Race To Beat Minecraft: Skeppy VS BadBoyHalo

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all right so in today's video we have 10 challenges we have a steppy yours truly and a bad boy halo kill 10 pigs eat an apple stack 14 cacti bake a cake build a height limit mine to bedrock level tame a wolf catch a fish kill 10 endermen and lastly kill the ender dragon who can complete the 10 challenges first no specific order doesn't matter how you do it whoever completes the 10 challenges first wins that's it this got super intense no ow oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god sit back relax go grab a snack and get ready for this to unfold this video took a ton of time and effort to make so if you could just check if you subscribe before we get into this i would really appreciate it a time youtube can be super weird sometimes and actually unsubscribe you from my channel without you even knowing it so if you liked the video please consider subscribing it would help me out a ton hey hi you uh you ready to do this bad are you ready to lose no i'm i'm actually ready to win today i feel really confident well you shouldn't i'm gonna win when are we going uh right after i break this tree hey are we starting i know okay yeah you're a little muffin head all right so hey aren't you supposed to leave my call no you have to leave mine what's our goal by the way just do these ten tasks yes bad boy halo yes okay well uh i'm gonna win so good luck uh no wait are we allowed to kill each other oh good question um yes yes we are say are you sure you're not about to regret it uh i think you have to leave my call okay wait no you leave mine no i'll see you in half an hour when you listen i'll see you in half an hour once you lose no i'll see you in half and i got stoned after me yeah you're about to lose so i hope you're ready all right well bye i finally left because he didn't want to do it all right let me grab this and let me grab some wood and i will be on my way i'm thinking what i'm gonna do is take a very strategical route and actually do none of the challenges until i get full iron unless i see you know like a pig or something on the way which i have come here little biggie goodbye hmm there's more pigs as well i might as well complete this challenge and then go for full iron two pigs down oh there's pigs everywhere this is great three four wow i'm doing really good this is a great start five six come on there has to be more pigs somewhere yes there is this is doing so good bye goodbye and i believe just two more let me check i've killed nine i only need one more pig oh my god don't look at me like that piggy yeah look away i'm sorry for what i'm about to do task completed let's go i bet that's freaking out and eight nine and ten there we go boom ha ha skippy's all like wait what how did he complete one two that's right skeppy i'm gonna win guys you know what i'm willing skip he doesn't even know this i'm willing to bet him five dollars wow this guy's crazy oh scotty scotty's got these cappy dappy's cappy scouty where are you hello mr chicken no way he had this big ravine he totally went down there that's totally where he went oh the little muffin head oh and a cave perfect timing sorry for sorry for that i think i'm ready to go down perfect i have everything i need now i'm just on a hunt for some iron perfect oh my gosh i really couldn't have asked for things to go any better right now this is amazing usually things don't go so well for me but this is going really really good all right i'mma grab the coal because i'm gonna need this wait bevel hill completed two tests what the heck how did he do that he finished one and then two like the same second how did he wait what did he complete what the heck give me that iron i'm gonna try and get like a total of 30 pieces and then i'm gonna go back i feel like that's ideal hurry up hurry up hurry up give me give me give me give me i need it 26 27 28. oh hello hello what the heck oh no i don't want to fight right now i don't want to fight give me what i can get yes grab all of this and i'm gonna be on my way oh my gosh gold all right i will be back here later i need to get out go smelt this i believe it was this way and then oh my god what way was it yeah it was this way and then right here perfect dude he completed another task what the heck and boom there we go we are officially at bedrock we got some lapis even though i don't think that helps us really at all let's go back up now we're tower tower tower tower we're gonna keep going up till we hit the coal oh look at this is this what i think it is wait a minute you want i'm gonna make an axe first and you know what let's make a where is it uh boom there we go that should work all right we got this that'll be necessary just in case we fall oh look at that did we just find some coal yes we did all right what can i do i can go down to bedrock level i think that's the one i want to do right now so the route i'm gonna take is i'm gonna go to the nether come back oh my god what am i doing oh let's go what the heck oh my god that's amazing oh wait it was only one but you know what i'll take it no way he did not find diamonds are you kidding me he actually found diamonds oh my goodness i swear if he like gets loaded up i'm gonna be so mad okay let's swap this out for iron get that cooking put one in there there and one in there why not this is a total muffin i saw his name it's over there he literally just ran past oh my gosh i need to be careful gotta be super duper careful he's totally up there he is up there he could literally come down and meet me oh my goodness i don't want to lose my stuff no no no no no no no no no don't do it go away shoe shoes scappy i know you're there i saw your name gravel it's actually a pretty good thing to tower with oh no okay a skeleton is burning so it must be daytime yes got him okay all right let's check up on my chicken should have laid an egg by now or my egg and seriously we've got to be close look at how high we are this is so nerve-wracking oh i see pumpkins are those good for anything oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me yay hey we made it okay down we go wee and kirsch black he completed another one oh my gosh this is not okay oh my gosh no way he is not in the nether you better be joking me all right i got the chords let's move dude where do i even get out of here come on take me somewhere preferably the fortress but you know just somewhere yes i'm out okay come on fortress fortress fortress where are you where are you this is very good oh my gosh this is amazing yes if i can do these super hard tasks first the easy ones shouldn't be a problem i just need to find the spawner come on this can't be that hard right oh spawner oh blaze spawner where are you i found it oh my god oh my gosh that's not okay that is no no no no no no no no no no no bro you do so much damage and there's like 10 of you and i'm not here for this wait there's no spawners well okay he finally got iron armor oh oh my god three diamonds was in that chest i didn't even know you could get that oh my god what gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme give me so where are you coming from must be this way i already have five ooh hello there obsidian diamonds i say diamonds yes where's the blazes oh my god please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me i'm sorry no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god hi hey buddy i'm gonna block you off all right what's in there diamond dude i am really low on food right now this is not okay i'm gonna just have to eat the rotten flesh for now oh that was good come on pleases i can just find where you're at this will all be fine oh i can go this way all right come on take me to the blue spawner can't be that difficult right i guess so dude i seriously can't find it oh this is annoying me right now like what which way do i go this has to be the most frustrating thing ever oh here we go oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i don't want to have to deal with you i just don't um let me think i'll parkour over you oh my god no no no no no no get away from me you as well all right after all that i finally found what i needed and this should do the trick oh my god that hurt you know being out of food though not the best thing ever i will eat you oh my gosh no please hurry up just a few more oh my god am i gonna die can't be dying right now this is my last piece of rotten flesh i want to get out of here now okay i'm gonna kill you two and i'm oh my god there's three of them i repeat there's three of them oh my god oh my god no no i don't want to eat this i don't want to eat this i might have to i don't want to waste it though i might have to i can't risk dying hey guys how are we all doing good i hope yeah yeah get out no one likes you go away not wasting my golden apple you hear me oh my god there's like tandem oh my god oh my god i'm wasting it i'm wasting it i don't care anymore holy what the oh get out get out all of you get out you know what i think i got what i needed i'm just gonna go i'm gonna get one more just to be safe okay you know what maybe i won't maybe i won't i think i'm just gonna go now if i spot one on the way out it'll be all good but i just don't think it's worth it but i'm gonna do it in case nevermind never mind peace out guys i had fun bye see that's perfect that's absolutely perfect oh my god never mind this is very weird just happened what just happened what's weird um okay i think i found where you made your nether portal okay how do i neat i don't like being here let me out dang it i'm stuck sorry bro stuck in your nether place oh my goodness oh okay it was worth it if it's not worth it don't do it it was worth it so i did it if it's not worth it don't do it i keep hearing birds chirping come on i just need a little bit more well i think i have no other choice but to chill in the nether with you so skeppy i'm gonna have to kill you now why are you in the nether huh what are you doing i'm in the nether because i have no choice so you're coming to kill me is that what you're doing yes well you're not gonna find me so good luck with that i i am not i could be anywhere the nether is huge no no i'm like a bloodhound okay you don't know where i am okay well you don't know what a bloodhound is yeah i do it's like a pound that's bloody it's a hound a dog okay so maybe you don't know i still don't think you do you probably just googled it how could i have goo are you whatever you went to google oh my god what is a house you just looked it up like a muffin head this is not okay oh hello maybe i need more blocks dude why i need more wood okay let's trade uh i do not want to see your face that's rude no it's not just the truth yes it is it's not i don't want to see you right now you don't say that to someone unless you're being mean to them on purpose well maybe i am being mean on purpose hey well that's rude all right i only have 20 shots at this come on give me what i need you're not even gonna apologize why would i apologize for what because it's something you should do it's a nice thing to do on oh my goodness am i gonna die are you gonna die i don't know i'm about to die if this thing comes near me i really hope you do that would make everything better for me right now hey that would not be good and that would be rude what the muffin where are they oh oh is someone going to debbie don't dance does that did that say you you died no i didn't it didn't you you died ignore that [Applause] be quiet oh my god i suggest you leave my call and go sort your stuff out okay well how am i gonna do that ah you better hurry are you better hurry get out of my car i stopped to do all the achievements in the overworld so you can still make this happen if you're good at the game you're in my call [Music] we were talking about what did we want to do for the forfeit oh you know remember what i said i wanted to call it a draw never mind never mind you know what i like that that's a good idea draws are good the draw it is no i'm good okay draw no i'm good bro i'm good no we're in agreement you already said yes you can't no take backsies ah take backsies you better leave my call and go figure it out now yeah you better all right bye this is amazing all i need is some more pearls and i am sorted my god this is amazing dude and i'm obsidian so i could literally go like this out no no you stupid idiot guest oh my god never mind we can't do that anymore fine i'll just go to the chords stupid gas ruining my life get away from me can you stop no one likes you you know what shoot me shoot me yeah bye all right so it was just this way oh dude i would really love a pickaxe right now would be extremely you know helpful oh my gosh i'm i'm really doing this right now and i have no choice this is great any time now any day now dude if that ghast hadn't have hit me i would have been at the overworld by now ah finally let me out okay we're good let's go finally that took forever and we are officially good to go all right now we just have to do all the easy challenges and we should be good oh yeah i remember being here felt like just yesterday dude i don't have a pickaxe i don't have a pickaxe what have i got to do let me out oh my god oh my god no no no no leave me alone leave me alone oh please let me out freedom we made it i think never mind dude i swear this never ends ow and i'm out of food this is very bad okay and we are finally out oh my gosh okay first thing we're gonna have to do is get an apple and eat it so let's just try and do that super quick plus i wouldn't complain for a little bit of food please drop an apple wow it broke and i didn't even get an apple what okay method number two we break all the logs and hope for an apple to drop i guess i could do that come on i can't waste all my time on finding an apple oh apple yes all right eating apple has been completed no oh my god what just happened what was that oh my god literally what just happened you know what i'm just gonna go do the next challenge we're gonna get to sky limit oh my god what just happened i believe it is y256 so we're gonna be here for a little bit and there we are challenge complete now that we're here we might as well take a look at the view because it is really really nice plop down one of those get rid of those get rid of those let's make these put those there break that and let's go down how is he completed for a 10 4 10 what 4 10 tasks seriously die die die die die die die yes yes ender this might actually work this might be the best place to kill them should i go that way why not we're going this way i have a feeling the hardest one to do will be the cactus one oh hello mr enderman oh crud no oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god bad boy halo died again channel switch stop stop don't say anything don't you're not allowed to laugh that's mean bad what what what is going on look i died leave me alone yeah but like come on what you're better than this yeah okay it's all my fault the endermen do way too much damage you like a billion hearts of damage where was i did you get back and well what do you think i'm trying to do right now i don't know are you trying to find your stuff right now yes i'm trying to find my stuff right now okay run run run run run run glad i put this here oh my gosh wait was it this way i think this is the way i went you're good i hope so you want me to tell me to leave no my stupid oh my god did you that is gonna set me back did you die too no you did didn't you oh my gosh wow that's so stupid guess who got his stuff back maybe it'll be fine wait did you get your stuff back yes i did no wait what do you mean no you should be happy for me yeah well yay that's right as it feels skippy pretty good the fact that i'm gonna complete another task oh my gosh stop his name is elmo finish the tasks who's elmo my doggo you named your dog elmo i guess that's pretty cool it is pretty cool isn't it that's a good name is he an adorable little doghouse uh i don't know but i'm spawning in elmo right now elmo speak i'm not saying oh that was your cue to do the alamo voice oh no no it's too late now it's a channel switched you know what now that there's cows here i should probably actually honestly dump this all grab some milk sugarcane oh hello oh yes perfect hello hello there chickens do you want to come together now yes give me that egg lay that egg not you elmo give me that egg come on give me that egg chicken family drop the egg sugar cane to sugar oh my gosh i don't have wheat this could be bad hurry up and give me the egg i don't have time for this don't look at me like that i i care about you guys i just i need an egg right now come on lay the egg right now or you're gonna get it please elmo i'm not going crazy i just need an egg am i really doing this in the meantime dude have i gotten an egg yet out of any of you please okay hurry up grow grow grow grow grow liz must eat need achievement all right cool all that's missing now is an egg come on egg any of you egg all right i'm not watching you guys do your thing not watching not looking bro please yes oh my god yes okay how do i do this uh sugar sugar wheat bucket no i need one more bucket of milk now i have to find the cow why is it so stressful cow has been spotted perfect i can finally do my thing now boom i have made a stupid take what do we have now go fishing i can do that easy enough all right i went fishing next up stack 14 cactus this is gonna be easy i can't believe i lost one of these eyes you know let's go towards whichever way you want me to go oh my god no buddy you good don't tell me you want me to go this way still don't oh okay all right all right just which way that way all right ow no my doggo ah i'm so sorry elmo he couldn't last that long with us dude he's completing challenges quick i just need to get to cactus here let me write down the chords of wherever i need to go oh my god oh my gosh the desert yes ow i'm so low please actually be a desert i don't have time for this right now cactus come on there has to be cactus over there right right no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm going so far away yo oh hello good luck dude good luck good luck what do you mean good luck trying to find cactus this took me about 10 years good luck really yup i know you haven't found cactus yet good luck no i haven't but nope you haven't that's right wait it's cappy good luck wait no good luck what do you mean good luck trying to find cactus what what it's really hard it's really really really difficult to stack 14 tactics the stack 14 cactus that's i okay i have a question why did you make it 14 cactus i don't know i just thought it was a fitting number you know boom very comfortable okay test complete stop i'm trying to find my way out of the nether can you you're still stuck in the netherlands yes let me guess you didn't write down the chords to the portal you want let's not worry about whatever i right you didn't write down the chords if i answer the question will you tell me what the chords are yeah okay i did not write down the chorus the chords i believe was negative positive that's very helpful thank you skippy you're welcome i'm joking that's not very helpful at all oh really yeah that's i mean it's like a little helpful in like the point one one one one one one one one one percent helpful yep got you i hear you but it's definitely not really helpful but it's like kind of helpful so like i helped you i gave you you didn't i gave you something in the grand scheme of things when i said no you didn't do nothing please give me the chords please uh i don't know if i have yeah i still have them can i please have them nope please what do you want in exchange if i can get me i'm never gonna get out okay okay if i give you the chords oh come on i want you to sing steppy's the best and make a rap out of it and i'll give you the chords right now seriously seriously okay i almost died but that would've been bad um you want me to sing a song about you being the best yeah you want me to lie what okay i'm leaving you know okay wait wait wait wait wait i'm sorry excuse me i'm sorry then wrap it it needs rhymes and everything gabby is the best best best he will pass the test test test yo skeppy he is the best yo skeppy he's number one do you want to have some fun under the sun then you better call skeppy what why because he's skeppy oh he's skeppy oh he is skeppy he's definitely not not skeppy cause he's skeppy oh happy scabby he's a good potato switched had enough of that okay i'm honestly ready to go so that's what we're gonna do now i swear if i don't have enough eyes i will cry moo all right i've got a lot of running to do which is why we're getting a horse no we're not no we're not oh my god why do i feel like that's happened twice today no oh my gosh let me have this oh my god oh wow wow wow wow wow wow please you're like the only horse in the universe just let me have you oh my god never mind i'm just gonna go oh my god enderman i'm gonna have to kill you it's just gonna have to happen sorry not sorry i need more ender pearls oh my god did you give me an enterprise please please please uh ender pearl no just a bit more what oh this way channel switched hey hi seems like we both have the same amount of tasks completed burn now impressive you're able to actually keep up with me uh you mean you were able to actually keep up with me uh we were able to keep up with each other nope you kept up with me oh my god oh my god oh my god what what oh my god what in the world is a huss i don't know but it came in my hole i was going to the view yes my shield broke i bet you didn't put up wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i have my chords i have my chords am i recording bye happy hey about all that stuff i said earlier hey do you remember when i gave you the chords to my uh my portal yeah remember when i when i did that yeah would you uh like to maybe you know give me the chords to the end or something nah are you sure because you remember i am your best friend and i i did give you the chords to the portal when i didn't have to you are my best friend but i really had no reason to do that and i i still went out of my way and i helped you back the chords to the you know the the end yes when i go back to the end yeah you can have the chords yeah but like what are your chords right now at this this very moment i'm in the ocean i'm at native one nine nine one native one nine nine one seven eighteen three oh okay well is that real chords or is that fake chords no that's real oh yeah listen i was at where i thought the end was yeah i'm pretty sure it's there but i still have to do that stupid cactus thing oh interesting you haven't done the cactus thing yet wait yeah no i haven't done the cat you have done it because you haven't killed 10 enderman meaning you are on your eighth task so you're lying no i'm not you're lying you're lying i know you're lying i'm lying i don't care if you believe me what are your chords because i found a shipwreck those were my cords i'm in the middle of the ocean promise i pinky promise okay so are you at the end right now or like what's the situation i'm no i'm not at the end are you trying to get to the end i mean i was but not anymore why not what would happen we'll change your mind i i'm not trying to get there that's all that why what are you what's on your mind because i need cactus oh i i thought you finished your eighth task though i did but i still need cactus interesting that's right i killed all of the enderman wait how did you kill all the endermen wait did you find your stuff uh yes um i don't know if i trust you what do you mean i had my chords so i yeah but i could see you trying to like trick me or something trick you into what i don't know baby i have a question you never know what you're like buried treasure i don't mind buried treasure yeah i like buried treasure okay that means what does it mean i found a treasure map oh look at you go i'm so happy for you you know what that means skeppy what is it what does it mean i am going to find a treasure cause i need diamonds and i think the treasure might have diamonds interesting you know what this kind of shows me where biomes are so maybe i'll find a deserted island with cactus yeah i don't think that's gonna happen you shouldn't keep your hopes up like that okay well where'd you find cactus then uh desert do you have cactus i have cactus yup got my stuff back oh my god what are your quotes right now i'll come to you and give you some i meant negative 2405 and 1632. interesting interesting there's no desert on this map there is you just have to look closer this i'm looking at a map skeppy it says no desert it says you're lying no no no no no no no no no no no i'm looking at it it's just there's only snow in this oh no no no no no no no why am i going in this direction you have to go in the correct direction no you have to go no no no no no no no deppy what are you gonna do if i find treasure you're not gonna find treasure and i feel like you already found cactus and you're just baiting me but whatever deputy i'm looking for treasure okay you're looking for treasure tactics which one is it treasure and cactus yuppie oh come on there's nothing good in here i already have all this ah okay yeah guess who's not getting his treasure or whatever you wanted okay skippy let's make good trade let's make a trade trades i like trades cactus yeah i have cactus you're not meaning me that i completed the achievement okay we're gonna make an agreement we'll meet up yep i will take all of your cactus yep i will go to the end finish the end portal yup yup yup and then i will give you coordinates as i'm killing the ender dragon right before right before he dies i'll give you a quartet you know tempting offer gonna have to pass though that's a good deal and you know it passed okay wait come on before you pass yep i have a proposition then all right here's an agreement we can both agree to be partners up until the end partners up until the end you want end coordinates well i can get to the end myself i got my stuff back don't you realize that i don't need your help anymore wait so you don't even need my coordinates anymore no i got my stuff back i got my eyes under what i don't need anything from you then why are we talking i don't know we were talking up until i got my stuff oh my gosh why'd i leave that diamond i'm so dumb oh right you finally found diamonds yeah look who's dumb where's that map when are you going to the end i'm probably going to go there now and just kill the energy doesn't matter pretty much completed all the tasks at this point yeah except for the most important one yeah i'm gonna go do it now though yeah go enjoy have fun killing enderman all right i will of you die while doing that so do you still need the cactus or no yes please all right then here's what's going to happen what are your chords i'll come meet up with you give you the cactus negative two two two two one six seven two in the middle of the ocean you ever thought skippy that maybe you should not what cactus boom do you really need the cactus or not i do so you actually haven't done it i actually haven't done it so have you killed 10 endermen very carefully huh how else do you kill ten endermen with your brain never really thought about it like that a lot of people don't guess i'm just one of those people got one of those lazy people not lazy i don't know you weren't lazy how come you haven't killed any of the uh whatchamacallits what the enderman i have i've killed three oh you've killed three no you haven't yeah i have liar whatever bad where'd you find the cactus tell me your chords again i'm gonna come right now tell me the chords tell me where the cactus is they're chilling okay my cords how about this once i head to where the end is i'll tell you where my cords are uh i mean i'm already in that area but okay okay well i was looking for cactus let's group up all right fine fine just tell me once you're i guess it'll save me a minute so i'll give you the cactus for that tell me once you get to the end chords and let me know the chords okay good but you're not just gonna kill me when i get there are you uh no promise why would i kill you are you gonna try and kill me are you gonna try and kill me it depends are you gonna try and kill me no we have that mutual agreement with each other yeah we have a mutual bond a friendship um you seem like the type of person is trying to kill somebody no no no no no no [Applause] well i know where i died so i'm sitting at my stuff again i literally know where i died so i'll be fine skeppy the tables have turned they have it not at all they have been turned nope the tables have turned they're in my favor now i got myself back oh that's nice so nothing really changed liar mclaren pants no i have my stuff oh liar mcguire pants okay where's the cactus then if you have your stuff in my inventory so uh what are you doing right now i'm on my way to cactus town you're still looking for cactus let me just help you okay you'll actually give me cactus yes [Music] what what you died again yeah that was an intentional death oh an intentional it was it was an intentional one oh yeah okay i'm gonna give you an intentional hamburger what does that even mean whatever you die you died you died and what did you die and what you died you died skep yes you died i am going to win as soon as i kill all the gender men hey oh look at that is that what i think it is i know what you were trying to do skippy what you yes we're trying to go to the end yeah aren't we we are both but i mean the uh the portaly thingy i'm i'm there you remember where that big portal is i know you were by here i saw your stuff oh you did yeah i see a leaf and i didn't place that so it must been you interesting well well you were by here i know the end is right nearby oh my goodness it's back this way okay so the i'm really close to the end i found it it's literally gotta be under here all right so what are your cords then i'll come give you the cactus are you just trying to cheat me how would i cheat you i could see you saying you're gonna give me cactus and then you show up and there's no words okay it's negative one five three two one seven three five there all right do you want me to show up or not yes but only if you're not going to try and i don't want to have a big fat long interaction with you i just want to talk to you for like a minute give you the cactus and you help me out with the chords because i didn't really want to waste my time getting there so you promise those are the real chords because i trust you i promise those are the real chords yeah those are the real chords to where i'm at all right well i'm pretty close so i'm gonna make my way over right now you wait there all right if you don't have 14 cactus i'm gonna be angry i do you just better have the sand i have one sand perfect all i need that's all we need to kill you what what to be your friend are you gonna kill me why why would i do that are you gonna kill me i need to know are you gonna kill me are you gonna kill me answer right now i am not going to kill you you promise you're not going to kill me i promise you that i will not kill you if you do not try and kill me i'm not gonna try and kill you all right truce truce okay good debbie come on come on wherever you are i'm on my way right now i'm walking there i'ma just chill my tree boat all right cool i'll be there in a matter of seconds i want 14 cactus skippy you'll have 14 cactus bad could you really not find any cactus i couldn't i looked around for a desert and then i gave up i warned you how hard it was did i not yes you did you were like oh bad cactus so hard to get it was it was indeed what direction did you go for it uh you know the one direction no like what direction one direction yeah but like what direction yeah one direction yeah which direction one direction yeah what direction one direction bad yeah one direction what direction one direction which one one which one one direction which direction oh my gosh do you not know your directions it's like your abc's all over again if you remember abc it's easy as one two three abc one two three baby you me e now one direction get a it's easy as one two three abc one two three two happy i'm here okay i'm here where are you where are you one direction you know what i can't find you so just do your thing oh whoa no no no no no i'll never find cacti i don't know where you are i like that you know what i'm in the tree wait what are your chords what are your chords uh i don't know okay you're near here aren't you no you went to those chords that i didn't liar what's at those chords oh the end right oh yeah i forgot huh oh i didn't know i didn't know yeah i didn't know convenient listen we'll meet up later no you're gonna run okay oh my i now have the chords to the end so i see the camp there okay but we're gonna need a little bit more iron aren't we wow i have died so many times today but it's fine because i'm still gonna win this i wonder if he's around here right now that would honestly be terrible free armor a few moments later ow oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want what do you want wait you can't just threaten me yeah i can't you you can't tactile expedition demand cacti stop go away no give me cacti go away from me or dad i said that we're just gonna go on and do our own thing so leave me alone no i can't just kill you and take the cat guy no you couldn't why not it doesn't work like that it doesn't work like that if it okay think about it i think think about it thank you stop stop stop if you hit me again if you hit me again if you hit me again i'm gonna burn the cactus okay give me the cactus or i'm gonna kill you if you hit me again i'm gonna burn it i'm gonna hit you again give me the cactus give me the cactus tell me where you got it at least okay you're not making a bow no what did you make stop crafting stuff what are you doing where are you going hey hey no no no dang it i have a boat too just for the record i can literally follow you there nowhere you can go you can't get away from me skippy what you think this is like something you oh leave me i'm gonna get away oh hardy har har skippy yeah yeah yeah i'm watching you i'm gonna follow you for a million days what are you doing what are you doing oh you little ragamuffin no interesting oh hello little muffin head yeah yeah yeah now i'm gonna get you nope no bye bye i don't have any tactics by the way give me cacti all i need to do now is grind a little bit of iron oh my god bro oh now there's an egg okay okay well the important part is i have the exact cords to the end so i believe if i just go down right here i will run into something i hope i'm right very nice just a little bit more this way please yes oh my god yes yes yes perfect okay now we just try and get looted up a little bit all good that's helpful thank you thank you thank you i need that oh yes yes yes yes finally things are working out a little bit here come on 13 there you go good enough and tower cried cried cried crud oh my gosh wait a minute wait a minute this is a bad idea nailed it boom yeah batboy halo has completed nine out of ten what what did he do what i don't think it really matters because i am still gonna win you died to cactus what does that mean it all doesn't mean anything i'm still gonna win how did you'll notice i'm not worried at all but your eyes of ender um you you you lost it oh did i didn't you yeah you you i guess you'll find out later when you watch the video oh so it was like an intentional doubt maybe interesting i got the achievement that's all that matters i guess um carry on then channel switch user joining uh what i just realized i want to brag a little bit you want to brag yeah guess what you didn't tell me where the desert was right so what do you think i did tried to find a desert tried to find the desert but that takes a really long time and i have to go really far don't i that's correct well guess what i put all of my stuff in a chest and made a bed and then i laid in that bag i i know okay i know that yes so i didn't lose anything i know i didn't lose wait wait something doesn't add up how come if you didn't lose anything right and you're flexing on me how come when i joined your call you were freaking out i no i was you were freaking out about dying oh no yeah i do you want to explain that like a second or two away you know what go away shoot you too bad you were freaking out when when i joined yeah okay so why does that matter can't a guy freak out no you were freaking out about dying yeah can't a guy freak out about dying yeah what do you mean can't the guy freak out about dying so you did die on on purpose or by accident or maybe i did it doesn't matter what's the thing here it doesn't matter all right well you're you're confusing me a little bit you're a confusion you're a confuser you're confusing you're composers okay what are you doing what are you doing uh chillin okay well are you trying to find the end i'm already at the end you're not in there i'm in the end right now prove it i'm literally i can see your achievements you don't have the end achievement yeah maybe i don't yeah so what are you gonna do chill out yeah how many uh ender pearls do you have a lot no you don't yes i do that's not true that's not true nope zero no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you're wrong you're wrong i hope you know you're wrong oh really how many ender pearls i saw you and like no armor you have nothing you are a squishy little muffin what yeah you heard me whatever dude yeah whatever exactly what are you gonna do when i win you realize we both only have one task to complete right i know well actually technically i have to yeah you're gonna lose i'm just gathering the last i just have to kill the ender dragon skeppy yes so do i pretty much yeah you have a lot of work to do no i don't think i do not i do not have a lot of work to do yeah you do no i don't it's not true no it's true it's not yeah it is no it's not yeah it is no it's not yes it is me to cow where any cows are skippy yeah i know where all the cows are oh really how's that what and you just said you knew where all of the cows are because i know where all the cows are is it because of the moo stop stop stop leave my call no you leave my call you're in my call this is my call too skippy oh here we go here we go what here we go here we go what nothing here we go here we go oh my god oh my what nothing chill out answer the question that's rude you're being rude okay fine i'm busy right now yeah okay i can hear that busy you're a busy busy baby body where are you i'm bored i am killing cows and that is totally the moo stop that yes what what are you guessing about because i just got some delicious hamburger from a cow named skeppy i'm not a cow why do you say the moo then daddy if you're not a cow why'd you say that where are you hey scabby that's totally the oh my goodness that's exactly the phrase a cow would say you're not a duck you're a cow what where are you i'm bored i'm over here trying to mind my way to the end about to kill the ender dragon you're at the end already finally i'm about to be nice where are you i'm also you know chilling at the end interesting i'm at the end and i don't see you well i'm here what a coincidence that we are both currently occupied yes oh my goodness you are down there oh you see my name tag oh my gosh hey buddy i did not think you're here i am here okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i have to kill you um can't let you live gaby are you ready to die yes you're not supposed to say yes you're supposed to say no please bad don't do it can you say that please yes no say no please bad don't kill me uh-huh yeah okay i'm gonna kill you now okay whatever you say yeah exactly yeah i know you're here oh my gosh yes that is what i needed what what did you need no no nothing don't worry about it what was it that you needed so desperately don't worry about it i'm curious you can tell me you can tell me that i just wanted to know that you wanted to know yeah oh i got you gabby scabby are you okay happy are you angry yeppy i i understand you may think that was not the moo but it was pretty the moo debbie come on come on don't be angry yeah debbie come on i know okay i know you might be a teensy tiny little itty bit angry with me but sometimes we need to express our emotions to get our frustrations off our chest so if there's anything you want to say nice words only i am willing to listen gabby channel switched what am i gonna do what am i gonna do i have done this so many times today i don't know how i'm gonna do it again but i need to win i need to win this all right i'm going in i don't know what my plan is or what i'm gonna do but i am going in please just no no no no no need this to go well all right let's just shift be careful and we're in all right here we go okay oh my god what the heck diamonds i didn't even mean to find you okay okay plus seeing disguise blessing in disguise come back time come back time please please please please please tell me eight diamonds eight diamonds eight diamonds eight diamonds eight diamonds yo no way did that just happen oh my god i see his name tag he said i see you what oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i don't know what i'm gonna do about this awful food situation i'm in but i mean i got the iron so that's a good sign oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god no no no no no cool that'll work thanks now we just do that go like that grab the eight diamonds okay so axe obviously pickaxe obviously hold on to those two oh my god hey bye come on blow up don't be shy get out oh my god that hurt this is uh really how do i put this not good very very not good oh my god um hey guys oh it's already been looted that's amazing oh wait no it has it okay okay okay okay okay let me think let me think i need a moment to think i need a moment to think just one second please eat eat kill kill eat i'm healing please please please please okay okay okay you know what i'll take it okay okay i'll take it again and i'll take it again i will deal with one flesh if i have to all right let's go knuckle not go not go we'll go now oh hey guys how do i do this all right so let's make a shield i got a shield oh my god oh my god bad boy hills right here he's trying to kill the cinder man he's trying to kill the center man i can't be seen he probably already saw my name tag uh hi hey i'm really really stacked right now so you probably don't want to mess with me and yeah listen what i'm just saying i think it is a good idea to call a temporary uh-huh truth uh tris explain why okay all right i think we should be having conflict mm-hmm but i have a yes event correct okay okay i see you by the way i see you too hi hey skippy where are you trying to hide i already know you're there yeah i know i know you know so what about it i'm looking right come out no i don't want to i'm not gonna i'm shy oh my goodness come out listen we need to work together for a teeny tiny bit why is that because we need ender pearls well if it's ender pearls you're looking for i can get you some honey you have you know a lot okay i need two and i can go to the end i see you hi hello hey don't come through that door don't come through that door stacked at all i could kill you like you tried to kill me earlier okay wait wait wait i'm not going dudes gabby come on come on listen listen listen here's the deal hey why are you trying to run place them in place them in no give me your ender pearls okay i'll give them as soon as you place it in i will place them in as soon as you vamoose gabby why are you running jeffy come back here yeah dippy i need two more ender pearls we need one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve i only have eight highs of ender and you have like no armor at all that's not true that's not true that's not true i just heard a creeper explode so unless that creeper also dropped a bunch of armor you don't have it i i see that i can literally skeppy why are you running wait why didn't you pick up any of the iron in the chest oh hello oh what hello what the heck just happened oh my god oh my god thank you very much yes yes yes and this is why i held on to the diamonds oh diamond chest plate let's go not so poor after all am i stick stick stick boom bow just the food it's just the food situation now that's a little bit interesting but everything's going right everything is going really really good right now i'm making the comeback it is literally actually happening pants and then finally we're just gonna make a bucket full of water all right so what i'm hearing is bad boy halo needs ender pearls let me see how i can help what's nice hey hi hey hey hey hey is for horses so what i'm hearing right is you batboy halo um [Music] and i hear you skeppy need all of my stuff well i'm pretty rich right now actually did you get all your stuff back i'm i'm very rich and i'm very good and i'm very well off and i'm gonna win did you get all your stuff back i'm gonna win i put it in the coordinates in a chest which stuff are you talking about the stuff remember when i killed you not too long ago oh yeah yeah yeah i remember that happening yeah you should go get your stuff back because well what if i said i don't need that stuff anymore because i'm so rich now that that stuff is worthless how did you get filthy rats i am filthy rich dude yeah how you know you know how it goes yeah no i don't how are you filthy rich you can explain this to me no i don't explain how you the guy who just died yep the guy who i saw in the end with literally and you hit me and you killed me and you one-shotted me uh-huh well i didn't kill you to be mean i killed you because we're competing right right right competing competition don't just say this is a competition competition you can't just say right right right why are you being so snippy sniffy yeah you're being snippy right who's being sniffy you're being you i'm not trying to be snippy i'm just trying to be skeppy hey well you're not doing a good job at being skeppy what why not because you're being a dunderhead bad but what if i told you i have two emeralds i mean okay okay i meant to say ender pearls okay oh i got one ender pearl right i thought you said you had two no i have one and i just got it but you say you had two i was totally not telling the truth you were just lying well i have an injured pool now so we're gonna have to work with each other aren't we i don't know if i want to work with someone who's lying i'm not lying oh yeah i just wasn't telling the truth yeah that's very interesting skippy you know what they call that where i come from what not telling the truth you know what they call that what lying i'm pretty sure everyone calls it that yeah cause that's what it is apparently skeppies don't call it what are the chords to where you're at i am in a village right now how many ender pearls do you have i have one yeah you haven't even put any of the things in guess what that's one less than two yeah why would i do that you think thank you yeah you're welcome thanks for leaving me my stuff oh that's actually very helpful what is the stuff you love me are you sure you found the stuff that i left you yeah i i think so wait hold on was there a bed by the stuff i left you yeah okay that's not the stuff i left here oh is this your place well thank you for the free iron in the furnace can you put my stuff down please that's mine uh i left your stuff at the are you really gonna rob me i like it here i saw cobblestone so i just broke in you shouldn't have placed cobblestone i put cobblestone that's your own fault are you coming back i have an ender pearl are you coming back i have to put my stuff down i have an ender pearl i want you to put my stuff back go get your stuff i put a chest full of your goodies in another like goodies where is it is it close to the portals yeah it's close to portal look in the chat type the chords again go there perfect go there leave my stuff alone 17 73 negative 16 20. get back up here and help me we need to kill an end ender thingy and thanks for the stuff wow obviously very generous that's all of your stuff that you had when you died yeah not that much but i'll take it it's all the stuff you died with listen buddy do you have an ender pearl or not because we just need one more oh my gosh i'm gonna have to kill you what you're not gonna be able to do that don't be crazy i will be able to do that don't do crazy talk bad because guess who has a bunch of diamonds from the villain oh well guess who also has a bunch of diamonds for mining not you listen i'm going to drop the ender pearl can you put it in my chest where the bed was yeah okay i'll do that i'll do that okay got it hurry up it's in there thank you no worries you're lying to me nope it's really in here oh my gosh she promised hey i'm coming back do you have another pearl i only have one i gotta try and get another somehow well i have one too it's nice three four wait do you need two and you have one and i have one oh i see an enderman will this be our final one yes was it oh that was close debbie i almost died no did the stupid ender thingy and he didn't even give me a pearl is this set on like hard i don't know you don't even know i'm coming back skeppy i'm looking for enderman to kill how many more do you need what do you mean how many how many more pearls how many i have one no i mean one plus that one oh okay but we need a total of one more pearl yeah bad i found one really are you serious yes an ender pearl or uh enderman dead no it didn't drop anything [Music] i have eight oh my god i don't know what to do man oh mr enderman come and say hello hey hey hey hey hey lava i'll do it don't do it back up diamond chest plate boy all right all right all right all right close the door why what are you doing alone put a block down sign okay there you go why look at me through a tiny little block get me all right i'm keeping my eyes on you hurry up and you replace the iron that you yoinked give it give me the iron what give me the iron i only have two pieces give me the iron skippy okay give me the rest of it fine you're lying i trust this skeppy for here we go we're going in together okay well are we gonna do a truce actually no you go up top what competing hey what i will run okay no okay let's go let's go let's go i'm the next three can i just can i have can i have some food no come on get your own food come on come back up come on back uh that's what i thought okay listen skippy here's how this is gonna go down yeah all right i'm gonna place the ah what okay i'll do it okay i'm gonna stay stay stay no no peeking okay stay hey you're getting awfully close buddy okay i'm gonna put this stuff in okay okay you put the stuff in are you ready i'm ready let's do it okay here we go all right can i have some food did you go in already no what are you rushing for i'm gonna beat it don't worry muffin get your own food all right go away don't kill me and i won't kill you okay i'll give you food if you van moose don't kill me and i won't kill you deal don't kill me and i won't kill you don't kill me and i won't kill you don't kill me i don't kill you don't kill me and i won't kill you get away from me i'm gonna kill the other dragon first skippy you're not saying no you're not victory is mine save the bad boy halo oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me what what what is wrong i didn't i didn't even aggro these things and they're trying to kill me you see maybe you shouldn't have looked at them yeah they looked at me first they're being mean oh my gosh this stupid little thing duh it's fine it's fine i'm fine i'm not worried about that are you worried nope not worried at all you sure you're not worried yep not worried oh my gosh this is on heart yep excuse me why is it so hard i don't know bro are you worried yet yeah a teeny bit actually yep well i'm fine and you're not so that's just how it goes maybe you should have thought about that before you died hello mr enderman how do you do how are you doing bad i'm doing good i'm doing okay okay the enderman got aggroed on me for no reason i didn't do anything though no reason to try to murder me usually there's always a reason okay killed him there we go i just spent 10 minutes killing one enderman nice nice super dumb okay good at least this is oh yes i completed nine out of ten tests yeah good luck with that now you die hey oh hello how are you doing good how are you pretty good pretty good you know what skippy i'm thinking we should agree to disagree i'm thinking we should agree to agree oh my god what nothing did you like get this one already uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yep cause i shot it like 15 times and it didn't blow up yep got it did you die yep you just died yep i just died how did you die uh-huh i died so bad what are you saying what does the loser have to do i don't know skippy what does the loser have to do the loser has to go bald again oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no what did you just say about the loser going bald again loser has to go bald again oh my god did you respawn at your bed did you respond to your bad dad i hate you no but did you respawn at your bed don't talk to me did you respond at the bed maybe did you oh my gosh scabby it's all gone what's all i got i placed water and all my stuff fell off the cliff wait i can't even find new stuff i thought i won because i could get you stuff no you're lying i'm not lying you're lying no i'm not no no no no no no no no i swear i'm not all my stuff just fell do you have arrows do you have errors on you right now no you don't have any errors on you right now nope and i'm about to die again very nice oh this is nice skippy i enjoyed it yup me too i hate this game are you kidding me right now are you actually kidding me yeah no i can still win look at all your juicy items skippy did you guys no you didn't get it oh i'm about to oh hurry up hurry up hurry up no no no no no no no no no no no no no scabby stay away stop oh i say yes good sir thank you you can't steal that achievement off of me yes i can no no no no no no no no no no well guess what i just did and boom oh craig oof no no no no no no you're done whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey stop stop kill the enderman not me kill the other i'll jump off the map i'll do it if you don't leave me alone i'll jump i'll jump off i'm literally gonna jump off okay okay okay okay fine fine i needed some of that you give me my armor back here hey what the heck is wrong with you what is wrong what do you think you're doing what do you think you're doing huh i i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it come any closer all right i'm running back i'm running back give me my armor back give me my armor do you mean my armor you're keeping both sets yeah yeah do something about the dragon my chance of winning yeah maybe you should do something about the dragon thinking about that did you oh look you have all my food so i guess you can keep that sure ah wait i got my golden mammal back oh cried no no what no no did you just try and kill me you just did you no i didn't it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me you stupid idiot oh my goodness no no no oh my gosh this stupid enderman or ender dragon he keeps chucking he's doing fire on the stuff i'm trying to get to it jeffy that's right how do you feel right now pretty good good i'm glad you do because i need that one i got this oh he did it again he did it again the enemy nope you can't have this stuff this stuff is mine that there's nothing good in there anyway so don't nope you stay away here you're gonna have this there take that and that and that cool the good stuff that's all of the oh my gosh what just hit me hey give me that shield that shield is mine nope and shield is mine give it back nope okay you won't forget you i don't need you because i have what hey are you what's wrong no no no no i wasn't i wasn't explain to me what oh my gosh what happens kevin dude teamwork well well i'm trying to win loser goes bald agree okay i agree that you will be going bald yes oh my gosh i'm gonna die i can't hit this thingy okay oh my goodness that did so much damage going down so the loser goes bald agreed agreed okay one two three four like going for a ride skippy in like three seconds count to three skippy one two three oh my gosh that was so funny scary what time happy daddy are you angry no you're not even the slightest bit upset nope hey hey hey no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no sneaky muffin head come on little guy where'd the enderman run off yeah you died again yeah i'm aware how does that feel to die constantly feels good oh wow you have 600 i should say i have six ender pearls you had six and now i have six oh up i go to kill this thing cause skeppy is a muffin he's gonna die oh my gosh i almost died that would have sucked a lot oh my gosh debbie what are you doing go away not being very helpful did you just follow yours you did you did you tried to kill me oh cried skippy scabby wait wait wait wait listen if you come back let's talk about this okay oh my gosh thank goodness oh that was close oh jerry wait wait wait wait go away go away okay that's not you oh my gosh that was class yeah how do you oh hello good sir i don't know are you feeling good toss me food trust me food trust me food no why would i do that that seems counterproductive to me uh-oh oh wait scary lesson oh my gosh okay skeppy now that i am not at risk of dying i can say this again you're so funny thank you i am going to win are you ready to lose cappy i'm waiting for it bad i'm waiting for it to happen waiting for what's happening everything hey wait till up come on heal up good it worked really well oh crud ender pearl ender pearl nailed it jimmy go away i'm going to kill the cinder dragon i'm out of arrows if someone hadn't been trying to kill me this would have never happened that's right i blame it on you scary this is torture this really is okay put this in here eat this there we go all right next one oh my gosh i'm so close yoink nailed it okay get me i'm almost done breaking them nice i'm almost done breaking that job oh my gosh this is a nightmare i'm gonna die literally in like three seconds i can't feel it you're gonna try and kill me admit it no admit it skippy why no oh my gosh nailed it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this is it this is it this is it i'm going to do it yes [Laughter] i want to win sorry man i don't want to be the one that goes bald all right i'm going to go ahead and win now no no no no no okay listen skippy this is not cool all right this is highly unorthodox oh yeah thanks oh my gosh wait no i respond there i can go back wait what i set my respawn point at the bed you moved did you move the bed you moved it why would you do that that's so mean that's not even fun [Laughter] no don't laugh that's cruel you're a cruel potato it's gonna take me hours to walk back there oh oh look at that well you want i guess i'll leave all the hard work to you a muffin head oh gabby this isn't funny i'm not gonna be able to make it back in time before you kill it you know the chords don't you yes thank you as a refresher yeah i got you i got you skippy it's going to take me forever to get there you didn't break all the thingies yeah i didn't you killed me eyes get up there and get the laughs okay i will i hope you lose everything and we have to finish that's not a possibility it is a possibility it's really used what is that supposed to mean you know what it means no i don't you're gonna be like oh bad oh no i lost all the stuff that's not gonna happen i'm gonna win now and you're gonna have to go what's gonna happen yeah no just die already i'm not gonna die why would you move the bed that's such a dream what if i had done that yeah you laugh now but what if i had seriously done that you'd be sitting there crying no i wouldn't yeah you would you'd be crying you'd be crying cheers yeah i didn't give you food because it's a competition so then technically it's a competition in what i did too right yeah but what you did was like really ruthless i see what rules were playing the game by skippy muffin ed i'll remember this i'm gonna die i'm not even gonna make it there i will be dead before just the record i hate you i am so mad right now so mean all i've ever done a nice potato oh come on it's a competition he's still unfold you could still make it back i should have just burned all your stuff i should have barbecued i just broke the last thing now they're all gone ow no no no no no no no no no no yes that's fine oh no scabby what happened uh did you die yeah i died i love that you're dying this is great oh my gosh i might die if i die here i'm gonna be so mad all right all i gotta do now is kill this dragon uh i don't have any any arrows why didn't you have any arrows on you uh um interesting i was getting arrows and then you killed me that's not what happened that is what happens it's not okay well how would you know because you were in the end when i killed you yeah exactly that i miss you can you come back uh yeah sure i added a new verse to the skeppy song by the way you want to hear it i know oh gabby is a jerk [Laughter] he's a very big jerk a really big jerk how big a jerk is he he's gabby he's a muffiny jerk oh my gosh please don't kill me skeleton oh my gosh yes bag can you come back i need you yeah i'm on my way back yay wait did you just say what i think you said he wanted to come back i need you yeah i need you i need you ow people you need skeppy well you know i gotta win sometimes no you're gonna lose this time can you bring back arrows yeah i'll all bring back arrows all right i want you to get ready because what i'm about to do to you is gonna go down in history what do you mean by that you are about to find out so means give me your so mean you know there is a book somewhere that says skippy is mean it's not half as accurate i'm still waiting for you i haven't done any damage kill the ender dragon it's going crazy hey skeppy i have a question for you what are you ready to die hold on i'm doing some damage to the ender dragon right now hey oh oh interesting bed placement are you changing it no bad no no no no not right now don't change the bed right now i'm serious oh my god oh my god oh my god bad i'm serious i'm serious i'm serious don't change it right now bad did you change the bed did you no no no no no no did you change it you did not you did not change it you did not change it you did not no no no no no no no no you did not you did not you did not you did not no you didn't no you didn't you stupid idiot you're stupid [Laughter] no no no no no did you enjoy exploding like that what the heck oh crud all the stuff burned well now we're both screwed yeah we're both kind of mopping you know what i bet i can't kill the ender dragon before you get back how would you do that very let's call it a draw no we're not calling let's call it [Laughter] strategy to you let's go yeah i hope you're ready for victory no way you're not gonna be able to kill it and what would you do if i killed it how would you be able to do it oh wait no i know what you'll have to do what shave that noggin are you ready no there's no way are you ready to to noggin shade how would you kill it well i'm about to you see you better run i am running really fast yeah i'm glad you got rid of those things because this would be really hard oh hurry up and land it's not landing this is gonna take so much longer if it doesn't land do you have a weapon yeah i have a way to kill it if it'll hurry up and land oh my god i'm running dude don't kill it yeah wait for me no i'm kill no hurry up and land though he's not landing and you know what i moved the bed really far away how did you get that extra bed uh because i killed butcher sheep on the way over what oh and guess what i just found i'm so glad i towered with wood yeppy are you coming yeah i'm on my way okay well hurry up wait why did i place the bed right there for you to get it i know but i placed it really far in the cave so good luck finding it he literally will not come down skippy like he's just floating in the sky i don't even want to look at him because that's telling me now guys is gonna look at me and be angry oh my gosh hurry up you're not gonna have enough time sorry he's taking forever skippy just land it's not that hard did you do something did you like scare him uh we've had we've had a few experiences together you know what if he's not gonna land i need to do something here what are you gonna do maybe i shouldn't do that okay there's no way you're gonna make it here in time i refuse to leave it come on are we up skeppy he has been flying around for i'm not even joking 10 minutes like dance i killed you he has not landed oh oh he's coming in come on never mind okay what did you do what do you mean what did i do i didn't do anything there's some reason he doesn't want to land and i'm very perplexed oh my god oh my nothing did you almost die no yeah that's not a very fun run is it skippy he's taking forever i'm so done skippy we're going to be here forever just because the anger men dragon whatever german dragon i don't even care anymore he's taking forever i was going to like kill him really quick and not landing he keeps flying in and then he like stops all right if i was a bad boy halo where would i really far away i broke it i okay and i placed it you'd better not i didn't i'd be a rude thing to do you better not die okay well you better not try and kill me that'd be very rude yeah i wouldn't don't die okay yeah i'll work on that okay we'll work together okay i'm coming in okay i promise we're gonna work together i promise if you kill me bad what the how did my bed get destroyed what what happened but good luck running what i play i'm not doing this again yes run back scubby what wait did he really get destroyed yes oh my gosh this is great you know what i'm rage quitting no you can't rage me you gotta stay scary we're so close we just need the enderman or ender thingy to fall he won't come down though it's not even a meme he's just chilling did you enjoy me knocking you off the edge like that yeah bad i loved it it was great it was such a funny great experience i'm glad you liked it skippy i thought you'd appreciate it all right i'm coming back are you are you excited for me to come back i'm very excited why did you say we were gonna work together if you're just gonna kill me ah because that was funny to do this time i promise we'll work together no killing a green oh my god agreed okay we need to get him to come down he won't come down oh my gosh [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no hi scotty right bad i think we've literally spent the last four hours of our life doing this and we're back so here's your iron back to the location let's work together all right i feel like we do better when we work together and let's make this happen um the rule is since the ender dragon starts the last thing normal or then we can get back to killing each other okay right exactly all right so let's go oh did i get enough beds okay i have enough materials for beds a lot watch out oh my goodness that was close oh another one [Music] no keep myself running no please oh my goodness come on hurry up you can make it back i'll put your stuff in a chest oh my gosh that's too funny come on that's funny hurry up skippy gotta make it oh good food thank you hey that's my food um don't you mean my food guess who's back get me is back hey hey what are you doing be mean let's do this bad all right are you ready i'm ready let's do it let's do it i'm following you go are you down there uh pretty much yes uh-huh okay now remember let's do it it's until the end or dragon acts normal also do we want to have a rule about not breaking this bad no breaking the bed got it we're allowed to break the bat no what always acting normal again all right let's do this i'm going to win i am going to win no i'm going to win i'll be ready to die okay so he's acting normal that means it's on good luck mirror skippy good luck and die i just ran in here and tried to kill him on my own oh cried wait what i don't know i don't know i'm freaking out man i'm freaking out oh my goodness oh my goodness oh that's close i'm literally freaking out right now yeah how do you think i feel i'm literally freaking very panicky literally freaking out bad well what do you mean you're freaking out i'm freaking out oh my god this one enderman dude no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ah yes yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no where's your stuff stuff it's there it's there it's fine no no no no no no no no no no no no no there it is you don't know where it is you don't know where it is to get back to this point i'm gonna burn it all you don't know where it is scary i see you do you like lava scary nope nope nope no no no what are you doing yeah yeah yeah it goes both ways okay okay that's not nice let's not do that let's get that this stupid ender dragon all right yeah let's get it ready when he comes back around shoot him with arrows go skippy shoot him go go come on join me you're not joining me oh my gosh i just got one of these muffins on me oh yeah do you see him who is landing yes yes yes he is what oh my gosh this is so much harder than regular memory oh my goodness come on oh yes yes yes yes oh my god come on oh my god yes yes i got his health down i got his health down i had two beds in my inventory yes come here mr ender dragon gappy i might be able to kill my narrows go right go right you're trying to kill me no i'm not you're actually trying to kill me yes you are oh yeah i guess that was a was a loving embrace of lava it was it was it was it was yeah okay you think i'm gonna fall for that skippy hey bad you like lava skippy i do indeed come here why are we fighting are we fighting we need to kill the ender dragon together yeah i need to kill you and then the ender dragon oh roasty toasty roasty toasty ah wait what where'd it go no lava come here what yes yes hey we need to get the dragon it's going crazy yeah it's going crazy because it's about to die die die die die yes this is mine this is mine this is mine yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes oh my god why did i put this here oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no no it's mine it's mine it's mine no no no it's mine no no no no no no no no way my way look behind you there's something behind you oh no i just broke your bed you better not die again that wasn't part of the rules okay i don't care come on no it's so long oh my god oh my gosh no no no no oh my god okay you better not burn myself that'd be very mean yeah you don't do it don't do what really hard on that we spent 30 minutes on that okay don't duck don't do it oh my goodness you muffin head no no no no yes yes no wait scabies guppy's gonna be hold on let's talk about this let's find out this let's talk about this no oh my goodness please come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh my god we got okay okay oh my goodness this is too much pressure there's too much water oh look skippy did you lose all your stuff and die hmm interesting potential will you defeat the ender dragon i will oh yeah okay you don't have anything well you don't have anything either i have everything i guess a really weird bad keep running it's it's somewhere yeah okay here i am running oh my gosh oh my gosh come on melinda dragon you know you want to land for bad boy ammo come on please land i just shooting fireballs at me scubby this isn't nice i gotta stop running this is gonna use up all my hunger gabby are you ready to watch me win are you ready as ever yo you stupid idiot you stupid idiot who beat it no it never said you did it it never said it it never said it it never said it it never said it it never said it it never said it where did it say it where does it say it it never said it it never said it it never said it no it never said it it never said who did it never said or did it no no no no no no no no no no no no no i jumped at first i jumped in first i jumped in first i beat it first i beat it first i beat it first no no no no no no no you didn't no you didn't i was doing it no you no no no no no no no no no no no you died first you died first no look at the chimes look at the chat no no no no bad boy halo was killed by intentional game design no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you've never got the achievement you never got the chance no listen i put the bed down i win do you admit it yeah thank you okay ah disconnected you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 4,869,115
Rating: 4.9149694 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, badboyhalo, race to beat minecraft, minecraft run, minecraft speed run, minecraft speedrun, speedrunner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 6sec (4986 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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