Ninja is the funniest minecraft player ever

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hey stick with me no no don't go don't go near that man ninja ninja i'm going to give you a brief history of the server don't go near that green no come here no no no no don't go near him yeah ninja join dream server listen i'm a pretty ambitious guy i like speaking to people and people love speaking to me so when ninja followed me on twitter i just knew i had to reach out and surprisingly enough he got back to me and we played minecraft on dream server for the first time now if you don't know ninja uh he's this guy and also the most famous gamer in the world so playing minecraft with him it's a pretty big step up for for both of us but it was a pretty it was a pretty big day for ninja uh i'd say by the way i'll be real with you um please subscribe you know i can sit here and go hey guys guys please or i'll just be honest with you you know if you enjoy just please check the subscribe button i don't want to bother you but if you can just check the subscribe button that helps out the channel so much that's all i ask but now now you've done that uh let's get back to the start of the stream when i just logged on the server should we go see what ninja's doing on his stream oh he's just playing he's just playing without me nice nice 360. oh i think maybe we tuned in at a bad time to ninja stream i yeah it was time to go and talk to ninja no no are you ready hello ninja hello tommy do you go by tyler or blevins or ninja laminator big dicky lil dicky uh ty ty tyler one of the things you've got to quickly understand about big ninja blevins is that he's quite an unusual guy how are you big t big man big ninja now i'm doing much better now i just got hit with a burst of energy i'm pretty jacked all right you pick ninja simp's dream as your username it was supposed to be ninja in it but that one didn't get why this is hey hey i'm here welcome welcome to the dream what sorry what did you just you're a you're a steve listen you know underneath this all of this let's keep walking you are yeah okay okay yeah i got nothing where were you going with that um you know i can give you some food if you like there's a couple people on there yeah me and him go way way back you know his mom actually used to call okay let's keep walking are you on some red bull you know i have some red bull behind me uh but no more i'm on a coffee grind right now i'm actually starting to get the shakes a little bit this is someone behind you hey stick with me no no don't go don't go near that man ninja ninja i'm gonna give you a brief history of the server [Music] [Applause] it's okay ignore my buddy no what the [ __ ] is wrong with he's not glowing he's just green how much do you know about this server um can i be honest no i know what i know okay all right okay you stealing my exp bro i don't want your ex how much okay how much do you know about the server can i be honest yeah i know everything okay so this is kind of wasting my time okay you see that tower right there yeah that's that's that's you know come up here ninja i'm this is the dream smp this is one of the shittiest lands i'd say so down here you can see you see that big flying thing that's [Music] what's wrong with you how do you know tubbo yes what do you know about tubbo what isn't there to know about tub oh man you don't know everything about it his name is tom and uh don't look directly at it call me i will okay come here come on ninja come in they sprint okay walk past this man i don't i do not know what happened to his neck but go go go go go go so here we had a big old war on this side oh i almost ate rotten flesh sorry okay big water so we had a war for my music disc because i have some music discs of mine nation well i did i won the first one me and tub over there man good for you for being dream server you think you would have won that huh yeah you would have oh you should say that to us but what the okay look past that boy look past what boy yeah good answer he's so clingy by the way don't don't make eye contact with him because he'll [ __ ] cling to you oh okay okay okay so this was the la manburg ninja this was where we we started a nation and we won we won that war because dream wouldn't let us start a nate dream wouldn't let us start a nation uh but we made our own ninja you're doing a bit you're being a bit obnoxious with your amount of nodding you're doing i need you can you okay no i can't i can't deal with two of this man no no you said you would protect me okay i'm trying i think i know where i'm going actually i i i don't see you i'm waiting for you where are you you're not good are you i see a fox okay okay ninja where are you i'm at the path i'm at the prime path here's the prime pad but i respawned and put me away yeah in your little box man get out you get out your box i'm not in my box okay i think i found it okay we're good i know exactly where i am you don't yeah i just i have chad i have no idea i i have oh dream um come here show me the way dream no no no no no no ninja i'm giving you the tall pile i'm giving you something you want to ignore dream i haven't got to look at him i'm not even going to oh my god he's making noises dude ninja stop being stop being an idiot i'm following dreams stop [ __ ] okay okay stop it stop it stand still where you are stranger danger stranger danger listen you better get your [ __ ] ass over your mind no i'm trying to get my ass but you don't describe me oh wait you're showing he's showing me to you now i lost him oh i found him ah you're being on crap thinking [ __ ] ninja you're pissing me off i'm not gonna lose you're pissing me off i feel like i'm about to be laid down a dark alley right now man i don't [ __ ] trust dream bro he looks like a zombie can you find me please i'm trying to you know okay yeah you stand completely still he's [ __ ] running right at me and he's gonna start hitting me he's hitting me he's punching me he's hitting me with a steak he's slapping me with his meat tommy i don't know why but it feels so good ninja let's let's let's have that talk hey hey hey hey hey ninjas um i feel like i might i might be a little a little more pg than you ninja you seem to be pushing the boundaries of comedy ninja i'm 16. five-year-olds won't understand that reference yeah ninja i'm 16. okay now ninja i'm gonna show you le man burke now i don't know how quickly i'm going to show you what used to be the man okay leave me got it you got it alone tell them to leave us alone ninja i know i know i don't want to take care of this talk okay yeah you go all right hey dream all right there you go dream you should be good for her ninja you you got to be a little bit more pg about them but the chats aren't going to be too happy with that okay okay you're going to get real along well with george not found i oh you're a little you're a little sus ninja yeah listen man the best relationships are a little suss you know what i'm saying okay come with me ninja i'm gonna i'm gonna take you to our secret base pal ninja whilst we walk i've got some questions for you just so i know if you're a good guy who's your favorite woman i hear a woman my wife and then my mother and not the queen listen okay the only queen in my house is my wife but of course the the queen is is is okay you're really fast you must have some you must have some uh ninja adidas shoes on stop okay okay okay okay ignore this ignore this small man ignore this small man now ninja technoblade told me that apparently this chest is for me from dream uh this is what stuff for you [ __ ] oh my god holy [ __ ] don't take any of this i will murder you this is dream's bow okay he let me say he slid me a dm's ninja i need that sword this is my story i found it i'm gonna count down from five uh-huh five i don't know right click that bed ninja uh-huh wait press q actually press q okay nothing happened press q on your keyboard q okay oh you [ __ ] don't you dare stab me drop the sword right click the bed so i can murder you right click the button okay i'm going to read this tommy i knew this time would probably come slat is no wilber would you agree with that ninja oh 100 it's not even yes but you know what is it though i mean i don't trust all those cards i can throw them this time i can't involve myself technically is technically a democratic if you need my just just leave them i'm looking at i'm looking in his eyes i can't look away okay no you [ __ ] up ninja you are [ __ ] you've got a new best friend for life now now farewell from the shadows big d i'm calling him big d again why is that dog growling you know like did you punch it i'm not gonna take what that's what okay listen to me i i've been meaning to say this for the past while what is wrong with you is what we're gonna do and i want you to meet some of the locals really friendly and i love meeting new people it's kind of like a gift and a curse you seem like a real big man can i call you you just you give me big man vibes i mean i'm six two and a half so you're oh i'm six three you know how the [ __ ] is he always there he's always in front of us man this is gonna be a real test for you now this guy he might try and sell you [ __ ] i don't just don't buy into him okay hey big q calling big q ninjas thank you wait can you just come over here with me for a second i just want to speak to you just go actually just come in this room with me big jesse uh one minute ninja okay he's weird what do you do i don't know you need to go sort him out big q go sort him out hi quack [Music] hey [Music] the knocks yeah they're narcs for [Music] thank god you gotta i said i told you if you want to sell to ninja you have to keep all the clothes on my back right right click that bell right click that bed oh i want to show you something first off first off this is for you this is for you please yeah you just destroyed it you [ __ ] destroyed it it's right here it's right here [Music] ninja do you see it's just click i see some cocoa beans good powder ninja buy the powder off him this is what you want this is what you want this is what you want ninja you said you like drugs [Applause] he slipped and fell you saw it right i didn't say anything i didn't see [ __ ] [Applause] the thing about turbo before i add him to the call he um he has a lot of personalities he might be tubo he might be uh he might be big law it might be big crime he's a very he's a very intricate boy okay i'm going to add turbo to the kong kobo yeah meet ninja yo what's up who am i talking to here man you're the lord the lord what would you like to would you like to join [Music] okay get in the [ __ ] toilet you were big you were a big religious man blev oh yeah yeah you know man i uh i believe in a higher power man and uh was raised raised yeah [Music] all he knows is the lord i like your hair is that your hair tommy you're very confident you walk backwards a lot man i mean yeah it's because i know where i'm walking uh oh walk past i don't know what i don't know what you did to big q ninja but [Music] okay you don't have me no no it's not this is my [ __ ] house i think we should build you a house though oh you wait you haven't already built me one no so you invite me on your server and i don't even have a place god you're so you're so who are you people you're so rich you live in the holy water that uh i'm just gonna i'm just gonna let it take me you know or that's the lord's wishes follow the messiah's palm no no don't go down there you'll die you'll die yeah no you'll die you want to have a house here we could make you a humble shack what if you put my house on top of yours i think we might need legal assistance yeah you're a bit clingy ninja okay ninja we can you can have a house opposite my house how does that sound yeah that sounds great man i didn't know you'd come around yeah we won't be bunk buddies i don't want to bunk with you ninja that's fair yeah okay we're gonna go get you some trees oh my god you're taking me to paris i've never been i have been this is no this is i've never seen this this is skeppy's house we're gonna chop down we need to chop down some trees mate because we've got to get you a house going what type of house do you like i can build someone by once pretty quick i don't wanna uh but i would like you know one made of wood metal brick maybe some windows greedy no no no no no no no okay we're gonna make it out of wood what the f okay ignore him ignore him he's kind of terrifying man the [ __ ] oh yeah wait it's fine it's fine i mean we could just take some wood off the eiffel tower if you want no one's going to notice yeah i don't think anyone cause if you just look at it from really far away you won't even just just steal some of this no one's going to notice all right sounds good was really embarrassing why is everyone is your is your chat screaming at you right now mine yeah my chat's getting very upset are yours no that's the honeymoon no yeah okay let's let's sprint back home ninja place down somewhere go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go sorry i keep calling you ninja i'm just i'm gonna call you blev do you like your name i love blood first off my brother was known as who's that oh it's qui hey quack man what's up big q why do you [Music] ninja ninja i feel like i have just been off way more than i could chew and who did i just piss off by breaking that man tommy ninja ninja some of the basic resources take i want to see i want to see your vision you're making it huge what do you know how big my contract your contract i mean i have i have a big lifestyle how much money do you make uh probably around a dollar an hour you ever take a couple million but i actually i actually make a lot when i start to throw in uh some of some of the big q's tactics you know drugs yeah yeah you're a drug dealer what do you make of tubbo i don't have a good read on him yet you know i think he's i think he's awesome that's my current read but it could change pretty quickly how does how does one uh meet those requirements awesome you gotta get more of those cocoa beans [Music] i didn't find the cocoa beans uh the [ __ ] you say to me a little [ __ ] tell me what more they do tell me what more you do please just don't say that to me i can't have that clip i can't have that clip it's just a lot of pains ninja i love pains yeah yeah i like it let me get you a sign let me get you a sign so people know it's yours your whole your whole yeah why would you place it there i have two yeah ninja i'll give you one more sign but can you put it here please so so people know it's your home [Music] what's up why why'd you why did you say the code word why'd you press the pack button the panic the panic button yeah you said that if you messaged me that one word it meant that you're uncomfortable and you needed me to come help you out i'm here am i making you uncomfortable tommy no no no no no no we'll be just go just go we'll go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm coming on i'm coming on no no no no put that sword away put that away uh hi george why are his eyes open those are glasses yeah you know about him i mean you know about his condition don't you ninja um this is awkward wilbur just just talk to him talk to him tommy it's fine hi george [ __ ] i [ __ ] up who the hell is your egg nice eyes oh that was the one thing you're not meant for you gotta get ready to run you gotta get ready run you get it so bald run run be toxic ninja ninja be toxic i'll be toxic holders oh okay oh yes okay ninja if i add him to the call can you just be really toxic we will be as well yeah me and wilbur because if we all bully the same guy then it's okay yeah oh hey george what is going on you look bad today how do i look tired i mean have you seen those glasses man come on bro oh that's too far okay he has a condition he hasn't conditioned there are bridges we do not cross hey george i think uh the color blue is bad and you know what you're bad for enjoying it i like blue blue hates you did you not listen to what i just said jesus hey hello what the [ __ ] i didn't even let him he just did it good on you before i even knew it was happening [Music] what is going on well his aim his aim and his arrows yeah you do man hey you want some steak bud i really do i only have three all right here you go man i'm just gonna give you always you're welcome you're welcome i'll try i'll give you something back yeah you have quite the appetite george you can have you can have that five kilograms of gold everyone knows that golden god is [ __ ] george okay ninja ninja be polite because this is your first date man no no turn around turn around this is good for you this would be really good for us if you if you get a date with the one of the vice presidents uh wilbur what are you doing no no no no no no no no no no no no wall down there take this ring you guys are going to have to give them to each other actually no no george i've got a different foreign yeah yeah get in there get i've got rings for you what is can you guys tell me uh george what's the antithesis of i don't it's i do yeah yeah you're right ninja [Music] oh you've done this you've done it for us ninja you've got it right it's for the people sorry i tried to give away [Applause] that's not the right way to go that's not the right way to go he's gonna be doing the mining in this relationship can you do this for us get in with the vice president for when that visa expires you can get us some big intel he's kind of stupid there's no way he'll [ __ ] suspect it hey uh i don't know like maybe get me some visas or something for like a for like a friend ninja do the thing we do the thing we pressure index fingers together i was wondering if you could maybe visa for me there's a man called um dream he's actually in your ign stop holding a sword whenever we start talking what the [ __ ] there's a man called dream and he's gonna be [ __ ] pissed off at you other than that good work hey take this oh wrenches wondering if you could maybe [Music] make some visas for wilbur maybe one more visa for tommy in it maybe i give you i give you plenty of this tonight away from this yes i can't i just don't know hey he'll be quiet now he'll be quiet now he'll be quiet george how many visas have you signed up it's the best day of his life this is the best day ever for ninja yes yes the best day of ninja's life yeah i got you i got you i got you did it it's um kind of it says i am married smile signed goggy and then ninja has not written his name in but he has like signed the book where can i read it can i read it you can read that read that check that out also okay georgia stay no no no no get that sword away tell me to do something one more time man please please please please no no please don't you please please it's all right i'm going to die no no please please stand behind the sand ninja listen to me you're being irrational just listen to me look at me in the eye oh yeah have some steak have some steak yeah yeah look at us we're friends or you're doing this for the good of the good of pog topia you're on our side ninja ninja are you a villain or a good guy i like to play a little bit of both you know yes this is just what your husband wants claire tommy and may have one free pass for one hour under constitutional law okay ninja ninja come this way ninja ninja can you bump this up to one hour thirty maybe two hours then we could then we can work with this just come on um i'm walking and um oh my god two block distance please that's your husband judge i'm your husband i mean i was wondering i was wondering extend the time by like when you sign that for a three hour extension your eyes really shine and sparkle three hour extension is that gonna be four hours total or three hours total we can make a total three hours i mean three hours i think okay honestly i think four hours calm down calm three hours how about that take a look at it take a look at it for three hour but one week of social service for tommy and wilbur and jail time god ninja is so okay you can't read that very cute did you write that maybe mommy will write secondly no don't read it out loud stop hugging the book jesus dude the only person that signed this is tommy ninja signature no he said no he properly signed it he properly signed it why did you name the document blev what can we say our goodbyes ninja it's been an honor touring you around the server dude i appreciate it man thank you for your hospitality you know i really thought i was just gonna get a tour and now now you're martin
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 5,734,627
Rating: 4.9367318 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, ninja, ninja fortnite, ninja twitch, dream smp, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, dream war, dream election, fun, wilbur soot, quackity, technoblade, Ninja is the funniest minecraft player ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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