I Survived 100 Days Of Hardcore Minecraft, In An Ice Spikes Only World

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time for a real challenge the ice spikes biome is one of the hardest to survive in there are no trees no food and no mobs and i am not only going to survive here somehow i am going to survive 100 days in hardcore minecraft and at the end battle three withers at once how am i gonna do that well first i need to find some wood i've gotta be really really fast here you do get random grass blocks and on them there's a chance to get a tree so either i need that a ruined portal or a mine shaft i have discovered a cave this is probably my best chance i do see the light but is there going to be what i need i'm just going to jump this is this is already a disaster this has turned out to be a pretty good cave oh my goodness i've found diamonds i have no way to obtain these diamonds but that's pretty cool i can't get some cobblestone if i blow him up there we go we got six pieces that's pretty good although i'm now on three hearts things are starting to look a little bit dire you know it's a sad day when you have to break stone with your fist oh my goodness even more diamonds all i want is a mine shaft how can that be so hard more creepers they're just gonna be useful for blocks if nothing else i've now lost so much hunger that i can't even sprint what have we got here it looks like okay it's a bit of a ravine that's pretty good although navigating along here without being able to sprint jump is gonna be a challenge it's gonna take a miracle if i come out of here alive look at that another creeper okay can he even get up here i hope not i need the blocks i'm gonna have to blow him up okay we're down to one and a half hearts look at that an amethyst geode i'm finding all sorts of amazing things but not what i want to find come to another bit of a mini ravine and this gravel that's going to be very useful stack of gravel should be enough to get me through turns out this is a dead end it seems that this ravine also connects to another review we have to do something like this there we go oh my goodness that looks like a mob spawner and i see a chest and we've got a mine shaft okay okay okay right this this is huge i can actually get some i can't get any food from this but at least i can get wood i know this is very very risky but i need to get to this chest hopefully nothing can detect me we've got a bit of wheat not really got any food i'm just gonna eat this and see if i can regen from it these creepers oh my goodness okay everything's okay we're still alive i desperately need to find some chests and now with this wood i can make a crafting table and some sticks let's make an iron pickaxe and a stone axe okay that's definitely gonna help we also have all this raw iron and let's use this axe to collect loads of wood and we've got a chest okay and we've got bread and a golden apple okay that's all very useful i'm gonna take these seeds because food is difficult to get i think i'm gonna eat the golden apple now and then that just regens me right back up now if i craft a few more sticks and also a sword and this sword can be used to get cobwebs these cobwebs will give me string which can be used to make wool i can then use to make a bed let's also keep grabbing any iron that we see there's even more of it right here and now i need a little bit more cobblestone which can then be turned into a furnace and after grabbing a little bit of coal i can smelt my iron and while i wait for that i'm going to grab loads more wood and up here there is loads of iron let's add that to the furnace and armor can begin to be made as well as a shield which is probably gonna be useful probably a good idea to use two furnaces as well let's make some leggings and also an iron axe what do we got here another mob spawner with a creeper on it okay let's just first break well that broke it and look at this a bucket a little bit more wheat we can make two more bread but all in all the chests in the mob spawners have not been very good let's also pick up this water craft the rest of my armor and also collect up more wood so now i have full armor all the iron tools that i need and quite a bit of food and i'm gonna need a lot more things if i want to defeat the hardest bosses so that means going back to the surface and the best way to do that is gonna be by digging straight up i certainly feel a lot more confident up here but now i need to find something else that is extremely rare okay this was not what i was looking for but without a doubt it's a great thing to find especially because there's obsidian flint nice and another iron ingot and look at that i brought four golden helmet that's gonna be huge and so now the hunt could continue yes for grass extremely rare and he got i gotta see look at that one hit one seed i'm hanging a minute what do i see through the ice a tree these things are so so red everything's starting to come together let's grab all of the wood now we need to hope that we get a sapling it's not looking good i've mined all this stuff okay we got one perfect it looks like it's only one whilst i'm here i'm gonna grab this dirt i've just realized i'm now out of bread i can't really spend any more time exploring although hey we found sugarcane just lying on the ground perfect how much we got two that's huge but yeah it's probably a good time to stop exploring and set up some kind of base i have to say i quite like this little area let's add water at this side then craft a hoe add a little bit of light along here plant the seeds and wait for them to grow i'm also going to switch this stone out and change it to be dirt and then plant melon seeds along here and finally beetroot on this side a bit of sugarcane and since i have no bone meal i will just wait for it to grow in the meantime i can explore this cave we've got an enderman here didn't drop a pearl though is that a cave turns out it's just a place you can get more water but hey that's going to be useful because now all of this can be made into infinite water sources and things are looking a lot better but i need to find something in the caves i was hoping to find a cave but it looks like we're going to instead go dive mining and it's lava okay well i found the cave oh my goodness it's not just a cave it's an entire ravine it doesn't get much better than this no sign of diamonds but it is possible to use lapis if i go four blocks in this direction and dig straight down we come straight to diamonds and eight of them for that matter which is pretty nice that's why lapis is a great or to find doesn't seem to be much else here for me so i'm going to continue mining more diamonds beautiful okay these are deep slate ones as well it looks like we've got at least four i'll make that five so that's 13 now we seem to have come to a little lava lake no use for me i'm gonna keep on mining my pickaxe has just broken some upgrading to a diamond one okay yeah so we've got some more and it's quite a few so how many times have we got all together now 16 okay i'm getting close to full diamond armor and there's some lapis here can i use the trick again so four blocks this way and then i'll have to check above me okay and then they were above me sometimes they're below sometimes or above it depends what y level you're on but it really is a powerful trick for finding diamonds more diamonds perfect it doesn't look like it's gonna be too many though at least well this is the second and the third one but that's 22 in total just one more vein to go i've just looked underneath lava is this mean there's a cave here yes there is and there's lapis okay well we know what that means in theory either above me or directly below there should be diamonds but i'm guessing these ones spawned in the bedrock hang on a minute well i guess maybe they're just spawned in the cave in the cave of a room because the diamonds in this instance are the same level look at this lapid everywhere so we've got that so those relate to those ones so maybe this way we're going to have more diamonds i'm just gonna dig down and hope for the best well it's definitely a very inconsistent one none down there but i shall still collect the lapis but you know what 24 diamonds means full diamond armor and there we go looking very nice indeed now if i really want to progress the items in this world just aren't going to be enough so i'm going to grab the small supply of items that i have and head to a brand new dimension let's light up the portal and here it is the frostlands this frozen wasteland is going to let me get loads more items but there's still lots of dangers to be found including powdered snow that covers the land which you definitely don't want to fall into one of the main things this place is going to get me is food and look at that mushrooms lots and lots of mushrooms carefully bridge across also pig lanes are getting a bit angry at me let me put this gold helmet on and start collecting these look at this there's absolutely loads we've got about 30 of those 28 of the brown ones we're sorted can't make ones with dandelions just yet but it's a great step in the right direction and we've got hoglands that's even better if i just drop some lava like this i can take this guy out and get some cooked pork chop and we got four from that nice look at these fossils perfect i can use that bone meal later to get suspicious stew even more bone meal here perfect looks so weird it looks like there's kind of no flaw but it's all the powdered snow i would freeze very fast if i fell in there and look at this we have found a fortress i don't really know the best way to get there so i'm just gonna bridge across okay i've got something shooting at me i'm just gonna keep moving and i'm in now then what can we find here we've got a chest and okay it's got some gold in it and some frostlands wart i'm gonna leave the saddle for now i don't really have a use for it i have no idea how guys but i just got ahead my rng really is undefeated wait hold a second it's actually ancient debris i kind of mined out the board and i was like okay what is that that might just be ancient debris you know there's absolutely no way i might it is ancient debris it's taken forever to mine there's two of them okay i'll don't take me out now i'll get rid of the frozen soil let's grab all this i am extremely weak holding let's just um just patch this up quickly and collect up my two pieces of ancient debris is that it doesn't get much rarer than that and now to get the rest of these blaze rods i now have 11 blaze rods that's more than enough what's in this chest okay just saddles and horse on we don't get horses in this world so it's of no use to me however this yeah a little bit more useful and finally another ironing got the main thing i would have liked to find in some of those chests was diamonds but it wasn't too big so let's just get out of here and they only see one way across here and it involves finding more hogwins because you see hoglands drop leather and you can also get it from piglens with enough leather you can make leather boots and what happens when you walk on powdered snow with leather boots well this is what happens you become light as a rabbit this should make exploration way way easier and i've just got cold tourist destinations because i've gone to every biome and look at that upper head we have indeed got a bastion and a poor enderman which is looking a little bit frozen okay he managed to get out not so poor now are you oh we got an ender pearl have to say this makes leather boots one of the coolest things ever now let's see what we can find here we have got a chest now i don't upset anybody so i'm just going to dig underneath it because that gold blocks so many of them it looks like we're in a stables bastion and we've got loads of obsidian and a diamond pickaxe it's silk touch so that's definitely an upgrade to my current one but i'm still going to keep this just in case this is definitely a place to be very very careful but golden carrots gonna keep using lava buckets on these guys and just be very very careful of everything large obsidian and an iron block there's some good items here but i'm not going to take any of it instead i'm bothered about these guys look at it we've got all them trapped in here let's just trade them a load of gold got these five gold blocks as well if i just keep a couple for myself just in case i need them we can throw all that to them we've got some more pearls we've got four now these guys gave me so many great items but i don't really have space for most of it but on that note i think i'm happy with what i've got okay and i just got knocked all the way down by that piggling brute the powdered snow actually saved me take two i really want this chest um okay we got nine block that's good my gold helmet has just been broken which is probably a good time for me to leave i do want to check these chests to see if there's anything good ancient debris perfect two of them and what about this chest quickly a golden apple okay that's all i want i'm getting out of here i can just jump on the powdered snow and i want to go after enderman now let's try to just place a boat and then take him out that way and now i have a grand total of nine enderpearls and there's plenty more endermen to be found that's number 10 finally the 12th one this is probably a great time to head back home and here we are home sweet home things are starting to look good but if i want to beat the real challenges and bosses then i need to find villagers i already have sugarcane which i need for this but there's plenty more items to collect i'd say the main one that i still need is spider eyes since i've got my brown mushrooms and the sugar and all of that so yeah we need to try and find a cave that has spiders in it it's also a shame that had to throw away my name tags they probably would have been useful and sand i need sand how am i gonna find that don't worry i've got an idea operation finder spider is complete but i don't think i got a spider eye okay we found diamonds that's a that's a pretty nice little thing to find currently just picking up the odds because i've got so touch it's amazing what you find when you're just looking for spiders okay two more spiders one of these has got to drop and it did perfect this once again looks like prime diamond location but instead we just got luffy's and we did get diamonds this time from digging down okay and i just went straight into lava but don't worry i have myself fire resistance okay so you don't panic in those situations the worst part is that my diamonds probably burnt also that's why you never dig down in minecraft unless you've got fire resistance and it's okay and on that note i'm gonna go home more grass shall we see if we get some seeds we didn't here we are home sweet home now these bone blocks can be turned into bone meal and look at this we can get ourselves plenty of wheat i have to say i've got a pretty good system going for this i can craft plenty more bread and head back to the frost lands to get my next item and to do that i am unfortunately going to have to find another bastion because pig lanes are going to be the only way for me to get glass bottles because i'm pretty sure there's no sanding and ice spikes by them also going to grab more fossils whilst i'm here finally another bastion has been spotted and this is a treasure one so there's gonna be loads of good loot so i reckon my best bet here is gonna be to grab this piece of gold and the same on the other side then drop lava on these two guys next i can basically just jump straight down and land here and be safe let's get rid of the magma spawner this guy can chase me but look he's he's stuck down here and next i can take all the gold that i want look at this diamond two diamond chest plates loads of stuff who's taking me out now iron blocks a diamond sword very happy with that my leather boots have just broken so um my powdered snow straps are coming to an end and i've just been hit by this guy i'm on one heart and um yeah better keep moving i'm just going to take this guy out the old fashioned way and i can get back my lava founder the chest and we've got some iron and some arrows that's pretty good see another one across there and one over there this has more gold and i can upgrade my shovel that's nice and another gold block more bomb blocks ancient debris would be nice but um you just kind of get what you get in this place extreme care is going to have to be taken there's a lot of piggling brutes okay can i just jump past you guys there we go most of these guys can just be distracted with the gold and the ones that refuse to be well this is what's gonna happen to him and good news we did get a water bottle i guess this is a good time to steal the rest of their gold because there definitely is a lot of it and they gave me more leather so i can make more boots what do these chests have to offer more gold oh and a piece of ancient debris i didn't notice that might as well go through here and check the other side what about this double chest look at that more instant debris seems to be so easy to find this in basket okay i was spending a bit too long in there but you missed your chance now you must face the lava i'll grab the rest of the hidden gold blocks too and i think these guys are giving me a total of three bottles yeah look at that i didn't mean to throw that away but yeah we've got all of this stuff we need now which means it's time to head back home and home is a long way in this direction finally back at the portal i can deposit all of this good stuff get some more wheat craft it into bread do a bit of sugar cane farming and i can also harvest my first melon and now it's time to track down a villager that i can cure i've been trying to dig to where i thought there was a cave but look what i found here an amethyst geode right below my house quite a handy thing and it is connected to this cave and that cave is connected to a ravine although i couldn't find what i needed so i'm going back to the surface and it's night time which is perfect i've got this guy in a boat and now i need to make the weakness so i need a brown mushroom sugar and a spider eye and then i can splash him and give him the gold knuckle now in order to get an infinite amount of villagers i'm going to need at least one more golden apple so i'm going to begin my search for a ruined portal since i think that's the best chance i've got of finding one anything that had been this hard to find i think i found a better way to track them down and all that tells me is that there's none nearby and it's time for plan b which is to instead find a bastion hopefully this is the bastion that's going to bring me the gapples first i'm going to get rid of you then i can steal all of the gold and hopefully get what i need from these chests another piece of ancient debris is so crazy now which i'm getting and no golden apple i'll have to try the other side instead i am so close to dying but i think i'm just about going to survive but i always have the last laugh don't worry and now we've got another gold block and the lodestone down there is the final chest this doesn't have a golden apple we are back to square one and we got pig step though okay get out of here you panicking me yes we got pig step now that is a pretty rare thing in my opinion that makes the whole journey worthwhile so a good bit of looting but i'm gonna have to keep searching hopefully this bastion will be different and chest number one okay no and here we've got chest number two still no ancient debris once again i'm running out of chests here still none and this one okay we have got one perfect that's all we needed i can now go home there's actually an insanely good chest there's one more down here i'm gonna try and grab it okay we'll just grab that's a pretty good pickaxe we just get that golden got right i'm going to try and jump if i can although probably can't okay we're building obsidian that's not a good thing oh no that was that was a very stupid thing to do well let's get out of here and get back home now that that mission's done i shouldn't have to come back here again at least not for quite a while anyway now if i want loads of villagers i'm gonna need loads of beds thankfully i do have all this string so we can make quite a decent amount of wool i'm actually gonna head back through here and get some more wood this seems like the perfect place for that i've also set this guy up trading a load of stuff for me hopefully we get some more string but apparently after all that we still got none but i can still craft another five beds look at that me villager is waiting patiently here for me it's time to get you back home which is a slow and steady process in the boat and a bit of a faster one when we go over the ice and i'm thinking right here could be the perfect place for the villagers to live this should be a big enough room for now let's bring this fella in i'm gonna place some blocks along here so that he can't escape give him his own bed which was originally mine but uh i guess he can have it look at that already he wants to escape no you're not coming out i'll make a proper exit area once i've got another villager and i will also take this opportunity to make some paper you can also harvest my two melons craft another fermented spider eye which will let me get some weakness and then tonight i'll get another villager in the meantime i'm going to see how my piglin's getting on he's still trading away and he's giving me some more string okay we actually make another bed now and even more strength this guy's brilliant and because he's doing so well i'm gonna lure a friend over here for him that's it go for the gold and the darkness has come so it's time to get searching i think this is the first time i've actually found a polar bear in this world pretty cool and just as it's nearly day time i've managed to get one i've got the items i need but i've just realized that this guy is miles away from my house it's gonna be a fun task getting him back home this guy is now ready let's get him out of here and somehow i've gotta try and lure him back to my house and i'm pretty sure using job site blocks is going to be the best way i've only got 500 blocks to go this it shouldn't take me too long it's taken some time but we have we've finally got this guy in here and i'm going to sleep next to him and with that done i can now remove this wall that separates the villagers and eat some melon since i've completely run out of food and next i wish to bone meal more wheat and that can be turned into bread and given to the villagers i do also have enough sugarcane to make two more books and use those to make a bookcase and from that we can make a look turn look at this we've got a baby villager i'm going to use this like turn to get a first upgrade from a villager the plan is to get mending from him but we shall see finally i've got mending but i've just realized a crucial mistake of i've got no emeralds i'm gonna make this guy fletcher i'm gonna quickly sleep now i really quickly need to get some emeralds i'm gonna give this guy some sticks and there we go he will give me three emeralds if i go on you and i'm just gonna buy a bookshelf and then at least it's done and i can get mining from this guy any time i want we'll probably get some more villagers now as well let's also take these diamond ores and use this fortune 2 to see how many extra diamonds we can get got a gun total of nine but like if i really want to get the process moving along i'm gonna need way way more sticks i have bone meal i have a supplement i've got dirt time to see what we can do i believe if i use this pickaxe i've got a higher chance of getting a sapling although hey we've already got two that's super good once i get four i'm going to start doing mega tiger trees there we go we got the fourth one to be else we've got saplings coming from everywhere it's brilliant let's really get some big trees we can go like that bone mail it and after a few tries i'm going to waste all my bum okay so snow getting in the way take two there we go we got a massive one i reckon swimming up with water is the best idea this gets you so so much more wood than four individual spruce trees ever could and that is great news for this villager i'm gonna buy another bookshelf from you and mine it with my axe to get three books and then we can buy mending and i can also craft one of these and really start to upgrade my items well i will be able to once i've got a load more bookcases at least i do feel like you kind of get less saplings back when you do it like this but it's still going to be worth it and with this i've got enough bookcases i've got the lapis now i can start upgrading my tools all right i've got a prop 4 on breaking three thorns too that's pretty insane and some pretty nice leggings as well so now i've got the villagers i've got a place to upgrade my items but now i need a way to get xp lots and lots of xp and to do that i'm going to create a super simple gold farm nice looking area down here for this i'm also going to add three light well a couple of ladders just to get up here and i just need to split you out of here mate you're kind of in the way and on top of here there can be slabs and trap doors on each side here and to make this as safe as possible i'm going to add blocks all the way around here just leaving that gap right there also blocking this ladder and add one right there and a few here and the farm is ready all i have to do is anger all the pigment and they will come to me and walk down there if i keep wandering around i can anger them from far and wide and collect the xp and i'm going to keep doing this to get loads and loads of levels this xp farm has been decent but i think i can make something a bit better to do that i'm first going to make a brand new pickaxe as well as an anvil and this pickaxe can have mending added to it then i can gather up loads of these blocks and create an ender chest place all the blocks in there and then i can pick up the other chest using my silk touch i'd also like to get a little bit more dirt place it right here plant some saplings and grow them and that way i can get lots more wood and that's going to be used to make ladders and my pickaxe just broke nice one on that note let's begin digging upwards towards the top i've made it to bedrock this is how i'll get above it but i have of course got to make sure i've got a way back down and since tnt isn't really an option i'm gonna instead have to use a portal and since food is also getting a bit scarce i'm gonna bone mail some more first things first we climb up here we throw an ender pearl and we're up next i build a portal so that i can get back out of here and then i'm gonna build up about 120 blocks and now i've just realized there's not really an easy way for me to get down here i'm so used to having my electricity i'd normally just use that instead i'm going to have to do something like that and that was very very scary indeed and and in hindsight a little bit reckless but hey it was a pretty safe option as well but all's well that ends well we can now safely place the ladders and next i'm going to build a bit of a room this room is going to have blocks along like this and a wall around here and also around here and then from here i just need to get to work and build a giant platform so something's got a little bit wrong here but then i'm pretty confident i can still survive i think i just gotta oh no there goes my under chest i've now finished a nice little perimeter around the edge time to thicken out this platform now the platform is a bit bigger there are mobs everywhere and there we go i've used up all my blocks actually never mind there's a few more in the under chest and this time i actually have used up all my blocks the only things missing are a load of trapped doors to cover up these tops and also place in here when i get rid of these guys okay they really are all piling in i didn't expect i did maybe i made this too powerful well this is definitely the best way to get xp all i'm missing is a few slabs to go on top like this and some trapdoors right here and now with this great power i must max out my armor it's great to be getting a bit of gold from this as well i always think one of the best things you can make for this is a grindstone it just makes resetting upgrades much much easier if i really want to upgrade my tools and items i'm going to need to improve my gold farm a bit more so i'm going to start by making some hoppers and also six buckets next i'm going to come down here and grab lots of powdered snow i'm also very quickly going to get some emeralds so i can get more mending which can be applied to these leggings now you probably want to know what the powdered snow's for if i just throw my ender pearl oh we'll have another okay there we go he took a few attempts but anyway i've thrown me into pearl now i just need to climb up here and i'm gonna place the powdered snow in here these blocks can be changed to be hoppers and some chests at the end and if i anger the pigmen we should get loads down here it's not as fast as using minecarts but it does mean i can still afk in here i feel like gas really are a serious problem with this farm i'm gonna have to do something about them and to do that i'm gonna need lots and lots of slabs and mining wood is gonna be the best way to get them while i'm at it i might as well give some of this wood to this guy let's craft loads of slabs and my idea is to place them all the way around like this so that the gas cannot spawn and also like this on the inside layer and now it is completely gas proof and i'm getting all the xp i could dream of i've modified the design even more to make it faster it's a bit of a weird chamber but they will fall down there powdered snow is just too slow for me although it seemed like a good plan at the time the powdered snow has got to go now to test out the final design it's just missing trap doors all the way along here it's been a couple of minutes let's see how good the farm has been well it's got me over 50 levels i'm happy with that now to put them to good use i also wonder if i use powdered snow can i kind of do a nice slow descent instead of a dangerous one there's only one way to test this so we go like this and look at that gracefully we drop down yeah we're a little bit cold but we'll uh we'll soon warm up now i can upgrade all of my items and after not very much time i've got some pretty good items i just need to get more emeralds from this guy and more mending from that let's put mending on my helmet on my sword and also my chest plate and now back to the farm so now i'm gonna just chill here and get loads and loads of xp quite a bit of time has passed and the farm has been working really nicely it's completely full it's also let me get loads and loads of gold and also 66 levels now if i craft one of these and place it here i can do some trading with this guy i've also got loads more that can be traded right here this guy is probably going to be very happy since i can also trade him loads of gold as well and from all that trading i've managed to get over 85 emeralds but i'm also gonna get more bread since i'm still gonna need way more villagers i've also managed to get these two very nice pickaxes but they both need mending which is easily bought from this guy and the other thing that needs mending now is my boots there we go perfect next i'm going to pop to the gold farm and repair all my items and the plan is working perfectly because all my pickaxes are now fully mended so i now have full prot 4 armor and some great upgrades to my tools but i'm still a peasant wearing diamonds and whilst i do already have eight pieces of ancient debris i'm gonna need a lot more to get full nether right armor so that's what we're now gonna go searching for and the reason i need to get these good pickaxes is so i can mine much much faster my plan for this is the kind of mine in this fashion and there we go we've already found one piece of ancient debris okay make that two more pieces and the good thing is i can keep mining quartz to repair my pickaxes two more pieces have been discovered so that is five all together don't make that six just two more pieces and i'll be able to get full nether right armor there we go okay we've got one more please be two no it was only one another one okay that's piece number 16. okay this is the 20th piece of ancient debris and we've got the 21st one okay nice i found two more it's actually three this mining for ancient debris is going pretty well two more right here piece number 27 and 28 and this is going to get me to 30. i think i'm gonna aim for 36 pieces and then that should be everything that i need and that's two more pieces okay that's all i need but if i could get three more then i could get the legendary netherright hoe and there we have it a 38 piece and i think yeah this is 40 now and i've even got a spare one for good measure i just can't stop finding this stuff now i'm just trying to mime your way back home and uh we've got a real overload and i have found the 44th piece that's 11 near the right angles and there's three more here oh my goodness now that i'm back i'm going to go to the gold farm and repair all my items and my pickaxe is now fully repaired let's put all of this into furnaces and then make a smithing table let's also craft another right ingots this is going to allow me to make full near the right armor plus all my tools can be maxed out as well so now i have the netherright gear i have very powerful upgrades so i think that it's time that i went on a journey a journey to defeat the all-powerful ender dragon and that will then let me have access to one of the best items in the game the ally track and using the elytra i can explore the secrets that this world has to offer before i go i think it may be wise to make a bow and grab some arrows next i need my ender pearls i've got my blaze powder so let's craft the eyes of ender let's also buy loads more emeralds then i can buy some lapis and i can also combine these bows that i've got to create a pretty powerful one that's enough preparation time to begin searching for the stronghold turns out i've now gone past the stronghold so it probably shouldn't take me too long to find it i have to say ice spikes biomes are a bit of a pain to navigate for this but let's have another throw okay yeah it's basically somewhere on that mountain i'm pretty sure digging down anywhere around here should get me there there we go we're straight into the stronghold and the bookcase room i was actually hoping to find this place because books are just gonna be very very useful and also paper since i am growing sugarcane but it can take a while wow there's a spawner connected to this stronghold that's pretty cool with some bread well i'm struggling for food at the moment so that was a pretty good find what about this okay more books and paper nice and the other bookcase room was really close i'm also gonna grab a bit of wood since i don't have any on me and i always think it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to resources like that let's also load up all these books into the end of chess and here we go the portal room with one eye in so we're gonna fill all of these and head to the end all right dragon time to meet your maker should be fairly straightforward just got to shoot all the towers this is also an infinity bow which is pretty handy i can waste as many arrows as i like which is probably a good thing because i'm missing a lot of shots i'm struggling to get the ones that are higher up so i'm going to build my way up i don't have feather falling on these boots so i have to be a little bit careful okay dragon you're kind of in my way here i'm just trying to go right bastion there we go and that's the final tower let's jump on down and finish the job this powerful bow is now gonna be pretty useful as well there we go it's come down i've managed to hit myself that's not a good idea he very quickly flew away we do a lot of damage with that sword here we go i think this is gonna be it just to get in here before it bumps me away there we go perfect and i just got quite reach okay there we go the dragon's been defeated and i accidentally walked straight through the ball away we're not done yet look at this precious torches that came through we got two torches amazing but yeah now i've got to run all the way back to the stronghold thankfully i do have the coordinates so i believe right here is the spot that i dug down so if we just go like that we can follow this round and get straight to the portal now this time i want to collect all the xp without falling in next i'm going to head to the end gateway so that in the pearl like so we've made it through and the search for the end city can begin so i'm not sure but i reckon chorus fruit might actually be a better thing for me to eat of course i just be careful because i'm going to teleport every single time i'm also going to have to be careful with enderpearls i'm pretty sure that's going to make i mean it's going to be terrifying if i fall in like look at that easily made it and now the fun part begins of bridging across these gaps just kidding i'm going to end a pearl instead and we got an entity hey that was a pretty good ender pearl because look i think well maybe there's not an ship actually sadly as it turns out there isn't an end ship but it's still going to be a great place to explore and get loot and i'm very glad that i'm finally getting shulker shells too lots of gold in here we've got a pretty good because that shovel i could combine so i can make efficiency five shovel nice boots that i don't think i need them though but also an ender chest which is always useful and the other room with any loot is right here and hey some diamonds which are going to be useful for my diamond hole that sword's not really going to be useful but i'm going to grind stone it and then i might be able to do something better with it whilst i'm here i will also grab the ender chest now if i eat this chorus fruit look at that teleports me straight down here and i see another end city in the distance look how close we are this is a little risky but if i eat this will it teleport me a lot look at that coarse fruit it's very useful also this is sadly a tiny end city with no elytra so i'm not even going to waste my time with it what's that i see in the distance it's another end city and this time it does have a ship elytra here i come i'm not really sure my plan is to get across here do i do i just float along i'm going for it guys please shoot me i might not make it otherwise i've made it with loads of time to spare let's grab these beautiful things sky's the limit and we also get some nice loot here and on that note i'm going to equip the elytra and take them for a spin i'm not really sure which way i want to go hopefully they work yeah that would have been a problem if they didn't work and sadly i didn't think i had to bring gunpowder so i could not make any rockets okay this is going a little bit pear-shaped um just need to land here don't get angry at me you stupid enemy of all the things to happen i slightly overestimated my flying abilities well you're still alive this might just be the undefeatable enderman just kidding i can defeat him i've got loads of venom and chase admit what am i doing what am i doing i see you know what that was a great move i just want to find an end gateway and go back home speaking of which there's one of that are you kidding me did i really just look at that guy before i head through i'm also going to grab some chorus fruit to take home with me and of course the other thing to remember is to bring the egg i don't really have any other item to do this so i'm going to place a bed and that should break it yeah perfect because i broke the bed i slept in it has taken me back to spawn a long journey as ahead but the good thing about this journey is that i can use my elytra not what i was looking for but a room portal on the way apparently already been here and last time i was here i regretted not bringing the clock so this time i'm taking it and here we are home sweet home as i always do now i'm going to place a loadstone with the dragon egg on top of that offload these millions of arrows that i never needed use all my gunpowder to make some firework rockets and also grab the spare netherright scrap to make more netherite ingots and finally the netherite hoe let's also make a couple of chests and then we can make a couple of shulker boxes not got anything to put in them right now but they no doubt will be useful thanks to all these books i can come over to this guy buy another mending one and add that to my elytra for that nice to get a looting three book feather falling four and also four unbreaking books which when combined all together get on breaking three which is also very useful for my elytra i may have defeated the ender dragon but there's still one thing stopping me from battling three withers at once and that is totems but that is easier said than done in this world there are no mansions no outposts and no villages instead i'm going to need to find a pillager patrol and then defend my own village i kind of just have to wait and hope for a patrol to show up but in the meantime i'm gonna finish maxing my armor which means buying a bookcase from this guy crafting another leg turn and attempting to get thorns three and there we go good news is we got thorns but we need another eight emeralds okay hopefully he doesn't actually change his trade i need to um i need to do some buying sure this fletcher is happy to sell sticks to me well i mean he's happy to buy sticks from me for emeralds and then we can purchase thorns i also get the feeling that if there is a pillager patrol anywhere the golem's gonna take him out so i need to beat him to it i'm gonna grab all of these books pick up this anvil and head to my gold farm to get way more xp i have to say being able to fly right up to the top is a lot better than climbing the ladder whilst i'm getting all this xp let's keep adding things onto my items efficiency five pickaxe very nice and feather falling four boots and now that that has thorns three it is a fully maxed out chess play and my other pickaxe is also fully maxed out i'm happy with what i've got and i can also do loads of trading because emeralds are going to be important to get more thorns books so let's buy one two three of these and then that can be added to all of my armor let's also grab this book and if we get 19 levels i can put it on my boots and then i think they're fully maxed out so just bear with me for a moment while i get the rest of the xp from all this i have got more than enough xp there we go the unbelieving broke but we now have full maxed out armor all of them are fully maxed and that's always a great achievement if you ask me one nice thing about being able to fly is i can carry this stupid floating log that's been bothering me let's also do more trading with these two no doubt those emeralds will be useful very soon since i'm still waiting for that pillager patrol to show up there's something that i need to do in the meantime because living off chorus fruit isn't really a good thing and to do that i'm going to build a huggling farm so that i never go hungry again for this i'm going to need a few items and materials such as warped fungi some more wood and then the rest of the items that i need can all be obtained from the overworld such as a load of stone a little bit of dirt slabs some glass and a bunch of other items that are all in this shulker box first of all i'm gonna throw this ender pearl to go above the bedrock and then i'm going to fly over to where there's a crimson forest and from here i'm going to go up about five blocks and start building this thing which involves building a 13 by 13 platform i've added dirt in these positions so now we need to put the wart fungi on top with fences on top of each of those and now for the place that the hoglings are going to run to there's going to be a little thing here and also one right there and then we're going to need six trapdoors like this that are all going to be shut and also some on the other side this is what the finished product of up here is gonna look like so then they're gonna come down here and let's also build a place for them to fall down so we're gonna have two blocks everywhere like this so it's a bit of a chamber with my chest and hopper system right here next i'm gonna put trapdoors on top of all of the hoppers with a bit of lava on top of that and i'm gonna completely light up the platform with torches like this and there we go the farm is now complete i just need to build a tower right here to afk from and i can build a platform at the top and my food problems will soon be over a few days have passed let's go and see what we've got okay i obviously left it running a bit longer than i expected but we have got more than enough pork chops to sort me out finally my days of eating chorus fruits can be over now we can go home sweet home it's quite handy that it's nighttime right now because i am completely out of firework rockets so getting some gunpowder is going to be very useful 20 gun powder is pretty good we've got loads of sugar gain here as well which can all be turned into paper and more firework rockets are sorted look at this this is kind of there's a creeper right here okay i'm gonna be quite careful if that creeper blows up it will be a disaster but there's even more firework rockets i just upgraded my whole it now has efficiency for and fortune tuna i don't really know the use of those but might as well have them so since there is still no sign of an illegal patrol i think it's time i went back through the portals to get the rest of the items that i need to spawn three withers but thankfully there is a fortress that is very near my portal the amount of spawning in this fortress is pretty terrible so i'm going to go and find a better one no fortress but i have found a bastion with loads and loads of gold this fortress is in a basalt delta it might be a little bit better although it does then move out of that biome so i'm going to try and find a better one now this fortress does look more promising this seems like a good place time to get searching i have pretty much got everything that i need now i've decided to only go for one with her because getting enough for three whether it's just gonna take me too too long and i can't be bothered to do that so all that's left me to do is put my electron and fly back home here's my portal ready and waiting and the rest of the items that i need are in these two chests and all these extra bones are brilliant because i can now use them on my wheat and i can turn all that into bread i can give it to my villagers who will all get out of bed just to get some bread that's right guys even villagers love a good midnight feast and i can sleep in their bed without them realizing i think now before i can go any further i need a pet you know i'm living life it's tough living it all by myself so i want to make a fishing rod and this part is very exciting we're going to do some fishing in fact i'll make it more exciting have you ever been to sleep whilst you're fishing look at that still didn't get a fish this is great there we go first thing it was a puffer fish that's like the one fish i don't want i think it's time for a change of tack instead i'm gonna go polar bear hunting don't actually do this in the wild but they're a great way to get fish only problem is they're an endangered species in minecraft and in real life so they're quite difficult to find and now i feel quite bad about it so i'm gonna go back to paying a respectful humble fisherman one full day of fishing is enough for me we've got loads of that i'm gonna get some sleep now what am i going to do with all this fish you can probably guess oh my goodness we've got these little fellas but yes right now i'm currently looking for a cat i have seen them before but right now we haven't got any but when they do turn up i'll be ready i hear a cat hold on a second where's my fish i was too hasty and thinking there wasn't any around now i heard it when i was about here is it this is going to take a bit of a search can only guess that it's run up this mountain somewhere ah why are you going so far and it doesn't help that you're white so you completely blend in with the snow all right little fella look at one fish wonder we've had what some of you guys before although last time that happened people accused me of editing out the other fish well i didn't edit it out at that time either okay i didn't edit it out either times you can sit there little kitty it'd be great if i could get a name tag from one of these maybe by buying a bit of gold i can upgrade you a little bit more and then even more again and look at that 19 emblems for a name tag but don't worry you guys you you'll take the gold don't you you've restocked as well perfect so now we'll just go over to you by your name tag i've just realized my other anvil broke because i use it too many times but don't worry plenty of iron waiting for me in the chest we can easily make a new one and you shall be called icicle okay that's what's going to happen to you if you sit there for the rest of your life do you have a couple more pieces of gunpowder right there let's make a few more firework rockets and i think i'm gonna do a little bit of exploration see what i can find a ruined portal has been found with obsidian and a golden apple now they're pretty difficult to get another thing that i realize in this world is that ruined portals are extremely hard to find there's another one down here but i'm not sure if i've already been to it and i have no idea either way it's an extra gold block which is nice more gold for these guys as well you've put your prices on what did i do to upset you this guy though he's he's still giving me the discounts let's go ahead and move this dragon egg and instead put it in front of all the villagers they should know what i've been through to to do this i guess this is whoa did you just get rejected by that villager you are a nasty nasty villager you're on the other hand you're a good villager so i'm gonna buy a bookshelf from you then turn it into a lectern and begin work on getting a sharpness five book for my sword and for my axe and after that i think i'll be ready for the battle against the wither there we go this guy's got sharpness five for me i'm gonna need a few more emeralds if i want to get it for my axe as well let's put that on my sword perfect nice little upgrade there's a little bit more gold here i could plant some more trees as well that could be an idea we'll just see our businesses with these guys okay well you're not charging me too much what about you you've both put your prices down that's more like it and that means i can afford another sharpness five and apply it to my axe and now there isn't much else i can do in preparation for this battle against the wither except for one very important thing that i definitely need to do and that is to collect up iron because if i don't have some sort of thing to put the beacon on but what's the point of taking out the wither for a full beacon i'd need 10 stacks of iron i'm not sure i'm going to go quite for that much but now that i can use fortune 3 on am you just never know we're in a great ravine with lots of it all around so who knows what can happen already i've got one stack and i've barely done any look at this an axolotl well i can't say no you guys you little fella are coming in my bucket i've also come across a spider spawner let's get rid of that anything good another golden apple nice and after mining up this i now have over five stacks of iron but i'm not stopping there although i've just realized i'd need 24 stacks to build a full beacon so i actually am stopping that here we are back home let's begin the smelting process i think we need more furnaces so let's craft a few of those one two three four i can also load them up with blaze rods which is going to be pretty useful whilst that's all smelting let me add this little axolotl into here there you go this is your now your new home i don't know if it's better or worse i don't get any ideas do not eat him and i think all that's left to do now is battle the wither yes the moment you've all been waiting for i've just really why's the end of testing i wondered where my energy just went as i was saying the moment you've all been waiting for for this to work properly we are going to need a few arrows so we've got loads of them i'm going to come a little bit away from my house because well can you even call it house my base of operations because i don't want everything to just be blown up well that was anticlimactic turns out the snow's in the way and here we go already sword ready honestly what could go wrong already i've been with it we're just going to keep using this boat it's powerful it's pretty good already getting down to half health although i'm also at half health you know i got to look after myself as well if i just keep using these arrows there we go the next phase okay now we're going with the sort always sticking me into a hole oh it brought me out of though what is going on here i'm gonna water bucket my way out of here pick that up i realized that snow and dirt is not very blast resistant against the wither now it's gonna be a very good time just to have a quick golden apple recuperate you know what i'm just gonna do nothing i am going to do nothing and watch the weather destroy itself there you go i i did nothing tell you what i did do i did get a lot of snow out of that it's a pretty good snow farm is battling the weather here but we also got the nether star so we can craft that like so and patiently wait for the iron to smell it could take a little bit longer alright guys i don't want you to get too excited but i've seen another cat i need to go get some fish will tropical fish do it i have no idea don't go over that cat there's a lot of destruction i think you're safe to say you do not care about tropical fish one bit let's grab me summon and mid cod now then catwitt where did you go you're down here and there you go one fish again you guys just love only having one fish what happens when you put two cats next to each other and both feed them fish you get a baby cat there we go and you you look just like your mother gonna sit you down there you down there there's just gonna be cats everywhere at this rate isn't it meanwhile you're asleep on my bed i don't know who you think you are no matter let's gather up all the iron craft loads of blocks and build a little beacon i will just reiterate it's not going to be the biggest beacon in the world but hey for like one day of mining i'm pretty happy with the size of it okay mate you're just gonna have to move over a little bit there we go i need to get into my own bed now i feel like i'm just sleeping inside your head that's all i can see he gave me chicken thanks actually chicken's kind of rare like i could get it i guess in the yeah maybe it's not that rare those can go there just need three more and here we go i mean it's not yeah it's gonna be a massive full beacon but we get jump boost resistance let's just get haste that's a pretty solid thing to go for and there we go we've brought home the beacon as the advancement says we've got a bit of haste hello guys yes i'm back from my travels and i've finished exploiting you guys if you want to go outside and see the world who am i to stop you just make sure you come back home before it gets dark like my best idea is gonna be to get a door and create a bit of an entrance way like that there we go much safer another cat why is there so many cats everywhere honestly there's only one solution to this problem and that is to wrap things up yeah there's not much left this day we've done 100 days in a hardcore ice spikes world thanks so much for watching
Channel: SB737
Views: 6,893,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 1.17, caves and cliffs, ice spikes, ice spikes only world, hardcore ice spikes
Id: do4Upk8M3_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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