So I Used a Minecraft Sound Board on BadBoyHalo To Troll Him...

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all right so in today's video i am about to troll bad boy halo with a sound board i have troll bad boy halo with a normal sound board before one time it was so great i did it again with a sneezing soundborne and i don't know if this is going to be the last time i ever do this but i came up with a genius idea if you don't already know me and bad boy halo just started our own hardcore series two days ago literally two days ago so i just messaged him and i told him listen bad we need to do episode two get on the server which as you can see he's online right now and let's record this so that's what he thinks we're about to do i have set so much up for this to go well now as you can see right here next to the chicken we have a folder called minecraft sound effects if we go ahead and open that up we have lots of different minecraft sound effects starting with a zombie pigman oh my god or let's say an explosion oh my god or maybe you know we go to the nether and there's some gas and it just sounds like that or just a pig oinking okay last one because i think this one's gonna be my favorite one oh my god i'm so excited to record this so as you can see i am in teamspeak right now i got the soundboard ready we're gonna add every single file and then we're gonna go record some quote-unquote minecraft hardcore what is bad boy halo doing with james charles i don't even know anymore okay so let me go ahead and start adding all of these in silverfish pig what does metal hit sound like hold on let's play this oh that's interesting let's make it a bit louder oh that's good long dog howl oh my gosh this is just gonna go so good we have three different gas screens i feel like these are gonna be loud hold on volume warning volume warning okay that's not too bad enderman ooh that is gonna mess with his head oh my gosh dude this is literally gonna scare him creeper ignite cow moo and then lastly bow hit which sounds like this oh okay perfect well i think we're ready i think we're more than ready actually i'm gonna message bad hey what are you doing with james charles i thought we were gonna record this hardcore video what the heck dude this isn't james charles i am ready i'm on the hardcore server okay um i'm not gonna join yet but i will join the server oh okay here's where we left off oh here he is hi you ready to record this yes yeah one sec my mom is yelling at me all right so i'm about to join i hope this goes well please wish me the best before we actually do this if this video somehow gets this video is gonna need a lot of likes i'm talking like six figure likes if i ever do something like this again but let's just see if this works okay subscribe please i mean look at that face how could you say no to that hit the button punch it okay i'm stalling i'm scared to do this it's gonna work let's just go channel switched yo oh hi hello how are you good so why was your mom yelling oh what you said your mom was yelling oh yeah my mom my family are visiting me right now my mom was yelling at me what you don't believe me i don't think your mom would yell my mom's a nice person she is a nice person but like you know you know how women can get when they're angry no i don't yeah you do women can get you you know how like moms can get when they're angry she was yelling at me because i spilt my drink well you shouldn't have spilled your drink then it's all messy and it's all sticky all over my desk right now look if your mom was yelling at you you probably deserved it i did not deserve it yeah you did okay hold on i'm gonna go call my mom wait is he not at the house mom mom stop here i wanna have a civil conversation because i don't think i was deserved to be yelled at like i don't think that should have happened okay i mean i don't think you should have been yelled at either but if you did something then maybe you should have been she's knocking at my door hold on okay go say hi microphone muted microphone activation okay bad um my mom won't leave me alone okay microphone muted ask her politely say something like go mom can you leave me alone please i am trying to record a hardcore game remember skippy if you're nice to your mom your mom will be nice to you hi i'm back welcome back all right things out with your mother yeah we were just talking we're good now okay good you apologized yeah i said sorry okay good see scappy you're learning hmm okay you ready to record this yes i am ready i've been working on our farm a little bit ooh and i got some torches so we can light stuff up all right perfect let's do this all right all right come over here dad come over here coming coming all right uh look at her ship we need an actual house in this episode well i know we'll build the house over here okay but i'm just saying like we should probably get like a better house than this location would you pick this location where do you know we picked it together yeah but you picked it like you were like oh hey this looks like a good spot let's build here whatever it's all right it'll work oh my gosh all right i'm starting i'm starting all right all right start okay three two one yo how's it going guys welcome back to another video i'm joined with batboy halo and we're back for episode two of the hardcore series if any of us die the entire series ends so bad don't die oh yeah okay no it's gonna be huge look you already died die okay you muffin in today's episode we are going to provide an older heart you did not have half a heart what have i had why would you run around with half a heart maybe i was trying to be adventurous no that's not adventurous or spontaneous that's just dumb yeah it is dumb to poor lava and people we're going to be building a house today like i was saying where do you want to build it we should build it like on a bluff i think we should build it right here next to the boat it's such a good location what what you said you didn't like this location i didn't i love this location well then can we build it up there uh but i like this location yeah but it will be like over that i picked this location by myself and you like it right yes i love it fine we'll build here okay cool uh we can do it up there too what what are you oh my gosh about no i'm fine let's build it down here here we need cobblestone do you know how to build a cobblestone gen uh i do i do okay can you make one and we need to get like a couple stacks to like fill in any holes we come across okay that sounds good mine any coal you find okay cause i'm gonna like put torches everywhere so we stopped getting monsters oh good guys this is my hole what i'm filling it in yes i can you can't yes i can that was my buy land in minecraft it doesn't work like that yes you can you can't it's all right come here free land for everyone okay come here right here there you go i just bought this piece of land i didn't say it costed a rotten flesh it does cost one rotten flesh because there's a giant hole in it that i'm pulling out whatever you know what you can have it i don't want it going around like it's not like monopoly at all it is like monopoly you're just mad because you have monopoly you lost i beat you keep telling yourself that you hear that what one i heard like uh like about a minute ago what like an underwater zombie sound but the only water source is right here the heck i didn't play anything on the sound board yet how what wait he hurt like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what did you hear i heard it again hold on what i think there's like a hole with water in it i think there's a zombie in it a hole with water in it are you like yeah like you're here no it's like near here what are you talking about just listen here listen what okay wait i just heard a cow i heard it too but i didn't hear the zombie thing there has to be oh my gosh why are the squid doing that to themselves they do it every single time gosh there's even more squid there were not oh i know and they're all like oh look at this okay skeppy where are we building the house oh this looks cool do you want to build it here where where where over here oh that location does look cool no no no like look we could build it in yeah i know oh my god that's epic what do you think i like it all right so we need cobblestone for the base because you should always have rock in the water okay that it's gonna be nighttime soon we need to get to shelter we have shelter right here here i'm gonna are you sure we should do this right now we should get the shelter no no help me put torches around okay i don't have torches some of these okay go go go just light the area all around us up all right oh my god i'm too scared to click any of like the ghast ones or the explosion ones because i don't want to do it yet because we're too soon in and he'd know oh my goodness creeper creeper oh what creeper wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm gonna make a noise okay oh my gosh that just scared the muffins out of me are you okay yeah it sounded like there was a oh my god it works so good i'm gonna do it again i'm gonna do it over time oh my gosh where no like over here a creeper just blew this up i thought there was another oh here help me i told you it's nighttime be careful yeah i know here help me fill this in microphone okay i think because it's like nighttime now i can actually start doing some of these the cow one and the pig one is like the most subtle one so it's super easy to just go like microphone activated but for the other ones you hear that what i'm the piggy the skeletons oh my god oh my god oh my god find the pig and there should be a count out here i heard the the moo but i don't know where the cat was i know hey hey hey the cows the moo help me find the cow and the pig and if you see any chickens get all the mobs here okay okay yeah um i need food though let me go grab some of this i heard the pig over here there's a lot of like creepers and stuff so just be careful please and being careful just keep your eyes peeled place the torches i am i am i am okay i'm gonna do the zombie one i hope this works this has to work this is either gonna give it all away or it's going to work super well here we go creeper creeper creeper found one where where where where where over here where oh wait zombies where where where where i hear zombies come over here over here creeper yep there's a creeper literally right there oh my god careful careful careful careful careful careful careful careful i know oh my god oh my god oh my god bad do not die we literally cannot die you realize if we die this is over right yeah i know he didn't draw bane gunpowder oh god careful where i saw him hear that yeah i was over there where where follow me this way where i say we should keep placing torches stop where are you going over here there's no craters over here yeah i know i'm just killing mobs i'm placing torches yeah get any of the mob things you can use uh the drops because we can use potions with them dude there's a lot of mobs i think we're playing on like hard difficulty oh kill any skeletons dude that's what we need to do what what skeletons together good idea because we need bones okay wait what does this sound like i got leather oh i can totally pull this one off fine i heard something well what i'm trying to kill oh creeper all right um i'm good there's a skeleton oh wait i'm at the house where are you something stop i hear something shooting at me okay we'll come back to the house don't die i'm trying to find it find what kill any epi we need skeletons okay bad can you hurry up and come back to the door help me kill the skeletons i don't know where the skeletons are there's so many mobs oh my god i know we're playing on hard difficulty and we need food and everything with me meet up with i'm at the boat come to the boat how is there a skeleton in our boat i hear it but i don't see it where oh my goodness i'm being shot at from where there's no skeleton or anything listen i am not hear that no are you what are you talking about something is shooting at us we have torches everywhere i know what is shooting at us oh my goodness i see it where how's it up here where's the skeleton oh my gosh it's shooting at us from all the way up here what difficulty is this server on it's on like hard i think oh yeah i see this skeleton i see the skeleton okay okay i see this careful careful careful careful yeah no i'm being careful oh my goodness i'm gonna die i need food i need food i need food run run run i need food now i need food now yeah run back to the okay i i need food i know i'll get you food here check in no not here hold on peek out what you shut the door come on coming in out and guard me oh there's a zombie what did you not hear that i did not hear there's a crow is there a creeper out here check this door this one yeah it's not here where is it something's making that noise can they do it on trapdoors i don't know yes yes they can they can do it on track doors then check the roof okay uh oh uh bad yeah i see the creeper ah bad oh i shut the bridge i shut the bridge oh my god oh my god oh my god don't open the door do not open the door do not oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no no oh my gosh i'm out of food i'm out of food i'm out of food i'm gonna die no it's the creeper's house now just leave it oh my gosh okay come over to this oh my goodness did it pull up yeah there's another one that blew up no no we're good we're good get in get in get in here close the door close the door i just heard the explosion oh my gosh oh my goodness this is so many i don't know what it's over here oh my god did you close it in the water no no no no no we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine okay okay door shut door shut we're good okay like right okay this is gonna be a stretch but i'm gonna play the long dog howl just keep your eyes peeled for me please the muffin microphone [Laughter] can wolves make that sound did you hear that inactivated no what did you not hear that please can i have some food please what do you think here you take this where enderman where that's an enemy where i don't see it oh my god what the heck where i'm looking for it everybody feels like they're gonna die like i gave you two episodes in if we die it's your fault that is not true at all here take that make more bread and we need more skeletons okay do you have any iron um yes here take that oh thank you make some tools we need to make tools oh yeah we should make an iron axe that's like the best weapon an iron axe what about a diamond axe well yeah but we bad the squid did it again the squid did it yeah the squids this is squid river right what that's not what we called it you know what we named no you don't even remember would we name it oh my god i'm not telling you did you kill the creeper that fell in the water uh yeah okay what you said you killed it i did i just heard it you're bad follow me are you following me oh my gosh and do you have food here we'll we'll get a ton of favorite followers go together skippy no no no we need to get any animals we see we need to bring them back home i know we're gonna go hunting oh zombie just died over there oh yeah the sun's out perfect okay we don't have to worry about mobs okay so we're looking for cows and pigs okay did you get the cords to our place yeah i i screenshot them cool cause i knew you wouldn't what i made sure before we left keep following me okay i wanna find the lava pool right now and take us to the nether that is my goal i want to go to the nether and play zombie pigman sound effects and gas sound effects and all that stuff and we literally cannot die you know what the benefit of the woodland mansion is that's where you can find totems hey there's something you have a total coal over here didn't you say you wanted some of this yeah coal's good just buying any coal you come across okay you still following me you left scabby you didn't mind follow me i'm mining call okay hurry up what oh my goodness it sounded like there was a zombie right on me i think there's a cake that i swear if we end up dying and we have to end this series i'm gonna be really it's not my fault you this whole never mind you know what i'm not gonna yell at you this is i feel so nervous for something i know i can tell it's like there's been all these close calls with all these stupid mobs i hate mobs oh we found sheep no don't kill the sheep wait why we could have taken it back i guess we are a bit farther we never mind right now fine kill all the mobs in this okay you got this eat that he went completely silent and he's just looking around he didn't even say anything [Music] hurry up microphone activating i am i'm gonna do it again i'm gonna do it again microphone activated microphone did you hear that oh chicken microphone activated all right i have a chicken enderman find it there's no enderman hippie teleport there's another chicken and sheep here get it get it get it turn your sounds up you're not hearing any of these oh yeah my sounds are really low right now okay turn them up so you can hear the friendly mobs of me oh there's a pig pig pig where where where fat are you going crazy today where's the pain i'm not going crazy saying oh there's a pig there's a sheep there's a cow there's an underwear i keep hearing the oink there is a pig where look for it follow me i'm going to do the silver fish one again i'm going to do this one one more time microphone activated microphone muted he's not saying anything anymore oh why can't i find it fine what i love a pool what you want to go to the nether now yeah horses oh i love horses what should we name them we should get them yeah let's just leave him here take a screenshot of cords cows kill him hi mr cow [Music] oh there's another one oh there's more over here where'd you go i'm over here bad look what what's wrong with you today over here i'm trying to find i'm literally right here is it in the tree oh there you are finally where is it over here oh i see it get it bad i'm cutting this out of the video but like did you get enough sleep what do you mean i don't know you just never mind yeah i got enough sleep what okay i just wanted to make sure what nothing i don't know what do you mean oh i found the pig sorry mr piggy gabby help me and kill these cows microphones just ignoring it cause he's just not gonna say anything about this yeah what activated we need to cook our meat oh my goodness what the muffin is that i keep hearing a stinging spider take damage spider take damage yeah here make another furnace you have more furnace put them here i only have one more but we shall cook we eating good tonight oh my god where is the spider um there's okay oh iron down here wait what spider are you talking about oh there's a stinking cave look for a spider oh there's a cave kill every mob you see because we can use them for something creeper where uh gunpowder kill the creepers for gunpowder because we need the gunpowder for when we go into the nether we'll make tnt oh my gosh what is that what are you talking about i keep hearing spiders take damage i just heard a spider too okay he says i think it was a zombie you look it was a zombie behind you where did zombies behind you all right help me kill them oh the cave goes down deeper let's go wait should we go grab the food yeah find the chicken wait no what are we going down here we're not going mining come on come on wait we need to find lava though no oh there actually was chicken you're not actually going crazy yeah i'm not going crazy okay why do you keep saying that because you keep saying you hear things enderman where where you're hurting no i didn't where are you controlling me are you no no are you me i'm gonna find the enderman i keep hearing i know it's here the pig yeah i know i can see it find the enderman though huh find the enderman okay it's all pour it away microphone okay i'm going crazy and i'm gonna spawn in an enderman and i don't know where his head is going to be at but i'm just going to spawn it in ready okay come down mind that hey no no no mine you're doing a little tower thingy okay we're gonna go ahead and click enderman oh my god oh kill it kill it kill it kill it how did you know i didn't hear anything you need to turn your sounds up i literally heard nothing are you playing with your sounds muted how do you not hear that it's not muted it's just not loud okay we'll turn them up okay you have some food you're hogging at all i'm not honking at all you don't have any here i will give you this that's for you oh thank you you are very welcome senor scappy all right let's go where in the cave get the go kill it get the bones all right let me grab it oh you're right actually you got it oh yeah i'm a genius we're in the cave no no no no no get out so deep in the cave get out of the cave uh-oh but i'll fly nothing what nothing what nothing don't just say uh-oh and then say nothing get out of the cave and assist me assist you with what we have plenty of food do you want to head back home and build our house creeper oh you heard that yeah wow you have a really good hearing bad i had my sounds turned up i heard you kill it i could see your name you come down no i'm not coming down come down i'm staying up here where it's safe hurry up we have plenty of food get up here so we can go but i want you to come down why what is the point in going underground here please no please pretty why are we going with the cherry on top oh my gosh i'm coming help where zombies where oh they're killing me where where where where i'm oh i got out i got out of the caves i hear so many okay good dude where are you oh i see your name i see your name get up here oh it's nighttime yes let's go let's make it back home no follow me why are we going this way this is not home okay fine follow me okay oh enderman enderman and german oh where hello get the ender pearl there i'm coming i heard it you did come here help there's a lot of mobs yeah i see i'm going i'm going i get your back skippy perfect thank you oh my god i just want to go to the nether but he doesn't want to go to the nether but i have to it's going to be so funny where'd you go skippy i lost you okay where are you um i'm heading back home do you know how to get back home of course um just keep going southeast you'll make it creepers two of them yeah i know i know i know i know i know careful careful careful killed one careful thank you one did you almost die no you almost did no yes you did go go go go go yes finally here just mark this spot here we go you know there's lava here perfect we are not going to the nether right now yeah we are no we aren't yes we are bad what is the point it's very important there's a lot of stuff we need to get like like xp you know we want enchantment tables don't we spider careful careful careful easy zombie where i heard it you hear a lot of things oh my goodness turn your mob sounds up okay we're good if you're not hearing it it's because your mom's sounds are too quiet you need to complete the talk i'm aware i don't think you are all right you've uh clint i do have gravel i gave you my iron remember yep i have flint i have flying me too let's go we got this why are we going to let's do this what is the point oh this is gonna be fun yeah oh my gosh already careful i don't have a shield scabby give me an iron i need to make a shield um hurry you need iron you have to make a shield i only have one purple stuff for once i only have one that's all i need to me okay grab it oh no i accidentally are you flipping it's down there go grab it dad you need a shield go grab it go grab it this guy is no i'm not going down there careful i'm going down okay go down there get in there okay i won't i won't i won't i won't oh oh my gosh this is scary this is so scary why are we doing this why are we doing this so dumb oh no oh bad oh my gosh i'm coming this thing is attacking me i don't have any goals i don't have any gold give it something [Music] i don't have anything build build up and hide i see the fortress i see the fortress where wherever they're over there where where where that way that way walking muffin head can i kill it no you want actually yes kill it and take its helmet yay it didn't drop it all right let's run okay let's go okay mark these chords down got him all right where are we going i hear [Music] knock the firewall back oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no block block block we cannot die we cannot die this is so bad let's go back let's go back let's go back let's go back let's go back let's go back run i'm running back i'm running back i'm going back going back in the portal oh my god i'm back out i'm back out i'm back out please don't die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die goodbye please please come back come back oh my gosh that was so dumb why did we do that literally that was the dumbest thing ever that was so stupid that was not the move oh my gosh zombie zombie i know all right dad let's go back yeah let's get out of here all right let's go back you no not i mean i thought oh i thought you meant back oh okay oh what's wrong with you oh my goodness you're crazy it's like you're trying to get us killed what was that did you hear that yeah what was that i don't know it wants us to go back no i'm not going back come back with me dad you muffin come back in he's killed come back in never mind never mind never mind never mind no no no no no no don't go back oh my god the zombies came through oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die bye bad bye bye bye yeah bye oh my goodness i'm coming to save you please save me okay where are you where are you you're not even here i'm behind you where okay behind where uh oh what where are you okay i'm just gonna start playing random noises i'm literally gonna play like pigs and stuff yeah where are you ah scabby oh i see you i see you scary hurry we gotta run we gotta ride oh my goodness how did a cow get in here microphone activated can we leave what can we leave this place please yes we can i don't want to be down here oh my gosh why did you come in the nether i don't know oh we need to get gold armor we're going to die come on do you want to leave yes all right run over here hurry come on come on oh nice need to kill this thing there's nice okay run there we go oh careful one of these things get in get in i'll cover you go go go go oh i did it the zombie tank oh let's go back home let's go back home i don't like it anymore this is dumb it's scary here it's this way okay oh my gosh why did we go to the nether no to think that was a good idea it wasn't my idea was it was my soul your soul was like i want to die and then i thought we were gonna get good stuff i didn't know it was gonna be that scary what were we gonna get in the nether you know it would have been good yeah like like what what the okay no no no no no no there's no way there's a gap in the overflow can they go through portals don't activate they can't can they they're no flipping way i just heard a gas oh yeah i heard it again do you hear that no you hear that no i don't even know where you are oh there you are i'm up on the tree get on the tree come on i heard a gas did you spawn a gaston no what did you no we're not in the nether right now okay no spawning in gas we're not in the nether right now bad what don't you understand about that i know but you can still see ah you did it i heard a gasp i heard the gas i heard it i don't know where i heard it are you losing your marbles i'm not losing my money you're losing your marbles no i am hearing the gas don't try and mean me admit it okay hold on i'm going to check and see if i have a tab opened okay probably smart i think one second oh my goodness okay i do not have a video opened do you hear that no ow why are you hitting me just listen what is that okay is that you what are you summoning mobs or you're using the play sound effects in minecraft no that's what you're doing bad boy halo sound board trolling part three you said that again that's not funny did you do that the whole time yes the all those creepers and mobs i kept hearing were you yeah oh my goodness stop that's not funny oh my goodness i thought i was gonna die like four times because of creepers that's not funny no buddy what's up creeper that's not fun hardcore or i'd kill you right oh my god oh i'm killing you i'm killing you i hope you're ready stop it no you need to die stop i'm killing you ow yeah yeah get back here stop letting those stupid mob noises stop stop yeah that's right you better stop did you know no i didn't i thought it was weird for a second i was like is my minecraft bugged or something because i kept hearing like mobs i thought i had my sounds turned up like super high oh my gosh that's amazing no that was not funny that was amazing every time i'd be mining and i'd hear like a hiss i'd like turn around really quick stop that's not funny i don't even know what that one's for it's funny because stop i don't know when it's legit or not yeah i don't you have me paranoid now stop kidding that's not funny what if like i later on i hear a kiss and i think it's a creeper but i'm like oh no scabby's just trolling me and the creeper blows up and i die beat like that all right well that was amazing yes it was
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 5,052,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, badboyhalo, badboyhalo soundboard, sound board badboyhalo, so i trolled badboyhalo
Id: lbQrSi1LzGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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