First To Build _____ Wins $1,000

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yo what is up guys all right so in today's video we got a hundred kids two duckies and what we did is we gave them a topic gave them two minutes to build and whoever had the best build won a hundred dollars per round yeah it was awesome there were so many good builds and you know what scappy what there were a lot of legs so the reason i have bad boy halo for this voiceover oh my god this kid's throwing into pros we need to hurry it's because while we're talking in this video you will hear behind him lots of chirping because there's a cricket in his house or something i i got what yeah someone help him i can't get rid of it wait hold on i want to listen to it oh now it stops when we do the voice over i don't hear it oh my goodness it actually stopped what it was there the whole video okay anyway you'll hear it before we get into this video make sure you are subscribed because it would help me out a ton and bad boy halo will shift a hundred times just like that come on a hundred times for the intro make sure you like the video and subscribe it would help me out a ton i'd really really appreciate it bad probably used to shift like 50 more times or something like that this kid's throwing under pearls this intro is a mess i just want to hear the cricket did it man i don't hear it i wasn't talking so you couldn't hear it well i want to hear it okay well let's wait a second okay wow we look so silly right now no no just wait he's gonna go okay everyone listen now oh my goodness i hear it i hear it okay you can definitely hear it okay let's just go all right let's do this bad what do you want is the first topic i get a pic yeah we have 10 topics two minute topics each what do you want to do for the first one um you know what let's do one of my favorite shows growing up you ready okay spongebob oh you want to do spongebob yes okay how about we do spongebob but they can do anything they want related to spongebob i like that oh that's beautiful perfect all right bad they all have creative mode they can build first theme spongebob you can do anything related to spongebob does not have to be spongebob you have two minutes begin two minutes two minutes [Music] siri set a timer for two minutes okay the timer's now running for two minutes all right here we go dude so many people are building spongebob i know oh my gosh bad look at this they have literally no time at all yeah literally this is gonna be really really difficult yeah these rounds are the shortest we have ever done what are you doing build yeah some of them are like planning out their architectural design and have nothing built so far yeah oh my gosh the amount of people going for spongebob right now is crazy we have one minute oh this one's good it's like his house yeah but like you don't have to oh yeah the pineapple yeah oh i love that that's such a good idea oh my gosh literally dude no time at all they are speed building through these rounds uh one minute oh this is insane dude this is awesome i love this so much what is this guy doing tv right now oh my gosh [Laughter] let's pick him let's pick him as the first winner no we are not bad we need to pick him as the first winner this is genius it has everything to do with spongebob the spongebob hair and spongebob sounds like you no no no no my hair has grown good sir i am no longer bald wait you look like him and you sound like him with your skin on everything just plays the part no i'm not bald anymore you know what they only have like 10 seconds all right we'll give them 20 seconds we'll double it oh my goodness this is really good for two minutes though it's patrick oh wow that's pretty good right that's good but scary at the scene hey scary who lives in a pineapple under the sea no no no no no get ready turn up build get ready to turn off filled oh this one would have been so good had they finished oh my gosh oh my goodness you're right turn it off and time's up oh look at this this is so cool oh my goodness right like they didn't try and go too crazy with it so the question is do you want to pick the first winner or should i because every round we alternate wow whoever picks the topic the other person picks the winner okay so i have to pick the winner this time yes okay oh someone made a gary oh this i know what is this what oh this is uh patrick's house oh how did i not get the memo yeah i should have gotten that that's creative okay that one's funny a lot of people did pineapples i only see two people who did gary oh i like this look it's spongebob's house squidward's house and patrick's house oh that's cool yeah this guy and they really captured it and you know what skippy this is cool because they were actually able to finish it they didn't like yeah in time and they made it work yeah some people they went a bit too extreme and they ran out of time oh i think i found the winner [Laughter] no you cannot pick this person what it's literally i don't even know what they were trying this one's cute i like this one i want it to be the winner but i feel like i have to owe it follow me i i think i have my winner all right who's your winner who do you pick i i think i'm gonna go with the gary the gary yeah that's probably a good choice you think so i really like it because it's unique this one would have won if they had finished yeah this guy was able to wait this guy's a builder he is a builder in his name rocket the builder that's why it's so good he was so close i have a feeling this guy's gonna win one of the rounds i think so too so are you picking this guy for yeah i'm picking this guy can you put a little orb over his build so that we know perfect all right i will clear up all the builds right now all right congrats i'm kind of new this is me all right it's all cleared it's all gone all the spongebobs oh man what did this guy do to his plot okay topic two all right what topic are we picking all right just have bill to be ready to turn on okay coke can that's what they have to build a coke can yeah they only have two minutes so i want to make it interesting really yeah i think it'll be fun okay all right so actually bad i changed my mind i want to do a soda can so anything soda can related will work anything soda all right on your mark get set go and they're off do you think we're gonna see a lot of code cans or no i think we will dude they're going so fast ooh bad some of these are interesting some of them are how much time do they have they have i i don't know i don't know either we'll say one minute authority yeah you know what scabby whoever makes the soda that i am drinking i'm gonna pick what soda are you drinking pepsi oh wow okay so it's not coke well pepsi is harder to make that's true i mean cause coke boom red can done i got a custom soda can look at this wait where yeah i got a custom skeppy soda can this is not a skeppy soda yeah it is it's a scuppy soda i don't even know what this is what is this come here what type of this is what i don't think this guy knows the thief i don't think he knows what's going on oh poor guy i feel bad for him more skippy soda no no skippy soda skippy look this guy made a little bitty soda bottle oh yeah i like that it looks good and then this i love this for some reason look this one coming out yeah oh that's cool yeah it's like someone put some mentos inside yeah all right do you want to give them the 10 second count we shall we shout oh this one's good too look at this bad have you seen this one oh that is good that's good it's gonna be really hard for you to pick a winner yeah five four three two one and good luck oh my gosh these are cool look at this one tb skeppy oh wait what yeah what steamed with soda not soda with legs look soda okay okay this is cool this is like a classic it's like a wine bottle no this is like the glass coke bottle yeah yeah no it is it is all right this guy's got the fizz too a couple people got that idea oh a little baby coke bottle oh yeah it does look like it i really like that okay cola bottle so many people just did like oh we got another skippy soda bottle we do there's some pretty good memes how many people are gonna do skeppy's i love it what did this person do literally what my brain sells yeah i am so confused what did this person do oh they're holding a soda cool yeah it's a soda and they're like pouring it into a glass so i'm not a big fan of how they did the can i think that could have been done better it's kibby this is hard i know it's really difficult skippy soda yeah i saw a skippy bad boy halo so no that was good you did yeah okay am i missing something skippy what like look this is like the fifth one is there like a mean one missing popular coke oh you like core bad i love core soda it's my favorite oh my goodness no scampi which one's one of your favorites this one is this the winner no no i'm just saying we're halfway through looking at him i'm just making a note that i like how he did it i think that's very creative i think skippy the problem is a lot of people they aim too high and they don't have enough time to meet their ambitions wow this is good this has to be one of the best yeah what i'm gonna i'm just fly around double and triple check every single one yeppy i so far i don't see a better one yeah i mean either that is good well this one could be the winner which one the 14 steppy soda no we're not okay it's gonna be soda you know what i think i i'm picking the winner right okay then i'm going with that guy yeah i know i would too i would too that is just it's really good all right well it is all gone every single build congrats lippy the muffin head all right that was really cool i really like that me too i want to do another cool round like that what are you what are you thinking you know what i know what the theme will be okay watermelon oh okay yeah no i like it because a watermelon is like a fruit you can do different interpretations bad do you like that song watermelon sugar hi watermelon sugar what song is that you don't know that song no oh it's harry styles who i'm not staying in the video that's staying in the videos [Laughter] okay what's round three what's round three watermelon oh yeah yeah water you tell them it's your topping round three water melons you know what i had to eat today what what did you have oh really i would have never guessed isn't watermelon one word surely watermelon is one word let's check there's a melon plant oh look it's melon so no it's two what is watermelon one word it's one word it's one word nope one timer yeah fine okay go all right they have two minutes oh wow there's one word i told you hey i love you spelt it wrong now if it's not one word you spelled it wrong there we go look at all the green look there's so much greenery there's gonna be so many different interpretations for this oh yeah for sure what what's your how did you guys have such a good idea of what to do like immediately look at this oh this looks so good i know look didn't we see legs last time like okay don't someone needs to tell him to stop what's with them i don't know there's some really oh this is beautiful this is beautiful oh wow see skepty this is what i'm talking about you know what the good thing about doing like two minute rounds are it's so much no one can copy each other and yeah it's so much easier oh these are good bad can you help me pick the winner i don't want to do it no no this is going to be a hard one man are you on 1.16 yeah yeah the colors look so much more i know right like it's just i love it how much time do they have i feel like the time's up let's do 30 seconds because i see some people that are like just now finishing up oh man this is gonna be a tough one it really is oh my gosh i'm really confused a bunch of people are putting legs on him i see that i'm like what what's the point debbie watermelon 10 9. you have to see this what oh my gosh seriously [Laughter] all right now to pick the winner the thing is a lot of these are really really good i just a lot of them are oh i like this this is crazy i did a great job where this guy he did a unique watermelon oh yeah i do like that oh i like the little skeppy watermelon guy i know right i'm not sure what this guy did that's kind of weird huh look they're throwing like snowballs and projectiles and stuff yeah oh this guy did good look at this one this is cool i know i saw this one i saw this out of it oh that is nice use the watermelon use the slice oh wow i don't know let me i'm gonna look a little bit longer yeah you're gonna have a hard time skeppy i keep seeing lace everywhere am i missing something what's the point of this like are these legs like yeah i know it is the vine uh-huh like the vine coming out like into the ground they're not like it's rowing none of those aren't legs this one has legs you know what i'm gonna pick this one i have to yes this guy i really like it i like it but there's so many good ones that's the thing you sure you want to pick him yeah i i really like that one and i really like other ones too but we're going to be here all day if i don't pick so yeah yeah i think this guy did not it's nice it's simple i don't know if it's the best but i think it's really good all right moving on all right topic four doggo doggo i like that at least legs will fit in yeah legs would actually work this time we have a diamond dog wait really yeah this guy's building a diamond dog like what oh my goodness this looks like a table i want to see some cute memes oh this looks like your dog bad where right here oh gabby oh my goodness look even now this guy what is going on i don't understand this guy every round he does these legs and then builds the topic what don't understand look at these legs what type of dog is this whatever dog this is i never wanted that's a melon dog wait this looks like a bunny rabbit oh really oh it does it just kind of looks like a bunny rabbit how much longer should we give them 30 seconds yeah i think 30 seconds is the right amount of time i think they need a little bit more time for this one because i mean look around there are some pretty good ones oh this is pretty bad look at this okay oh that is pretty cute wait i have to show you one tp to me okay show me this one's pretty cute these two right here oh they are oh look at this one look at this one oh that is cute here give me a 10 second countdown all right ten nine eight they have to hurry they have to really hurry six five four three oh it's right two you're picking the winners so what this is a very deranged drooly looking range this doesn't look like ground at all oh my gosh go on then let's look around the lob i mean it does look kind of like her it's very cute oh this one is cute i like this haha this one's a funny one it's like a little is that a pug or a bulldog thing that's not me it's kind of a pie that's what i was thinking but i was like oh this one's cute too this is the one we saw earlier i like that one i do too oh this one's good there's a lot of good ones here i think we gave them too much you're gonna love this one tp where just it's just legs oh look this guy did rat oh yeah you know what i can't like this one you like this one i'm just saying it's rat okay you're right i should be more on you have to be neutral to everyone neutral i don't like being neutral i'm bad no i'm bad no i'm bad well no i'm bad but okay i'm going around i'm flying i'm literally looking at every single one okay and no one can say it and look at theirs oh this is cute you're just gonna go back and pick that same one aren't you that's what you're gonna do aren't you no aren't you did you see this one you wish this one's pretty worthy oh that's pretty cute having looked at most of them i think i know which one i'm picking huh do you know oh i love this one look at this one yeah i did see that one i like it this is such a cute style i like what they did here oh i want to pick that one now okay skippy i have my final three okay no i need a final one no no no no no i'm not involved with the process no no no no no no give me look he's a little hot dog soup all right well we're gonna time you you only have 30 more seconds gaby i can't just they only had two minutes to build you get two minutes to pick no skippy i want to pick between this one that one or that one which do you think i should pick i have no say oh i don't see anything you know what i'm gonna pick it i'm picking the i knew it none of them did a good enough job of rat for me to pick them oh so i'm gonna pick the wiener dog this one yeah this one i do like it i don't think it's the best but i do like it i like this aisle it emphasizes doggo okay it's goofy it's got a little bone he's wearing a little hot dog suit so cute i do like it that means you get to choose this topic all right so since i got to pick that one ever since you picked that one i get to pick this one um i got to do something like goofy and silly and mimi what should i do you know what i got it beam no no you've done this already come on you're not going to be able to pick a winner you have to pick the winner oh my gosh i'm not going to be able to pick one you have to what you have to you have to that's the rule skippy you actually want to do this topic yeah even though we've done it before you want to do it again we haven't done bald skeletons wow we probably have at some point we did skeppy before they only have fine or if i only give them one minute to do it fine you only have one minute do your best i hope everyone just builds legs no you cannot pick any legs am i really about to witness this right now you are what the heck i can't wait to see what we get i can wait what are we doing bad huh what is this topic why have you done this oh like i see some great memes skippy it's gonna be glorious oh my gosh this is creeping me out it's like me but i i have like functioning legs and arms oh hey you're right this is when they can actually do legs and it'll make a little bit of sense here that's kind of funny oh man 30 seconds oh man is right there are some good ones are there are there though there are oh i'm gonna pick this one as the winner wait which one tp and me this one cannot be the winner hold on why not bald skeppy this has nothing to do with bald skate oh this one looks pretty good they're doing photo accurate balls again what what i look like an egg that's what you would look like if you shaved your head skippy that is not what i would look like iggy okay what is up with this guy this is literally i'm just like every round every single round this guy puts the legs like that i why i don't know i it's so perplexed all right doing the countdown nine eight seven six five four times uh great thanks for doing this bad thank you thank you honestly i really i love when you make everyone build bald versions of me and i have to pick the winner this is fantastic no problem oh this is gonna be oh look there's so many good ones no there aren't stones saying that this guy did you but all of your hair is piled around you it fell off your head wow okay let me find a winner here this guy did a smooshed version this is good i like it hey this is good i don't know how you're gonna pick skippy i don't know either there's so many bad ones but they're all bad good ones oh they're so good no they're all inaccurate this this one this one you have to do this wow are you kidding me no it literally does look at that this one's kind of cool bad tv skippy oh yeah oh this looks like you're uh you're using my music yeah i don't know which one to pick though which one do you think i don't know skippy uh honestly i would pick that one but that one guy already won and if you if you don't want to pick him again then what i like this i like this i didn't i never even saw this i'm thinking this is sitting on it a toilet that's not a toilet okay gave me chills i like this i'm taking it you're picking this guy i'm picking it oh okay i like it all right bad why are you you ready are you ready for round six i am bad boy halo bald 60 seconds you did it to me it's only fair that i do it to you baby halo [Music] really do i have to you have to i have to pick a winner now you have to fine all right fair skippy they can build it's gonna be good this is gonna be amazing no it's gonna be awful no it's gonna be good no it's gonna be awful it's already turning out super good no it's not oh yes it is no why is this guy making my head so big where stephie did you put him up to them this is unacceptable is that why you look like irl no the thought would i don't look at anything like that what do you when we meet up is your neck going to be that long oh yeah you know what yeah i'm going to be eight feet tall and well saying how tall you are all the time so like i just want to know like are you this tall i am really tall skipping how tall are you uh six foot five you're not six foot five oh wait sorry it's seven foot five seven foot five yeah i'm some for five yeah okay why are you being mean to me i'm not why do you have legs that look like this i do not have weights that look like anything look at this [Laughter] what is up with this guy i don't know the all crab treats with the legs the legs every time dude coke can legs double halo legs skeppy legs he does some goofy little monster on top of legs and it's so strange oh there's no way this guy's gonna be able to finish in time there is absolutely no way yeah nah you can't finish that 20 seconds what does e 99 mean dad i do not know maybe it's 99 3 uh no 99 i don't know well i want to know hold on i'm going to find out what's oh e-99 i'm turning building off wait hold on hold on i want to know what e-99 is you're just trying to give them more no no i'm i'm really not i'm not i want to know what e99 is no i'm not falling for it how are you right you sign i want to know what this is hold on bad hold on hold on well you better he'll be hurrying he didn't write anything whatever how did this guy do this in time what this looks like you okay this looks nothing like me this looks a little like me because my brain is so big beautiful i like this oh i like this one have you seen this uh no [Laughter] okay this one here tp to me this one i like look at that oh that's so cool i've got a little you have to pick this one as the winner yeah i like this one okay let's i'm gonna fly around and just see oh you're wearing a skeppy shirt it's skepy merch oh my goodness oh my gosh it's you in a gaming chair hey this looks a lot like yeah you just did yours wait what's all over the ground like chocolate yeah chocolate what are you doing on the ground bad no that's what i tried it oh that's mine oh my gosh this guy is clever and mean though okay i like that so can people win more than once uh yeah good question okay um part of me wants to pick him no he already did he already did me all right oh my gosh skeppy look at this guy he did like a razor what me shaving my head that's pretty cool wow oh it's hair on the floor oh i just i just got it wow that took me forever i'm gonna put that guy in the lead for now oh this one did a little tear i love it i'm so sad man i want to pick this i'm torn skippy i know i feel you who do you think between this person ely and the other one the razor one honestly i think this one or this one has to win oh but this guy already won yeah i know and it's basically the same theme yeah oh this guy did my doggo okay i might pick this guy what you're not even bald i know that's like i'm not letting you pick that nope all right you need to pick i don't wanna you have to i have to yes okay if i 100 have to pick i have to pick one and i'm gonna go with yes yes yes this one right here yeah i know because at least there's a muffin in it even though i'm bald all right he wins it looks good it really does but now we move on to topic eight what would you like to do for topic seven um that's a good question oh i'm the one who picks that that's correct yeah we'll leave three more all right um scary the theme is yes millionaire house oh i like and go all right so millionaire house they have two minutes hmm what would be in your ideal millionaire house it would make sense to have like a modern house was like if they can somehow get a pool in there like on the roof or something that would be dope oh see look we already got like a fountain going in front of the house you gotta have diamonds somewhere in there well not like in a real millionaire house could you have a three by three diamond well no well maybe if you're really rich you would have to be pretty rich i guess some gold if you were like a billionaire you definitely oh my gosh this one makes so much sense this is so cool it's a millionaire house no this is a dirt house this is this is it isn't that cool okay this i don't get mr lake guy oh my god you know what a millionaire house let's get him in a call let's get him in a call that actually makes sense can we please get this kid in a call yes i want to know what he's thinking i don't understand this guy just made an arrow oh i like this it kind of reminds me of the house i built the house you built has legs no the millionaire house competition we did oh okay all right i'm calling oh the likes guys okay let's call him legs man hi guys hello hello okay the reason we're in a call is because we've been looking at your build every single round why do you have legs every single time hey it's a it's it's an obsession okay i can't help it i can't help myself look at what look at those legs they're so appealing bro yeah but how do you build it like that every single time i know i this is the why i do power if we play golf now my friends so i do and you build legs every time yeah i literally turn any frame we have into like a monster we're very intrigued we we call you legs man yeah you shouldn't be it's but it's very it's very intriguing we've noticed you every single time you just legs this one kind of sucks right now well we've interrupted you a little bit yeah we want to pick you as a winner but like you know the legs really hold you back sometimes there's no fame here it's just monster hell all right man well we'll we'll be looking at your legs i mean not like that okay i'm gonna disconnect this call bye sound microphone oh my god what was that he really likes building layers yeah no for sure i think the time's up ten nine eight seven six five four three two one zero wait that means i have to pick the winner yeah pick it you millionaire house muffin um whoa this is the most unique one for sure though oh are you sure i think i found a really good one no i don't pick it it's just the most unique one okay scary look at this one whoa like a mountain yeah but it's not like a millionaire i mean maybe if it's in like california yeah it's like a mansion no in california this is super tiny or still really expensive yeah that sounds pretty good this one looks a lot like yours and that it's not very good that's what i'm saying wow wow i'm not gonna pick it now okay i mean it's the best one but no it's not it is no you can't do that now what if i just pick legs man okay you can't pick legs man mine like i mean i'm saying you can but is it really worthy no oh skeppy look what this i would what that looks great come on i might go with this one honestly do you think this one's the best or no honestly he made the most use out of his plot that's what i'm saying but it is it's just sort of big and nice i think some of the smaller ones teensy bit better like if i had to pick between him and like this guy i'd probably pick this guy right here because i think this house yeah i do think this one it's really between those two for me but i'll pick this one this one yeah all right i like this one i think he did a good job though if you think about it a millionaire house like a house that could walk around and was a monster like that would be a millionaire with the legs yeah we have to do it i know what the next theme should be but you're picking a guy all right theme is mario mario and they're all should we check up on uh on legs yeah no i think it's for the best let's go do that look how already still how do you do this how do you yeah no that's not gonna make any sense i wanna see some marios this is gonna be interesting wait i have to pick the winner for this oh yeah have fun no okay well tv right now this one's gonna turn out good this one does look good so far one minute oh let's sing mario theme songs okay okay okay ready [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all right all right oh true true true you trying to pick this as the winner bad oh no mario yeah that is kind of adorable i'm just gonna right pardon me at once you know what if i can't find anything better i'm picking that one all right let's go look around good it's yoshi that's kind of cool are you good at mario kart badge um i'd say i'm pretty good at it i want to 1v1u i used to play growing up and i never lost hardly at all you never lost well i won't say like never but i was like out of my friends and family i was the best at it oh look look look look at this this is creative where oh that's pretty good you get it yeah i get it wait i think i get it he's going in the tube oh yeah yeah i know my mario skeppy well you didn't get it until i explained it so oh yeah oh this looks good i like this this one's like he's just oh that's good that is oh my gosh skeppy look at this one they did this one is so good they did a 3d mario that's okay that one's pretty cool okay let's keep going that's pretty good pretty good this one's also really good who would be the best memer this one's good oh this person did do a yoshi all right skeppy i think i've made up my decision okay all right it's between two of them it's between this one oh really you mean that yes i do and this one oh you have to pick the skeppy one come on now oh it would it would be rude if you didn't you went from it would be rude if you didn't pick the steppy one now you're like oh i don't want to pick really really yeah really you a hundred percent you you won't i think you should take it but ultimately it's up to you you think i should you know what's scary it is mario and it is adorable yes fine no oh you really think i should maybe i mean it is really good it is really good i'm gonna pick it yay let's go all right well you know what that means goodbye to all the builds all right my last choice this is your last topic what did this guy know what topic i'm picking i'm picking i'm just gonna type it what what what is it gonna be ready yeah monsters uh all right for our leg guy i was gonna pick legs for the next topic oh no well i guess we'll do this or should we change it no let's do monsters let's see what we got what if monster guy doesn't win it oh my gosh legsman doesn't win that would be hilarious you know what just occurred to me watch mr leg guy monster dude watch him build something normal this time no he didn't he would never good he's building a monster and it looks really good and it has leg skills yeah i know let's get one minute oh this guy's building an actual zombie like monster this is kind of creative that's pretty cool i'm seeing a lot of monsters ink monsters yeah this one's pretty cool it's it's like a slime monster oh i like i like i like this one's cool too this is kind of scary but it really is but it works right halloween's coming up halloween's in what like do you want to go trick-or-treating oh together yeah yes oh my gosh i haven't done that in years we have to do it oh my goodness we can wear like costumes plus tv what were you gonna say what i'm saying you're so short it'll look like i'm taking like my little brother okay whatever what is the same height as me you can wear a little ducky i hate you i'm not the same light as you i'm way taller i like this one i like it it's slender man wait i have to pick the winner right you have to pick one oh i might take this one you're gonna be the one who crushes our leg monster guys some of these are really freaky i didn't think you could make minecraft look freaky and some of them are doing really good we should do a halloween build battle oh that's a great idea we're gonna do a halloween all right skeppy time is up okay you have to pick now and you better not pick a statue of me okay i won't so this one is so cool i don't even know how they did this like holy muffin it's kind of scary not gonna lie this is really scary and i almost don't like it it's too scary is it really yeah are you scared i'm a little oh it is a bit freaky this guy did a plant monster that's kind of cool look at this holy muffin what the heck that is scary yeah oh my goodness look at our leg guy this is pretty good oh oh my gosh is he gonna win oh gruesome oh i don't you don't like these take this topic look it's the monsters inc yeah there's a lot of those there is which those are monsters but they're like they're friendly monsters those aren't like that great like scary yeah well i guess since i have to pick the winner yeah you do i i think i think i'm gonna have to go with it who this one right here ah you're going yeah it's it's cool like as despite it being actually scary that's what we were going for so yeah oh you ready for the last topic yes i am ready all right last topic we have to make it good okay topic is roller coaster slash theme park oh that's so cool oh no i like that idea all right you ready yep here we go and they're off our roller coaster i wonder how they're gonna do it with such a limited space you know what i mean yeah i mean what sort of you know what ride i would build the tower of terror oh and disney yes we need to go to you you tweeted at me saying want to go to disney and i'm like yeah and then you just ignored me you ignored me i'm sorry i'm gonna be in florida like next week so we could go but you know you're never gonna meet up with me even open yeah it's open okay there's no way disney's it is it is oh really it is yeah really yeah really yes really stop saying really why because you're just teasing me didn't you know that saying really is the move really it is really it is really it is really stop saying see it gets annoying no you're the one who started it really yeah really okay stop oh this one's cool tv to me you're being a muffin no i'm not yes you are oh this i mean it's pretty pretty straightforward let's give them the one minute warning oh my gosh they need a hurry they do okay how do you do a theme park i swear i want to watch i really just want to sit here and watch and see what you could possibly do for a monster theme park with legs this is literally like what is he gonna do there's nothing he's gonna be able to do yeah i just like i don't understand like it's a monster literally what are you gonna do all right let's see i'm seeing a lot of really cool like roller coaster designs oh this is cool skippy look this guy is doing like you see it's like a track and it's like it's sort of like an out how does he build so fast like i know oh bad tp this one's good oh this makes me think of the mario rainbow road thing oh rainbow road on mario kart yeah we need to play we do dude i would destroy you no you wouldn't oh really you know hypixel has it's not the same thing it's basically the same thing oh look at this one you're snagged cause i probably beat you in that too yeah whatever yeah whatever exactly oh this is cool this guy made one a roller coaster but it's going in your mouth what yeah or it is your mouth oh that's what he actually did it he built a roller coaster with legs he did it he did it okay oh this is sick this is sick oh this one's good i like this go ahead and do the five second countdown all right five four three two one zero time's up i really wanna know your thought process on this how are you gonna pick a winner here all right wait what ah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm going to pick the topic remember i didn't realize i was no i forgot good luck good luck all right i'm just going to start here here come over here and we'll go down together all right okay yep yep here we go so looks good good oh this one's kind of neat oh look skippy this guy made like a mini amusement park oh yeah remember when you made an amusement park for me wasn't that cool yeah it was amazing happy land oh this is cool oh my god what oh we're in a roller coaster we're going [Laughter] oh okay that's great wait really so far this is the best one i've seen oh wow i'm gonna keep going just to like be fair to everybody um i don't know have you seen any better ones they're really good some of them but pretty good i i don't have that just oh this one wins you know what i mean yeah this one is the only other one though or actually i do have one that i would pick as a winner really show me the one you uh tp skippy oh it looks good but yeah okay you're just saying that you should have picked him for monsters all right dad i need an answer um i'm going to pick oh my gosh debbie i have to you know what i made on my mind yeah stay wherever you are okay carry youtube to me oh i'm excited all right i'm picking this on tv all right three two one and i knew it i knew you're gonna pick this one i like it i like it it's very cute i love it all right well that was round 10. we're going to send all the winners their monies bad i had a lot of fun thank you for doing this with me oh no problem this was definitely a treat i enjoyed it thank you for watching if you enjoyed like comment subscribe potatoes muffins yes if you don't subscribe and like you will never ever ever get any hamburgers ever again ever
Channel: Skep
Views: 1,838,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, i gave 100 kids, chunk, minecraft building competition, skeppy building competition
Id: iyX6IPH8No8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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