't matter because i can say that i defeated the sun i mean look at the destruction that it created it just completely destroyed the area that was without a doubt the hardest battle of them all especially as it got stronger towards the end and now piglen's going to be the thing that defeats me after all that no not really you're stopping that i have to say having that spare no chapel really came in clutch at the end i can douse myself in water and i need to get some food this pig right here will do fine and this one as well it's weird now that i walk into the desert and just see random villagers but as the sun sets on this world that ladies and gentlemen was a hundred days but there are custom bosses
Channel: SB737
Views: 12,337,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 1.17, caves and cliffs, custom bosses, 100 days custom bosses, modded bosses, boss mod, custom boss mod, hardcore boss, minecraft boss mod
Id: OVYgdixMXyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 34sec (3034 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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