Minecraft But, If One Person Dies Everyone Dies

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minecraft but if i die he dies and if i die you die too and then you would actually all three die if he dies you die if you die i die it's just it's a big death pool of death all right you guys get it let's do this so do you guys understand the concept of the video i hope i explained it i think if i die i think someone else dies you die i die and then they'll die if i die if you die we all die i don't think he does what if i lick someone then everyone i would like actually so our goal today is to obviously kill the ender dragon you guys know how it goes you want us to kill the end of dragon we can easily do it if the ender dragon dies we all win oh yeah i didn't expect that did you wait zelk stops out stop it no what is he doing what i think he's doing stop down get down he didn't know that the plug-in actually worked it definitely worked out there's no need for testing i'll catch shoes out no you know he won't no he won't count i love you i saved him i saved him guys we need to win fine you get one test death go i've already jumped we're already testing it let's go come on just to make sure it works okay it worked i don't think we needed to know that guys we should stick together like a unit a whole nation together a country oh my god do you see what i mean we're doing well i mean i have cobblestone i have some food how are you guys doing i have crafting table oh i've got never mind you guys aren't doing well the only cobblestone i managed to get was from a creeper exploding oh thanks this is our farming method and we don't let them blow why is it not what the heck oh he's friendly [Music] you guys get all the iron and stuff i'm gonna go look for food and chickens for feathers that way we can get like arrows okay let's do it i'll go for your in fact i'll go for iron you guys just can i be in charge of the beds no you're in charge of the food situation no yes that's all you can handle you're gonna get iron with me okay where are you i've lost everyone uh just dead iron and we'll be fine we need enough for four full sets wait did you go into it where are you i'm right behind you oh okay you go into that cable go to this cable we'll split up all right so uh let's do some quick maths eight equals chest plate seven equal paint five equal helmet four equal boots if we add that up together that's 24 and then there's four of us twenty four times four go answer it uh 96 it's 100 wait no it's not oh you're right i'm so smart we need 96 iron we can do this i've managed to get almost all the iron i have eight which is i have seven decent starters yeah that's like almost that's that's like a two uh a chest plate and and like talking smack to us get me iron peasants tell us to get us food this dude's in charge of chickens okay here come over here i'm down there you grab that watch out for the creepers this is really scary quick mid video 30 second announcement thing if you somehow don't know i have a group channel with my friends in this video go subscribe also while you're at it if you're not already subscribed to my channel i mean obviously who isn't subscribed to my channel okay please subscribe and if this video gets 100 000 likes i will buy you all a car yes a car doesn't matter what car doesn't matter if it's blue or red or yellow i will buy you a car oh my god there's so many of them yeah this is bad use the creepers yup there we go as long as we're not the people that you know everyone else die it's fine if it's anyone dies do you think it's gonna be verbs yes but he's like he'll die to a chicken i don't know how he's gonna do it but he will you'll find a way you'll get pecked to death i don't get it and that's uh draw me to make you a sword uh yes an iron one oh we didn't add swords into our equation remember that big math equation i was uh yeah that's an extra eight oh look at it oh my god i said 106. what time see that you were just too smart that's what it was you're very smart what are you doing okay i got enough food now how much did you get a stack oh of what wait what okay so i got four pork chop no you didn't no i do i actually really you actually did a good job for once exactly okay so does that mean yes you can help us with the iron oh no i was going to ask if i could put one of my toes is that cool definitely not definitely not now are you sure definitely not so i got a stack of food definitely not you know what you know what no no bring the food first bring the food and then we'll decide acting like we're not the same cool buddy was moved out do you want shall i make a pickaxe just in case we find diamond uh yeah i'm still getting a lot more iron so go for it actually oh my gosh the cave goes even deeper here you should come down here okay i'll bring it all down i'm just scared because we don't have food see this is why we needed the food oh it flipped wait where oh they're here oh you guys are here hey we're not entirely done yet but we're getting there can i trade partners verb is doing nothing to help me yeah i'm i'm fine here take this start small thing we need you where are you i'm really far away i had to go and find the animals okay as long as you don't die everything should be all good don't worry i'm not verb i'm good oh my god what is that supposed to be i almost died right next to me imagine the timing yeah what are you doing odds on odds on five five minutes up in the lava no no i'll play it with you one to twenty all right what's twenty three two one twelve twelve you said it late he said that late he said oh my god oh my god oh my recording on my recording swear to god i got it right on i'm jumping in the lava right now oh you're there don't you dare no no no no no no no no no don't do it don't do it we've gotten so far we're literally doing so good we've been so you win the lava no what are you doing you idiot that's all i got nervous yeah i'm dead i'm dead who needs iron me you don't get any iron after what you did are you are you serious you do not get iron you're not contributing to the team here take this oh get cobblestone and make furnaces don't no no no he's jumping in the lava again he jumped in he jumped in he didn't he's lying the fact that he believes him though yeah right guys if i mind this block what yo yo i actually didn't mean to do that no i'm putting 17 in there i'm gonna find the diamonds guys i got a water bucket you know what's funny i'm getting a water bucket not for me for verb i didn't craft armor because the greatest threat to our team right now no i'm not i'm not i i've been the biggest team player so far the most he did get us a lot of food i've secured the food he secured the food that's the most important part he secured the bread who needs what iron i need full iron armor okay i need boots or toe shoes uh i need everything to call my toes oh my lord this cave is insane i think i've dreamt about this hey skeppy i found diamonds can you help me mine them you did no you didn't yeah yeah i did i did i'm over here oh no i found gold where's the diamond i think i think they're down here yeah it done it down 10 bucks says verb didn't actually find diamonds and it's lapis lazuli bro what are you doing he just trapped me oh no it's on you i found diamonds down here no you didn't no you didn't you're like i actually did no no you want me to mine it i'll get the achievement right now no no no no they're mine they're mine i found the bus i found the first i get to mine them let me through there's no way you found diamonds down here i did he's lying them so there's an achievement come on i'm waiting for verb to come he's still not here where are you i'm literally right here he's lying he didn't find diamonds he's alive i'm trying so hard to find diamonds right now look i don't have any more food zack i can't run this way just a little bit more yeah you'll get food just go back the way you came why'd you take me all the way down here just to make me pump back oh why are you doing it like that see diamonds no way all right now go back there no these are my diamonds right there if you want to go hey hey hey hey hey stop i found them i literally found them get out you can't kill me you can't kill me get out get out they're mine they're mine you can't kill me with teammates my insurance is better in this scenario there's no oh you idiot no stupid idiot zach do you have any food oh i got a boat i got a boat i got a fully made boat i am going to protect us by making this lava not lava i'm trying to make it verb proof did a bat just attack me when can that happen is that a thing wait what i think about just just got bit by a bat i'm gonna be a vampire uh you need boots yeah thanks my favorite please don't die please don't die please we don't care we're not supportive like [Laughter] my that [Laughter] all right we are all together again can't we just make this into another portal what do you mean oh yeah we could oh i didn't even see one block did you already get that yes all right help me break the bottom one uh do you guys want shields who doesn't have a shield me and i don't have a sword either hey have you guys ever heard of like the four pioneers what is the full pie in it we're about to explore the new land oh is this some american thing i i don't know where i was going with it honestly all right you guys want to go through my portal well it's gonna yes it's gonna cost you so pay up let it nah it'll cost you more than that i need better stuff no i need more damn oh now you're getting there yo zach come here i'll pay right now just stand with me come on all right so you know what on on different thoughts here you go sir thank you you can go in now yeah let's go i'd like to go into the portal you can [Laughter] they made fire blue hey guys now we lost the other two did you see how close that was i found the fortress oh okay wait come here come here no it's over there i literally almost fell on it and died but i found it i'm not gonna lie this fortress is pretty bad we found it yes gimme gimme i'll go with you we'll go look for enderman all right i'll kill the blaze with with the uh pug did you just forget my name [Laughter] okay so we are looking for that like blue kind of fortress pad that the blue biome that's where it looks that is the warped forest and they spawn commonly there how do you know all this because i've beaten the game have you gone to college before no oh i'm going to college no you're not i already got in how many blaze rods do we need uh we'll keep them busy for a while we'll say 30. 30. oh my gosh that was scary oh oh there was llama dude that would have been bad yo i found another fortress please please please please oh my gosh that's so scary do you have a stack of cobble i can have by the way oh my gosh no i don't have any cobble i just have like wood killed it oh my god i hate this bio i know okay this is not an ideal situation to be in okay can we like wrap around nope i think we're gonna have to go straight there okay what i do have some blocks i think we should realize they're gonna if we die they're gonna be so mad at us oh my gosh don't worry we're pro gamers dude we won't die all right i'm trusting you i just have to make sure i don't glitch these slabs that didn't even no wow i thought i mean i could see you on my screen about me oh that's true so tell me this if you're going back to college do you even remember how to do basic algebra y plus x equals ender pearls oh no this is bad help pop pop pop pop oh we got it nice we got one i mean if there's a test on minecraft oh baby you're gonna ace that dude i feel like i'd still fail to be honest run over to the red forest if there's no uh enderman so that way they'll spawn again okay look at us go who would have thought ow oh my god ow please don't die please don't die wait oh my gosh i didn't get one okay there's three over here come here oh my god there is three three ender pearls maybe maybe or zero probably gonna be zero knowing our luck so far i got zero so far i got none as well oh my god you dropped a grass block all right i think let's go heck yeah do you want my grasp i'm calling uh you're on your own uh try that one oh never mind there goes the water bucket you know what go get the water bucket are you friends uh do we know where the portal is uh oh wait what you guys went out yeah me and finn are still here oh look for the orange wood that's how you know where where to go oh i see it i feel like we didn't somehow eating two stacks of food i'm a hungry boy there's four of us sustenance then aren't you a vegetarian well you know wow we're so stacked look at us we're so good we're so proud we're so scared awesome if we go to the end yeah if we go and we die and then that's it why are we running we haven't even grown up yet i know we're getting food yeah um skeletons getting stacked we're our food we're kind of out of food i mean i wouldn't want to go and fight the ender dragon oh chicken current state of foods you guys remember january before kovit existed and we all had the will to live you know i discovered something the other day about clovid so apparently covert stands for coronavirus disease what yeah so so c-o-v-i-d rhona genuinely can't tell if this is a troll or not are you trying to no i'm not saying are you trolling like are you serious i'm saying are you trolling like you didn't know that oh i didn't know that i didn't know that i had no idea wait really so look look in chat right so c-o-v-i i just thought are you sure then what does the nineteen mean i thought it was all part of it it started in 2019. that is not it that is not it shut up you guys seriously didn't know that no finger trolling there's no way you didn't know this there's no way so the 19 is because it started in 2019 yes it's really covered version 19 java update 19 [Laughter] the medical term the scientific term do we look like idiots now i don't know we either look really stupid or everyone agrees with us i i honestly really can't believe you didn't know that what's all the food gone i feel like this entire video is just you been going where's the food i'm gonna throw the first pearl so we can get our bearings i legit got two like a stack and a half of food and i only got to eat ten of them give me it it is this way let's go is finn with us i don't know i've been seeing them i'm getting fruits okay you want this shiny chest plate oh no wait what is happening this man is like i have a dog you realize did you bring that thing to me talking about verb like that then no it's a cooler one than verb verbs of pug you think verb can kill an enderman no yeah dude i've got a third dog how many dice do you have about to be four i have four dogs i have killed so many skeletons i had like thirty bones you need to follow us we're running like thousands of blocks we've like moved 100 blocks yeah literally no don't tell me we have to go this way i don't want to be in the same boat as verb now it's raining here zelk i say you and me in one vote i have so many dogs what is this doing lady dude i have like 52 we're going off to kill this stupid ender dragon and he's just collecting the dogs fiber [Laughter] i hope that the editor keeps in me just freaking out about dogs i'll make sure he doesn't oh oh you're right behind us oh yeah yes oh what how did he just like he's turned around and he's there as soon as we're hitting land i'm throwing another pearl all right where's finn i'm getting food i needed food so desperately i'm just cooking it it's still this way i'll find you it's fine when you tell me what you'll tell me where the portal is and i'll just speed her on it you have to look for it i won't uh yeah it's probably down here oh dawg i understand what finn was going on about oh my god hey hey stop stop i named him muffin oh muffin muffin muffin oh boys what is wrong with you look at this it's not cute anymore you hit him he's kissing me it's not cute go away so i can have him miss my dog stop go away and you calm down guys i want verb kicked okay so while you two were bickering i found the stronghold i can't mine this block you don't get my way thank you yes scappy let's make an agreement oh diamonds whoever gets to the portal first gets a kiss from finn all right i found it no you didn't no you didn't i didn't okay i'm gonna find it first oh my god i think i found it i found the library press the button no press the button i'm getting the kiss is that what this is about i mean if you don't stop acting up you're gonna end up like these two [Laughter] i want to go in with one of them ah that's where you're gonna end up at least i broke them out prison break i love that shot have we not found this what the heck seriously if i find it do i get a kiss from me it's not part of the contract oh okay just keep mining the blocks of the walls my pickaxe broke this is interesting oh i found it really dude i was right i had to break the wall to get here yeah legit it was 100 blocked off behind the wall i'm not even kidding wait it was right there the whole time yeah i had to break the wall to get in oh my gosh oh my gosh there's like 30 silver fish oh yeah i'm not gonna lie boy we literally dropped right next to it hi boys hey oh my gosh please help me i'm wrong hey guys i'm gonna be honest i don't know where i am you all the time i don't know where he's going okay oh my god oh my god you're fine oh never mind he's not fine never mind oh my god i don't know dude i was literally like stop overreacting and then i see it okay i've separated some of them off from the pack there's more there's spawning oh my goodness place the eyes place the eyes rather fight the dragon i'd rather fight the dragon this is terrifying let's go have a water by the way i do not i do okay because we're gonna need to make infinite water do you solve that bucket i give you in the nether i need one yeah i've got i can make a bucket i'm kind of in a bad spot though i can make a bucket but you can see our names just come to us it's guppy you need a regular bucket or whatever please there you go thank you michael infinite water source real quick okay yeah i got you right here does anyone go food um i have enough for me but that's it oh did you just there we are are you hitting him with a chest plate i just wanted to help him don't you know that gold doesn't do damage wait i have four walls does no one have food i have enough for me but wait throw me that wool verb i mean i still got my six beds about 13 oh my god i'm still got my six beds as well a world champion where i'm going to make a bed long suckers okay the first thing we need to do is place water all around the center because okay sure enough somebody's gonna get popped in the air and if there's no water we're gonna die good plan let's do it i'm gonna put an infinite water got one nice did you get the one in the cage uh no look at that one oh my god [Music] than enough arrows no i mean all of them gone now nope i got one more okay i think they're all gone yeah they're all gone they're all gone boys we can both watch out for watch out watch out watch out shield shield shield now are you gonna do blood oh nice i think he's coming down oh my god okay i've now got water all around the portal so when we go into attack if you get popped in the air you should be fine this boy just wants to stay in the air it's like he's got wings some stupid enemies wait should we set up an area to play spencer uh that might be smart all right let me sleep in that quickly oh he's helped me down he's gonna be down he's gonna be down okay boys placing oh my god i'll be fine he's coming down he's coming down he's coming down coming down got him get him blow it press the bed press the bed press the bed yes oh my god please don't die please [Music] all my life i can do another better yo come here and hit him with your sword he's about to die come back come back he's so low he's so low he's slow he'll be started the final the final push let's go did we do it yeah we did it instead of said instead died yeah died of fall damage oh god you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,424,951
Rating: 4.9671345 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, f1nn5ter, badboyhalo, the idots, idots, minecraft but, minecraft but if one person dies everyone dies
Id: VkT0it4rt1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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