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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lunar_fae πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Saint-Deeps πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right so in today's video i troll bad boy halo in among us this is my first ever among us video so 50k licks and we'll do more also according to youtube statistics you should subscribe it would mean a ton and really help out a lot and we're almost at 4 million subscribers so if you could just check and sub that would be sick let's do this thank you hello hello hello hello hi bad ah really really really important question right now uh are you are you on your pc right now uh i can't okay i need you to get on tuesday right now okay joel join my team speak hurry up get on okay i need you this is really important please hurry up and get on okay get away with the teaspoon all right okay user joined your channel hello all right what did you need i need you to teach me how to play among us seriously i need you to teach me how to play skippy we played among them i don't understand it i don't get the game what like you don't get like what you're supposed to do like i don't understand how to play the game i know we played once before but like i was just i was winging it dude i don't get it i don't know how to do anything and i was just following what other people were saying please wait how to play so you you [Music] yes i'll teach you oh really no one has ever taught me oh my goodness then what you should have asked me this i was embarrassed can't be that that explains why you were doing so bad oh come on i wasn't doing that bad can we just get in the game can you teach me please no i wasn't yes i'll teach you here one second i'll make a game okay oh my goodness that's hilarious it's not that funny i mean i get the general concept of the game you're supposed to win but other than that i don't really get it okay here i put a code in the ts you know how to join a game right yes i know how to join a game stop okay none of that just checking go ahead and join oh you know what i think we're gonna need some extra memers oh yeah okay i'll invite some people really quick okay me too a few moments later okay i'm in yo what's up we look like oh look oh my goodness this is amazing i really like your suit and your hat thank you wait you have a kid uh yeah there's my little pet wait who did you have a kid with no like this can be our kid oh oh okay okay we adopted him all right yeah teach me how to how to do this i don't understand anything actually okay i'm going to explain like the rules for you is that okay yeah here you can uh start the game and we can play as you explain well i mean like how much do you know like do you know everything i know how to do the the blue to blue red to red yellow to yellow oh my goodness okay okay you know what let's just go in okay so everybody here tell your memers not to do anything and we're just gonna this will be a warm-up game okay microphone oh my god this is gonna be so funny i actually believe that i don't know how to play oh wait i'm imposter no way debbie yeah what's up okay you joined yeah i'm in all right um here so question for you did you get impostor like what did it say when the game started for you it said crewmate okay perfect so we're we're both crewmates okay so basically i mean crewmate honestly is pretty easy press tab on your keyboard tab oh we're in the cafeteria and i know we're supposed to go to the um the the the yellow explanation point to do the task exactly the tasks are super easy i need that one so just go to your tasks right which are marked with tab yeah okay and you do those so you've got a bunch of them so you've got like download you've got like weapons and things like that okay that's very simple gotta go and do them so like follow me so i have a task right here now i'm gonna give you like a professional tip okay the killer has a cool down what are you doing i'm just looking at the stuff okay so what you just did right you went up to the vents these are vents only the oh it's a vent yeah oh i thought it was an air conditioner no so it well it technically is but only the imposters can go in the vents oh yeah oh only the imposter can go in the vent exactly so there's two types of vehicles there's crewmates and imposters so see verb if verb was the officer he could hop in the vents right but what what you did was suspicious because you walked over event oh so that made me look like an imposter don't tell them i'm an imposter because i'm not i know i'm not going to tell you now follow me down here hey hey where are you going skippy's following because i want them don't follow this no because then if someone dies i want to be next to them so that they they say that i'm not an imposter you know what i mean that's actually good yes i'm doing it i'm learning well it's good and bad because if you follow people around like if you're alone with someone they could vouch for you but they could also kill you oh wait so during the rounds right because people start muting their microphones and stuff what is what is that about that's where like you're like so normally during this part you're not allowed to talk to anyone oh but we're talking to each other wait no i want to play like the real thing let's not talk to each other no if we're doing me your mic okay i just called a meeting why did you call a meeting i was doing my task no i i called the meeting because like this is where we discuss who is it who is the imposter it's bad boy halo i saw him wait that you're the imposter i saw bbh he killed me wait are you serious skippy i was with you the whole time oh i did it no i did it you were just saying that to trick me no i'm voting bad boy we're still doing practice i saw him then only theo what are you doing that is obvious stop that's not me obviously you all vote for me are you kidding me one you said imposters only convent two you're trying to trick me because you're trying to get me i'm not out baldy no i voted for him i swear if you all voted me i'm gonna lose what do you mean listen i'm gonna skip vote and why would you skip it's obviously you uh it's not me and it was don't try and trick me all right because i outsmart you every single day i'm trying to teach you but you're ruining the teaching experience you're not even telling me okay look one you don't vote until the end of the voting time okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so who died no one died oh then why are we voting for you that's what i'm trying to teach you oh how do i undo my vote you can't which is why you always wait and tell oh well it's fine because they probably skipped because no one died and i voted for you so how many votes does it need oh are you kidding me uh i'm flipping done i'm okay dad you should meet your mic because you're out oh my goodness dad meet your mike you're out no no we're still doing practice okay so listen no that's ridiculous no tell whoever is the imposter to kill everybody what do you mean why just tell them to kill everybody for what reason because we're trying to practice now that you're dead just tell me who the imposter is i don't know how do you not how do you know you're a spectator because no one's killed anyone oh yeah so then why'd we vote you out ah you what skippy here i'm gonna train you cause i'm a ghostie so i can follow you around okay go and fight i'm imposter how to look for an imposter what do you what do you mean how do you look for an imposter you have to look for a dead body the imposter is either if it's it's not me because the game would end so the imposter is either verb oh yeah if it was you or the gamer i think it's frog it's definitely frog it could be frog is afk at spawn so if it is frog wait can you do me a favor yeah what can you go look at just verb he seems kind of sus here i'm gonna fall i'm gonna follow verb yeah follow verb and tell me if he seems sus cause i was looking at him and i don't know i'm watching verb right now he's on camera so you know what cameras are right no what's cameras go down the left hallway towards med where are you i'm i'm at storage okay i see you go down okay go left go no no not this way this is electrical oh wait do you know all the spots of like the map names yeah you're gonna have to learn all the spots okay now go up this way okay okay so in here to the right this is cameras okay so you see how there's purple in here is also on cameras i think you're right i think frog or verb and purple one of these two is the imposter and they're just not killing anyone wait so then if they're imposter why are they not killed oh my god he's gonna kill me just right here go call another meeting how do you do that all right so there's this thing in the middle oh there's the bodies how do you report it run up to it and then what a report button there you go emergency meeting oh no he called a meeting who called a meeting verb did okay listen verb called a meeting the body was in cafeteria now normally during this time i couldn't give you any tips but it means that it wasn't frog okay so it wasn't frog yeah so it's probably either crit or verb okay it has to be because what the it's not you then who is it uh you'll have it it could be it's not me that how do i tell them it's not me okay say this say i saw crit on camera and you saw verb coming from cafeteria because you remember how you like ran past i saw you in cam skeppy you vented only impostors can vent bad boy halo just told me say it's verbs it's verb wait are you sure yeah because he was running from cafeteria remember so he's over 100 oh yeah you were near cafeteria meaning that it has to be you i didn't even vent how would it be bad they're not taking my side they're gonna vote on me you you need to be convincing that's part of the game yeah try and convince them to skip votes actually wait no you can't skip on three if you skip the game will end like because he'll be able to kill one of you they just skipped okay you're gonna have to call a meeting after this and who do i vote for who do i vote for just go ahead and vote out verb and then call meeting right after this oh okay i'm nervous i want to win it's okay he's got his eyes on you what does that mean i'm thinking is verb here's what you do in this situation so you have to call meeting quickly do the table what table in the middle what table in the middle where in cafeteria the main room you spawn to call a meeting there yes because listen if either of you get killed the game will end so you've got to hurt oh yeah if either of you get killed wait what guppy were you the imposter the whole time kevin i'm trying to teach you oh my goodness okay yeah very funny no are you mad right now [Laughter] what are you laughing about i want to play again i think i understand how to play now wait so you killed frog yeah you were just lying well don't you you told me to lie in this game yes but not to me i'm trying to teach you but you told me in order to be good you have to lie in the game oh my goodness but i was trying to teach you the innocent bits okay oh so don't lie to you yes don't wait do i get to lie to you outside of the game too no don't lie to me you lie to everybody it says i'm a crew mate okay so you're for realsies yeah are you okay so i'm gonna test you whether you're the what are you gonna test me because you lied last time i didn't lie i was just being good at the game come down here come on okay come over here okay all right so is this task lit up for you or not yeah it's like yellow okay now go on it and do it okay so once someone does a task you can watch them and you can see if the taskbar goes up at all so i'm watching to see if wait wait wait that's weird that's weird that's no weird that's how you no that's weird don't do that it's not weird that that's kind of weird and stalkerish i wouldn't just come to your house and deliver you pizzas out of nowhere that's weird don't do that no that's stalker that's sauce your sauce no i think you're the imposter i'm not the empire well just for you i'm going to do the task anyway watching the bar i'm watching the bar boom okay you did the task yes okay so now you watch me i'm gonna do it okay okay and you'll see the task bar go up did you see that yeah i saw it there you go so now we that doesn't mean for sure what does the admin button do this shows you where people are you can see there's someone in reactor you can see the two of us are in admin there's someone in cafeteria someone in weapons oh yeah etc well what if you can use that what if it's frog and he's afk huh it could be here let's go up i don't want you to die wait wait wait wait wait frog is still here and they are afk so now if we were suspicious of frog we could call a meeting and vote frog how do you call a meeting you stand right next to this and you call me how there you go you clicked on it well what do we say what was the point of that okay so just are you suspicious of frog frog suss okay now say why you think you suck i don't know why what do i say say something like this frog frog afk no one dead no one dead yeah has to be froggy alright so let's go ahead i'll vote for frog you vote for frogly and vote frog out why you call a meeting because we know it's frog idiot well we don't know for sure are you voting for him yeah now we're just doing this as practice in a normal game you wouldn't actually vote out an afk there's two ways to win skeppy one is to figure out who the imposter is and the other is to uh just complete all the tasks exactly oh frog needs to make up his mind here well frogs afk what's we were gonna sit here for 69 more seconds yeah we're gonna have to wait oh nevermind prague just voted and they wait so we're going to find out if we wanted now so frog's there frog's just standing we're going to find out if we won ready yeah so frog was a jacket wait so it wasn't frog if the game okay so the game didn't end and there's only one imposter it's not frog no wait what it's probably verb right well yeah it's wait that it's not you is it no it's not me okay i would tell you because we're practicing so come in here wait wait wait go back to scavenger debbie go back all right come here all right watch verb with me we're going to watch to see if the bar goes up while he's doing his tasks okay okay so see how the bar is not going up yet yeah still standing there yeah okay there we go the bar just went up and now wait wait maybe he was waiting for crit to do her task for his bard to go up and then left 9 million iq he might have but i just watched crit let's follow crit around okay okay crit i just saw it come up on camera because i think crit might be it let's find out all right watch crit here okay wait it never went up yeah it didn't go up oh that's a two-part task and then it has two parts to it so it may not go up like some tasks like wires have like three parts too oh so that isn't really an effective method to figure out who the imposter is it is for some tasks you have to make sure they finish like the whole thing first okay so we're gonna follow chris okay so this is a one part task okay so it should go up did it go no it didn't so it's probably crit it's great we need to vote out it's quick call meeting call meeting okay here yeah run back before before craig kills me i know i wait don't run away come on follow me okay okay okay all right so i'm gonna go call a meeting okay and you're gonna say that crit take the task and we'll vote crit out okay got it get mine this then all right it's crit 100 crit well you don't want to say it like that you want to give like a reason oh okay she faked a task i saw it with bbh you can vouch good thing let's go okay i'm doing it i'm doing it how do you know bad back me up here crit did fake how do you know that i wasn't scared that someone would kill me that is true it is something you have to keep so i closed the task yeah that's true that can happen i'm 95.4 percent sure voting crit yeah they're probably lying anyway so let's just name them okay i'm voting for crit and i will vote for crit too didn't ever say steppy vented earlier that was last game idiot well no you don't want to be rude oh you should sorry you're not an idiot you're a girl just stupid no i'm sorry that's not better all right well just vote them out tell him to hurry up and vote crit get out there we go perfect so now there we go and [Music] yes there we go so oh so we voted out frog this practice normally in a game you don't want to vote out in afk oh i really understand how to play now perfect all right do you want to do like a a normal practice yeah let's do a normal game okay perfect so i'm gonna start it and this game we're gonna play for real okay okay all right so we're in the game skippy so we're not gonna talk to each other okay okay but what do you mean we can't talk during like the main game wait why not i want to talk to you no wait can i follow you yeah you can follow me but don't talk okay bad can we whisper no skippy you can't talk please can't we just talk no one's gonna know you can't talk during the main game now be quiet okay let me go do some tasks go away from me okay go do tap okay stop talking to me oh my goodness bad be quiet stop you shush i'm doing times you sh that we're not supposed to be talking shh i'm doing the task hey but don't talk you're supposed to be muted me your mic you me you're just just don't talk don't talk hey bad stop talking why are you straight the task bar didn't go up are you the imposter no i'm doing my tasks be quiet bad it doesn't look like them go do your time but i'm just saying the total task completed part isn't going on there it just went up yeah but you didn't even do it i did bad you didn't yes i did with me 100 100 you're my best friend are you the imposter no i'm not the imposter okay oh my goodness now no talking okay stop following me go the other way bad bad bad why where are you i miss you i'm in reactor oh i'm gonna stop talking we skippy this is cheating to talk during this round oh i found a body wait where i found a body report how do you report it the report button should light up oh i got it okay can we talk now i don't like whispering yes we can talk okay but let's type we gotta type in the game wait why verb i don't know no i was no i was no no stop i wasn't calling you out i was just asking you a question by calling your name okay what the question i was gonna ask where you were yeah so verb was on cams and skippy here's the thing though he could have done the kill right wait what you were with the body yeah i was with him that makes you look a little sassy no no no no i yeah that always happens to me every single time it makes me look like the bad guy you were well the only right of the map no i found the body on the right so verb could have killed like early in the round that was a pretty long yeah no because i didn't do anything i was with you the entire time that's true you were with me most of the time and then as soon as we split up and you start whispering and then you're like oh we can't talk skippy what room uh what's the room name on the right um i cannot remember the problem is we have to vote somebody out wait why because there's only going to be three people well we have to vote for verb wait is it you no it's not me bad we have to vote for verb i mean verb probably is the safest because the only other option would be you killed the body and found it bad vote for verbal i'm going to get him to vote for you oh my goodness i mean it probably is him it has to be probably him just go ahead and vote for him okay he's going to be so bad why if it's him then he's gonna get me [Music] he's gone all right so the reason we thought it was him is because we thought it was like an older kill yeah what it was okay now i get how to play guppy why i didn't think you would actually vote for him i only did that because you were winning like i thought there was no round i thought there was literally no way you wouldn't vote for me oh my goodness what see you just found crit and killed chris yeah i'm dying i didn't know you were with verve that does make me look serious you should have made it for me oh my goodness you're the one who kept talking during the middle of the round all right we're gonna play another one no talking you are how many times have you won i win a lot you don't win that much you know okay you wanna i'm gonna blow you out what for what reason you know what it's a matter are you imposter i feel like you're imposter no i'm not stop talking during this round okay you stopped talking to me i passed the complete stop talking to me okay microphone muting okay i just muted i wish i'd been imposter this round no i'm gonna die i think i'm gonna die okay oh my god oh my god oh i literally just saw it happen that i just thought happened i just thought happened it was verb i literally just saw it happen bad he's blaming it on me because it's actually what he's pushing it on me back i was with verve and i saw it happen i'm your best friend right that bad i know the last game what i had done but you have to trust me it was verb i promise that all the marvels are on bat it was verb it was verb it was verb i saw it happen i saw it happen would you really trust this guy over me if you vote for verb we're gonna win if you vote forever we're gonna win if you i need you to vote for verb i need you i saw it happen why would he kill him then self report because he i was right there because i'm standing right there oh my god you need to vote for verb uh oh no you need to bad if you vote for me we're gonna lose i'm not the impostor i'm not the uh well i'm gonna get imposter three times in a row i don't know how many times that was bad it wasn't me it was verb it was verbose wait listen do you promise my pinky promise you pinky promise on our whole friendship our whole friend everything everything it was verb you literally pinky promised cross your heart hope tea pie on your whole i pinch pinky pinky pinky pinky pinky promise it was verb i saw it happen hurry and vote type of person i would you really think i would put our entire friendship on the line here yes that i wouldn't ruin our friendship over one stupid practice among if it was verb then that would mean he killed and self-reported right that's what he did that's what i could see that's what he did i bet our friendship is over you lied to me it was verb it was imposter in the last couple rounds though oh my goodness kenny i'm sorry excuse me i'm sorry i thought you were lying to me again because you did it the last two three times did i put our friendship on the line the last two or three times oh i could see you doing that are you saying why are you doing that are you kidding no it's like part of the game friends shouldn't be lying at all and you did the last round gibby i'm sorry can you play one more i'll make it up to you fine one more game i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll never vote against you again like that all right bad we got another person we have mega this time are you actually going to listen to me yes i promise i promise all right don't talk to me we're playing for real okay task task task task yeppy i'm completing my task bad i know but don't talk while you're doing it but you started talking to me first but you have to mute because what if all of a sudden like you get killed and you scream oh yeah that's true like i'll hear you in a bag oh skeppy died wouldn't you know that anyway well no because if i didn't hear you like go ah then i wouldn't necessarily know that you were dead that is true oh hey bad hi oh wait no don't talk oh my god oh hmm i wonder if i go up here if i'll see anything sus i can never do this task first try i don't know why why is sledding a credit card so hard okay i got it happy i can hear you bad i'm just commentating i saw a body bad we can talk now yeah we can i saw blue in oh my god i don't know the name i don't know the name it was bottom to left up electrical yeah sure okay so it's gotta be mega or krypton or you were you well i mean it's one of you three well why couldn't it be you well i mean it could be but i'm saying like i'm going off of logic right okay well i'm saying from my perspective um we need to know okay so someone was an upper engine coming from med bay i didn't necessarily see let's find out where was where are you i didn't even go anywhere past left of storage so i don't know that seems kind of interesting i didn't even secret that game no we saw crit on the right side uh where were you before going to electrical stuffy i believe i passed you and then i went left and did tasks what were your tasks this round skippy you know the leaf blower one and then the uh okay um i don't know we could just do this we do votes wait you say whoa whoa whoa whoa i don't recall you passing me bro mega is lying so i just said suss on you what well i'm just saying you're the person who reported i kind of looked at the admin table okay i'm sticking with you this round i'm sticking with no that i'm i'm sticking with you this round everyone suss on me i don't like this i don't like where this is going i'm following you guys i'm not drinking no so that's exactly what you're trying to do play it as logically as possible all right well i'm going to be logically following you all right i think it's mega oh my goodness i i think it's mega yeah we can't talk during this round oh yeah sorry i think it's 100 not you bad just watch i'm gonna complete some tasks this is where i saw the body by the way right here okay we we can't talk anymore okay i'm downloading my files what are you doing bad guppy stop talking okay but i'm just putting the wires together okay do that then okay no need to be pushy about it wait i'm going to stick with you bad why follow me i have tasks to do oh we're all here yes we are and one of us is the imposter what does that mean we didn't cover this but this is the other way the impostor came in is if they get this to go off without anyone fixing it we need to run and fix both of them oh my god there's a dead body what supported it mega just reported wait skippy you were just at no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't try no no you did this last game it's not going to work again no bad i'm voting for mega i voted for mega but i saw you i promise bad i promise it's mega and he's gonna try and convince you now to vote for me see that i promise it's mega we were in this situation last time don't do it to me again our friendship everything on the line if you actually care about me you'll vote for mega cause it's mega it's mega what do you mean hmm it doesn't he's just talking nonsense to try and seem smart and then it's going to be him it's going to be him okay wait so you're saying 100 percent you did not do it that isn't you who's the imposter right answer the question did you you know it can't be me because i left you in crit bones oh my god oh my god it was mega because right now i'm sitting here like oh it was either bad or mega because it wasn't me and i know it was mega yeah friendship did you do the kill no on our friendship no i did not you promised everything bad okay i wouldn't lie to you you're right you want skippy i i threw your best last time thank you this time we're actually gonna win that's fine we're actually gonna win oh yeah okay and now we won because you actually listened to me nice okay that's good yay yes hey wait for it because you [Music] oh my goodness that was really fun a little bit worried at the end there but we did it see you're learning it dude if i hadn't have said all that would you voted for me out i was thinking about it what see i knew it i knew it i knew you would have done it well thank you for teaching me how to play bad now i know how to play and i don't feel embarrassed to play anymore no problem
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 3,147,354
Rating: 4.955874 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, among us, badboyhalo among us, badboyhalo
Id: Zl3IwU_qpYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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