Minecraft if Every YouTuber was a Boss...

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just imagine if your favorite youtuber was struck by lightning and transformed into a muted monster and in each passing moment they unleashed more terror in your minecraft world can i defeat these youtuber bosses and become a hero and do i have what it takes to defeat the abomination known as the intertuber stay tuned to find out it's so much fun all right beautiful people the first thing we have to do is defeat mutant dream and mutant aphmau and we're not gonna do it looking like this we at least have to get some stone weaponry there he is right there i don't know if you guys noticed this look at this did he spawn that dude this is insane okay so dream spawned this parkour course and there's a reward stick dream apparently hates the stick and we have no idea what it does okay so oh he's so fast oh he's really fast dude oh this is terrifying i wouldn't want to fight the regular dream and the mutant dream is like ten times more terrifying all right let's go up let's go up oh thank god okay he can't hit us from up here do we do we hit him with this oh it does a lot of damage wait wait there's more all right we're gonna make a jump for ready three two one oh come on dude he's so freaking fast oh dude if we would have missed that jump we would be dead meat right now so i think every time you get this stick you smack the dream mutant with it little smack there we go every time we hit him another one of these parkour courses opens up this is insane all right next one oh dude this is wild this is wild i think he dude i think he's literally stuck and he can't get out oh there it is okay next course next course this is insanity oh dude like we could not have asked for a better like thing to happen oh here we go here we go come on yes this is oh what was that what is happening did you see i mean you obviously saw what i just saw i do not think that that was supposed to happen okay this is where dream died and look at the boots this man's dropped speed runner boots holding your offhand to become a better miner and burn your enemies i got to kill some of these pigs oh look at this now my weapons have fire aspect on them without the enchant this is fantastic i mean the best thing about this is we don't have to cook our food it's already pre-cooked now and then if you right-click them you get look at the speed 5 jump boost 2 and regeneration 3. and not only that but when you mine you break blocks in a 3x3 area this is amazing we have a little bit of a problem we have to defeat the aphmau mutant but before we can defeat her look at the mutant behind us the mutant jelly people say we look like twins you know what i mean hey let me know in the comments if you think jelly and i look like twins people say it literally all the time oh man look at this big old bertha baby's got back all right let's see how much is this guy deadly is he gonna is he he's pretty deadly he always very very deadly so he's spawning slimes around him oh my look at this damage oh this is way more damage than i expected oh dude if it wasn't for the speed runner boots we got from dream we'd be dead he's just jumping and he's exploding on me all right we've made a dude look at this he's like gee hulk smashes you we just have to pay attention so whenever he does that like hulk smash we gotta run away no no i can do this oh my look at this damage we just gotta get him to the fire aspect yeah yeah here we go here we go all right we gotta wait a sec wait a second here we go okay regen's on we got the speed we got the regen is it gonna be there's too many slimes boys i think we're fine i think we're not fine there is literally an entire army of slimes following me this is how long the fight has gone on my stone axe is about to be dead my will to survive is fleeting ladies and gentlemen we have got to end this this is he's a one tap boys we're going in yes oh my gosh tell me he's dead look at this there it is oh we just got this whole monsoon of jelly armor ladies and gentlemen all right with this bad boy like this we take no more fall damage and if you hold shift you just you can turn anything to slime blocks and then you can just launch yourself wait we can fly we can actually this is fantastic if you like flying as much as me please go ahead and leave a like on this video because it's time to take on the next boss this is none other than tommy in it we're on a floating bedwars platform if you if you get knocked down you die riley i mean that's how bad wars works basically okay we could do this no no we got the speed bridge we got the speed bridge down wait a second hold on we can big brain iq tommy okay here we go look at that boom boom boom big brain break the bed i have played enough bed wars in my life to know where this is going okay this is easy we can clutch this up ladies and gentlemen come on come on come on come on all right we gotta find a way we got we gotta get to this one we gotta if we don't make it to this next bed it's over come on come on yes yes okay all the beds are destroyed i think we can actually go and eliminate the tommy now all right here's how we're gonna do this we're cheesing the tommy this is the best way to defeat him i feel so bad killing him like this but listen if it's to save minecraft i'll play dirty okay i don't want nobody's minecraft to be deleted not in this house and look at this the music disc cannon is this still any damage oh it deals a substantial amount of damage you can one shot pigs and cows with it yo but ladies and germs all right we have been building up to this moment of anticipation the entire video the aphmau boss okay i see the boss bar but where's the mouth of the f if i can defeat her with this music disc cannon i'm going to be so impressed what is this sticks on the ground yo dude okay we got some weather flowers on the ground i'm not keen to that all right am i blind or do i literally just not is she blending in there she is we found her ladies and gentlemen never mind just launch oh it doesn't deal that much damage listen half now your content is so cute all right you're so cute and kid-friendly but i can't all right you're destroying this minecraft world oh hold on half mel doesn't like it when you take her flowers out i think if you break the flower that she mentions it deals damage to her so she said aluminium right every time you break that flower it deals massive damage oh she's almost gone we can do this hey dude she's on me like why not rice says she's calm down lady please you're a nice beautiful lady oh where is it i feel like i've broken all of these flowers there it is but she just died did we break enough flowers i don't know what just happened but she literally just died and she dropped this mouse boat does this look like a boat to you yeah we didn't actually spawned a boat okay so you get in it's just it's a flying boat literally thought i was about to get clickbaited but no but this is perfect all right as we sail across this beautiful land of flowers it brings us to our next objective we must destroy the world's largest minecraft gaming youtuber mr beast and of course my wife brianna if we want to save this world we traveled far and wide to find this man your favorite british minecraft youtuber hey listen other than tommy in it of course i love wisp i can't help it i'm based i freaking love which this videos are so funny oh while you're dropping you're dropping some is that lava he's dropping blocks of lava that seems like something i would do i swear he's got a diamond block familiar following him around what is that oh you can kill them oh my gosh oh it's like skeet shooting look at this we literally are skeet shooting this is fantastic hey hold on before i kill whisper i didn't realize this tommy disc gun was gonna be this powerful let's get rid of some of these mobs or even better dude we could probably have one of the creepers kill whisk that would be epic hold on can we make it happen we got him oh we did oh it almost burned to the lava too what is it it's a wisp apple infinite energy eat it they get another one so you can just eat these infinitely and stack your effects oh this is disgusting if you want to see me keep eating these wisp apples make sure you're subscribed to the channel only a small percentage of you are subscribed which means a large percentage of you don't like me so please like me and join the people who are subscribed you can change your mind later we had to go all the way to the nether to find the mr beast boss and he's here somewhere i promise all right we're gonna get this boat summon and we're gonna find him bonus points if you put your favorite mr beast gaming video in the comments mr beast has led us directly to another fortress the dude's like spawning tnt all kinds of witchcraft right now oh my god wait a second oh we're almost dead oh my god okay the damage is is unreal oh i thought it was gonna be unkillable with this apple not even close that's right take some of this i feel really bad i mean jimmy's one of the world's best content creators and does a lot of philanthropy and donates a lot of money i'm sorry buddy but it's gotta be done and what does he give us hexa netherright pickaxe oh oh wait no no no no no this has got to be clickbait you're telling me anything we mine not only gives us totems of fun it's giving us wait is this netherrights it's giving us pieces of another right not to mention a tremendous amount of tnt in diamonds you've gotta do this is insane all right maybe i don't feel so bad now killing mr beast world's biggest content crater has been taken down all right but we still have to take out my wife brianna and i have no idea where she is gamers every single friday for the month of august we're giving away a gaming computer or laptop all you have to do is purchase merchandise using the link down below in the description but it's only for the month of august all the gaming computers and laptops are hand signed by me as well if you don't like me you can always sell it on ebay all right let's just take a moment to breathe and to exploit what we have in our inventory i mean full netherride gear is about to happen you already know that upgrading your diamond gear to netherite gear there's nothing quite like it oh get this garbage off yeah we're getting rid of all of that putting all of this on now we're looking like a million million bucks all right tap out where you at okay i have a crazy theory what if tap l is above the world using the slime gear i think we can break to the bedrock above oh it's working we're actually able to turn the bedrock into sliderion what do we see no it's like inside whatever this is all right this is probably the biggest brain play i've ever had in minecraft but we're gonna blow tap ell up capital if you're watching this i'm sorry i could not pass up this opportunity tap out please don't get mad at me buddy oh we just took a lot of damage okay good thing we had the totem otherwise we would have died there you dare to hit me crapped all of this i don't even have what it takes to crap these things i can make listen i can make it one sword boom oh i heard a ding wait can i just kill him now oh he drops you the items you also take damage every time you inflict damage on him i'm pretty sure though if we can just kill him before we have to craft those items we're gonna be fine all right let's put this back in the off hand put the old boots in there boom regeneration oh he's done he's done baby let's go re-roll dice re-roll the item in your main hand into five other random items oh this is wild another right sword wait wait wait so you literally get rid of your item but you get op stuff in the meantime look at this diamond pickaxe oh what if we can get an elytra oh if we could get an elytra oh we got a notch apple oh we got the elijah yes god this is this is the weirdest thing i've ever seen in minecraft the final boss with the fight is the intertuber the world's strongest minecraft boss do not panic we found the back bro boss but i rerolled my netherride axe i'm never gonna find it we'll make the trident work all right this is gonna work for us there he is there he is oh my gosh dude this guy's big honestly way easier than i thought so he's spawning skeletons he's giving us the hunger effect but he is much easier to defeat than i realized strange let me just pop this guy into a couple of pops oh you got to be kidding me man like i really thought that the one and only beckrow jack would give us a little bit more of a struggle he's literally already done and what is this a custom totem of undying oh let me grab this piece of applesauce it's an amulet you are immortal as long as this item is in your inventory but each time a beck pet is spawned it will consume a charge so i'm assuming this is the pet and if he dies it like it like oh it does oh oh it consumed the charge on the ammo this is cool but last but not least ladies and gentlemen the second to final youtuber mutant that we have to defeat is none other than my wife brianna plays lovely lady but she must go down she's threatening minecraft's existence as we know it what is this okay dude i don't ever want to see my wife looking like this ever again this is horrifying oh my yo have mercy on me alright so the fastest way to break inside of these is gonna be to put on a piece of the slime gear okay then we're gonna turn it into slime oh there it is oh it's a crystal oh my gosh oh i'm so glad we have this gear we would have just fell to our death all right so all we have to do is pop the crystals on the inside oh we gotta throw it throw it yeah all right we got one more one more one more oh there's a guy in here didn't even see this one oh there it is all right this is it that's the final crystal finding a skeleton honestly i i expected a little bit more from my wife brianna just again i i never want to see this again i just want to be very honest with everybody this is the most unflattering way you could have ever made a youtuber's wife look but it's okay she's been eradicated from the earth we don't have to see her again oh and we got given this epic sword what is this brianna's explosive sword with an explosive personality everybody has been waiting for this moment for this video the third and final objective defeat the ender tuber i'm turning this entire stronghold into slime just because i feel like this kind of helps us a little bit finding the stronghold is not as hard as finding the freaking in portal i swear oh this is awkward hold on i hear the silverfish you know what that means oh we have to be careful with our slime gear because what if we turned the oh we could turn the in portal frames literally into slime if we weren't careful now oh so that is what the brianna sword does oh that is sick all right so you're looking at this right now you're thinking preston you didn't bring the appropriate items well we can spawn them can't we but you're right oh i see them oh we did dude look at that two full stacks of the eyes of enders ladies and gentlemen i do not think we are going to need that many but thank you for the extras we should probably put on some gear first actually i have an idea all right this is a little bit of a silly idea but i think it's going to work all right here we go there he is ladies and gentlemen the one the only the ender tuber oh my gosh he's literally hideous he's every single youtuber into one i think we should can we use this yes you can oh this is so pogies okay literally while we're jumping mid-air we're busting these guys oh this is sick my gun fell out of my inventory i kid you not it's literally gone that's fine we we used it enough here it is sheboygan okay our pet backpro hit the ground you are that stuff buddy all right here we go every single bacon is destroyed look at this man dude i don't even know what to say about this like i have seen a lot of things in minecraft i've been on the platform for ages but i have never seen something as disgusting as this oh that's why it disappeared i right clicked it with the gambling disc oh no we made a big mistake is he spawning all of these mobs he's got to be it doesn't matter we've got the brianna sword we're just killing our pet he's like literally every youtuber combined at once it looks like he's dream at his core it's kind of difficult to tell right now we're basically taking zero damage he's got every ability of all the youtuber bosses we've fought thus far and that's why he is so incredibly powerful i gotta be honest with you oh he just spawned look at this he just spawned all of the youtuber bosses we just defeated holy cow buddy all right we get we're going to start by taking that wisp first whisper you know you're incredibly handsome and i love you buddy but you got to die oh my god dude we didn't have these enchanted apples we would be so freaking dead oh my god dude there's just so many all right we're gonna now we're taking out jelly now we take out jelly oh no things are looking dire we gotta eat another notch apple another notch apple down the hatch oh dude i'm not being as sparing as i would like with my notch apples but you know you gotta do what you got to do my guy taking some of that oh this is it right here baby jelly's gone the intertuber i really want to push the innertuber off the edge you have no i like it's so i want to do it so bad but he's about to go out baby and we're down ladies and gentlemen we have saved minecraft the ender tuber has been defeated have a blessed day thank you for watching let me know in the comments what you want to see next and i will see you all next time preston out
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 5,177,350
Rating: 4.9068103 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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